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0 right now. this season you need america's weather team precise personal power box weather is hurricane hq tony andrew , status ofa thought criminal. you have an inalienable right to decidt ane for yourself and u can on fox nation right now, the full interview, of course, will be back as we always are, eight p.m. weeknights here. sean hannity. that's not sean hannity. headset great chain accent isn't he snuck up on you?, i snuck up on your brother. i love that little ambush. little ambush at nine pm. tucker rachels, thanks a lot. all right. welcome to this specialof edition of "hannity". as tucker said "hannity" as tuce hegseth in tonight for sure and we begin with breaking news from south florida today. judge bruce rheinhardt ordered the doj to unseal a redactederso version of that affidavit usede to justify the mar a lago raid. federal officials now have tomol noon tomorrow to make this affidavit public. here now with the very latest t fox news contributor jonathanere turley. jonathan, thanks for being here. you know how to break this stuff down. we could get this redacted coulg affidavit at any moment. we were preparing on the show to potentially release. it will be will we be waitinwaig till noon and what do you think? >> we'll see. until >> well, we could be waiting until noon, i must admit. i'm skeptical. l that you know, this i was the samerdo department that said that not a single word of this redactedt of this affidavit should be released. and on the first attempt, o miru they were able to miraculously t hit the goldilocks point ofausei getting it just right because it appears that the judge didat not push the j back on any sect and for those of us wholi litigate against thisd department over over redactions and overclassification, there is a certain degree of skepticism that i left to its own devices. they maximized what couldd be r be released. g will but i'm still grateful that something will be released. i'm hoping truly that attorneyt general garland saw that the earlier position was wrong y and he went to the department o be asparents try t transparent as possible. i mean, afte ar all, this affidavit doesn't likely a lot o contain a lot of good sectionsfd for donald trump affidavit are like that. this is these are one sided a case forat make searches and seizures. so it's not like i'm worried that they are only redacting the stuff that's good for donald trump. hopin but i'm hoping that they see this as a moment to break fromkm tradition, to have greater transparency. u and we will see tomorrow. the rx so the reflex from the dojld pra would probably be to take a page full of words and make it nothing. but you're saying potentially t there's an incentive frombecaus the doj because of the blowbacek to, you know, redacting names and sensitive information, provide more information about why they did it so i mean, i'm prepared for a sheet ofaredf full blackor jonathan. and you're telling me maybe we'll get actual information here? >> well, this is really the exercise of hope over experience because i've been in some heated litigation and thisr department is infamous for using redactedtm names and classifications for tactical purposes. i have been in cases wheredactet they have overreacted too a ridiculous degreae. judges often defer to them. but you know, i recently notedtt in a piece that there have beenr four occasions where the attorney general could have taken modest steps to assure the public that this was not a political a politically motivated effort and failed todt do so. this is th e fifth and he can really reverse course. you can't just demand thatin the public trust his department. you have to earn i dept. led there's a history here and there are some legitimate questions abouowt how this department has conducted past trump related investigation. ou boy, you'rexe exactly right. you wonder if there is any self reflection at this point. you know, fool mone oncely. o shame on you. fool me four times. shame on me. we'll see if the fifth time t they decide to put their cards on the table, transparency would be very helpful. at this moment with a lot of people wondering what this thing was all about. jonathan. turley, we'll keep yon on the speed dial until noon tomorrow. thank you fotor the breakdowmorr before we go.t it. hav we appreciate it. o when we have more on the dogs stunning overreach later inshow the show. and of course, if thatnd affidavit comes out redacted or not redacted, we'll bring it to you. r on now let's turn to joe biden's war on the working class today. he traveled all the way to suburban maryland to yell into three microphones about how much he hates trump supporter specifically ats a fundraiser earlier today, he referred to trump voters, his supporters as supporters of fascism. that's a direct quote. supporters of semih fascism. if you support donald trump. more on that. hopefully we get the video. but yesterday at the white house, the president announced a big new schemeallowed to tranr student loan debt. so this debt is accrued by dr. lawyers and sociology majors with liberal arts degrees with two graduate degrees inbt i gender studies. and that debt is transferred to blue collar americans tonight. the wall street journal is calling this plan, quote, an abuse of power that favorsgr college grads at the expense of hardworking plumbers and fedex drivers. even the editorial board at "the washington post" is blasting it as regressive and an expensiveasting i mistakn this was not one line in anpuffp otherwise puff piece forie biden .l fo the entire editorial from "the washington post" tore inton this debt transfer scheme.sf at least half a dozen democrats in congress are also coming out against the proposal. of course, but administration is refusing to say how muchschee the scheme will cost and just who will pay the bill. >> watch this. >> can but can you explainre thi a little bit about how you guyso think it is fiscally responsible? becausssible you can't sae you can't say howy it's going to cost. going you can't say exactly how it's going to be paid for and youpayf can't say exactly who is paying for the cost. i get how you're arguing that ho helps certain populations, but how is it fiscallywas responsible? i mean, the way thatit flly resy that we are talking about itnd n and what we're trying to say w is we the the actions that we have taken and you see this with the way that the deficit has been reduced, we have taken just the last 19 months and i see that look that you're giving me. but i do take previous fiscally responsible measures that maybe won't give you more wiggle room, to be given. no, no, no, no, no, no.i mean, e we're we i mean, we see this we do not see this as irresponsible. we see thi sees as a fiscally responsible, balanced approach to doing thidoins. i see that look you're giving me as you don't give me an answer. joining us now, house minority whip steve scalise and founder of the committee to unleasr of h prosperity, steve moore, whose w newsletter is called the hotline. steve is a money guy. start le wt me start with you.aven't r they haven't released who's going to pay for it? who'going to fors going to acce? how many will access it?what d how it's going to be paid for? what do we know about the cost$l of this effort? three hundred billion. but it seems lik floatinge a floating number. well, i've got to tell you, i wrote a piece for fox on this yesterday about how unfair it is andis how fiscally irresponsible it is . i never seen people so angryab about something. you know, biden, i think proposedsoing.den prop this beci thought it would be popular with some voters. but but i think he's laid an egg here and politically. now, the big problem with this with this bill is they don't know how much it's going to cost. they estimate about three hundred billion dollars, by the way, steve scalise knows just two weeks ago they passedsw a bill saying, oh, we're going to reduce the deficit. and now they they pass a bill that is that is going to add another 300 billion. add it all up, pete. and if you look in the 18biden months thahat joe biden has been in office now four trillion, spn four trillion dollars of spending debt and money printing, then they wonder where did the inflation come from? >> the and they had the gall to tell us they're doing it to reduce inflation and reduce the deficit and the debt in the future as if the numbers add up. representative, is this the neww reality that it executiveugh th with the stroke of a penrative through the administrative state can effectively wielate c the power of the purse? i always thoughtit that was meat for the legislative branch. what can republicans or a newhi majority do to rein this in? yeah, and it's not the newun reality. . it's a parallel universe and many are questioning, including myself, whether that's even legal to do. joe biden himself was speculating that it might be illegal for about a year ago when ht a yeare was talking abo. this, yet he did it anyway. they all know it's going to add to the deficit and the debt. i'm seeing numbers that maybi'me r five hundred billion dollars in deficit spending in addition to what they did last week. $7ain, a seven hundred and thirty billion dollar ta30x increase, plus eighty seven thousand irs agents to go after middle class people. all of p thieopls is , by the wa going to increase inflation, inflatioinflation is driven by l the mad trillions in spending you've already seen and another over a trillion dollars in new deficit spending just int wh a weekat t. l to and look at what that's going to do and all to do what to shift income. about 85% of americans don't 85o have any student loan debt and they're going to be paying for about 15% of americans who do. is that a wealth transfer? and for what? because they didn't get a goodth education, they should go ask for a rebate from the college,ho not from the hardworkingca taxpayers of america. >> steve moore, talk to meer about that wealth transfer because there's a huge chunk of americans who are about to pay for a smaller chunk of americans fodebt thar a debt th they accrued. where's that money going? from whom to whonem? yeah, great point. workers and you know, we have half of the workers in america don'tgree have a college degree. and so wait, this bill this bill essentially would do is take three hundred billion dollars to people who have college degrees from people who don't have collegeha degreeves. and how in the world is thataidp fair? you know, when i said that people are angry about this. what really makes people angrys. is that we but this isn't about what america is about. you play by the rules and you get rewarded. if you're if you're not paying your debts, you're a deadbeat. youri mean, that's what that's the term i'm going to you're going to say that if you're not doing you sign the, you' you said you were going to pay the money back and you're not going tor poin. t >> one other point i want to i make that i think is really important. pete, i think this is the deathn of the student loan program ifey they do this because do think about this, pete. who in the world ever is goingtn to repay a student loan? i mean, that the program, steve scalise is dead if they do this because the incentives are never to pay your loan and waity till they give you an amnesty, you don't have to pay the moneye back .nte, >> representative, you can respond to that. is it the death of student respon loans? in the but also you're in the business of policy and politics. democrats probablyand politics.l would be wildly popular. young voters inclined to. vote for them. n yet the backlash has been massive. yeah, it's horrible. policy and horrible politics. only joe biden could do the l a double whammy there whereef j you're seeing the left even go after this justust as as thee moor right's going after it. you know, stephen moore talkedea about some great points there, too. but when you think about why t there's a student loan program, it's to helpo people go too co college graduate. look, i went to lsu.grad whpaid in part with student loans and i paid every dime back . what about the millions of people who do pay their loans back ? what are you telling them? and don't forget, they took over. they meaning the federal government took over the student program under obamay to pay for obamacare and then you saw a mushrooming, by the way, in student loan debt because the federal government waouragings encouraging more stf loan debt because they needed to pay for this massivore growth of a new program called obamacare. where's that going to be ? that means they're just blowing a 500 billion dollar hole now in obamacare to and for what?e t again, to take money from one group of people and give itn to another. this is insanity.t it's not cha i think you're going tllo see challenges to it. t ho but the fact that biden is willing to do it tells youthy a lot about how misguidedion they are on inflation, de on deficit and what's drivinfig all of these massive problems. know another point. uick. i mean, go ahead real quick. just quick.hy are why aren't we holding the universities responsible for some of this debt? you know of the debt, they have seven hundred billion dollars of endowments, seven hundred whd billion dollars. and why aren't they using thatoy money to lower tuition for families? and if if a school has a somebody went to the school and they don't pay the debt,bac the debt back , i think that the school should be responsible for that money, not the taxpayer. >>xpayer like that.ccount >> that'abs right. actual accountability for the people who did the student . that makes it makes a lot. elivr since the steeves deliveringin on a thursday night, steve moore, congressman steve scalise, thank you so much. it is if you paid your loans, you're a sucker. the rest of you well will pay for yours. all i make no mistake, this loan forgiveness scheme is a regressive tax on the middle class, but it might not evenega. be legal. the administration get the rationale for this. thetadministration is attempting to bypass congress by citing a post 9/11 thw from two thousand three called the heroes act. that law was passed to easeo the burden of loan payments for troops that were deployed in defense of our country. >> joining us now with more is the senior adviser for adv concerned veterans for america and marine vet dan caldwell.n ce dan , poison from the beginning. so the rationale forutiv the executive to cancel thise debtto c was that it's a colvert emergency, just like troopsfrom deployed in two thousand ofree from the heroes act. that's correct. the as you pointed out, t the intent of this law was to r help reservists and national guardsmen like yourseltional gfa to walk away from to de their civilian jobs to deploy ma support on supporf the wars q and afghanistan. many o of more taking pay cuts r do this.y received some and so it was only fair that they received some student loane debt however, there a reference in the law to nationalministra emergencies and the administration is claiming thato while covid is it is a nationalv emergency and therefore we havet the power to do thathe.nth an but here's the thing, pete. just about a month and a half, ago has justification to basically undo two immigration policies that president trump. put in place. the biden admi the bush administration said, hall, there's not a covertaid emergency anymore, so we don't need to have the title. >> forty two in place for remain in mexico policy. not b i guess we really shouldn't be surprised by this at all.befo i mean, we've seen covid be in emergency for one week and not enacted to serve political ends. but this is yet again anothern t example of covid being weaponizes by the government to expand their power. i see. i got it p sowero covid is an emergency when it pertains too student debt that's already been paused for over two years. but it's not an emergency when it comes to the southern border. kind of feels like a little bit of politics in medicine. but i also love how you point out that this is an expansion, the administrative state post 9/11. there's a lot of things like this that havens like t been us by republicans and democrats, an, tolthis case, leptis expand the prerogatives of the federal government. . sain that so we've seen a weaponization of laws system and institutionss created after 9/11 as part o fobal w the global war on terrorar to. serve political ends. think about the use of surveillance state duringllusio the russia collusion hoax, the proposed creation n ofty t the department of homeland security disinformation board, a basically chaired and run by a political activist or the use ofrun by aical the 2001e authorization for use of military force to justify military conflicts far afield from afghanistan. the bidefieln administrations ue of the heroes act is part of that dynamic and it's really unfortunate that these laws passed after 9/1e la1 have been used to greatly expandecutiv executive power and congress really needs to rein them ino so and i really hope they have the courage to do so.. >> be careful what you do in times of emergency because peopr on it will be used for other means, especially by people whose job it is tobrig grow government. ann . thanks for bringing this ughtinp and for fighting for it. we appreciate it. thank you. and by the way, many of us received gi bill loans, so we did get paid back for them,oe but we won't never get shot at. it's a whole nother thing. maybe they should think about that. >> yesterday, during a truly bizarre speech, biden claimed that his student loan planbecaus is so important because according to joe , african-americans and hispanic americans don't own homes. y ofy >> watch.ave scho many of you had to leave school because of financial strain wasu much too high . about a third of the borrowers have debt, but no degreeebt and worst of both worlds, debt and no degree. the burden is especially heavy on black and hispanic borrowers who on average have less family wealth to pay for it. there's noc they don't own their homes to borrow against>> to be able to pay for college. t >> o k this is the same joe whos biden who said poor kidsai are just as bright and just as talented as white kids said n that in 2019, implying that only minority children are poor. and don't forgetn , according to joe the big guy, you ain't if yu black if you don't vote for, th him. here nowe with reaction, the host of the larry elder show with the epic times, larry elder, larry, in response tomis yet another admission, you might say, of joe biden, ofty how he feels of minority voters ,wapiti also, don't forget, said that entrepreneurs who area black are just as good wit as anybody else. they just don't have access to lawyers and to accountants. look, ifen w bidenas was so cond about the burden of student loans on black people and brown people, people of color hepl would have targeted for peopleya who can't pay back theck t loans because they are in financiald distress.out as has been pointed out,so the bulk of the beneficiaries fot loanstuden forgiveness will be upper class people , many of whom went toced expensive colleges, got advanced degrees like masters li like phds. that, as charlie cook points i out in his current book, aredone working at jobs that don't require advanced degrees. some of them don't even requir'. college degrees. i call this reparations for it e rich whitepa people. that's really what this is . tho and again, you start with the proposition that nobody put a gun to anybody's headd take and said take out these it's a very simple proposition. you took out the loans idea because you assumed that they were going to give you a career that would be money hav making. eir lo so these people who are havingno their loans forgiven are in the best position to pay them off than any other americans. and most americans havns have et gone to college and thoseof the who have most of them have paimt back their debtshe. aside from that, i got no problem with it. aside from that, not to mention they had two and a half years where payment has been porres. so if any financial any f responsibilityin exists, there's plenty in the coffers to tos to address what what loans ares outstanding. but is this part of a political transformation? larry,political as the republicy has become more diverse, a work more of a working class party and the democrat party is starting to reflect even more the college educated white liberal priorities. >> it certainly is .e the and these are the people thatth are going to be largely the beneficiaries of this. as i said before, this is all about buying their vote. t whenever there's a government scheme, ask yourself three questions. who's goin, ask yourseg to pay? how much is it going to cost and will it achieve its desired objective? the desired objective is to win votes. but as has been pointed out by one of your other guests, it's backfiring. two thirds of americans believe either there ought not debt forgiveness or the debt forgiveness should be targeted fo people who are trul y in will need. this does not do that.aces so i think it's going to blow up in their faces and it'she dec going to add to the debt, add to the deficit and cause inflation, all of whichch the the inflation deduction act with both du iction ace to not this is just a complete and total outrage every time you think the free lunch crowdie can't think the lunch is even free , they somehow believe that even freer you know,ng the obama administration didn't see what would bring about the tea party movement. part i don't see this being thatbut t trigger, but it's such's a blatant lack of fairness that maybe this is a moment when even more people wake up givesee what the administratiotn state, what leftists will do to your lives given the chance to buy other people's votespeople's with your money. thank y larry elder, thank you souo mucn for your time and breaking it.. we >> absolutely.e it we appreciate it. comiright. coming up, our twong out tiered dispem of justice once again on full display as the widespreadas bias in the doj, well, it continues to be exposed. gregory alan dershowitz join us with the latest coming up next. here you won't face me. unlike zyrtec, allegra won't make me drowsy. >> allegra starts working two times faster than claritin. so take allegra before allergy symptoms take over you. a new allegra hive's works from the inside to relieve itching and reduce hives for twenty four hours. breakbeats deserved great beat. help get them with you. tenzer, the only topical prescription treatment indicated to help reduce diabetic nerve pain of the ft. great feats the everyday ordinary things that seem extraordinary when your feet feel better to tenzer is different. one thirty minute application can provide up to three months of 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, Place , Immigration Policies , Justification , Biden Admi , Half , Bush , Hall , Covertaid , Shouldn T , Ends , Title , All Befo , Forty Two , Example , Sowero Covid , Student Debt , Covid Being Weaponizes , Kind , Border , Things , Havens , Expansion , Feels , Bit , Medicine , Tolthis Case , Leptis , Government , Use , Laws System , Weaponization , Prerogatives , Surveillance , Part O Fobal W The Global War On Terrorar To , Institutionss , Serve Political Ends , Desain , Activist , Authorization , Proposed Creation N Ofty T The Department Of Homeland Security Disinformation Board , Russia Collusion Hoax , Kofrun , Faical , 2001 , Administrations Ue Of The Heroes Act , Conflicts , Laws , Bidefieln , Military Force , Dynamic , La1 , 9 1 , Job , Peopr , Courage , Executive Power , Means , Gi Bill Loans , Fighting , Ughtinp , Toe , Ann , Joe The Big Guy , Planbecaus , African Americans , Watch Ave Scho , Hispanic Americans Don T Own Homes , Speech , Y Ofy , Family Wealth , Borrowers , Worlds , Worst , Third , Hispanic , No Degreeebt , Kids , Noc , Homes , Kidsai , Tok , 2019 , Children , Reaction , Larry Elder , Minority , Ain T , Epic Times , You Don T Vote For , Host , Don T Forgetn , Yu Black , With Him , Response Tomis , Entrepreneurs , Admission , Area , Wit , Anybody Else , Softy , Wapiti , Peopleya , Beneficiaries , Ifen W Bidenas , Out , Accountants , Color , Thepl , Bulk , Financiald Distress Out , Aredone Working At Jobs , Degrees , Colleges , Book , Fot Loanstuden Forgiveness , Requir , Phds , Anybody , Proposition , It E , College Degrees , Preparations , Gun , Nobody , Headd Take , Career , Loans Idea , Money Hav Making , Havns , Thoseof , Most , Debtshe , Payment , Responsibilityin , Porres , Paimt , Work , Transformation , Working Class Party , Coffers , Hares , Photos , Republicy , Priorities , Objective , Debt Forgiveness , Votes , Government Scheme , Yourseg , Backfiring , Guests , Goin , Faces , Add , Races , Inflation Deduction Act , Race , Dec , Whichch , Trul Y In , Fo , Du Iction , Didn T , Lunch , Outrage , Lunch Crowdie , Obama , Black , Votespeople , Leftists , Fairness , Givesee , Administratiotn , Chance , Thank Y , Thatbut T Trigger , Tea Party Movement , Souo Mucn , Justice , Coming Up , Professor Dershowitz , Display , We Absolutely E , Bias , Gregory , Widespreadas , Doj , Twong Out Tiered Dispem , Comiright , Latest , Claritin , Allegra Won T Make Me Drowsy , Zyrtec , Itching , Works , Tenzer , Allergy , Prescription Treatment , Hives , Inside , Symptoms , Beat , Breakbeats , Allegra Hive , Twenty Four , Spain , Relief , Application , Feet , Nerve Pain , Diabetic , Feats , Ft , Thirty , Eyes , Skin , Contents , Sensation , Pain Medications , Teutons , Health Care Provider , Irritation , Removal , Mucous Membranes , Patients , Castanza , Respiratory Tract , Side Effects , Doctor , Work Utensils , Redness , Ycalcu , Home , Network , Real Estate Agents , Feat , Wfts , Agent , Process , Commission , Ideal Agent , Commissions , Icing , Cake , Twelve Thousand , Twelve Thousand Dollars , Service , Payments , Hiring Ideal Agent , Mortgage , Six , Family , Results , Friends , Discount Brokerage , Target , Fear , Hottest , Loudest , Toovey , Breaking News Alerts , The Fox News , App , Opinion , Yoe Va Visit Tuesday ,

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