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no good deed goes unpunished. this 77-year-old toll worker paid a toll of someone short on cash. he was fired. was that fair? let us know. "fox & friends" begins now. ♪ ♪ hey everybody. good morning from the heart of new york city. >> so many kids going to camp this morning. canoeing fire making, all heading out. >> how about studying hacking? >> it's the new face of camps for the summer. nsa hacking camp. would you go to that. >> doesn't sound like the fashion camp or cheer leading camp. big political news if you're just waking up coming back from a foreign country, you may not know the donald trump campaign is in a go this morning. the headline "trump is toast." don voyage it says. here's the sound bite that started it all. >> he's not a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured okay. i hate to tell you. he's a war hero because he was captured. okay. i believe perhaps he's a war hero. right now, he said very bad things about a lot of people. >> five six years in pow camp. my heart when i heard these comments went from here to here. >> criticism was immediate of course. actually you heard the boos and the audience responding people yelling out he was a war hero. later donald trump tried to walk some of those comments back a bit about senator john mccain and explain his comments. take a listen. >> when john mccain calls 15,000 people that showed up in phoenix, arizona to talk about illegal immigration, calls them crazy. if a person is captured they're a hero unless they're a trader like bergdahl. he's no hero. you have to do other things also. i don't like the job john mccain is doing in the senate. he's not taking care of our veterans. >> do you apologize? >> not at all. >> this is going on between trump and mccain. when trump had the rally, he said 15,000 came to the immigration center. it started off as a rally and a trump speech. when senator john mccain was asked, he mentioned trump was bringing inging out the crazies. some are saying mccain isn't innocent. >> breast beating began there fellow republicans including the republican national committee which generally stays out of primaries. the spokesman for the rnc issued the statement yesterday, quote, there is no place in our party or our country for comments that dis dis par aj those that fought for our country. >> take a listen to this. >> to can disparage an american hero like john mccain -- it's okay to question but don't question those that pay a huge price for our safety and our economics. >> if donald trump does not apologize to john mccain, do you feel that disqualifies him as a legitimate presidential candidate? >> and as the command in chief of this this country, yes. >> that was probably the biggest come den nation. every one of the contenders spoke out about. >> she tweeted yesterday when she heard the news. horrified, disgusted, are there are no words. >> she put up a picture of instagram gram of her dad. >> you know who we haven't heard of in this, haven't heard comments are from? john mccain himself. i know him well. probably the toughest person i've met. i bet you 20 bucks he laughed when he heard this. i don't know that for a fact. >> of course -- if there was a war hero it's john mccain. he refused the chance to go home. the north vietnamese tried to send him back because his dad was -- >> he said no. >> people dealing in immigration are not crazy. they are both probably half joking. of course trump said something outrageous. that's what he does. lighten up america. that's my view. >> if you remember t time in the pow camp was brought up by al franken. he said this. i have tremendous respect for mccain, be but i don't buy the war hero thing. as far as i'm concerned, he sat out the war. as you bring up tucker he meant this as a joke. >> i don't personally like al franken and his service as a senator. i think he was telling a joke. >> he's going to be here at 9:30. >> a lot of people a lot of republicans coming out saying he needs to apologize to senator mccain. he was asked that in the press conference afterwards and said i'm not apologizing. we'll see if he changed his mind overnight. will donald trump apologize? you'll wait until 9:30 to find out. we'll be here. >> e-mail us and go to our facebook page. where do you come down on this? >> fire storm. seven minutes after the hour, other headlines. the parents of the chattanooga shooter breaking silence, offering condolences to families of five murdered military families. mohammad youssuf abdulazeez' mother and father say there's no words to describe their horror and insist their son was depressed. the suspect texted an islamic verse to a friend hours before the murder. it says this. the family of randall smith, the fifth victim is mourning their loss. >> loved his family and obviously loved his country. you couldn't ask for a better young man. >> smith leaves behind a wife and three daughters. a story ends in tragedy. four bridesmaids are dead after a truck slams into their limousine. it will limo made a u-turn and the truck crashed into them. the bride is in critical condition. two other women and limo driver also seriously hurt. the truck tried to run off. he's facing a drunk driving charge. stunning details in the bill cosby scandal. a court deposition from more than a decade ago says he offer money for women's silence. he offered his agent to pay a woman $5,000 so his wife wouldn't find out. dozens have come forward saying he drugged them and took advantage of them. former president george h.w. bush is on the road to recovery after breaking a bone in his mechanic. he's in good spirits and doctors are pleased with his progress. the 91-year-old fell wednesday in his home. he's expected to make a full recovery in three to four months. those are your headlines. we have the forecast. she's wearing sunny yellow. >> summer officially arrives today. you know why? >> why? >> it's ice cream day. >> yea. >> ice cream day. >> didn't you wear ice cream on your shirt? >> yes. last year at this time heather was many. i was wearing the ice cream. that's okay. that's a small price to pay for national ice cream day. stay tuned. let's look at temperatures. 65 minneapolis. we have a cold front. 56 rapid city. ahead of the front, we've got the warm sticky air mass and potential for severe weather again today. a couple of watch boxes in effect kansas city missouri illinois. could see large hail damaging winds, isolated tornado and heavy rain. severe thunderstorm warnings for a couple those great states. be aware. check the sky and be indoors if you have a severe weather warning in your area. there's a severe threat through tonight and going to continue as we head to monday. stay tuned. i can't wait to see all the flavors. >> coming up in a little bit, we're going to put weather apps -- people love weather apps on their phones. >> hopefully they don't put me out of business. >> we're going to test weather app versus janet, accuracy of these things. >> i'm ready. >> should be fun. coming up on the program, the chattanooga shooter one of thousands of muslims coming to the united states every year. how do we weed out the radicals? is that possible. the retired fbi agent with a warning next. a massive man hunt and amber alert. 1-year-old girl saved from kidnappers. incredible moment of her rescue coming up ♪ ♪ at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. we are stopping these things so far through tremendous hard work use of sources and undercovers. it is incredibly difficult. i cannot see me toing these indefinite li indefinitely. >> director of fbi days before mohammad youssuf abdulazeez opened fire at a military base in chattanooga murdering five people. the threat seems inevitable when you consider 100,000 muslims come to america every year legally to study many in colleges and many others. do we need to make changes to our immigration policy to keep us safe? joining us now tim. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> do you see the increase of immigration to the u.s. as a problem? >> it's a problem in that clearly those like abdulazeez come to this pool. he was the perfect profile. his age, education as far as being in the engineering sciences. that's kind of typical beginning as far back as 9/11 hijackers. this is a pool of individuals that need to be looked at and scrutinized when visas are considered. fbi has a daunting task with individuals already here and when you consider hundreds of thousands more are coming this next year and beyond it is as director comey said impossible to keep up with that influx. many we believe are involved in terrorist groups or leaning in that direction or put on watch list wills, it's already overwhelming the manpower the bureau has. >> is there difference in law enforcement and policy makers? colleges lobby for more student visas because they want the money. government of saudi arabia pays for saudis to study in the united states. does anyone ask the homeland security what do you think of this? >> i don't believe there's much coordination. the fact is freedoms we enjoy as americans and extend to foreign visitors allow a certain level of let's say lenientcy on the part of the state department handing out those visas. you don't need international clearance to come study here abroad. there's no threat unless that individual is connected to someone directly or thepss sthemselves on a watch list. >> to restate, there's a lot of money here. colleges are making an awful lot of money from this influx of students. last year just to put this on the screen there were 127,000 visas issued to students from majority muslim countries. that is a huge increase. is that primarily the threat? i'm looking at the time threat. 53,000 from saudi arabia. 10,000 iran. 7,000 kuwait 7,000 indonesia. is this something law enforcement fishes areofficials concerned about? >> i don't want to paint a brush and and make every muslim look like a suspect. they're not. i had friends that are muslims even this weekend celebrating the religious holiday ramadan. that's the pool from which the radicalized young men and women are coming from. that's the pool we need to look at. individuals have clearly come here using access to target america. it is a concern. it's a concern that it's very hard to deal with when restrictions on law enforcement that you can't wantingly pick out people and look into their lives because you think they're a potential suspect. there has to be a reasonable suspicion to move forward with the investigation. it has to be developed in the way the guidelines and other agencies can continue scrutinizing these individuals. >> we're pretty much helpless it sounds like. >> i would leave it more towards that it's not -- clearly we're out numbered. we have 13 or 14,000 fbi agents around the world trying to protect america and american interests. it's impossible when looking at millions of potential individuals we would have to look at to be able to sift through that haystack to find a needle. it's impossible. >> it does sound it. thanks for joining us with that perspective. thank you. coming up o'malley is under fire for saying this. >> black lives matter white lives matter all lives matter. >> white lives matter. you can't say. that he's now apologizing. we'll bring you the story. and more hacking. nsa behind the summer camp for kids as young as middle school. some call it brainwashing others say it's fun. we'll see what's going on at hacker camp. stay tuned. ♪ here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? 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one of a dozen of summer camp across the country. nice to see you this morning. welcome to the show. >> thank you. good morning. >> how does this camp work? >> well the cyber camps are funded jointly by the national security agency and national science foundation. there are 43 in the nation now in 18 states. one of them is uc berkeley. we have 22 students under my watch. i'll be teaching them about cyber security and privacy, cyber ethics how to get into college and be success isfulful in computer science and programming. >> obviously, you know the laughing part of this that has come from the criticism is you guys are teaching ethics on privacy, yet the nsa in the heap of criticism over the past year has been caught red handed spying on american citizens. are students aware of that part of the curriculum taught about edward snowden and controversy that unfolded? >> well, each one of the camps -- like i said there are 43 -- have the ethics component. i would say that's not really what these camps are about. most of my students when they entered did not know much about edward snowden. we're going into our last week and talking now about nation states and what the cyber security issues are at this level. camps are not about snowden, nsa. it's an opportunity for students to learn skills programs, protecting their own privacy, get them interested in the nation's cyber infrastructure. >> network forensics, protecting private accounts and cyber ethics are taught. >> each university creates their own curriculum. i developed our own unique curriculum. it focuses on privacy, built on a teaching privacy curriculum developed at uc berkeley by the international computer science institute. we're a center -- the trust center focused on cyber security research and education. our camp is unique. go ahead. >> we had a number of big hacks. the state department most notably. how important is it to have young people learning about cyber security in. >> it's super important. we have anywhere from 600 to 1 million jobs open in cyber now in the united states. we need a wealth of individuals to fill these jobs. as of right now, that pipeline is not there. we're not getting a number of professionals in cyber that we need. in the national science foundation national security agency are doing -- have taken quite an innovative approach to building that pipeline. they're reaching directly to middle schoolers and high schoolers around the country to get them involved. there are pretty famous camps in most major urban areas. many are costing thousands of dollars or more. they're trying to fund camps to remove those barriers. >> we appreciate you joining us this morning. thank you. >> thank you. coming up here on the show california wildfires out of control roaring over the busy highway catching one family in its path. >> oh my god. >> i feel the heat. >> it's so hot. >> how that family managed to escape. that's coming up next. plus this 77-year-old veteran turned toll booth worker fired for trying to do the right thing. he paid the toll for a driver short on cash. is that fair? 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>> i believe what i first said was black lives matter. i meant no can disrespect. that was a mistake on my part. i meant no disrespect. i did not mean to be insensitive in any way. >> if you look up craven in the dictionary, that's the clip that comes up. saying all whitelives matter or white lives matter is now offensive. >> this is scary. >> there's a charity called blue lives matter. do they need to walk back comments that police don't matter. only black lives matter. no way. >> this is flat out racism. are you comprehending this? this is scary. thousands are jumping up and down screaming because someone says all lives mater. >> let us know what you think. do all lives matter? headlines on your sunday morning. a 3500 brush fire raging in southern california. rain helped firefighters get it 45% contained. yesterday we showed you this video of cars burning on a free way. drones flying too close to the blaze. efforts underway half an hour. we're getting the up close look the moment a family of four escaped the inferno. >> i feel the heat. >> oh god. >> it's so hot. >> the family in that car was join us live at 8:50 this morning. a moment caught on camera. a young girl resting in a detective's arms minutes after she was found safe after being kidnapped. she was snatched from a hotel room after her mother was assaulted. police spent hours searching for her before a neighbor heard crying coming from a shed. two men have been arrested in the kidnapping. the girl is expected to be okay. no good deed goes unpunished. a 77-year-old veteran working at a toll booth is fired for paying someone else's to toll. sam took $5 out of his pocket after he realized he charged a florida truck driver too little. he admits he had been told to stop paying for drivers short on cash but says over a 30 year career he always felt he was doing a good thing. his employer is not commenting on this. a stray dog stuck in a tight spot. this pit bull named jemma got her head trapped in the rim of a tire. she was spotted on the steps of her indianapolis home. it took firefighters more than an hour to cut the rim over. jemma fortunately was not hurt. she's now made a permanent member of this family. those are news headlines. ♪ ♪ that's the new broadway musical "amazing grace." behind it the true story of the world famous hymn. the show officially opened the stage. it's receiving not surprisingly rave reviews. >> we are joined now to hear about this. nice to see you guys. >> thanks for having us. >> so much hope. a lot of folks no all the words to the song but not the story behind it. what is it? >> chris? >> it's an incredible story of a man that blew the lid off slave industry in the 1700s. he was a slave trader. through an appearance out at sea alone in a hurricane, he basically changed his life and came back and became the world 's first whistle blower. >> as the executive producer how difficult is it to bring that story to the stage? >> as difficult as you can imagine. yeah. we had a good run in chicago. that opened the doors for us to come to new york. you know it's not the typical broadway fair. it's incredible entertaining, big broadway show. it has a different heart. >> when he says save a wretch like me he's thanking god from saving him from the evil of the slave trade. >> yeah. his whole life he was a bitter young man. atheist, turned his life around. a very inspiring story. it inspired me. >> he was also enslaved in africa by an african slave trader. that's the thing about our story. >> it's both sides of it. >> he was branded a slave. >> what happened to him? >> he had a conversion experience on a ship. >> after that later in life? >> he became an anglican priest and spent his life being a preacher. >> it took him years to unrang unwrangle the slave trade. >> tell viewers why they should come see it. what feeling do you walk away with? >> i was there last night. people leap to their feet. we met new yorkers people from the south west abroad. they are so excited to be able to stand up and sing a song at the end they choose to sing and walk out and feel so much hope. >> you were there last night? >> yeah. >> you didn't get much sleep. >> yep. >> where is it? >> 45th street around the block. >> we'll be there. >> on broadway. thank you. well he's number one on the polls, but what will happen to donald trump now after he made comments about john mccain that have america flame? >> he's a war hero that was captured. i like people that weren't captured. he's a war hero because he was captured. okay? >> some democrats claim this will help trump. you'll meet one next. earnest hemingway, mary pop pins and nutty professor walk into a bar. it's not a joke. it's a study on how you drink. the story is next. ♪ in a work, work, work world... take time for sunday. just know that your truck... has a little thing for monday. so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? 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why not reach for a joint. studies show the body heals quicker when given it and they believe it strengthens bones during the healing process. donald trump sending shock waves to the gop field after slamming senator john mccain. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. he's a war hero because he was captured. okay? >> does this signal the beginning of the end for the donald? here now for a fair and balanced debate 2008 clinton campaign advisor. thanks for being with us. the cover of the new york coast this morning, don voyage trump is toast after the comment. do you believe that? >> he's been condemned by every republican including the republican national committee. republicans have a pretty wide open party. they allow a lot of debates. they don't like the questioning of war heroes. there's little question john mccain is a war hero. his service was obviously honorable. i don't think a commander in chief the in that position -- it seems illogical. >> these comments from trump had some teeth, but the biting comments coming back from other gop contenders. what does this mean for democrats is this are they relishing in this? >> i don't think for democrats or anyone who's an american you could relish in the laughing stock that donald trump is making our political system. i hope that it was the beginning of the end when he first dipped his toe into the waters. this is just a continuation of his doushe baggary. i guess he has now finally crossed the line. he crossed many lines quite some time ago. >> that's serious name calling too. how do you respond daniel? >> it was not there. donald trump was condemned. in the segment early, o'malley apologized for saying all lives matter. bernie sanders was booed down at the most liberal conference for not being liberal enough. that's where the real crisis is in the democratic party. they're not able to get along. i'd be curious whether my fellow guest believes that martin o'malley was more offensive by saying all lives matter or donald trump was more offensive by questions the war heroness of john mccain. >> yesterday we reported the huffington post said they would only cover the trump campaign many the entertainment section. no longer politics or front page headlines. what do you make of this? >> bravo. that was the perfect call and hopefully people in the media will follow. i will have to say that daniel's last comment was a perfect line of distraction and deflection trying to remove the conversation or put it onto the person -- onto the democratic party when you have the person leading in republican polls saying things about our military men and women that is so is offensive. still not wanting to own up to the fact in a fox news poll he was at the top just last week. what is going on in the republican party? what does it take for y'all to take your party back from the crazies that have had control of it for about seven years mow? >> finally daniel up against a hard break. she mentioned the polls. do you think we'll see trump plummet? he is at the top as of yesterday. >> i think he might hold steady another week or two. i don't think he'll hold on top much longer. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. and again, donald trump on this program at 9:30 today. coming up the great race database. the obama administration keeping a data base on everything racial. a form per doj for what that means for your privacy. there's thousands of apps out there. which one works the best? our cyber guy is here to break them down. come on down. ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection test test test test. test test test test. test test test test. test test test test. test test test. 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. well, there are thousands of weather apps out there and yet chances are you still don't know whether weather whether to expect rain or shine. here to join us is our favorite cyber guy sharing with us our weather apps. we should mention we have fox news meteorologist janice dean standing by to check the accuracy of the weather apps. >> don't forget about me. >> we need you, janice we need you as a barometer of truth in this segment. we all do this clayton. we're constantly checking weather apps. what is the weather? especially imagine you are getting married. you are going to constantly check that. imagine if you have a event outside, you are constantly checking it. people are obsessed with it and they are not accurate! >> my favorite app, and i want you to talk me off the ledge off of this one, i love dark sky. they will send an alert, severe weather starting in five minutes and boom five minutes later, a huge storm hits or drizzle starting in five minutes and wouldn't you know it five minutes later there's drizzle. >> you are seeing it right now. this is what dark sky looks like. outside, live here in the middle of manhattan, it says that it's clear skies, 77 degrees and falling. janice what say you about the truth? >> you know i do have that app. i do like that app. i don't think it's as accurate as clayton claims especially when it comes to winter weather. >> how much more accurate could it be? >> let's take a look at my big obnoxious thermometer right now shall we. it says about 79 degrees and if we look over here it's going to pan over to our big tower thermometer. it's 81. a lot of conflicting information here clayton and kurt. >> i love dark sky when it's about to precip i tate. >> this one is brand-new and it's solar. i just noticed it was free. otherwise it was $3. right now, it says clear sky, it's pretty accurate. as you go through the day on it the color of the screen will change based on the sun's position and if you want to share the weather with somebody you just tap it and off you -- press and hold and now you can share it through a variety of apps. this is i like because it's simple and is it accurate? well what we're finding out is that the accuracy really comes from how many devices that a weather app is tapping into. for example, weather under ground uses other phones and measures the barometer that's on the phone and collects that information. >> the pressure. if you allow it though. if you allow your phone -- >> to become part of its weather thing. the bottom line thing here is apps aren't always work. 84% of the people are like you and me we're obsessed with checking them constantly. what you want to do is get the hard great list we have on line of phenomenal apps. no matter how many times you check it it's not going to affect it. >> is it going to rain today? >> it doesn't look like it's going to rain. >> all right, janice and siri agree. >> don't forget the local weather gal. >> you are the leader. what's the website? >> cyber coming up here on the show it's what everyone is talking about, donald trump criticizing john mccain's military record the man who asked that very question frank luntz with what it means at the top of the hour. hi everyone and good morning, today is sunday the 19th of july 2015. i'm anna kooiman and donald trump igniting a political firestorm after these comments on senator john mccain. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. i hate to tell you. >> now, some calling for him to end his campaign. the man who asked him the question frank luntz tell us if he thinks this is truly trump's tipping point. the white house flew flags after nelson mandela died and the anniversary of abraham lincoln's death and why aren't they doing it for the five military soldiers who died in chattanooga. and the whoper of a wedding. >> "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> have it your way? >> have it your way? >> eat more chicken. >> i know! >> welcome into "fox & friends" this sunday morning. boy do we have a jam packed show for you this morning. have you ever heard of knocker ball? >> we have now. >> when i saw these emails earlier in the week i was super excited. knocker ball you get inside a giant inflatable ball. >> don't call it a bubble. >> you run head long into each other. where we're going to find out, on the plaza coming up. we want to get right to breaking political news the new york post with the headline with don voi -- voyage. he blasted mccain's record. >> frank, let me get it. >> he's a war hero. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured okay? i hate to tell you. >> do you believe that? >> he's a war hero because he was captured. >> now, new this morning, donald trump is tweeting john mccain called thousands of people crazies when they came to seek help on illegal immigration last week in phoenix. he owes apology. and frank luntz joins us. what do you think? >> good morning. i don't understand it. donald trump has always had a positive reputation for being candid for being willing to say things that nobody else would say, but, and i apologize for my voice, it's left over from yesterday, but the public doesn't want someone who spent five and a half years in a prison of war camp attacked and this is not about john mccain. i want to be clear. this is about every veteran who has served this country in battle and has wondered every day whether this would be their last. i don't think that trump understands that in the military when you -- when you commit yourself to defend youryour country, that is the ultimate sacrifice, and unless he apologizes then his campaign is doomed. >> i'm not defending what trump said and i accept -- i revere john mccain's service and i like him as a man, but trump wasn't attacking every veteran. he was attacking john mccain specifically. so why are we saying that this is an attack on everyone who served? when it was an attack on one man who served. >> tucker listen to the last sentence. he respected people whether or not caught -- who weren't caught. >> he was talking about mccain, he's mad at mccain because mccain called him crazy. >> that question was asked of him last night in that post press conference after your interaction with him, he says i'm not going to apologize to john mccain. does he need to apologize for this to go away? >> i'm the last person to believe you have to apologize, it's something i went back and forth about political correctness. he said i was being too hard on him or i was expecting him to toe a certain line but i have to tell you this idea of service, you don't say i respect people whether or not caught. -- who weren't caught. guys in new york do not understand the mind set of a veteran or a mind set of a republican primary voter who holds the veteran to the highest level of respect and esteam ask and when you put on a uniform to defend this country, you do not expect to be challenged or attacked by a presidential candidate. i don't think donald trump didn't realize the impact of what he said and he could fix it over the next 24 hours. if he doesn't, you are going to see protests not by a generation of undocumented workers. you are going to see protests from the american legion. you are going to see protests from the veterans of foreign wars. this please understand i know this this is the electorate this is why i wasn't given a chance to moderate this debate. this is offensive to a lot of people and donald trump who watches this program can fix it if he clarifies and says to veterans look i respect your service, i appreciate it and i'm grateful for it. >> you are saying that trump needs to say to veterans i wasn't attacking you but it's okay to attack john mccain specifically? here's why i'm arguing with you this is a tack that the left often looks. you criticize hillary clinton, you are attacking women, and boem -- obama, you are a racist. it's fair to attack one person and not attack a group of persons. you see how it's different? >> i see that. you heard the response. those are all republican conservatives in the audience. this is a family leader debate. you could hear it. listen both to the sound of the audience when he said it because they booed and listen to the last line of what he said to me. if he had not said that if it just stayed on john mccain and i respect his service, i disagree with him on everything else it would have been fine. but when he said i respeople who didn't get caught that's the line that if you don't hear it tucker then you are missing what millions of americans have heard over the last 12 hours. >> we heard it. we heard it. absolutely. and with all due respect, the people of new york certainly have reverence for senator john mccain as well, the ship that he served on is parked in the harbor the u.s.s. intrepid. some of the candidates fired back immediately, former texas governor rick perry said he should resign and call it quits. what do you think about that? >> and senator graham from south carolina said that -- used the line that you are fired. again, i don't want this segment to come across as being anti-trump. i'm being very careful here but if he zpt acknowledge, if he doesn't feel the insult that he would have caused and i don't want to analyze this as the left has done to the right for years, trying to demonize those who have perfectly legitimate points of view these are not left to right, these are veterans. these are people we owe the utmost respect for it. p.o.w.s who are -- >> we don't disagree with you. every normal american looks at those as heroes because they are. senator mccain, do you think he owes an apology to people with concerns about immigration by calling them crazy? >> i think we're whole system right now and we're only into july 2015 i think this whole system we're insulting way too many people being way too vicious, too uncivil, it is possible and desirable to have this debate for 2016 arguably the most important election since 1968 that we can have it in a civil and decent and respectful manner. we don't have to start demonizing each other's supporters we don't have to start attacking people so personally and viciously. frankly, guys it has no place in american politics and every election we sink further and further into the abyss. let's have a smart, intellectual conversation. >> it's been a long night. thank for waking up with us. we look to our leaders to be ladies and gentlemen, we ask our friends at home what do you think about this? on facebook we had a post on this. tell the whole story! mccain called the people that went to see trump crazies. >> he needs to apologize to all of our veterans. i don't think trump needs to be our president. >> we went and saw donald trump and we were very offended by john mccain saying donald's rally brought out the crazies. the family of a chattanooga shooter offering condolences to the victims. his parents say there are no words to describe the horror. they insist their son was depressed. the killer sent hours before the rampage with this verse. whoever shows emmity to a friend of mine then i have declared war against him. >> smith died after the shooting. he was a husband and father of two girls. >> four bride made -- made are dead. they left a winery in new york and the limo made a u-turn at a light. police caught the driver. who is facing a drunk driving charge. >> high winds launched several hot hair balloons across the field forcing people to duck for cover. >> oh, no no no no. >> organizers rushed to deflate the hot air balloons. a pilot was in one of the baskets but he was able to get out unharmed and one balloon attached to a truck sent it barreling into a line of tents. >> get down! >> amazingly, no one seriously hurt. and a whopper of a wedding, ashley king and joel burger got married this weekend. joel proposed starting the burger-king engagement they offered to foot the bill for the entire wedding. ashley will be taking her burger boy's last name. >> the ham burglar. >> i'm loving is it mcdonald's. the great race dbs database, it's real. obama administration is keeping a database. and imagine what the boss walks in and hops up on stage. not your boss but the boss. bruce springsteen's surprise performance at a bar. ♪ ♪ ♪ love ♪ in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. after we're all inside for a while, it gets pretty stuffy. when dad opens up the window what's the first thing he does? 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(family sniffs air) the tobin stance. that's totally what it is. when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices. talk about big government and big brother, president obama is reportedly compiling a secret race database that includes racial information, by housing credit employment and schools. is this an attack on privacy? is this creepy? will this open the flood gates of hundreds of thousands of lawsuits? joining us now it's great to see you this morning. what is the database? >> well, this administration has been obsessed about race from the very beginning, so what they are going to do is collect everything about you. do you pay your car loan on time? do your kids get disciplined? do you have a networth of a certain amount? how big is your house? they are going to start cranking all of this into federally run databases so they can turn over the data to lawyers, all of the race-obsess the people they have hired in the last seven years in the federal government and sue people rearrange american society the way they like it because they think america is a structurally racist country and they are going to use the power of the law and the power of the federal government to right the wrong. >> so when the government of south africa did this in 1994 it was considered wrong and creepy and scary and racist. how is that different from what the obama administration is doing? >> south africa any time you use race as a criteria for flexing government muscle and that's exactly what obama wants to do if you are in a white neighborhood and your kids are in gifted and talented programs then it must be racist and he's going to do something about it. they are going to start forcing schools to not impose discipline policies forcing schools to set aside objective criteria for gifted and talented. car lend erks the whole gamut of american life is going to call under their fists. they are going to line the pockets of the racial allies to help them sue banks and schools and all sorts of institutions. >> people treated differently as they are now frankly by their government on the basis of what color they are, something they can't control? >> absolutely. this is redistribution. >> it's not so different from other historically reviled governments, is it? >> it's a difference of degree. if you start using race like obama wants to do when you start using race to hurt some people and help others you are engaging in exactly the same moral evil that has einflicted the world through centuries. it's a different of degrees. >> the kids read about this in school and the irony is it's going on now and nobody says anything. christian adams, great to see you. the white house flew flags following the death of nelson mandela and the an verse require of abraham lincoln, but they are not doing it for the five fallen soldiers in chattanooga. and we have the new movie "ant-man" stay tuned. 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"ant-man" is the 12th film in the marvel universe. it's all in the same universe. for me i thought the ak was fantastic. i've seen it twice now. we discussed it in the hallway the other day. avengers old movie was complicated in its plot line. paul was great as a character. they actually shot a lot of scenes they used macro cameras in that environment. one thing, get the i max 3 d, it's not worth the extra $6. there are two ending credit scenes at this end of this film. i give it a 4 1/2 out of 5. an gentlemen lean lily explain to me how it would look on set when his character would shrink. >> it's so hard to keep a straight face. what you see is paul rudd closing his mask. he make the nose and he shrinks down into a little ball. >> that's evan gentlemen lean little by talk about that. and the other movie, "trainwreck." the none comedian ss steal the film. i've seen her live on stand-up before and one thing i wanted to ask her, when you ask -- say jokes in stand-up is there a difference in writing stand-up jokes versus movie jokes, check this out. >> you don't know the screenings of movie, when they are testing it you can't go out in the crowd and explain it. i don't think the stand-up joke work very well in movies. i think the behavior is funnier. >> one thing is surprised about is how funny lebron james is in this movie. he's absolutely hilarious. i give it a four out of five. if you love amy exhume -- shum shumer it is good. >> she's having a big moment you are 100% right. everybody is talking about her and loves her. the movie does show her talent as a writer and a screen writer and also an actress. it's a very emotional movie as well for her. it's auto biographical movie for her. >> would you say "ant-man" good for kids? >> i'm wondering how you feel about it as well. i think it was definitely one of the tamer marvel floims. i thought age of oltron was so dark. it was definitely pg 13. i would sake a seven or eight-year-old with it. >> i'm if from new jersey so there's a lot of language that floats in the neighborhood. i'm more worried about violence than the language. >> thanks a lot, kevin. >> i also sat down with michael douglas as well who was absolutely hilarious. check me out on twitter. >> we will do it. coming up, a college student blows through her $90,000 college fund. >> maybe they should have taught me how to budget a little more carefully. no i mean it! so are her parents at fault? dr. keith ablo weighs in. >> she said her parents didn't teach her how to budget. and they save a woman from a burning car. >> i thought i had to get her out of there before it gets worse. >> more from the remarkable rescue just ahead. ♪ you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. i hate cleaning the gutters. have you touched the stuff? it's evil. and ladders. sfx: [screams] they have all those warnings on 'em. might as well say... 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>> those are the golden knights, aren't they? >> did you see them parachute into the stadium? >> we ate every hot dog in the park yesterday. >> they thought it was the coney island challenge. >> i hate a whole -- i ate a whole bowl of chips. nothing short of heroic a teenager saved a woman trapped inside a car moments before it was in a ball of flames. >> flames like were creeping in her. i saw her. i just did what any person is supposed to do. >> the woman was treated for smoke inhalation and is going to be okay. the cause of the blaze is now under investigation. and don't all lives matter? democratic presidential candidate coming under fire for saying this at a liberal blogger convention in arizona. >> black lives matter white lives matter and all lives matter. >> boos. o'malleyly was talking about police violence. he apologized and saying he meant no disrespect and his remarks were a mistake. don't count vice president joe biden out just yet. he will make a decision likely in september. biden is still mourning the loss of his son beau and it's too soon to talk about his political future. and the boss playing an impromptu show. ♪ ♪ >> you want to take this one away. i know you are a big fan. >> bruce springsteen playing at asbury park. how would you like to be there and see the boss show up in his territory there? >> so much energy. >> pretty cool. those are your headlines. let's get over to janice dean. >> knocker ball we had big plastic ball here on the plaza. oh my gosh. this is going to be happening. you want to stay tuned, because anna tucker and clayton are going to be doing some knocker ball. it's going to be here. it's going to be impressive. is it sweaty balls on the plaza? no. let's look at the weather real quick. let's take a look at the map. it is 78 here in new york city. it does feel rather humid though with the humidity. 74 in chicago. 56 in rapid city. 79 in san antonio. watches and warnings the risk for severe weather today across the plains states we have a severe thunderstorm watch for parts of kansas as well as missouri and illinois. the good news is we don't have any warning right now. back over to you, tucker anna clayton. thank you, guys. some on line are asking a very simple question why has the white house not lowered the flags on the white house grounds to half mast and ordered flags all around the country to half mast in honor of the five military members killed in chattanooga. >> out of respect for those lives lost our service members, could we lower the flag? >> people are pointing to some recent flag loergs at the white house, back on april 15th the anniversary of lincoln's death, and the death of nelson mandela on december 5, sandy hook shootings, and ft. hood shooting. it's an interesting debate. these are five service men who were killed in cold blood at that recruitment center but then to the families of all those fallen in foreign wars right now, the flag would probably remain at half staff permanently. there are killed in the line of duty regularly. >> people are chat background this on line. when can the president order the flag be flown at half staff? he may be able to do that to mark the deaths of officials or foreign dignitiaries. >> here's what i think is going on. this is one of those symbolic issues that people think offers a window into the real thoughts of the president and i think that people see the president thrilled by the supreme court decision on gay marriage really upset about that boy getting killed by the cop in ferguson really upset about his friend skip gates getting hassled by a policeman in cambridge. >> and supreme court decision on gay marriage we light the white house up in rainbow colors and a few days later on fourth of july do we do red, white, and blue? >> they want a president who sees their values and sees america like they do and he doesn't and they are upset about it. >> they would like to hear a little bit more from the president. many are saying he should be tougher on terror. >> he's very happy to jump to conclusions on other circumstances i notice. he doesn't wait for all the evidence before making those statements. >> go to our facebook page ff weekend is our facebook page. should the white house lower the flags to half mast? imagine this being your office. >> welcome to the michael scott daily wash your stress away seminar. >> did you say daily? is it the employers job to make sure employees are healthy? what about using paid time off as an incentive? is that really a good idea? a family goes to a car dealership for a new car and they can't get out. trapped at the car dealership. we'll tell you what happened. moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough but i've managed. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. 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>> we watch a movie about a family getting locked into a car dealership place. oh wait a second that's us. >> this absolutely happened to this massachusetts family. they arrived right before it closed and the father got so fed up waiting for security to arrive that he went to a nearby hotel borrowed power saw and cut the chains himself freeing his family. welcome to the michael scott daily wash your stress away seminar. >> did you say daily? >> yes. we will be doing this daily if necessary for the health and well-being of our friend stanley. you people have put him through an awful lot of stress do not divulge any private medical records but he is at the brink of death. >> isn't the employer's job to make sure employees are healthy and should companies tie the amount of vacation time you get to how healthy you stay outside of work? well that's what one professor is calling for but is that a good idea? here to debate is dr. michael fiorelli. nice to see both you of kathryn, i want to start with you. you are running a study to look at the benefits of workplace wellness programs. is this a good idea? >> i think it's a great idea to figure out how much these programs can do to improve the health of workers, reduce absenteeism and turnover but we need hard evidence to know if it's worth the investment. >> i don't think it's a good idea why? >> i'm all for health and wellness and researching and looking into this but i think you have to put the onus on the person. the employer can't be responsible for making sure people eat healthy, work out, go to the doctors don't smoke. if you take care of yourself you are going to be more productive. i love to be paid for going to the gym every day at 6:00. i don't think we should put the onus on the employer. >> there's a move at the federal level to get some of these programs enacted it at the federal level. do we know if these work? >> there's a lot of promising evidence but it's far from proof. there's a lot of employers who have noted that when they implement these programs their health care costs go down and their worker productivity goes up we don't know what would have really happened. there's a difference between saying it's the employer's responsibility and there's a real opportunity there. we spend more than eight hours a day at work a lot of behaviors we're trying to change those are day in day out kind of activities so employers have an opportunity to create value by generating programs that workers can take advantage of that wouldn't be available outside the workplace. >> don't they have a responsibility? we see all these team building programs that cops -- companies go through. couldn't you see the side of this could be beneficial to employers as well to make sure their employees are healthy? >> there's no doubt having healthy employers is going to help the company or your employer. but it has to be on the person. this is what i do for a living. it's a lifestyle change so having a program, really i don't think is going to work because it might work for a short period of time. it is a lifestyle, so it is the rest of your life eating healthy, taking care of yourself appropriate weight. i'm all for these programs i think you got to do it yourself. >> that's a great point. is your company going to follow you home at night to make sure you are hitting your 10,000 steps on your fit bit? >> i agree it's the individual's responsibility. we're all responsible for our own health but everybody needs a little bit help and a program that can create an atmosphere that promotes healthy behavior can yield huge returns both for the individual and others in terms of with improved workplace productivity and reduced absenteeism. it's not the employers responsibility but it's the opportunity. >> i wouldn't want to work at a place like that. michael and kathryn, great to see you. a college student blows through her $90,000 college fund and blames her parents for it. >> maybe they should have taught me how to budget a little more carefully. no i, mean it! >> are they really at all? dr. keith ablow weighs in on that next. we know hillary clinton is staying away from the press. she's ordering her supporters to stay silent as well. the latest clinton controversy coming up next. ♪ ♪ congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. listen to this. >> maybe they should have taught me how to budget a little more careful. no i mean it. they never sat me down and had a real serious talk about it. they said there was nothing they could do to help me anyway. they are not being honest with me saying they don't have it because my dad has work for like a million years and they have a retirement account. >> and it was normal spending $1,400 on a pair of christian leboutn instead of textbooks. who is to blame? the student or her parents. >> we know you are fired up about this. >> is it true that it's her parents' fault? >> i think it's both of their fawths. not necessarily for not teaching their daughter financial, you know regimens and accounting. they didn't teach her character. right here a young woman on the air saying why don't they raid the retirement account. that shows a character defect that needs to be addressed. >> you think? this is every parent's nightmare to have a child reach this age and behave like this. their thought we did something wrong in raising her. what you do do then? how spou respond? >> part of it you look at yourself and say man how do i miss instillings in my child? i got to look in the mirror and figure out is there something about having a child that i couldn't hole the line and teach valuable life lessons. you got to get a therapist involved like a family therapist and say we have a problem. our daughter did not absorb values that we hold dear but also i think we are all to some extent in a tough jam because social media is influencing kids so much that family values are tough to pass along. >> so doctor, to anna's point, can we cut her off then? cut her off social media? send her off -- >> that wasn't my point. >> petulant camp for a few weekends where she's got to learn the hard way. >> i think it's very tough to shut down the mobile phone, to shut down social media. i think what you can do is say look here's the thing, unless you earn this much money and she says you don't want a part-time job and my responsible would be like unless you have one and you hern this much money, there's no more coming so make your own decision but we're behind the eight ball here because here she is on tv saying things that are, you know going to inflame people and make her have an opinion of her that's negative and she doesn't get that because she's lost in a projection a reality tv version of herself. >> what do you do with your kids when they go to college? do you sign some sort of contract with them? this is the amount of money you get and you blow through it you are on your own? is that a way to have tough love and make them learn some responsibility? >> i hope would have started a long time before college, when kids were given an allowance or made to do chores for it or at least where they heard about the fact that they are required to -- they are relied upon to do certain things that will then make the money flow. they have to have values. if it's gone that long i think you've got to start having a hard line and looking at yourself in the mirror and saying we're going to have to be a little bit more rigid than we're comfortable with. >> i feel so bad for those parents. the family of the chattanooga shooter breaking their silence. the father saying the son was battling depression. is that an excuse for murder? we'll report, you decide. it relieves bloating in minutes. plus that uncomfortable pressure. no wonder it's the #1 gas relief brand. i'm jerry bell the second. and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." it's definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. 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it is sunday the 19th of july. the family of the tennessee terrorist breaking their silence. the father says the son was battling depression. is that really an excuse for murdering five of our nation's heros. and then donald trump slamming john mccain of arizona. watch this. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured captured okay? >> america has gone bananas over that comment. some in the republican field calling for trump to get out of the race right now. what do you think? and martin o'malley under fire for this comment. watch? >> black lives matter. white lives matter. all lives matter. >> wait. isn't that true? but he's now apologizing for it. fox and friends hour three starts right now. ♪ oh, yeah. >> remember dodge ball? bring in dodge ball. look at knocker ball. it's the new sport sweeping the nation. i've been seeing people on social media lately talking about playing they love it. >> well, we will be finding out in about an hour and a half. >> but first, we've got a lot of politics to get to. we want to start with the central political story of the moment. it's summed up perfectly on page one of the new york post this morning. donald trump insulting mccain. >> while in ames iowa here's what donald trump said that has him in hot water this morning. >> frank, let me get to it. he's not a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captures okay? i hate to tell you. he's a war hero because he was captured okay? and i believe perhaps he's a war hero. but right now, he's said some very bad things about a lot of people. >> and then donald trump in a press conference following started to walk some of those comments back and redirect it back on senator mccain's comments on immigration. he was calling all the people that showed up at his event in arizona crazies. so this was the press conference a short time later where mr. trump was explaining his mccain comments. listen. >> when john mccain calls 15,000 people that showed up in phoenix, arizona, to talk about illegal immigration he calls them a bunch of crazies, he's doing a great disservice. if a person's captured, they're a hero as far as i'm concerned. unless they're a traitor like bergdahl. i don't like the job that john mccain is doing in the senate. >> you apologize to mccain? >> no, not at all. >> have trump on in about an hour and a half. >> 9:30 he'll be joining us right here on the show. many people calling for him to get out of the race all together. that this is the tipping point. the rnc itself issuing this statement. there is no place in our party or our country for comments that disparage those that have served honorably. others though his contenders like rick perry. >> right. >> the rnc, it's the republican party. this is a republican primary. they don't typically weigh in on comments to candidates. >> you remember last weekend, though trump told us that yes, they had called him and told him to tone down his rhetoric. but then she also said look this is your personality, that's how you made your name. they're clearly weighing in on his behavior yesterday in iowa. rick perry was one of those saying that he needs to issue an apology and he also said that he needs to get out of this race. listen. >> to disparage a legitimate american hero like john mccain, you may disagree with his policies and that's fine. i tell people all the time it's okay to question your government. but don't question the men and women of the military who sacrifice and sometimes pay a huge price for our safety freedom, and our economics. >> if donald trump does not apologize to john mccain, do you feel that that disqualifies him as a le lit mat presidential candidate? >> and as the commander in chief in this country. in one word yes. >> so you heard trump say, you know he's a hero because he was captured. that's not actually true. he's a hero because of what he did after he was captured. he refused the opportunity to leave. his father was an admiral. mccain refused because they were released in order of the day they were captured. a lot of people are attacking him because they disagree with his views on immigration. >> and they see an opening here. >> i don't know. that was just so far below the belt. i don't think those thingss have anything to do with each other tucker. i think -- people who support donald trump's immigration policies or what he's rooting for anyway can still have a very serious issue with what he's saying. >> i am in that group. i think what trump is saying on immigration is absolutely right and i think what he said about mccain is prong. there's a lot going on in the world. and to act like donald trump is the most important story, the worst person who's ever lived. he says something outrageous every day. have you read his twitter feed? >> this morning -- yeah, he doubled down again and said that senator mccain needs to apologize to him. jeff wrote us on facebook. donald keep elthing it like it is mccain is about as conservative as obama. >> and a facebook post from frank, i like trump, but don't condemn mccain for his military service. >> wayne rights trump doesn't need to apologize for anything. >> and chary writes i am insulted by donald trump's comments. donald trump did not serve and does not understand the sacrifices all veterans have made. >> here's what i was talking about just a second ago. trump says something outrageous again, kind of par for the course in my view. meanwhile, out in phoenix, the net roots nation had their conference and something pretty unbelievable happened. martin o'malley former mayor of baltimore, gets up there, he's asked what do you think of the term black lives matter. he says keep in mind does this sound outrageous to you? >> black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter. >> one question. >> that blew up in his face. he immediately shifted course. he knew what he was saying what he said it? he was trying to be inclusive. >> joy williams gets up there and puts up her hand with black power. and shen she interviews him right after this event. he completely walked these comments back. listen to this interview after those comments. >> towards the end in your explanation, you said the phrase "all lives matter," you said the phrase "white lives matter." i want to ask you do you understand the difference? >> i believe what i first said was that black lives matter. i meant no disrespect. that was a mistake on my part. i did not mean to be insensitive to any way. >> so it's incensesensitive now to say white lives matter or all lives matter. you can't say all lives matter without, that's racist. >> their point is that they say the judicial system has not been fair to black lives. if you don't see that then you're part of the problem. but how about this? you know the charity blue lives matter? do they need to change their slogan and their name too? >> but all lives do matter. if you can't acknowledge that, there's something wrong with you. >> he got booed for saying all lives matter. >> everybody gets booed. all of a sudden anybody who says anything that's not approved by the authorities on twitter is hounded and yelled at and fired. whatever. it's just. let's have a mortgagor rum on outrage for a minute. >> let us know your thoughts. go to our facebook and you can weigh in on this this morning. big news day. you guys are getting spicy on social media too. some other stories making headlines now. those words coming from the parents of the chewing shooter. they're also offering his condo condolences to the family members. abdulazeez mother and father says there are no words to describe the horror. and they insist their son was depressed. and a text to a friend hours before the rampage saying whosoever shows enmity to a friend of mine. and the fifth victim is mourning their loss. >> loved his family and obviously he loved his country. you couldn't ask for a better young man. >> smith leaves behind a wife and three daughters. and breaking overnight, a bachelorette party turns tragic. the bride now fighting for her life. the group had just left a winery on long island. their limo making a u-turn when a pickup truck smashed into it. the bride remains in critical condition. and shocking details in the murder of kate stien lee. the san francisco sheriff reportedly ordered his deputies not to communicate with ice. francisco sanchez had been deported some five times. the sheriff saying he banned his deputies from giving information because of the sanctuary policy. and hillary clinton won't speak to reporters. and now she's telling her young reporters not to talk to them either. the supporters said they were told not to speak to the press. no comment so far from the clinton camp. trying to get them to bring out the ropes again too? >> that was funny. that was well written. corn of silence out there in iowa. >> well, hello. >> she's inside of a knocker ball. >> i am dressed for a ball. >> you are the belle of the ball. this is the first time the weather forecast has ever been done in a knocker ball. what do you guys think? how do i look? oh let's do the weather, shall we? outside we are looking at temperatures in the 70s here in new york but man, it is humid out here. so a little oppressive later on today. 78 in dallas. 81 in kansas city. behind that we've got cooler than average air. that is giving us the potential for severe weather today. isolated tornados across the central plains. i know, you guys can't wait for this right? anna clayton, tucker are going to be playing some knocker ball. >> i hate to say this, i have the feeling it's not going to end well. at least for me. >> yeah, it's not going to be good. >> i'm going to whoop y'all's tail. donald trump's comments about john mccain, they have put him in the middle of a fire storm. the question is can he recover. he said performer p.o.w. john mccain is not a war hero. plus ernest hemmingway mary pop pins and the nutty professor all walk into a dar. stick around and we'll explain. ♪ love ♪ in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. frank, frank, let me get to it. he's not a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured okay? i hate to tell you. he's a war hero because he was captured. >> that was drurp. he pretty much broke twitter after he said that blasting john mccain's war record. >> that's right. so how will this impact the race for the white house? >> joining us chris wallace. the front page of the new york post this morning, trump is toast after this insult. do you think that trump is done? >> well, look, i know he's going to be on your show at 9:30. it will be interesting to see if he apologizes. if he apologizes maybe he eliminates some of the sting. on the other hand part of his appeal to people is that he doesn't apologize. as you just played that clip and it's been playing for the last 24 hours and it's going to play for the next 48 or 72 hours, hard to unring that bell when he says he's not a war hero. and then he diminishes it and says well, he's a war hero because he got captured. he was shot down and spent five and a half years in a north vietnamese prison. he didn't just get captured walking down the street. >> that's for sure. what did you think of the rnc weighing in on this? >> i think it was very striking. i think there are a couple points there. one, they would love to get donald trump out of this race. they think he's doing a lot of damage to the republican brand. they were scared going after him about his comments about illegal immigrants. of course that's a big raging debate inside the republican party, even if some people object to the way that trump characterized the immigrants. but this is a safe one. and maybe even a smart one to go after him on this because not only veterans but people who have tremendous respect for veterans and military service are offended by these remarks. so it's a fairly safe one to hit donald trump on. >> what's the impact on democrats here? >> well, you know, look democrats -- you've seen it from hillary clinton in fact i think this week in iowa. she said there's really not much difference -- she didn't use the old line but she said there's not a dime's worth of difference between donald trump and the rest of the republicans, particularly given how muted they were on the immigration issues. so she's trying to paint them with a trump brush to the degree this allows a lot, and you saw people in the past go out and try to separate themselves it's going to make it a little harder. i want other thing about this. when a guy spent five and a half years in a north vietnamese prison and refused early release because he didn't want to break faith with his fellow prisoners. and you have a guy enjoying being at home on the other hand. maybe what you should do is say thank you for your service and keep quiet. >> one of the people that came to his defense is secretary of state john kerry. he'll be a guest on your show today. who else do you have coming up on the show today? >> we're going to be talking to him about the iran deal. we'll also talk to two leading senators who are going to have to vote on this deal. and we're also talk about that explosive planned parenthood video. and live from chattanooga. a lot of news on fox news sunday. >> yes. >> chris wallace. >> thanks chris. coming up next one of our all-time favorite guests another one of her epic adventures watch this. >> up up and away over new york city. taking me up with the air national guard. coming up it's going to be a wild ride. >> man how did you keep it together? >> oh, i didn't. >> more on that when we come back. >> that was pretty cool. here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. and apparently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. who reads all those? he does. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. welcome back. quick headlines now for you. drones flying too close to a california freeway fire grounded fire fighting planes for a half an hour. a family of four escaped the inferno. watch this. >> my god. >> you can feel the heat. >> it's so hot. >> so hot. yeah that family in a car. they'll join us live in about 30 minutes. and a new twist in the bill cosby channel. a court deposition shows he offered at least two women money for their silence so his wife wouldn't know about it. dozens of women accused the comedian drugging and taking advantage of them. all right. it's time. as many of you know this is a little series where my producer and i go around in the country in search of one of a kind experience. we're taking you to all kinds of fun places. recently we had the opportunity to visit one of the best stunt pilots on the air show circuit today. it was an amazing ride i'll never forget. >> is that the air national guard famous lieutenant colonel. >> welcome. how you doing today? >> i want to go flying. >> seriously? >> yes. >> beautiful scenery out here. i think i have a few surprises for you. >> perfect. let's hit it. let's do some tricks. >> after getting suited up and buckled in. it was time to get airborne. and oh, what a sight to see. >> how did you get into flying? >> you know my dad took me to air shows as a little boy. i wanted to fly airplanes since i was about 13 years old. >> what was it that inspired you to serve our great nation? >> you know what initially i was drawn to the military for flying. and then i realized how rewarding it was to be part of a team and part of an overall effort to serve my country. as i grew older, it became about serving. >> john served three tours in iraq nighing ingflying f-16 fighter jets. >> how do you go from doing that to fighting f-16 fighting falcons. >> flying c-130s was amazing. i got to see the world. but i was a top gun kid. i saw tom cruise and the f-14 tom cat. >> hey, john can i be goose and you be maverick? >> they were both a couple of cool dudes, you know that? >> then it was time to feel the need the need for speed. >> you know what i have a surprise for anna coming up here. we're going to have a little fun. >> oh, my god! this is definitely the coolest dude ever. >> some air? >> i feel a little woozy, but i'm okay yes. this is me. this is me, baby. i'm flying right now. what is your favorite trick to do for the air show? i hear you get the best crowd reactions of any pilot. >> i like to roll real fast. you want to check that out? >> sure, let's roll. >> all right. let's go straight up. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> all right. you doing good? >> yeah, i'm all right. i feel like i'm defying gravity right now. >> ready to go upside down? >> yep, i'm ready to go upside down. yeah! you never know where a road trip will take you next. from the air national guard. thank you so much. >> you never know. >> amazing. was anything et itted out of that video? >> did they show the part where he let me take the controls? >> like the part where you got sick. >> tv purposes you're up there for a very long time and then it gets widthttleed down to this short amount. >> takes it into the assent like that i would have been terrified. >> what about the part where he decides to do the rolls? >> literally, your face is going like this. >> i can't handle the teacups at disney world. next time we are heading out west with an amazing guide by my side. we're going fly fishing in wyoming on the next road trip right here only on fox and friends. i brought you a hat back from that too. >> i've worn it every day i've fished. >> that's amazing. coming up on the show this 77-year-old veteran turned toll booth worker fired for trying to do the right thing. he paid the toll for a driver that was short on cash. >> and move over dodge ball there's a new contact sport that is sweeping the nation. knocker ball. and we're getting in the balls. this summer, get ready for suspense. unbridled jealousy. she's still there. new beginnings. goodbye. and sheer exhilaration. and sheer exhilaration. lock and load. roger. it's the event you don't want to miss. it's the summer of audi sales event. get up to $3000 bonus on select audi models now during the summer of audi sales event. hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. ♪ >> it's your shot of the morning. a frozen sweet treat from baskin robins. >> you forget the spoons. i want to eat this. i want to eat it. >> all this month, they're offering a free watch l cone upgrade. to head to 31 flavors. i think they have more than 31 now. >> who needs spoons? we do need to get to your headlines on this sunday morning. the kkk and new black panther party clashing at a confederate flag rally in south carolina. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> well, hundreds of people from both groups holding bowling rallies outside the state house where the flag was removed last week. police were able to keep the protest under control making five arrests. and a 71-year-old man owes his wife his life this morning. she managed to revive him when he was struck by lightning. jerry was outside doing yard york in colorado when she found him on the ground not breathing. >> his hat was blown to pieces. his shirt was in shreds. i just started doing chest compressions right away. i thought i was a widow. >> well, jerry finally took a breath after his wife spent 20 minutes performing cpr. in that time a neighbor called for help. jerry is expected to make a full recovery. and a 77-year-old veteran's kindness costing him his job. the toll booth worker has been fired for paying a stranger's toll. he took $5 out of his own pocket after realizing he charged a driver too little. over his 30-year career he always felt he was doing the right thing. his employer not commenting. and did you know there are four kinds of drunk people? researches talked to 200 college students about their drunken mind sets and found this. 42% of people are hemmingway where your demeanor doesn't change. and 20% a nutty professor. and a scary 23% turn into mr. hyde. the guy who gets kicked out of the bar. >> which one are you? >> i don't drink. >> mary poppins. janice what are you? i think you get bubbly. >> i love carrying an umbrella. that's for sure. it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood in new york city. what's your name? >> rim from massachusetts. >> and you honey? and where you from? >> same. >> family family. and you. >> pennsylvania. >> what were you doing yesterday? >> i performed in a show. >> what show? >> it was a cabaret. >> can i come later on today? >> it was just yesterday. oh, i missed it. let's take a look at the weather. here in new york city it is warm and sticky. it is perfect summertime weather. i also want to point out the fact that we had record-breaking rainfall in parts of california yesterday because of all this tropical moisture streaming in from what was tropical storm delores. look at all that rain. great thing, however flash flooding is going to be a concern throughout the day today. the potential for severe thunderstorms as well. we'll be paying close attention to those areas for the threat of hail damaging isolated tornados. are you guys ready for a knockerball demonstration? it's what they've been waiting for. >> forgetful, but wonderful. it is the latest contact sport in inflatable contact sport sweeping the country. you don't just play with a ball, you become the ball. >> here to explain, jason thomas knockerball usa sales coordinator and spokesperson. this is genius. how does this work? >> i mean just like you see with everything going here behind us. we have several different games we like to play. the most popular one being soccer. we also play games like last man standing kill the chief, red rover and 500. we just do everything that you can think of to have a ton of fun in the ball. >> so knockerball is not necessarily a sport. it is a piece of equipment in any sport you want to play? >> we do have a game called knockerball. it's kind of like an american gladiator style thing. you have to guard your spot while everybody else is trying to take you out of it. it's definitely competitive. >> how you doing in there? what about -- >> obvious someone takes a telephone pole and knocks down all the knockerball players. >> i'm game to try it if you can figure out the guy that can carry -- >> yeah. this is amazing. >> any serious injuries? because we're going to be doing this at 9:50 this morning. >> it's a full contact sport, but we haven't seen anybody get hurt yet. i've been hit by college level athletes. i've probably been punished harder than moth people inside a knockerball. >> is there any technique to when you go down? sometimes in baseball or football they teach you how to fall how to slide. >> when you get hit, you know it's a hit that's bringing you off your feet. just go with it. >> so where did this originate? >> so it actually originated in norway back in 2011. it's just grown incredibly. our leader, actually one of the guys out in the ball today, he saw a video and was like hey, we got to brickng this to the states. we have hundreds of affiliates across the u.s. >> you can order these at home go to >> exactly. >> great idea. >> you can go to and you can order all your balls and everything there. if you're just looking for a place to play check out and click the where to play tab. >> i bet you they're an interesting group. i haven't gotten to meet them. >> awesome. >> thank you guys. >> we're going to be getting in the balls and having at it. coming up it's the grace race data base. president obama reportedly keeping a data base on everything racial from housing to employment. a doj official explains what that means for you and your privacy. and fire roaring over a busy highway catching one family in its path. >> can feel the heat. >> it's so hot. >> that family will join us live with more on their close call and their terrifying escape when we come back. and donald trump joins us very shortly. >> there we go! ♪ at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. ♪ your body was made for better things than the pain, stiffness and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill, not an injection or infusion for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. ♪ one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz. hi everybody. 44 minutes after the hour. marijuana helps mend broken bones. a new study finding people with broken bones heal much faster when given the nonpsycho active pot component. it also strengthens the bones during the healing process. and if you ever seriously considered grabbing some shuteye at the office. >> i can't keep doing this to myself. i'm exhausted. >> didn't you grab a neck at work? >> well, you might want to move to spain where the mayor is making nap time the law. the official daily nap lasts from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. many people in the town work outside so it gives them a chance to beat the heat. >> see ya. >> i thought they were against that in spain now. >> i thought they got rid of siestas. >> all right. this is a story from out of nowhere that is dominating a lot of news coverage this morning. it's about a data base apparently being compiled by the obama administration that sorts americans into racial categories. they're gathering massive amounts of private information on all of us and breaking down the population into white, black, hispanic asian and they're doing it in order to allocate the spoils of the federal government. >> and across a number of dichbt agencies. it kind of breaks down like this. where banks that don't make enough prime loans to minorities trial attorneys could go after them. schools that suspend too many blacks. cities that don't offer enough section 8 housing. all of this now being collected in different agencies probably so the trial attorneys and civil rights attorneys can have at them and sue like crazy if they wanted to. >> so it's a way to shape our future. this seems wild to me. gy which is chan was on the show earlier. >> they're going to start forcing schools to not impose discipline policies. forcing schools to set aside objective criteria for gifted and talented. car lenders, the whole gamut of american life is going to fall under their fist. if you're in a white neighborhood and your kids are in gifted and talented programs it must be racist and he's going to do something about it. they're going to line the profits of the racial allies to help them sue banks and schools and all sorts of institutions. >> think about a particular neighborhood where there are federal subsidies for these particular neighborhoods so that you have a neighborhood, people move in, decide they like it there. the government could come in, because of this heat map based on the amount of african-americans living in this neighborhood we need to redistrict funds. >> not could, would and are. that is happening now. if your neighborhood is more than 50% white, it is classified according to the obama administration as segregated. the expectation that government will not treat you as a member of a racial group, will not treat its citizens differently based on the color of their skin. it was wrong when it happened in south africa and it's wrong now. you should be treated as an individual. not as a member of a racial group. >> it's a different degree obviously, but -- >> but the principle is the same. we're all citizens no matter what color we are. you don't choose your color. you're born with it. the idea that the government will treat one person better and one person worse based on their skin color. >> president obama says everyone in a community can weigh in. if you want affordable housing nearby, now you'll have the data you need to make your case. >> i wonder why race relations are at an all time low right now. kind of weird. coming up next california wildfire roaring over a busy highway catching one family in its path trapped inside. >> oh, my god. >> can feel the heat. >> it's so hot. >> that family will join us live with more on their close call and terrifying escape. and what happens when a man named burger and a woman named king tie the knot? a whoer of a wedding of course. the story you've got to hear. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. go go go people. go. >> oh, my god. >> i can feel the heat. >> it is so hot. we got past it. >> we got past the fire. >> dramatic new video shows the moment a family of four escapes a brush fire. people were injured boats on fire. it torched 20 cars forcing drivers to flee on foot. the fire is still burning. here with the incredible story, gabrielle, stephen, with their sons garrett and sean. that was a family trip coming back from arizona. stephen, i have to imagine as the father you think, i have to protect my family. what was going through your head? >> i was wondering how much more -- how many more cars they were going to let through before the fire did consume the southbound 15. >> you are a military veteran as well. ga gabrielle, you started shooting video. you said it's so hot. it's hard for us to believe that inside a car 15 20 feet away it would be that hot. but it was? >> yes. we had the temperature in the car was set at 66 degrees, because it was so hot outside. and all of a sudden that disappeared. it became so warm in there. >> unbelievable. garrett, what were you thinking? you were in the back seat watching all of this? >> yes. i was just very nervous. i didn't think the fire would get this close to us. >> sean were you scared? >> yes. >> i hear you in the back saying look at the fire look at the fire. we see you on camera for a brief moment there in the video. stephen, you saw other people kind of getting out of their cars running away. did you think, i don't know we might be trapped? >> actually i didn't see anybody getting out. we were the last group that they let through. as i was driving down the hill i could see the end of the cars when they did close the freeway. >> gabrielle, did you know how bad it was? now the news reports you can see. did you have any idea it was going to be this bad? >> no. the wind shifts as we were driving down the hill as we were passing it. that's when the flames got so large. it shifted towards our vehicles. when it shifted, i didn't get it all on video. you could see the flames in the smoke over the top of our cars. >> you got your family to safety there. sean are you proud of your dad? >> yes. >> dads in this country need some good props once in a while. i'm happy to give it out when he gets his family to safety. thanks for sharing that moment. thanks for joining us. thanks for your service as well. coming up donald trump's comments about john mccain. all the talk this morning. >> he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. i hate to tell you. >> the donald not backing down. he is doubling down on the comments calling for apologize to him. donald trump is here shortly. it's a touching story you have to hear. a retiring cop spending his last day on the job giving back. hear his awesome act of kindness when he joins us live. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? expected wait time: 55 minutes. vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ hi everyone. good morning. today is sunday the 19th of july 2015. donald trump igeniting a big controversy with these comments about john mccain. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured. he's a war hero because he was captured. okay? >> the donald not backing down. he is doubling down calling for senator mccain to apologize. donald trump here live this hour in 30 minutes. the family of the chattanooga murderer. the parents say he was battling depression. that an adequate excuse for killing four servicemen? what happens when a man named burger and a woman named king tie the knot? a whopper of a story. hear the story straight ahead. >> so handsome. ♪ hit me with your best shot ♪ you will be hitting me with your best shot. i will hit tucker with my best shot. >> our new security force here at fox news. don't even try it. you can't get near the building. >> flat on my back i have a feeling. >> we are get inside these balls. they say you be the ball. be the ball. >> be the ball. >> i'm violating my basic rule. never compete with anna, ever. >> you are in trouble. >> being forced by our producers. we have a big political story this morning. donald trump at the center of it. the cover of the new york post. don voyage. saying mccain not a war hero. >> part of a fight between them. let's hear the remarks that have him in hot water this morning. >> frank, frank, he hit me. >> he's a war hero. >> he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. okay. i hate to tell you. he's a war hero because he was captured. okay? you can have -- i believe perhaps he's a war hero. right now, he said some very bad things about a lot of people. >> because senator mccain said that donald trump brought out some of the crazies, the 15,000 people that donald trump is saying -- said came to his immigration rally at the big conference in phoenix, arizona, he decided he was going to hit him low and said he graduated at the bottom of his class. >> everything erupted after that. social media exploded. awful his all of his potential gop contenders took to twitter and condemned his remarks. donald trump didn't walk back. he doubled down in a post-event press conference. listen to what donald said afterwards. >> when john mccain calls 15,000 people that showed up in phoenix, arizona, to talk about illegal immigration, he calls them a bunch of crazies, he is doing a great disservice. if a person is captured they're a hero unless they're a trader like bergdahl. he is no hero. but you have to do other things also. i don't like the job that john mccain is doing in the senate because he's not taking care of our veterans. >> did you apologize to mccain? >> not at all. >> as of yesterday, our polling had him at 18%, which was the highest among all the gop contenders. how is this going to impact the 2016 race? are voters moving away from trump? are they supporting him? is this a gift to the democratic party? >> here is the difference in the comments as far as i'm concerned. everybody knows john mccain is a hero. i went to a prison with him and saw where he was -- there's no dispute, he is a war hero. if there ever was -- virtually everyone in washington agrees with john mccain. if you disagree with the immigration policy you are a bigot. there's a scandal there, too. i'm not defending what trump said. but i think somebodymccain's -- >> the problem is not that argument on the immigration side but it's donald trump's addressing of if you are captured. he wasn't no, sirecessarily talking about -- here is frank a little bit earlier. take a listen. >> i just think that donald trump didn't realize the impact of what he said and that he could fix it over the next 24 hours. but if he doesn't, you are going to see protests not by a generation of undocumented workers. you are going to see protests from the american legion, you are going to see protest from the veterans of foreign wars. >> it opens trump up to criticism about his lack of service. >> this is great news for the people who run everything in washington. guess what they don't want? a real debate about immigration. they don't. they want to say, trump hates veterans. end of story. if you agree with his views on immigration, you probably hate veterans too. they don't want to have an adult, calm non-crazy debate on the subject because that's not allowed. you shut up and accept their policy. >> donald trump earlier this morning tweeting out and doubling down saying that john mccain needs to apologize. he will be on our show -- donald trump will join us shortly here at 9:30 eastern time. don't miss that. we will talk to him about the comments, whether he will apologize and how the race looks for him going forward. >> can't wait to hear from him. we need to get to other stories making headlines. this developing overnight. the parents of the chattanooga shooter breaking their silence. >> mohammad youssuf abdulazeez his mother and father say the attack that killed five military members, their son murdered them was an act of violence but they say he was battling depression. >> the killer sent a text hours before the rampage mentioning this islamic verse. who sofr shows am knitty to a friend of mine, then i have declared war against him. >> the family of randal smith, the fifth victim is being remembered as a fallen hero. >> we couldn't ask for a better young man. >> he liked to joke around. he loved baseball. >> he leaves behind a wife and three daughters. it brings us to another debate something that has been debated online at least. that's in the wake of this tragedy, some are asking the white house to lower the american flag to half staff to honor the five victims of thursday's attack. >> this is an interesting debate around how often the white house should be lowering the flags, around national tragedies, certain events. the argument from the other side is that men and women are killed in harm's way in the service of their country every day. by that metric the flag would be at half staff permanently. >> or lower the significance of when it is -- >> it is lowered quite a bit. they lowered it on the 150th anniversary of abraham lincoln's death and on the death of nelson mandela and the sandy hook and fort hood shooting. chris christie ordered flags lowered when whitney houston died. no offense against her, but it suggests not such a high bar. >> there's a standard rule in place when the president can order the flag to be flown at half staff. i'm sure it's the president's decision when that happens like during the supreme court decision the white house was became ed bathed in rainbow colors. >> whenever he wants. i think people want to think that the president sees this as a big deal and sees islamic extremeist as a real threat. and they want to know that he cares about this. a lot of people don't think he is worried enough about this threat. >> worried about islamic extremistextreme extremism and our military members when they have a target on their back by the 90,000 social media posts a day by isis saying how much they hate america, everything it stands for and everybody in the military service. >> there's arguments about, the white house lowered the flag after the shooting in charleston. should we lower it now? becky writes. this was a tragedy for the entire country, not just tennessee. the brave marine and sailor were a representation of the excellence of the united states. the flag should be lowered. >> keep your comments coming. donald trump in 21 minutes on the program. a bachelorette party ends in tragedy. four bridesmaids are dead and the bride fighting for her life after a suspected drunk drive are slammed his truck into their limousine. the group had just left a winery on long island new york. the bride is in critical condition. two others seriously hurt. police arresting the pickup truck driver after he tried to leave the scene. shocking details in the murder of kate steinle, one month before her confessed killer an illegal deported five times, was released back on the streets, the san francisco sheriff reportedly ordered his deputies not to communicate with ice. new documents show the county sheriff sent banning deputies from giving information about detainees because of the sanctuary city policy. caught on camera the moment high winds launch several hot air balloons across the field, forcing people to duck for cover. >> oh, no. no, no, no, no, no. >> organizers rushed to deflate them as a storm rolled through southeastern wisconsin. but it was too late. you can see several balloons blowing away, dragging some people behind. >> look out! >> amazingly, no one was hurt. a whopper of a wedding. longtime sweetheart got married this weekend in illinois. they made headlines when joel proposed starting the burger king engagement. they were so delighted by the news, they offered to foot the bill for the wedding. the bridal party took pictures with the classic burger king crown. >> you know what? we're sell bray ingcelebrating. we are for marriage and in favor of burger king. >> is this brand by -- >> here is -- >> janice what is your favorite burger king item? >> i'm eating ice cream. >> it's national ice cream day today. >> i know you have hats on. it's awesome. but it's national ice cream day. it's the official day of summer begins today. you look very cute. very adorable. speaking of adorable hi, avery, where are you from? >> massachusetts. >> you are going into first grade? you excited? >> yeah. >> what do you want to be when you grow up? >> a police officer. >> do you like that ice cream? try it out. let me know what you think. thanks to blue marble for celebrating with us today. you all get ice cream on the plaza today. all right. let's look at the maps. it's going to be hot. it's going to be ice cream weather. 92 here in new york city. ice cream for everybody. 97 in d.c. 93 louisville. heat advisories up and down the coast where it will feel over 100 degrees. be careful. drink lots of liquids, eat lots of ice cream and stay inside the air conditioning if you can. looking at the radar, potential for strong to severe storms across the central u.s. we will watch that. everybody, everybody out here gets ice cream for national ice cream day, which was officially founded by ronald reagan president reagan in 1984. thank you, president reagan. here is ice cream for everybody. >> most popular flafb ervor, vanilla. >> you win the cold war and declare national ice cream day. that's a legacy. >> awesome. >> i will take some vanilla. coming up next should we be monitoring mosques? come take a look at this perfect family. a dog adopts kittens. the story of puppy love coming up. ooh pizza rolls! ahh! they're ready! make summer awesummer with totino's pizza rolls. and get a free movie ticket when you spend $10. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at welcome back. in the wake of the chattanooga attacks, some are calling for greater monitoring of mosques after the gunman's radical transformation went unnoticed. >> there's a phobia about targeting masstarget ing mosques as places where we get information. but that's where you have to go. it's so politically correct, it's so insane not to do that because you would be afraid of prejudice. >> is it time to start monitoring mosques? here is mike youst and joe cordarro cordaro. you don't think this say proper solution? >> it's an insane thing to do. peter king did an investigation of mosques in new york. he fell flat on his face. he found muslims to be most patriotic americans. in fact the report says two-thirds of the reported crimes were reported by muslims. muslims are very committed. muslims are very patriotic. muslims don't want any kind of trouble. they are the first one to find any suspicious activity and report to the fbi. muslims should be applauded, appreciated. this rhetoric about inspecting the mosque is nonsense. it creates fear. it creates confusion. >> joe, what about that? as a former nypd inspector -- >> there are those who will draw generalizations from one incident and look at their neighbors and other community members with suspicion, if they look alike or pray to the same god of someone in a terrorist act. that's never acceptable. on the other hand we have to evolve with the threats. our investigative and preventative law enforcement and -- activities have to evolve. so if there's indication that there are activities at a particular mosque of concern to investigators, yeah they should investigate those. the idea is to prevent a terrorist attack that will not only injure americans in neighborhoods but also people -- americans in mosques. so i think there's another, you know view of this. that is surveillance of mosques to protect the mosque and members from retribution. when you have these kind of attacks. >> the point yesterday, it's not like guys in a van with a satellite dish listening in. but building relationships with leaders in the mosques that if you see something, say something, notify authorities so we can have that dialogue. that's the type of surveillance i think that they're talking about. no? >> the crimes are committed by the individuals. these are in every race every religion and every region. you find them walking -- the dialogue we need to have today is what do we do with the jihadi mindset of the guy who went into the school and massacred children or walks into the wisconsin -- kills people kills worshipers or goes in a theater. they are not necessarily among muslims. it's wrong to point out that muslims do this. >> we are talking about violent islamic extremeism. >> absolutely. i agree. targeting a class of people for the actions of a few, it's inappropriate. at the same time you know excluding investigative steps to make a lot of sense based on information and intelligence that law enforcement may be garage heing to prevent a terrorist attack should not be impeded or we shouldn't stop at the border of any institution, religious or otherwise. >> mike and joe, we appreciate the debate this morning. we have to leave it there. we are out of time. a nice debate. a gentlemenly debate. donald trump under fire for chris citing senator john mccain ' 's military service. donald trump will answer questions when he joins us live in a few moments. stay here with us. a touching story you have to hear. a retiring cop spending his last day on the job giving back. more on his awesome act of kindness when he joins us live next. for fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. which meant she continued to have the means to live on even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. good morning. when you left your previous job, what did you do on the last day? did you throw a party? meet officer brian peters. he served on the police force in minnesota for 12 years. on his last day, instead of a party, he walked around his community and gave away $500 to strangers. joining us is that retired police officer, brian peters. welcome to fox & friends weekend. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> when kids are on their last day of school, they watch movies. what made you decide to give away cold hard cash? >> you know the city as well as the police department were very good to me for the years i was there. i thought, what not a better way than to give back by putting smiles on some people that could use it in? >> $500 is a lot of money. how did you come up with that? >> i took what i would make in a day and our police association for every year you are there, they give you $10 a year. i combined that together and came up with the number of $500. i went out and bought $250 worth of gift cards as well as for a grocery store. >> how did you pick the people? >> i just -- i drove around with our community liaison and just looked for people that could probably use a smile on their face. that's what we did. >> what was the response like? >> the response was overwhelming. it obviously was more -- very touching. a lot of hugs smiles. that's really how i wanted to go out on my last day. >> this is a gift that keeps giving for yourself. how lovely inside do you feel about doing this? >> well, you know to be honest with you, the men and women of law enforcement every day go out and do brave and compassionate things. mine happened to get media attention. >> what do you make of the relationship between police officer s in a lot of communities? you are helping to bridge that gap that has been going on across the country. >> you need to know the people that you serve and what better way than getting out on the streets and talking with people and meeting people? it's very important to do in this culture in law enforcement. >> you are a young guy. what are you going to do? >> i took a job with target corporation here in minneapolis. i'm very excited for that. one of their core values is building strong communities. i'm looking forward to some opportunities within target to also give back to the community. >> you learned some great skills while you were in law enforcement. officer brian peters amazing thing you did. thanks for being with us. >> thank you for having me. it's our top story. donald trump igniting controversy for these comments about senator john mccain. >> he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. i hate to tell you. >> he's not backing down. he is doubling down calling for mccain to apologize. the donald joins us live in three minutes. frank, frank, he hit me. >> he's a war hero. >> he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. okay? i hate to tell you. he's a war hero because he was captured. >> 2016 presidential candidate donald trump facing a firestorm of protest about his comments yesterday on john mccain's war record. many of his gop rivals calling for him to back out of the race. joining us by phone to respond is donald trump. we're glad you are calling in. thanks mr. trump. your hometown newspaper "the new york post." trump is toast. they are saying you have to get out of the race. the race is over for you. >> translator: i think it's nonsense. i'm leading in all the polls. frankly, when i left that room yesterday, i had the biggest standing ovation by far of the weekend. people loved it. they were laughing when -- if you saw, cheryl did a piece last night saying four times i said mccain was a hero. by the way, four times she said i said absolutely nothing wrong. this was picked up by the opponents that aren't registering in the polls. everybody knows it. everybody sees it. frankly, you know i am very upset with john mccain because he has done such a terrible job with the veterans. everybody knows that also. it all started -- i don't know if you saw this. but a week ago i had thousands of people in phoenix, arizona, talking about the whole horrible situation with illegal immigration, which i also brought up and brought to the floor. i'm very proud of that. we had thousands of people. and h called them crazies. he insulted them. he should apologize to them. he insulted them. then i insulted back. frankly, what he has done with respect to the illegal immigration and what he has done for the veterans -- he has done very very poorly for the veterans. you see what's going won veteransed astragsveteran veterans administration. if you are a veteran, you are treated like a third class citizen. john mccain should not be proud of his record with spektr with respect to taking care of veterans. >> your insults as far as the border and immigration, that's a very separate thing than attacking rick perry's i.q. and john mccain on his service to the united states being a prisoner of war for 5 1/2 years. some people think that you took it too far. you have been lighting a firestorm with immigration, saying things that people are thinking and are scared to say. but they wouldn't have touched these topics. >> caller: we brought immigration to the forefront. i was taking a lot of heat. now everybody is saying i have been called by people that would never even call me and they apologized. i brought that to the forefront. you had the horrible thing that happened to kate in san francisco. numerous other crimes that took place. now everybody is saying i'm right. what i'm doing is i'm bringing the veterans into the forefront. the veterans have been treated horribly by politicians like john mccain who are all talk and no action. they don't do their job. the administration is rife in scandal, the veterans administration. it's a disaster. i see this when i'm on the campaign trail. i meet with veterans who can't even get to see their very sick -- they can't get to a doctor. they have to wait five and six days in a waiting room. i tell you what. if i win and if i win ultimately the presidency the veterans will be the happiest people. they will be treated fantastically. you will have proper hospitals and proper care given. >> frank asked you that question. he said your problem and the mistake you made was not in talking specifically about senator john mccain but talking about veterans at large who were captured during action whether in war or otherwise. and he said you have an opportunity to apologize to those veterans. do you want to -- here is frank earlier on our show. take a listen. >> i just think that donald trump didn't realize the impact of what he said and that he could fix it over the next 24 hours. but if he doesn't, you are going to see protests not by a generation of undocumented workers. you are going to see protests from the american legion. you are going to see protests from the veterans of foreign wars. >> any apology that you feel like you need to make? >> caller: he is so wrong. i was interviewed by him and i will tell you, again, i got the biggest standing ovation of the entire weekend. i'm talking about mccain. if you read cheryl i said nothing wrong. word by word she said, he said smog nothing wrong. this is ridiculous. i never mentioned veterans. what i was saying is mccain isn't fighting for veterans. he has done poorly for the veterans. anybody knows that. all of the politicians in washington have poorly -- have done poorly for the veterans. it's a scandal-ridden mess. it's a disgrace. they are living in squalor. they are not being properly taken care of. they should be. they're our greatest people. they should be. >> you have heard from senator mccain in the last 24 hours? if not, what would you say to him if he called you? >> caller: i would say, have you watched, piecenothing was said wrong. if you take half sentences out -- i will say it again, a big firestorm on immigration, now everybody is saying i'm right with the crime pouring through with illegal immigration. that's where this started. because mccain put down the people that want to stop illegal immigration. believe me there's a big majority that want it stopped. we have no borders. we have no nothing. people are pouring in. many of those people you don't want. these are illegal immigrants that are causing tremendous problems. i am all for legal immigration. this started when john mccain called them crazy. it was a horrible and shocking thing. people could not believe it. these are great american people. these are great americans. i would only say this. i want to help now -- two weeks ago it was the illegal immigration situation brought to the floor. now it's the veterans. i'm defending the veterans. nothing was said about them. they're trying to tie mccain to veterans and i attacked mccain, which i didn't do. i attacked mccain -- i'm the one that's going to help the veterans. by the way, if you know i was the one with the group that built and we built it beautifully the vietnam memorial in downtown manhattan. it's there today. i contributed a lot of money and i'm very proud of it. >> to be clear, are you saying -- you say you didn't attack all veterans. >> caller: i didn't. >> are you saying you didn't attack john mccain? it does seem -- you say, i prefer people who weren't caught. >> caller: i tell you what. the people that weren't caught they did a great job also. they get no credit. mccain gets credit. i want to give him credit. the people that weren't caught nobody talks about them. >> a governor said you shouldn't be -- you shouldn't be talking about wartime records unless you have served. others calling for you to step down get out of the race. the rnc issuing a statement strangely enough. governor rick perry of texas yesterday said that your comments should disqualify you from the presidential race. let's listen to governor perry and you can respond to him. >> don't question the men and women of the military who sacrifice and sometimes pay a huge price for our safety and freedom and our economics. [ applause ] if donald trump does not apologize to john mccain, do you feel that that disqualifies him as a legitimate presidential candidate? >> as the commender and erercommend -- as the commander in chief, yes. >> caller: he barely registers in the pole. he did a horrible job as governor. the new governor is doing a terrific job. he instituted programs. he is doing a terrific job. rick perry did a terrible job. he's not registering in the polls. of course he will say that. i think jindal is zero. i'm leading. we will see what happens. i brought illegal immigration to the forefront. i believe now i'm bringing the plight of the veterans to the forefront. if that comes out of that just like what happened two weeks ago, if that happens, i will be very proud. the veterans are treated very very badly. john mccain has been -- like all politicians, he is all talk and no action. >> donald trump joining us live by phone. thanks for calling in. we appreciate it. >> caller: thank you all. i think our social media streams just exploded. >> we are going to break twitter. >> that's a good thing, by the way. next up hillary clinton has been very critical of wall street. she's going to topple the 1% she says. none of that has stopped her from accepting cash from the employees of big banks. are you surprised by this? many millennials were. why were they so shocked? maria is on deck with that. move over dodge ball. >> knockerball time. we're getting in on the action. you don't want to miss it. >> we have to do that? >> yes, we do. hi. hi. hi. hello. hi. hi. hi. hi my name's josh. kelly. my name is raph. steve. my name is anne. tom. brian. krystal. and i am definitely not a robot. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. whether it's for your business or your personal life, don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up. because we're here. we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. tigers. quick headlines. is this real? a mysterious creature spotted at a national park in holland. watch this video. two men saw this creature watching them from behind a tree. the pair ran off not wanting to find out what it was. they heard knocking on the tree before they saw it. they freaked out and ran. a picture perfect family. lady the dalmatian adopts a litter of kittens. lady has taken on the role of being a mom with help from another dalmatian. not clear what happened. the tucker? >> thank you. hillary clinton going off on wall street. here it is. >> i will offer plans to reign in excessive risks on wall street and ensure that stock markets work for everyday investors, not just high frequency traders and those with the best or fastest connections. >> she's going to take complete control of the stock market. despite this and other claims, records reveal hillary received more than $2.6 million from wall street evil wall street. employees from different firms on wall street this is since 1999. in 2015 so far, she's received at least 300 grand. campus reform found these facts shocked many millennials who had no idea. >> were you surprised hillary is getting all this money from wall street? >> i was not expecting that. >> she's getting all this money. >> i would say that that's totally not -- it's a little hypocritical. >> hillary clinton criticizes wall street. they fund her campaign and the kids are shocked. maria has been around this for a long time. what is that? >> you know i'm not surprised that she's getting support from wall street. i will say that for a few reasons. number one, many of these guys worked with her husband. you look at a guy like glen who runs a private equity firm. he worked with bill clinton. let's not forget bill's treasury secretary was an officer of goldman sachs as well as city group. there's a connection because of her husband. she's not acting like her husband. she's much farther left than her husband. you just saw what she said about toppleing the 1% making sure the regulatory environment stays tight. one other point. wall street hedges itself. let's not forget that. >> of course. >> i was at a dinner with one big honcho. he said to him, off the record who are you supporting for president? he said i like hillary clinton and i like jeb bush. i said to him, you know, aren't you going to have to choose? what do you think about hillary's efforts for tax reform? that's why i like jeb bush more. i would not believe everything that you see in terms of the support. however, i'm not surprised by the bill clipnton connection. >> they are not ideological. coming up ed royce and hank greenberg. >> we will talk about the lone wolf attacks. we want to look at what went on in tennessee, the tragic story there and see if we are doing enough to get in front of things like this. that's number one. we will talk to ed royce about that. i want to catch up with him about the iran deal. can congress actually stop it? the fact that in the 11th hour the iranians said we want the arms embargo lifted after five years and we still have our four hostages in iran is extraordinary to me. hank greenberg is pushing back. and then reaction to donald trump. >> i never miss your show. today will be no exception. you can catch her new mornings with maria weekdays in the business hour. up next there's a new contact sport sweeping the nation knockerball. we're about to do it. bad things might happen. obviously, don't change the channel. be right back. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. you might be able to get some of the aggressions out if somebody said something wrong the other day. >> i think i saw anna deflate one of the balls. >> we have enough scandal with deflating balls in the news. we have to keep this tight. >> one of them -- these are made of a polyvinyl. there's a hope that keeps everything together. straps let you wear it like a backpack keep you safe and handles that will keep you -- >> it's 100 degrees outside like now, you want to be strapped inside of a vinyl ball. >> sweaty balls. >> a good way to start the day. >> help me in. >> the straps are hanging on. >> reach in grab it. >> pick it up over your head. >> right here. >> up and over. >> it's hot in here. >> adorable. everybody set? here we go. >> get everybody in the balls. >> a ball of air, defying gravity. it's an inflateable sphere. >> a little bit of knocker ball today. it's a full contact sport, but nobody is getting hurt. >> oh my gosh. >> anna, come on, run in. you are fine. i promise. i can't get up. come on, get up. >> guys let's get up and brawl. >> anna, stand up. stand up. you can do a front flip. it's so easy. all you have do is jump and roll with it. >> it's full contact. >> commit to doing a handspring. i promise you, you are good. go for it. >> anna is just looking good in her ball. >> perfect. yeah! >> we will be right back. stay with us. go anna. tucker looks like the kool-aid man. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk! . . ♪ >> i thought i was partially athletic. that just disapproved it. >> that was several hundred degrees inside the knockerball. >> and then of course anna kicks our butts as usual. >> first, we have to talk about the fact that it's hot outside and it's national ice cream day. >> we're celebrating. >> co-founder of plu marble ice cream right here in new york city. how's the ice cream guys? >> yes, we have. >> blue marble is new york city's only certified organic ice cream brand. >> what's that mean? >> it's the best of what mother nature has to offer. >> i don't like arsenic with my eyes cream. >> no, not a drop. absolutely. >> today, we're celebrating national ice cream day with a fantastic new flavor. coconut caramel fudge. >> do you have some of that? >> we don't have it here. you got to go to one of our shops. if you're a lift customer you can grab a lift ride and you get a free scoop when you arrive. >> can i have a cone please with some sprinkles. tucker and i worked hard in that ball. >> you made that ball look good. >> can i do that? >> i like that. self-serve. >> what grade are you in? >> ice cream is great for all ages. >> are people eating more or less ice cream? >> more i'd say. there was cub cakes for a little while, now it's all about the ice cream. >> what's the favorite flavor? >> vanilla's always a great one. caramel is having a really big moment right now. >> i like coffee. >> we make a great coffee. >> i love coffee. sometimes the weather woman will come in and eat my -- >> anna is going back over to workout a little bit more. >> it was knockerbalancing. good morning. governors of six states taking action to protect members of our arms forces following thursday's shootings in tennessee. hi everyone. this is "sunday morning futures." the national guard called onto protect communities. and deterring home grown terror attacks in just a moment. any potential vote more than a month away. an expert on iran's nuclear program, on whether we gave up too much to come to an agreement. and have things hit

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