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Tantaros, bill hemmer. Outnumbered. How much did you miss us . I told the boss you have a drink with these women. So here we are. What did he say . I was kidding. How are you guys . We are better now. A big week, great job on the billboard on Election Night and when it comes to president obama, it seems to be midterms, what midterms . Major backlash after he appeared to have dumped responsibility saying defiantly at the white house he is no reader of tea leaves. The president reminding republicans that twothirds of voters did not show up at the polls. Among the many voices not buying with the president is selling. Was this really a subtle result . Was is a comic a new want . This was the worst wall to wall national, unmistakable shellacking that you will ever see in a Midterm Election. And it happened on just about every level. Talk about those comments for just a second. Your take. I think the concern america should have is the lack of a relationship in washington, d. C. Josh earnest was on with us in americas newsroom talking to martha. The president played golf for years and stressed four years ago. These guys have to get a relationship, they have to respect one another. Everybody has their theories of what happened tuesday night. I think it is astounding and i think the election was profound for how lopsided it was. It feels he is out of touch with what happened and what came together on tuesday. And if you read the reports from insiders in washington, d. C. , they have been complaints does not reach out to senators on capitol hill, he is not as engaged as he should be. The time of com whom by ya with Ronald Reagan is pretty much done. Inside the white house he seems to only rely on the advice of two close people, his wife and valerie, that has been editorialized and documented many times. It was astounding to see him step up and not take any responsibility knowing the exit polls you were both at the billboard having to do with a lack of leadership and issues like the economy. It was all about president obama. Im going to break in with the news we promised to bring you. The president giving a Civil War Veteran the medal of honor. This metal is a reminder the matter how long it takes it is never too late to do the right thing. He was raised by his widow mother with his siblings including three brothers who fought. As acommitment who recommended him to west point wrote his mother is poor but highly committed to doing the right position bid a after red running from west point, he was graduated to the artillery. From chance of ill to fredericksburg, fought bravely, developed a reputation for his quill, competence and his courage under fire. What one newspaper later called emphatically a soldiers balance where he would be immortalized. It was july 31863, the final day of a fight. He commenced his battery along the wall fending off punishing fire from the troops and in advance of what we now know as the charge. In the chaos and smoke, they could barely see ahead of them. One kernel later described the terrible grandeur of that range of missiles and terrorizing sounds. Martha is hidden badly wounded. His First Sergeant urged him to go, but he refused to say he would fight it out or die in the attempt. Bleeding and weeping, he moved his remaining guns closer to the fire be at 10,000 infantry advanced and rose over a mile wide. He ordered his men to continue firing at the advancing columns, used his own thumb burning his fingers to the bone. When he was hit the final time, his guns spoke out for him once more before he fell to the ground and was just 22 years old. In a letter to his sister, wrote the bravery of the men that day was entirely due to your brothers training and example set and numerous battlefields. Etched on lonz tombstone. His memory will be honored later this month when a navy cruiser, uss gettysburg dedicates of dining hall as the cushing boardroom. Here today we know we know what they could not come it was a turning point in the civil war. Is also proof tha it was thousas of unknown young soldiers committing unsung acts of heroism saving the union and reaffirmed our nation as one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I am mindful and may not be standing here today as president that was not the ultimate sacrifices of those courageous men. We honor one of those men, the tenant Alonzo Cushing who gave the last full measure of devotion. His story is part of our larger american story, one that continues today. The spirit, the courage, the determination that he demonstrated lives on in our brave men and women in uniform who this very day are serving and making sure they are defending freedoms that alonzo helped preserve. It is incumbent to uphold the values they fight for an honor their service long after they leave the battlefield. For decades, even centuries to come. With that i would like to ask to join me for the reading of the citation. The president of the United States of america authorized by acts of Congress March 31863 awarded in the name of Congress Medal of honor to First Lieutenant Alonzo Cushing, that is states army. His tuition self acts of bravery above and beyond the call of duty while serving ancillary commander, fourth u. S. Artillery, at gettysburg, pennsylvania, on july 31863 during the american civil war. That morning Confederate Forces led by general robert e lee began candidate in the position on cemetery using field glasses directing fire for his own artillery battery, he refused to leave the battlefield after being struck in the shoulder by a shell fragment. As a continued to direct fire he was struck again suffering damage. Still refusing to abandon his command he boldly stood tall in the face of the major generals charge and continued to direct debit sitting fire to oncoming forces and Confederate Forces closed in, the first attempt was struck in the mouth by an enemy bullet and fell dead beside his gun. If within severe casualties upon Confederate Forces and opened wide gaps in their lines impacting union force buddy repel against the charge. He just ordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty of the cost of his own life keeping with the highest traditions of military Service Providing great credit upon himself for the u. S. Artillery, and the potomac and u. S. Army. [applauding] just a tremendous story of bravery. You may be asking why this is happening now. In his home state of wisconsin was a delegation of state leaders who worked with other average citizens who were concerned the story would have gone unnoticed and the metal needed to happen so they passed a bill taking exception to make this happen. President obama proved that this award would happen. They had to search and search and search for relatives of Alonzo Cushing. You can see to the left or to the right of the president accepting the pending. This is a huge journey taking place to have this happen today. Cushings family well known in the military. His younger brother william is labeled as the first navy seal by some historians. His father as well fought in the military, so he comes from a long military lineage. As we go to break, we remember him and the medal of honor is stowed upon Alonzo Cushing. Stay with us. [ breathing deeply ] [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath. 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Josh earnest, the press secretary for the white house was on americas newsroom this morning and answered Martha Mccallums question in reference to he hears the voters for the results tuesday night but he also heres a twothirds of americans who didnt show up to vote. Here was his response. The president is saying people can make a choice on election day. Both for one candidate or the other. People who dont show up, the fact the matter is those are people who feel disengaged from the government and didnt have a reason to make their voice heard. It should be a disappointment to everybody in both parties. It sounds to me like josh earnest speaking for the president isnt taking this possibility for what happened to the democrats. A lot of people on the right and folks in the middle probably heard that as an excuse good when you dig into these numbers and look at the Governors Office in massachusetts, the republican, doubles went to the republican connecticut by a hair. In illinois almost went the republican, not the democrats. Runners office in maryland where the president and first lady campaigned, there is not a state office in arkansas occupied by democrats today be at the state went from blue to red faster than day went tonight. This election really needs to be absorbed and consumed because i think it is profound. Having said that we can debate what republicans will do next but just for a moment take that in. When the president wit was a ste senator in illinois, a very popular story told, he played poker on poker nights with a lot of republican members of the state house in springfield. So yesterdays sounded as he was thing a similar thing. Show me your cards i will make a decision as to whether or not i will play with mine. I think you heard a lot of that yesterday. We rolled sound before the break saying this and unequivocal shellacking youll ever see the Midterm Election but you did not get that sense we heard for the president he thought of that. What is interesting is his talk about however they should be disappointed because all these voters did not show up bur the voters who did not show up for democratic voters. Basically the democrats tried to turn out all of their ace voters and they didnt show up so the democrats should be disappointed. It looked exactly like a Midterm Election. It did not look anything like a presence election, which they spent 60 million on the project to turn out base voters and it either did nothing or maybe it would have been worse without the project. At a bare minimum it didnt shift the electorate at all. I dont know how you can say everyone should be disappointed when it really should be the democrats, i think. It is hard a other democratso hear because you are blaming me for not getting off the couch, you didnt give me a reason to get off the couch. Not a big switch. Whether or not he takes any blame for the midterm, president obama is pledging to work with the newly empowered g. O. P. , and he is planned at the white house, but while mr. Obama pierced me hitting the right notes, there are questions if he will really follow through. Listen to what he said when asked about the only met once or twice with soontobe Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell during his six years in office. Bill i think that every day im asking myself if there are some things i can do better. And im going to keep on asking that every single day. The good news is now Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner are from the same party, they can come together and decide what their agenda is. They have sufficient majority to make real progress. So well that poker game actually take place . If i am john boehner and Mitch Mcconnell i would be making rice crispy treats and i dont see it happening. I feel republicans need to try to find areas they can work with the president on. You need to be able to show you are able to get things done heading into 2016. I feel there is an onus now on the republican side to get something done but unfortunately on the democratic side it has now switched. I can see the president now say it is payback time. What you think the honeymoon window is . How long does it last . It does not seem like a honeymoon to me. I mean what is the period you have right now of opportunity for these two sides . He is already saying he is willing to use his executive spin on immigration, quic and ck after the News Conference yesterday, so im not sure we dont already know the answer to that. I look to the market, i watch it very closely, and bill, right now the market is telling us there is strong anticipation this g. O. P. Controlled senate will be very good for business. Lot of talk we will see less regulation, see things get done on tax reform. Optimism we may even see the Keystone Pipeline get accomplished. The amount of optimism as we see the stock market hitting record highs again is an indication of something. I have heard keystone dropped more times then in six months, why is that . They had a test vote in the u. S. Senate, 11 democrats vote for it, that is why there is a level of optimism 53, 54 republicans, you may get very close to a vetoproof hes of legislation. Teste has a bigger than the Keystone Pipeline. The economy is in dire straits, sandra. That is the number one issue both parties have to work on. If you look at the wrong track, usually the most telling indicator of who the party is in power, an it was at a historic high. I think this pressure on republicans and democrats to Work Together because they feel this country has gone to hell and both parties are not capable of resolving it. This will be where we go because if republicans tend do with the stock market is anticipating and they can put forward an agenda in unison, that bodes really well for them. Im curious how they will handle the own divide within the party. We will cover it right here every day. Another potential contender saying tuesday future losses for democrats not only damages the president but also proves Hillary Clinton is very, very beatable. Who is making that case now and former nfl star ray rice appealing his decision in beating his wife as they take the stand. For over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. Transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. Out for a bike ride. A. I didnt think id have a heart attack. But i did. Im mike, and im very much alive. Now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. 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Call now and let healthmarkets find the right medicare plan for you without cost or obligation. Call this number. Call now. Welcome back to outnumbered. The factory clinton campaigned for dozens of losing candidates proves she is not ready for the next president of the United States. I think she is very beautiful. She is the architect of the obama form policy for the first four years and look at how awful that is. His words are echoing those another president ial contender, senator rand paul who says midterm results show Hillary Clinton was soundly rejected. The senate big surprise surprise these two think hillary is not inevitable, but do they have a point . I agree she is not inevitable, we have seen that before because she was beat by barack obama and she is not that great of a candidate, not as great as her husband. But i dont believe it is going to be a referendum on her. Voters understand even though Hillary Clinton is there, she is not going to be the new senator or, as men and the dissatisfaction with washington is so great the matter who it was, they could not have done enough to overwhelm and trump the negative response what was happening. The may have needed a superhero tuesday night. She was in northern kentucky, which is where i grew up, very familiar with that part of the country, she was there saturday in the Northern Counties of kentucky and Mitch Mcconnell beat her 31 in each of those counties. That tells me she did not move the meter in that part of the country. Does it matter in the end . The ladies were forceful in their argument it did not matter that she lost, what matters is she was there because they now owe her. So it happened in arkansas, you saw it happen in north carolina, cap in massachusetts, she was campaigning in all those places, kentucky and iowa. Tends to feel it doesnt reflect on her at all, people like to do this after elections to tarnish people because she cant walk in and win a race for somebody. I call it the shellacking part two. Politico looks at this today, the democrats inability to grow a new generation particularly female winners after tuesday night quickly. It could take a couple of cycles. You take else in grimes in kentucky, wendy davis in texas, there might be some internal pressure and desire and hunger to lift up whichever woman is standing in 2016 and it may be in a different way than we saw when her clinton went against barack obama because the younger stars have fallen by the wayside. I dont know the focus will be on pitching help people lose or as you say somebodys going to owe her extra feet on the ground to help her win. Another point is this is actually good for hillary in the long term because it leaves her standing as one of the only women stars and the Democratic Party because if these people had risen up. Will toggle from after this. Ray rice and his wife expected to testify today in his appeals hearing. He is fighting his indefinite suspension after the shockingly emerged of him knocking out his thenfiance. Roger goodell testify for two hours. The judge has said it is a confidential matter the people will not be talking about this until it is over. Rice contends the league violated his rights by punishing him twice with the indefinite suspension following the twogame suspension that caused so much outrage. He also says he told the commission what happened regardless of the video. But the events were starkly different and more ambiguous than what he saw in the video. The bottom line here, part of the people at the table are going to be the players union. I have said all along i dont know if you can have double jeopardy, and that is the issue. The fact that is taking place across the street will not play in his ear . This indefinite situation will be lifted in 2015. I think the commissioner keeps his job, he works the owners and not the players and he has made the owners very, very rich. It will be worked out in that manner. We saw the commissioner was there for two hours yesterday. We dont know the details of what was talked about. They cant because of the confidential reall ruling. But to take all of this to get to where we are now . We knew they gave him two punishments did two games, this going to be indefinite. What this means the future of the nfl, you are alluding to the fact this all comes down to money. I agree with you 110 . I said a year from now nobody will be talking about this, and i still think that is the case. Just like elections have consequences, so to these events here. That is what has led the league to drafting a post that will be universal going forward, but for now takes events like these to move a powerful league like the nfl be at as we have been talking about this played out at the very beginning of the game, we may see him next year, she is petitioning for immediate dismissal of this decision. Just look at the way the fans reacted when the original video was released of him dragging her out of the elevator, those fans were lined up cheering for him even though theres in the preview of the first video that horrified so many of us. You see fans wearing jerseys with his number on it. I think they are very forgiving, they love football more than anything, they love ray rice. Especially if you are a ravens fan, i think he will have redemption and will be walking back. His coach was all in his corner, that is a reflection of how much they like him as a human being. Entry is what this means to be battered girlfriend and battered wives of other nfl players. We have seen the psa campaign, but not withstanding, i wonder where we are. I think there has to be a severe punishment but i do believe in redemption and i dont think some we should have their entire life ruined over doing something if they are truly sorry and truly are going to get help and are going to change. If he did it again or was like this is what i do, no big deal, that is a different thing but there should be a severe punishment, a real price to pay and amandand a mandated you goio counseling, you get help. Do you think there has been enough of a pric price paid alry with him . A year suspension is a pretty heavy penalty. People shouldnt pay for the rest of their lives for making mistakes. We will see how it rolls out. This is day two, we will report the news that happens on that. John boehner holding a News Conference in less than an hour where he is expected to lay out his vision for the new congress and how it might work with the president. Country star brad paisley feeling the wrath of twitter after a joke he made cohost in the cmas called racist. Head over to the web for outnumbered overtime. Log onto foxnews. Com outnumbered, click on the overtime tab and we will answer your questions, leave your comments, we will include you in the conversation. Jump on that live chat. We are going long because summer is here. Cleared did you catch the Country Music awards last night . Brad paisley is doing with backlash after a joke many consider racist. Partially a plug for abc news hit comedy blackish. There is usually a news show i have fallen in love with, it is so funny, and its of any if tuned into abc tonight expected to see the new show blackish, this aint it. In the meantime, i hope you all are enjoying whiteish. People tweeting anger and support. Brad pays them in one of the biggest racist jokes of all time. Said im sorry, this is racist, having a show blackish or channel btr also. If you ask if it is racist, it probably was racist. Is this a double standard in some way . And tha the deal. We saw saturday night live with six comedians make fun of blacks voting for president obama. They can get away with that kind of humor. I like chris rock, black comedians get away with a lot more than brad paisley did. I didnt see it as offensive, were you offended . There are so many talented black comedians on that show, the women are hilarious. They could have called it modern family two. It was a modern family. I was not offended by the joke, i dont know if you watch the show i watched, it was wrapped in this theme off the top. A song about the nurse quarantined, a reason why the democrats loss on tuesday night, it was all wrapped up in some other sort of things. I think he was reading the teleprompter. Sums it wasnt even his own material. Abc has both shows, the cma and blackish. Still a question it did not offend me. But i dont know, if i dont like Country Music, is that offensive if i dont like Country Music . I kind of like taylor swift country. He is wearing a white hat, what does that mean . Andrea brought that up, comedy is comedy, appreciate it for what it is. How many people did not watch the show blackish . How many people are aware of it now . More than ever. That is the p. R. In the end you ask such an important question. What difference does what you call it makes . If you sneeze, it is racist, honestly we become so hyped when there is an issue of racism, it does not do it a disservice because everything is racist. It marginalizes what is really racist and the focus on the little things. I was not watching last night although i am a huge country fan, lsu girl, i was on twitter and oh, my gosh, the firestorm on racial media. Both sides. If he had asked me before whether he should do it, i would have said no for the that reason you said, do i think his intent was to be malicious . No. He just stopped at blackish and that should have been it. I philadelphia woman whose abduction was captured on Surveillance Video is now back home, what were learning about her ordeal and her accused kidnapper. And joe mentio mention reachingr the g. O. P. What it means. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. Here i am. Rock you like a hurricane. Fiber one now makes cookies. Find them in the cookie aisle. Everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses. S unique, and thats where pg es Online Business Energy Checkup tool can really help. You can use it to track your Actual Energy use. 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These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Call now and request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you go long™. Martha more outnumbered in just a second but first jon scott with what is coming up in the second hour of happening now. We are waiting and his conference from john boehner. Decided to lay out his vision for the new congress after republicans took back control of the senate and gained more than a dozen seats in the house. That live, plus new reporting today on Coalition Airstrikes and drone strikes against more than one terror Group Operating right now in syria and iraq. The latest in a live report. And new details on the latest detainee released from gitmo. There since 2002, his release been the spotlight on white house policy toward that facility. We are joined with a live report 10 minutes away. Come get a drink with us, do you want a drink with these ladies . Sure. Tough words from harry reid front fitted with democrat election a losses in what may have led up to those. Saying in an interview harry let us vote, lets do some two. Easier for me to go home and explain what i voted for and against than to explain why i dont vote at all and discuss. My thing with joe manson about the election results, this a real a weapon. He had a lot to say. Some of these democrats tell you when you dont give us something to run on, what do we have to say and what is the message. I thought it was stunning to read the Washington Post two o say night, Election Night at 11 14 p. M. Eastern time when the 14 page article was posted online and it was harry reid chief of staff blaming the white house for the election losses with happened since then. The other side has been firing back. Lot of from the fire in that town. I wouldnt be surprised if he became a republican. He is really become sort of a dissident democrats, very conservative. Could he be good for the party . He comes from such a conservative state at this point it is not really, i can say the fan of things, dont think a lot of democrats from other states can talk way he talks. I think he has a different constituency that his average democrat. We go to him a lot of the same time i feel like you the very conservative democrat and you have remembered Democratic Party has now become even more liberal because of all of the people who lost were moderate. Some people view it as disloyalty but i view it as him being honest. Taking a cap and trade bill running for reelection and he shot it, he took a rifle to a bill is always bad for his state and would have been bad for his state. Look at all the news reports, look at what harry reid did. Failed to bring pieces of legislation to the senate floor using every trick in the book because he thought they would go down because a lot of democrats would have voted with republicans, so he didnt bring anything. Hundreds of pieces of legislation that are waiting. Based on what you just said, is the strategy the Democratic Party of her tuesday loss going forward, you suggesting to move farther to the left . The Natural Inclination getting fewer moderates as has been happening the last four or five years, each of these elections, all the moderates in the house and in the senate it will become both parties even more entrenched and less likely to work across party lines. The honeymoon is three months. Ladies, lets talk some golf. President obama taking a shot at michael jordan, mj, number 23. Slamming the president s golf game of all things. Dont talk about my golf swing. The trash talk firing up between a president and basketball legend. The president firing back at the michael jordan. I would play with obama. No, i would take him out. Hes a hack. You really want to say that to the president of the United States. I never said he was not a great politician but i am saying he is a bleep . Mr. Obama responding to that. Theres no doubt michael is a better golfer than i am. If i played twice a day for the last 15 years that might not be the case. You know, he might want to spend more time thinking about the bobcats or not the hornets. Getting right back. I am not expert. But i defer to the expert golfers here on the couch. Michael jordans handicap is a three. So he says. And president apparently a 17. And i read Michael Jordans words. He was playful actually i think. Not insulting. But the fact that the president responded on election day to such words. I would add to that. Michael jordan was the president s guy when he lived in chicago. And the fact that jordan insulted him. Dont you touch my golf swing. Oh, no, no, no. I think it was just trash talking and the president responding to it, it was funny the way he responded to it. The president is taking heat for responding to Something Like this. They say this is beneath you, mr. President. Oh, election day. And when he is requested about that. I am not spoking about this. This is election day. And that is a fair point. And two guys just giving it back. He could have said the game i am concentrating on is going to be. And he recognized by how much golf. All right. Election day. It is all in good fun and we are staying here for more good fun. And click the ot tab. We are back here tomorrow. Happening now starts right now. We begin waiting for a speech from john boehner. President obama said he is ready to buckle down and break the log jamb. There is a lot of work to be done. To make government work better. Will the gop waive gridlock. They will say they are ready to take action but will mr. Obama sign any new bills they pass . All kinds of stuff happens in the last two years. Plus a

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