trump picked three. as a result, freedom lovers have a shot when things get appealed like with this mandate. >> martha: it undercuts justice sotomayor's credibility when she says things from the pench that a patently false and didn't take the time to research what she said in order to get that across. i don't understand why that isn't addressed. i guess i do. i want to play a quick clip from this. i was intrigued be i think. it's called the miseducation of america. you're documented in this special the origins and roots of how the slow drift of the way that kids have been taught in this country. here's a quick sound bite of you speaking with dennis craiger. listen. >> the 1619 project is alive. it's not a different of view. i don't mind differences of view. this is a lie. the america revolution was not taught in order to sustain slavery. that's a lie. your kids are being taught lies. they're indoctrinated, not