what that could mean for the field, especially hillary clinton. mornings are better with friends. ♪ oh, good morning. it is 6:01 on the east coast. we're glad to see you. ed henry, ainsley earhardt. it's a killer's row of lineup. great to see you. >> great to see you. thanks for watching this morning. it is hot out there, august 2nd. we are approaching the hottest month of the year for most of us. we have cool tech gadgets to keep you cool as it heats up. >> pretty cool. >> first, we've got headlines for you. a man hunt now in memphis after an officer is shot dead during a traffic stop. police say 33-year-old officer and veteran was shot several times and rushed to a local hospital where he later died. the suspect on the run with the department scrambling all available resources to track him down. memphis police director tony armstrong emphasizing the danger that comes with that job. >> we've been here before, sadly to say. we've been here before. this is a reminder of how dangerous this job is. we're talking a routine traffic stop that results in an officer losing his life. >> he joined the police department in 2010 and served in the marine corp. new overnight, more debris reportedly washing shore on the reunion island. this comes four days after the boeing 777 section of of a wing. now a beach cleaner claims he found a plane seat back in may but thought it was a bus seat and burned it in a trash pile. he also said he found luggage but burn had the as well. president obama calling it the biggest step to fight climate change. tomorrow he's going to reveal tough rules for power plants. he says they're the largest source of carbon pollution in the country. the goal here is to cut 32% of emissions by the year 2030. states will be rewarded for investing in renewable energy. it's a moment one boy will never forget. 78-year-old anthony amore throwing out the first pitch in illinois. he doesn't know the catcher is his dad, came home two weeks early from deployment to surprise his son. the two shared a huge hug and few tears on the field. those are your headlines. speaking of happen i reunions, our friend rick is back. i feel so much better the day after anna's wedding. >> he's recovered. >> i recovered nicely just in time for a nice day across a lot of the country. it's warm, it's august. it is early august. we're bound to get that. rain across parts of florida, especially northern florida. around the big bend, could see a another three inches. south florida, you're a little under your averages even though we're talking about this in florida. later on today, midday and throughout the afternoon and evening, we're going to see severe weather in wisconsin and michigan. could be looking at tornados today. watch out for. that we'll see hail and strong winds with some of these storms. out across the west, we have monsoonal activity going around the course four corners. another hot day in the pacific west. 98 little rock. august 2nd, summer, still hot. >> we'll be prepared. >> thanks rick. >> you bet. four days from the first presidential debate of the 2016 season airs here on fox. candidates are you shalling to get their messages heard ahead of time. >> this is vice president joe biden taking a look at his own personal bid. >> elizabeth is in washington with the details. >> good morning. not only ahead of the debate thursday, all 17 will have the opportunity to have their voices heard this week. they're working so hard for headlines. let's start with lindsey graham who's telling voters he wouldn't run if he didn't think he could win. john mccain is out campaigning for him as well. carly fiorina making her pitch at the summer conference taking digs at hillary clinton and also the bush family insinuating jeb bush would be a repeat of his father and brother's administration, a point he's distinctively countered. scott walker at the sum is mitt taking a different approach saying he wouldn't be hitting other candidates as hard. >> you're not going to hear me, whether bushes or anybody else, belittle others up here. i think america is tired of people telling who they're against. you're going to hear me talk about what i'm forward going forward. >> switching gear to democratic side. will we see a threat to hillary clinton? reports say biden is taking a run challenging former secretary of state hillary clinton. the report in "the new york times" say those close to him expect a decision by september. >> thanks a lot elisabeth. >> talking about this in the commercial break. joe biden doesn't seem plausible to me. thursday fox was first to report joe biden's chief of staff was spotted having breakfast with a democratic fund-raiser. i reported it because we heard the clinton team got wind and said wait a second is, what's going on? they thought he already decided not to run. i think the column this morning you sha pushing it forward. joe biden's son said dad, i want you to run. i don't think the clintons should get it. you've got a challenger. you can't imagine what that means to a father in terms of impact. >> i think the democratic party would be insane not to have their ducks in a row and have other candidates. we're going to talk about that later in the show. first, he took on a terrorist and now he might be charged. here's the report the navy is not ruling out charges for commander timothy white who fired on tennessee terrorist during that chattanooga attack. they're saying this lieutenant commander timothy white used his personal weapon to depend -- it happened at a military insulation, gun-free zone. he had a personal weapon and pulled out and fired at gunman that killed four marines and one sailor many chattanooga. >> this is one of the stories that appears on the internet. there was a lag after the shooting that we learned someone returned fire against the terrorist. it's such an unbelievable story, we con if i recalled it. we called the pentagon and said, can this be true? are there charges considered against this military officer, father of seven, that did the right thing? this is what we got. quote, still look atten tos of data, so can't completely rule anything out" so in other words, yes. we are filing charges against this guy that fired in self-defense. >> we haven't seen the investigation don't know other details. we don't know if he's accused of anything else. even if he was -- if there's some circumstance -- we don't know about the gun or he had been told not to bring it. who knows. bottom line, terrorist came in, killed service members. he tos others from being killed. see the five faces there of families who had their lives completely transformed by terror -- >> now there's a pepetition to white house calling on the white house to recognize this man as a hero. >> lieutenant white might have been the guy that killed the suspect that prevented him from going on killing other individuals. my question is, why are they looking at him? why not change the rules and allow individuals -- >> they said at the podium they're considering changing rules. >> i don't think they should charge this guy. he's a hero in my opinion, may have stopped other deaths. >> he has six kids and one more on the way. his wife says she stands behind him 100%. >> don't charge him. this is a story from texas. it was a buy-back program, sting operation, under taken by atf, obama administration, where thousands of weapons were sold to people that shoebt have them including mexican drug gangs. america was aware of this, allowed it, then lost track of guns. turns out yet another one of -- >> there's a link to "fast and furious" gun. the government is still trying to track it exactly down. one of the shooters in the garland, texas incident from a few weeks back, one of his guns we believe now there's a link to fast and furious. >> he goes to lone wolf, the name of this gun shop ironically, and purchases a nine mill heatimete millimeter. he goes to texas and pulls out a gun and fires. they're saying one of the three pistols could have been the one he bought at the gun shop. it's part of the fast and furious set they knew were sold. >> # this is getting on tell vision and saying to me and law bie biding americans, you shouldn't have weapons. this gun may have been purchased under their program. it boggles the mind. >> could have been another massacre except for that traffic cop that jumped in. >> that's right. the message to them, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun. you, law biding american, shouldn't have a gun. >> focus is on the wrong individual. >> always. gop debate days away this thursday on fox. will we see a pivotal moment like this one? >> i am paying for this microphone. >> up next, an inside look at what it takes to prepare for a debate, especially one everyone will be watching. a puppy goes from this to this. it's all thanks to two hero officers. the heart-warming story will have you smiling all sunday. ♪ those hot dogs look good. oh yeah, hebrew national. their all-beef like yours but they're also kosher. so, not just any beef goes into it. oh, honey! oh! here, have some of ours. oh! hebrew national. a hot dog you can trust. when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side mark your calendar. count down is on. four days from the first 2016 republican presidential debate airs li s live here on fox thur. with ten sharing the stage, how should they be preparing? >> she's participated in debate prep for senate candidates. she's going to tell us what these guys are doing four days before the debate. >> hi ainsley. good morning. these debates are huge. these have spent $8 million just to be in the debate. the important thing to remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. they want to be on the stage a few months from now. i'm going through couple of pointers candidates are focused on. preparation makes everything. these guys have been practicing about a month if not weeks. they've been going through policy books, policy briefings, prepping for potential candidates and been talking about fine-tuning talking points and making sure messages are right. a lot of guys have been doing practice mock debaits similar to where we are now. they're going to have different candidates, people playing the candidates, going through various conversations they think might happen. that's the first and foremost preparation. >> they've got to if he cuss on trump and how to respond. the expectation is he's going to whip around and go after one or all of these guys on stage. how do they respond to that? >> donald trump is a little bit of a loose candidate. that's something these candidates prepared for. he's been practicing with the zrump stand-i-- the donald trum stand-in. >> is that why so trump can go after them, and they'll ignore him? >> it depends what place you're in. part of it is doing no harm, don't overreact. harm goes in effect when talking about the top six candidates. if you're someone like jeb bush or scott walker and leading the polls, you don't want to generate big head lines on this. you want to get out unskath acu. maybe your objective is to generate headlines, clash with donald trump and go after him to get attention? >> should they do that? they have ten minutes each to speak. the more time they go after another candidate, the less time they have talking about themselves? >> you're exactly right. they're not going to have a lot of bites at apple, not have a lot of time to drive their message. they have to be clear and precise, have talking points squared away, if they're wanting to pivot and talk about something es. it's important to come in prepared a prepared and drive the message they want to. >> when you talk to candidates, you say stick to your talking points. if you want to get this message in, divert the question and get that talking point in. >> texactly. talking ten candidates two hours with commercial breaks. it's important to remain short and precise and think about sound bites. what do you want the take away to be from the debate? what do you want voters at home to think about you after the debate? the other important thing to remember, you're always on camera. you don't want a hot mic moment when you're saying something out of frustration with donald trump. if he tells rick perry he looks stupid with the glasses which is something he said so far. >> that's why we want bide n in the race. he's been known to say things on the hot mic. >> he's been known to. you don't want to do happen it makes you look floppy and unpresidential. there's a lot of key elements. >> thank you. >> great job. machines that help hospital patients get the medicine they need could be hacked. what you need to know and where this is happening, next. and it's a good book like you've never seen before. the symbol of god and country wrapped in stars and stripes. meet the creator behind this patriotic bible. how pretty is that? we've got that segment coming up next. ♪ with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready, start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. welcome back. we've got quick headlines. we begin with a fox news alert. a scare at minneapolis airport after a backpack tests positive for explosives. bomb squad rushed to the united airlines ticket counter. no actual explosives were found. all reopened two hours later. outbreak in new york city grows. a fourth person has died. there's been 65 summer, 55 hospitalized. unfortunately more are expected. it's divided like you've nev -- it's a bible like you've never seen before. >> it's called the god's glory bible. the next guest is one of its creators. good morning. >> good morning. how are y'all? >> we're fantastic. glad you're joining us. >> thank you for having me. this is amazing opportunity. it's quite overwhelming to be here talking to y'all in your studio this morning. i really appreciate it. it has been long in the make many years. the dream to have a bible like this has been quite a journey. it started back during the presidential election of 2008, and it was myself and a good friend of mine having dinner. at that point, of course everything is so patriotic, flags everywhere. so we just were sitting around trying to figure out what could we do to contribute to our country. we were so inspired by the patriotism that surrounded us. we came up with this amazing bible to honor god and country and also to ask people to contribute back to their country in a way of giving back to charities or giving their time, money, or both. >> it's a wonderful idea. many people watching this morning love the bible and our country. it's great to combine both of those. what's the reaction been since you created this bible last year? you published last year, correct? 2014. >> that is correct, yes. >> what's the reaction? >> it's been incredible. we get to hear so many great stories of what people have done as far as giving the bible to people in their life that means so much. heroes, military, teachers, first responders. then just people that he love that they want to share god's word with. of course being patriotic and being an american, what more could you have wrap into one? >> we're showing pictures of the cover. i was struck as well you've got 13 stars, 12 white representing the disciples, and 13th is gold. >> that represents jesus. or 13 represents all 13 colonies. >> that's fascinating. my dad is coming up. he loves our country and the bible. where can we get it? >> on our website, amazon or ebay. >> good deal. >> god bless you and your endeavors. proud of you. >> thank you so much. > >> have a good day. coming up, an angry dad's rage is caught on camera. >> well he claims he was just defending his daughter from those bullies. should he face charges? a fair and balanced debate coming up. it's a party and a cooler. that's not all. we have summer gadgets to help you beat the summer heat. ♪ i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is, floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. visit floodsmart.gov/flood to learn more. pwhat've we got? 5. bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ♪ that's your shot of the morning. jimmy fallon having fun, fun, fun with kevin bacon. looks about 20. >> the sketch depicts early draft of the popular song. this time it's the beach boys "fun, fun, fun." which apparently included eating a will lot of hamburgers. >> how old is kevin bacon? >> he looks the same, not a wrinkle. >> not in a bad way. kevin bacon has been around -- i'm 46. he was around when i was a kid. >> every movie we loved in the 80s, he was in it. he still looks the same. >> clearly he's made a bargain with dark forces. >> in a minute, the best technology to help you beat the heat. >> that's coming up in a few minutes. look at that cooler. that's going to be great for football season and tailgating. here's what's happening in the news. tmz is reporting bobbie brown's wife suffered a seizure and is in the hospital certainly after tensions boiled over at bobbi kristina's funeral. her aunt was thrown out over tensions with the sister-in-law. >> it's not over. i have evidence, knowledge. >> the families are fighting over brown's $20 million inheritance. the 22-year-old died after being on life support nearly six months. wildfires are raging throughout the state of california. 23 fires burning now. 9,000 fives are battling the flames statewide. one captain from south dakota was killed after being trapped by flames in northern california. he died on thursday. wasn't even from california, was there to help. two dozen homes turned to ash. 6,000 are at risk. hospitals warn to be ware of hackers. fda tells medical centers to stop using infusion systems. there's a picture of it if you recognize this. it delivers medication directly to the patient's bloodstream. there's concerns someone could access them remotely and change the dosage the patient is receiving. that's scary. there's not been reports of this actually happening yet. the system is discontinued for reasons separate from the cyber risk. giving him a good home. a chihuahua rescued from a sweltering home is adopted by one of the missouri police officers that saved the dog. the two officers responded to the call at the strip mall shattering the window after this 6-month-old dog was left in the car two hours while owners were inside shopping. now he has a new home with the officer and his daughters. >> we thought we could give him a good home and life. >> make sure he lives the rest of his life because of what he went through. >> we're going to speak to hero officers. cutest dog. adorable. those are your headlines. whit is in the weather center feet from here. >> it's been hot so much of the country this week. heat continues next few days. look at the maps. we have severe weather going along with that. this time of year severe weather generally moves to the north. that's what we'll see today. michigan, chicago area detroit could be looking at severe weather including a tornado or two. tomorrow it moves off towards the east. part of that is happening because of heat building up across parts of the pacific west. we have one more day of heat advisories. temperatures drop tomorrow. that's good news. see the red on the map? that's the heat. tomorrow, it should cool down. we continue to heat up. little rock 100, dallas 102. >> we've got a lot of hints. our cyber guy is back. >> good morning. it's crazy the technology. no, really, because you see a lot of this and go yeah right, whatever. this is coming out and it's wild. this will save you money on the go. look at this smart phone app on my hand. this is a new way to control portable window air conditioning systems in your house. be anywhere in the world. say i'm on my way home or set a schedule. then air goes on so you're not leaving it on all the time. it can learn patterns of what's going on in your life. that's $199. these are hitting the markets. there are a couple competitors. we really, really just love it. because of cost savings and money. it totally makes sense. >> will it cool an entire apartment or just one room? >> you're not buying the air conditioner. you're buying the control on your smart phone to control the air conditioner. >> there's a usb port -- >> not just a usb port. this has everything in it. this guy went on kick start about a year ago and put up this idea what if i make a cooler with a blender built in, stereo speaker built in? $12 million worth of people bought in. 60,000 signed up for it. it all works. we're amongst the first to see this crazy device coming out. there's speakers built in. you can take them out. check this out. it's so cool. this just comes together. your speakers are in there. pull them out. built in can opener inside of it. they thought of everything. i first thought who wants all this stuff? built in plates, built-in knife. it's battery operated. we've got a battery inside built in. it powers the blender and charges your phone with the usb port. about eight hours worth of juice. it's got monster truck tires on it. it was built exactly to what people were saying they wanted out of a cooler. >> does it keep your beer cold? >> bottom line. check this out. here it is. >> check this out. all right. $10 for this. the cooler $485 and good luck getting it. they're sold out all over the place. this is technology micro fiber cooling towels called chillits. get whatever color you want. this is what it's designed to do. it's to be cold and wic the sweat you have your body. you'll say how is it possible to put an air conditioner inside of this thing? feel the metal part. the design of this. >> oh gosh. this is freezing. >> it's portable electronic ice cube without a mess. the theory is if you touch your neck, it will cool down your body or give you the sense of it. >> it's almost too cold. >> see how wild that is. >> feel it. >> all right. >> that's ridiculous. wow. >> more when you go to cyberguy.com also our website, foxandfriends.com. >> those are great for football games. it gets so hot. >> it's great for here. everywhere is hot. ready for a drink? >> thank you the. all right. coming up next, an angry father running down teens with his suv. watch this. he says he was defending his daughter from attackers. should he face criminal charges? a fair and balanced debate on that coming up. and tom cruise taking the "mission impossible" franchise to new heights. we'll have the latest flick worth your time and money. kevin mccarthy is here with the exclusive sit-down coming up. ♪ in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. so when coverage really counts, you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. tell your doctor right away and stop taking januvia if you have an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throa or causes rash or hives. kidney problems sometimes requiring dialysis have been reported. using januvia and a sulfonylurea or insulin together may cause low blood sugar. to reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. your doctor may perform blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. if you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache. for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia today. cancer 2 years ago. it was a priority for mike that he continue to be there for his family throughout his treatment continuing to live the life he loves. that's why he chose cancer treatment centers of america. there he found a comprehensive array of therapeutic options all under the same roof designed to fight his cancer, boost his energy and help him maintain his strength during treatment. mike and his clinical team developed a plan just for him. this is integrative cancer care. this is how mike fincham fights cancer. cancer treatment centers of america. for more information go to cancercenter.com appointments available now. caught on camera. dramatic moment a father allegedly tried to run over a group of teens with his suv. watch this. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> a lot of bleeps. the man says he was defending his daughter. she got this a fight outside an elementary school. he called the police and drove into the crowd. he's facing aggravated assault. he's in jail on $150,000 bail. should he be? here to debate that, mr. roth and doug burns. richard, as father of three daughters, i have sympathy for this guy. he called police. the fight was in progress. he didn't hurt someone. >> i think he gets in the car, drives on the grass over high school kids. why not take a gun and shoot in the air to defend your daughter? you don't take law in your own hands. >> that's a great analogy. both are ways to stop the violent without hurting anyone. >> you're missing the critical fact. hypothetically, legally, if his daughter was attacked with deadly force, then he can run them over with the car. seriously. >> the force used has to be commensurate with the force used on the third party. if i'm defending myself and you pull out a toy gun, and i think it's real, i can kill you. defending a third person, you have to be right. >> a guy gets in a car and accelerates toward kids. he was mad. there's a point and time you don't take law into your own hands. >> he called the police. >> of course you do. police weren't there. he believed his daughter was in imminent danger. he gets in the car and chases kids around the lawn and protects his daughter. that's not justified? would you do that? >> he didn't see his daughter there. pull up, get out of the car and find out where your daughter is. you don't start running over other kids. if god forbid as one of the kids slips and he runs them over. the point is, you call the police go to your daughter with a helicopter on someone's lawn or a car. its is crazy. >> it is kind of a hot head. >> you think? >> he's the one that called the police. that tells you something. if he thought he was doing something wrong. >> once you call the police, does that mean you can no longer act on your child's behalf? >> no. if lawen enforcement doesn't show up, you can continue to act. >> $150,000 bail in. >> that's crazy. >> rapist don't get $150,000 bail. he's stuck in jail. >> last time i checked you don't take law into your own hands. >> there's a lot of bad people running around. is this this guy deserving of $150,000? >> the answer is this guy needs to be made an example. >> we have 2.2 million people in prison up from 1970. you don't need to make a federal case out of everything. >> i agree with that. let's say this, if something happens to one of your kids, get to the scene, call police. don't get many the car, put your foot on the accelerator and possibly hurt of people. >> thanks. he took on terrorist that murdered five servicemen in chattanooga. now the navy won't rule out charging him for firing his own gun on the shooter. the major says he's not surprised that's happening now. he joins us next to explain why. and kevin mccarthy said this is the best one yet. he sat down with tom hanks to talk about it chl -- with tom t about it. we'll have that next. well, tom cruise is no stranger to doing his own stunts. but in the newest "mission impossible," he takes it to a entirely new level. >> open the door? >> yeah, i'm trying. oh my god! >> so is this the best "mission impossible" ever? it looks that way. fox news contributor kevin mccarthy is here with his take. >> by the way, that is actually tom cruise on the side of that plane. they went 3,000 feet in the air. he was held on by a harness. they did it eight times. i spoke to tom cruise about how they did this insane, crazy stunt in the new movie. check this out. >> i have some of my original mission impossible stuff. >> are you for real? >> i was in virginia. >> come on, man. >> i'm a big nerd about film making. i get nerd tears in my eyes. how did you shoot that plane scene? >> they said we could do it. we had to go through and get the engineering plans just to put the camera on the side of the airplane. it had to be able to sustain certain g forces so the camera wouldn't kill me. and also opening a particularly window that we needed. i would get hand signals to come through. because we were very concerned about going through particles, bird strikes at that speed, it would have killed me. >> you had contacts in, right? >> yeah, very thick contacts. also we had the exhaust fumes from the engine coming off of that. when i came off, people had to kind of hold me because my circulation in my legs wasn't quite there. there was a moment going down -- >> thank you for practical effects. >> that is not even the craziest stunt in the movie. that number is like number five on the list. he actually did all the motorcycle stunts, most of the motorcycle stunts himself. it's insane that a 53-year-old actor is doing effects in an action movie. that is the way movies should be made. having an actor actually do do that -- and this is the best mission impossible for that reason. you want to see real visceral action. >> so it makes a difference, you think? >> a hundred percent. you actually see a human being on the side of an airplane and you know what you're watching is real. >> one of the guys that trained him, we interviewed him. he said tom cruise is the first to always show up, the last to leave. by far, the best actor he's ever worked with. >> i would say the same thing. but this movie by the way, you have to see it just for the action scenes alone. came out friday. simon peg has an amazing action star. definitely check it out for her as well. this weekend, it opened up against a movie called "vacation." "mission impossible" is funnier than "vacation." i give it a 4.5 out of 5. if you're an action star, that's the way action movies should be made. >> is there a love story in there? >> there's a bit of a romance. thank you for having me on the couch. absolute honor. >> thanks, kevin. >> are you ready for joe biden 2016? >> will be the next president of the united states. you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a duncan donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. >> and before tom hanks was a super celebrity, he was just trying to get by. he was begging actually. we have a piece of hollywood history just surfacing this morning. kevin, you want to stick around for that one. ♪ h legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. before i had the shooting, these feet grew up in a family diabetic of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica. good sunday morning to you. it is august 2nd. we're going to start with a fox news alert. it has happened yet again. a hero officer is a military veteran shot dead during a traffic stop. the massive man hunt to find that killer happening right now. and he took on the terrorist who murdered five servicemen in chattanooga, but now the navy says that man could still be charged for doing it. is our military about to prosecute a hero? we'll have the latest on that unfolding story. and a puppy locked in a sweltering car goes from this to this and it's all thanks to two hero police officers. they join us live with the amazing ending. mornings are better with puppies. ♪ food trucks. >> all american this morning. >> we've got our own donut truck. not to brag. i know this is probably provoking a lot of envy this morning. we have our own donut truck this morning. we'll be feeding the masses. >> come on over, have some free donuts with us. >> if you are going to the pool today or the beach, we have some cpr skills that could save your life, save your child's life. we're going to show you how to do that. >> first up, the debate, the first of the 2016 presidential season is four days from now. it's on fox news on thursday and there are going to be ten participants in it. nine of them are preparing to deal with one man. donald trump. they are hunkering down at points across this country. >> and he's back. he has been saying in recent days -- we told us yesterday he hasn't done a lot of debate prep. is that just trying to lower expectations or is that true? . there was a "washington post" this morning, trump platform, because i said so. that basically he's just willing himself to win, chucking out the details. but this might be the first forum where he finally has to get a little bit more detailed about those policy plans. >> he said, he doesn't really know what you should expect. there's an article this morning in the "new york times" that bush is saying he's spending hours in sessions for this debate. that scott walker has been practicing one-minute answers. then rubio and cruz are practicing back to themselves. anywhere not spending -- we're saying on average they're going to each get ten minutes. instead of redistributing some of the other people. >> is there anybody who's not going to watch this debate? this is exciting. >> it is exciting. >> who wasn't going to watch but will watch now is joe biden. >> joe biden may be getting into the race. in a normal year, that would not be surprising. he's the sitting vice president. vice presidents typically run and am always get the nomination. this year of course, biden has not been counted in. looks like he may now. >> we should give credit to the "wall street journal." they had a story that bo biden said he wanted to run for the white house one last time. really -- this is a conversation, either the vice president recounted it in private or someone very close to him. it is very emotional really, whether you support joe biden or not. where his son knows he's dying and says, dad, can i sit down and talk to you. and bo biden, says i want you to run for president. it's pretty clear that this is not just about politics. this is about -- does he want to follow through on his son's dying wish. >> what do you think about this? on friday you were reporting that biden's chief of staff was meeting with one of the biggest democratic voters. >> we kind of pushed it forward on thursday. we were talking about it friday while hillary clinton was in miami. a lot of democrats, like joe biden, sort of discounted the possibility before his son got so sick and tragically died. now they see bernie sanders getting 20, 30% in iowa, new hampshire, a democratic social list. and the e-mail situation. >> it's a contrast to hillary. biden is a perfect contrast in at least one regard. you can watch a thousand hillary clinton, and you have, and not find a single unscripted moment. by den by contrast, you just never know. >> for better or for worse. >> here's a quick man tauj. >> better believe that my father believed that if i wanted to be president of the united states, i could be, i could be vice president. his mom lived in long island for ten years or so. got rest her soul. and although she's -- wait, your mom he's still alive. it was your dad that passed. god bless her soul. stand up, chuck, let them see you. god love you. what am i talking about? a man that will be the next president of the united states barack america. >> i'm not joking. >> when he said stand up chuck, chuck was a local lawmaker in a wheelchair. the vice president then -- he recovered pretty well and said, let's all stand up for chuck. what could be a positive for him is the fact like like donald trump, he'll throw stuff out there, very unscripted. >> but he also likes people in contrast to some of the other people running sdr. >> completely does. i don't agree with a single thing he's ever said. >> likable? >> i'm actually not endorsing joe biden but i hope he runs because i think he's a very human guy and fun to watch. >> this whole thing's going to get really fun in about four days. it is now time for your headlines. we are going to start with a fox news alert. a man hunt right now in memphis after an officer is shot dead during a traffic stop. police saying this guy, 33-year-old officer and veteran, his name is shawn bolton. the suspect is now on the run with the department scrambling all available resources to track him down. the memphis police officer referring to the danger that comes with their job. >> we've been here before. sadly to say. we've been here before. this is just a reminder of how dangerous this guy is. what we know now, routine traffic stop. >> bolton joined the police department in 2010 and served in the marine corps as well. another clue dm the malaysia airlines mystery as a small metal piece of debris washes ashore sunday night. now, a beach cleaner on that island claims that he found a plane seat back in may, he thought it was an old bus seat so he ended up burning it in a trash pile. and one of our nation's heros is one step closer to living his nfl dream. the baltimore ravens have signed the former army quarterback. he will try to make the team as a wide receiver. the ravens also signed him two years ago. as he told us in may, his dream was put on hold. >> the good lord had a different plan for me. that was to go serve my country for two years. i wouldn't trade those times for anything in the world. i learned more and became a better man because of it. >> steelman posted this photo on instagram of him signing that contract, writing, no way i can express the emotions right now, so i'm going to keep it short. time to grind. #ravensnation. >> what a wonderful station. >> i don't know what that means. >> you know who knows. >> it's time to get down to business, right rick? >> reporter: all right. we've got still some more hot weather out there. it's august, it's the time for it to be summertime. take a look at the maps. hot already in phoenix, 88 degrees this morning. 77 in kansas city. that's been one of the hot spots this morning. we have severe weather today across wisconsin and michigan. i think we'll see a few tornados. a lot of very strong winds. tomorrow, that moves off towards the northeast. heavy rain across parts of florida and already storms into far northern plains beginning to fire. get ready for that all day long. back to you inside. >> thank you, rick. this thing's going viral. have you seen this? >> this is so cool. >> you're trying desperately to get your first big break. a letter has surfaced from tom hanks, dear mr. hill, i have seen your fantastically entertaining and award winning film "the sting" it is all together fitting and proper that you should discover me. right away, i know you're thinking, who is this kid. i'm a nobody. i can't even grow a mustache. and calls robert red ford bob. >> how cute is that? >> that was in 1974. tom hanks was 18 years old. he knew exactly what he wanted even at the young age. like most people who know exactly what he want, he got it. >> he was determined. >> but he had a clear sight picture. >> we get a lot of letters from moms and dads that say, will you give my child a shot. i like it when the kids write us. they're the ones that want it, not the parents. i think that's the drive that gets you success. >> i had to check it out last night. i called my friend bob redford -- no, i'm kidding. >> that's funny. >> if your goal is to grow up to call robbed redford bob, you can achieve it. >> being respond to being honest and saying, discover me. >> i want to change acting forever. no. just discover me. >> mr. hill call him? is that how he got his start? >> i don't know. >> a lot of successful people knew what they wanted at a young age. >> did you? >> no. >> so there is hope. there is hope if you don't know what you want to do. >> why don't you e-mail us your stories. if you have some letter, some note where you saved that you were begging some one to give you that first job. >> we'd love to see it. he took on the terrorist that killed five service members in chattanooga. but now the navy says he could be charged for firing on the terrorist. is our military about to prosecute a hero? and a sharp-eyed life guard saved the day just in the nick of time. look at that. the pool looks totally normal, doesn't it? you didn't see what this life guard saw, that's why he's the expert. the tips that you need to know that could save your child or someone else straight ahead. do you suffer from constipation or irregularity? trust dulcolax® for dependable relief. try free at dulcolaxoffers.com dulcolax® tablets are comfort coated for gentle, overnight relief. hurry! try free at dulcolaxoffers.com. dulcolax®. designed for dependable relief. when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side you know when you book a fabulous vacation cause the photos look amazing? but you get there and find out it's far from amazing. it's almost like it was too good to be true. that's like when you switch wireless carriers, and find yourself stranded with a frustrating, less reliable connection. if your network isn't working for you... come home to verizon and get 10 gigs for $80 a month plus $15 per line. come home to a better network. well, it's been just a few weeks since mohammad youssuf abdulazeez opened fire at a navy recruiting center in chattanooga killing five of our nation's service members. according to new reports, officials are telling fox news they aren't ruling out charges against that center's commanding officer. he used his own gun to fire back at the shooter. the pentagon is still weighing charging himg for doing that. joining us now to react, ceo of concerned veterans for america, major pete hegseth. it's hard even to believe this story is true. so we checked, we said, are you really considering charging this man for discharging his weapon. they said, quote, still looking at tons of data so can't completely rule anything out. this feels like upside down world. >> it is upside down world. we should be pinning a medal on this man's chest who took decisive action against an islamic attacker who killed five of his fellow service members. the navy is not ruling out charging this guy of illegal possession of a firearm in a gun-free zone while these guys are being gunned down. the secretary of the navy, if he wanted to, could squash this. he's deciding not to. you know this. even military members can be slaves to the bureaucracy. the political correctness has gone wild and here you go. >> i don't think this is going to happen. in the end, i think there would be massive protests if they actually charge this guy. why doesn't the navy secretary see this and immediately come to the obvious conclusion, this is insane even to consider it? what does it say about the judge of the people in charge that they wouldn't reach that conclusion instantly? >> we've stripped the warrior ethos out of a lot of this military. political correctness as opposed to doing the difficult, tough thing in the moment. instead of arming recruiters after this attack, told them to not wear their uniforms and draw the blinds. there's not a lot of seriousness right now at the top in light of this threat that is on the homeland for these people. so they're following the regu r regulations as if everything is normal. the world has changed. we've got a real enemy coming after these folks. have some folks with some courage. instead, they're still playing this bureaucratic game. lieutenant colonel allen west is really leading the charge on this. >> that's it. it seems like people have lost sight of the purpose of the military. it's not to offer career and job opportunities to everybody in america. to win wars. isn't that the sole purpose for having a military? >> you are correct. but oh, those pesky details. that is what the military is for. it's for fighting and winning war. in this instance, this navy commander, state side, is confronted with islamists mowing down his men. he returns fire, likely saving the lives of others. instead of having massive ceremony and calling this guy a hee rory, we're behind the scenes working through the bureaucracy. it's indicative of a culture that doesn't hold up the warrior the way that it should. i think this should change, but only because shows like yours are shining light on it. >> if our viewers have views on this, to whom should they communicate those? how can they make their voice heard? >> secretary of the navy, find him, call him, call your congressman. tell your congressman to let him know. i think it would make all the difference. >> thanks a lot. caught on camera, a man falls 17 stories and lands on a car and remarkably survives. we've got the dramatic video. stay tuned for that. >> and millions of americans heading to the pool or beach today. the cpr lesson that could help you save a life. news you can use coming up. ♪ super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place. so you never have to hold back. laugh loud. live loud. super poligrip. get strong all day hold. every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. all right. get your calculator. it's time for news by the numbers. first up, 39,000. that's how many verizon workers don't have a contract this morning. the company and the unions representing its workers are negotiating a new deal to avoid a strike. next 322,000, that's how many 2011 to 2014 dodge chargers are being recalled over faulty airbags. they say the bags could inflate if the door is slammed too hard. so treat it gently, like a box of eggs. and finally, 35,000 cases, kraft foods is recalling american and white american cheese slices. company says a thin strip from the individual packing could stick to the cheese, even after the wrapper is removed. a life guard stops a child almost drowning in a crowded pool. but look at this, could you see the problem? >> okay. take a look again there. as the child flips off a tube in the back. begins to struggle. life guard somehow quickly recognizes dangerous situation. what if you had to save a life? would you know what to do? >> joining us now is cpr instructor and doctor at children and women's physician at west chester new york. we saw that video. we need to know what to do if we're in this situation. do you need to scream, call 911 first? >> absolutely. if there are people around, you scream, call for help. you actually want to point somebody out, you in the blue, call 911. >> how do you get the person? >> if there's a small child, you can jump in and pick them up. if it's an adult, a lot of people advise you don't jump in because they might bring you down. >> so what do you do? >> so you want to get a skimmer. if you have a pool, bring them over. pull them up by the wrist and drag them up. >> let's start with an adult and then we'll move to a child. >> absolutely. so you pull the person up. if they're on their belly, you roll them over onto their back. you want to see if they're responsive. >> if they're not responding? >> you start cpr right away. you don't go to the mouth. it's c first. compressions. you want to put heel of one hand right here. the other one on top, just below the nipple line. >> if water starting coming out of their mouth or you see some sort of life, what do you do next? >> if they start to move, then you're good. >> if this is not working? >> you got to keep going. what you do if you're in a public place, you call 911. >> they're coming while you're doing this. when does mouth to mouth come in? >> if they're trained in cpr, you want to do 30 compressions and you want to do two breaths. tilt the head back and go back to 30. if you're unsure of cpr or you're never been trained, we really want people to start it. you don't have to worry about doing breaths. >> as a child you have to be careful. >> it's a little softer. >> same thing? >> you can do one instead of two. >> okay. >> just one hand. >> and use like your body. get up and over. hard and fast. 100 times a minute. a new thing to get people to do this is just keep pumping and you do it to staying alive. >> that's pretty good. >> and then you're using the fingers, right? >> an infant -- we'll talk about that later. it's just two fingers just because they're smaller. >> you don't want to put so much pressure on their chest. >> do you want to try? >> what about your adrenaline? if you're in that situation and their life depends on what you do, i would be so nervous. >> you got a lot of power. >> you have to remember, 30, just keep going. >> yep. get right over it. >> and generally how long -- how long after you start cpr generally does the patient wake up or start spitting up? >> it really depends. every situation is different. some children have near drowning. even if they come to right away, it's very serious. you have to get them to the doctor. >> these are great tips. especially in the summertime. >> if there's something learned from my doctor, she's said, you got to take a cpr class before the baby's born. >> or if you have a pool. >> exactly. because, yes, there's a lot of responsibility in that. >> she's going to join us later. >> to tell us how to save an infant's life. stay tuned for that. >> coming up, it's a hard warming story going viral this morning. a puppy locked in a sweltering cars goes from this to this. two hero officers breaking in. what they did next -- you're going to want to hear this story. >> and taking over the plaza this morning, food trucks. with treats so good, you can eat the wrapper. we're trying out all the curb side cuisine you can think of next. ♪ put your hand over your heart. is it beating? 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>> these donuts look heavenly. >> these are apple cider donuts. it's a cake donut. organic ingr. >> when did you decide to get into this business? food trucks are huge. people are making a lot of money doing food trucks. >> about three years ago, actually, this recipe belongs to a friend of mine down in virginia. i loved the donut so much. i thought, this would do great in new york. about three years ago, everything happened to work out. and i was able to open a truck here in new york. it's been great. >> that's wonderful. where is your truck if people want to get a donut in new york? >> we go to a different location every day. typically on wednesdays, we're at 23rd and park, fridays 55th and brad way. the weekends, we're either at bourbon and court or every other sunday we're at the -- >> we're lost. do you put that on twitter? >> yeah. today, we'll be at grand army plaza. >> it just seems like such a cool idea. what's the craze been like? >> you know, you have all the issues that you have with a regular restaurant and then you add a motor vehicle into it. there's no way to learn until you do it. you just have to be flexible and be willing to work very hard. >> but the rent has to be lower. i mean, you're not paying represent anyplace, so the overhead has to be lower. >> you pay rent in dichbt ways. parking tickets. you have to park the truck at night. still less. >> most of your customers waking up in the morning or coming out of the bars at night? >> it's you believe a morning crowd. >> very good. thanks, andrew. >> moving along. talk about watffles. >> hi. >> did i get that right? >> yes, perfect. >> you are from france. >> yes. >> you are making waffles. >> yes. i bring my recipe with me. >> wonderful. >> it's authentic. >> waffle de lys. >> tell us about your waffles. what makes them so special? >> when we cook them, it caramelize on one side. >> delicious. >> i just want you to talk nonst nonstop. >> i know. >> the accent is so beautiful. >> what's your most popular one? >> i would say the caramel from france or the al natural from france. >> is it hard to get everything that you need into one truck? everything you need into one spot like that? >> it's a tiny place. sometimes we fit four, five people inside and try to make people, you know, happy. >> would you show us one? this is the waffle you're preparing with the strawberries on it? >> yes, fresh strawberries. homemade whipped cream on it. i like to do the natural, not sweet. not syrup. drizzle of belgium chocolate. >> oh, my gosh. >> you're going to try that. >> this is for you. tucker and ed, you guys hungry? >> yeah. >> we have much more of this coming up throughout the show. >> you look like you're on a sugar high right now, rick. >> in a good way. >> all right. thanks guys. coming up, donald trump has a brand-new critic, the catholic church. they call out his, quote, big haired head in a new op-ed piece. is trump too tough or just misunderstood? father jonathan morris weighs in next. also a heart warming story. a puppy locked in a sweltering car goes from this to this. two hero officers break into the car and rescue the pup. what they do next, you have to hear it. they're going to be coming in telling us the story live. >> very good. very good. ♪ test test people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life ♪yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga. and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is, floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. call the number on your screen to learn more. on this sunday morning, timothy cardinal slamming drurp in a scathing new op-ed saying nativism is rearing its big-haired head. it's a sad return to a terrible american tradition. >> here to weigh in on this, our fox news religion contributor, father jonathan morris. good morning. >> good morning, father. >> thank you. >> i got to say, i think there's a lot of legitimate criticism you could aim at donald trump for sure. i found this op-ed totally outrageous. suggested trump didn't like catholics. isn't there a better way to criticize trump's ideas? >> i think what he was referring to -- and i haven't spoke to the cardinal about this. when he announced his presidency, right, and that was a time he said the mexican government is sending over, and then he said rapists and murdere murderers, then he went onto say, i assume some of them are good people. >> yes. >> do you remember that? >> very well. >> that's the language that -- you know, without judging the heart of trump, that's the language that is bigoted language. >> but the cardinal is so eloquent and smart. shouldn't he show more restraint? >> that's for him -- he should have -- obviously he thought this was necessary. i think it's -- you know, the catholic church and christian churches recognize and have always recognized that is government has not only the right, but the responsibility to control its borders. >> yes. >> and obviously, both parties have failed on that miserably. but the result of that failure is that there are millions and millions of mexicans and others in this country, now illegally, that we have allowed to come over, because we say we're going to stop the border, but actually, we're going to let you in. you're not allowed to work here, oh, you can have a job, but we're going to pay you very little. there are so many, not just assuming there are some good mexicans here. but there are so many very hard working -- >> it is a system that's broken. and donald trump says he wants to fix it. he says that's the reason he's on using this rhetoric. he told our eric bowling this. >> i really think i have a big heart, i want to take care of people. even on the health care. i want to take care of people that a lot of people aren't talking about. if i lose some votes, i don't care. at the same time, i love our country. i hate to see what's going on and we need a stronger tone. >> have a good heart? >> i'm sure he does. i have no doubt. and that's not -- he's also made some really important points. i think that's why so many americans are loving what he's saying. i enjoy -- but then i say, hey, listen, in your position, you can't just say i'm going to offend people in order to make a point. no. speak the truth. but do it with kindness and elegance. when you start using bigoted language, that creates racism and bigotry. >> how important is this religion going to factor into this race? >> i don't think it's different. i think americans are generally very religious people. 90% of americans say they believe in god. that's a lot. and a lot of them are going to church. i'm not going to be pushing anyone that just because they have my faith. but rather somebody who respects people of faith. >> well, here's what we know for sure. father jonathan has a big heart as well. >> thanks, guys. >> always good to see you. you remember that awful attack in garland, texas? turns out the shooter got his gun from the fast and furious program. how in the world did that happen? and a heart warming story that you have to hear. a dog was trapped inside a car and saved by two hero officers. but the story does not end there. they're going to be live with us to tell us about the happy ending to this story. hey, guys. ♪ in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. so when coverage really counts, you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side two kansas city police officers rescue a 4-pound puppy that was locked in a hot car for nearly two hours. here is the picture. after smashing the window open, the officers found this dog severely overheated and almost at death. days ago one of the officers surprised his daughters by adopting this puppy that he helped save. here with more on this amazing story are the two officers from the kansas city police department who rescued the puppy. officers jeffrey o'rear and erik winter. thanks for being with us. is it a boy or a girl? >> he is a boy. >> what's his name? >> well, we haven't named him yet. we decided to give everybody that was involved a chance to come up with the naming process. >> so for the folks at home watching, let's start out from the very beginning. officer winter, if you'll tell me what happened. >> well, we were riding together last saturday, and we reviewed the computer, all the calls, pending calls in the computer for animal control because we like to help out with those calls when we get a chance. we saw this call holding, so we decided it was time to go over there and see if we could take action. when we got there there was probably 15 people surrounding this car. the original caller told me that her little niece, georgie, heard the puppy crying in the kennel. there was a pet carrier sloughed stuffed on the floorboard behind the driver's seat. due to the caller being there for 45 minutes at least, and i did see movement through the holes in the kennel, so i decided to break out the back window. >> 108 degrees. the vet said 105 generally leads to a fatality. so we're lucky this dog is still alive. officer o'rear, you guys were working together at the time. what happened when you got the dog out? what was the reaction of the dog? >> well, it was pretty shocking. it wasn't what i expected. i thought that the dog had been in there, he was going to be hot, we were going to be able to get him out, get him air and water, and get him some relief. but when we opened up the kennel it was a pretty good surprise. he was completely on his back, all four legs up in the air. his head was back, his tongue was out. he was going through some seizures or convulsions. it's something you couldn't prepare to see. it was pretty terrible. >> both of you are animal lovers, and i know you rushed the dog to a petsmart to get quick treatment for the dog. what happened next? >> we put him in the police car. lights a sirens across the strip mall. petsmart employees grabbed the dog, took it in the back. his body temperature was 107.7. started getting it back a little bit and he went into shock and dropped to 94. >> sorry to cut you off. i want to get to the best part of the story. not only did you save the dog's life but you decided to do what, officer o'rear? >> after i saw the dog initially, i said to myself, if i could adopt this dog, i would make sure he would never have to go through that again. i told my girls and the family the story and everything, and we surprised them through kc pet project. and kansas city animal control, they were able to help me get adopted. we were out of town for a couple days. i told my girls we had to go to petsmart for an interview. in reality they lined it up where we surprised the girl with the adoption. it was neat. they had no idea. it was a total surprise. >> your girls are excited. >> yeah, they were. >> you guys were provide a beautiful, wonderful home for the dog and never leave that dog in a hot car again. thank you for the service you do for our country. we appreciate it. do you ever feel like you're being watched? a hacker taps into one woman's web cam without her knowing it. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring away from home towards the promise of a better existence. but these birds are suffering. because this better place turned out to have a less reliable cell phone network, and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. birds hate that. so they came back home. because they get $300 from switching back to verizon, and so can you! verizon. come home to a better network. have you touched the stuff?. it's evil. and ladders. sfx: [screams] they have all those warnings on 'em. might as well say... 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an honor? >> this doesn't seem like a tough call. the two data points i need to know, one, was this guy a responsible citizen? yes, career naval officer. two, did he act in the heat of a terror attack to help save his fellow members of the military? yes, he did. it's not a tough call. >> his wife says, i support my husband 100%. she said he values human life enough to protect his sailors and others. i am honored to be his wife and i stand by him 100%. the question is, if they try to charge this guy, they're looking at the wrong individuals. he was there defending four marines, one sailor, who were under attack at the time and he potentially saved others' lives. we don't know if a bullet from his gun is the one that took down the suspect. the pentagon, the navy, hasn't told us that information yet. if in fact it was and this suspect fell to the ground and wasn't able to fire another shot and kill someone else, someone else's life might have been saved because of this hero. >> pretty unlikely he would be charged. i think the public reaction would be too swift and strong. but why are they even considering it. we asked pete hegseth that question. >> we should be pinning a medal on this man's chest who took decisive action against an islamic attacker who killed five of his fellow service members. instead, literally, the navy is not ruling out charging with guy with illegal possession of a firearm. the secretary of the navy could squash this, say no way, this ain't going to happen. he's deciding not to. you have folks more interested in the safety, the risk mitigation, political correctness as opposed to doing the difficult tough thing in the moment. >> in the broader contex tht is that they have the defense secretary and ash carter looking at stripping back this regulation, saying it doesn't make sense anymore to have gun-free zones on these military places. isis is trying to urge people to go on places like this and kill people. here you have military service members not allowed to use their weapons. not allowed to have weapons. >> if you think about all the time the obama administration has spent responding to various lobbies with no regard for how the changes will affect its ability to fight wars, it gives you the sense they've lost sight of the mission which is to defend america. there is no other point to having a military. >> what about the situation in garland, texas, a few weeks ago, could have been another terror attack. a traffic cop heroically stopped an attack at this art exhibit. but now we learn a new layer to all of this. one of the shooters at that incident bought a gun in 2010 under "fast and furious" operation that the department of justice approved, the deal, the government lost track of the guns. it turns out one of the guns used there, the shooter bought one through the fast and furious program. >> there were two suspects, two room mates that showed up at the "draw muhammad" event in texas. one of the guns was a .9-millimeter gun. he had three pistols and three rifles. whether or not one of the guns is the actual one he bought during the fast and furious ring, we're not sure of. but it's been proven the suspect bought a pistol. went into the shop called, believe it or not, lone wolf. it's a gun shop in phoenix. this shop was one of the ones selling guns through fast and furious to criminals. criminals would go to the shop because they knew they wouldn't get a background check. he bought a .9-millimeter. years later he goes to texas and he is one of the two -- >> from arizona to texas. >> the layers of irony are endless in this. >> right. >> every time there is a mass shooting, whether an islamist or some mentally ill character, the president gets up and lectures the country, all of us, mr. and plea mrs. law abiding citizen, you're the problem. then it turns out the obama administration apparently helped abet this guy getting a gun. does anybody stop and say, wait a second. there is an irony here. >> it's unbelievable. this could have been -- if that gun was used -- if this was one of the guns he bought through fast and furious and it was linked to attacking other individuals in texas and killing individuals, what does that say about the administration? >> he was flagged in the system. when he tried to buy a gun an alarm wept off saying he was been charged with crimes. apparently in 24 hours the hold was dropped. and he was allowed to purchase the weapon. >> a lot of headlines this morning. we're starting with sad news this morning. fox news alert. man hunt right now. an officer is shot dead during a traffic stop. here is his picture. he is only 33 years old. he is an officer, a veteran. his name is shawn bolton. shot several times and died at the hospital. a civilian used his radio to notify police of the shooting. that person hasn't been identified yet. the suspect is on the run with the department scrambling all available resources to track the suspect down. bolton joined the police department in 2010 and served also in the marine corps. another possible clue in the malaysia ash malaysia airlines mystery. another piece of debris washes ashore this morning. a beach cleaner on the island claims that he also found a plane seat back in may but he thought that it was an old bus seat so he ended up burning it in a trash pile. he also says he found luggage and burned that as well. a 9-year-old bat boy is in critical condition after being hit by a baseball bat from a player taking practice swings. the community coming together in support of kaiser carlisle. he's the bat boy for the local amateur team called the bjs. he was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. he is in the hospital in the intensive care unit this morning. president obama calling it the biggest step yet to combat climate change. tomorrow he unveils tough new rules for coal-powered power plants. the goal is to gcut 32% of emissions by 2030. states will be rewarded for investing in renewable energy. and those are your headlines. try to say that. rick standing by at the donut center. he's here with the weather. >> what does her sign say? >> caroline loves "fox & friends." >> is that north or so south? >> south. >> if you're from one of them can you just call it carolina or does one get mad? >> you can call it carolina. >> is it carolina for everybody? >> yes. >> look at the weather maps to show you what's going on. pretty nice temperatures overall across much of the xhucountry. we're going to see severe weather today as the system moves through the northern plains, and eventually in across areas of the great lakes where you see the darker color. that's where people could be seeing a few tornadoes. and we'll see strong winds that could be damaging today. be prepared for that. tomorrow the same system moves farther towards the east and across parts of the ohio valley and to the northeast. more heavy rain across north florida. around the big bend, could be seeing 3 to 5 inches more of rain and cause localized flooding. back to you, guys. >> carolina girl here. give them my love. i was talking to them earlier. they're so nice. will vice president joe biden make a bid for the oval office? a new report this morning says it's looking more than likely. chris wallace on whether this is good or bad news for democrats. a police officer going beyond the badge to help a child in need. what he did when no one else was looking, straight ahead. in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. so when coverage really counts, you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. behold, these are two can you spot the difference? the wind farm on the right was created using digital models and real world location-based specs that taught it how to follow the wind. so while the ones on the left are waiting, the ones on the right are pulling power out of thin air. pretty impressive, huh? now, two things that are exactly the same have have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized. earhardt. well, as the race for 2016 heats up, vice president joe biden is reportedly still centering a r considering a run for the white house. we're learning vice president biden's beau might have made his last wish that his father run for president. >> if he decides to run what could it mean for 2016. joining us now a chris wallace. what does this mean for 2016 if he gets into the race? >> let's first talk about whether he is going to get into the race. a few of us reporters have had sessions with biden, two or three times already this year. he's played it very close to the vest. reading the mood music. i've always had the sense he would like to get into the race. the presidential flame still burns inside of him. but that he was going to take his time and didn't feel he had to rush, felt he had at least through the summer to decide. obviously now there is a huge emotional factor about his late son beau urging him to run. and obviously looking at it as a -- as a practiced politician, he has to look at the way hillary clinton is running and say, she is not doing very well, she is sliding in the polls. she has had an awful lot of bumps in the road. so, you know, my guess is he's going to take a big vacation this summer, he'll go over it, he'll look at it in a cold, calculated, political way. he'll also do a gut check. i would say that, more than any other politician in america today, joe biden decides from his gut, not from his head. i think deep in his gut he would like to run. if he does run, i think clinton is still a big favorite. she has a big lead in money. she has a big lead in organization. we have seen that biden is not a particularly effective presidential candidate. but depending on just how sour democrats or how worried democrats are getting about hillary clinton's problems and her ability to hold onto the white house, he could be a serious factor. >> chris, you make a series of great points there. one i want to pick out. with hillary clinton sort of not putting this away, obviously she still has a commanding lead among democrats but bernie sanders doing better than expected. you look at the quinnipiac poll in the last couple days about whether the candidates are honest and trustworthy. joe biden, 58% yes, 34% no. hillary clinton the exact opposite. 37% yes, 57%, no. joe biden has to look at that and wonder, and the people around him, the email situation beings the clinton foundation. some of that has taken its toll. >> i think there are two aspects to that. first of all, i don't think honesty and trustworthiness has ever been the problem with joe biden. some people would say he needs more of a filter in terms of saying what he really thinks. i think his question would be sort of seriousness, is he up to being president. but clearly clinton has left all of these things, as you say, the email server, donations to the foundation. a variety of other things have really maybe not individually but have put a real hit in clinton's reputation and support for her. and an interesting quote in "the new york times" today which i thought surprisingly led with the story. someone said it's not that we don't like clinton, it's that we want to win the white house and a number of growing democrats are worried she could be so damaged that she couldn't be an effective candidate against the republican nominee next fall. >> we have a major debate coming up. >> oh, that! >> you have two of the candidates on your show today. talk a little bit about who you have but also give us a quick preview of thursday you're one of the moderators. >> it's going to be fascinating. you know, obviously ten people on the stage is more than you i guess would like, but it's an opportunity for the first time to see them together. they've said a lot of things about each other behind their backs. now they get an opportunity to have to confront each other. you can be sure that we moderators will be pointing out, you said this about him. what is -- you know, say it to him to his face and have the other fellow respond, which is always interesting. and you know, i think that it will just be fascinating to watch them. there is also the trump factor. is he going to be a conventional politician? he hasn't been so far. is he going to be the donald trump that some of us like and some of us don't like. in terms of today, we've got two people on the bubble. john kasich, the governor of ohio, and rick perry, former governor of texas. both very close. remember, the top ten get in. at this moment kasich is number nine in the polls. perry is number 11. that gives you a sense of how close it is. we haven't considered the five final polls that we'll see at 5:00 on tuesday night. this thing is up for grabs. maybe it will depend on how they perform on fox news sunday. >> bret baier and meggal kelly will you joining you on thursday night. ever feel like you're being watch? a hacker taps into a woman's web cam without her knowing and and posts this picture on her facebook page. all moms should be able to look like this, right? that's what one celebrity thinks as she shows off her post-baby bod. is she right or out of touch? we'll debate this next. ♪ i'm sexy and i know it i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? 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>> six weeks ago. >> you were on "fox & friends" during an exercise segment before you delivered. you had a baby six weeks ago. you look fantastic. >> amazing. thank you. >> everyone has different bodies. i'm going to deliver -- i would love to be like this after six weeks. the reality is i probably won't. i'm going to try. what do you say to the women out there watching that are struggling with this? >> so we do need to be realistic. the average woman does gain anywhere between 25 to 35 pounds. i gained 40 pounds. you deliver and there is still 15 pounds lingering. sometimes that never goes away. what i like about what zoey is doing and i agree with what she's saying is that she's sharing the process. it's eight months. she is not doing this eight weeks after. we've seen heidi klum walk the catwalk a couple months after giving birth. that is unrealistic. but zoey has a thin physique. good for here. we need to be realistic with our own self-worth and self-image. >> how about the fact that she says almost there and then you look at the picture. >> she is there! >> we have to be comfortable with the "almost there" that's defined by you. kelly clarkson is very comfortable with how she looks after giving birth. that's her almost there. my almost there, i'm working on it. what i want all the women to take away is that there is a process. be patient and gentle with yourself and be determined. >> i think, too, for the celebrities who go out a few weeks after in a bikini showing themselves, it's unrealistic for women out there to see these photos. in the real world women don't have chefs, cooks, trainers, everything at their fingertips necessary to get right back. a lot of these women are struggling to go back to work and figure it all out and the last thing on their minds is getting back into shape. >> we all have our strengths. it might not be with weight loss. let us know what you think, friends at foxnews.com. we'll read some of those later. still ahead an angry dad runs down a group of teenagers with his truck. look at this. >> [ bleep ]. >> watch out. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ screaming ] >> he claims he was doing this because he was defending his daughter because she was being bullied. should he face criminal charges? you decide. the food truck breakfast. it's time for lunch next. rick gives us a sneak peek at the menu next. you feel about your car. so when coverage really counts, you can count on nationwide. because what's precious to you is precious to us. just another way we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side >> united states air force technical sergeant -- >> a moment one boy won't forget. 8-year-old anthony throwing out the first pitch at theinor league baseball game. there is a catch. the catcher was his dad. he surprises his son completely. >> that is so cute! he came home two weeks early from his deployment in kuwait. you can see the two of them sharing a huge hug and some tears on the field. >> you can't see behind the mask. so his dad was behind the mask and he didn't know it. before we go to the food trucks, i'm going to tell you about the headlines this morning. this video is hard to watch. a struunt plane plummets to the ground and the pilot is now dead. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! >> you hear the reactions from the people watching. black smoke rising from the lines of the trees moments after the crash as hundreds are horrified. the 35-year-old pilot, kevin wyman, a retired royal air force officer. a father allegedly trying to run over a group of teens. he claims he was defending his daughter and he actually called police to report the fight. he is now faced with several charges. do you think he should go to jail? our legal experts make the case for both sides. >> it's crazy. why not take a gun and shoot it in the air to defend your daughter. that's not how you defend your daughter. you don't take the law into your own hands. >> hypothetically, legally, if his daughter was being attacked with deadly poreforce, a gun, hn run them over with the car. >> seriously, the force used has to be commensurate with the force used on the other party. a big pay raise backfires. the seattle ceo who set his company's minimum salary at $70,000 is struggling now to make ends meet. he made headlines after slashing his million dollar salary to bump of the pay for his employees at a credit card processi processing firm. he says things have gotten so bad he has to rent out his house to make money. a new jersey cop goes beyond the badge to help a child in need. that's officer charlie casterly teaching a local teenager how to tie a tie. the women who posted the photo says the officer pulled over when the boy asked for some help and spent half an hour teaching him to tie the tie. the photo now going viral. officer casterly has been on the force for 36 years now and just retired this week. we wish him all the best. those are your headlines. pretty nice. rick is standing by at weather hq. it's raining hamburgers. >> in the mobile weather center, we have burgers going on. you have to eat on tv. what tucker swore he would never do. your first time on national tv you're doing what tucker said he would never do. good for you. warm day across much of the northeast. tomorrow the humidity returns. today just a warm one. we'll see plenty of sunshine. really quite nice. down towards the mid-atlantic as well. the rain across areas of florida, around the big bend, 2 or 3 inches. south florida not as much. a few showers across parts of texas. nothing problematic. warm temperatures continue there. storms across areas of wisconsin and michigan, illinois and iowa. heaviest i think around michigan and wisconsin. we could see a tornado or two today. the high temperatures will continue. behind that we see a little cool-down, though. one more day of the high temperatures across the pacific northwest. tomorrow the cooler temperatures will be with us. all right, guys, make us some burgers! >> food truck! >> on a roll right now. all over the united states serving up unique and delicious eats right on the streets. >> that's right. throughout the show we're taste-testing some of the best. >> just to make sure it's safe. that's the total reason. >> this is the chef and owner of hard times sundays, known as one of the best burger trucks in all of new york. >> the best burger truck, not one of but who is counting. >> andrew, what's the secret to this great burger? >> what's the secret? >> yes, sir. >> anybody listening? there is no secret. just good ingredients, nice and fresh all the time. >> any tips for us making burgers at home? >> don't clean your grill and use a lot of heat. keep the grill dirty. i like my grill like i like my women. same way. >> not joking. i totally agree with you. >> you're terrible! >> i'm not kidding. >> andrew, i hear you're competing on tuesday. tell us about this. what show? >> tuesday night. esquire network. tuesday night at 10:00. i might be the next great burger. >> you are the next great burger this is ridiculous. this is unbelievable. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> what's your story? >> i set out to create the best burger in the city, okay. i opened up a restaurant a couple years ago. unfortunately sandy destroyed me. my next step was find a truck. i got on a truck. parked near the same water where my restaurant was. less overhead and i can throw it into drive if another storm comes and pull away. >> thank you very much. it's awesome. >> you're unbelievable. >> good luck on tuesday. >> thank you very much. now we're heading to this food truck where they make the best grilled cheeses. >> i don't know if i can handle it after the burger. >> pete, tell us about the grilled cheese. how do you make them? what's different? >> well, we care. >> hi. how are you doing? >> you have burgers. what are you going to do? >> one in one hand and one in the other. >> we got a breakfast sandwich here. all-day breck breakfast sandwich. >> look at this. >> that's unbelievable. >> to call this a grilled cheese is not really fair. it's so much more than that. >> what's in this? >> that's a bacon cheddar bleu. >> sauted onions. >> i have a third one coming up. >> make sure it's okay for the viewers. >> what's the secret? >> the secret is good bread, good cheese. bacon. >> you slice all your own bread, right? >> we do. >> what do you recommend we do at home? i know a little bit about your story. >> what are you putting on top? >> this is a different thing. we're making some breakfast briskets. we just introduced them yesterday. you guys will be the first to have them in the media world. >> do you tweet about it every day? >> every day. @milk truck nyc. >> wish you the best. d.a.r.e. is supposed to be the anti-drug program, keeping your kids off drugs, right? why are they supporting legalized marijuana. a change for d.a.r.e. coming up. a hacker taps into one woman's webcam without her knowing and and posts a picture on her facebook page. how to make sure it doesn't happen to you, next. pwhat've we got? 5. bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is, floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. visit floodsmart.gov/flood to learn more. welcome back. we have some headlines for u. is the drug abuse prevention program d.a.r.e. suddenly pro-marijuana? not accidentally. they accidentally posted an op-ed advocating reallilized marijuana. they realized the mistake and pulled the ad. a dog can't catch a break. he was found with $422,000 in cash at an airport in italy. it was undeclared at customs after the money was snatched immediately by authorities. he'll get it back minus fines. supposedly the second time he has had a run-in with foreign police in less than a week. ed. thanks, tucker. how scary is this, after a long day a woman and her boyfriend watching netflix together on his laptop. after that a photo pops up. someone hacked into the webcam on the laptop and hacked her facebook page. how can you make sure this doesn't happen to you? joining us is a cyber security expert. before we get to the tips, how easy is it for something like this to happen? >> unfortunately it's too easy. these hackers are not the most brilliant in the world. they use software already available to get you to click on something. once you click on it -- i've been saying this on fox pfor may words. stop clicking. when you open the word document, you're installing a trojan in the background. remote access trojan. now i'm in your computer and i can download your files, turn on your webcam. we're doing it to ourselves. >> bottom line it for people. what are the best tips? >> get a third-party software service that scans your email even before it gets to your laptop. >> what's an example of a third party? >> a lot of companies out there? >> norton is one of them. absolutely. make sure the virus mitigation on your computer is up to date. make sure windows are up to date. as they found out about the new threats, they increase the virus mitigation. and windows will change the operating system to try to stay ahead the hackers. you're not going to. they keep up with them. you can't look into the future and see what they're going to do. we're just playing catchup all the time. >> how frustrating is that? you want to take steps to stop them but the hackers keep coming up with ways to trick you into clicking on that. >> absolutely. we a we're the people who do it to ourselves. look how long it was it was miss teen usa and before that. a woman in ireland was victimized by the webcam incident. we have to stop doing it to ourselves. we enable them. >> while we try to stop it, if it happens to someone watching the program right now, what kind of rights do you have? >> there are problems for cops. we're working at a job right now where somebody sent a cfo a bank transfer. comes out. didn't come back from their ceo. we looked at their email, traced it back to a place in canada. multi-jurisdictional problems. they don't have to go by u.s. subpnas to u.s. cops. there are so many problems. everybody has rights but you can't enforce them when there are so many jurisdictional issues. >> say they hack in, get a picture of a private moment and hack into your facebook page and post it there. how long might it take facebook to take it down and deal with that? you might be frustrated for quite some time. >> hopefully we'll start to see an increase in that where they'll be more reactive. going forward we have to be more cognizant ourselves. our personal security is up to us. >> last point. a lot of people traveling this summer. we had an expert on yesterday talking about how you go into a hotel and you're like, i need wi-fi and i need to download something. and then you go into these unsecure, you know, wi-fi hot spots. how much of a problem can that be? >> it's a huge problem. people are connecting to the wi-fi units and setting up sniffing programs. a sniffer will take anything going across. your email, pictures, anything else you're doing unencrypted across the internet can be brought to that hacker's laptop, saved, get your user name and password if you went online. so you have to make sure what you do online is secure. but remember, it's a public -- it's a public place. unless you're in an encrypted session through ssl technology, you're not going to be secure. >> john, thanks for giving people tips they can use. appreciate it. before making it big tom hanks was begging for someone to just give him a chance. what did you do to land the first job? your stories ahead. plus, did you know ten people die a die from drowning. would you know what to do if someone near you was in danger. up next, it could be one of your children. the tips you need to know to save a life. you get it straight from tucker. and ainsley. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth... ...it's fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... smoothies! only from tums. when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side . . a life guard spots a child almost drowning in a crowded pool. but, could you see the problem? >> take a look again as the child flipped off a tube and begins to struggle. the life guard spotted it when no one else did. she's hailed a hero for recognizing the dangerous situation. would you know what to do if you had to save a life? >> joining us, a doctor of westchester, great to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> thanks for being back with us. >> we are watching that video. i would not have seen that child if i were the life guard. if you are in that situation, many ki many people are taking their kids to the pool. >> get the kid out, so run over. sometimes they say for adults, don't jump in because you can't lift hem up, or a baby, get them out quick. little kids should always be near you, an arm's length away. if they fall, grab them. >> god forbid they are not breathing and unresponsive. you want to know how to do cpr. it's important for people with pools to do cpr. >> she said, if you see a child drowning, i'm going in to help the child and i point out to you, hey, you in the blue shirt, call 911. identify someone to call 911. >> it's different for infants than adults, right? >> yeah. >> tell us how. >> pull the baby out of the water. >> okay. >> put the baby on a flat surface, on the ground or a table. we are on the ground here. >> baby is not breathing. >> what you want to do, are you okay? are you okay? if an infant is gasping for air, that's not breathing. start cpr. starting cpr now is chest compressions. you want to open the clothes, go right below the nipple line. two fingers and press down. >> how hard? >> hard and fast. >> they estimate 1 1/2 inches. >> wow. so you can press the chest? >> press it. >> can you hear anything? >> no, no. >> how long? >> it's 100 times per minute. one and two and three and four and five. do it 30 times. >> okay. >> if you are trained for cpr, go up to the head, tilt the head back. this opens up the airway so you can put your mouth over the nose and mouth of the baby and breathe in. one second breathe in. see the chest rise. do it twice. >> just twice? >> two breaths. go back to 30 compressions. >> 30 compressions and two breaths. >> yep. keep doing it until somebody comes to help you. >> this would be for any baby or infant? >> infant is under a year of age. >> there are cases where people have been performing cpr for a long time and it's made a difference. >> absolutely. >> if it doesn't work, keep going? >> i's tiring. if you have two people you can share. every two minutes you can switch. >> have you been in a situation where you needed to do it? >> i had to do cpr in the hospital, luckily, not outside the hospital. hard and fast. one and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight. >>. ♪ staying alive thank you so much. back inside to you. >> i never thought i would see tucker singing the bee gees. >> the first gop debate is days away, thursday night. next hour, a debate coach will tell us what it takes to prepare for the big event everyone will be watching. need a better night's sleep? start with your mattress. rick is. the shopping dos and don'ts. we have to do the weather in a minute. wake him up. wake him up. sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you! just visit progressive.com today. but right now, it's choosing time. ooh! we have a winner. all: what? [chuckles] he's supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here. well, hello, welcome back. it's sunday, august 2nd. we start with a fox news alert. a hero officer, here is his picture and a veteran senselessly shot dead. the massive manhunt to find the killer, right now. buckle your seatbelts. are you ready for joe biden 2016? >> friends of the united states will rock america. >> you cannot go to a 7-eleven or dunkin' donuts unless you have an indian accept. >> we will tell you what it means for hillary and the rest of the presidential contenders, coming up. were your college days a little like this? >> so good. >> while your college might not only mean more money, but more booze. mornings are better with keggers. well, we have been serving up cuisine all morning. >> yes, we have. we have been eating a lot of it ourselves. doughnuts, double cheese burgers, grilled cheese with onions, unbelievable. >> guess what we are doing this hour? dessert. our favorite. we can't eat all that without a desseer desert. >> we have maz mattresses. rick is inside, he's been eating all morning. we have been trying to wake rick for ten minutes. stay tuned for that. >> if you are in the business to buy a mattress, we have it all for you. we have headlines for you. a manhunt happening right now in memphis after an officer is shot dead. 33-year-old officer and marine corps veteran sean bolton was shot several times and died in the hospital. a civilian used his radio to notify police of the shooting. that person has not been identified. the suspect on the run. all the resources track down the suspect. bolton joined the police department in 2010. he opened fire, murdering military brothers in chattanooga. now, timothy white could face charges. they could not rule out charging white for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property. white shot at the suspect, abdulzeez outside a military center last month. he killed five service members in that attack. just a mangled piece of ladder. moments ago, malaysia officials confirming the small metal debris found on reunion island does not belong to a plane. it's part of a domestic ladder. they continue to search the beach for debris. this comes after a boeing 777 section of the wing was found believed to be from the missing malaysia airlines plane. >> we know what the most famous anchor man likes to drink to unwind. >> i love scotch, scotch, scotch, scotch. >> that might be why he's so successful. a new poll shows 80% of highly educated and wealthy americans like to drink. only half the people with lower incomes and high school diplomas relax with a cocktail. the reason why could be simple. people with more money can afford to drink more. those are your headlines. >> another fact the study confirms. make more, spend more. you thought the presidential race on the democratic side was set. hillary clinton was going to be the nominee. poll numbers -- the latest person reportedly considering jumping in is the sitting vice president, joe biden. >> scott walker is having none of this. one of the many republican candidates, 16 or 17 of them, the big debate coming on fox. walker said whether it's biden or hillary, the democrats are way behind. >> it's up to the primary voters. i would love to have the opportunity where it's hillary clinton or joe biden. it doesn't matter. it's a third term for barack obama politics. i would like to put my record up against that any day. >> it will be interesting on fox, we have seen all this time between trump beating up other candidates, others trying to avoid trump. if they start talking about coming together, they are going to show their differences and whether they can beat hillary clinton or joe biden. we haven't heard that. i reported joe biden's chief of staff was spotted meeting the big money men. that started people whispering, is biden trying to save the money? bo biden, before he died said to his father, i want you to redskin. clinton shouldn't automatically get this. >> it's surprising that this is news at all. he's been the sitting vice president for seven years. most of them run and get the nomination. the white house taps hillary clinton as obama's successor. >> i think, tucker, in the beginning, when he said he was going to run, he stepped back. she was doing so well in the polls, and she was going to be the front-runner. now look at the numbers. her numbers are down. trump is rising. i would not be surprised if the democratic party is trying to look at other options, just in case. >> bernie sanders 20% or 30% in iowa and new hampshire. a democratic socialist, a lot of democrats and republicans thought he was going to be a side show. joe biden is refreshing. he likes to speak what's on his mind. sometimes it can backfire. listen to this. >> my mother and my father believe if i want to be president of the united states, i can be vice president. [ applause ] [ bleep ]. >> his mom lived in long island for ten years or so. god rest her soul and your mom is still alive. your dad passed. god bless her soul. >> chuck graham is here, stand-up, chuck. god love ya, what am i talking about. the man that will be the next vice president of united states barack america. you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a dunkin' donuts without a slight indian accent. >> it should be clear, chuck, the vice president is references is in a wheelchair and unable to stand-up. bad news for hillary clinton. a sign of weakness. the flip side is this is great news for cable news viewers. >> the fact the woman, the mom who was killed off, then alive, that wasn't just anyone's mom, the prime minister of ireland at the white house on st. patrick's day. >> it was like a resurrection. >> i thought it was so cute. we are flipping gears. at 18 years old, we have a letter from tom hanks that he wrote. i want to read this. dear mr. hill, i have seen your entertaining and film. you should discover me. now, right away, i know what you are thinking, who is this kid. i am a nobody, i can't even grow a moustache. i do not want to a big time hollywood superstar with girls crawling all over me, just a boy who makes it and calls robert redford bob. he's so mature. when he got the girls crawling off over him, that was cute. >> we write in and talk about your first big break. i work for my uncle for free and did whatever i could do prove myself. next summer, i got a raise. >> good for you. >> i lied about my age, said i was 16 when i was 14. i was determined to make that money. i bet you did. >> i love that. great. then we have this one. she said burger king, started there at 16 and worked my way up. taught me many things about life and business that i have used all my life. >> clarity of purpose. people who know what they want tend to get it. >> i wonder how rick got his break. >> star gazing is my guest. >> sampling burgers here and delivering weather. >> it's a tough job, right? rick, seriously, how did you get your start? >> i had a paper route then a dishwasher in a restaurant at 14. >> did you always know you wanted to do tv? >> i always wanted to be a weatherman. >> congratulations, dream come true. welcome to america. >> do you have a job? >> no. >> how old are you? >> 13. >> get on this. start saving. retirement is hard to get to. temperatures across the country, not that bad right now. we are going to warm up again across the pacific northwest. we have severe weather as well across the northern plains. the system dropping in is going to bring strong winds across wisconsin and michigan. maybe as far south as chicago and a tornado or two. be on the watch today. tomorrow, the same system moves to the east in the ohio valley and interior sections of the northeast. watch that. temperature wise, hot across the central plains. tomorrow, the heat breaks across the pacific northwest. you are dealing with uncomfortable temperatures. the fire going across the west. the heat stays on across the south. 101 on tuesday in dallas. 99 in little rock. 76 on wednesday in fargo. thursday, you are at 67 degrees. all right guys. that's it. get to work, kids, get to work. >> thank you, rick. coming up, the video is terrifying. a stranger grabbing a little girl in front of her very own home, then taking off. what she did that might have saved her life, straight ahead. the first republican debate days away. will we see pivotal moments like this one? >> you will go to the polls. it might be wise to make this decision, are you better off than you were four years ago? >> an inside look at what it takes to prepare for the debate. people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life ♪yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar? ask your doctor about farxiga. and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. well, the countdown is on. we are a few days away from the first 2016 gop debate. it's airing live here on the fox news channel. with ten candidates sharing the stage, we thought we would go to lisa booth. the vice president of political polling at wpa research. she's participated in debate prep for republicans in the senate. >> thank you for having me here. >> let's start with to trump or not to trump? he's leading in the polls. now he's indicating, i respect all of them. i'm a nice guy. i have a big heart. these candidates, what would you advise them about whether to get into it with donald trump or go their own way? >> it depends on the candidate. you have seen the quote from a john kasich adviser. similar to a nascar driver preparing for a race when you know the driver is going to be drunk. at least one of the drivers is going to be drunk. each one is going to have a start on it. if you are polling -- >> the folks in the second and third tier, they have to mix it up to get attention? >> right. maybe you are governorered to generate headlines and cause controversy. that might be your objective. >> let's go through your dos and don'ts. >> preparation is everything. the candidates are going to prepare for weeks, some a month. what they are going to do is go through policy books, studying up on the major issues and questions that the moderate earth might ask. they are going to think of talking points. what is the quick soundbytes you can get in that might sound interesting. >> if you overprepare, you have all the facts and figures, you stumble. donald trump, he breaks through by not getting toch into the details. >> you will have jeb bush and work on condensing that nfrgts. quick soundbytes. we have heard senator rand paul is doing this. he's preparing with a stand in donald trump and playing rolls and going through what the debate might be and prepare for whatever may come his way. >> do no harm. don't overreact in the gotcha moments. explain. >> part of doing no harm, if you are polling in the top six, you don't necessarily want to generate headlines. this is a marathon, not a sprint. a lot of these guys are going to want to stick around and be in the debate in march, come away unscathed and do no harm. >> we have seen the hot mic moments. president obama had them in debates and meetings with russian officials. that microphone is always on, isn't it? >> it s. that's why it's so important. everything down to the details of the suit you are wearing. if you suit is too big, you look unprofessional. the majority of communication is nonverbal. what you are doing as another cant speaking is important. be mindful of those things. >> fascinating tips, we will see who listens and who doesn't. remember the attack in garland, texas? the shooter got his gun from the fast and furious. are you struggling to stay away like tucker this morning? it may be the mattress. the dos and don'ts of mattress shopping, next. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit humira.com this is humira at work. are you struggling to stay awake this morn sng according to the national institute of health, 70 million people are impacted by sleep problems or lack of sleep. what is the key to a better night's rest. start with your mattress. joining us with the dos and don'ts of mattress shopping, bobby. thanks for being with us. >> morning. >> what is the key to shopping for a good mattress? >> the first thing, come into our location and get fitted for a mattress. we have mattress professional who is help you get fitted and try out four types. >> what do you love about this one? >> he looks very comfortable. it's an individual preference, once again. as long as the support is there, the feeling is firm. >> there's a little firmness, but it's soft as well. >> it is. i can see contours to his body. as long as it contours, you will sleep fell. >> how does it feel? >> it's the burger in the cheese . it's really good. >> it's so hard. the problem is, you are shopping. you spend an hour in the store and you are going to have the mattress eight to ten years. >> correct. >> it's important to work with an expert. >> see a professional that will help you find one. >> is this vibrating? >> tucker's is vibrating. it reaches over here. >> what make this is mattress special? >> this is highly rated. this is a lifestyle foundation. so, let me ask you, i think, chris, you read in bed? >> yeah. >> use your ipad, computer? >> today, the bedroom is not just for sleeping. we work a lot in bed. so -- >> it was vibrating, now it's not. >> i'm going to raise you up. >> oh, nice. both sides raise up. you can buy a bed where both sides raise up. >> absolutely. >> do you recommend that? are more people buying these? >> you can pick either one. they are popular because of the lifestyle. watching tv, binge watching netflix, this is great. you don't have to prop yourself up. >> is this a pillow top? >> it is. it gives you an extra layer of comfort. >> when do you buy a pillow top? >> if you have bad back problems, do you recommend a pillow top in. >> i will not recommend one over the other. if you have the support level, you can choose a flush or tempopedic. >> the most complex machine i have operating this week. >> a comfortable one, too. this is temporpedic. >> this is a high bred? >> it has coils and memory foam. the beauty is you can unzip the cover and wash it. it is great and healthy for you. >> what does this specific machine cost? >> in a queen, $2349. >> is that standard? do you need to spend thousands of dollars when buying a mattress? >> for everyone, we have different mattresses for that. >> this raises up, too? >> it does. once again, an adjustable base. the feet and head come up to be comfortable. >> incredible. really blew my mind. >> he was excited about a cooler this morning. we want to take you to a video that is upsetting. a stranger grabbing a little girl in front of her own home and running away with her in his arms. the one thing she did that saved her life. >> taking over the plaza this morning. we are thankful for that. we have already had breakfast, lunch, what time is it? 9:20 in the morning. next? we are going to have dessert. feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at choicehotels.com ♪ dream, dream, dream ♪ dream, dream, dream >> this is the shot of the morning, puppies in pajamas. the blue boys have become social media superstars. the owner dressing them up in baby onsies and baby gear. >> what about the name twinkie. >> what was the other one? >> lily, pumpkin and blueberry in their pink flannel pajamas. >> then the english bulldog, available in her p.j.s. look at her bottoms. what is that creature? >> shelby the shetland sheep dog. >> the hair is sto 'zo big, it comes out over the t-shirt. >> looks like an '80s metal band. >> they go great together. >> stay tuned. now to your headlines this morning. one of the gunman on the attack at the art show in texas reportedly bought a gun through the fast and furious program. he purchased a .9 mm pistol in 2010. that shop sold illegal firearms as part of the atf designed to track them back to mexican drug cartels. they are asking if that gun was used in the may shootout in garland, texas. >> terrifying surveillance video shows the moment a predator tries to abduct a girl. look at the video. two girls playing in front of their milwaukee house lured out fwi man in the white t-shirt. he asked one to come with him. she refused. he picked her up and started running. she fought him off. finally, he did drop her. she is fine. she is shaken up. police do not have leads. if you recognize the guy, call 911. a chihuahua rescueed from a sweltering car is adopted by a missouri police officer who saved him. eric winter and jeff responded to the call at the kansas city strip mall. they shattered the window after the 6-month-old dog was left inside two hours while the owner was inside shopping. we spoke to the officer who decided to adopt the dog and give it to her daughters. >> we were out of town for a couple days. i told my girls we have to go to petsmart for an interview. we surprised the girls with the adoption. >> the family, yet to give that puppy a name. as for the former owners, they are facing animal cruelty charges. that's incredible. those are your headlines. eating or sleeping, who knows. oh, there he is. >> how about doing the weather. we'll talk weather and look at the maps. quickly, what's going to be happening today. the northeast, here is where we are starting out. we put the map in motion throughout the day. we are going to warm up, not much in the way of clouds and precipitation, not even humidity. it is a nice one. to the southeast, rainshowers for much of the south. much of the southeast, humidity is lower and we are looking at a nice day, although warm. the trouble spot is the northern plains toward the great lakes. we have a system that is going to drop toward wisconsin, eventually through the chicago area and throughout much of michigan. we'll see a tornado or two and certainly very strong and damaging winds. a warm day in general. parts of the west, we have the rainshowers around parts of the four corners, toward nevada and the monsoonal activity. we'll see it throughout the day and the pacific northwest. only one more day. one last day you have to get through of the high temperatures and tomorrow, a cooldown. a big break. in the meantime, we have to talk about food. a food truck nation. one study says there are more than 4,000 trucks serving curbside cuisine. >> we have been taste testing some of the best. >> grant is president and co-founder of sweetry, a marketing company. >> most people think about breakfast, lunch, what about the sweets? why did grow that way? >> sweets make people happy. they are delicious. who can't resist a great sweet? >> this is so true. you have won awards. rated number one food truck in 2011. you are le jet? >> we are legit. >> what would be one suggestion? >> perseverance. don't only be a food truck, be a lot more. >> i like that. >> nice marketing for your one day here. >> what are some of the items you are displaying today? >> we have a blueberry crumb bar, which is delicious. we have an ice cream sandwich, a fox and friends ice cream sandwich and strawberry short cake. >> this is beautiful. >> don't forget to mention the salted caramel brownie's. we have multiple trucks, most of our business is promotional marketing. >> which one do you want first? >> over to these folks. >> delicious. let's go this way. thank you so much, grant. >> thank you. the next one, this is going to be james. james curtright, the general manager of cool house. >> busted. they gave me free gloves. watch what you are doing. >> well, we are making ice cream sandwiches right now. we are starting with our edible wrapper, made out of potato starch. we have potato chip and cookie. this is the most popular of the season, netflix, white cheddar popcorn infused ice cream with doritos in it. >> wow. >> i don't know what to make of it. >> for the days you are not even trying. i love it. how is that? >> did you taste it, tucker? >> of course i'm going to. >> you can eat the wrapper. >> you can totally eat the wrapper. you don't have to, but if it gets in the way, don't worry about it. he's eating the wrapper. >> can you taste the doritos? >> i can. it's the salty sweet thing you are afraid of but once you do it, it makes sense. >> don't try it with a dor ree toews wrapper. >> what's the next one? this is mr. chef devin alexander. he is serving walnut frozen yogurt sandwiches, from what i understand. how are you? >> good. >> nice to see you. what do we have here? >> we are spreading the word. we have the food truck. it's complimentary. we are going to be in the park from 4:00 to 8:00 and we are spreading the word about how healthy walnuts are. >> are you from the biggest loser? >> yes. >> how are you feeling? >> great. i'm the chef on the show. >> wonderful. great, may i have one of these? >> there's so many ways you can use walnuts. this is a healthier ice cream sandwich. we have tons of recipes at walnuts.org. >> is it healthy if you put it in ice cream? >> it's a low fat chocolate gram cracker with greek chocolate frozen yogurt. walnuts are the only nut with a significant source of omega-3s. your insulin isn't going to spike the same way. >> all this information this morning. >> i bet he was. >> the doughnuts, i think. >> i know. >> where can we find this truck? >> we are going to be in bryant park tomorrow from 4:00 to 8:00. it's complimentary. free, free. >> complimentary means free. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> he gave his workers a $70,000 minimum salary. maria is on deck with the big pay backlash. >> one of the most patriotic singers singing the anthem. ♪ so proudly we hailed ♪ at the twilights last gleaming ♪ i accept that i'm not 21. i accept i'm not the sprinter i was back in college. i even accept that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept giving it less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, ...i will. eliquis. eliquis... reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both. that really mattered to me. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept that i'm not as fast, but i'm still going for my personal best... and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke... plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... if eliquis is right for you. president obama releasing this video ahead of what could be his biggest crackdown on domestic energy production. >> power plants are the single biggest source in carbon collusion that contribute to climate change. until now, no federal limits on the pollution they can dump into the air. think about that. for the sake of our kids, for the health and safety of all americans, that's about to change. >> the president's plan is set to run tomorrow will require power plants to cut emissions by 3030. what is this going to mean for you? we have maria how are you doing? >> hey, how are you? >> there is a balance here. what is the effect on consumers? >> we have already seen an effect from the last time the e.p.a. came out with stricter rules and e lick trck -- electr prices went higher. it's hit the coal industry, all the transportation companies, the rails and airlines. they will face higher expenses, higher costs and will pass it on to the consumers. that means higher electricity prices and higher prices for consumers. you are talking industry that is are squeezed. the coal industry has seen such upset because of increased regulations and a host of other efforts to go toward clean coal. many of them are bankrupt, on the verge of bankrupt, so we could see consolidation and bankruptcy. that adds to the consumer. at the end of the day, something's got to give. >> have you ever met a single person for this, who is not a rich liberal? >> no. >> it seems like a species of class warfare. the bulk of the country care about it because they are not rich. >> many people who are facing the backlash of this whole movement are the companies that are the job creators. the one that is are creating employment opportunities. what you are going to see is that group, see more pressure and that group has to do something, probably pushback in the form of higher prices. at the end of the day, there are no free lunches. somebody's got to pay the bills here. probably the consumers in the form of higher electricity. >> speaking of paying the bills, the ceo of a credit card company in seattle who raised his minimum wage, voluntarily, to 70 grand. there are consequences. how has it worked out? >> not well for the owner of the business. he's renting out his personal home to raise money for himself because he's squeezed so much. this is unfortunate. it's an example of coming up with a random number to raise everybody's salary so you feel you are doing good for people. in fact, it's not fair. itis not pay for performance. i want to read a quote from an employee who quit because he was upset by it. now the people who are clocking in and out are making the same as me. it's less motivated team members. in other words, the guys and gals working hard, not just clocking in 9:00 to 5:00, they are seeing their pay at a discount to other's pay who rose to $70,000. the bottom line is he lost employees and customers. the customers said i don't want to work with a company that is making political statements. >> sunday morning features coming up at the top of the hour. i don't ever miss the show. it's that good. stay tuned for maria and watch her. >> thanks so much. coming up, is cosmo too sexy for store shelves? is it too stupid a magazine to sell? retailers giving the magazine the playboy treatment, next. remember, her? she sang the national anthem in every one of the 50 states. she joins us next with a special treat for you. ♪ for purple mountains majesty ♪ above the fruited plain ♪ america, america god shed his grace on thee ♪ ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea ♪ and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan for the latest information. ♪ whoa what are you doing? putting on a movie. i'm trying to watch the game here. look i need this right now ok? come on i don't want to watch that. too bad this is happening. fine, what if i just put up the x1 sports app right here. ah jeez it's so close. he just loves her so much. do it. come on. do it. come on! yes! awww, yes! that is what i'm talking about. baby. call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. well, some quick there's only one highlight necessary. >> ronda with a knee. big trouble. >> that's right, rousey knocking her out in 34 seconds flat. rouseytoha. rousey landing a punch to the left temple. lights out. set a record for singing the national anthem in all 50 states last year. >> and if that wasn't enough, our next guest, janine sang sang ""the star spangled banner"" every hour for 24 hours. janine, the national anthem girl sang. thanks for being with us. >> i've seen you on social media. >> flew from california to l.a. to, where? >> new york. >> new york. >> i haven't had a lot of sleep so, yeah. >> congratulations. >> you're doing a wonderful thing. >> what motivated you? how did you get the idea? >> after singing the national anthem for all 50 states i felt compelled to do something else. this is an important subject. patriotism never goes out of style. it's more than just waving a flag and chanting u.s.a. >> what can you do for an encore? >> i just finished singing this. this is the first of 50 flags. this flag right here was held by a veteran or an active military member each time i sang on the hour and this flag represents the people who defended. >> and you always try to find the man in the crowd. >> we'll have him turn as you hold it. >> this flag is on auction right now for ebay. >> if you go to my website national anthem girl, they can click a link. >> where did you serve? >> i was in the united states air force 20 years. >> thank you for your service. we're all going to hear a wonderful performance. >> janine, what goes through your mind when you sing? >> honestly, all the different stories that i've amassed throughout the journey. i've interfaced with 92-year-old world war ii veterans who stormed normandy, i've met people who embody the meaning of the song. it's become part of me. >> that's great. you've got the stage now. let's do it. ♪ o say, can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave? ♪ >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> that was great. >> beautiful. wonderful. thank you. relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> glad to see you. >> welcome back. we are so proud of a wonderful american, a young lady by the name of janine sang. she has been singing "the national anthem." went to all 50 states to sing the song and over a 24 hour period which was about two days ago she sang "the national anthem" every hour on the hour. she's been up for 48 hours. >> you'd never know. >> right. >> thanks, guys. >> thank god for makeup. >> we have another very special song for our viewers to end our show. don't forget to log on to "fox & friends".com for the after the show show. in the meantime, here's god bless america. ♪ god bless america land that i love ♪ ♪ stand beside her and guide her ♪ ♪ through the night with the light from above ♪ ♪ from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam ♪ ♪ god bless america my home sweet home ♪ ♪ god bless america good morning. just days away from the first republican debate. hi, everyone. i'm maria bartiromo. welcome to "sunday morning futures." the gop field heating up. ahead, to hear from the former virginia governor, jim gilmore on his strategy to drum up support. why he says the big field of candidates will actually help him. and a huge blow in the effort to train syrian rebels to fight isis. this time not from the islamic state but from another sworn enemy of america. lieutenant general richard newton is with us as the confusion in the region gets louder. let