are setting records every week, virtually. which, by the way, means companies coming in, and jobs, jobs, jobs. that's what it's about. but i was with the top guys, these are guys that do this for a living, and i said, can you go into china and pick up $1.5 billion in 10 minutes? they said impossible. i said, well, supposing you guys, could they do it? can't do it, can't do it. but a guy with no expanse can do it. and the fake news doesn't even want to write about it. but it will become a major campaign issue. it will become -- it will become a major campaign issue. americans deserve -- assuming he wins, which i hope he does. i mean, the only problem is, we will have the lowest ratings in the history of the base, because he is a very sleepy person. he's exhausted. joe is exhausted. tired.