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Judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. , Jesse Watters come in greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new york city, and this. Its finally here, folks, the blockbuster moment that could change everything in the razor tight president ial race. The candidates finally come facetoface tonight at the cnn president ial debate that you can watch right here on the fox news channel, we hope you will be of the pressure is on for both joe biden and donald trump. The president emerging from seven days of seclusion at camp david, where he crammed with 16 advisors. Bidens own cage acknowledging, to politico, tonight will be a major turning point, for better or worse. His opponent, donald trump, will be arriving this hour and it looks like some eager fans have gathered to to greet the former president on the tarmac once he gets there. A new batch of polls show trump is either beating or about tied with joe biden. Trumps campaign tells fox he is ready and confident. And both sides are clashing before the candidates take the stage. Joe biden has no defense for what he has done to america. The trump team playing games they know mike we have always seen them do. They play these games because they know on the issues that matter most to the American People, donald trump is a loser. Joe biden was preparing for this debate by practicing standing for 90 minutes. He was practicing the art of standing. Remember what trump said about Hillary Clinton . Everything he said would be disqualified for her, he is now guilty of. The leader of the free world, the president of this country, cannot debate prep and also governed at the same time . We have not seen joe biden an entire week pure should President Biden shake Donald Trumps hand . Is he deserved that . Thats up to President Biden pure i wouldnt shake his hand. Dana the answer to that is yes, always. You can bet President Biden will try to make the debate about democracy and not his record. What in your view constitutes a primary threat to freedom and democracy at home . Donald trump. Trump is an echo essential, urgent threat for our democracy. He promised to rule as a dictator on day one. It is donald trump who is a site to democracy pure trump and his movement are not running against democrats, they are running against democracy. Donald trump is a threat to our democracy. He is willing to threaten our democracy. Dana but a new poll from the Washington Post just blew up that key talking points. Donald trump is trusted more than biden on democracy among key swing state voters. Joe biden. Greg i like how they keep saying the strategy is to find a way to trigger trump. Its like, where have you been living . What leader has been more triggered than joe biden, right . Triggering is defined as a sudden flash of anger or frustration. Thats pure biden. I mean, from questions going back 30 years about his plagiarism, to yelling at people in the audience pure come on, man. Trump doesnt snap, he trashed talks, sometimes at length, but he knows he has to roll with the punches, almost as much as he throws the punches. I think again you are seeing democrats projecting their flaws on the opposition. I think the dems are also tripping on their own asses. Remember when trump sat in courtrooms and slept . The same people that say that trump is an agent of chaos were telling us that trump was so relaxed in court, he was dozing during one of the most stressful moments of his life, when he is on trial, so which one is trump . The super relaxed guy or the guy that could snap at any moment . Forget the candidates. Focus on the hosts, right . The questions for trump are going to be pointed, direct about abortion, january 6th, the court cases. But for joe, the questions are going to be pretend tough. You know, they will be like tough questions allowing for accessible handicap access. You know, they will bring up at some point they are going to bring up joes, you know, age, or whether he is unfit to serve. But they wont bring up the obvious physical and mental decline. They will talk about age, specifically. That way joe can respond in a casual volley, well, neither of us are spring chickens. Thats not what we are talking about. We are talking about the her report, i think that is what trump should bring up, i did stand trial, but the hur report concluded the president wasnt fit to stand trial, and shouldnt the american public, you know, be concerned about a president s obvious cognitive decline, independent of age . I think the thing, you know, you know, people on tv giving advice, you know, everybody is doing it. My advice to trumps dont sound like cable news hosts. The kill shot isnt going to be bombastic. Its a casual, sincere matteroffact question, in a way, trump should be the moderator. You know, just ask basic questions about the past four years. You say inflation is down, but the prices of food are up. Do you realize that inflation is additive, month by month, so even if the rate is declined . I mean, if the inflation rate declines, the prices still keep going up . Do you understand that, President Biden . Its a simple concept. I think you have to be really basic and relaxed. I just havent seen what, again, i think the democrats are high on their own stash. Dana harold, this mornings gallop favorability rating showed biden at an alltime low and trump at an alltime high. So that is kind of a tough way to go into a debate. Harold good to be back. Dana good to have you, harold. Jesse where were you . Harold the polls jesse made a conversation greg a lot of things harold a couple weeks ago, a week and half ago we talked about how polls may move a bit. Our own poll, the fox poll, showed biden gained a little bit, and the polls are going to go back and forth. This is the most important night of the campaign, i would argue the most important 90 minutes. Do you think about the last president ial election, we have not had 90 minutes, this relevant, this important, this pivotal, and this determinative. Two, its interesting, both candidates need this. I remember during the republican primary, mr. Trump decided not to debate any of the candidates. He probably was right to do it, from a political standpoint, because he was so far ahead. President biden, you can recall just a couple months ago, he and his team didnt think they would even debate donald trump. Whats happened in the polls . Was happened 200,000 or three had a thousand voters in these six states that are so critical, this tight tight race, so both have been spurred to do this by the politics and the realities in their campaign. Four, anyone the things that neither trump or biden are going to be prepared for this effort, a bunch of pundits and others on Different Networks and hours, speculating about how they prepare, if they prepare, the American People should be sure one thing, they have an orthodox and unique and different ways of preparing. But both donald trump is good to be uniquely answer primly prepared and ethic mr. Biden will be the same. Five, i think dana bash and jake tapper going to be tough. Greg, you gave the best advice to both candidates tonight, particularly President Trump. No need to try to kill with one punch. Somethings i agree with, some things i dont. He should just lay it all out i hope President Biden does the same thing. Finally, number one is us, the voters. If they do these things, this will be the first time most voters have not seen them stand sidebyside, most voters dont member the 2020 debates. I barely remember them and i followed this and steeped in this business of politics. People are going to want to see where they stand on the border, where they stand on the economy, inflation, abortion, where they stand on ukraine in the middle east, and i think it is great mikey big sporting event, we have a lot of analysis leading up to it, the fans dont get an opportunity to play the game, we can bet on the game and not play in it. We are the game, as voters, so we have an opportunity tonight, whether you have a favorite candidate or not, everyone listens because her carless of who wins, we should all have an understanding of where these two come out on the issues, and tonight is that first 90 minutes, so im looking forward to it. Dana judge, ive been fascinated by the biden teams or reluctance to admit they have problems. The act like they are five points ahead and set a fivepoints behind and some of these polls. Judge jeanine i wonder about that and i wonder about the whole concept of how they got this thing, the preparation with 16 people in a hangar, people going in and out with golf carts, but now i understand that the setting tonight is a very big setting. It will be an empty setting, almost an auditoriumlike setting, so they were getting joe biden ready for this kind of come it sounds like a vacuous hall. But to me, in response to what greg was saying, and harold, as well, tonight is a prize fight. It is estimated come harold, that 73 of americans are going to watch this fight tonight. It is unbelievable. And i think the president , who has more at stake here, is joe biden. Joe biden is behind, and i get what you are saying, the polls change and all of that, but joe biden is behind, even though after the conviction there was some question about the movement and the numbers. But the truth is that joe biden risks being over prepared. As i said, i have done debates. Youve got 16 people coming at you. Who is in your head right now . And you are so over prepared that when you are there, it is a split moment, that camera is on you, youve got to be able to respond in stint of lee, not like say, is this the bad trump or the goods being eight, do beat him or dont type eight end . You have to reach in your mind, dana, that takes a second and the audience gets it immediately. Now my question will they be able where is the camera going to be . The most important part of the debate is the control room. They can turn the monitor off and say we are going to mute the other guy. But the question is, is the other guy, who may still be talking, in the talkers ear still . And will the other guy be shown . So is the camera then just on the guy who is talking or the camera be on the guy who is not talking . Because there is a lot of Nonverbal Communications that the public can also get some feedback on. Dana those are actually the big moments. Judge jeanine they are the big moments. We saw it in the last debate. You cannot deny that donald trump has that quick wit where hillary is Walking Around talking about taxes and donald trump is, you know, if i were, you would be in jail. I mean, he is that guy harold i dont think judge jeanine you dont know. You dont know. The question is, will they see him . Will they see his face . Last night i hosted lauras show, and they had a whole collage of Donald Trumps faces during one of the debates. It was hysterical. Every face you could read. But just the last thing i want to say is that the idea that joe bidens being told theres got to be high drama clashes, unpopular can economic issues, the American People dont want that. They want to know, can i afford things . And will i be able to survive . And by the way, are you going to be a president , or is Kamala Harris . Dana jesse, what is it like to be so over prepared . Jesse i wouldnt know, dana. [laughs] maybe judge jeanine knows the answers to this. I know the guys dont know. If you have milk in the refrigerator and it is open, but it is in the refrigerator, does it spoil . Harold you mean the top is off . Jesse if the top is off. Dana no. Jesse i am either nervous or have spoiled milk. [laughter] and i dont know which one, it could be both, but i am freaking out, dana. This is a big moment, and i dont know what to expect, and anybody that says they know what to expect, they dont know its fun to happen. Joe could have a great night. He could come out and mispronounced someones name and be uptempo in the media calls him a winner p or he could also drool in the media would say that is the greatest drool i have ever seen in my entire l life. Donald trump, i agree come and just got to be calm, and a little dismissive. This guy has no common sense. I almost feel pity for joe biden. Id say listen, im sure you dont remember, but i handed you a vaccine, a recovering economy, and a secure border, and you blew it. Let me take it from here. Dont worry, joe, im not going to get revenge. Its time for you to retire. You are not worth it. You left me a big enough mess to clean up. Ill be busy. Just like that. If they mention jan. 6, there other days on the calendar. Make it a federal holiday, be my guess, make it a federal holiday. They mesh and abortion, pivot te they talk about anything you dont like the first question from cnn is going to be, will you accept the results of the election . Judge jeanine yes, yes. Jesse second question could be global warming. You dont know what they are going to ask greg you do. Than it will be abortion. Jesse abortion, global warming, and threats to democracy. In trump just says absorbed the question and then shape it into something about your cost of living under quality of life. Greg he can answer the abortion question. Its back at the state spirits in the rightful spots, the states are deciding. Done. Jesse i would spend as little time on abortion is possible. Judge jeanine pivot. Jesse talk about the price of bacon. Talk about the price of gas be a use those sticky graphic language things people remember before they go to sleep. Dana President Trump has been out with the voters so we can talk about people like the cheesesteak guy. Jesse talk about cheesesteak spirits before President Biden has not been out there with the folks, as they call them. Coming up next, the media freaking out that donald trump is going to look president ialto. Can neuriva support your brain health . Mary, janet, hey thinking eddie, no frasier, frank. Frank . fred how are you . fred. Fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. Join the Neuriva Brain Health challenge. Jesse a live look at the cnn president ial debate in atlanta, which you can watch right here on fox tonight at 9 00. The media is an a to z that joe bidens brain is going to malfunction on state and democracy will die. They are deploying all sorts of gimmicks and factcheckers. Cnn showing us how the muting mics will work, watch this. The light show yellow, there is 15 seconds left to the candidates answer or response. The lights flashed red, there are five seconds left, and when the display is solid red, the time is up, and at that point, the candidates microphone will be turned off and the other candidate will have their microphone turned on. Hes going to interrupt me as im speaking and this is what it will sound like. My volume remains constant while phils interruption can be difficult understand. Jesse harold okay, get to that any second. Sometimes wetting the bed, the former president will appear president ial. They so want to have a different experience than the last debate they had with him or the first debate from the last cycle, and ironically, thats the single best debate biden had, right . Because trumps behavior really sort of almost cemented bidens lead by that point, and it may have done trump in at that point, and now here is the Biden Campaign trying to come up with a set of rules to make sure trump seems more presentable . Is a headscratcher to me that they went so out of their way to try to create an environment that will make trump seem more president ial. Jesse used to be a politician, right . Harold i was. Jesse so you did debates like this . Harold i wish i had been in one like this. Dana that can be arranged. Jesse you are going to have to watch the clock go down and there is no leeway, so if you are landing a great point, and you are to seconds over and no one is going to hear it. Harold i think they may give some leeway, two or three seconds, let some buddy finished, but i like these rules. Chuck is a friend but i disagree with him on this. When you want voters to hear candidates lay out their vision, defend their record, and again, we cant we cant forget, this is the first time we have had two former president s running in the modern era, and they are just not saying come on going to do this and you didnt do this. They each have had an opportunity to do it for four years. So they will have to defend their records, as well as lay out their vision, and actually have records as president. I dont have a problem with the mics being turned off. To your point, jesse, i think if someone is making a point right at the end, let them finish jesse it is said the mics are going to get muted. Right now you can see trumps plane landing in atlanta, just coming in from west palm beach. Harold hes coming in hot. Jesse and slow. Judge jeanine, the muted mics, who do you think that helps . Judge jeanine you know, i think that ultimately, i think it helps joe biden because, in the end, i dont know that joe biden can even get through to the muted mic point, i dont know if i making sense here. Harold when he runs out of time. Judge jeanine i know what the mute button here is the thing. I dont know that joe biden has that much to say. I dont know if he is going to get to that point. Thats why im wondering about this. I dont think there is going to be any leeway. I dont know anymore than you do, but if theyve got the yellow and the flashing red and then the flat red, they cannot give any leeway or extra time to anyone. That is not something that should be debatable or that should be movable. And in the end, you know, the whole thing is really about i felt like i was watching a tsa flight video. Like it goes red and then it goes yellow, and then you have to be quiet. I think this is all to Donald Trumps benefit in the end. Jesse i wish we had a mute button on this show, greg. Greg why . Jesse you know why. Greg that hurts. Jesse no, it is for dana. Greg tell me about it. You know what joe biden is . He is a debate proper. You know, he has holed up in a bunker with a gallon of gatorade mixed with adderall, hes got a ham radio. Hes got a pantry full of creamed peas. He things outside the world is ending, mainly because of him, but going to come out he comes out once every four years to debate trump. Thats the only thing he has to prepare for. No wonder he is going to do well. He hasnt prepared for anything else. The light goes yellow, he is going to think, does that mean i pee . Goes red, time for a blood transfusion. These changes and restrictions make the questions all the more important. You are going to sit there and hear the questions, and you are going to know, did jake just shade that question to help joe or did he shade it to hurt trump . Make no mistake, those two hosts despise trump. That is not an opinion. That is a fact, right . So i think that they need to, like, i would like to see i came up with some questions for both of them. This is for dana bash. She should ask joe, you know, trump has been compared to adolf hitler, by people in the press. By you. And by others. And then she should just look over at tapper. Who had compared him to given that the fine people hoax, which you ran on, has been universally debunked, do you think it was worth the division that that caused the country . Given that now we have actual people in the streets praising hitler and nazis, did your false claims devalue those kinds of threats, so now they arent actually seen as awful . That would be and i would ask them about ask biden about the return to unity. You promised a return to unity and going after the white supremacist in our midst, yet we see under your presidency we have a charlottesville every day, and its coming from the left. And even members of your own party, the squad. Did you make a mistake focusing on the wrong people because of their political leanings . At the expense of real, actual threats coming from inside or around your tent . Those would be really good questions to ask. And the reason why i bring those up, it will give credibility to tapper and bash because Everybody Knows how much they hate trump. They actually, if there is going to be a kill shot, it has to come from them. Jesse and we have confirmed, i believe, that jake was a flack for hooters. Judge jeanine oh. Greg really . No wonder he hates orange. Jesse dana, how much should trump take on the moderators . Lets just come expecting that they are unfair . Dana its owing to be interesting, and President Trump can appear any moment now so you will see that life. The return of factcheckers after three and a half years of hibernation is going to be interesting. President trump, i feel like he has to be his own factchecker. You can imagine there is a lot of hollow victories that the biden team talks about. They will say the economy is great. Job market is great. The border is closed. And remember when reagan said, there you go again. That is the moment from that debate that you remember because that encapsulated everything because reagan couldnt fend off all of the things, he just had to use that one little rhetorical flourish. But president bush trump bush President Trump has to figure out a way to be his own factchecker on this. I think that these rules could actually i think that they are fine. I think they are good for the viewer, i hope, because i think interruptions arent good it didnt work out for President Trump that well that one time. Plus, if biden runs out of words before his time has ended and he says, well, anyway. If i were President Trump i would say, no, please, finish, and let it hang there. Like a. Greg thing that hang spirits beyond pregnant pause peers judge jeanine pregnant pause. Jesse im not expecting greg the dems hate everything that is pregnant. Jesse thats droopy or the abortion thing is going to be tough because greg he was on a podcast called the all in podcast with all of these supersmart Silicon Valley billionaires and ask him about that and he had the best answer. Basically, its now in the hands of the states. And looking at the states, abortion isnt in trouble. People are making up their decisions. It shouldnt have been a federal dana the prolife prochoice community is freaking out today after a Supreme Court decision in idaho. What they will say. But biden will say, i will protect women all throughout the country. He only cares about certain women in certain states. I imagine that is what biden jesse not protecting people like laken riley. You are not protecting a lot of the women that cant go on a new york city subway anymore. Judge jeanine there is one other point. Apparently there is one print reporter that is allowed in the room. So my question is, apparently the White House Correspondents Association wants someone in there from the pool, and all they are allowing is one pool reporter. Why not have someone else in their dana its wrong. Judge jeanine it is wrong. What are they thinking dana i have no idea colette the white house judge jeanine trump would i agree to meeting him in a dark alley in harlem, he wanted to debate. Greg thats enough, you too. Joe biden landing in atlanta and joe bidens border crisis we hope is going to be a big issue tonight. And new swing state ad will ensure millions of americans know who they can blame for it be at illegal immigrant Victor Hernandez pure he was wanted for murder, but biden let him in. Joe bidens open border, a nightmare for american women. Dana today, 12 year old Joshua Jocelyn nungaray was late to, tortured to death for two hs by illegal immigrants. The judge wants to blame trump. Its hurts even more that they are being used as pawns over this fight for immigration that doesnt even exist because biden and mcconnell agree, just that trump wont let them move it forward. All due respect, judge, you said this issue shouldnt be politicized, but by pointing the finger at former President Trump and republicans in congress, arent you politicizing it . I think i answered i think i answered the question, so. Yeah, i mean, this is about joslyn. This is about her family. Greg is that the student u. N. . That is incredible. That is not a judge. Judge jeanine can i answer . Greg sure, you are in the five. Judge jeanine i looked into her background because as a judge i just said this woman, she has not even a lawyer. Okay . So apparently you only need a bachelors degree to be a judge in harris county. Shes not a lawyer. So dont expect her to sound like, you know, like a genius. But the problem here jesse hey, i only have a bachelors degree. Judge jeanine i know, we are so proud of you, jesse pure jesse thank you. Barely a bachelors. Judge jeanine the truth is she is playing a very dangerous game for no reason. It doesnt benefit her, shes got nothing to gain, if she is this judge, as they call it, weve got people who are dying. This is a very serious issue. People are being buried. Women are not safe in a lot of areas. They are vulnerable in a lot of areas because of illegal immigration. And im not drawing a brush here. Weve got the facts. And the truth is weve just got to hope that the public understands that when donald trump said they are not sending their best, that it wasnt about xenophobia or racism or anything else, it was about our ability to be able to vet these people, and we are not vetting them, it is just a lie. This is where donald trump is going to shine pure at greg so dana, he wondered, because almost every other hour we are getting a new story, two or three today, just horrible crimes. You wonder when the left unleashes some horrible untested idea they assume will just be too overwhelmed by the Collateral Damage to keep up. It was done this way with obamacare, no cash bail, and now this, border removal. We cant even there are four cases that could have been in this segment we didnt have time to put in. Dana this morning on americas newsroom, in the middle of Supreme Court coverage, in my year, we are going to announce this arrest for a migrant to raped a woman in syracuse. 20 minutes later, there is this migrant no, i have that. No, its an additional one. So that is happening. It will be really interesting, how do you argue that republicans are politicizing tragedy when this is a clear case of cause and effect from a policy to a result. You can see it. All of these people would be alive today if the migrant hadnt come across. Greg no, its that simple. Its so simple, even jesse would understand it. Jesse understand what . Greg and all serious in serious i fear this is the only the beginning because we have no idea how many criminalse here. Its been going on for a long time. These are happening all over the country. So how many more are there . Jesse they are going to be happening every day come every week, every month, till the election, and even after the election because you are still going to have biden greg than the democrats will care. Jesse then they will care. If trump frames the border this way, if you can lock down the border, you can solve crime. You can solve fentanyl ods. You can solve wage depression. You can solve inflation. You can solve rental costs. If you lock down that border, almost five of the six major issues in the country go away. And if everybody understands that, then its an automatic dunk for joe biden. He has created a five headed monster with the border. And everything is growing from it is poison. The country. It is poisoning women and children, whites, blacks, hispanics, cities, suburbs, and the country. It sprawled out all across this nation, in every single way, and he has done nothing about it, and there is no way the American People have enough smarts to realize you are not going to blame this guy on that. Dana greg so harold, there was a killer from venezuela whiting killed two american cops, and he said that killing cops is a cultural thing. Did you see that . I think that was this morning. Judge jeanine shot them. Greg we. What do you say to that . Harold you cant say anything pure quits an abomination. Its representative of a policy that is completely broken. I blame my party and i blame President Biden for being late and issuing these executive orders, and i blame President Trump for telling his party not to vote for that bill, even if he believes, if he is elected again, that he will issue even tougher or even pass a tougher law. There is no issue that again embodies the brokenness of this broken system of ours more so than border security. We should all know that the numbers are bad under President Biden. There were migrants, Illegal Migrants who committed horrific and fatal crimes under President Trump was in office, this isnt to blame anyone, other than to say our system is so broken, that we cant even come together as a political body to provide security at our border. Thats how bad it is. And as i said, i blame my president. I blame my party. But the blame goes all around. This is an issue tonight, i want to see the two of them tonight answer this question sidebyside, and i hope that they are tough questions. Greg here is trump, obviously he just got off watching the five. Thats why he was in there for so long. Dana he was like, when are they going to take a break, so i can leave . Greg now harold is talking. Hes probably going to bring up that immigration bill and claim i tried to stop it, although i know that was a red herring and that President Biden easily could have put those executive orders back in place or remain in mexico, but didnt, and so the bill was actually a red herring and that harold, though he is a nice, charming fellow, there he is, a little golf swing. That doesnt look like somebody who is too stressed out, if you ask me. Gingerly walking to his suv. Looks like a chevy tahoe. Jesse there it is. Greg there it is. Over there. Fans. What do you guys think . This is some event. Momentous. Dana to welcome him. There is some excitement building. Its not like the wahwah. Harold im not seeing the former first lady. Greg you know, harold, way to stick to the important stuff. We are going to move on now. Speaking of, good transition, Michelle Obama stabs joe biden in the back right before the debate. vo if you have graves disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. 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Shes upset over the awful way the bidens have treated Hunter Bidens exwife, Kathleen Buhle. Who michelle considers a close friend. The beef goes back to 2017. The obamas creeped out by the sight of hunter dating his exsisterinlaw. Barack reportedly calling it weird. So michelle is not going to go out and campaign for joe biden. It is not going to vouch for him in any way. Is that a bad look . Are they really, the bidens and obamas, are they really that disconnected . Harold first time i have heard this story. I didnt know anything about it being obviously the elements of this story. And i would imagine that michelle the former first lady is going to campaign for mr. Biden but i take the story, i havent heard anybody push back on the story, so i come from a big, big family, sometimes it gets so argumentative, you have been one of those dinners, so i get it. And i hope they are able to repair whatever the breach might be. Judge jeanine all right, jesse, what do you think about the fact jesse i hope they dont repair the breach. I hope it gets deeper and more cavernous and she actually ends up endorsing trump. This is like judge jeanine Michelle Obama, you are talking about. Jesse this is like a National Enquirer story. I dont know if it is true but i want to believe it. Judge jeanine wouldnt you be weirded out jesse the whole country is weirded out but the whole country wont say anything because it is the president s family. Finally someone came out and said this is ridiculous. Sleeping with your dead brothers widow. And then you got her hooked on crack. I mean, come on, america. Harold let me be very clear, never had that happen in my family. Nothing like that. Judge jeanine but you know, apparently, dana, they were close, Michelle Obama and Kathleen Buhle, hunters exwife, they used to go to soulcycle together and apparently have drinks at the white house afterwards. But the bidens are upset with Kathleen Buhle because she started talking about the fact that hunter was having an affair, affairs plural, and his drug problem, and you get an insight into the biden family being more concerned about the reputation of the family than the individual members of the family. Dana so axios got the scoop and included this detail, barack obama was at a family event and describe their Family Dynamics as some weird sword. That just encapsulates it. I also think Michelle Obama, she really doesnt like politics. She doesnt like partisan politics, which is why i cant stress enough that she is not going to be the democratic nominee. A judge jeanine i agree. Dana i do imagine there were a lot of people who worked in the obama world who want the democrats to continue to win, they dont like donald trump, and so they have been trying to help biden people behind the scenes but the biden people dont think they have been that helpful. The obama people are having a fight against Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren people because biden made a deal with bernie and elizabeth and has all of these people all through out the administration, so what did you end up with . Biden white house moved so far to the left that the obama people, for about 18 months now, finally on the record are saying, guys, you are screwing this up, you are screwing this up. They are trying to be as good as they can, but it Michelle Obama is like, i dont like politics, i dont want to be around this. Im enjoying my life, im not go into get involved. I imagine she will do some come and then that some will probably bring in a lot of money, but she is not going to be out there leading parades. Judge jeanine you know, greg, the truth is, in the last couple of months, we have seen obama getting more involved. Do you think he is getting more involved because he believes its important for the party . Or is it about his legacy and his ability to have input . Greg i dont know. I dont like this topic, ill be honest with you. I really dont. I hated the anonymous source stories they were doing under trump. And they are always, oh, this happened here, this happened there, and i go and read the article, and i read that article, its Michelle Obama is right. A pile of s. I was looking at them, they are just quoting stuff from other books. There is actually nobody behind this stuff. If you are going to be consistent, if you didnt like the anonymouslysourced stories about trump, you shouldnt pay any attention to this stupid story. Jesse i strongly disagree. I love this story. Its great. And i think it is true, too. Dana and nobody denied it. Judge jeanine thats true. Greg i have a higher criteria or my junk. Judge jeanine dana, you are so right. The fact everyone keeps saying she is coming back, she doesnt even want to be seen. Anyway, ahead, will joe biden bring up cannibals eating his uncle . Debate bingo is up next. With so many choices on booking. Com there are so many tina feys i could be. So i hired body doubles to help me out. Splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. Oh tina wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. Glenn close . with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. Thats my line booking. Com booking. Yeah dangerous ladders. Gutter muck. Yuck. No wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. Good thing theres leaffilter. Our patented Filter Technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. Guaranteed. Call 833 leaffilter to get started. And get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. They took the time to answer all of our questions. They really put us at ease. End clogged gutters for good. Call 833. Leaf. Filter, or visit leaffilter. Com today. Prolon may look like a diet. But its not. Its science. Science we call the prolon five day program. This patented Nutrition Technology triggers a fasting state while you eat, allowing the body to reset and rejuvenate healthy cells. All while burning fat, protecting muscle, and maintaining healthy blood sugar. Prolon is not a diet. Its science. And this science. Is available at prolonlife. Com. We can secure our world. Watch out for offers too good to be true. Thats phishing someones trying to take advantage of you. Learn more at cisa. Gov secureourworld thats how we can secure our world [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient laughing. We can secure our world. Dont just use a password alone. Mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. Learn more at cisa. Gov secureourworld thats how we can secure our world harold welcome back. Check this out. Check this out. We put together a bingo card, the judge and i did, for tonights president ial debate. Watch out if President Biden says cannibals ate my uncle, cheap fake. Donald trump may bring up the Biden Crime Family or say his iconic youre fired. Judge, you know some of the prep, as you look at this bingo card, what is your take on how people what they should that on . Judge jeanine you can bet on anything. Apparently you can bet on who takes the first sip of water. I think it is going to be joe. And then there are other things like how many times do you think joe biden will say folks. The odds are four. How may times is trump going to say fake news, the author 1. 5. How many times is trump going to say maga . Are you getting any of this . Harold i am here in one of the wackiest prop bets over the weekend was who will mispronounce a politicians name first . Over under on how many times Vladimir Putins name will be mentioned. And who will interrupt the moderators first come i think that one actually i dont know who it might be. You think it could be everybody the bet is probably President Trump does. Greg the questions going to be. Judge jeanine the results of the next election. Greg either that or about abortion. Harold accept the results of the election, and or about abortion. Greg i just think harold i think the border is the first question. Judge jeanine i hope so beards before for sure one of the things you have on here, harold, elderly man with poor memory. President trump has memorized that phrase. I bet he will use it. For people who watch this show or are into the news, you know a lot of other robert hur report and how the Biden Justice department wont release the transcript because they dont want im sorry, the audio, because they dont want us all to hear it. If 74 of americans are going to watch this tonight, that might be the first time they hear that the special prosecutor said that. Judge jeanine but what does that tell you . They dont want us to hear the audio but tonight were going to be hearing the audio because joe cant is he going to slow down, pause, not going to finish . Harold the live audio. Jesse dana, going to be covering this at 7 00, then at 8 00, then after the bait at 10 30 so we are actually going to be drinking greg nomex before its going to be fun with you, cheers me. Judge jeanine harold, you are going, too . [laughter] harold first question, jesse, you think abortion . Jesse no, the economy. Judge jeanine its going to be accept the results of the election. Harold result is you. I think it is the border. Dana i think it will be something about how 80 of the country wants a different choice between the two of you. Judge jeanine really . Thats a smart question, dana. Greg we should ask the Biden White House but the questions are going to be. Judge jeanine or donna brazile. Greg ever psalmody call donna brazile. Harold hes just kidding. One more thing up next. Dana time now for one more thing, greg. Greg no show tonight. Back tomorrow night with adam carolla. Lets do this gregs workout tips. You know i love to go to the gym. Dana ha ha. [laughter] greg check out this fellow. Yeah. This little flamingo likes to get its legs in shape by rapidly pumping the water. Mud into its beaks. Strange everything just to get its food. Thats at the philly zoo. Get shots. Jesse your legs when you wear shorts. You child. Jesse i wear long pants like a big boy. Dressed like a big boy. Greg you dress like an online creep. [laughter] jesse this politician in the united kingdom. Thats u. K. For some of you out there. Greg was supposed to have his big election last week but got suspended because officials discovered he was gambling against himself. He was literally betting that he would lose the election. Judge jeanine why . Jesse it is the perfect con. Run on terrible policies. Bet on yourself losing and just clean up. Cha ching. Jesse watters primetime special edition at 7 00. And then i will be on at 8 00 and 10 30. Dana going to be great. Thats it for us, everybody. Dont miss us tonight. Bret us, all of us. Dana all of us, all night long. Bret see you in bi

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