Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20181011

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The coast, it is just a matter of putting the pieces back together. You dont know exactly how much wind is going to come in behind it. That scared us. Sandra officials there one that the danger is far from ove over. Will continue to assess the damage. Reporting live from tallahassee, florida. What are you seeing there . Obviously a lot of destruction. A lot of destruction. Youve got the power trucks up and down the streets. It is crashing down. 1 of hundreds across the city we have seen so far. We call it tree town usa. There was more than 111,000 without power this morning. More than twice the wind power. Cole nelson is one of the students that lives here in the house. You were here when this happened. Will, obviously a tree fell down. We were standing out front for a minute to check out was going o on. A few more trees that were swaying. Next thing you know, my roommate grabbed me, pulled me to the side, looked up, and there it was. He saved your life. Yep. You are actually in Environmental Science major, a senior, and you know youve had hurricanes. What do you make of this . A little change in water pattern. I think it is an awesome thing to study. It is beautiful. It is mother nature. Where will you be staying . Are you okay . I speak i dont know. Its going to be rough. But yeah. Thank you very much. Put in context on this. Gusts of 90 here in tallahassee. 155 Miles Per Hour. The officials there saying that mexico city may be gone. Sandra. Griff jenkins reporting live from tallahassee. Thank you. Sandra joining is now, marco rubio. Senator, thank you for calling in this morning. What can you tell us about what you are seeing . We just finally began to get a look at the actual damage and destruction to your state. I live through hurricane andrew, multiple hurricanes, but andrew was the one thats most struck me. After the storm, the official reports, its not too bad, and suddenly, they were like oh, my goodness. Its still early. Thats the kind of news that i am getting from people on the ground. We dodged the bullet, but the sun has come up. People started to see it. Panama city, the electric grid is unjust or damaged, it strutted. So it will have to be rebuilt, not just restored. Somebody told me point blank, talk to them last night, they said of mexico beach its gone. The charming old florida town. I think the biggest fear here of course, this is going to be an incredible challenge for months to come. The federal government is going to have to step up and really be helpful. This is the kind of events that could change the characteristic of a community. Fundamentally change it and take a decade to recover if its not done appropriately. So i think this just turned out to be as bad as we thought it was going to be. Potentially worse. We will learn more throughout the day, but what we know for sure is there are a lot of lives that have been disrupted, and it is going to be very difficult to rebuild. Im headed to the fema headquarters in a few minutes. I will be headed to northwest florida. Obviously, i hope my early assessment is wrong. I fear im not. Sandra we are looking at this video. It is just awful. About downed wires and trees causing all lots of threats, stl posing as to those in the area. What are you asking for . What does your state needs in terms of federal resources . Well, i think its going to need a little bit of everything. Ive been updating people on twitter about sort of the federal resources that are on standby with the department of defense ready to offer and so forth. Right now, we are still on the search and rescue operation missions. I think youre going to see a lot of efforts deployed. The lives that have been lost, and is on the hard work begins. Restoring power appeared without power, you have no cell phone powers, no ability to sustain life. The minute you turn the power on, you could kill someone, you could start a fire. All sorts of things can happen. It is a very complicated thing that lies ahead. It is not just the hurricane, but the water damage. The homes look intact, about the water damage is going to force at home to be demolished. I think what we are going to need his Additional Resources for search and rescue, and we are going to have a massive housing problem here. We are going to have to shelter thousands of people for extended periods of time with who will not be able to return to their homes. Because of downed power lines, obstructions in the road. So the biggest challenge is going to be sort of where do we house people . Theyre going to have no place to live here for the foreseeable future. Thats one of the things im going to press on when i go to fema here in a few minutes when we are done with that briefing. Sandra obviously, the immediate economic toll will be the headline in addition to the loss of life that has already been experienced. Then considering that Tourist Destination that so many of these cities and towns in florida are, the long terms affect im sure will be a longterm effect. I have to ask you while we have you about this. About the still missing saudi journalist. Obviously, was a big critic of the saudi government. This is a big headline. Congress is stepping in. They are taking the lead on this. You are a member of the committee. Whats are you asking for . What does your Committee Want to know . We have trickled an entire investigation. This is going to go beyond sanctions. Obviously, i am privy to some Additional Information which i cannot share. We need to know what happened. I am not saying that this is what happened, but we will learn it soon enough. The saudi government demanded a guide to be objective, they sent a bunch of people into kill him and chop them up, if that is what happened, i am telling you what is going to happen here is a complete revolt against our policies with saudi arabia. Its unfortunate because they are an important partner in middle eastern strategy to contain sort of irans nefarious activities in the region. But if they have gone so far as to kill this guy, cut the body up, and send a crew here to do that, if they are responsible for that, and im not saying they are, we are going to find out when the evidence is presented. But if thats whats happened, then i am telling you what is going to happen here is going to be in an effort to completely fundamentally altered the relationship. I think the administration is aware of that too. I hope that didnt happen. I hope this gentleman is alive, but i fear that this thing is going to take a negative turn here pretty quickly, especially if any of the stuff that is out here turns out to be true. Sandra Jamaal Khashoggi is the name of the journalist. Youre going to be looking into this further. Any idea what would have inspired and act like you are suggesting . I am speculating, but governments think that they can get away with silencing critics by eliminating them, they have been doing so recently. You have seen that in china for example, they arrested the head of interval. Killed people, opponents of Vladimir Putin wanda pretty much routinely dying, falling out of windows. A mysterious heart attacks, or just flat out poison. Obviously saw what north korea did to his own brother because he was running loose. So if this is what has happened here, it would be in line with what we have seen authoritarian governments do around the world. I just hope for khashoggi sake, for his fiancee, that there is going to be a complete and total revolt on capitol hill, both sides of the aisle, about our relationship with the saudi government. Its an important relationship, but we cannot allow for that to silence us in the face of Something Like this if that is what has happened. Sandra senator marco rubio, thanks for calling in this morning. Hopefully he can keep us updated on this and the other state that we are watching. The impact of Hurricane Michael. Thank you for your time. I know youre heading in for an update with fema. Thank you very much. Interesting that he says that he is having information that he is privy to. Breaking news. Bombing the National Mall in washington, d. C. , on election day. What we are learning about the suspects horrific intentions also, President Trump calling out the former attorney general after a holder flips for civility. Sandra our nc chairwoman joins us next. Plus, more information in the mysterious depicted on my disappearance the saudi journalist. Just growing opposition to what the saudis are doing. This adds to it. I dont think we actually need proof, there is a lot to indicate that they were involve involved. And that we do not have a National Security of vital interest here inyo yemen. Prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. 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Ronna mcdaniel is chairwoman of the Republican National committee. What was your first thoughts when you heard that from the former talk Law Enforcement officer of the nation . Well, i think it is very dangerous to hear him say when they go low, kick them. You put that in context with Taylor Clinton saying we cant be civil with republicans. Maxine waters saying if you see republican cabinet members, go tell them they are not welcome here. Cory booker saying get in their face. Listen, we know tensions are high in this country. But when you have the leaders of the Democratic Party escalating that, it is going to lead to something dangerous. We have already seen Sarah Sanders be accosted at a restaurant. Ted cruz, heidi cruz being accosted. Steve scullys being shot. This is a time when the leaders need to tamp down these passions. I will say is chairwoman of the republican party, i dont agree with the policies, but i do not want people to accost families at restaurants. I do not want people to form crowds around democrat leaders. If you have an issue, go vote. We can be civil. And have disagreements. That is what our country is founded on. I challenge any democrat leader to step up and say the same thing. None of them have said anything about eric holders disgusting comments, dangerous comments yesterday. You mentioned Hillary Clinton, cory booker, Maxine Waters, and now the former attorney general. Is this a coordinated exercise among democrats . I think they are pushing buttons to try to turn out their vote, and they are escalating tensions to push out their vote. They are paying protesters and agitators. This is not good for our country. We have always had a strong democracy with differences of opinions, but we come together and govern. And from the beginning of President Trumps term, we have had democrats boycotting the inauguration, putting out the hashtags, it is going to get dangerous. And it is time for democrat leaders you call those remarks disgusting. We have to cut this short because we are awaiting the fema briefing. We thank you very much. Thank you. Thoughts and prayers to florida. Sandra providing an update on Hurricane Michael. Took a hit. Several hospitals were impacted. You know, federal forces sandra looks like our feed, we will see if we can get that back up. At this time, it is critical in the hours since the sun has started to rise. We will see what that destruction is since it made landfall yesterday. Back to the briefing now. We can focus on that area. Once that happens, get the private sector back in. Getting things back up and running. Rotating, pushing forward. That is a conversation for a later date. Right now, it is about safety, making sure that we are helping people who may be trapped and pushing fear, doing damage assessments to make sure that we fully understand where we need to coordinate our response efforts. Spoke with the president last night from air force one. He remains engaged. We processed another declaration request from the state of georgia. I have personally spoken with Governor Scott this morning to make sure that there were no shortfalls on our end to help them with everything. But again, lets reiterate that this system is ongoing. It is still impacting South Carolina, North Carolina. We ask citizens to remain vigilant, understand all the warnings that are in place rapidly moving. This will spread heavy rainfall across those areas that were impacted by hurricane floor in weeks ago. Looking at widespread flooding to once again resurface over North Carolina. Likely beginning today. Continue for the next several days. Fortunately, the system is moving rather quickly, so it will be off the coast tomorrow. We dont expect this to hang around as long as it did during florence. Enhanced risk for tornadoes today across the carolinas. Some of these tornadoes could be strong. That is something to watch out for. It will be rough surf and beach erosion along the carolinas today as well. Fortunately, we are looking at improving. Response Recovery Efforts along the gulf coast and through the weekend. Thank you very much. Jon thank you, ken. Sandra you have been listening to the update from fema headquarters. Continuing here, you just heard from noah as well, the flooding that still poses a risk everywhere. A wide range of major flooding. That is going to be washed by rescue crews as they still continue to try to search for anybody who needs help in that area. Started off by addressing the catastrophic damage that has been seen across the sunshine state. Made a big point. The goal is to get the private sector back on. So that will continue. We will continue to follow all of the fallout from Hurricane Michael throughout the day. Jon in the meantime, a space station on its way making an Emergency Landing minutes after that capsule try to take off. What went wrong and how they are doing next i cant believe it. That everything sticks to stefon diggss hands . No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Cool, huh . Yeah. He plays football, huh . Yeah. Believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna. Made with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar. And end the day with a smile. Glucerna®. Everyday progress. Glucerna®. So lets promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on choicehotels. Com like this. Touchdown. Earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com sandra a Space Mission aborted shortly after liftoff. Forced to make an Emergency Landing because of a critical equipment failure minutes after the launch. The spacecraft was headed for the International Space station when a problem with the booster separation was detected. Nasa saying that they were safely extracted from the capsule and are both in good condition. Seen there. Jon i wonder if we get our 70 million back. Thats what we paid to launch an astronaut onboard a Russian Rocket. If they dont get up there, do we get our money back. That will be a question for nasa and i guess the administration . President trump trying to rally votes. Listen. Plus, the radical democrats Brett Kavanaugh and his national family, that is a national disgrace. Its a disgrace. What they did was a disgrace. You look at cory booker, the way he talks. And then you look at what he di did. You look at senator dianne feinstein, what she did. [boos] the disgraceful behavior, the disgraceful leaking of documents. You look at what they did. You look at the false charges, you look at the false accusations. It was a disgrace. It was a disgrace. But on november 6th, you can vote to reject the democrats shameful conduct by electing republican house, and really, we needed badly. We need these votes. A republican senate. Jon the president took some heat, as you know, having this make America Great again rally, while they are feeling the wrath of Hurricane Michael. They lined up, it would have been a big disappointment to you not do it. Sandra he has made the point time and time again, of course, they want to destroy me to. It when he was talking about that, so he is hoping that this is going to generate more enthusiasm and get the g. O. P. Vote out in the midterms. So with the resignation of nikki haley the day after the weekend of his swearing in, it was kind of a shock to see him and the white house change the story so quickly with that. So the timing of all this is very interesting. We will see if it creates that enthusiasm they hope. We are moments away from the opening bell. What a day yesterday was. A huge double the market took. Will we see more selling this morning . What all of this means for your bottom line and your family and your money when that bell rings 2 minutes from now. Jon plus, the first lady, Melania Trump, saying she is the most bullied person in the world. How she is trying to push back on those critics and a big interview. Sandra federal officials sorting up flame to bomb the National Mall. Details on the man they say planted to use to the attack to upset the midterm elections. Nothing ever happens around here. And then we got invaded today, and i was like you know, i knew something was going on when they shut the street down. To look at me now, you dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. Cosentyx can help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. How sexy are these elbows . Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Sandra will come with the stock market is now officially open for business after yesterdays massive selloff. The dow plunged more than 800 points in a single trading session. Some critics blaming the escalating trade issue with china. President from begging to differ on. No, that was an ad. The problem i have is with the fed. The fed is going wild. They are raising Interest Rates. Its ridiculous. The problem in my opinion is treasuries and the feds. The fed is going loco, and there is no reason for them to do it. Im not happy about it. Sandra well, having a sitting president way and so much, not just on the markets, but on the actions of the Federal Reserve. Of course, what we have seen so far with the Federal Reserve, Interest Rates, they have raised Interest Rates three times this year. They are expected to raise rates again. You just heard them say that the fed has gone crazy, and he thins that they are making a big mistake. It can lead to a selloff or a concern. You had that big selloff yesterday. I dont know if you heard the october effects, there is such talk of an october effect. We had the big crash in october. Markets fell 22 . Then the october 29th 1929, that was jon i dont remember that one. Sandra that led to the great depression. There is an impression that it is a bad month for the stock market. Jon s not even happy with jerome powell, the guy he appointed. Sandra its fascinating to see him weighing in on the actions of the Federal Reserve. The idea that Interest Rates are rising, that it could be a threat. We would still have to see the dow dropped another 1400 points from where it is today to even see correction mode, which sometimes can be perceived as a healthy action for the stock market. In fact, President Trump has set himself that it is a correction that we have been waiting for for a long time that can actually make a rally healthier. So we saw nearly an alltime high. Nearly saw the doubt top 27,000. Then we see the selling this week. So it is causing a little bit of panic. Dont panic, dont go close out of your stock positions or adjust your 401 k just yet. Take a deep breath. But it was a little scary to see the dow down. Jon i remember when i was paying 13 interest on my Adjustable Rate Mortgage back in the day. So inflation is no fun. We are fighting. The question is, who is right . The federal the president . Sandra 100 points right out of the gate. You are going to get a lot of those nervous investors who think the end is near. Long term bull market that we have seen may be over, and they may shake out the market a little bit. Longterm investors would have to be a little more space than this. 92 points after that big 800point selloff yesterday. Again, still sitting pretty at 25,500, jon scott. Nothing to sneeze at. Jon might be a buying opportunity. I will follow your lead on that. Now, a new york man under arrest now. Charged with plotting a suicide bomb attack on the National Mall. Paul rosenfeld created this twisted plan to draw attention to his political beliefs. We are live in new york where the bomb was built. Good morning. According to court documents, Paul Rosenfeld from august to october built a 200pound bomb in the basement of his home here in new york. It we are about 20 miles north of new york city, a quiet suburb. Federal prosecutors say that he planned on blowing himself up on the National Mall in washington, d. C. , on election day on november 6. Federal prosecutors say that he ordered black powder online to an address in new jersey. He moved 8 pounds of that black powder to his home here in new york. The bill split 200pound bomb out of a plywood box, filling it with the powder. When the bomb was found, it appeared functional. He installed certain components to assure he was killed. The 56yearold conducted tests. Neighbors of the sleepy community here in new york are at a loss for words. I was shocked. You know, i was like this is a very quiet area for the most part. So when i heard that, i was like you know, i didnt know what to say. Rosenfeld is believed to have acted alone, john. If he is convicted, he faces a maximum of 20 years in prison for a building that bomb and transporting it. Jon so his political beliefs motivated all of this. What did he want to do . Speak all right, so they say that he wanted to blow himself up on election day to promote an alternate political theories in which government officials are chosen at random. As to how he was caught, he sent Text Messages to a person in pennsylvania in which he details his plan of attack. That person alerted authorities as soon as they knew. It was one of those mistaken Text Messages . Is that what youre saying . Yeah, that is the mystery behind this, as to why this person was texting them. That person did not know who he was, and they were getting these messages, Text Messages, and mailed letters. They decided to go to the authorities. Jon that is a happy accident, you could say. Bryan llenas in new york. Sandra First Lady Melania Trump firing back at critics, saying that she is the target of constant attacks. Talking about her be bus campaign, focusing on the cyberbullying. What did you see that you wanted to help . I would say that i am the most bullied person in the world. You think that you are the most bullied person in the world . One of them. That is why i want to be focusing on social media and online behavior. Sandra really a fascinating moment to hear the sitting first lady say that she is the most bullied person in the world. Really a candid interview. Jon she knows what it is like to be the subject of a lot of online hate. Sandra she travels to multiple countries on her first solo trip abroad. Jon in the meantime, the Florida Panhandle taking a direct hit from Hurricane Michael. An update on how the National Guard is trying to help the residents of that state and other. Sandra this is a former top fbi lawyer. Taking him seriously when he made comments about reporting the president. We are going to have live updates on the story. He mentioned certain things to me. Very positive about that event. Frankly whether you were under oath or not should not matter. I would think it would be fine for him to testify. 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In the meantime, the National Guard is mobilizing in florida and other states to help the victims of michael. The Florida Panhandle took a direct hit from the storm, the most powerful hurricane to ever make landfall there. Rick scott just ahead, but joining us right now, daniel hawkinson. Youve got about 1200 National Guard members ready to go in florida, and more in georgia and the carolinas, right . We are actually up to about 3,000 now in the state of florida. Jon wow. And they are already on the job. Im sorry, general, i hate to do this to you. Rick scott is just stepping to the microphone. We are going to listen to his briefing. Good morning. I just received a briefing on Hurricane Michael from Emergency Management right here in tallahassee. This morning, the panhandle, the gold coast, big ben are waking up to unimaginable destruction. So many lives have been changed forever. So many families have lost everything. Homes are gone, businesses are gone. Roads and infrastructure along the storms path have been destroyed. This hurricane was an absolute monster. At the damage left in its wake is still yet to be fully understood. Today, the top focus is search and rescue. We pray that florida stay safe. Last night, the National Guard, the official Wildlife Conservation commission, and the Highway Patrol drove into darkness and the unknown last night to begin rescues. There are a lot of other people that went with them. Highway patrol, d. O. T. Youth, utilities, health care workers. I mean, the bravery of people doing this is unimaginable. Pray for each of these individuals. Law enforcement and First Responders are heroes. Leaving their families to help others. We cannot thank them enough. This morning, i will be joining the florida National Guard to survey damage in panama city and mexico beach. The Florida Department of transportation completing a massive effort this morning with thousands of crews to clear debris along critical roadways, so that the First Responders, National Guard, medical personnel, food, water and supplies, and utility workers can get to where they are neede needed. Do not get out on the roads today. Do not travel home today. Roads are not opening, and you will not be able to get home if you live in or near the coast. I know this has to be very, very frustrating. I know you just want to go home, check on things, and to begin the recovery process. We are working as quickly as possible to make that happen. First we need your help, your patience, and your understanding that before you return, we have to make sure things are safe. And Law Enforcement and rescue workers are able to save lives. This also applies to families that are sheltered. It is not safe to leave your house, dont believe it. It dont take a chance. Listen to local officials. Dont go out and explore the damage. Let the professionals do that. You will only put your own lives and the lives of other at risk if you venture out onto you on save roads. Again, if you and your family make it through the storm safely, which i pray that you did, the worst thing you can do now is act foolishly and put yourself and your family in danger. Keep Law Enforcement workers from saving some of his life. I cannot stress this enough. We also need people to be very safe if you are using a generator. Look at the instructions. Follow the instructions to a t. Be safe. I have requested that President Donald Trump issue a major disaster declaration so our federal resources can flow quickly to the impacted communities. I spoke with the present before landfall yesterday. Again, just a few minutes ago. He is committed to make every federal resource available to help the recovery. Also bruised by the u. S. Coast guard yesterday, with critical assets during the storm and will be deploying them for response. The coast guard last night around ten rescue missions through the night, and they have already saved lives. I spoke with the secretary Krista Nielsen this morning. Also spoke with brock long this morning. Match with the fema coordinator. Homeland security and fema have committed to providing everything we need, and Constant Contact with fema and all of our partners who are mobilizing this morning. As i said last night, we are deploying a massive wave of response, and those efforts are already underway. Help us, and by air, land, and c. We have 35 jon that is rick scott, telling people please do not go back to your homes if you evacuated. It is not safe. Lets get back to our discussion with daniel hawkinson. Telling me that you have about 3,000 National Guard forces in the affected area. What is job one . Basically, working very closely with them, the federal agency, to make sure that we are there to respond to any needs that our citizens have. As the governor mentioned, one of the highlights last night was panama city. They had lost communication with parts of mexico beach. So early this morning, we had two of our teams and their tactical vehicles link up with local Law Enforcement and a drive into the mexico beach area. Unfortunately, due to the conditions, they had to actually walk the last mile, but they were able to link up with local Law Enforcement and the fire department, as well as about 1520 citizens who were sheltered overnight. The good news is none of them were injured or missing. So i was like governor mentioned, the response effort started very early this morning. Once the hurricane was clear of the area. Jon typically, the coast guard takes the lead on search and rescue situations like this. Do you have guard troops who are doing that job as well . Absolutely, sir. We have aviation units throughout the state. Also the accompanying states. Also coordinating a lot of the active duty, to make sure that they are ready whenever they are needed. Jon finally, these card members, they have families in the affected area as well. How do they walk away from that to help others . It really goes back to our motto of always ready, always there. When you look at them, they are always ready. They train for this. They are in the communities every single day. They are usually the First Responders and coordination. Because their units are there, they are familiar with the area. They really kind of keep an eye out for each other. You know, hats off not only to their families, their employers that allow them to do this when they are needed, to just walk away and help out their fellow citizens. Jon they are doing a great job, and theyve got a huge job ahead. Daniel hokanson with the National Guard. Sandra lawmakers on both sides of the aisle calling for an investigation after the suspicious disappearance of a journalist who was a maid or critic the saudi i government in their hundreds. So how do you stay financially well for all those extra years . Well, you have to start planning as early as possible. We all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. I dont have a whole lot saved up, but im working on it now. I will do whatever i need to do. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. I have never been more disturbed than i am right now. If this did in fact happen, that would cross every line in the international community. If it did happen, we would hold them to add. Sandra senators from both sides of the aisle pressuring the Trump Administration to investigate the disappearance of a saudi journalist. New video emerges that could be connected to that case. Benjamin hall live from turkey for us this morning. Benjamin, theres still a lot we dont know about this right, but what more are relenting . You could say it is an incredibly murky story at the moment. Conceiving receiving the constap from the press. We know that they have received images of saudi hit squad. They say that their Intelligence Officers and Forensic Experts. They stay just a few hours and then they flew back straight away to saudi arabia. Now the Washington Post is also claiming that saudi officials can be reported talking about trying to lure him some months ago, and certainly khashoggi himself was concerned he could be taken. He was tied into the the saudi government. He was an advisor to the crown prince. Many people they are now pointing to the intricacies and emerging details. Sandra benjamin, what are we hearing about potential action on the part of the United States . Well, there has been bipartisan support for an investigation between the two sides. We also her john bolton, they have all reached out to the crown prince to try and urge him to cooperate with any investigations. President trump was also asked whether he would get involved. He said that he had already called the Saudi Crown Prince and thinking. He hopes that they too would cooperate. Sandra Benjamin Hall for us in turkey this morning. Thank you. Jon what is now Tropical Storm michael moves to the north, people left in its wake you, just coming to terms with what will be needed to rebuild if possible. We are alive with that next. For a nasty cold, take new dayquil severe with Vicks Vapocool. Whoa and vaporize it with an intense rush of vicks vapors. Ahhhhh. New dayquil severe with Vicks Vapocool. The daytime, coughing, stuffy head, vaporize your cold medicine. Introducing Vicks Vapocool drops, to vaporize your sore throat. Breathe freely fast with vicks sinex. Sniff my congestions gone. I can breathe again. I can breathe again. Sniff. Ohh. Vicks sinex, breathe on. My mom was freedom, and my dad, adventure. They baptized me in mud and christened me on rock, so i got tougher. They fostered a love of learning, so i got smarter. Taught me to appreciate the finer things in life, so i became more civilized and refined. Thank you, freedom and adventure, for giving me this rugged, civilized, wandering soul. Sandra one of the worst of storms to hit florida and decades. Slams into the panhandle. Leaving a trail of destruction of or hundreds of miles, including at least two deaths. Welcome to our brandnew hour of americas newsroom. I am sandra smith. Jon im jon scott, and for bill hemmer. Windows of 150 Miles Per Hour and more. Reducing homes two sticks of lumber. Submerging entire neighborhoods. I went in the kitchen to lie down and have a mattress over m me. I was laying in there, and all of a sudden, i heard this crash. I took my flashlight and looked in there, i said i better get out of the kitchen. It was terrifying. A lot of noise. We thought the windows were going to break. We had the inside windows kind of barricaded in with mattresses. We did what we could, just kind of hunker down and tried to wait it out. This is what you get. It is just a matter of picking up the pieces and putting them back together. Jon rick scott bowing the recovery effort will be all hands on deck. We are deploying a massive wave of response. We will be sending help from air, land, and c. This includes thousands of responders. Medical search and rescue. We will recover, and we we wilo together. Florida is unbreakable. We will get through this together. Hurricane michael cannot make florida. Jon the monster category four hurricane now downgraded, but it is not over. Moves into South Carolina and beyond. Jonathan is live in the storms wake in Panama City Beach. Good morning. Good morning. Now that the sun is out, people are slowly coming back up and surveying the damage. We are seeing damage great and small, starting with this picnic table here picked up by the winds. It taken off of those beachside home. And now as we pan over here to this other beachside home, you can see the fence was knocked down. Take a look at the parking lot of this condominium complex. The fences were knocked down here. Ordinarily, you would think of these highrises as being very sturdy structures, and they are, but the winds were so extreme that as you pan up to the top of this condominium complex, you can see that much of the roof was stripped off. The facade on the top level, peeled away from this building. Then as you pan down, some of the windows on the lower levels were blown out by the extreme windows. This is just a snapshot of some of the damage on this Coastal Community here. As far as the airport, the northwest Beaches International airport in panama city, airport officials have been hoping to fully reopen for business sometime today. That apparently is not going to happen. Although the airport is open and operational, they are suspending all commercial flights until further notice as they continue to assess the damage. Jon. Jon wow. And in terms of people coming back it, you said folks are starting to return to see the damage, but that is what jon scott specifically asked them not to do. Those are just the people who decided to hunker down. Many of them having regrets that they did this because the storm was so powerful and so terrifying when it came ashore. Those who stayed here on this Island Community are able to walk about and inspect the damage at their own risk it, but as far as emergency officials, the official word is it is too dangerous for evacuees to return at this point. If you have a laugh to this area, stay off the road until utility crews and other crews it cannot clear the debris. It even driving here from our hotel, the same city for us, just a couple of miles away, it was treacherous. We had to navigate around some fallen trees and some downed utility poles. So i would not recommend it to anyone to drive in this community until they can clear all the debris away. Jon i am sure it is a terrifying time for those who stayed behind. Jonathan serrie and Panama City Beach. Sandra volunteers meanwhile helping with search and rescue on the ground. The cajun navy is saving lives. Where are these First Responders heading today . Founder and president of the United Cajun Navy turning his mouth by phone. As always, thank you for you and the volunteers that work with you for your efforts to help save people. What so far have you seen and been able to do since this hurricane made landfall yesterday . Well, the storm here, we actually came in yesterday and she panama city, and we came in with our mobile command. We came in there, we had actually been rescuing since yesterday. Around 5 30 or so. We pulled people from rubble and stuff. It has been a treacherous thing. Its a disaster zone. The city pretty much locked down. We are inside of it. Helping rescue. Now we are trying to get some supplies. Just basic stuff. Its a disaster. Sandra your group is made up of all volunteers that come in from all over. You welcome people who just want to come in and help save lives. Can you give us some examples of some of the rescues that have taken place so far . Yesterday evening, we get a call. We get a lot of call on our facebook page, United Cajun Navy, people who have medical emergencies. A lady that was in her 80s. She wasnt a corner, she was caught up and bloodied up. The family that called us were panicked because they were on the phone with her and they lost contact with her. We actually had to cut away is three blocks. Go down the road to get to her. We got there, it took about ten of us, ten of my guys actually called the rubble away from her and rescued her. That was probably the best thing we did. She was minutes away from dying. We have doctors and nurses who were able to stabilize her. Sandra how many volunteers you have working with you right now . Right now on the ground inside of panama city, we have 72. Ive got hundreds of them that are waiting to come in. It is just a struggle to get them in. We are limited on fuel right now. We are down to about 100 gallons of fuel. That is a big problem that we are having right now. Keeping them fueled up. Weve got a couple hundred volunteers waiting to get in. They just have to go around right now. Jon the folks who didnt stay at behind, what is the greatest need right now . Would you say it is water, is it Something Else . I tell you what, this is like being back in katrina in 2005. Most people dont even have the clothes on their back. Basic necessities, food, water, and shelter. From my standpoint, weve got trailer loads of supplies that we are about to pour in right now. We wanted to be safe, but right now, we are trying to get and water, ice, and some basic at canned goods. Sandra just to remind everybody that you are an all volunteer force. This is people just wanting to step in and help. If they bring their boats, they bring 18wheelers. I dont know if those will be able to be used because of the flooding, but what sorts of resources do you have to continue to help people on the ground out there . This is not so much about says it is boots on the ground. Guys going door to door with chain saws. That is the main thing right now. And i just want you all to know we are a volunteer organization. We are in wilmington and the North Carolina area pretty strong right now. So we are actually in six states right now with their volunteer group. Sandra were you surprised at how many people try to read this out . I tell you what, i was very surprised. I still havent figured it out. I know in North Carolina and South Carolina, i think what happened, a lot of people, when the storm got downgraded, they decided to stay. Which was a mistake. For the life of me, i cant figure out why so many people stayed. I can tell you this, all of the people that we pick up and rescue, there is a lot of elderly and a lot of people with family out of town. Maybe that has something to do with families. We are going to get to the bottom of it once we run all of our data. Jon the epicenter of the storm seems to be mexico beach. We are looking at some video from the town right now. Just absolute rubble. Some of the older buildings there have been completely devastated. It is something to behold. You have to worry about there are people who stayed behind who thought they would ride this one out that we havent heard from you. It typically takes 2436 hours to really get your arms around how about a storm like this can be . Yes, unfortunately, we have expended some of that in the last few hours. I think we are going to experience more of it. Just from my standpoint, doing the sums katrina, when we pick up a person who needs to be taken to shelter, it is because they suffer the loss. I am always seeing distraction. This to me, mexico beach, and even a little bit west of there, it is total discretion. It distraction. It is worse than that. Three to some of these pictures that we are getting, this is bay county, florida. Small population there. Small area, but it is part of the panama city area. Absolute destruction there. Do you have any of your rescue workers on the ground in mexico beach, todd . Before we let you go . We are in lynnhaven. No, we dont have any in there. We are bringing in some plans, some drones. Coming in in the next hour or s so. We have heavy lift drones to come in, s. W. A. T. Somebody on the ground. We could be going and driving supplies. That is a resource that we have that is new technology. That is what we are working on right now, trying to see who may need a medical supplies . We need to get them stable. Jon you are doing great work. Because thank you. Sandra President Trump is demanding answers about the disappearance of that saudi journalist, jamal khashoggi. Last seen entering the saudi consulate in turkey. Denying claims that he was killed on orders of saudi leadership. Live out the state department with the latest on this. Rich, we have been following the story from the beginning. Very few details still, and very little that we know, but what do we now . And credible story. President trump says that american investigators are trying to figure out what happened to jamal khashoggi. He went into the consulate last week and then disappeared. Claiming that saudi assassins murdered and dismembered khashoggi. Saudi arabia has denied involvement. It appears that khashoggi went into the saudi consulate, never came out. I dont like it at all. You dont have american citizens, but that in this case doesnt matter. I dont like it. I dont like it with respect to reporters. It is a terrible, terrible precedent. He says it would be a very sad thing if he were involved. The Washington Post reports that u. S. Intelligence intercepts reveals that the crown prince ordered an operation to lure and to detain khashoggi. They will only say that the United States had no advanced knowledge of khashoggis disappearance. A Bipartisan Group of senators have triggered an investigation, writing a letter to the president , saying the recent disappearance of the journalist, khashoggi, shows that he could be a victim of growth human rights issues. We request the sanctions. As for blocking arms sales to saudi arabia, the president told Shannon Bream last night that that would harm the u. S. Economy. Still waiting to see how this plays out. Sandra thank you, rich. Jon a lot left to learn there. First lady of Melania Trump speaking out about intrigue inside the administration. What she says about trust and how she tries to help watch her husbands back. Sandra a top member of the Obama Administration going even further in the idea of civility in politics. Our ateam, just ahead. You cannot be civil with a Political Party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. I wanted more from my copd medicine. Thats why ive got the power of 123 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123 trelegy 123 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 123, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. Open airways,. Keep them open. And reduce inflammation. For 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,. Problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Think your copd medicine is doing enough . Maybe you should think again. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy and the power of 123. Trelegy 123 save at trelegy. Com. She says that when they go low, we go high. No. No. They go low, we kick them. [applause] thats what this new Democratic Party is about. Sandra you heard it. Eric holder trying to fire of democrats. An assistant editor of the wall street journal and the coauthor of borrowed time. The spokeswoman for the Republican National committee, and a jessica tarlov, fox news contributor. Thanks to all of you for being here. How is not going over . Not going over well. You had the chairwoman on earlier. She challenges democrats to come out and say we reject this kind of talk. We are not hearing that. We are hearing doubling down from Hillary Clinton, saying that you should be uncivil towards republicans. It is not the initial Maxine Waters once, but her second one, where she said i threaten from supporters all of the time. In a context where steve steves colleagues was shot, where you have rand pauls ribs were broken, democrats are acting entirely irresponsible. Sandra i dont think he should have said it, but there is also more to his quote. He went on to say i dont mean we do anything inappropriate. We dont do anything illegal. We have to be tough, and we have to fight. What eric holder is talking about is the fact that republicans never give up. If Brett Kavanaugh had been our nominee, democrats would have run for him when dr. Ford came forward. Republicans doubled down. Republicans, what they did with marit garland, even al franken. Came out right away. That is what eric holder is talking about. Michelle obama has come out and actually gone against what eric holder said, and i think the fact that republicans are focusing on this and talking about this, i mean, they just want to change the focus away from what is going on here. They are down 30 points with millennials by a ratio of 21. Americans think that the g. O. P. Tax cuts favor corporate america. They are not winning on health care, so they need to demonize us, make us out like were going to be going and kicking republicans so that they dont have to talk about the issues. Jon when you parrot what Hillary Clinton said, im going to play this for you, and then get your reaction. You cannot be civil with the Political Party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. Thats why i believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the house and or the senate, thats one civility can start again. Jon thats what you have political parties, so you can argue about what the best policies are. A lot of conservatives and republicans who didnt like what got enacted during the eight years of the Obama Administration. Yes, mrs. Clinton, about to kick off the next leg of her global grievance to her. They are selling tickets now. There may be an effort thereto kind of fire of the crowd. It is irresponsible language. It is disappointing. I think it is also a radical policy as well. You mentioned health care. As the president pointed out this week, most democrats in the house have endorsed a plan to tear up every Health Care Plan in the United States and replace it with a governmentrun system. So yes, the language is radical, the policies i think similar to 2016, not going to be acceptable, despite what they see on the republican side. Sandra the president has responded to this rhetoric. He says be careful with this rhetoric because its very dangerous. Specifically referencing what eric holder said. What did he mean by that . In the context of what we are seeing. Protesters banging on the doors of the supreme court, accosting people in elevators and airports. The president says this is dangerous to say. And he is right. I just want to quickly challenge what jessica said, that the left would have run from Justice Kavanaugh. Not true, they never ran from bill clinton, Keith Ellison who has a viable Domestic Abuse charges against him. The left embraces that kind of behavior, and its fine. If you want to continue to rally violence kevin kramer in north dakota is up by 12. It is feeling this. And the latest polling, the democrats are up about 13 and the generic ballot. Yes, seeds that they should win. I dont know if we are going to win back the house, i am hopeful of that. But for you to science, and the Keith Ellison thing is problematic. But his girlfriend has not turned over the tapes. She says that she has the attack on tape, i am no fan of Keith Ellison. We have talked about this many, many times. For you to say that we are a party of violence, and it is unclear with rand paul. I know he was saying that the guy was yelling you are taking my health care or something. That was not the original story. I dont like moblike tactics as well, but i dont like when President Trump leads a chance of lock her up. Ted nugent gets invited to the white house. There are both sides on the aisle who use incredibly inappropriate rhetoric that is dangerous, but that is not for my party is about, and i really resent what happens on a daily basis. Sandra we will get you to respond to this first. Melania trump, according to this oneonone interview, it aired this morning. This exchange on a bullying and her be best campaign. What happened to you personally . What did you see personally . I could say i am the most bullied person in the world. You are the most bullied person in the world. Well, one of them. The things that people say about me. That is why i must be best. We should not be focusing on social media and online behavior. We need to educate the children of social and emotional behavior. So thats when they grow up, they know how to deal with those issues. Jon i think you can expect from her opponents, theres going to be a lot of torah commentary, pointing out that life has worked out pretty well for her. What is she talking about . I think she has a pretty good point. If you look at the intensity of the criticism on the part of the media in terms of everything she wears when she goes on a trip, it is immediately attacked as being inappropriate in some way. This past week it, the New York Times criticized her hat as being a symbol of colonial war. This is the same hat that they said was wonderful fashion item until it was worn by Melania Trump appearance because she looks like she is out of vogue. I always stand by that. Shall obama certainly had some terrible things that about her. When she exposed her arms. She is so out of touch. Matthew shepard was probably the most bullied person in the world. People are dying every day because of bullying. They suffer from depression, anxiety, they can go to their classrooms. I support the cause. Her husband is a terrible bully, and she should deal with that. She sounds as out of touch as Hillary Clinton. Jon she has been on the receiving end of a lot of awful commentary. Chelsea clinton, what happened to her growing up . You cannot compare michelle obama, who is on so many magazine covers, t1 melania has gone through. People have made up stories about her immigration status, her marriage, when she had surgery. Conspiracy theories as to where she was. They accused her of having a stunt double, they have gone after her child. We know what that kind of scrutiny is like. I have had private conversations with melania, the pleasure of hearing her passions for helping children across the country. She is doing an excellent job on the world stage. Her popularity is soaring, and her approval rating. The media can stop the mic attacker, but you cant stop her. Sandra we have one more minute. Lets see if we can listen real quick. He has been in office for almost two years. Has he had people that you didnt trust working for him . Yes. Did you let him know . I let him know if youd speak and what did he do . Some people, they dont work there anymore. It is difficult because i am so busy with my office. I dont get involved. Do you think there are still people there that he can trust . Yes. Sandra what you think about that . Jon people he can trust in the west wing. Certainly we saw that an ominous oped. I am so grateful that he has jeered there and ivanka and melania. Very smart individuals around him that our loyal and that he can trust. Jon we dont know that that oped came from the west wing, of course. It could be any of a thousand people in the federal governmen government. Thousands of people are Senior Executives in the federal government. I think we are seeing from her what we have seen from the president s comments and a twitter feed. I think that was an honest answer. Sometimes may be the press will reflect on how transparent, refreshingly transparent he is. But i think that was an honest response. Sandra im glad we got it all in there. Thank you very much to our 18. Good to have all three of you. Jon now, this fox news alert. Devastated by the wrath of Hurricane Michael. Homes, trees ripped apart. Still, many people decided to write out the storm, including former arkansas governor, mike huckabee. He joins us now from florida with his story. Plus sandra why did Rod Rosenstein cancel his meeting on capitol hill . We are going to have more reaction on this from lawmakers answer president. He mentioned certain things to me that are very positive about that event, and i would imagine that you would want to put that down. Frankly, whether you are under oath or not shouldnt matter. He mentioned thanks to me that i would think would be fine for him to testify. As a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100 of your homes value. If you need cash for your family, call newday usa. With automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. Give us a call. Call now 18553761361. Mechanic midas has all the top king yes indeed. Ires. Take these michelin tires for example. King or these goodyear tires over here now at midas, get up to 200 off select goodyear and cooper tires with the midas credit card. Request your appointment today. Hey guys. Today were here to talk about trucks. I love trucks. What the heck is that . whoa what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road . I think its the chevy. Ford. Is it ford . Nope, its not ford. I think its ram. Is it ram . Not ram. Thats a chevy its chevy thats right. From the family of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road. Gorgeous. Chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these. Jon Hurricane Michael downgraded now to a Tropical Storm. It left a terrible trail of devastation for hundreds of miles, tearing lives and homes apart. Many still recovering from the hurricane only weeks ago. Crews are clearing roads and doing search and rescue now. Now, moving from georgia into South Carolina. Hurricane michael went through and caused massive amounts of devastation throughout the Florida Panhandle as well as moved to southwest georgia last night. Continues to push its way through South Carolina and North Carolina as we speak. So the event is still ongoing. For citizens in North Carolina and South Carolina, please make sure that you are listening to all of the warnings that are pushing forward. Sandra meanwhile, catastrophic destruction in mexico beach, a small tourist town just down the road. The damage they are is just absolutely horrific. Rescuers are having trouble even getting in. One resident capturing it on video, describing a sea of debris, floating in the floodwaters there. She said visibly reduced dramatically. Dramatically reduced the ability to see. You can barely see anything, and from her vantage point, all of the nearby houses were submerged at one point. Joining us now by phone, endemi endemic jon mike huckabee. He is an eyewitness to all of this. So it sounds like a vi passed a little bit to the east of you. It must have been pretty scary. We were pretty fortunate, if you want to call it that. We were on the left side of the hurricane. The only time i want to be on the left side of anything. [laughs] in that case, that is where we were. Most of our wind actually came from the north as the hurricane was coming back around in its counterclockwise rotation. But we had a relatively little damage compared to what happened east of us. Mass devastation. From Panama City Beach, which is about 20 miles east of us, all the way to appalachia and beyon beyond. Devastating the loss and a distraction. So it was scary in a lot of ways. Its one of those things that you dont really want to go through again, but i will say that there was extraordinary coordination. Governor rick scott did a magnificent job in advance of the storm. The preparations for it, even though they are worn to the level of warnings. It wasnt like we had several days. This thing kind of got here saturday, sunday. Then it got much worse, escalating to a category four before actually hit. Fortunately a lot of preparation done in advance. This would have been a much worse storm in terms of loss of life, had there not been the leadership on the part of Governor Scott and fema. Sandra these pictures that are coming in, complete destruction. We just spoke to the head of the cajun navy. He said they havent even been able to get in there yet. You rode this out in your home in santa rosa beach. Some of your neighbors could not write it out. You welcome to them into yours. We did have neighbors who sheltered with us because our home is a relatively new. It is built to exceed the latest hurricane codes. It is not something that you are so foolish to say it is indestructible, but people have panicked about that. As much as it is impossible to engineer a structure that is designed specifically to withstand a hurricane, i think when we built this house, thats what we did. It had managed to find. There were a lot of features in the house, hurricane screens and so on. It reminded us of why we spend that money to build it this way. It certainly makes me glad we did. Jon you had water very close by. As you look around, what kind of damage are you saying . The water damage was relatively small. We had a very angry gulf of mexico yesterday. Providing for waves, 20 feet high. Something we have never seen before. Because of the fact that most of our wind, the heavy part of it flew from the north, when the waves would have been at their worst, the wind was pushing it back. So further to the east, coming ashore directly, thats where you see this extraordinary devastation, like they experienced in mexico beach. As well as many parts of Panama City Beach, where that was direct force. 150 Miles Per Hour, 155. Just short of the category five. There is not much that we can do when the windows are that heavy. Those are tornado level wins, but they are sustained over several hours. So it is now just like it comes there, close, and it is gone. And that wind is on the ground for quite some time. And thats why with these hurricane events, so incredibly devastating. B2 governor huckabee, so glad to hear that you are doing okay. We spoke to senator marco rubio at the top of the show. And he was talking about how there are so many that are just plain left without their homes. It is a situation perhaps that no one could have predicted. What is that going to be like . Rescue efforts are ongoing at this moment. Rebuilding is another thing. People completely left without homes. Long term, that is going to be one of the great challenges. This is a tourist area, as you well know. That means that we have an enormous number of people in the service industry. Affordable housing for people who work in the tourist industry is already a challenge. When you add to that the destruction of a lot of homes and a lot of housing, apartments, trailer parks, et cetera, where people have been living, the most susceptible to being destroyed, the time it takes just to rebuild is extraordinary. So theres going to be huge Economic Impact over all along. Lack of time. I would say 18 months or so. You know what is on the ground, you get it up and out of there. That is something altogether different. It will be a real challenge to find affordable and immediate housing that will take care of the people who live here yearround as well as the ones who serve the tourist industry. And then getting those condominiums, hotels, the restaurants back up to operatio operation. At least its during the winter, its the offseason, but there is still going to be enormous challenges. A great level of Construction Industry activity that will be going on for the next many months. Sandra we pray for all of those involved. Governor mike huckabee. Glad you are all right. Thanks for the phone call phone call. Great to talk to you guys. Jon Many Republican lawmakers are furious after Deputy Attorney general Rob Rosenstein canceled his meeting on the capitol hill. He was supposed to discuss a report that claims he wanted to secretly record the president. Devin nunes on hannity last night. Clearly what this is, this is the investigators who have no one to investigate them, and they are running amok. Hasnt even testified to congress. Its pretty pathetic. Jon Catherine Herridge is in washington with more details. Thank you, jon. Good morning. Rudy giuliani confirming to fox news that the Deputy Attorney general told the president s comments about secretly recording the president after firing james comey last year was sarcastic. He also said the president did not believe that the Deputy Attorney general invoking the 25th amendment to remove him from office. Rudy giuliani noted that Jeff Sessions monday this week, rosenstein went there in he phoned into fox and friends and question why he did not go to the health to tell his side of the story. I was surprised at that. I would think that he would. He mentioned certain things to me that are very positive about that event, and i would imagine that he would want to put that on. Frankly, whether you are under oath or not, but he said some things to me that i would think would be fun for him to testify. So i am a little surprised that he wouldnt do it. He worked under director comey, he believes that he said he thought that the comments were serious. Another witness that is at odds with the Deputy Attorney generals account. The session today, there was really an impact, some lawmakers pushing for a transcribed interview under oath because the allegations against rosenstein are so serious. A briefing or more informal meeting, which would have no paper trail. Jon allowed to come on that story. Catherine herridge, chief intelligence correspondent. Sandra we are following the wild ride of the u. S. Stock market today after the big plunge yesterday. Stocks down again today. 100point loss. David osman will be here today to break this all down for us on where markets go next. Sandra fox news alert for you, the stock market trading all over the place. In the last hour and a half or so, that huge selloff. Over 800point sound yesterday. Taking a look. Down one for ninth at ten 47 00 a. M. Rising Interest Rates. That is just one of them. Dave and essman, and starting monday, take note, the host of bold and bears. Lets see. I am still basically a beer. At the market went up, so ultimately, you are in for the long term. We were talking before we went on, not moving anything around. I think most people are. However, what did change things a lot, and i think that is what led to what happened yesterday, even though there was an 800point drop, it wasnt really panicky. Sandra quarterly selloff. Exactly. Interest rates began to go up. A lot of people thought just about as high as it is going to go before the election. A lot of people are worried about what is going to happen if the democrats take over the house and the senate, which is a possibility. The market will probably go down. People saw Interest Rates high enough. Even for shortterm bonds, you can buy a treasury bond where you can get like three months, 2. 5 . That is not bad. And it is guaranteed income. So a lot of people were cashing in what they had made it during the trump rally for the past year and a half, moving it into shortterm bonds, parking at therefore a little while until the election is over and the dust is settled, and they can see if they can get another leg out. See when you are talking about people who move money like some of us move socks. They want to see their 401 k go north, and they saw it going south yesterday. They dont allow you to do it every time there is a blip in the market. That is probably a good thing. Most of us would we are called Retail Investors, as opposed to institutional, as Retail Investors are much more likely to have trigger fingers. When we see it go way up, we want to get in. When we see it go down, we want to get out immediately. That is not a good thing because over time, the markets are always going to one good bit of news, which relates to what the president was saying, the inflation status came in half of what they were expecting. That is inflation is only growing half as much as what the economists said it would. What that means is that your dollar, your paycheck is worth more than economists thought it would be. You can buy more when inflation is down, and secondly, more likely to raise rates. Sandra just last week, the dow hit an alltime high. The second die we see this big of a selloff after this record, people get nervous. It doesnt necessarily mean it is warranted. Look at that number. 25,000. 25,421. It was around 18,001 donald trump was elected president. So that is about a 3540 rise still. So dont be so also, if you put it in perspective sandra why does it keep going down . Well, i know. Sandra we have to leave it there. Wait until the day is over. Dont make any hard moves. Jon two astronauts escaped with their lives after the second stage of their Russian Rocket booster failed, sending the russian and american crew back to earth. 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There is no obligation and the book is free. Mrs. Walker. Michael vasquez come over here. Ive heard such good things about you, your company. Well, i wouldnt have done any of it without you. Without this place. This is for you. Michael, you didnt have to. And, were going to need some help with the rest. Youve worked so hard to achieve so much. Perhaps its time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. Sandra two astronauts safe after a dramatic Emergency Landing. They are booster rocket feeling less than 2 minutes after launch on what was supposed to be a trip to the International Space station. Christian fischer has more on the aborted Space Mission. Kristin. Alternately, they are okay. But what a terrifying few minutes i must have been for them, for their families that were on the ground watching. After about 2 minutes, the booster rocket suffered engine failure. They immediately aborted the mission, which scented back towards earth. 6. 7 jeez, that is much higher than usual, but still landed safely. As you can see by these photos, and the crew was okay. Were rescued in kazakhstan and are now en route to moscow. The first mission. He joined in 2013, and he was flying. Their final destination, the International Space station. Remember, ever since nasa retired its shuttle fleet, it has been the only way that any human can get into space. U. S. Astronauts have been totally reliant on these Russian Rockets, and now Russian Space Officials Say that they are suspending all of them, pending an investigation. Sandra thank you. Jon i hope they get a chance to go back to space. Catastrophic damage left behind after the worst hurricane to hit florida in decades. The latest on Recovery Efforts and where the storm is heading now. New dayquil severe with Vicks Vapocool. The daytime, coughing, stuffy head, vaporize your cold medicine. 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So we have been working with not only the National Guard, the state of florida, the local First Responders, but also our partners of the coast guard, to do everything we can to help those that are in need. Sandra genesee and is in the fox extreme weather center. Whats coming next . It goes down with the worst hurricanes, all of these hurricanes. Now we have michael. You can see. We are going to see the scope of damage, still yet to be determined. People cant get in there yet. Some of the aerial footage i am seeing from mexico beach, where the strongest winds made landfall, it is completely devastated. Completely gone. So now, we take a breath and realize the magnitude and how strong this hurricane was. Last fall, 155. Thats 2 miles try of a category five. They are actually maybe going to update this to a category five. We have only had a three category five to make landfall. Looking at it right now, there is andrew. This is the strongest. There is injury back in 92. Michael at 155. They might upgrade this. It is incredible. In terms of lowest pressure, at its lowest pressure, we had 919 millibars. That is third after camille. The pictures tell stories. We have not seen some of the devastation from this unfortunately. Some of the wind gusts in excess of 120 Miles Per Hour. Still i category three as it moves through georgia. And we have a Tropical Storm right now. We still have several hours to get through the tornado watch in effect for parts of the carolinas and towards virginia. We could see tornadoes on the right side of the storm. So that is going to be a concern. Still a Tropical Storm advisory for parts of North Carolina into west virginia. South carolina as well. We still have a few hours to go in terms of Tropical Storm damage potential through the carolinas. And then eventually, it will be offshore. Several inches of rainfall. Of course, people know that the carolinas were affected by storms just a couple of weeks ago. Anymore moisture is going to add to weakness to trees, brick trees down, and flash flooding will be a concern. Some areas certainly get 46 inches. Eventually, moving off of the coast. Man, and they tell the story. It is just devastation on the Florida Panhandle today. Prayers for those folks. I know, jon scott, some of the pictures that we are seeing are very reminiscent of andrew. Jon that was a scary storm. This one, just as bad. Absolutely. Sandra janice dean, thank you. Jon absolutely devastating the Small Community of mexico beach pier just about 1,000 residents just down the coast. That is a picture of mexico beach road there, or what is left of it. One woman writing out the storm. You can see the whipping winds and rain as the storm goes through. Swallowing a town, leaving nothing for it to but debris. Jon, the destruction is plain to see. If you want to have a discussion about whether it was the storm surge or the wind that because of the discretion destruction,r is both. One of the things i noticed is that many, many of the structures are just ripped right down to the foundation. Like the house wasnt built yet. What is unknown here in mexico beach at the moment is the human toll. Tells me there were 280 people who elected to ride out the storm here. There really is no way to account for that right now. So a number of search and rescue teams. 50 individuals both from the miami area and from louisiana have just started the search and rescue process. In mexico beach. They are going door to door now. The systematic thing, preview of the area, make sure it is safe. Theyve got the search and rescue teams now, going to try to find the people who attempted to write it out last night. A great many tails we have already heard from people who survived it. They say you look out the window, and it was just white with all of the water vapor that was being blown around. Ultimately, anyone who survived were treated to a higher floor because the storm surge came in and took out everything that was on the first floor. The structures seem to to have gone through with a minimum amount of damage. The scope and houses that you see sometimes. Looks like a few of them right on the beach. They might be the only structures that survived. An initial survey making it into mexico beach. Really looks to me like there are very few if any structures that are going to be salvageabl salvageable. Still, the big unknown here in mexico beach has become the total count. Jon that is a pretty ominous number that he repeated there. 280 people who decided to stay behind and ride this one out. There could be some very bad news to come in the days ahead. Yeah, im having a hard time hearing you, but that is what the mayor says. Some of them say that they wanted to protect their property. I spoke with one gentleman who had a number of parrots. He wanted to try to protect the parents during the storm. He said it was a futile effort anyway because all of his parents died, and he risked his life for such a futile effort. The other problem that you have here in mexico beach right now is just of the debris. There is a tremendous amount of debris. Entire houses that were picked up and moved and are now sitting in the in the middleoftheroad. The army brought in a big front end motor. Pain knocked off part of the fueling mechanism of a big heavy piece of equipment. Youve got to get the debris out of there to make that possible. Jon its going to take a while. Another 1224 hours at least to assess just how bad mexico beach was hit. Mike tobin, live on the ground there. Thank you. Sandra another one of the hardest hit areas, Panama City Beach, describing the terrifying moments when michael made landfall. Bad situation. It was terrifying. A lot of noise. We thought the windows were going to break. We had the inside windows kind of barricaded. We all hit, just making sure everybodys okay, who still lives here. We are going to take care of each other. Sandra joining us out by phone, mike thomas. Thank you for coming on, thank you for calling in. Youve had a chance to assess the damage there. What are you seeing . For two days, they said it is going to hit us right in the face. I sure do appreciate the good lord moving edge. Sandra how are people doing . Good. They are getting a little anxious. Panama city just to the east of us. They got hit really hard. They are trying to keep people out of there until they get it straightened up. They put too many bridges close, and our people are getting anxious to get back in. So we are having a little problem with that. We are working on it. Getting people in here as quick as they can. That is one of the problems. You let people out. Immediately, when they get saved, you have to let them back in, or they are going to leave again. They do not want to leave their houses. Sandra is it safe for them to come back in . Do you have power . Panama city beach, in the city, we probably have half of the power. Theyve got roads cleared where people can get around. Some of the other parts to the east side are not so lucky. We are in pretty good shape here. We got lucky. Big time. Sandra so if the bridges were open and people were able to get in there come here suggesting that Panama City Beach is in a condition where we have our policeman about how i70 nine bridge. If you are a resident, we will let you back in. Sandra the distraction is immense. As you detailed, a lot of folks who did not choose to write out the storm, we still do not know how much Property Damage has been done. That anxiety is obviously very understandable. Mayer, thank you for calling in this morning. We hope the best for the recovery for your Panama City Beach residence. Everything will be fine. Sandra okay, thank you. Jon unbelievable when you look at these pictures. Even in tallahassee, which is quite a ways inland, huge trees were uprooted up to the ground. And this thing, this is a high school gymnasium. Watch this trial on the fly right through one wall that has been torn away, and then it goes right out the other wall. Unbelievable. Sandra you heard the head of the cajun navy talking about this and how in some areas like mexico beach, which they couldnt even get into earlier today, try to help it. They can fly these drones and, see if they can see anybody searching for help or in need of help. That is an amazing use of technology. First responders could not get into their right away. Jon looks like it is going to be ground zero for the eye of this hurricane beard President Trump hitting the road and rallying republicans. Listen. This election is about keeping america safe, keeping america strong, keeping america proud. Keeping america free. Jon he says that the g. O. P. Is wellpositioned heading into the november midterms. Is he right . Bret baier on deck to discuss this. Sandra Rob Rosenstein will not testify about her ports he considered secretly reporting President Trump. Where does this leave lawmakers who want to hear from him . Judge Andrew Napolitano will be coming up on that. I guess people like me because you see he was going on, you see the poll numbers, came out with 52 today. And they say they are are a lot of people that when they hang up, they say that the trump photo. Thats my favorite kind of person. But i think we are doing really well. Sandra that is President Trump talking about the election. We have momentum heading into the elections. Now if you can believe it, less than a month away. He joins us now. Good morning to you. The president sounded pretty confident there. He is optimistic. He has seen some poll numbers that he likes. Especially in some of these races that looked like they were going the other way. Senate races that were underwater for republicans. Now in the last couple of weeks, since the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation, the fallout on that. Some of those races have turned around, it seems. Can the president in the administration, can republicans keep the momentum going for the next 26 days . As you know, it is an eternity in politics, and in the trump air of politics, its like a millennium. Sandra gotcha. Heres the present talking about just that. The g. O. P. Momentum needed coming in midterms. Many of the senate races that we did not think were even going to be contesting to a large extent, we are now leading. We have some great candidates, and very importantly, we are finding the same thing now with the house. A lot of it has to do with the horrible abuse that now Justice Kavanaugh suffered last week at the hands of these democrats. They went absolutely crazy. It was disgraceful. Sandra is like having a confirmation process, is not going to generate the momentum that he and others in the party have suggested . There hoping so. They definitely saw a turnaround based on reaction to how democrats handled that. Theres all this question about the use of mobs or protesters, upside voters expressing their First Amendment rights. No matter how you look at it, the administration, the g. O. P. , they are fighting this extremism. They are painting a picture even with the usa today article, extremist when it comes to health care yesterday. I think that that is the theme that they are going to run off of. Sandra it also seems that the g. O. P. Is now targeting the rhetoric on the side of democrats. Rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel, she was talking about it as wel well. I think it is very dangerous to you here eric holder say when they go low, kick them. You put that in context with Hillary Clinton saying we cant be civil. Listen, we know passions are high in this country. Tensions are high, but when you have leaders for the Democratic Party escalating that, it is going to lead to something dangerous. Sandra seems like there is definitely a strategy there. Listen, we saw the exact same thing with the tea party and others from democrats, saying that exact same sound by appearing itself they are going to tap into that. Lets not discount, however, that the real passion and drive has been with the Democratic Party. Specifically about Progressive Side of the Democratic Party, where there is a lot of enthusiasm. What has happened in the past two weeks, i think is that the gap has closed. The Enthusiasm Gap between the two. Npr, pbs, they said what is very important is the midterm election. Democrats, 82 . Democrats, 83 . Democrats women, 85 . Republican women, 82 . So it was read together, and that has changed in the last two weeks. Sandra bret baier, lots going on. This time yesterday, we were anticipating Hurricane Michael. The aftermath of that has been devastating. 26 days until the midterm elections. Unbelievable. Brett, nice to see you. Jon we are getting our first look now at some of the destruction left behind by Hurricane Michael on the northern gulf coast of florida. Whole neighborhoods obliterated. We will hear from one of the search and rescue crews who is coming the area. Also, an fbi reader discovers the 200pound ball. What they say the suspect intended to do and where. My reaction, i was shocked. This is a very quiet area for the most part. So when i heard that, i was like i didnt know what to say. Obviously, i did not know him. This place isnt for me. That last place was pretty nice. I dont like this whole thing. Dad, what happened . Wheres rosie . I let her go. Wow you going to help me finish this thing or what . I think we can do better. Change is hard, dad. Try to keep an open mind. Come on, dad. This is for me, son . So, you going to help me finish this thing or what . Principal. 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Watching the market for you. The dow is down by 200 points. Jon now, this fox news alert on a potential disaster apparently averted. Unmanned planning to bomb the National Mall on election day. Following the story in new york, where the suspect lives. Brian. Good morning, jon. Prosecutors say Paul Rosenfeld built a bomb between august and october. Here in his quiet neighborhood at 20 miles north of new york city. They say he planned on blowing himself up and others on the National Mall in washington, d. C. , on election day. Prosecutors that he wanted to draw attention to an alternate political theory, called sortation, which believes that government officials should be chosen at random. He ordered the powder online and had it shipped to new jersey. Age pounds of that from new jersey to his home here in new york. He builds a bomb with a plywood box, filling it with that powder. Other components added to ensure the bomb would kill him when it exploded. They say that the bomb was functional. Rosenfeld treated his basement like a bomb factory. He conducted tests with smaller bombs. A neighbors of the sleeping middleclass neighborhood, they are just dumbfounded. I was shocked. This is a very quiet area. Wow. Wow. Oh, my god. He could have killed a lot of people. Taken on most of this blog, i would say. Perhaps even more bizarre is how rosenfeld was called. He was texting and sending mail. Mailing letters to a person in pennsylvania. This person says he did not know, so when this person receive these Text Messages and letters detailing the attacker, he contacted authorities. Disaster was averted. It jon. Jon big win for the fbi there. Wow. Sandra the white house responding to the devastation left by Hurricane Michael. What the president is promising to do. We are alive with the details. Jon plus, what it could tell us about the saudi reporter vanishing without a trace. As republican senators demand answers on capitol hill. There will be a five partisan tsunami building it if they did in fact do this. [announcer] the typical vacuum head can struggle with large debris and stuckon dust, so shark invented duoclean, replacing the front wall with a rotating soft brush. While deep cleaning carpets, two brush rolls pick up large particles with ease, make quick work of stuckon dust, giving hard floors a polished look, and fearlessly devour piles. Shark duoclean technology, designed to do more on carpets and floors, available in corded and cordfree vacuums, and only available from shark. I feel happiest when im out enjoying my favorite things, like spending time in my garden. Thats why i need a humana Medicare Advantage plan. Many humana Medicare Advantage plans cover everything from Emergency Care and hospitals stays, to Doctor Office visits, and Prescription Drug coverage. In fact, last year, humana Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan members saved an estimated 6900 on average on their prescription costs. Humana has a Large Network of doctors and hospitals. Plans that include vision and dental coverage. And most plans include silver sneakers fitness and a rewards program. All for a zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas. Now i can be happy and healthy and keep enjoying all of my favorite things. Your health and happiness is important to us. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide and see how a humana Medicare Advantage plan can help keep you enjoying your favorite things. Sandra fox news alert, how the government responds to Hurricane Michael. Governor rick scott says he has been in constant communication with President Trump. President donald trump issued a major disaster declaration to allow federal resources to flow quickly to the impacted communities. I spoke with the president earlier today. He is committed to make every federal resource available. Sandra john roberts is live with more. Good morning to you. The president looks like he is going to be going to florida, georgia on monday. Depending on how the Recovery Efforts go. The president this morning promising that the federal government is in position and is ready to respond very quickly. Listen here. Well, it is going to go fast. We are going to make it go fast. We are following an end. It is just about gone from certain areas. One thing we had to our advantage was the speed. This thing was in and out, but we have never seen power like that. The president taking some heat for going to a political rally last night even as the hurricane was still raging. The president said he did not want to disappoint people who had been lining up all day. The democrats making a lot of political hay about it. Sandra what else is on the agenda at the white house today . A lot of musicians and musical icons of the white house were now for deciding the musical modernization act. Then after that, what everybodys talking about. The president is going to be having lunch with connie west. Listen to what the president said a little while ago about that. First of all, i like him a lot. I have known him for a long time. He is a very different kind of guy. He is a different kind of a guy. When he came out very strongly a number of months ago, something happened. My polls went up like 20 . No one has ever seen that. He has got a big following in the africanamerican community. A big, big following. And i think he does in a lot of communities. Jon all of the photographers and cameras lined up, hoping to catch a glimpse of kanye. Also weighing in on the stock market yesterday. The president , the white house talking about what they believe is bull market corrections going on here. A little bit of volatility. The president does say that investors are concerned about what the Federal Reserve is doing as far as Interest Rate hikes go. There have been through so far this year. Another one expected before the end of the year. The president with some harsh words yesterday in pennsylvania for the fed. I think the fed is making a mistake. They are so tight. I think the fed has gone crazy. So you could say that thats a lot of safety, actually. And it is. It gives you a lot of margins, but i think the fed has gone crazy. Jon the president does believe in an independent Federal Reserve, but to my knowledge, that is the first time a sitting president of the United States has ever said the words the fed has gone crazy. Sandra they have raised Interest Rates three times this year. Expected to hike once more by the end of the year. It is amazing to hear the president weighing in on that. And of the stock market, by the way. That is not altogether, neither. John roberts out the white house. Another busy day. Jon relying on jon to get to that photo of kanye. Looking for storm survivors. Joining us now, michael mcgill, Incident Commander of florida search and rescue. Michael, where do you start . Are you there . Jon you, michael, where are you going to start your search . What we will do is start working with the state, the local, and the federal organizations. Fema. Going into those areas, affected the most. The roads play a major factor into how we begin our searches. As the roads are completely blocked, we are not able to get ems and firefighters into the certain areas until we clear the roads. We go for the most affected areas first. Who is able to help the quickest and mitigate the most amount of risk. So it really depends on how we happen to get to them, what they actually need. The emergencies, is that going to be an issue and things like that . Jon our correspondent, mike tobin, on the ground. He said the mayor of that town told him of almost 300 restaurants done like residents decided to ride out the storm, and that town got hammered. It looks like the eye of the hurricane came right over her head has got to be in a framing task to go in there and find out what happened. It really is. Mexico beach, it is a law like hurricane katrina. When you get in there, it just takes over them. Youve got to find these people. There are challenges. Some of them are injured, we have to get a truck in there. The roads are blocked. We have to literally carry them out and provide medical aid and attention at all ages. It is a terrible thing when people decide to write out the storms and not understand that e not able to rescue them until the storm has passed. If it takes 12 hours and you are in medical need, it really puts rescuers in a terrible situatio situation. Jon it is such an eerie things when it blows past, and spend the sun comes out. And you emerge, and it looks like a war zone outside. That is im sure what you are seeing right now. Yes, that is exactly what it looks like. I did search and rescue during hurricane katrina, and is the moment sun comes up, it basically gave me the flashback of working that same scenario. The tactics and techniques that we develop, playing a key role in how we are doing our rescues. When the sun came up this morning, it just looks like a military came there and wiped everything out. It was a tragedy. Jon in terms of people who might be trapped, how do you looking at those piles of rubble, how do you figure out where somebody might have been . The thing is, there are multiple ways that we do this. We use canines, we use dogs that are made to search. We can send in search and rescue teams. We listen for people. We yell for them. We know what areas to check. If there was a house. Lets go ahead and check the house. A lot of people, how they are getting their calls out, we are a Tactical Operations center. We maneuver multiple search and rescue teams all across the area. So what we do in a coordinated effort with the local, federal, and the state, we get all of our information from a place called crowd source rescue. Jon people are calling in. I hope that you are able to get to them. Michael, we are going to have to leave it there. From florida search and rescue. Thank you. Its pretty obvious to me that something bad happened to mr. Khashoggi. Went into the embassy, never came out. This is the deciding moment for us. Behavior like this. Unacceptable. It is not the international norm. It cannot be condoned, as the way that we deal with saudi arabia will be a message for others. This is not about them. This is about universal values. This is about defining who we are. Sandra the senator demanding answers in the disappearance of a saudi journalist. Working to learn what happened to jamal khashoggi. New video emerges in this case. Benjamin hall is live. He has been following this. He has more details on this. Benjamin. Yeah, hi, sandra. What exactly happened to khashoggi, is he alive or dead . What happened when he entered the conflict . A lot of allegations being thrown around. A lot of denial by saudi arabia. The latest news that turkish media is reporting, they have images of the Saudi Hit Team arriving. They say it includes Forensic Experts and Intelligence Officers. They arrived by commercial airline, state a few hours, drove to the conflict, he has been quickly got out of the country. Denying any involvement, however, saudi arabia has shown them around, saying that they have nothing to hide. Khashoggi could have just left by a backdoor. That being said, they have not yet allowed investigators. Reporting on fox friends, President Donald Trump weighing in. This is a terrible, terrible precedent. We are being very tough. We have investigators over there. Frankly, we are working with saudi arabia. The Saudi Crown Prince who has been very close, very important ally of the u. S. , personally spoken to members of the Trump Administration, denying any involvement. Now in turkey. If they find otherwise, that relationship could be in jeopardy. Pointing out the longstanding rivalry, long spending disputes. Some people pointing out that it comes from states back to media. Sandra Benjamin Hall in turkey. Jon well, a key meeting postponed. Rod rosenstein will not testify on capitol hill today after reports that he wanted to secretly record the president. What lawmakers who want to talk to him might do next. Jon the president is in the white house right now, signing what is known as the save our seas act. What else might the prison talk about . You never know. We will have a playback of that in just a few minutes, and we will bring it to you as soon as we can. Sandra President Trump telling fox friends he mentioned certain things to me that you know, are very positive about that event, and i would imagine that if you were to put that down, frankly whether you were under oath or not shouldnt matter, but he mentioned things to me that i would think would be fine for him to testify. Sandra that was President Trump this morning. He surprised Rod Rosenstein will not be appearing. Meeting with lawmakers, discussing a report. But according to rudy giuliani, rosensteins comments were quote sarcastic. Joining me now, fox news senior analyst. A lot of republicans were asking to get him in there. They are not happy. South the Deputy Attorney general in a fit of anger said to a group of highranking doj and fbi officials what do you want me to do . Where oh where and to trap him so we can use the 25th amendment to persuade the Vice President and cabinet to remove him from office . Apparently he did say it. He said it was sarcastic. Half the people in the room agreed. Two of the people disagreed. But the comment was aimed at those two, neither of whom was in the fbi any longer. Andrew mccabe was fired for lying to investigators, and jim baker who left when james comey was fired. We have two different versions of what happened in that room. Of course has the presence here all the time. The president believes it was sarcastic. If he has been with him a halfdozen times, i think his job is safe for now or at least until the midterm us. Sandra he was told he would be coming, now he is not. How can they move forward . There are two things that the house judiciary Committee Wants to ask rosenstein about. They want to ask him did you say this . Why would he say . Why would you say Something Like this even in jest . Did you ever talk about this with anyone else . I think legitimate questions. Whats going on with the meal or investigation. Seeing what documents there are, how much longer is it going to go on . We want to know how much money will be spent. Rosenstein says i will talk informally and privately to the chair of the judiciary committee. I am not going under oath, and im not going to discuss this. On this, he has some solid ground on which to stand because the rules that govern prosecutors, which is the chiefs in the federal system, prohibit the discussion of ongoing criminal investigations as for me other investigations are. For fear that information will get into the hands of the wrong people. I dont know how this is going to end, but ive got to tell you, and im not critical of this, for all of the hoopla, they have not if they really want him to testify, serve him a subpoena. Jon do you think that is going to happen. You get him to order it. Thats how it would happen in another administration. He has taken his hands off because he knows that they are investigating him. Sandra all right, next topic. John roberts referring cavanaugh ethics complaints to judges outside of washington. So there is a federal statute which requires that the ethics complaints are federal against federal judges, no matter how frivolous or baseless. They have to be taken seriously and investigated. The chief judge of the area. That chief judge is mira garland, the same thats present obama nominated. 15 complaints filed against him. Now Justice Kavanaugh. Two had to do with testimony that he gave before the christine the blasey ford incident came out. The others had to do with testimony or events surrounding that. So if any of this is serious, Justice Kavanaugh has to high roller, and they have to go to denver for him to give secret testimony. Sandra wow. Always a pleasure. Is that jon scott over there on the other side . Sandra it is. Jon any time bill hemmer is on vacation, i am here for you. Pleasure to see see you. Pleasure to see you too. Harvey weinstein back in court today, where there was a stunning new development. Why one charge against him is now dropped. Now when you book a flight you unlock discounts on select hotels that you can use up until your trip starts. So whether you want to go out, stay in, or be in the middle of it all. Add the Perfect Hotel when youre ready, and save. Add on advantage. Only with expedia. Jon fox news alert, weve been telling you about a couple of events at the white house today. One is the music monetization act. That is part of what has kanye west their meeting with the president , along with kid rock. A couple of interesting names. The president and kanye for sure are going to sit down for lunch after that. But the president is also signing something called the save our seas act. In the process, he invited reporters into watch the thing and to talk a little bit about it. As you know, any time theres a microphone in the room, the president can say just about anything he wants. We are about to get playback from that event, and we will hear what he has to say. Sandra not every every day that kanye west shows up for lunch at the white house. Lets listen to the president. Okay, thank you very much. I very much appreciate you being here. We have reports on Hurricane Michael. Unbelievably destructive and powerful. One good thing we can say, were just discussing, it was the fastest car can anybody has seen. It just, if not, there would have been absolutely nothing left. It was incredibly powerful. Seeing the disruption. It is moving through georgia now both in terms of its power. Some of those reaching almost 200 Miles Per Hour, which is unheard of. People are saying it is the third most powerful that they have seen hit our country. Fema has gotten great reviews, everybody has gotten rave reviews. I just spoke with Governor Scott there. They are very happy. Following the hurricane. We have unbelievable the Election Companies have been terrific. They are already working. The roads are being cleared out. Many trees are in the path of the electric companies. The roads are being cleaned right now. For the most part, they are open enough to get them. Electricity is already back on. Thats in florida. They are following up in georgi georgia. All lots of water will be in north and South Carolina, adding to the horrible situation that they had with florence to ease ago. Incredible people. They know how to do it. But they know how to do it. So we have had great reports. The big problem with this is the tremendous power. Very fast. Didnt come back as they did in texas second time and then a third time. Came back. This one went very quickly. The path that it shows is incredible. This kind of destruction. We have not seen destruction like that of a long time. But theyre rebuilding, i can actually say, the rebuilding process, hoping that we dont have too much of that. The area most affected was hopefully 100 evacuated, but there is always somebody that stays. But so far, the report says it is good. I dont know if you have any questions on the hurricane. Does anyone have any questions . I have a very busy day today. We are doing, as you know, having to do with copyright music. The save our seas apple. Yesterday had a tremendous rally in pennsylvania. We had thousands of people lined up. They were there for a day and a half before. I couldnt tell people that have been standing in line for a day wanting to get into the arena, that i am not going. We had a great control. Air force one at the white hous white house. I think you will see that we are getting tremendous marks for the job that we did. I wasnt going to disappoint thousands and thousands of people who have been standing for in some cases a day and a half. I think that we havent really had done the job is this a particularly busy day because we are signing a number of bills. You will see me with a couple of the senators behind me right now. You will be seeing me and sam a little while. We are having lunch with jim brown, one of the great Football Players of all time and a great guy, and kanye west. They are coming in for lunch. And after that, we are doing some additional interesting things. We are having a busy day, but i always have a busy day. The economy is doing really wel well. We think jobs are going to be better than ever. Records are broken already. Continuing to break their records. So lets talk about the save our seas act. It i want to thank also the members of congress that are with us. That is senator don solomon, who has been great. They have been spearheading something very important. We want to thank you both. Thank you, mr. President. I know you worked very hard on that. We appreciate it very much. We have wilbur ross who worked along with the senators and the admiral. You are here, and thank you for being here. Every year, over 8 million tons of garbage is dumped into our beautiful oceans by many countries of the world. That includes china, japan, many, many countries. This waste of trash and debris harms not only marine life but fishermen, coastal economies, the bad news it floats towards them. I have seen pictures recently, and some of you have seen them wear those fast tremendous unthinkable amount of garbage is floating right into our coast. In particular along the west coast. Very unfair situation. Comes from other countries. Thanks for six months to a year. It is a very unfair situation. Also unbelievably bad for the oceans. Every year, over 80 million tons of garbage is dumped into our beautiful oceans. And when you think of that number, i mean to think it million tons, it is probably more than that based on what i have seen the end of the kind of work that i have seen being don done. This kind of work has been done for decades and even for nothing to take on the Foreign Countries responsible. We have already notified most of them, and we have notified them very strongly. The save our seas act will help address this problem by extending the Marine Debris program for five additional years. We also are strengthening that up to improve Waste Management overseas and clean up our nations water. We will boost the federal governments response to oceans waste by authorizing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to declare severe Marine Debris events, which happen all the time. It is incredible. Its incredible. When you look at it, people dont realize it, but all the time we are being inundated by debris from other countries. This legislation will release funds to states for cleanup and for response efforts. We will be responding, very strongly. The legislation also encourages the executive branch to engage with those nations responsible for dumping garbage into our oceans. My administration is doing

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