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0 food. are they really looking for him? how's our economy doing? >> the people are stealing hamburgers. >> we'll let you decide. not that it's funny. have the best night. >> despite everything going on in the world is still a great country. and the people around you are the best people most likely. we will see you tomorrow night. and in the meantime, the great sean hannity awakes from an undisclosed location to take over. i don't even know where i am. i don't know. all right. good to see you, tucker, and great advice. have a good night with the ones you love. can't go wrong. welcome to "hannity". and tonight, your economy remains in a shambles, but democrats are now spiking the football because inflation is down a whopping seven point one percent. congratulations, joey. inflation is now down from a forty two year high to only a forty year high. great job. of course, biden wasn't really focused on the economy today. now, he had more important things to do, like a big celebration featuring the president's never thought i'd report this favorite drag queens and live and kind of cringe worthy performance by cyndi lauper. we'll get to that in a moment. but first, we turn our attention to the southern border tonight. could someone maybe pretty, please, with sugar on top, let the white house know that a monumental catastrophe is now unfolding? it's a national security crisis of epic proportions for two straight years, under the biden administration, illegal crossings has now reached an all time record high on top of last year's record high this year. arrests along the southern border have now topped over two million for the first time ever. it is about to get dramatically worse next week. on december the twenty first forty two will come to an end. now, that's the measure enacted by president trump that enables the federal government to quickly expel illegal immigrants because of public health risks. now, soon, the process of deporting those who break our laws don't respect our borders. or sovereignty will be long. it will be complex if not impossible, in a matter of days. by the way, not only will our border continue to be wide open, but the government will also be unable to deport illegal immigrants in a timely manner, not that joe biden is doing that anyway. now, naturally, many are worried that this will cause a migrant surge unlike ever unlike anything we've ever seen before in two years since joe biden has become president , we will have allowed a whopping four to five million illegal immigrants into this country. zero vetting at all whatsoever. and even this year, with the little vetting we do, do we found one hundred people on the terrorist watch list. now, yesterday, even far left, governor gavin newsom trotted down to the border and he declared that america's immigration system is about to collapse. interesting. by the way, he's complaining that state, his state's facilities are at capacity and continued. the fact is , what we've got right now is not working. it's about to break in a post. forty two world unless we take some responsibility and some ownership. oh, i think it's way past time for you to take some ownership. gavin missed the presidential wannabe mr sanctuary state. look at this report from the immigration and customs enforcement. entitled dangerous california sanctuary policy. leaves three victims in wake of a fatal shooting. gavin, are you reading the newspaper? take a look. now, in this case, a repeat illegal immigrant and longtime criminal was shielded from deportation by the lapd, then went on to murder a woman in the presence of her three year old daughter. there are countless other cases just like this, just all across the country, all across the state of california. and yet, gavin newsom has never once spoken out about his state's sanctuary policies because gavin loves his sanctuary state and california's 11 major sanctuary cities. now, the message they're sending to illegal immigrants from california, from gavin newsom, and his fellow democrats come to california. you're not going to be deported for any reason at all whatsoever. and not only will you not be deported, but california actually hands out cash to illegal immigrants in addition to paying their health care, in addition to paying their housing. it's no wonder illegals are flocking across the border and they're going to california in droves. by the way, if you're an illegal immigrant, my advice is go straight to california. you will have everything paid for, courtesy of gavin newsom. now, look at your screen every single week, more and more illegal crossings are jamming our immigration system. they're preventing ice from catching traffickers, gang members, criminals, drug dealers, people bringing heroin, fentanyl now pouring across the country undetected. and tonight, one of biden's only countermeasures to the border crisis is creating yet another potential crisis in the process. apparently, joe is planning to take scores of us air marshals out of the sky, send them to the southern border to help process all the illegal immigrants coming in. now, that plan would reportedly now strip 99% of commercial flights from having any federal protection. no more air marshals when you're flying. so biden is planning to sacrifice your safety in the sky and for what, a couple of thousand us air marshals that are not going to be preventing two million illegal immigrants that he's allowing allowing into the country. so really, what is it going to take for the biden administration to secure the border? how many more people have to die? how many more drugs will pour across the border? how many people will die from drug overdoses? how much more human trafficking is too much human trafficking for the biden white house? now, mark my words and a short time when title forty two ends, this crisis will spiral even more out of control. here with reaction, fox news contributor sarah carter, the host of the larry elder show for the epic times. larry elder. look, sarah , you have been an incredible reporter, investigative reporter for this show down at the southern border. you have dealt with the cartels, you have dealt with the drug traffickers, you've dealt with human traffickers, even young girls. you know that not even of teenage years being along this path. drug cartels controlling every aspect of this. not one person is crossing the border without having to pay them with title 40 to go on away. >> what's next, sean? it's president biden is like tripling down on his chaotic border policy, and he's going to make it so far worse, not only in your right, not only are the children that are being trafficked and the women and men as well being abused and being taken advantage of, being turned into slavery, being used for . but now americans are dying and we can see that with what happened in california, but with what's happening across the country, with counterfeit pills and the poison that is being supplied by the mexican cartels and by the way, by the chinese communist party, which knows it's sending these precursor chemicals into mexico that are ending up in our country with over one hundred and seven thousand deaths. it is already too late. they need to lock down the border. they need to follow the law and the policy, and they need to give our border patrol agents, as well as our dea and other federal law enforcement the tools they need to stop this madness. because people are dying on both sides of the border. this is an issue for the whole western hemisphere and now we're under direct threat of being targeted by terrorists because of this chaos. john , it's really unfortunate. it's wrong. and i don't know where it's an end up. honestly, that was your question. where is this going to end up? well, it's going to end up in a really bad spot if president biden and this administration doesn't get together and find a solution quickly. so, larry, we're going to take air marshals out of the sky. that means passengers on commercial airlines are not going to be safe . we're going to send those guys to the border. but you have a governor in california and you have cities in california. the state is a sanctuary state. you have sanctuary cities. you give benefits to illegal immigrants that don't respect our laws. our sovereignty, our borders. >> if i'm an illegal immigrant, i'm headed right to where you live. >> come on down and on. the fact that people are not marching on washington with pitchforks is a testament to how little the rest of the country is aware of all of this. if you learn anything from the twitter fact, we know that much of the information that is uncomfortable to the left is being suppressed. i watch bill mulugeta reports almost every morning talks about the people coming across the border screaming across, as you pointed out, probably five million illegal aliens, maybe not even including the so-called got aways. then i caught on cnn or msnbc. they're not even covering it. how much is this costing us ? in crime, in health care and educational benefits? housing benefits. and when gavin newsom is the voice of reason, that's the apocalypse because he's mr. sanctuary state. he's expanded the number of illegal aliens who can get free health care at taxpayer expense. he hired the guy named george gascon, who just ordered his prosecutors not to charge illegal aliens with crimes for fear that they might be deported. and he's the voice of reason. this is absolute madness. you know, it's madness, but it's happening. >> you know, we're losing, as you know, sarah , what? three hundred people on average a week to fentanyl and opioid overdoses. you have described scenes that really are nightmarish of young girls being trafficked. i mean, girls as young as eight, nine , 10 years old. you have witnessed areas where they have been. you've heard their stories. you've you've interviewed some of these people. how bad is what part of of this is the government missing? they're missing the fact that children are suffering. that's what i've been talking about on the darkhorse podcast, that that podcast that i'm putting together is so that the american people can understand what is really happening here. these children are literally being tortured. day and night. many of them disappear into the darkness. nobody ever knows what happens to them. they are killed. they are left for dead on the trail, on their way to the americas, on their way into america. and once they get here, sean, i can tell you this. many of the people that claim to be their guardians are not their guardians. these are people that are abusing the children here in the united states . many of these kids are left for dead. and we had on your show not too long ago, human smugglers admitted some of these children are actually being used for organ harvesting. this is what the government does not get that they are. perpetua, waiting. actually , this type of horror on these children and on the american people, we are literally the last leg of movement for the drug cartels. they're basically using our government to move these children into the arms of predators and eventually this has to stop. i mean, the biden administration cannot ignore this forever because eventually, just like larry said, the people are going to be marching on washington and demanding that us stop and people are losing their children and they're losing their children in america to poisoning, not to overdose. to poisoning direct poisoning from counterfeit pills. so there is nothing good about this. and the only people that benefit are the drug cartels and the human traffickers, john . and it's eventually got to stop . larry, we give you the last word, sean. right after biden got elected, abc's martha raddatz interviewed this guy trying to cross the border and she said, would you have done this if donald trump had gotten reelected? he said, no. biden has given. so she was shocked. he admitted it was because of biden election that they were coming. remember that during the debate, biden said there's going to be a surge on the borders. this is exactly what he did by reversing the racist donald trump policies. he's gotten exactly what he wants and by design. >> all right, larry elder, thank you. sarah carter, thank you. now, don't forget, joe biden has never been to the southern border. now the white house says he just didn't have time to go there and there are more important things to do than stop heroin and fentanyl from coming into the country stopping the cartels. now, of course, he did have time, though, today for a big celebration at the white house. after signing the respect for marriage act and to show just how much he respects marriage. well, biden invited several drag queens to the white house, including this person, brita filter, who once performed in front of children at a school in new york city. another drag queen named marty cummings, who also performed for young kids on multiple occasions and on twitter in a recently deleted tweet, cummings once proclaimed, quote, the kids are out to sing and and anyway, i can't say it. and to top it off, cummings also hates the police frequently tweeting anti cop slogans like f the police and all cops are. i'm not sure how these two honored guests at the biden white house have anything to do with respect for marriage act. but also, i'm not exactly sure why we are forced to endure a live performance from cyndi lauper. >> take a look at see chuck. >> all right. i think talk about a husband anyway. as of tonight, joe biden is dedicated now for some of his time for listening to that performance. he should get credit for that part. but why did he choose that over visiting the southern border? think about that now. here now with more fox news contributors, joe concha, kellyanne conway. kellyanne, i really don't care what adults, if they want to be drag queens, that's their business. if they watch the biden white house wants to invite them, that's their business. i don't really care. i think he has more important things to do. that's fine. the problem is , is we're dealing now with issues all across the country as it relates to kids and indoctrination and a appropriate education for these kids and this idea that the left thinks that they their values should supersede the values parents are trying to instill in their kids at home. now, both these people had performed before children. and my question is , what makes the left think that that's okay ? well, they shouldn't. but this is also the administration whose justice department, sean, referred to parents as domestic terrorists. and what exactly were his parents doing to be called thus? they were showing up at school board meetings or upset about lost learning, declining test scores. lockdown's that were big letdowns for our kids. they were involved parents who care about the education and frankly, the moral, the morality of their children. you know, sean, parents are not some demographic group to be studied or some interest group to be pursued. we're parents, and that's a twenty four seven role. i think that when you work in the white house, as i did want to say a couple of things, the one thing you feel like you're going to run out of is time. the needs in this country are so great. the people are suffering or so many that you have an opportunity in a white house. the people's house, to showcase the best and the brightest people who feel they're going to do better and be better because it's something that's just happened. so for example, inviting the angel moms and angel dads, moms and pops of closed shop because of some regulation or some tax when you when you passed a tax cut and like you invite families in to say, what are you going to do with the new money, health care, transparency? the list goes on . so if joe biden really cared about, quote, respect for marriage, he would have showed a more dignified ceremony today. instead, they made it a spectacle. who do you think the press and all the photographers wanted to cover today? a same couple who was there? we don't even see them. we see the drag queens who in the case of these two drag queens, you're absolutely right. have controversies already. follow them. you're supposed to be vetted before you go to the white house. and in the case of one of the drag queens, i believe they had performed in a church and people were very uncomfortable with that. let me just also conclude with this. joe biden was against same sex marriage for seven eighths of his life. barack obama was against it for five , six of his life. this is a new thing for them, relatively new . there was a supreme court decision in 2015 upholding the right, the right to marriage. this was a reaction to dobbs. this was a complete reaction. and so joe biden want everybody to know that's what he did today. he spent one hundred and seventy four days in delaware. >> he has spent zero days at the southern border. let me ask you, joe concha, i guess if the biden white house wants to invite drag queens there, that's fine. but these are drag queens that also have to perform before kids in schools. i know i'm a little bit old fashioned and maybe i think values should be instilled by parents and maybe i'm really old fashioned because i think when kids go to school, maybe before they get the drag queen lesson, they should learn to read, write, do math , science, history and computers. but i don't know, maybe i'm not hip enough to to this new way of learning. you're not old school, sean. you're pragmatic. that's common sense. we're twenty fifth in the world right now in terms of math and science. and reading and writing. china is number one because our priorities are joe one. no, joe , we are number one in terms of what we pay per capita per student on education on an annual basis. we pay a lot more for horrible results, return on investment, right, shawn? and here you have the hubris of this president , this white house, by inviting a drag queen who performed in front of kids younger than my kids who are in elementary school. and this is a drag queen who has called for funding the police at the police. this person said at one point to fund ice. he said in another, it shows you this administration and what their priorities are. and to talk about protecting gay marriage to kelly ann's point, yeah, the defense of marriage act was passed eight years go . this is all a distraction. inflation is still five times higher than when this president took office. it was one point four percent. donald trump left office. it's still above seven percent now. yet you have an administration that's talking that's doing an end zone dance overinflation still over 70% crime is still rampant, especially in major cities like philadelphia, where the city just set another all time homicide record , or even portland, a once tranquil city that just set another all time record for homicides. we don't hear too much about that fentanyl still continues to kill three hundred americans, not per week per day. due to overdoses. and the border still allows untold numbers of illegal immigrants coming in. we're looking at close to five million coming in during the first two years of this administration alone. so the priorities here and the media that serves at the pleasure of this party is a whole bunch of wrong and it's intentional. >> that's the scary part, john . i mean, it really is . >> kelly , i'm going we'll give you the last word i said. i also think that this president , he they do things for, i think, social media purposes. so, for example, his chief of staff, ron klain, is a tweeter, not a leader. he's one of these people lives on twitter. and if you look at who they invite to the rose garden, to the south lawn ceremonies, it's often people that follow him on twitter. and so i think in this case, they missed an opportunity to showcase if they really feel. the last one i also want to say is donald trump is the first president to come to office already in favor of gay marriage. mrs. trump, malani trump was honored one year ago at mar-a-lago by the log cabin republicans. i think that somehow the republican democrats think they have a monopoly on this. what they have a monopoly on is inviting drag queens to a people's house as a representation of what of what their values are. parents, you have every right to speak up, show up, put up and stand up. don't ever give up on that because our kids are the future. there are is precious resource. >> nobody can tell you otherwise. unbelievable. all right, kellyanne, thank you. and joe concha, thank you. coming up, you're not going to believe what democratic congressman ted lu said about adam schiff will show you that. also, what did hunter biden say to kevin mccarthy at the state dinner? and will kevin mccarthy be able to stop fellow republican senators from doing an omnibus bill in this lame duck session, which they should not be doing? straight ahead, hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm excited to announce my origer. my slippers are back in stock. last christmas, you made them the number one selling mypillow product, and now i've added a smaller sizes, larger sizes, wider sizes and all new colors. and with your promo code, you still save ninety dollars up here. what makes my slippers different is my exclusive four layer design that you're not going to find in any other slippers. my slippers pattenden layers make them ultra comfortable, extremely durable. and they help relieve stress on your feet, wear them any time, anywhere. you'll absolutely love my slippers and i'm extending my 60 day money back guarantee until march 1st. 2020 three . making them the best christmas gifts ever. so go to mypillow .com or call the number on your screen. now use your promo code to save ninety dollars on my original. my slippers. that's only forty nine ninety eight appear quantities won't last long so please order now these are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a gold mine. she doesn't know that she owns a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more . she can sell all or part of it to country for cash, even a term policy, even a term even . find out if you're sitting on a gold. i call coventry direct today at eight hundred four nine six ninety two hundred or visit coventry direct .com diamonds at their lowest prices in years. one carat solitaires just seven ninety nine two carat eighteen ninety one carat studs, five ninety nine . thousands of diamonds guaranteed the lowest price. don't miss these deals. the jewelry exchange direct. >> it's a leg special with one celebrity paired with a lego master. i'm giddy over a three brick testing night special delivery . the lego investors celebrity holiday brick tukwila starts monday on fox, the head of the missing persons unit came at you find one person, a son. six years i've gone to bed with frank and i won't let these families go through what i went going to find. >> i've got a location. do the girls where you took me tomorrow, tucker takes on a legend. we're the only fighters in

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Border Tonight ,Cringe Worthy Performance ,Attention ,Administration ,Crisis ,White House ,Crossings ,Security ,Top ,Epic Proportions ,Sugar ,Catastrophe ,Two ,Record ,Time ,Southern Border ,Arrests ,Two Million ,Twenty ,Immigrants ,Government ,Trump ,Process ,End ,Public Health Risks ,Measure ,Border ,The Way ,Laws ,Borders ,Sovereignty ,Matter ,Complex ,Anything ,Surge ,Many ,Manner ,Whatsoever ,Vetting ,Terrorist Watch List ,Zero ,Five Million ,One Hundred ,Four ,Estate ,Immigration System ,Capacity ,Facilities ,Fact ,Ownership ,Responsibility ,Post ,Mr ,Victims ,Report ,Sanctuary ,Immigration And Customs Enforcement ,Dangerous California Sanctuary Policy ,Wake ,Three ,Immigrant ,Woman ,Case ,Newspaper ,Criminal ,Take A Look ,Deportation ,Shooting ,Repeat ,Lapd ,California S ,Presence ,Cases ,Sanctuary Policies ,Daughter ,Sanctuary State ,Sanctuary Cities ,Message ,11 ,Health Care ,Addition ,Wonder Illegals ,Cash ,Housing ,Reason ,More ,Droves ,Fentanyl ,Heroin ,Criminals ,Drug 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Reason ,Crime ,Housing Benefits ,Apocalypse ,Guy ,George Gascon ,Prosecutors ,Taxpayer Expense ,Crimes ,Fear ,It ,Overdoses ,Scenes ,It S Madness ,Happening ,Opioid ,Three Hundred ,Part ,Areas ,Stories ,Some ,Nine ,10 ,Eight ,Suffering ,Podcast ,Darkhorse Podcast ,Nobody ,The Darkness ,Guardians ,Americas ,Trail ,Kids ,Organ Harvesting ,Human Smugglers ,Perpetua ,Waiting ,Leg ,Movement ,Horror ,Arms ,Predators ,Type ,Stop ,Marching On Washington ,Nothing ,Poisoning ,Word ,Martha Raddatz ,Biden Got Elected ,Abc ,Election ,Donald Trump ,Policies ,Debate ,Don T ,Design ,Respect For Marriage Act ,Celebration ,Drag Queen ,Marriage ,School ,Marty Cummings ,Front ,New York City ,Brita Filter ,Quote ,Tweet ,Occasions ,Police ,Slogans ,Cop ,Cops ,Guests ,Performance ,Look ,See Chuck ,Husband ,Care ,Contributors ,Listening ,Credit ,Kellyanne Conway ,Fine ,Business ,Adults ,Education ,Problem ,Issues ,Indoctrination ,Values ,Parents ,Think ,Home ,Learning ,Shouldn T ,Test Scores ,Justice 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Lawn Ceremonies ,Rose Garden ,Favor ,Monopoly ,Republican ,Representation ,Log Cabin Republicans ,Mrs ,Malani Trump ,Mar A Lago ,Resource ,Show Up ,Stand Up ,Unbelievable ,Senators ,Hunter Biden ,Ted Lu ,State Dinner ,Coming Up ,My Origer ,Omnibus Bill ,Lame Duck Session ,Slippers ,Promo Code ,Sizes ,Last Christmas ,Mypillow ,Product ,Colors ,Stock ,Layer Design ,Players ,Relieve Stress ,Ninety Dollars ,Ninety ,Anywhere ,Money Back Guarantee ,Gifts ,Feet ,2020 ,1 ,60 ,March 1st ,Screen ,Quantities ,Original ,Ninety Eight ,Forty Nine ,Term ,Life Insurance Policy ,Mine ,One Hundred Thousand Dollars ,One Hundred Thousand ,Prices ,Diamonds ,Gold ,Coventry ,Ninety Two Hundred ,Eight Hundred Four ,Price ,Exchange ,Thousands ,Deals ,Carat ,Jewelry ,Leg Special ,Ninety Nine Two Carat Eighteen One Studs ,Eighteen ,Ninety One ,Ninety Nine ,Celebrity ,Head ,On Fox ,Lego Master ,Investors Celebrity Holiday Brick Tukwila ,Missing Persons Unit ,Lego ,Brick Testing Night Special Delivery ,Bed ,Legend 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