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0 and you're watching "fox & friends." >> thank you very much, olivia newton john. i drove by this this morning. this happened at my mall. let's start with a fox news alert. a gunman who opened fire inside a new jersey mall is dead. his body found hours after firing shots inside one of the largest malls in america. ainsley earhardt joins us with the latest. >> reporter: a very popular mall especially for us in new york that don't have a mall in the city so we go to your neck of the woods. paramus police identifying him as richard shoop, a 20-year-old restaurant worker. officials say he killed himself. the incident began moments before the mall was supposed to close after 9 p.m. witnesses say he walked through the mall carrying a rifle wearing full tactical gear. meltdown known as obamacare, the president of the united states had it up to here, was sick of people complaining about the website doesn't work. he came out and he said we have other ways that you can sign up. here's the president from october 21. >> the number of people who visited the site has been overwhelming, which is aggravated some of these underlying problems. i want the cash registers to work. i want the checkout lines to be smooth. the product -- the health insurance -- is good. the prices are good. it is a good deal. once you get on the phone with a trained representative, it usually takes about 25 minutes for an individual to apply for coverage. the phone number for these call centers is 1-800-318-2596. i want to repeat that. 1-800-318-2596. >> there you've got the president saying the website's all screwed up so use the phone or you could up the calling centers to give the american people who are looking for information a way to avoid some of the frustrations they were having on-line. >> you said you can bypass the website and apply by phone or in person and it can be done in 25 minutes. these memos say at the end of the day we're stuck in the same queue because we have to go through the same portal. >> i get it. the person who calls isn't the one who has to wait after the paper application is filled. >> your mocking is entertaining but the president said you can apply in 25 minutes. that is not true. >> the point was to relieve some of the frustration that americans were understandably experiencing. >> you don't do that by telling an untruth. or is the president that out of touch? what do you mean to relieve some of the pressure? as you said earlier, you're still taking that phone call and putting it on-line into the system, so there's still that fundamental problem. does he not understand the frustration people feel all around and the frustration that democrats are feeling? on top of that you have an article today in the l.a. times that talks about is the president really that out of touch? what happened to the guy that was walking around with an ipad and having a blackberry being on top of things? is he just not interested in managing his own government? >> the expectation is clearly being lowered. it's sinking here. the white house press secretary now resorting to, as some would say mocking, asking a decent question about a system that we've been asked to go into. is the president saying the actual thing that was aggravating the system that we hear is working, while we can't figure it out for ourselves, what's aggravating it? the american people calling in and trying to get on-line are aggravating the system? >> the white house is in a ditch right now. the news came out from the associated press overnight that now 3.5 million americans have gotten the bad news in the mail, you have been canceled. and so people are -- in fact, there is a democrat senator from indiana, joe donnelly in a closed door meeting i think two days ago who said by the way, my son just got the cancellation notice. the chief of staff of the white house said the president referred to the fact that some of these people can sign up for medicaid and there will be subsidies and all sorts of stuff. but it doesn't help the people who have gotten the news that they're no longer covered, which is the case in -- once again back to my home state of new jersey -- for years now if you go to community college, it is an opportunity where if you do not have health insurance or your parents' plan, the schools would extend to you kind of a low-rate insurance policy. >> a basic policy. >> basic that is appropriate to a college-age student. the problem is, these students are finding out now they can't buy the low-cost health insurance at their schools because of obamacare. >> it is prohibited. >> they don't provide all the bells and whistles maybe someone else would need. those policies don't meet the standard of the administration. therefore students like alex mctagger sp*t majoring in computer science is now left with something. >> more than a thousand dollars per student would have been the cost according to this union county community college. so the vice president says i can't offer it anymore. it's not going to be cost effective. if i offer it i'm going to have to pass the cost to the students. it's no longer cheap and no longer valid because the administration feels a bare bones policy for a junior college kid would not be sufficient in their mind. >> keep in mind, according to the affordable care act children can be on their parents' policies until the age of 26. but there are a lot of parents who cannot pay for their kids to be on their own policy. and so what they do is as soon as they're out of the house, okay, you're in college i'm going to just cover your mother and me. now all these college kids are out there in new jersey, and according to the affordable care act, they've got to get coverage. but because the schools doesn't offer it because it would be cost prohibitive and their parents don't have it, they are in a pickle. what's troubling for them, a lot of them were going we were barack obama's biggest supporters. we believed in the hope and the change. now we're a little screwed. >> maybe they can bubble wrap themselves, not go outside and not get sick. >> this is an example of a poor transition 0 out of a health care system that was working for these students, apparently by their own words, and to be able to have this issue right now where the university is forced to give an education in helping their students seems to be upsetting to many. >> that's a poor transition. what about a good transition to heather nauert. >> good morning. how's everybody doing? >> great. >> brian, big day for you today. >> it's official out today. >> we can run to the store. >> we can buy it on-line. >> at the bottom of the hour we do a comprehensive package. >> wait till you see it. look forward to hearing more about it. it sounds terrific. we've got other news we're following today. that is election day. voters heading to the polls across the country. but we're focusing on two races we're following closely today. in new jersey governor chris christie urging supporters not to be too confident, encouraging them to still get to the polls as he runs for a second terp. polls showing christie with a 20 point lead over his point, democrat, barbara buono. >> i'm used to overcoming obstacles in my life and defying the odds. >> we're going to work hard. >> steve, you better get out to vote today. let's talk about the state of virginia. the governor of virginia -- rather it's the race for governor of virginia. state attorney general ken cuccinelli is trying to overcome a deficit in the polls against democrat terry mcauliffe. both sides put obamacare front and center. >> to send them a message that we say no to obamacare, i need your vote tomorrow. >> we know the issues. you've all heard me speak many, many times. i'm going to be there and fight for you as governor. >> both camps getting big support from washington. senator marco rubio stumping for cuccinelli as president obama and joe biden stump for mcauliffe. take a look at a tarmac in montreal. passengers on board a morrocan airline closed to climb out an emergency exit. five were taken to the hospital. others treated for smoke inhalation. flak friday sales day -- black friday sales debuting earlier than others at k-mart stores across the country. opening its stores on 6 a.m. on thanksgiving before a lot of families even thinking about breakfast that day. this trend for an earlier opening time started last month when kohl's and macy's made their announcements they are calling in their staff to work on thanksgiving. what a but remember -- what a bummer for their families. i know businesses like it but thanksgiving is thanksgiving. >> the affordable care act not so affordable and our next guest says it will raise individual premiums by more than 40%. >> one of the most prominent republican presidents in our nation's history, so which university just made abraham lincoln a democrat? 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>> doing okay but i'm glad i don't live in the state of nevada. let's take a look at some of the biggest losers. if you are in nevada, your average premium is going to go up 179%. new mexico, 142%. and north carolina, 136%. how come so high? >> it varies widely among the states. but typically speaking what we're seeing is the states that already had heavily regulated insurance markets before obamacare which is typically northeastern states like new york and new jersey, they're not seeing increases. they're seeing decreases under obamacare because obama has an individual mandate that forces people to sign up. in states with lightly regulated markets like obamacare they're seeing this one size fits all effect where they're seeing a huge jump in regulation and thereby the cost. >> people are saying i'm glad we don't live in nevada because it went up like a moon shot. according to your analysis, the average increase in premiums -- there are the states you referred to where they were highly regulated and so there are savings. the average increase is 41% in the united states. >> obamacare is a war on bro's. young men are going to pay morrell alternative -- pay more relative to women. >> there is a story today had that says the number of people who have enrolled is small. in kentucky and connecticut the average age is 55. they wanted the average age closer to 40. >> that dove tails with which a our analysis shows. older people are incentivized to sign up for obamacare because their insurance is heavily subsidized by younger people and taxpayers in a way that isn't for others. >> what do you think about what the president said last night in a rally for o.f.a. and his supporters. he said what we said all along is you can keep it if it hasn't changed since the law passed. >> that isn't what he said. what they said all along is if you like your insurance you can keep it. now he's trying to backtrack. i'm glad he's trying to backtrack because it is a more honest position to say if i like your plan, you can keep your plan because that is what the president's position is. >> you look at these numbers more than anybody. what's going to happen? >> premiums are going to go up for most people but not for everyone. the key thing to understand is there are subsidies. the subsidies are going to kick in for people who are lower income and the elderly. lower income people and the elderly will sign up for coverage. healthy people won't. you'll see a two tiered system. older people and younger people will sign up and everyone else will stay out. >> let's see what happens. >> they may push the deadlines back. >> a number of republicans hope that's true. >> ovic roy, thanks for joining us. they are in the country illegally but soon may enjoy the same privileges as us. >> every police officers's worst nightmare, being shot in the line of duty. it didn't stop that officer. she kept going. she's here with her story next. ♪ ♪ ♪ stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare. the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and etrade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. mmm! this is delicious katie. it's not bad for canned soup, right? 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