the same things that he knows are going to get him on tv. he's a vegan too, so he even eats like a hollywood [ bleep ]. so i have an idea. we should all start a go fund me to actually buy one of these scripts. that way he will do that and get out of washington. greg: that's true. tyrus, he's never sold a script. he's never sold a script. neither have i, but i mean, like, get a grip. >> on behalf of hollywood [ bleep ] everywhere, i would just like to say, schiff's a little different because he's unsuccessful hollywood screenwriter, him and about 4 billion other people. greg: yes. >> you usually see them waiting tables, not working in the house of representatives. greg: yeah. >> but it was funny to me that i think he tried to sell -- this impeachment thing is going to do one or two things. one it is probably going to ruin his political career when it is over, but he did give us a really good snippet of his