0 subcommittee, republican chairman,s assessment shows the administration knew more than it let on, mackenzie and company, the consulting team brought in to assess the project, actually was projecting that there could be risky consequences going forward with the site. >> listen to this. on the spring, this outside firm, which i think is a great tactic if you have major plan about the rollout, get someone on the outside to analyze where you're at, mackenzie and condition which spun out into an evening drama on abc, they came out with a proposal and said you've got problems coming occupy. this went to health and human services department as well as white house officials. they said here is a 14 slide presentation with all the issues coming out in the fall. they predicted all this was happening. the presentations took place between march 28 and april 8. white house officials are there. health and human services officials are there. days later kathleen sebelius says we're right on track to rolling out worse. according to -- so that was that. they knew. they knew going back. how many times do we hear the president and his surrogates say if you like your plan, you can keep it? they have known for years that tens of millions of people would lose it. right now they're going it was only going to affect 5% of the country. right now there's a story starting on national review on-line. it says in 2010 inserted in the federal register was the fact that department of justice lawyers knew that perhaps up to 80 million americans, if you have not just individual health care policy on the individual market, but if you had it through your employer, you would probably lose your policy as well because your policy did not meet the strict standards of the affordable care act. >> right. it was originally grandfathered in. i mean, you go back, we're now closing 2013, you go down to here and you see the information that is >> this number is made up of a mess of assumptions. who is participating? who is not working? who is trying to work but has dropped out? all these things, it just raises the question, i think there ought to be a good discuss about how this number is calculated. >> how the number is calculated is one issue. but the issue that we're talking about is how the number was skewed and was fudged because we're talking about out of nowhere the unemployment rate dropped from 8.1% to 7.8% at the crucial time between august and september. so -- the conventions are over. you wonder if the economy is on track. you've got mr. economic business wiz mitt romney coming up the rear. and all of a sudden the unemployment rate is dropping. you're thinking maybe we are on the right track. jack welch comes out and says, i'll paraphrase, it's amazing what these chicago guys will do to win an election. >> what is going to be included next in the statistic? you had a dream about getting a job? you were sad about losing your job and hope one day you can get it? this is something so serious and affecting millions of americans out there to have a loosey goosey number about unemployment going forward is infewer -- infuriating. >> in "the new york post" today there is an item where the author talked to the fellow accused of fudging the numbers. this guy's name is julius buckmon and was essentially told to make up information by the census bureau. >> to make it seem like more people had jobs than had jobs. >> nine out of ten household have got to report. they weren't in the philly and new york area. so he was told essentially somebody called him on the phone and said, quote, go ahead and fabricate it. so this guy, rather than actually calling people, just made stuff up. the problem with that is if you say that you talked to somebody, essentially you are creating a job. so the more people he fabricated, the higher the number went. and according to the column, it continues to this day. >> that's why people say the numbers don't feel right. the economy may look one way but it feels a different way. >> that's the problem. what is the real unemployment rate there this country? if you've got people in the federal government fabricating a number, i mean, the fed right now is thinking about easing, quantitative easing part 3. well, if the number is not right and they do that, that could have dire consequences for the country. what is the number? >> ten minutes after the hour. heather nauert answers the question what else is there on news? >> good morning to you guys. hope you're off to a great day and nice to have you back brian. we do have serious news to bring you. we start out with a fox news alert. there has been an explosion at the iranian embassy in lebanon that has left 23 people dead this morning. nearly 150 more people have been injured. this happened at an upscale neighborhood near beirut and it is believed a homicide bomber detonated two explosives, one on his body and another one in a car nearby. this area is known as being a stronghold for the iranian backed group hezbollah. this same group is accused of helping the syrian president bashar al-assad stay in power. another developing story overnight, an acid spill in california making dozens of people sick to their stomachs. the situation unfolding at a warehouse in carson. 12 workers from the brookville international corporation were rushed to the hospital. their noses and throats were burning they reported. sulfuric acid from a nearby chemical company they believe to be the cause. >> george zimmerman is waking up in a jail cell this morning and in just a few hours he'll be arraigned on assault charges. his girlfriend called 911. she claimed that he pointed a shotgun at her during a fight. take a listen. >> he put your gun in my freakin' face and told me to get the [bleep] out because this is not your house. get out of here. >> this is not zimmerman's first run-in in the law since being acquitted in the shooting death of trayvon martin. >> toronto mayor rob ford is calling an all-out war. look at this yesterday. that was at the city council meeting. the city council stripped away most of his powers. listen to this. >> you can't stop me from showing up at council, debating every issue. >> crack cocaine. being drunk in public. >> it only got worse for ford. during the vote he got into a screaming match with the public and then he knocked over a female counsel there. by the way, his reality show was on last night. anybody watch it? probably not; right? i suppose we can get it on satellite. >> can we look for some clips of that? entertaining. >> thank you, heather. coming up straight ahead, they complained and the white house delivered. unions getting a special deal on obamacare. would everyday americans be treated the same? the answer will be coming your way. >> take a look at this heartwarming picture. a soldier's young son saluting just like dad. the story behind it you have got to hear. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant