Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20140914

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and an honor for those who lost their lives on september 11th, so why was a girl banned from wearing this shirt at school? we'll tell you coming up on "fox and friends." an act of pure evil. isis militants releasing another horrifying video showing the barbaric beheading of a british aid worker. in the video the man is 44-year-old david haine telling british prime minister david cameron he is to blame for joining the coalition. >> it does appear almost identical to videos showing the beheading of journalist steve foley. >> another british hostage is shown saying he will be next. the murder of david haines is an act of pure evil. my heart goes out to his family who have shown extraordinary courage and fortitude. we'll go do everything we can in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes. >> barbaric is right. i watched this video, i wish i hasn't. but i was obligated to do it. it is so gore and pure cruelty. that is pure torture they put this guy through. >> that's the image the terrorists want you to see. a lot of family and friends of david haines say he was an aide worker, a loving guy. re-tweet pictures of him holding his 3-year-old girl. don't show or share those images around the world. >> the image that struck me was the voice of the murderer, the man who does the beheading, the man in the black. he has a british accent. this guy came from london. there's no question about it once you hear his voice. and the fact that someone could do something like this was raised in the west and the affluent free west is shocking and horrifying. >> the question i had last night thinking about this, we were thinking of them not being a part of this coalition stepping back from it, do the british feel emboldened this morning as a result of that? >> we hope so. and we saw david cameron go straight into the covert meeting as soon as it happened issuing the statement going to twitter. you know, we have seen the other two beheadings that sort of forced the hand a bit and started a war of words, right? >> well, here in the u.s. certain certainly. >> we did and we saw david cameron in the past after james foley was beheaded. he came straight back from vacation, too, but it started an war of words and we are not calling them junior varsity anymore. it appears that these videos are working. it appears there will be more of them, say so many commentators. we had ambassador dennis ross on the channel last night saying isis is doing these videos, in particular, and the methodology having a westerner do the beheading, listening to the accent and having the person being beheaded saying this is because of retaliation from military action. isis is doing this methodically, listen to this. >> they seek to engage in these kinds of outrages because it's their way of demonstrating a kind of power to try to show that they can humiliate those who are their enemies. they hope or think this is somehow going to be a source of appeal and attraction for them. and note one other thing, typically after kufring a setback, that's when they carry out a beheading. >> the obama administration is still trying to figure out their response. keep in mind this is not a group of guerillas in the woods. they have a headquarters called raqqah on the map. should we bomb it? here's the president's latest take. >> we need a targeted, relentless, counter terrorism group against isis, contribution from allies and more support to sources fighting the terrorists on the ground. and that's exactly what we are doing. we have to use our power wisely and we have to avoid the mistakes of the past. the american military power is unmatched but this can't be america's fight alone. >> when we watch this up fold last night, you say, let's go get these guys and hit them where it hurts. your point, they have a city. it looks like the size of connecticut, the state, although in his speech earlier this week he was denying there's a state, but on the map they control a large geographic area. we need a sense of urgency to get these guys. >> the president's speech said all the right things, but the actions since then, i'm concerned about it. first of all, why didn't we start bombing syria that night? why are we four days into it and we still haven't laid a glove on isis where most of their entire support infrastructure is to include their command and control in syria. we have done nothing. where is our sense of urgency and where is our sense of aggressiveness? >> and when we heard president obama saying mistakes from the past, that appears to be what we have seen before, when in doubt, blame bush, right? what about the grave mistakes, the series of grave mistakes made by our president since isis has begun? we just had a report out from the cia on friday that a number of them has tripled from what we thought 10,000 to potentially up to 31,500. what? >> nobody disagrees there have been mistakes in american foreign policy, but whining about them is not a strategy. and the president clearly doesn't want to deal with this saying this is bush's war, he didn't start it, his job was to get out of it and he's very -- he's befuddled by the reality of the situation, once we pulled out of iraq the region collapsed. and it is accelerating. do you think it's going to end in syria and iraq? these guys have a much larger goal and that's to take over the entire region, which would destroy the u.s. economy and peril the entire world. standing back and whining about the previous administration is not efficient, sorry. >> look at where the attacks are unfolding. and one thing emerged from this, the hostages being held in the prison area where they have like a bed of hostages, they can pull from the hostage pool. after it was released, the information released about the raid to rescue jim foley, the hostages and a lot of the different people who have been captured moved to a different location now that the information is out there that the u.s. could come down with one location with a special of forces and the color of darknesv grabs you. >> there are repercussions for that. >> more on this throughout the show. keep it here as we learn more details on the video. we have other stories making news that we're following. another fox news alert, overnight u.s. secretary matthew miller is sentenced to six years of hard labor by a north korea court. the 24-year-old was detained in april after tearing up his tourist visa and demanded asylum. north korea says he committed hostile acts. miller called on president obama and the united s senior u.s. official to secure his release. a terror attack in uganda alerted. they thwarted a terror attack they thwarte days before al sha killed its leader. the u.s. embassy and uganda warned america is in the country to stay indoors due to an imminent attack. and football star ray rice making his first public appearance with his wife since the bombshell video release. the former ravens' running back attended a football game at his old high school in new york. janay palmer by his side. this is the first time the two have been seen in public since the video showing rice punching and knocking her out. even though the principal condemned rice's actions, students and football coaches welcomed him home. and a rare septemberk snowstorm dumping several inches of snow in parts of wyoming. the heaviest snow falling in the big horn mountains near buffalo with 20 inches. south dakota, montana and colorado also seeing a few inches, but the winter wonderland is not lasting long. 80-degree temps are forecasted just for next week. fall and then you get pulled back. janice dean is here and knows more about that. >> do you like the fall-like temperatures here in new york? >> oh, yeah. >> if we can extend the fall-like temperatures and push wenter a little bit further. >> like three months. >> let's look at it not only across the northeast but the midwest and northern plains. there are the current temps, 30s and 40s. but we have a windchill map right now where itç it's going to warm up this week, so it's not long lasting. much of the country is cooler than average with a lot of 50s. 44 in chicago. 85 in phoenix. so they are still warm in phoenix. the radar will show you the tropical moisture moving in from the gulf of mexico. we are not expecting any development there. the west is calm for now but we are going to be watching the potential for some more moisture streaming in from the eastern pacific. just a quick look at where we are seeing the shower and thunderstorm activity for the bahamas and south florida. and this is a category 4 storm to bring more flooding to the southwest later on this week. ip &h(lc% a lot to talk about in the weather department. back over to you, clayton, anna and tucker. good morning to you, janice dean. >> good morning. >> this is a story that raises the question, is it possible to make exceptions to a rule out of decency? the answer is, yes, it is, but one school outside of sacramento decided not to on the 13th anniversary of 9/11. a sixth grader showed up wearing a shirt, you're looking at it on the screen, to commemorate the names of the 9/11 victims. she was told not to wear it because it violated the dress code. >> they have free dress days on the calendar where kids can wear whatever t-shirts and clothes, but the school administrator says it violated the dress code because it's not on the free 2yááhday. free dress day does not -- >> it doesn't have the school logo on it. this just seems like a slap in the face to her entire family. her step-father, tim foster, had 25 years of service and did two tours of service in iraq, and he said, come on, just let my daughter do this. part of the issue is we want to educate our kids about this. remember the phrase "we will never forget"? this little girl, 11 or 12 years old in sixth grade, she was not born when september 11th happened. it is good she's taking a stand and hopefully telling her classmates about it. >> you should be able to tell the difference between short shorts or provocative halter tops, but a 9/11 t-shirt, is that offensive? maybe you can make an exception every once in a while, no? let us know what you think. weigh in on that story. coming up on the show, isis posts another gruesome video online. the question is, what is behind the terror obsession with social media? and is it helping to spread their hate? we'll explain, next. and kanye west under intense fire for the latest antics. heckling concert goers who won't stand up. this includes echoing fans in wheelchairs. are you kidding me, kanye? at legalzoom you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. so i got dr. scholl's massaging and gel work insoles. red. they absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. i feel energized! i'm a believer. dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. i'm a believer! welcome back. isis is claiming the responsibility for the murder of another british aid worker. one message spreading says, as you kill us in iraq and torture us in afghanistan, we will kill you wherever we find you. twitter bans gruesome video, but the question remains why did terrorists flock to twit her? we'll ask a doctor here with us, going back to 2011, al shabaab with the killing at the mall, live tweeting as it unfolded is a new error in terrorism where al qaeda was incompetent with social media. these guys are recruiting people by the thousands. >> yeah, it's really a mock of how much more dangerous the islamic state or isis is than al qaeda. al qaeda basically has two propaganda products. it had its own gruesome video with the murder of daniel pearl. and then product for internal use, the english jihadist magazine that has inspired the recipe for the pressure cooker bombs that the boston bombers used. that was really much about it. with regards to isis and the islamic stateo0áx they have everything, you name it. a twitter feed, they have little messages, little videos, they have the australians, brits, recruiting their fellow citizens into isis. so this is a threat group that really understands social media and uses it for two purposes. one, to make us afraid, to make westerners the infidel fearful of the next attack. and secondly, to recruit more people. and we know it works. we have unclassified reports of literally thousands of westerners going to fight in syria and iraq for the jihadis. >> seems like a smart strategy, where al qaeda would release grainy videos from a cave in arabic, no one could understand with the audio muffled. i have not watched the videos and refuse to, but apparently they are highly polished, well edited with graphics, music and then you have the dozens of social media accounts getting all this information out there. i guess the question is, who is behind all of this? do they have an army of media professionals handling their message spreading? >> well, look, number one, i think you should watch it. every american, everybody who stands for the values of this republic needs to watch these videos because then you understand the nature of the threat of the brutality of the people we're facing. who is doing it? they have a whole recruiting pool. it's very, very slick. think about one thing, just two weeks ago the head of al qaeda issued a 55-minute lecture in arabic. you're right, that's not going to further your cause as a jihadist. these people do up substantiate messages and short videos, they have a very professional audio/visual social media crew. >> should we be fighting them with hash tags? we'll fight you with social media, too, so hash tags, right back at ya and we'll have people burning the isis flag around the world, will that work or do we need to take it in a new direction? >> we have to push back. we have to do the physical stops, the bombings and deploy special forces if possible. but we have to have a whole ideological campaign that legitimizes their message, absolutely. but not just hash tags. >> dr. gorka, thank you for joining us this morning. a young girl strangled to death by a local teen. now her father is suing the killer's parents but are parents responsible for the crimes of their children? and a 7-year-old girl saves her entire girl from a house fire not once but twice all in the same night. man: i know the name of eight princesses. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. 24 minutes after the hour. here are your headlines from around the world, another malaysia airlines disaster averted. a flight on mh-196 was forced to land due to an auto-pilot glitch. and a disaster at sea in the philippines leaving three people dead. at least 100 people were pulled from the dark waters as the search continues for other survivors. and a day to vote for scottish independence. it's too close to call the vote. as the referendum gets closer, separatists are starting to pull ahead. the vote is set for thursday. the father of a 12-year-old girl strangled bay local teen is now suing the parents of his daughter's killer. anthony pasquala says, parents who ignore the warning signs of their children's propencecy toward violence are allowing their childr these murders. this would be a good idea for parents7>8z÷ to look into this. >> if your child does something wrong, your parent is routinely sued. i had a case where a teenager shot another teenager and the parents' best friend. parents are liable. this is not a stretch of the law but this is the state of the law. >> when you're talking about the civil law, having to do with money, they want to do it so it's a criminal defense, a criminal violation. >> what would the crime be exactly? >> listen, do i think people should -- it's not known yet, established to a crime. acting in so what the parents -- they should be brought into the system. currently in new york when they are available, tucker, that's the key, they are. quite often juveniles, the judges ask for the parents to come to the courtroom, ask for the parents to come in the back of the chambers. and a great judge will sit and speak with the parents and say, listen, you have a kid out of control here. and they are going to wind up in jail the rest of their lives or we'll put him or her on the right track. that doesn't happen often enough. >> the parents of justin robinson, the boy who murdered this girl, don't bowed or cowed by the experience. here's justin's mother. my justin, she says, is now a 16-year-old boy who was born with a physical deformity and who is emotionally and developmentally disabled. he's a respectful loving child with a sense of humor and we love him. i don't sense an apology in there. >> i sense a little delusion because her justin strangled this 12-year-old girl and stuffed her in a garbage can. so despite the fact he was born with a deformity, these are things, this is =8ñdevelopmenta delay. she should have handled this as a parent before justin emerged. >> it is hard to predict what your child is going to do. >> your child plays with a playstation or a murder. this develops to every a lifestyle with these kids. >> parents need to be involved in the process but i don't think you can put handcuffs on mommy because of what her 16-year-old did. >> for ignoring the warning signs. >> can you do anything about it? arthur john, thank you so much. the latest isis beheading. a message to the west. david cameron is in emergency meetings right1ñ now developing response to the killings. we are live from london with the latest on this developing story. and kanye west coming under fire for his latest antics, heckling concert goers who won't stand up. that includes fans in wheelchairs. you know our brands. but you may not know we're a family. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like days inn, where you can do everything under the sun. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side it's time to bring it out in the open. it's time to drop your pants for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 million people who may need depend underwear. show them they're not alone and show off a pair of depend. because wearing a different kind of underwear, is no big deal. join us. support the cause and get a free sample of depend at ♪ ♪"b9 well, it's the national emblem march. today they honor the 200th anniversary of "the national anthem" and "the star spangled banner." >> how important of a morning it is to remember the cost of our freedom in this country on a day we have been reporting the brutal act of isis. and david haines in this brutal killing. they released that video last night. an act of pure evil. that's how it is being described. isis militants releasing another shocking video to show the barbaric beheading of a british aid worker. we are live in london where david cameron is in emergency meetings right now developing a response. daren? >> reporter: indeed, that emergency meet iing with the congress committee here is just breaking up. david cameron rushed back from checkers, his country red densi, in the early morning hours to chair that meeting. the british government has pursued this plan in recent weeks and is trying to tackle the islamic state. what is that plan? clearly it's not going as far as president obama has set up in his strategy. it does not involve britain taking part in military air strikes, but it does involve britain providing weaponry and logistics to the kurdish fighters in northern iraq. that's despite increasing calls from parliamentaries here to stay britain needs to take a much more active role in defeating the islamic state. this is what david cameron has spoken of a lot in the past. the threat of the islamic state, just to syria and iraq, but here on the streets in britain. ultimately, this is a british problem in many ways. we have a british jied aist beheading a british national, david haines, and also holding another british hostage at the moment in northern iraq. >> darren, it's midmorning there in london right now, now that the news is settling in with locals there, what is the mood and what are they -- how are they reacting? >> reporter: well, of course, i think the terrorism threat in the u.k. was raised last week to severe. there is concern in britain. london has experienced terrorist attacks in the past and there's a real fear in britain that many britishañ nationals have gone o to fight for the islamic state in syria and in iraq. and that they will return back to britain in some stage to be radicalized and carry out british attacks. that's why the prime minister is chairing emergency meetings. the problem comes down to what do you do? and clearly for britain as the moment, that does not mean going as far as the united states or indeed as we learned overnight, australia and committing the air force or troops to combat the islamic state. they are very much trying to build a regional consensus on the ground in the region but also very determined, the prime minister would argue, in recognizing the threat and trying to tackle it. >> so as you said, the executioner or murderer in this video is clearly english with a london accent. do we know more about who he is and what steps are being taken to protect the area of london, presumably there are people like him living in your capital city right now? >> reporter: indeed, that's the big problem in lots of ways. we know the intelligence services are pretty aware of who the jihadist is, but clearly they don't know where he is and clearly they are not able to stop him. this is, by all accounts, the third beheading he's carried out. they are discussing this and how possibly to stop the british national, but you say the key fear here is that the people have been radicalized and the british nationals will return home to london. and that is why we are seeing the increase many the terrorist threat level here to severe, which means an attack is highly likely but not imminent. that's why you see more police officers at transport hubs and on the streets particularly here in london. >> as you point out, it comes down to parliament to make the decision but they are not moved to come to the air strike of the united states in this move. darren, thank you so much. live for us in london. we'll check back a little later with you. 38 minutes after the hour. some other stories making headlines, a massive manhunt is underway for the dangerous and armed criminal who ambushed two pennsylvania state troopers. investigators believe the suspect has left the area after killing corporal byron dixon at a police bar rack north of philadelphia. a person of interest was questioned but police say the man is not a suspect. few details have been released but police say the attack was directed at troopers. >> they really had no chance to defend themselves. it's a cowardly attack. they can attack upon all of us in society. >> trooper alex douglas was also shot and remains in critical but stable condition. a $20,000 reward is being offered for any information. golf legend greg norman recovering in a hospital after nearly cutting off his up hand in a chainsaw accident. they are posting this photo op his instagram page saying he's lucky to have his left hand. just last week he was working with a change saw on one of his properties in florida. the 59-year-old australian has 20 pga wins in his career. a young north carolina girl is being called a hero this morning after saving her family from a fire not once but twice in one day. the 7-year-old sage lewis just learned about fire drills at school and used the information to rush her family out of the house and call 911. fire crews arrived and put the flames out, but hours later while everyone was sleeping, the blaze started back up. >> i asked my mom3;tj to come id lock the door so i could get out quick and go ask our neighbors if they could help us. it's really fun to be a hero. >> well, the home is a total loss. fire officials say a grease fire in the kitchen caught or caused the blaze. and another antic from kanye west raising eye bros. at a concert in sydney, he stopped the concert because some in the crowd were sitting down. he said, i can't do the show until everyone is standing up. everyone should be on their feet if they don't get special parking. wow, what a dig. he spotted a person sitting and yelled at them, but they were holding up a prosthetic limb. he moved on to another song, spotted another person not standing and got the crowd to do this. >> stand up! stand up! stand up! stand up! >> kanye then got a better look at the person not standing and came to a realization. >> he is in a wheelchair, so that's fine. >> yes, they were in a wheelchair. >> what a great guy. every time i see kanye west, i think -- >> what a model american he is. >> i can show my kids, what a loser. coming up, serious feathers ruffled at a california high school. what is so offensive about which chick-fil-a sandwich? and the video of the palace guard instantly going viral. now he knows his punishment for his fancy feet. we'll tell you what happened. is he in the tower of london? details, next. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. even turn night into now she could use a hand, comfort keepers provides a variety of in-home services while truly connecting. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. 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are you going to start going into the cafeteria to see what their stance is on gun control and everything else? >> that's been happening over the last several years. we have seen across the country the idea of if you hold a certain set of beliefs, you are not welcome to share the beliefs in the public marketplace. and now you're apparently not allowed to have a business in the public marketplace. >> you thought a lot about this, but i don't understand why the more we make a concerted group effort to be tolerant, respect the feelings of others, the less tolerant we become and the more authoritative we become. why is that? >> i think it's ignorance. the company doesn't have a position on gay rights. for this principal to come out to say chick-fil-a -- they don't have a say on gay rights. the principal is ignorant or she's lying to smear this company. >> but now you have me thinking about chicken breast. >> and the polynesian sauce. >> that was spoken like a great radio guy, between two buttered buts. >> that was worth a picture. coming up on "fox and friends weekend," a logo meant to honor those who lost their lives on september1th. why was a veteran's daughter banned from wearing it all school? and you never need a credit card again because of apple's new wireless wallet. kurt the cyber guy is here with what you need to know about it. ? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads you'd take that test, right? what are you waiting for? you could literally be done with the test by now. now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. good morning. this week apple unveiled apple pay, a digital paying system allowing people to buy retail purchases using their phones rather than cash or credit card. >> but following the week celebrity breach of their phones a few weeks ago, a few people wonder if it is secure. kurt the cyber guy is here. >> good to see you, clayton. a lot of people say, how is this more secure? because we saw the target and home depot breach a couple weeks ago. >> how does this double our level of security? >> this is the fort knox of fort knox's we want when it comes to our wallet. is this safe? it's a heck of a lot safer than the magnetic strips on the back of the credit cards. that technology is 40 to 50 years old and is a joke. it's really not secure. the europeans have been using a chip that also has its own vulnerabilities. this stuff, and take a look at the pros of apple pay, we are talking about a new thing that apple just announced. clayton was there, we are all hanging out, and this was like, wow, this is a lead story that kind of got buried in the hype of the new phone and the watch. but this is going to be profound. you don't put any of your payment information in the cloud so it never sit there is. your credit cards never reside in the cloud. it's a lot safer that credit cards. and your credit cards, albeit stored on your device, are stored as a separate number that makes no sense to a crook. so it is not like your actual credit card number sitting through. >> what about somebody who leaves their phone in a cab or at school, they leave it on a subway, and somebody gets ahold of it. do you have to have a passcode on there? do you have to have the thumbprint to be able to get in? is that going to save us? >> a couple things there. you lose your phone in a cab or whatever, touch i.d., use your own finger. i don't know if somebody is cutting fingers off in the future, but you use your finger to get access to the phone. that's needed to get in. second thing, if you lose your phone, at that moment go to another device and you can disable all that stuff and shut it down. >> one of the remarkable things is we were playing with it this week, it was stunning on how quickly it works. the screen is black, you walk up to the nfc chamber, your credit card pops up and boom, the payment is done. >> which is great, but here's the thing that really isn't great about all this. one of the cons is that you have to buy an iphone 6 right now, or when the watch comes out next year, you have to have iphone 5 or greater of a phone, so you have to shell out the bucks as a consumer. as a merchant, you also have to buy the terminal to get this done. and then -- >> i want these merchants to have to up it because that's where this -- that's where we are going in the future. >> they are going to. because you go to starbucks and can scan with the little code and use payment that way. i actually thought one day starbucks would be in the business of currency that way. and it's profound the shift. so i was next to panera bread guy at the apple event and said, tell me, what is the cost? the cost is minute mall compared to the benefit because consumers, when you make it this convenient, will spend more money. and we will also gravitate toward the easy way to get a lot of stuff done. so process improvement is huge. it's a lot safer. the only downside really is that it's going to cost you. you have to be in the apple ecosystem more now. and the question down the road, will apple open this up to the rest of the world? in terms of other phones, will we see apple scan a samsung phone? >> i can see you smiling. there's no way that will happen. no way. >> we have videos online. if you go to fox and friends, the website, you can see how quick it is. >> kurt the cyber guy, thank you. everyone is getting excited about this. >> she already ordered her phone. >> i did. >> did you get the plus or the -- >> i got the big one. >> the rumors are selling 8:1 for the larger one. coming up, the british prime minister david cameron is in emergency meetings right now developing a response, but what is the united states going to do? and what if every soldier could run a 4:00 mile. hear this patriotic invention next hour. look at him go. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. good morning. it is sunday, september 14, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. they are calling it a missage to the british government. the latest isis terrorist strategy straight ahead. and the president is still pointing fingers in the war on terror. >> we have to use our power wisely. and we have to ravoid the mistakes of the past. >> so does complaining about bush make america safe her? and what is the president's strategy? we'll tell you coming up. and check this out. a jet pack already being tested. the brains behind the invens join us live straight ahead. we get to try one on. "fox and friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ today is the 200th anniversary of "the national anthem." we'll hear more coming up in the show. >> what an important day to feel patriotic when so many people are trying to take our freedom away from us and from the world. talking about isis this morning. an act of pure evil, isis militants release another horrifying video showing the barbaric beheading of a british aid worker. the man is 44-year-old david haines and tells the british prime minister david cameron he's to blame for joining the coalition against isis militants. >> this is still being reviewed in washington ben by british authorities, but the british prime minister david cameron is holding an emergency meeting with his security $nñ response rmulate a to it. cameron releasing this statement so far, quote, the murder of david haines is an act of pure evil. we will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes. >> president obama also condemning the barbaric actions. at the end of the video, another british hostage is shown saying he's going to be next. >> we saw the same thing happen dx foley an. >> we are happy to summarize these for you, but don't watch them. they are truly horrible. the man on the right on your screen dressed in black, the executioner and the murderer of the isis terrorist speaks in a heavy and london accent. he has no arabic inflection at all. he's from the west and is a product of english society. and that's horrifying. >> well, and a reporter we had on earlier believes it's the same jihadi john from the other two, this left-handed westerner withdjh+ the british accent. >> david cameron meeting with members of parliament in the covert meetings, the high-level security meetings. he's out of the meetings as we get a live look of him speaking. listen in. >> they claim to do this in the name of islam. that is nonsense. islam is a religion of peace. they are not muslims, they are hon sters. they make no secret of doing harm not just in the middle east but to countries who stand in their way or the dare to we are a peaceful people. we do not seek out confrontation, but we need to understand that we cannot ignore this threat to our security and o=ere's no options of keeping our heads down to make us safe. the problem would merely get worse as it has done over recent months, not just for us but for europe and the west. we cannot just walk on by to keep the country safe. we have to confront this menace. step by side we must drive back, dismantle or destroy isil and what it stands for. we will do so in a calm, deliberate way but with an iron determination. we will not do so on our own but by working closely with our allies in the united states and in europe, but also in the region. because this organization poses a massive threat to the entire middle east. so we will defeat isil through a comprehensive strategy. first we'll work with the iraqi government to open sure it represents all its people and will tackle the threat effectively. we will support the kurdish regional government while holding the front line against isil. we will help them protect their own people and the minorities including christians that they have helped already through supplies of ammunition and training. second, we willx we will keep our country safe. fourth, we will continue to support the enormous humanitarian efforts including using the raf to do so, to help the literally millions of people who have fled isil and are now living in poor conditions. and fifth and perhaps most important, we'll maintain and continue to reinforce our formidable counter terrorism effort at home to prevent attacks and hunt down those who are planning. people across the country will have been sickened by the fact that it could have been a british citizen, a british citizen who could have carried out thismñá unspeakable act. it is the very opposite of everything our country stands for. it falls to the government and to each and every one of us to drain this poison from our society and to take on this warped ideology that is radicalizing some of our young people. the murder of david haines at the hands of isil will not leave britain to shirk our responsible with our allies to deal with the threat that this organization poses. it must strengthen our resolve. we must recognize that it will take time to eradicate the threat like this. it will require as i have described action at home and abroad. this is not something we can do on our own. we have to work with the rest of the world. but ultimately our security as a nation, the way we go about our every day lives in this free and tolerant society that is britain, has always depended on our readiness to act against those who stand for hatred and who stand for destruction. and that is exactly what we will do. thank you. >> the prime minister david cameron speaking about the british government's reaction and resolve to the brutal beheading of david haines who served 12 years in the royal air force. there was some question this morning as to whether or not the british government would join with air strikes with the united states in going after but it seems the answers are still figured out at this hour. >> you heard the expression of being shocked. there's the man in black, the murderer, might have and appears to be a british citizen. certainly a long-time resident of london as his accent suggests. the prime minister says it is hard to believe he came from our country. this is the opposite of what we stand for. >> another british journalist seen in the video is told he's next. >> you'll be next. which will make four beheadings if that happens. >> what he didn't mention is how people come from countries with an awful lot of terrorism and have not done anything as they expose the most radical extremism. i've been over there doing these interviews with people in central london, talking about overthrowing the london government and attacking the british foundations of the british society. that's tolerated there. >> there will be more of a clamp down. to protect it at home and abroad to do what we need to do. the idea of home-grown4dqx terrs not just in the u. kuchlt but it's here. you think about the mosque in boston with ties to several terrorists, including tamerlin tsarnaev. and the girl who wanted to join isis and become a nurse to marry a guy online and do what he told her to do. they are looking for women to do this. they are looking at westerners to join, men and women are joining, kids are joining, innocent people. >> it is less unbelievable to me with the way the message is being carried out skillfully with a team of social experts. it started with the 2011 nairobi mall bombing and they were tweeting the entire time. we had an expert on earlier. this is much different than the al qaeda videos released by osama bin ladin that were hard to understand. >> this is by those who have production experience. if you're watching this at home, do not pull this up on the internet and watch it. images like this are hard to erase once you have seen them. take our word for it, this is a very sophisticated piece of propaganda. intercut with news video. it is scripted. the two people are reading from this. >> what should the united states do? our next guest served in iraq and afghanistan with an inside look at the military tactics, coming up. t. t. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. my treadmill started to dress i mibetter than i did.uts, the problem was the pain. hard to believe, but dr. scholl's active series insoles reduce shock by 40% and give you immediate pain relief from three sports injuries. amazing! now, i'm a believer. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. 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president obama's plan to fight isis effective or are we limited in what we can do with this rules. some rules have so strict, what are some of the rules of engagement that tie your hands, so to speak? >> well, serving in afghanistan and the same can be said for iraq. as the years go on and the war drags out, you have more and more influence from politicians on the commanders on the ground trying to either manipulate how the war is going or try to influence the war from affair where it's really taking the decision making on the ground away from the ground troops and the trigger pullers where that's where it should be. we had a couple circumstances where the rules of engagement under fire would not allow me to drop a piece of aircraft ordinance. and it gets to the point where you just have to take it into your own hands and if you survive through it, then they can bring you up on charges. >> unbelievable. here's the president's plan, i want to get your take on this. the president's plan outlined air strikes in iraq and syria, we would arm and train the syria forces, the moderate syrian forces, but i don't know what it means to be moderate in syria, and 475 more troops to iraq on the ground. you don't think that's going to work, why? >> no, that's not a plan. what he laid out is just a collage of failed ideas that have not worked before. yes, you are not going to win this by air power alone, but our u.s. aviators are the best in the world. they will at least cripple them in a way that we could allow ground troops to go in and really pop up. nobody is talking about boots on the ground. if i'm isis and hear this, i know that if i can evade air strikes in some way or fashion, i know nobody is going to kick in the door. >> whatever rules of engagement and trying not to security innocent civilians. you say this can cause problems in the past. we saw with israel and hamas sunshi -- is this a cop out? >> it is nothing new. for the service members and the veterans of iraq and afghanistan, we have seen this type of violence before, especially with the beheadings, it has been in the forefront for the american people to see. so it is shocking for them. but for us fighting the for owa for them is worth it. we are more than ready. the generation of service members that came up with the iraq and afghanistan war, we are the best at fighting the type of dirty war. >> thank you for joining us this morning, sergeant. appreciate it. >> they won't be around for very long. it's not about boots on the ground but destroying isis. coming up on the show, a happy, healthy child dead after eating coop tam nighted turkey sandwich and sent home by his doctor. but a but. some are calling this a hate speech, but is it? we have more coming up. 'wóóñt well, a family of a 4-year-old girl taking legal action after doctors misdiagnosed her with a deadly strain of e. coli. serena was taken on to the doctor after a sandwich made her sick. she later died. now a young boy is also fighting for his life after taking a bite of the same sandwich. what happened here, how did they misdiagnose her in the first place? >> this is not a very common thing. the pref lechance of this happe less than 1%. this is the kind of e. coli we find in undercooked meats. this can follow three to five days later, it is called hus. >> we'll put the symptoms on the screen. >> so basically this is an unfortunate complication, very uncommon complication, from e. coli infection that can affect the kidneys, shut down the kidneys, cause a low plate lot account and your body will start to break up the red blood cells resulting in fever and abdominal pain, bruising and bleeding. how do you diagnose this? if your child has e. coli, they have bloody diarrhea. this is not a typical illness young children have from a virus or something. this is -- they are usually sick with a bloody diarrhea. if you know the child has been infected with this e. coli, take them to the pediatrician. you basically have to do watchful waiting. we don't intervene with antibiotics. if your child is not getting better but worse, for example, this would raise suspicion. >> how did the doctors miss this? >> not knowing all the details of the case and obviously not being there to read the notes of the chart. did this come a week after the diarrhea started? it did appear they entertained the diagnosis of hus but then the patient was sent home. >> so this other kid is dealing with this after sharing the sandwich with her. his kidneys are in failure right now. is he going to make it, hope in this? >> that's the thing, at this point, it is called supportive care. support the renal function and platelet transfusion, but not always. >> it was a turkey sandwich. we don't usually hear about it in turkey but undercooked meats. >> unfortunately, this can happen. but i really to the viewers is not a common occurrence. we do see outbreaks. this is very uncommon and very sporadic. if your child has a bloody illness, raise an alarm to find out if they have e. coli. then you're out of the woods, if they do, watch it for two to three weeks. thank you. coming up, david cameron addressing his country after the latest execution from isis. now we are looking at this frightening moment in a hard rock casino with a wall coming down crashing on a patron. ♪ [ male announcer ] when your office is 1,500 acres, it's good to have the right help. with models up to 62 horsepower or 1,400-pound payload. go tough. go strong. go gator. in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. good morning, everyone. a fox news alert, an act of pure evil. isis militants release another horrifying video showing the barbaric beheading of british aid worker david haines. just moments ago david cameron says he'll hunt down the murderers. >> we have to confront this menace. step by step we must drive back, dismantle and ultimately destroy isil and what it stands for. we will do so in a calm, deliberate way with an iron determination. >> this is chilling new takes revealing the man behind isis' pop began day was recruiting inside the united states. the man was communicating with a cell of jihadists in the boston area, speaking in code language. he referred to cooking classes. more than 30,000 militant recruits are there in the isis nation. in combatting terrorism and being skeptical about the process, listen to the president. >> we need a counter terrorism program designed against isis and more support for those fighting the terrorists on the ground. and that's what aboutly what we are doing. and we have to avoid the -- >> this is a difference between the case and what is reality. every american shares president obama -- we don't want to fight them, but the united states is the only country to keep the savages at bay period, ever. if you want something done, you have to do it alone. >> yeah, we go to the war in iraq as a result of the united kingdom, but you heard the british prime minister david cameron this morning who has to deal with parliament. parliament is not wanting to send air strikes into the -- >> of course not. we are the only ones who can repel it. it falls to us. we didn't ask for the job but it is our job. history thrusts this upon us.;3i >> when he got in the dig at president bush there saying because of mistakes, what about the mistakes that you have made, mr. president, with isis and calling them junior varsity and only with the james foley first beheading did you start to appear to realize they are a growing threat. and nobody else is joining us but a lot of people said gary vern said because of your act n action -- >> we are just going to say we'll use special operations forces and their capabilities, period. leave it at that. because by making the statements he's been making, our allies in the coalition are not going to join us. >> so let's be real about it.%rs this guy has been all over asia and knows the native languages. this is an attack on western civilization. i don't think we have a choice. >> and he knows he needs boots on the ground and xlenlgs gathering information from sources on the ground. >> nobody wants to deal with this. no other american wants to fight isis. we are going to be talking more on this developing story after isis struck overnight. we are also following other stories, payoff at the hard rock casino in tampa. eight people injured after a temporary construction wall collapses. the most serious injury is a broken arm. the casino is reviewing security footage to see what caused the crash. it is football season and the redskins are back in the spot. the professor at george washington university has classified the word redskins as an unofficial name. the repeated and unnecessary use of the r-word should also be because it similarly offends many indians. and is this the most obvious study ever? it turns out happy life, happy wife shls. if a woman is satisfied with her marriage, she'll do more for the husband making him happy, too. >> i think men are hard wires who want their wives to be happy. i don't think it's about rewarding husbands for a good marriage. but i think the husbands really want that. >> we want that but it is a hard slogan to figure out how to attain. >> we just have to pray. >> janice dean, we really, really try. >> and you're going to make it up with coffee and donuts later. >> and bacon and bourbon. it's 200th anniversary to honor "the star spangled banner." we have the west point army band here. you look good for 197 years old. with me today, we have lieutenant gurnl christopher jones. tell us why this is a special anthem? >> well, "the star spangled banner," not only are the words great asking if a flag is still there, but it is reaffirming it is still there. and the profound poem and the music is kind of a fanfare, different than most anthems. >> is it hard to play? >> it is one of the most difficult to perform. >> we hear it at sporting events, is that some of the largest traditions begin at national events and we ghin with "the national anthem." >> tell us about this beautiful piece of equipment. any time the band moves from side to -- we'll play more news throughout the morning. back inside. coming up, what did -- what item did steve jobs forbid his kids to have in the house? the answer might surprise you. and thrill you. > . and a jet pack already being tested. and the west point army band is here to perform "stars and stripes forever." ♪ [ female announcer ] you change your style. why not your eye color? new air optix® colors prescription contact lenses enhance your eye color for a naturally beautiful look with consistent comfort. find your perfect color and get a free trial offer at find your perfect color and get a free trial offer fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! welcome back with some quick headlines for you. steve jobs was a low-tech parent. in fact, he wore the same shoes for years. "the new york times" column reporting the late apple co-founder and his wife banned their kids from owning ipad and limited their technology use altogether. the times said they made it a point to have dinner at the table every night and talk about books and history. and it was a fake toy with a real scare. a woman called police to say she found a dead tiger on the side of the room but the officers packed up the stuffed animal and brought it back to the station. that does look real. tucker? thanks, clayton. consumers understandably are on the alert after home depot confirms the credit and debit cards of 60 million customers may have been hit in the latest hacking attack. that information now in the hands of the bad guys. so where, if anywhere, should you use your debit card? which places are safe? we asked jeff otter, the author of "worth it not worth it?" thank you for being here. a lot of problems have debt because it comes directly from your bank account with the debit card. >> it's great, there's $800 million debit card debt. just put the debit card away. don't use it. we share that philosophy. >> why? >> there are a number of reasons. we'll start with gas stations and hotels. you go to a gas station and use your credit card, they charge you whatever you fill up with. with others, you swipe the debit card and you don't see how much gas you bought. they put a standard hold on $100. and then eventually they reconcile the books and charge you the correct amount. but in the meantime, no access to that. you can overdraft even though the money is in there because there's a hold on it. >> i buy $40 of gas but it looks like $100 on hold. >> they don't take it away but you don't have access to the money. >> what about a hotel? >> you reserve three nights at a $200 hotel, that's $600 on hold but they assume you use the mini bar or room service. so reserve with a credit and pay me for the service. >> interesting. what about online purchasing. >> it is real obviously. you buy something online with the credit card that arrives broke up. you just challenged the payment and are fine. but with that money that leaves the account vulnerable. don't spend more than x amount at the bar. uo, if my debit card were to get hacked, that's right out of my checking account. >> yes. whereas with a credit card, the bank is on the line. and they are so good. it's their own money. they are so good. we got a phone call the other day, did you buy auto parts in wisconsin? my wife said, no, i didn't. so we were fine. but with a debit card, maybe they wouldn't be so fast to alert me because it is my money and not the bank. >> my daughter's card was stolen and bought is 11 big-screen tv6. she was in poland at the time of the mastercard statement. are there cases to use a debit card? >> it is not place. for the individual who is in a lot of deck debt. >> this is an excellent book. >> thank you, tucker. >> i hope our viewers will buy it. thank you. coming up, a huge mistake by colorado's dmv. dozens of illegal immigrants are issued real driver's licenses. how did that happen? and how can it be fixed? and super speed and x ray vision. we'll tell you who are the brains behind this invention, coming up. dad, i know i haven't said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. yourturn night into conquer the globe. stop floods. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of in-home services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. 52 minutes after the hour. what if every soldier could run a four-minute mile? scientists are now developing a jet pack to help soldiers run faster on the battlefield while using less energy. joining us now is the brains behind the invention, arizona state university researcher jason carestas. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> and i understand it's right there in your hand weighing 11 pounds. how does this work? >> it works using two really powerful batteries and two electric motors to spin at 60,000 rpms and can produce more thrust than it weighs. >> is this really noisezy or quiet? >> it is definitely noisy right now. we are in the process of silencing technology. but it sounds like a jet engine. however, it allows soldiers to run really fast with instantaneous thrust. >> very often the technology in the military ends up in the hands of law enforcement a few years down the line. how will this revolutionize being on the battlefield for soldierers and crops on the ground to fight crime? >> this gives an advantage to whoever is wearing it, the soldier or the police officer. so it allows them to be more efficient and faster than the bad guy, which is the good part and can help just ability anybody that uses it. >> is that it beeping right now? >> yeah, that's it beeps right now to let me know systems are okay. and it's ready to go for instantaneous thrust. >> what i think is cool about this is you could be wearing it. and as soon as you're down. i can use this on each individual person. that's the difference between this eax the exoskeletons. this is a backpack that anybody can put on to help them to run. >> jason, who is paying for all the research to get this thing on the market? >> well, originally the project to get soldiers to run faster was a project-sponsored program, so we personally put our own finances in to controlling this device. >> how long before it is red zhi. >> right now it works on the or in the next year or so. >> and this looks like fun. we have seen the crazy video of this recreationally? >> we have tried this unofficial on skateboards and it works awesome. and hopefully we'll go down to arizona in the new feature to talk to skydiving members. thank you for being here. david cameron addresses his reaction to the latest beheading that has taken place. and buried in the rubble of the world trade center kicked off a 13-year search by the woman who found it to locate the couple in the photograph. she just did a week ago and that come comes together. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. that's only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites... or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works. in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side good morning, it is sunday, the 14th of september, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. a fox news alert. pure evil. a british aid worker beheaded by isis terrorists threatening this will not be the last, but this time their message has a twist. but british prime minister david cameron talking tough this morning. watch. >> we cannot ignore this threat to our security and that of our allies. there is no option of keeping our heads down that would make us safe. >> so does president obama have similar resolve? what's his plan? we'll tell you. and this photo found in the rubble of the world trade center is back with its owner this morning. this hour, this person and the woman who spent 13 years searching for him are here live. the story to make you proud to be an american this morning. "fox and friends" hour three starts right now. we have a fox news alert at this hour. isis militants releasing another horrifying video showing the barbaric beheading of a british aid worker. in this new video, a man identified himself as 44-year-old david haines tells the british prime minister david cameron that he is to blame for joining the united states in a coalition against isis militants. of course, being forced to read this message live on this video. that video was still being analyzed and its authenticity verified in washington and also by british authorities in london. but the british prime minister david cameron held an emergency meeting today with security advisers to take whatever steps he believes are necessary to dismantle and destroy the terror group. watch. >> this is not something we can do on our own, we have to work with the rest of the world, but ultimately our security as a nation, the way we go about our every day lives in this free and tolerant society that is britain, has always depended on our readiness to act against those who stand for hatred and who stand for destruction. >> and then at the end of the horrible video another british hostage is shown saying he was beheaded. we saw the same thing with james foley. the track record of isis is say this say they will do something, and they do it. >> my advice is to not watch this video at home. they are so cruel. the torture the guys are put through, and the most jarring of all is murder in these videos is british. there's no mistaking this is a product of the west. this due grew up in the west the audio is perfect, absolutely. what's the purpose of the social media campaigns we have seen? 60,000 new reports of people joining isis in drones? >> this is clearly a recruitment tool that is working? but who would say, i want to be part of that? >> well, they are getting social media and targeting disgruntled teenagers, for the most part. we have seen it in boston, minneapolis, colorado, we are seeing it all over the country. it is mind bog boggling and is much more2çñ sophisticated than used to be. this is ten-fold, right? >> we the original outcasts are given support. other folks have left london to go through asyria. they get there and are handed ammunition for the first time. and they field feel this is their life. >> their >> public opinions show that we do not want more of this. listen to the president's radio address. >> what's needed now is a targeted, relentless counter terrorism campaign against isil that combines american air power, contributions fromv av as and partners and more support to forces that are fighting these terrorists on the ground. and that's exactly what we're doing. we have to use our power wisely. and we have to avoid the mistakes of the past. american military power is unmatched, but this can't be america's fight alone. >> no, no one wants to see it as america's fight alone, but it is because we are the only civilized country willing to put military and money behind our values, period. we are the world's policemen. no one want that is to be the case, but it is the case and pretending it's not the case doesn't make us safer. >> just hearing him talk about mistakes from the past, obviously, trying to get in a nice little below the belt dig at president bush, we think about the mistakes, the grave mistakes, the series of mistakes president obama made with isis and just a month ago calling them junior varsity and watching them triple in size in a few months. someone who fought there knows the area well was staff sergeant michael golamenski, listen to this. >> that's not a plan. what he laid out is a collage of ideas that have not worked before. yes, you are not going to win by air power alone, but the u.s. aviators are the best in the world. nobody is talking about boots on the ground. and if i'm -- isis, if i hear this and can avoid air strikes in some way or passion, i know somebody is coming to tick in the door. which to me, i wouldn't be intimidated. >> much more on this throughout the show. keep it here for this developing story. we are also following other headlines. at this hour, we have another fox news alert. overnight, u.s. citizens matthew miller was sentenced to hard labor bay 24-year-old court. he was detained in april after he tore up his tourist visa and demanded asylum. north korea says he xhitd exited -- >> and thousands vouch for the u.s. air strike that killed al shabaab's leader. the u.s. embassy and uganda warned americans in the country to stay indoors due to the imminent attack. and a manhunt is underway for the dangerous and armed criminal who ambushed two pennsylvania state troopers. investigators believe the suspect has left the area after more details have been released. police say the attack was directed at troopers. >> we really had no chance to defend themselves. it's a cowardly attack. it's an attack upon all of us in society. >> trooper douglas was also shot. he remains in critical but stable condition at the moment. a $20,000 is offered for any information. and 90,000 people from last fall hit by the i.r.s. phone scam. the scammers are pretending to be i.r.s. employees threatening wi with. it dud not make phone calls. it's a celebration 200 years in the making. this year americans are marking the 200th anniversary of the writing of "the star spangled banner." francis scott key was inspired to create "the national anthem." we'll go to leland vittert down on the ground there. good morning, leland. >> reporter: good morning. it was 200 years ago the battle of baltimore raged here at fort mchenry. it was obviously a very different scene and that was a turning point in the war of 1812 against the british, the fact is that half the fort there, there was a young francis scott key there sent by the president to negotiate with the president. he was held captive himself on a ship there inside the harbor where he witnessed the bombardment of fort mchenry. that's what the fireworks were commemorate i commemorating. and the next part that vice president biden spoke ability -- >> it will state the obviously. the resounding answer is yes. >> reporter: obviously, in the dawn's early light is when francis scott key saw that the flag was still there. so that's what you see there, the large flag flying. it was actually a much bigger flag that the fort put up after the nighttime rain and bombardment to prove to the british. they call him the defense. i know you guys have something to commemorate "the star spangled banner" in your wallet or purse. this came from "god is our trust." >> how does leland know what is in my wallet? >> leland knows a lot. if you are not a citizen, no problem. colorado accidentally hands out driver's licenses to hundreds of illegal immigrants. here with a warning of how this puts national security at riskt. why was a girl's shirt denied from being worn at school? (car starting) great. this is the last thing i need. seriously? let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! i really didn't think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. relief that neutralizes acid on contact... ...and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! try great tasting tums chewy delights. yummy. great to be with you. quarter past the hour. a huge mistake by colorado's dmv. 524 noncitizens were issued u.s. driver's licenses. the dmv is blaming their contractor. so now what happened? here to weigh in, colorado senator ted harvey. thank you for joining us on "fox and friends." >> good morning, thank you for having me on. >> colorado lawmakers passed this for public safety improvement, they thought. even if someone is not here as a citizen, we'll at least know who they are, but what happened? where did the problem come in? >> well, first, i think it's a terrible policy to beaef; givin driver's licenses to illegal immigrant in the first place. i carried a bill to outlaw it right after 9/11 because therit 9/11 had legal driver's licenses from california or from florida and new jersey, and it's just bad public policy to be allowing people who are here in the country illegally to have driver's licenses because it's essentially a passport. and then last year, the democrats and the governor here in colorado passed legislation to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses. but they were going to put a little code on the top of the driver's licenses to say these individuals are still here illegally and this is just documentation to allow them to drive and perhaps insurance for their auto insurance policy. but the dmv and the governor's administration failed to put that notification on the top of the driver's licenses and gave out over 500 driver's licenses to individuals that are no different than any other citizen here in the united states. so now we have all of these people that have regular driver's licenses that can use this official document. they have to go anywhere they 81 want. they can go on airplanes and can vote, they can do anything they want to with the new official government document to normalize who they are here in the united states. >> well, here's what they say about it, the defective card can no longer be used and it is essential you immediately return it to or thrust it into an enclosed posage-paid envelope. as soon as we receive your defective card, we'll e-mail out the new card and a $100 gift card this has caused you. i don't know how much of an inconvenience it has caused them to have a driver's license without the black code there. do you think this is enough of an incentive to get these back and what is the danger of people running around with these things? >> like i said, the 9/11 terrorists had illegal government license plates. and they will be able to get onto the airplane or go into any government building. any law enforcement officer looking at the cards won't realize they are not accurate. it puts the public at risk and is terribly absurd policy to v÷ coming into our country illegally and rewarding them with these documents. >> this happened 524 times. senator harvey, thank you for your time today. >> thank you very much. 18 minutes after the hour. coming up on "fox and friends weekend," it is music to kids' ears. no homework! but is making them work less helping them learn or is this a ploy by the teachers union to create less work for themselves? and this wedding picture buried in the rubble of the world trade center kicking off a 13-year search by the woman who found it to locate those in the photograph. she just did this week and the woman and the groom come together for the first time here on "fox and friends." @j welcome back. here's what's going on inyk&# t world this morning, another potential malaysian airlines flight disaster averted. flight mh-198 was forced to turn around due to an error in the auto-pilot system. the plane landed safely in malaysia's capital. and a disaster the philippines kills three people. rough winds and high seas cause a ship to lose steering control and eventually to sink. at least 100 people were rescued from the dark waters but the search continues for more survivors. clayton? thank you, tucker. this wedding picture buried near the rubble of the world trade center touched off a 13-year search by one woman to locate the couple in the photo. frankly everyone in the photo. elizabeth stringer o'keeffe finally found the woman in theç photo contacted her 13 years later. they both join us this morning with the photo. nice to see you both this morning. >> good morning. >> nice to see you as well. >> elizabeth, tell us where it was just after september 11th down at ground zero when this story started. why were you down there? >> i was visiting a friend in new york city at the time. i was taking a road trip with another friend and we planned to go through new york city. >> and what happened when you were standing in the rubble and your friend pulled this photo out? >> so she had found it actually in the days following the attack. and we visited ground zero when we went through new york. and following that, she gave me the photo because she had planned to make a permanent move to california. and just simply asked i do something meaningful with it. >> what did you think when you held this beautiful wedding photo in your hand amidst all the death and destruction? >> well, that's what is so striking about it. the photo itself, even though you can'ter69 see from the pic online, and it was in stark contrast with what we saw in ground zero when i arrived in new york was still burning and very much sections off and very gray. so it was a symbol, really, of hope and happiness in this unbelievable destruction. and it really was so powerful to me. it was important to try to return it if possible. >> fred, how did you first learn about elizabeth's journey to try to find you or anyone in this photo? >> i received a mexicoage at 3:15 mountain time from a colleague of my, jason, who i used to work with in the world trade center. he said, you need to see this immediately. there's someone who has a photograph from your desk in the world trade center and she's been trying to get it back to you or someone in your party for 13 years. >> wow. and we're looking at this photo now, this isn't your wedding. you were at a friend's wedding. so -- >> correct. >> you're standing in the background. who is in the foreground there? >> well, let's see, we have matt kiser, the bride and groom, christine and christian lorado, and mimi caplan, a great group of friends in a wedding in march of 2001. >> the bride didn't know this photo was sitting on your desk that morning. >> correct. we had taken pictures at the wedding and i -- that was one of the ones i decided to tack up, which i thought it was so great. >> it's a great photo. september 11th, take me back to that morning and you get off the subway. what happens next for you? >> well, yeah, i see the -- i was on my way into work. and the attack started before i got to work. so i proceeded to go in and the police and firemen said we should not, so i proceeded up north to soho and it was quite a day. it was september 11th, that was the worst of humanity, but the day after, september 12th, was the best of humanity. and that's what elizabeth really embodied, is september 12th. >> now elizabeth, when you finally after 13 years managed to make the connection, what was that moment like when you were able to bring this photo and reunite this photo with its owner? >> it was pretty incredible. when fred contacted me, he didn't say he was in the photo, so when i called him i didn't know who i was calling. so it was a really nice moment to make the discovery and really stunning to find out he had done that. i was urged to put a story with the photo and was going to return it no matter what it was because of how beautiful of a photo it was and how much happiness. i figured if it were connected to the attack on the world trade center in any way it deserved to be returned to somebody in the photo. so connecting to fred was absolutely rzé÷unbelievable an has been really, really nice. i'm so excited to meet him. >> fred, you get this photo back, when you put it in your hands for the first time, what was that like? >> well, i'm going to see the photo very soon and will be able to hold it soon. >> you have not seen it yet. >> no, i'll see it in new york tomorrow morning, but i'll be so excited to have this photo. but what it really means more is to everyone, because thousands of people have helped shuttle this photo back. and through twitter and social med media. leading the effort for the last 13 years is amazing. elizabeth is almost single-handedly restoring our faith in humanity. not to be dramatic, but that's what people on twitter are saying. her efforts over the last 13 years have been amazing and just a bit of light in the darkness. >> we'll get to meet both of you tomorrow live right here on the show. th when it is back in your hands tomorrow here on "fox and friends." thank you for sharing your story with us. a remarkable journey as he summed you up incredibly. coming up on the show, a stark contrast to elizabeth. kanye west under fire for his latest antics heckling concert goers who would not stand up, including someone in a wheelchair. and we are celebrating bacon and bourbon. a great way to mash them together to have you licking your lips. i'll be out there. ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ here's a good one seattle... what did geico say to the mariner? we could save you a boatload! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ what's seattle's favorite noise? the puget sound! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ all right, never mind doesn't matter. this is a classic. what does an alien seamstress sew with? a space needle! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly continuously ♪ oh come off it captain! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 a fox news alert now, an act of pure evil. isis militants release a horrifying video showing the barbaric beheading of british member david haines. and david cameron is addressing this horrible incident. >> we will do so in a calm, deliberate way but with an iron determination. >> this as chilling new takes reveal the man behind isis's propaganda machine was helping recruit inside the united states. amid-abu samara was speaking in coded language referring to training and attacks as cooking classes. the cia says they have 2,000 of the more than 30,000 militants they have recruited from the united states and other western nations. a young north carolina girl is hail adhere row for saving her family from a fire twice in one day. fire crews arrived to put the flames out, but hours later while everybody was sleeping the blaze started back up and lewis heard the alarm. >> i asked my mom to come in and unlock the door so i could get out quick and go ask our neighbors if they could help us. it's really fun to be a hero. >> the home is a total loss. fire officials say a grease fire in the kitchen caused the blaze. and a california school bans a sixth grader from wearing a 9/11 tribute shirt claiming it's a dress code violation. her father, a 25-year military veteran, says he understands the rule but hoped administrators would understand the significance of the day. the school says non-uniform clothing are only allowed on free dress days, which was not on september 11th. kanye west shocking concert fans after halting a performance in australia because two fans failed to stand up for him. the rapper spotted a fan sitting and told him to stand up, but the fan was holding a prosthetic limb. when he moved on to another song and spotted another person sitting, he got the crowd to do this. >> stand up! stand up! stand up! stand s5(up! >> kanye then got a better look at the sitting fan and came to this realization. >> oh, he is in a wheelchair, which is fine. is he in a wheelchair there? >> the fan was in a wheelchair and unable to stand. good one, kanye. on to a college concert with him at uncw, he stopped multiple times, this is before he got huge, but he stopped multiple times to yell at the lighting people and people putting the smoke up to tell them they were doing this wrong. >> can you imagine being married to him? when he said george w. bush was responsible for katrina because he hated black people. that was my first incident. >> he's a reasonable guy. oh, kanye. we'll go to janice dean now outside. >> we love our fox fans, don't we? >> indeed. >> yes, we do. yay! what are your names? happy anniversary. >> jerry and lynn. from atlanta, georgia. >> how many years? >> 25. >> you were married when you were 12. >> and a girls trip here, right? speaking of girls trip, what is your name? >> alex kennedy. >> and who is this? >> reagan kennedy. >> hi, reagan. and your little one? >> that's rilan kennedy. >> there are your current temperatures. 54 in new york. in new york city. it's a taste of fall for the country, except out west. look at these temperatures, 95 in l.a. we are also watching tropical storm or a hurricane off the coast of mexico to bring tropical moisture into the west coast. we'll keep an eye on that. and the best part of my morning right now, clayton, morgan murphy is here! >> oh, this tops me by a landslide. morgan murphy is here. prepare to be hungry and thinker city thirsty. september is bourbon and bacon month. >> look how fancy he is today. >> you are lucky. you managed to author a new cookbook and combined bourbon and bacon. >> the south's two favorite food groups. this is not a diet book. you may gain 30 pounds just watching this segment. i want to show you this cocktail called the dirty south. and it's made with these great bacon straws. >> the best invention ever. >> so these are so easy to make. all you do is take a wooden spoon, soak it in a little water so it doesn't catch fire in your oven. >> i can't suck up the bourbon through the straw, though. >> i can smell it. >> you can eat the straw and use it as a spoon. and just wrap these and bake them for about 30 minutes. >> put them right on a cookie sheet? >> yep. >> we give awards out to people for far less than that. >> this is my favorite dessert. here with the anniversary of 9/11, i was stationed in afghanistan, we couldn't have alcohol. but a chef mate of mine's father would send pecan pie laced with a little bourbon. so we would sniff the pie. it was delicious. >> you can eat that, right? >> you can chow down. pecan or pecan. >> it is not a urinary device. i call it pecan. this is candied bacon. and listen, it's got a little n it.on7lñ and some brown sugar. it's a snap to make. how do you make it? just bake it like the other bacon. you sprinkle it with candied sugar. >> this is heaven. >> is it possible to make bacon more delicious? >> i didn't think it was possible. but you also have delicious, in addition to the bourbon drink, what is this? >> that is called the southern peach. and it's from a:y little restaurant in enterprise, alabama, called the rolls. and it's delicious. a lot of these i took from "southern living" and best restaurants from the south. >> so you ran around to the restaurants -- >> i said, give me your best bacon rest tee you have. >> do you have a website? >> you can find this anywhere books are sold. >> what is that? >> the fat elvis. >> fox news alert! >> it is ice cream wedged between two peanut butter cookies and rolled in bacon. >> i don't understand how elvis got that. holy smokes. >> you have to chow down on one of those. >> look at that face. >> clayton, the later years. >> this could be one of the most amazing desserts. >> unbelievable. i'll be out in a minute, like i need it. coming up, one race car hits the track for the first time but the engine didn't go as planned. and it is music to kids' ears, no more homework. but is this really helping them learn or a ploy by teachers unions to create less work for themselves? hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway. yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. you shoulda taken it to midas. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. high-five! arg! brakes, tires, oil, everything. 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theories are calling it a ufo. some experts say it is more likely a meteor. tucker? thank you, anna. well, a growing number of schools across america are opting out of giving kids homework. they say students should use the time to be with family and friends, but is this really about the kids or could it be a move by teachers unions to get teachers to do less work for the same pay? joining us is whitney neil, a former teacher and spokeswoman for the bill of rights institute. whitney, thank you for coming on this morning. >> good morning, thank you. >> so this is being passed off as a progressive idea, a rethinking of the way kids spend their time or the rethinking of the way we educate them, but the suspicion remains. i have to say, maybe it's a way for teachers unions to do less work, what's the truth? >> that's a great suspicion. what we are seeing right now in trends across the country is the sense of all of the learning needs to take place in the classroom during the school day. and as much as we don't want to look at teachers that way as wanting to eliminate the amount of work they have to do, i almost think this is a ploy to keep parents out of the classroom, to limit the involvement parents have on what's happening with teachers. if kids aren't bringing home homework, the kids don't know what's going on and it lacks accountability. >> it's a window for me and all parents into what our kids are learning in the classroom. you can see 91çt, go through it and get a sense of what the teachers are doing with their style, et cetera. this is a way to disenfranchise parents, you think. >> i think so. we have seen controversy here in washington, d.c. with a teacher sending home an assignment and the parent goes, wait a minute, this is what's we have standardized tools for the end of the year. we are allowing teachers to be creative to meet the needs of the individual students. they do that best with the parents. >> have you seen teachers unions push for a reform or a change of any kind that would make it more, make more work for teachers ever? >> i haven't, no. no, i have not. in fact, i think what they have done is put themselves in a position and almost in a corner where they want to isolate teachers to make them the be all, end all, and not face any accountability. >> i think your suspicion is exactly right. as a former teacher, great to hear from you. >> thank you. ray rice has been under intense scrutiny after video surfaced of him punching his fiance in the face. but that hasn't kept him from being celebrated by a local high school. we'll tell you what happened. and set your clocks or dvrs. the fox lineup is about batman and more. kevin mccarthy is here with the shows he's excited about most. stay tuned. the performance review. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. everyone is looking for ways while to cut expenses.s unique, and that's where pg&e's online business energy checkup tool can really help. you can use it to track your actual energy use. find rebates that make equipment upgrades more affordable. even develop a customized energy plan for your company. think of it as a way to take more control over your operating costs. and yet another energy saving opportunity from pg&e. find new ways to save energy and money with pg&e's business energy check-up. hello, everyone. you've seen the billboardes and trailers for weeks. now it's time to start rolling out the new fall tv shows. >> but which ones are worth watching and which ones should you skip? here to break down fox's new fall shows starting with one i'm most excited about, we've set our tivo for it, kevin, gotham. >> prepare to be excited, buddy. i just watched the first episode last night. premiers september 22nd. it is awesome. they did a great job of creating a cinematic, dark, gritty environment. you're not going to see batman on this show. this is an show and the city of goth yom, how they created villains like the joker, penguin. it looks incredible, premiers september 22nd. clayton, you're going to be excited, man. it is aut awesome. prepared. >> i was worried it would be a letdown. >> is the simpsons guy related to the inventorierble simpsons? >> i'm excited about this, tucker. they're doing a cross overepisode where they're going to show the simpsons and the family guy together. but the simpsons is now in its 26th season, which is incredible. i sat down with the voice of lisa simpson, yardly smith, who is from washington, d.c. and we had a little fun with her lisa simpson voice. check it out. >> what if lisas were to recite some famous movie lines like franklin -- how would that sound come out of lisa's mouth? >> franky, my dear, i don't give a -- >> how would you do asta la vista, baby, from terminator 2. >> asta la vista, baby. >> how much does the real voice sound like the lisa voice? >> i agree. she's been voicing that character for the past 25 years, since she was 24 years old. >> now she's 50? >> she's 49 years old, pretty incredible. but that show premiers on september 28th. >> what about brooklyn 99. it was a surprising -- >> andy. >> yeah. he left "saturday night live" and it was a surprise success, right? >> yeah. it won a golden globe. but one of my favorite people on the show is terry cruise, who is a former football player. played for the redskins in '95. now he's a great comedic actor. i talked to him about balancing his life out, being a father and being an actor. then we recreate one of my favorite scenes ever. >> if you always tell your kids you can do whatever you want to do or be whatever you want to be and then you never go for what you want, they always -- kids don't listen to what you say. they only watch what you do. so if they know that you're going for your dream, if they know you're going for your goal, then they tend to follow in that respect. because you know -- ♪ i'd walk a thousand miles if i could just see you tonight ♪ >> i love that. >> exactly, anna, exactly. that show premiers september 28th.93 c1 by the way, clayton, i know you're going to be excited about this. great voice coming out on october 2nd. anna gun from breaking bad is taking on a detective role on this show. it's based on a british show. has david tennat from dr. who. and i sat down with anna gun. get this, she plays a detective on the show. i asked her if that character were to take on the walter white case in breaking bad how would she handle that? i will tweet out that answer. that premiers on october 2nd. it's a british show remake, a show called broad shirts. check it out. >> excited about that. also excited about "the flash" coming to cw, too. >> yes, yes, i am. the show gotham reminds me of the whole smallville?[fpelement. i'm excited about that. >> ten seasons of smallville. we'll see if gotham can do it. >> always a pleasure to be on with you guys. british prime minister david cameron just addressed his nation on the latest isis beheading. how would the nation react snoop. and a popular shopping website getting political, banning all washington redskins products in an effort to be tolerant. but wait until we show you what they do allow. i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. into hello, everyone. i'm anna kooiman. this is sunday, september 14th, 2014. >> british prime minister david cameron is talking tough this morning. watch. we cannot ignore this threat to our security and that of outline allies. there is no option of keeping our heads down that would make us safe. >> well, will president obama show similar resolve? what is america's strategy, anyway? we'll have the latest the. and it's a logo meant to honor those would lost their lives on september 11th, so why was a veteran's daughter banned from wearing it at school? "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. >> an act of pure evil, there is no other description. isis militants releasing another video this morning showing a barbaric beheading of a british worker. david cameron is told he's to blame for joining the u.s. in a coalition for isis militants and he will die as a result. >> the video is dealing still verified in washington and by british authorities. but british prime minister david cameron holding emergency meetings with his security advisers to take whatever steps are necessary to dismantle and destroy isis. >> this is not something we can do on our own. we have to work with the rest of the world. but ultimately, our security as a nation, the way we go about our everyday lives in this free and tolerant society that is britain, has always depended on our readiness to act against those who stand for hatred and who stand for destruction. >> at the end of the video, another british hostage is shown, saying that he will be next. .i'm curious why now, though? why this resolve with meetings with members of parliament and going behind closed doors. we were told david hanes would be next last time. why is there a surprise among these leaders? there will be a fourth beheading. >> well, this video was designed to shock and that's exactly what it does. it is the most appalling thing that i have ever seen. not just because the man is killed, but because he is humiliated before the murder. it is not something i would recommend anybody at home watch. it's not worth it. the description will suffice. but take it from me, it is a truly horrible thing. the murder in the video is english. it's unmeasurable from his accent. >> the video is well shot, well produced. graphics at the bottom of the screen. it's edited well, the music, and their social media campaign is insane. you think about the amount of people they have working on getting their message out, reaching all corners of the world. and then thousands of people now confirmed by the cia, coming from western nations, including the united states, joining isis on the balthsdzfield all thanks to this social media message. sa baft yaj gorka was on our show this morning talking about how incredible our social media message is compared to what it was a few years ago with al qaeda. take a listen. >> it's really a mark of how much more dangerous the islamic state or isis is than al qaeda. they have everything, you name it. twitter feeds, they have little messages, little videos, they have the australians, brics, recruiting their fellow citizens into isis. so this is a threat group that really understands social media and uses it for two purposes. one, to make us afraid, to make westerners the infidel, fearful of the next attack. and the secondly, to recruit more people and we know it works. >> it works because there's a receptive audience. and in great britain, they have had a lot of islamic extremists for 50 years and not done anything about it. this is exactly what multiculturalism is. your culture is yours, mine is mine. we're not going to judge each other. they're both equally okay. well, they're not equally okay. if you will people it's equally okay, this stuff flowers. >> so now maybe it's time for more than just talk. remember when we thought the online al qaeda magazine was bad and it was teaching people to make bombes and we thought, wow, this is crazy, they're doing this and it's in english. now we have this guy, jihaddy john thinking it's the same guy doing all three of these beheadings, who is left-handed and british speaking in this accent. it is so scary, this threat of home grown terror, we've got it in boston, worships at a mosque are being questioned. we've got the 19-year-old girl3 in colorado who wanted to be a nurse and was just arrested on the tarmac headed to syria. >> what can we do, can we send 475 people on the ground, will that work? send air strikes, not put boots on the ground, will that work? will we try to rally coalition partners which has been -- at best and not responsive to these partners. we have guest staff sergeant michael olembeski on the show earlier. he said the president's plan is not going to work. >> that's not a plan. what he laid out is just a collage of failed ideas that hasn't worked before. yes, it's true, you're not going to win this by air power alone, but our u.s. i'vaters are the best in the world. nobody is talking about boots on the ground. and if i'm isis and i hear this, i know that if i can evade air strike in some way of fashion, i know that nobody is coming to kick in the door. which to me is -- i wouldn't be intimidated. >> maybe we can start learning lessons from this. why do we not impose any sanctions on people? i'm not saying you should imprison people, i'm saying some should be -- from society at large. >> is that suspectble? >> no, it's not. it's not another way of league at the world. we should have one culture in the united states. >> overnight, u.s. citizen matthew miller sentenced to six years of hard labor by a north" korean court. miller had called on president obama and the united states to send a senior u.s. officials to secure hip his release. a desperate search ends in tragedy. the body of missing appalachian state university anna smith has been found near her campus. smith was last seen on september 2nd on a campus bus. for almost two weeks, family and friends searched for her hoping she would turn up. her body was found in the woods near her north carolina dorm, but no cause of death has been determined. a candlelight vigil is planned for tonight. ray rice making his first public appearance with his wife. the former ravens running back attending a football game at his old high school. janay palmer, by his side. it's the first 250i78 the two have been seen in public since the video showing rice punching and knocking her out. even though the principal has condemned rice's actions, students and football coaches welcomed him. and a young north carolina girl hailed a hero this morning for saving her family from a fire. not once, but twice in one day.ñ 7-year-old st. louis saw the flames and rushed her family out of the house before calling 911. fire crews arrived and put out the flames. but hours later while everybody was sleeping, the flames started back up and lewis called for her mom. >> i asked my mom to unlock the door so i could get out and quick. it's fun to be a hero. >> the home is a total loss. fire officials say a grease fire in the kitchen caused that blaze. apparently she had just learned about fire safety at school. >> let's check in with janice who is outside taking a look at these fall temperatures. >> it's beautiful. do you guys like this fall-like weather here in new york city? where are you from? >> manhattan, kansas. >> jamie from woodruff, south carolina. >> david wollenfort, cincinnati, ohio. >> manhattan, kansas. >> constituentsville, ontario, canada. that's like my hometown. will you say hi to my mom, stella? thank you. i want to show you an area we are watching carefully just off mexico. this is a category 4 hurricane. that is not a tropical storm. this is a hurricane. my apologies. that's going to bring perhaps some life threatening rainfall as well as very, very strong winds across the baha of california and up towards the west coast. so this is a dangerous system we're going watch over the next couple of days because it's eventually going bring a lot of rain to the southwest. but look at how much rain they're going to receive across baha. we're watching this area carefully and this story will be monitored over the next couple of days with flooding for the southwest. back inside, have a great day, guys. >> thank you. moments ago in baltimore, the old guard raising the star-spangled banner flag marking 200 years since francis scott eaves became inspired enough to write our national anthem. >> let's go live to leeland bitter on the ground at ft. mckinley national monument. good morning, leeland. >> good morning. the flag that is now flying over ft. mchenry is not the usual 50 stars and stripes that we typically see, but this is a replica of the flag that would have flown back 200 years ago that they raised after the bombardment of ft. mchenry. that was the turning point in the war of 1812 when they fended off the british there. remember, for a few days, the british had been planning this massive bombardment. they held a young francis scott key in baltimore harbor of their ships. as he looked out on the nooip night of the 13th, he saw something that resembled a little bit similar to what we saw last night. everything went up in fireworks yesterday to commemorate that bombardment and what it looks like out there. and it was actually the next part of the song that vice president biden talk about. >> it does not just wave above us. it lives in our hearts. the heart of every american. we are americans. and as every american enemy has -- whoever faced us has learned, it's never, ever been a good bet to bet against the united states of america. >> so in the dawn's early light, the men who still held ft. mchenry, put up this much larger flag to show the british that they were, indeed, still there. it was about 9:00 in the morning after a terribly rainey night, that francis scott key saw the flag being raised from his ship and penned the famous poem, a very long poem that was published later became the star-spangled banner that we know it to be today. it's the fourth verse that actually we all have a memory of every day of our lives in our pockets. of course, the fourth verse ends in god is our trust, and it is not so long after the star-spangled banner that we turned it into in god we trust which is now on everybody's money in our pockets. back to you guys. >> thanks, leeland. >> a history lesson live from baltimore. coming up, isis strikes yet again posting its third video of a werner being beheaded. our next guest says these acts will continue because isis knows they can get away with it. income, the terror group's next move. and this photo found in the rubble of the world trade center is back. coming up, we will hear from that person and the woman who spent 13 years searching for him. at legalzoom you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. youlooks amazing.on weight watchers? 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how should this country follow suit? so this video, i'm sure you've seen it, is disgusting and it's also very so fist indicated. what is the point of it? who is the intended audience? >> isis leadership is trying to intimidate western leadership. they did twowñ videos for ameri and in this one is for great britain in the sense that there will be more and if they engage in a ground warfare, isis is putting up a big, big fight. isis knows very well, somebody must have told them that the decision was not made to go on the ground and, therefore, they continue with it. >> interesting. now, the narrator and the murderer in this video is english. it's british. he's left happened. he's clearly a product of the west. why would someone who group up in an affluent liberal democracy like great britain or the united states join isis? >> actually, liberal democracies alone without a liberal education of its public are not going to stop the ju haddist from recruiting. we've seen it here. major hasan and other cases. so what is happening is that as long as we do not identify the ideology, you would have people living among us thinking like we do switch into the jihadist ideology. both the person who was speaking and the terrorists and the victim are british. this is going to put a lot of pressure on prime minister cameron. >> so what should our response be here? i'm not talking about our foreign policy response, but our cultural response? how should the united states convey to its children growing up in this country that this is unacceptable? >> well, the greatest educator here in all liberal democracies are the chief executive. the president needs to address the issue that we are fating not just a terrorist organization and the war is not just against isis, but against the ideology of isis. when he declared years ago that the war was against jihadists, it's against isis. what is common in these organizations is the ideology. >> we don't have any problems saying racism is wrong or bullying is wrong or domestic violence is wrong. we take stands culturally. why is it so hard to say the jihadist ideology is wrong? what prevents us from saying that? >> we didn't have a problem saying naziism is wrong. >> exactly. >> there is a blockage here. there is a lobby that is putting pressure on the administration and even on the path administration knot to engage in a war simply because it's going to go beyond al qaeda and isis. it's going to go to the muslim brotherhood, the islamic republic. that's the reason. >> interesting. we need more reporting on that. we appreciate you coming on this morning. thank you. >> thank you for having me. coming up, toronto mayor rob ford talking from his hospital bed after doctors find a possible tumor. we have the latest on his condition, coming up. and the popular shopping website getting political, banning all washington redskins product in an effort to be tolerant. but what they do allow will shock you. stay tuned. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. wick headlines for you. the search and rescue operation for a missing fighter jet has been called off. the unidentified pilot is now presumed dead. two fighter jets crashed over the indian ocean 2400 miles west of hawaii. one pilot was rescued, but not seriously hurt. the cause of that crash is being investigated. golf legend greg norman is recovering in a hospital after a chainsaw accident. norman posted this photo on his instagram page saying he's lucky to have his left hand. just last week, norman posted this picture of himself working with a chainsaw at one of his florida homes. apparently it got away from him. anna. we wish him well. call it hypocrisy over political correctness. the site that sells home made and vintage crafts decided this week to ban items with the redskins logo and name. >> joining us now is redskins long time fan jenny martin. jenean, nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. nice to be here. >> so what prompted you -- you were a fan of etsy, right? >> i did. what happened? you started digging through their website and saw some of the other things that were still for seale. >> correct. i've spent a lot of time on etsy. i really like it. i had bought hundreds of dollars worth of items for my son's wedding in july. and then i started seeing all these other things that they still allowed like swastikas and just terrible t-shirts with terrible things written on them and jewelry with profanity and just a lot of things in terrible taste. and i thought, wait, redskins is offensive but swastikas aren't? >> or a shirt promoting wife beating? >> right. >> i want to take a look at a recent poll with the washington red skips and keeping their name when asked that question. 71% of those polled said they would like to keep the name. 23% said they would like to change the name. so the overwhelming majority is still siding with keeping the name redskins. however, "charlotte observer," the "new york daily news" said they would try to avoid using the term as often as possible. do you think this is something that is going to ee volume and eventually the name is going to go ex stingt or do you think dan snyder is going to be able to keep it? >> i'm hoping he's going to be able to keep it. i think if people lived+arñ herd if they were fans, they would know how much the redskins name honors indians. it's all about respect and honest and lifting them up. our fight song, "hail to the redskins," we sing it after every score and that's all about respecting them and admiring them and holding them up. it's not about denigrating them. it's about inventory rating them. and it's always had a tremendous respect for native americans. >> on the other side of this, there are some native americans who said we find it offensive, calling out the color of our skiny&pb and making a caricatu who we are. >> well, our logo was designed by a native american. i'm going to the redskins rally and in the lot next to us will be a group of native americans doing a traditional native american dance in support of the washington redskins and their name. >> sometimes when businesses do things like this, it back fires on them. remember when cracker barrel, removing the duck dynasty items and people were boycotting them. do you think that will happen? this brand is massive with countless vendors. i've shopped there. that's why i got these rings. i have pillows from there. do you think this is gopg going to back fire on them? >> i think maybe i won't shop there any more. i was at a friend's last night and she was saying her sister, who lives in southern virginia, was trying to buy an item and she was going to buy it there. when she found out about -- that they're boycotting the redskins, she went out and bought it at a shop and paid more because she's not going to shop there any more. and i've heard that from so many people over and over again that it's just ridiculous. political correctness, please. and for etsy to pretend like they have these high standards and they allow anything to be sold on there -- >> in you're going to wear your white hat, you probably ought to take out the swastikas. >> jenean, thank you so much for coming on the show this morning. we'll see how your redskins do against the eagles this weekend. >> go skins. oh, yeah. coming up, isis sends a new message to the world, british prime minister david cameron now responding to the beheading of his own citizen. and it's a logo who lost their lives on september 11th. why was a veteran's daughter banned from wearing it to school? (radio noise) (phone ringing) what's up jake? that depends man, what are you doing? just cruising around in my new ride. oh, the one i'm not suppose to touch, right? you got it. guess what i'm touching it right now, craig. what you talkin about jake? with my voice. that doesn't make any sense. you let me in man, by answering and i like it in here. you're not touching it! touch is physical, your voice isn't physical. my sound waves are pouring out of your speakers, penetrating every cubic inch... stop disrespecting her! ooh and the dodge likes it. don't you dart? gets your filthy voice off her jake! to a fox news alert, an act of pure unadult rates evil. the barbaric beheading of a british citizen. >> british prime minister david cameron has just wrapped up emergency meetings in response. amy, what can you tell us? >> good morning, anna, clayton and tucker. that cobra or emergency government meeting just wrapped up. there aren't really any new developments in terms of british strategy, just they're going to ramp up what they're already doing. it is clear from what prime minister david cameron said that the u.s. is still in the lead on the fight in the fight against isis. but british prime minister david cameron really did show his disgust, his anger, his grief over this apparent beheading saying that isis are not muslims, they are monsters. >> david has been murdered in the most callous and brutal way mamgble by an organization which is the embodiment of evil. we will hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice, no matter how long it takes. >> david hanes, the 44-year-old british aid worker and father of two was from scotland but had been living in croatia. he had been delivering humanitarian aid when he was kidnapped last year. hanes's brother issued a a4 most alive and enthusiastic in his humanitarian roles and that his joy and work in syria specifically is the most important element of his whole affair. as soon as the news broke late last night, british prime minister david cameron rushed back to 10 downing street. he called hanes' murder a despicable and appalling murder of an aid worker. president obama expressed outrage of hanes' killing adding the u.s. stands shoeld shoulder to shoulder tonight with our close ally and friend in grief and resolve. the u.s. still out front in the lead on this one. so far, the british contribution is delivering aid and helping the kurdish rebels fight on the ground. but so far, britain is ruling out any boots on the ground. but cameron today said it's very important to ramp up the efforts to wipe out extremism here in the uk because the murder, again, appears to be that same british citizen. clayton and tucker, back to you. >> amy, thanks. r. 35 minutes after the hour, a massive manhunt under way this morning for the dangerous and armed criminal who ambushed two pennsylvania state troopers. investigators are believing that the suspect has left the area after killing kosh ral brian dixon at a police bare aches north of philadelphia. a person of interest was questioned, but police say he is not the suspect. police say the attack was directed at troopers. >> ready had no chance to defend himself. it's a cowardly attack. it's an attack upon all of us in society. >> trooper alex douglas was shot and remain necessary critical but table condition. a $20,000 reward was being offer for any information. toronto mayor rob ford's health issues may be even worse than originally thought. from his hospital bed, the ailing mayor says his diagnosis is not good and that the quarterback quote, good lord wants me elsewhere. as ford awaits results on a biopsy found in his abdomen, he says the situation is out of his hands. ford's brother, doug, has taken his spot on the ballot for mayor while rob plans to run for city counselor. this is an amazing story about the power of social media. a listed -- found this rubble in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. after posting the picture on twitter, she goes a message from fred mai saying he was the one in the forecast. mai and keefe joined us. >> the day after, september 12th, was the best of humanity and that's what elizabeth really embodied is september 12th. >> it was a symbol, really, of hope and happiness in unbelievable destruction. it was just really stunning to find out that it was his photo and that it was actually in the world trade center. >> the five people in the picture are alive and well today. tomorrow, fred and elizabeth will meet for the very first time. where after 13 years, she will finally be able to return his photo. >> sort of misleading when you see it online. it's all charred, destroyed in her hands. so it's this paradox between those two events. >> well, and you love that he said she represents what happened on september the 12th, where you try to rebuild. that is something that we are doing 13 years later. so this story is really wild. a sixth grade student was wearing a september 11th t-shirt on september 11th and she was told by the school that she was in violation of the dress code. >> take a look at this t-shirt and tell us.hd whether you thin it's offensive. they have a dress code there. but the school said it violated their dress code. we have free dress days where you're able to come in, but september 11th is not one of those days. >> it's like having a free speech zone. they have a zero tolerance policy. how do you have a zero tolerance policy, it almost means stupidity is part of the issue. on 9/11, it was the daughter of a 25-year military veteran. but no. >> here are some tweets this morning. rob writes this, sad is an institution who is supposed to teach kids history of event necessary this great country of ours, refusing to honor victims of 9/11. >> dale e-mailed to say i am a vetaóp with 29 years of experie. we have rules to follow. there is a day available for her to wear what shirt, she should choose that day to wear it. we are a country of rules. >> patriotism is not an offense except for those who want to be offended. let us know your thoughts on that. weigh in on your twitter stream and facebook, as well. janice is standing by. >> it's a beautiful today in the neighborhood today across the northeast and the midwest. if you like fall temperatures, right? 56 here in new york city. 50 in minneapolis. two-thirds of the country feeling cooler than average temperatures, but you go across the west, we're dealing with record setting heat. so a real difference there. looking at some moisture there streaming in from texas to the carolinas, and we're watching a hurricane, hurricane odele. a category 4 storm that's going to bring life threatening winds to the baha of california and the west. back over to anna, tucker and clayton. normally i would be really disappointed that you weren't paying attention to my weather forecast, but since you are reading my latest book, freddie the frog caster and the big blizzard -- >> you wrote this? >> was that you talking? >> this is so good. i'm reading the back. elizabesabeth hasselbeck says t is fantastic. i agree with elizabeth. this is great. >> are you going to do a review on your website? i certainly hope so. >> of course i am. but it might be tough. >> so this is your second chirp's book. i've often heard that it's harder to write a children's book than it is an adult book. >> is that the case? >> yeah, absolutely, because you have to rely on your illustrator, which is russ cox. the pictures literally leap off the page. he's wonderful. and he did a fantastic job with this second one. i actually think he really gets into the freddie feeling and he creates this environment that's just wonderful. some of the pages freddie takes his class to the frog news network and you get to see him touring the frog news network and meeting his favorite frog casters, sally croaker. at the back of the book, not only is a wonderful story about freddie and forecasting a blizzard, but you also get sort of meteorologist terms that i use every day to help kids and teachers explain what's going on in the atmosphere. >> and janice, i think you've been so successful with your first one and hopefully this next one, too, because you're filling a niche. you're filling a void that needed to be filled. >> well, over the years, a lot of people here at fox said, you know, i have kids, i have grandkids that are really interested in weather. can you recommend a good book for me? and i looked and there really wasn't anything out this. >> so what's the verdict in your own house? >> i mean, they love it. i will say that they come with me to a lot of these speaking engagements and these readings at barnes & noble and all the bookstores. they kind of get sick of it a little bit. but they love this one. i'm being honest here. but they're proud of mom and i'm proud of them. >> and it's dedicated to them, right? just like little snowflakes, you are special, unique and -- >> it goes on sale tomorrow and will be on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning in the 8:00 hour with some of my friends, my freddie friends to launch the big book. >> the freddie the frog caster and the big blizzard. it's at barnes & noble. >> thank you so much. you don't mind that i'm actually almost sitting on your lap? >> i've been waiting for this. coming up, st. patrick's day parade organizers in new york city allowing a program march for the first time, blocking an anti-abortion group. now catholics are fighting back for their core beliefs. we have more, coming up. want to know how hard it can be... breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or 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the way. your reaction to this cherry picking groups? >> it's a big controversy here in new york city and i think it's gone viral the last few days. call me naive, but i think the solution is very simple. st. patrick's day parade is about honoring the memory and the life of st. patrick. also about celebrating irish heritage. anybody who wants to do that and to do just that should be welcome to march. unfortunately, and i think the committee is responsible for this in part, it has become a very po now it's i'm going out there under the banner of my ideology or agenda. if they're going to do it, of course, and that's sort of what they've done in saying let's get this pro gay group but not this pro life group, however it happened, but then it gets complicated. get back to the simple, simple meaning and purpose of st. patrick's day parade. you're there to celebrate the life of st. patrick. >> so should the pro life group be allowed to march? >> it's silly that we're even -- of course anybody should be allowed to march if you're there and celebrating the life of st. patrick. i think this committee has to rethink this process. >> so they have to go through approval process and get rid of all that? >> it gets complicated once you start doing it, but i think they're going to have to rethink the whole thing in general. >> did the problems start when the parade organizers start allowing these political groups to come in? because once you start, you really can't stop, right? >> exactly. and you can't say if you're gay, you can't march. if you're a republican, you can't march. what are you talking about? anybody -- >> let's just wear green and have fun and -- >> it sounds like the love for st. patrick and irish heritage. >> you're in a unique position. you're a pastor here in new york city, crazy is the city that never sleeps, there's anxiety and stress. there's people on their cell phones nonstop, traffic, sound, so you've written a new book which seems out of place in manhattan. the way of serenity. we talk about how to find peace and happiness in our lives in crazy times. >> i never thought of it that way. but i don't think new york city or any place is a place where you can't be serene and peaceful. you know the serenity prayer, god grant me to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference. i've done that in this book. what does it mean to accept the things i can't change? think about our history, our past. i can't change those things. think about courage, what we can do to change and what that means. and discernment and wisdom. i hope it's a blessing to all of our family here on "fox & friends" and fox everywhere in the world. >> finding calm in the crazy and you've got an op-ed on that folks can check out. again, the book is "the way of serenity." >> this is the kind of book we need in this world right now. coming up, he was just a face in the crowd when we first met him, but this marine sergeant joins us next with his special tribute to the star-spangled banner on the 200th anniversary of that song. he is next. good morning. he served his country as a marine and now his pitch is moving everyone who hears him. >> our old friend, nice to see you. welcome back. >> good morning. >> first time we met you was on our christmas special. you are sitting in the audience and what happened? >> there was a small competition between myself and another airman decided to sing a song and i won out and was asked to come back again. >> what was that song? >> i sang "silent night." >> it was not rehearsed or anything. you were just there. we were really impressed. glad you're back. today you'll sing for us as the 200th anniversary of the writing of the star-spangled banner. what does this song mean to the country? >> a sense of liberty and freedom. everything we fight for stands on this particular song. everything that the american people, what we do and how we live our every day life is really important. >> step up to the microphone, sir. we'll get out of your way. ♪ o say, can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave? ♪ [ applause ] fiber one? fiber one streusel. available at walmart. youlooks amazing.on weight watchers? looks like my next dinner party. that's only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites... or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works. ♪ >> welcome back here to "fox & friends." sound amazing. are you ready to celebrate? tomorrow on "fox & friends" we'll tell you about meatless monday. are you going to celebrate meatless monday. >> and donald trump is going to join us. >> make sure to join us for after the show show. >> more of this. >> stay tuned. >> building a global coalition to take out isis. good morning, everyone. welcome to "sunday morning futures." horrific video purporting to show a british aid worker beheaded by an isis militant. will it galvanize british to become more involved in the fight? president obama set to meet with ukraine's president this upcoming week. we'll ask gary who has tangled with putin before what their next move should be at this point in the crisis.

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