had been texted by mr. yermak and was subsequently in touch with him and poroshenko where told them both, and also the defense minister, told them all, don't worry, we know, we are trying to fix it. and i left the conversation at that. >> in the ukrainian officials to the best of your knowledge trusted you? >> very much so, we had a close relationship. >> when you made statements like that did they believe you? >> i think they believed me. they would also have other conversations and hear things from other people. but they knew that i was sincere with them. >> they also trusted ambassador taylor? >> yes. >> i would just like to demystify a little bit of the whole mayor giuliani role here, you met with him one time? >> that is correct. >> and you had some text messages with him, correct? >> yes, between the 10th of july and around the 13th of august. >> and during your deposition we