iranians, whether the saudis, whether venezuela, who by the way are going to use that money to take action -- negative action against americans. it is an insult and its national security suicide to boot, and the american people, certainly in my state, recognizing it. >> laura: insults -- i wouldn't call it a mistake and i wouldn't call them insult -- i love you both, but i think there's much more going on. i think the idea of lowering americans expectations, lowering america's standard of living, that's why they like the lockdowns, because everyone was staying at home, ordering on netflix, whatever they are doing, you know, tending to their herb gardens. that was fine. they didn't travel, the air was clean, although satellite images, that is nirvana for them, when people aren't working and things are -- you're just slowing down. if they love that. they were never happier than during the lockdown but i digress, because the bike demonstration does have a solution to high gas prices, courtesy of our friend