it does. [laughter] white garbage. the reason "friends" succeeded, perfect pacing. you never spend much time with one character. that is important when you have phoebe. [laughter] whenever phoebe comes on, you are going "i need to see what joey and ross are doing." >> jesse: the episodes focused on phoebe were the worst. >> greg: are number one her brother shows up? he's got a wife, all of a sudden -- that's when the brady bunch brought in those three extra kids. adopted, one from every nationality. >> jesse: do you think seinfeld is number 2 a question mark >> dana: you like to go against the grain, but i agree. seinfeld is still to show that even if i've seen it 20 times, i can still watch an episode and laughed. frazier is a good show. >> jesse: did you know geraldo rivera was in the final episode? [laughter] >> geraldo: "geraldo at large"