0 head in your bed if you don't stop asking questions. pathetic. i >> well, that's it for. us tonight. sadly, we're out of time.k tonin >> we'll be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the show. that's a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. night. upthink. have the best night have the best night.s a man that nobody messes with , sean hannity, nobody. sorry, i've forgotten joe bideno . i was thinking, as you plan he let's go , brandon. you know, what does heme doembe' tuckknow, what does heme doembe' the time? you can't make this stuff up.ero tucker, thank you. hannity. and welcome to hannity. and tonight, we begin in efforts florida, where hurricane sporida, where hurricane ongoing. earlier today, biden made thattp special trip to the sunshine state where he was, in fact, caught on that hot mixing. >> exactly what we just told you right here outside. >> that's exactly right. going t that's exactly right. such a tough guy.e school and beat himough guy.e school and going to take a behind the school and beat him up. tough guy. but he falls over with the wind going on air force one . nobody for the biden except for, let's see, venezuela,ery ot saudi arabiahe, every other ope nation. we'll explain in detail. recently, bidegot onn got on hig knees, hands and knees, beggings and pleading the saudis crown prince to please produceg opec more oil. a he's been begging opecs as wel. the same crown prince in this case that biden openly referreda to as a pariah that he accused of torturing and murdering journalist jamaal khashoggi. >> well, this week, saudali arabia, opec, they just. announced today that that wouldy be actuall wy reducing oila wh production by a whopping two million barrels a day. that will artificially reduce supply and increas supple the pe of a barrel of oil, which means you're going to pay a hell of a lot more every time you fillpl up yet again. now, this is not only deeplyfo humiliating, humiliating fortany joe biden in the u.s., more importantly, it is painful. to millions of americans now, gas buddies patrick to is predicting opec's decision today will drive prices up 15 to 30 cents a gallon. keep in mind, gas prices are already on the rise yet again.s they're gettinpeg higherr . i look at this, five dollarsreno. and ninety nine cents a gallon. and reno , six forty two. in california, that's the average five dollars. orego. forty seven cents in oregon, four dollars. fifty one cents in arizona.thisy and here we go again. this year alone, american families, they are shelling out a whopping seven thousand two hundred dollars to cover costs., assoc.200 to c ated, all due tos inflation, reckless spendingspei and of course, spiking gas prices. thices. dollars per household. now, this is beyond devastating to the poor, the middle class. and , of course, it's clobbering those peopl on fixed incomes. bu fixed incomes. but remember, according tot g is karine jean-pierre, nothing is ever biden's fault. he gets credit wheamn gas pricek go down. but hee doesn'tth take the blae when they go back up. last up. week, they were lashing out, blaming oil companies.mpann now they're accusing opeowc ofih colluding with mother russia. >> take a listen.s clear that os look, it's clear that opec plus is aligning with with russia. , today's announcement and i'll leave it leave it is that is ,en as i just laid out, you know, we're dealing with a time where were we are you know, the global markets are the global economy is responding to putin's war. >>hat' now, that's the thing aba exporting your energy needs. you cannot control what other countries do. joe biden caused all of thesehe problems when he abandoned the energy independence policies that he inherited from donald trump and of course, capitulating to the democratic party's climate alarmism cult.e? so now what's biden's response?e get this.o be you're going to love this.g an he now plans to beg another anti american country a dictator to get more oila ne and has a new proposal to liftt sanctions on venezuela. in other words, they are more than happy to line the pockets of an evil dictato s that hates us . if there's a chancezuela. e it t help salvage a few seats for m the democrats in the midterms,e this is insanity. but it even gets worse. today, the white house announced another 10 millionls o barrels of oil will be released from the strategic petroleum reserve despite promisine promgo the exact opposite only yesterday. watch. >> th the strategic petroleumre, reserve, the run out t run offe the release of one million barrels a day. and at the end os is tf thisher, is there any conversations about releasing more oil frome the strategic how is president the president going to keep t the supply? con so so we're not considering new releases, releases from the the strategic petroleum reserve beyond the 180 million, which is what you're talking speaking about, about the one millionyoun that the president announced months ago. we don't have anything more toeo share or we'ret goin not going f be considering new releases. the petrdering new releases. the petroleuoleuserve, tm resert is intended for national emergencies. look al t that. serves. look at how much he has a depleted those reserves. drpleted those reserves. biden has almost completely drained the supply. we're now at a forty year low. it is not a national emergency ,joe , that democrats are l likely to lose an election. so you artificially raise the world's supply of oil in the lead up to an election to lower the price to create a false perception that, oh,goo you've done something good, you're now creatinyou're ng a nd security vulnerability because you're draining the very reserves before an election to reduce and lower prices. you wi it's only lla band-aid. i told you it was only a band-aid. and yo u will only do it to election day. piection day. going to have to pay the piper - . and yet gas prices continue too rise drastically and here'sther a news flash for the white house. >> there is a clear cut way, given the answer to increases su america's supply of oil, gaspply and bring down cost. and it doesn't involved it grovelin doeg to foreign dictats like joe has been doing or lifting sanctions on venezuela orfting sanctions on venezuela our petroleum reserves. p reser right now, american companies with american workers, they cane produce more oil and gas right here in america because we have here in america because we have worth of resourcesal. all they need is yourdercut permission and commitment that you're not going to undercut an sou're not going to undercut an they invest hundreds of millions of dollarit. s. so that's it.leases it's that simple. approve federal oil leases or at a four decade low domestic drilling and exploration restrictionsio are at an all tie high. and the us oil and gasnd gas association, they just tweeted e ,quote, the white house hasd iti one option left and it is theom one option they should have never turned away from ithn the the first place. and that is the us based oilnow, and gas industry. now, sadly, that option wouldonn require logic and common sense that doesn'tse seem to exist inside the climate alarmists calls, for whatever reason, i this religious cult and it is a cult, it gives democrats a freeh pass to import oil froe m anywhere in the world so longatm as we don't produce right hereeo at home. icallydomestically and use amern workers and give them high paying career jobs, that doesn't seem to make sense at all whatsoever. r. rememberbut remember, this is t same group of people thatif i believe that every single weathet'day r event, if it's a t day in the summer, if it's a hurricane during hurricanes, season, if it's snow int, the winter, all of it is climate change. bidenin fact, just today, biden proudly announced that hurricann e ian settled the debate surrounding global warming once and for all. n't belit he si can't believe iu it.t >> take a look. reservoir's out west herweste ae down to almost zero where the situation where the colorado river looks more like a stream. there' s a lot s a lot going on . finay and i think the one thing this r has finally ended is ahing abo discussion about whether or not there's climate change. >> we should do something about it. s that all the how does that explain all the hurricanes and the 19 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s? how does it explain that? te so think about it. joe biden is so deeplyw concerned with climate change that now refuses to produce oil and gas in the u.s. instead will try to imported from i venezuela. let me ask, does it impact v mother earth if you import oil,a from venezuela, iran, saudies i arabia, opec countries or russia, does it have the sam sae impact on mother earth? thats is a country ofh? venezuela that has almost zero environmental regulations, especially a massively gas powered oil tankers across wowered oil tankers across house is a disaster.e from and i fear it's only going to get worse from here. joining us now from the fox business network, our friend charles payne is back with us. >> charles , goos d to see you. let's talk about the oil? fiasco. weo make'r venezuela rich again? we'reware going to reward this,o bit dictator. we'rwe're goine going to make al with the iranians. absolutely. that's it. you know, it's here's the crazy you know, it's here's the crazy thing. you know, yolk au talk aboutbou environmentally poor tracke reay record in venezuela. heavy crud lot oe. it takes a lot of energy to s refine it. it is just so stupid. so dumb. it just it doesn't make sensepo on any level from humanity. poinny level from humanity. economic point of view, fromse a geopolitical point of view, we for the defense and safety ornf, inr the defense and safety ornf, western hemisphere. it doesn't check any of those boxes. in fact, it makes every single one of them absolutely worse.wh >>lo and by the way, it's going to get a whole lot worse. to ha sean, you know, thissation s conversation we're having right now, we're goingthis a have ano conversation similar to a yearcs from now and two years from now, three years from now, because the lack of investment in fossil fuels in this country is going to be cataclysmic to us . it is going toca crushtaclys thh notion that somehow we're going to flip a switch, no pun intended, and be on solar and wind in two or three years is mind boggling. well, >> mind boggling. well, everyone involved must know it's wrong. okay rd what's, you know, i'm re what's going on .il what's going on .il yopru knowod, all these oil producing countries have one thing in common. they're filthy 'r rich. >> they make a lot of money off their natural resources.they're they've got to be looking the u.s. and thinking we're pretty dumb because they are as aware as you and i are that in fact, we have more natural resources than they do. and if we ever became energy independent and took it to the next level, which wouldwe be energy dominance, and we provided all of western europe e with all their energy needs, wouldn't that make america filthy? , worich? >> also, it would secureecur and safe and but here's the thing. rig it's not just america, rightht? i mean, in germany, i use on myt show yesterday a schematic from7 nineteen seventy fourll of with germany predicted overwhelmingly all their power will be coming fro e com nuclearg fro power plants. of course they scratch that. they wouldn't build a liquid,o e not liquefied natural gasdiem. facilities. now they're trying to export takes years to build them. it's just yet to suicide that we are seeing by western nations all again genuflectingse to this green utopia that they think is the right around the corner. but instead they're killingushig the crushing the citizens. the big question mark going into europe this winter is howo will they keep everybody warm? how would he get everyonree heating, electricity? it's nuts. and we're watching this and we're going down the samee path. e this and here's the thing. we were blessed. we have this under our feet at this very moment.e very fewas countries have as may proven reserves as we do in technology that we have. fracking is a technology miracle. and , you know, for anyone out there that thumbs or nose orr ne or, you know, suggest that somehow oil is evil, i guarantee you they don't go an hour without using oil, oil byproducts in some part of their lives. so let's just stop with th ee gn game for a moment. if you really think you're going to get some sort oft green utopia, at least be smart about it. it's twenty years away. thirty years away.s away, if it's ever possible at , >> all right. m great to have you. r thank you, my friend. now we turn to a tweet from he geraldo rivera. >> he seems to think that, quote, governor de santos will soon feel the wrath of florida's latino voters. for sending a planeload of illegal immigrants to martha's vineyard tonight. thneyard tonight. and we'll talk to a geraldo in a minute. th the polls say otherwise. the latest mason-dixon survey shows ronda santos with a commanding lead, including commahiston, likely high suppot among florida's hispanic voters. these same voters also overwhelmingly support ronda santosdesantis and his decisiono relocate the volunteers who had to volunteer to go that he sent to martha's vineyard. they volunteered to go . now, these voters also support the governor's tough on crimea e policies, including a recent arrest of an illegal immigrants who are attempting to loot areas ravaged by hurricane. os here now with reaction. fox he's the co-host of the new fox nation special, the doping of america. frieica. and friends weekend co-host pete hegseth. all right. i' i'm going to tell youour what i'm going to ask you tonight to put your money wheree your mouth is every year. it's my honor to donate your charity. you name the price, you nameu nn the amount. is and i will bet you that rhonda santurce will do dramaticallyspc better with hispanic voters in v florida this election's election year. in thirty four days s than he d in 2018. of mo you tell mnee the amount money you want to bet charity to charity, but we'll do the sameyr thing we did last year. i think did last year. >> sean, i think, though, thatgn the charity should benefit regardless of who'hos rightip - on who wins the governorship. >> i donate to charity anyway.h i'm talking above. and you you're a wonderfula and compassionate person and i a want to say hello to majorto m hegseth that also. but i think that there are some points i have to makethis u here. i , i don't thin wk that theretn is a person in this country who doesn't think that whate governor desantis is did in sending those venezuelans to martha's vineyard was a political stunt. now, i don't know that generally it exposes the a on. human beings. i mean, come exc on use . excuse me. joe biden is doing it every single day, geraldo. and by the way, he's giving he's letting people in. e he's not enforcing the law. aiding and abetting humanbettin trafficking, giving them a free biden phone, preferential treatment, no covertness, no pre vaccine mandate, transportatiofn and all over the country inou the dark at night. so don't lecture me about rhonda santa sending 50 to people to martha's vineyard. imr and the peoplean there got rid those those immigrants within twenty four hours. op so ile. f fifty two people. so i don't think turns out thatg the santas is trying to play t o this to his political advantage by lettings maki the press confe he had today about the luders, the the illegal alien looters, which is five guys and a liquor's troll. >> i condemn what they did. i want i want the government to santas to crack down on anyone who is who's taking advantage of what's happening in pleura. a i think it's it's horrible. it's hand, you kn, while a punk is a punk in te kn, but on the other hand , you thee know, while a punk is a punk ina terms of these criminals a and what they did, would he have made such a fuss over these guys if they were not illegal aliens? >> regardless of their immigration status? what they did, joe biden joe biden a re joe biden and i'll throw this to joe biden has allowed a record up to this point, two millioncor illegal immigrants into the country.y. all he gives them preferential treatment. he transports them all over the country in the dark at night. and t. and geraldo wants to focushera n on the 50 people that rhonda d santos sent to a sanctuary island called martha's vineyard. now, they volunteered to go ,. pete and all of them seem them pretty happy aset the opportuniy . >> they volunteered to go fromg a non sanctuary state to a sanctuary state. you geraldo, my dear friend, you and others told us that donaldos trump would bleed support among hispanics because of hismigratio stances on illegal immigration. instead, they supported him in. instead, they supported him in spades beyond what republicans l had before because hispanic voters believe in rule of law and borders and equal justice and what they sestice.e at our southern border is a complete abdication of retreat. belief that we are a nation at. state. so the on the belief that we areif a nation state. so they support the idea that if you come to florida illegally and you want to volunteer to go to a sanctuary state, go right ahead. >> and oh, by the way, if your first action coming towhic this country was breaking our laws, which illegals are doing, theenn why wouldn't we think your second or third action might be , hey, ify, i break anothe if r law,r law, e have consequences. >> rhonda santos is merelyeve in saying we believe inrida. citizenship and laws in florida. and if you don't want to playn't by those rules, go somebody somewhere else. >> help this is a perfect using human beings as politically, nong person is illegal, don't want them in their backyard. human bnever have and not one political workups. what is he going to usep a little schoolchildren know to make some other point. i meancan't e people t, you cant make your political points in the way that he did to get ambitious to one of the places of ambition wherewheh they say they embrace that he was illegals. bu they t they ship them off wit massachusetts national guard as fast as they can. nationa because it never really was about that. >> it was always about campaignl a campaign slogaogn drawn to>> satisfy politician go after the party. aft >> i have no problem with that. he's got a problem going after the politicians say i have no problem going after the politician, but this is ausn real person, a flesh and blood person that you are using as a prop to go , oh, i got a great idea, says the santos only gloms onto abbott's airplanes sending them. yeah, just he is so sharp elbow to make any kind of heral political gain for him sent tofh the middle. to >> i think they're going to go . do you know that? you know, ift they knoww wherewh they're told where they're going to go , you know, if they volunteer to go to those places. i know you have no idea what to fight because he made legalityot across the country and you haves no idea in the dead of night because rhonda santa does one time in front of television cameras. now they're props the facilitation was happening beneath our noses, aren't they , pop? merely come on , these wheres they volunteered to go . >> it may be wicked clever, butn it was it was a stunt that used people in exploitive the and i think thatians the venezuelans in southth florida will remember what he si martida will remember what he si sending them to martha's vineyard. >> that's my prediction. what about the article after article that came out that says that maduro is sending emptying his prisons and sending people to the border? >> hurrah! hurrah! does that bother you at all? these this group? say i mean, all i can say is what i thought this was. >> this was not a swaggering bunch of thieves. this was men and women men and children. >> d ando you mean does that bo> decency? >> there has there has to be toe decency. is it decency? is it decent? relations, rounding and sending them to the u.s.? >> is that it's heart? maduro. i've been in i was there. i was there. i've been in venezuela. i was there and it took years. and then to when the in the coup i was there with the street demonstrations and all the rest and the seething and the destruction of south america's most successfu 2002 l democracy. >> all i condemn that. >> i-- mn that. all right. we're talking abou>> we'retexpli exploitation of people forl political . that's right. joe biden exploiting. millght. the twoing. million people that he allowed in illegally in the that's absolutely. thy right. estely. all right. thank you both.than and coming up, with less tha ww five weeks until the all important midterms. thirty four days, we continue continue vetg the less radical candidates. the media won't do it. ron johnson, jd vance will join us with the very latest on their campaign straight ahead. icy hot pro ice works first torp freeze your pay and you don't heat makes it less so you can never sit this icy hot probe with too much strength. >> pain relievers. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium triple action formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr. eric ciliberti. it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better sleep. through the whole night. call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep relaxium sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals like many prescription sleeping pills with relaxium sleep, you can expect to start sleeping better. >> the very first night, the very first night after being a relaxium customer for at least three years now because i'm getting a better night's sleep, it's making everything else about my life more enjoyable. >> when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i . i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep . if you're like i was and you've got trouble sleeping at night, give relaxium sleep a call. get your very own risk free bottle , take control of your health, stop struggling with restless nights, sleep like you were meant to with relaxium. relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of clinically proven relaxium sleep today. fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed. >> call today for your thirty day risk free trial and 100% money back . guarantee relaxium sleep doesn't need a prescription, is 100% drug free and is not habit forming. call 800 for one 737 73 800 for one 737 73 . trust you got to relaxium same . >> i tried everything for my stubborn dandruff and then i found nazarro. kneisel works differently to get to the root cause of dandruff. in fact, its active ingredient is ten times more effective at fighting fungus. the primary cause of dandruff say good bye to stubborn dandruff with the nasal injecting propaganda as the administration pressures administration pressures america to get another vac as a teacher living and working in san francisco, the cost of housing makes living and working here really difficult. proposition d is the only measure that speeds up construction of affordable new homes by removing bureaucratic roadblocks. so teachers, nurses, firefighters and workers like us can live where we work. while prop e makes it nearly impossible to build more housing join habitat for humanity in rejecting prop e, and supporting prop d to build more affordable housing for everyone. now.

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,Here Sther ,Companies ,Workers ,Cost ,Sanctions ,Doesn T ,Petroleum Reserves ,P Reser ,Dictats ,Lifting ,Grovelin Doeg ,Venezuela Orfting ,Gas ,Commitment ,Sou ,Permission ,Resourcesal ,Yourdercut ,S So That ,Hundreds ,Gasnd Gas Association ,Drilling ,Dollarit ,Oil Leases ,Simple ,Tie ,Thigh ,Exploration Restrictionsio ,Quote ,Option Wouldonn ,Option ,Common Sense ,Place ,Logic ,Gas Industry ,The White House ,Based Oilnow ,Hasd Iti One Option ,Withn ,Cult ,Reason ,Climate Alarmists Calls ,Freeh Pass To Import Oil Froe M ,We Don T Produce Right Hereeo ,People ,Group ,Dr ,Summer ,Whatsoever ,Event ,Kamern ,Career Jobs ,Sense ,At Home ,Icallydomestically ,R Rememberbut ,Debate ,Climate Change ,Snow Int ,Season ,Hurricanes ,Hurricane ,Hurricann E ,Iu It T ,Bidenin Fact ,N T Belit ,Global Warming ,She Si ,Abo Discussion ,Situation ,Take A Look ,Stream ,Sa Lot Going On ,Efinay ,Ae Down ,Colorado River ,Reservoir S Out West Herweste ,Zero ,50 ,19 ,40 ,20 ,It Impact V ,Mother Earth ,Saudies I Arabia ,Sam Sae ,Thats ,Oil Tankers ,Massively Gas ,Disaster E ,Country Ofh ,Impact ,Regulations ,Wowered ,Fox Business Network ,Charles Payne ,Talk ,Weo Make R Venezuela ,Goos D ,Let ,We Reware ,O Bit Dictator ,We Rwe ,Fiasco ,Meal ,Record ,Heavy Crud ,Talk Aboutbou ,Yolk Au ,Tracke Reay ,Energy ,Lot ,Non Defense ,Poinny ,Humanity ,Point Of View ,Doesn T Make Sensepo ,Fromse ,Safety Ornf ,It Doesn T ,Conversation ,Yearcs ,Many ,Inr ,Boxes ,Thissation ,Western Hemisphere ,Wh Lo ,Goingthis A Have Ano ,Two ,Country ,Investment ,Fossil Fuels ,Black ,Switch ,Pun ,Toca Crushtaclys Thh Notion ,Three ,Money ,What S Going On ,Everyone ,Mind Boggling ,Common ,Yopru Knowod ,Natural Resources ,Wouldn T ,Level ,Energy Dominance ,Secureecur ,America Filthy ,Western Europe ,Worich ,Power ,Fro E ,Rightht ,Myt Show ,Seventy Fourll ,Com Nuclearg ,Nineteen ,Seventy ,Nations ,Power Plants ,Facilities ,Suicide ,Wouldn T Build A Liquid ,Natural Gasdiem ,Everybody ,Everyonree Heating ,Nuts ,Citizens ,Green Utopia ,Corner ,The Big Question Mark ,Samee Path ,Anyone ,Fracking ,Thumbs ,Feet ,Technology ,Nose ,Orr ,Technology Miracle ,Part ,Lives ,Evil ,Oil Byproducts ,Th Ee Gn Game For A Moment ,Oft Green Utopia ,De Santos ,Away ,Friend ,Tweet ,Geraldo Rivera ,Thirty ,Twenty ,Voters ,Immigrants ,You Geraldo ,Martha S Vineyard ,Polls ,Planeload ,Wrath ,Thneyard ,Mason Dixon Survey ,Ronda Santosdesantis ,Suppot ,Decisiono ,Commahiston ,Ronda ,Hispanic ,Volunteers ,Crimea E Policies ,Arrest ,Reaction ,Friends ,Co Host ,Pete Hegseth ,Areas ,Doping ,Fox ,Frieica ,Youour ,Fox Nation Special ,Charity ,Dramaticallyspc ,Mouth ,Amount ,Rhonda Santurce ,Honor ,Nameu Nn ,Amount Money ,Sameyr ,Imo ,2018 ,Thirty Four ,Bre Sean ,Person ,Who Hos Rightip On ,Governorship ,Thatgn ,I M Talking ,Wonderfula ,Cia ,Though ,Charity Anyway H ,Points ,Theretn ,Desantis ,I Don T Thin Wk ,Whate ,Makethis U ,Majorto M Hegseth ,Human Beings ,Stunt ,Son ,Exc On Use ,The ,Law ,So Don T ,Treatment ,Vaccine Mandate ,Dark ,Biden Phone ,Covertness ,Pre ,Aiding And Abetting Humanbettin Trafficking ,Transportatiofn ,Sinou ,Thatg ,Peoplean ,Fimr ,Op So Ile ,Fifty Two ,Twenty Four ,Advantage ,Guys ,Government ,Liquor ,Luders ,Lettings Maki The Press Confe ,Illegal Alien Looters ,Punk ,Ai ,Terms ,Criminals ,Hand ,Despicable Er Hand ,You Kn ,Te Kn ,Pleura ,Horrible ,Point ,Immigration Status ,Fuss ,Aliens ,In The Dark ,Rhonda D ,Country Y ,Sanctuary Island ,Focushera N ,Estate ,Sanctuary State ,Maset ,Fromg A Non Sanctuary ,Opportuniy ,My Dear ,Support ,Immigration ,Stances ,Hispanics ,Others ,Spades ,Donaldos Trump ,Republicans L ,Rule Of Law ,Hismigratio ,Idea ,Border ,Belief ,Nation State ,Borders ,Justice ,Abdication Of Retreat ,Action ,Doing ,Laws ,Consequences ,Illegals ,Tanothe ,For Law ,Lwe Have ,Theenn ,Unify ,Playn T ,Somebody ,Merelyeve ,Perfect ,Citizenship ,Somewhere ,Nong Person ,Those Rules ,Inrida ,Help You Se ,I Meancan T E People ,Workups ,Backyard ,Schoolchildren ,Human Bnever ,Places ,Fast ,Campaignl ,Ambition ,Wit ,Massachusetts National Guard ,Campaign Slogaogn ,Party ,Politician ,Problem ,Politicians ,Blood ,Ausn Real Person ,Craft ,Flesh ,Santos ,Kind ,Prop ,Elbow ,Airplanes ,Abbott ,Tofh ,Heral Political Gain ,Knoww Wherewh ,Legalityot ,Gift ,Aren T ,Noses ,Facilitation ,Props ,Wheres ,Clever ,Television Cameras ,Front ,Pop ,Exploitive Way At ,Butn ,Article ,Maduro ,Prediction ,Southth Florida ,Si Martida ,Prisons ,Men ,It Decency ,Decency ,Toe Decency ,Thieves ,Swaggering ,Women ,Children ,Bo ,Relations ,Heart ,Coup ,Street Demonstrations ,Exploitation ,Destruction ,Millght ,Twoing ,2002 ,Won T ,Media ,Candidates ,Country Tr ,Jd ,Estely ,Tha Ww ,Campaign ,Icy Hot Pro Ice ,Pay ,Astorp ,Health Crisis ,Strength ,Heat ,Pain Relievers ,Icy Hot Probe ,Relaxium Sleep ,Sleep ,Night ,Cardiovascular System ,Blood Pressure ,Immune System ,Sleep Deprivation ,Formula ,Feeling Refreshed ,Neurologist ,Triple Action Formula ,Eric Ciliberti ,Bottle ,Risk ,Chemicals ,Body ,Sleep Cycle ,Sleep Doesn T ,Everything ,Prescription ,Life ,Customer ,Sleeping Pills ,Trouble Sleeping ,Sleep A Call ,Control ,Health ,Bottles ,Relaxium Sleep Today ,Wake Refreshed ,A Thousand ,Relaxium Sleep Doesn T ,Trial ,Drug ,Money Back ,800 ,100 ,737 ,73 ,Dandruff ,Nazarro ,Kneisel ,737 73 Trust ,Administration ,Times ,Ingredient ,Root Cause ,Cause ,Pressures ,Working ,Fighting Fungus ,Propaganda ,Vac ,Injecting ,Bye ,Teacher Living ,Ten ,Housing ,Proposition D ,Homes ,Measure ,Construction ,Roadblocks ,Firefighters ,Nurses ,Teachers ,Prop E ,Prop D ,Housing Join Habitat For Humanity ,

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