get this, the numbers are actually down from the previous year when austerity restrictions went into full effect. still, 16 government employees walked away with extra $62,000 in their paycheck that is not bad. doug mckelway live in washington with more on this. doug, where do we start here? >> reporter: jenna, this information was obtained through a freedom of information request through the office of personnel management through the asbury park press. it access as database to enter a it federal worker's name, where they work and reveals 70% of the federal workers salaries and any bonuses they have may have been awarded. there are eye-opening results. you reported on some of them. federal government paid $105 billion in salaries. take one state for example. new jersey. average federal employee salary until new jersey, $83,749. many senior executives throughout the federal government make six figures. long-held popular perception that federal workers give up high pay for job security. long gone. in fact they get job security and high pay. >> if you work in federal government you can retire at 56 and collect your pension. after a few years on the job, federal employees get four weeks of vacation, 13 paid six days and 10 federal holidays paid. that is much better vacation time than private sector workers get. this isn't. of a surprise. >> reporter: in addition to benefits and pensions many government workers get also better than many private sector workers. jenna. jenna: doug, any response from the government on this? >> reporter: we heard from the asbury park press. a spokeswoman from the office of budget and management quoted, membership station eliminated bonuses for political appointees and set a cap to reduce spending on awards for career staff saving taxpayers an estimated $200 million this year alone. and in addition the office of personnel management says that it continues to improve its pay per, pay for performance system. so if that is any comfort for taxpayers out there, go ahead and take it. jenna. jenna: doug, after reporting on this story you will not leave us for a government job, are you? >> reporter: might be worth my while. you too. jenna: we would miss you. you're not going anywhere, doug. nice try. doug mckelway in d.c. thanks very much. >> reporter: all right. jon: that is a lot of vacation time. new information on the botched "fast and furious" gun-running scheme. in a letter to house oversight committee chairman darrell issa a deputy attorney general acknowledges that the justice department is withholding sensitive documents. claims core questions about the operation have been unanswered in a congressional probe and a move to begin contempt of congress proceedings against attorney general eric holder, quote, is unwarranted. congressman issa released a report earlier this month laying out a case for contempt citing the department's failure to respond to subpoenas for critical documents and allegedly retaliating against whistle-blowers who brought "fast and furious" to the attention of lawmakers. it centers on a operation run by atf agent in phoenix between 2009 and 2010 allowing suspected smugglers to walk thousands of firearms unchecked into mexico. some of those weapons have since turned up at crime scenes here in the united states including the 2010 murder of u.s. border patrol agent brian terry in pima county, arizona. it is a busy day on capitol hill with lawmakers set to vote on the bill to renew the violence against women's act. president obama threatens to veto that measure if it reaches his desk. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill with more on that. mike, why is it some democrats don't like this house bill? >> reporter: jon, the white house says the house bill does not go far enough to protect battered illegal immigrants, native americans or gays. here is a senator press expressing her thoughts. >> the senate bill strengthens violence against women law to provide violence against women act to provide more protections to more women and their families. the house bill weakens the law. >> reporter: democrats want to expand the expiring current law to protect gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender americans, jon. jon: so from the republican side, what are they saying about it? >> reporter: i should note there are some republicans who do feel that the house bill does not go far enough. i should note that the senate bill passed by a pretty good bipartisan margin. in the end though the senate republican leader says something will get done. >> i'm confident that we'll renew the violence against women act. as you may recall it, passed the senate a few years ago on a voice vote. this is not something about which there should be any real controversy. >> reporter: the house bill would extend protections for five years and authorize $600 million a year but again it is expected to be a close vote in the house. if that bill fails, then there may be a movement to move forward with the senate bill. jon? jon: we can expect to see these vote results in some political advertising this fall i have a feeling. >> reporter: no question. jon: mike emanuel, thank you. jenna: right now lawmakers want to know if bets placed on green energy with your money are actually worth the gamble. it is a bit of an audit on investments by the obama administration in clean energy and green jobs. those investments costing taxpayers nearly $100 billion. as is true of most portfolios not all these investments have paid off. as you probably know solyndra failed despite receiving more than half a billion dollars in taxpayer money. now the solar panel company's production facility is for sale as part of bankruptcy proceedings. that is one example but prompting some new questions about what other federal spending on green energy has actually achieved. steve centanni live in washington with more on this. steve, what is emerging from the hearing that's underway right now? >> reporter: very interesting, jenna. at today's hearing congressman darrell issa says there is evidence of a form of political influence with a direct link to the white house in a solar energy project called bright source in california's mohave desert. it was a $1.6 billion loan guaranty, even larger than the one for the bankrupt solyndra solar company which triggered these congressional hearings. in general say republicans the president has not kept his promises on these green energy loans. >> he promised that our country would create millions of green jobs which would help us compete in the global economy. however three years into this gamble available evidence demonstrates these efforts have wasted vast sums of taxpayer money and a failed to achieve the stated goals. >> reporter: now the president of bright source testified his project was awarded a government loan guaranty solely based on its merits. jenna. jenna: we learned republican perspectives on this. what about democrats and what is the white house saying about the hearing? >> reporter: the white house saying more than a year after solyndra probe began there is no proof any political influence was brought to bear. democrats in congress defend loan guaranty program. let's listen. >> investing in energy independence is critical to america's national security, its economic growth and future job creation. if we fail to support these emerging renewable energy technologies our country will fall behind countries like germany and china. >> reporter: energy company officials testified today at this hearing the government investments have given energy a needed boost. jenna. jenna: steve centanni in washington today. steve, thank you. jon: a new showdown on spending as the national debt spirals continually higher. the speak are of the house draw as line in the sand. what he is promising to do about the debt limit and your taxes. we'll go in depth on that. jenna: a new showdown? having trouble keep track of them all. jon: have a showdown every three months. jenna: supposed to save you money at the pump but adding more ethanol could cost you more in the lung run. we're live with that story. jon: a great story. a 12-year-old girl receives a devastating diagnosis about her health but she is sharing her amazing attitude with the world thanks to the internet. anna king is the young lady you will meet coming up and you will hear her incredible story. jon: right now the stage is set for another showdown over our nation's debt as it nears $16 trillion. house speaker john boehner is pledging to put up a fight at the end of the year to reject any tax increases. he says an increase in the government's borrowing limit must be accompanied by serious spending cuts. >> yes, allowing america to default on its debt would be irresponsible but it would be more irresponsible to raise the debt ceiling without taking dramatic steps to reduce spending and reform the budget process. now we shouldn't dread the debt limit. as a matter of fact, i think we should welcome it. it is an action-forcing event in a town that has become infamous for inaction. jon: so let's talk about the speaker's comments with charlie hurt. a columnist with "the washington times." a lot of people heard the remarks and thought okay, the speaker is threatening to let the united states slide into default. he said this morning. that is not what he is talking about. he will not let the nation default on its debt but pledging to get tough in the fight over the debt ceiling which doesn't seem, doesn't seem to have worked the last couple times we've been to the brink like this, charlie. >> john john, you said it exactly right you he is setting a the stage for a major showdown by the end of the year. there are a couple of markers speaker bainer is trying to lay down. one is he is demanding cuts obviously. the other he wants to make it very clear up front, republicans at least in his view, are in favor of raising the debt limit and they're not willing to let the government default on its debts. that is a big issue because if he can take that away from the democratic talking points so the democrats can't accuse of republicans wanting to let the government default he feels like he can keep this debate on a higher plane where they have a much stronger argument and simple one, that is the government must stop spending so much money because it simply doesn't have the money and republicans are a lot more comfortable on that level than fighting a rear guard action about whether or not they're actually wanting to let the government default or something like that. jon: so we took a shot of that debt clock earlier in the introduction to this segment. it is pushing $16 trillion. the speaker of the house is talking about, you know, how we should deal with that and what his plans are for the coming debt ceiling hike battle. and the president is talking about gay marriage? is there a disconnect here? >> oh i think there is a complete disconnect. i think quite frankly it reflects sort of the political reality on the ground and that is that republicans are in a very strong position right now as we go into the fall elections. all they want to talk about is the economy. all they want to talk about is spending. and what we're hearing from the other side is a lot of this talk about social issues. they want to talk about contraception. the president wants to talk about gay marriage. things like that. partly because he knows on the economy it's going to be a really, really tough fight for him unless things get dramatically better very quickly and there's no indication that's going to happen. so i think that as this sort of, you know, goes along and election goes along we'll hear more and more from republicans. mitt romney, john boehner and others talking about the economy and need to cut spending in washington. i think we're going to hear a lot of talk from president obama and the democrats about other eschews that they hope will, at the very least, sort of goose their base support. jon: you say republicans are in a good position but last time around we know what happened. this whole thing got kicked to the super-committee. the super-committee threw up its arms and couldn't do anything. you get half a billion dollars of cuts directed at pentagon which haven't taken effect yet. >> i would argue republicans terribly mishandled the message issue in that fight. this time i think they learned their lesson from that. what john boehner is trying to do right now to make clear he doesn't want the government to default. we'll be hearing about this a good month or two. then they will turn to talk about all the cuts -- it is so interesting the way people in washington, they think that every little part of the federal government is so vital, it can't be touched, all so precious. the truth of the matter is when voters hear about clowns at gsa conventions in vegas, they say, get rid of the whole thing! there are a lot loser about this -- looser about talk about dramatic cuts to the federal government. jon: charlie hurt, good to talk to you. we'll keep watching this battle for sure. >> thank you, jon. jenna: a new battle on capitol hill. on the surface over this bill, violence against women act but underneath it may be much more about that like who wins the election. we'll talk more about this coming up. plus this was a sensational murder trial, still is. a former university of virginia student convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend. rick has the latest on this. rick? >> reporter: for the very first time, george huguely in his own words how he lied to detectives on the night he went to yeardley love's dorm room and how he reacted when police told him she was dead. that is coming up when we come right pack. i'm a home in a high-risk flood area. it doesn't look risky. i mean, phil, does this look risky to you? nancy? fred? no. well it is. in a high-risk area, there's a 1-in-4 chance homes like us will flood. i'm glad i got flood insurance. fred, you should look into it. i'm a risk-taker. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. visit to learn your risk. jenna: well it's a case that really captured the nation's attention. george huguely, a former student at the university of virginia convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend and fellow lacrosse player yeardley love back in 2010. now for the very first time police are releasing some evidence from that case including huguely's interrogation video. an important part to this all. rick has details on this. >> reporter: these are quotes, jenna written down by a reporter from "the washington post" who was shown the interrogation video yesterday. the jury heard audio of it during the trial but this is the very first time huguely's statements are being made public. in the beginning of the interrogation huguely has no idea that yeardley love is dead. he is asked about the night of may 2nd, 2010, when he went to her dorm room after he had spent the day drinking heavily. he says that he went there just to talk to her because she had recently broken up with him. and twice he lied to the detectives. first about how he got into the room. originally saying that he knocked on the door and she just let him in. then seconds later he admits he punched a hole in the door to get inside. then he denies taking her laptop computer with him on his way out only to confess moments later that he had taken it saying he wasn't sure why he did. police knew there were e-mails from him on that computer threatening to kill her. they were very interested knowing why he might have taken that then the detective tells george huguely that yeardley love is dead. this is who he responds. i never did anything that could do that to her. tell me she is not dead. the detective said, i can't tell you that. he said, oh, my god. kill me. tell me she is not dead. please, sir, i didn't do anything you could kill her. the detective says, you realize you're under arrest? huguely says, there is no way, no way she is dead. everything i said to you is true. i'm not lying about anything. what did she die from? the detective says head trauma or a fixsy yaw. huguely says there is no way. last time i saw her she was standing up looking at me. huguely just moments before had already told the detective he had picked her up and thrown her on her bed before leaving the room. the violent e-mails between the two alongwith witness testimony con vince ad jury to convict george huguely of second-degree murder. he will be sentenced august 30th, jenna. he faces up to 26 years in press son. back to you. jenna: never had to happen. as we learn more about it. never had to happen. rick, thank you. jon: governor mitt romney back in the crucial swing state of florida. what the gop's presumptive nominee has plans there and who he is getting help from in his battle to try to the win the white house. also every 10 minutes another name is added to the national organ transplant list. anna king just learned she is among them. the 12-year-old girl need as new heart but she has a whole lot of spirit, not to mention an incredible sense of humor. you will meet this optimistic little girl next. >> how do you solve a problem like my heart disease? how do you get the transplant to work? and how do you make it say and listen to what the docs say, how do you keep the heart beat in my chest? so how do you solve the -- wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. managing my diabetes ibetween takingife, insulin and testing my blood sugar. is this part of your life? freestyle lite test strips? they need just a third the blood of onetouch ultra. wow! and the unique zipwik tab targets the blood and pulls it in. so testing is easy. and you can save on these strips monthly simply by joining the freestyle promise program. so saving is easy too. yep, just call or click and join for free. test easy. jenna: fox news is america's election headquarters. right now the presumptive republican nominee in the crucial swing state of florida today. governor mitt romney will crisscross the sunshine state over the next two days. yesterday the governor won nebraska and oregon primaries. romney just short of 1144 delegates needed to clinch the nomination. in the meantime his former gop rivals are still holding on to their delegates. that is the way it goes. chief political correspondent carl cameron live in washington with more on this. >> reporter: hi, jenna. ron paul has just over 100 delegates. he curtailed his active campaigning yesterday and goes onto the convention and expect as big role. for all intent and purposes mr. paul's decision to suspend the campaign mr. romney is uncontested for the nomination. he will be in florida, home of the gop convention which will take place in tampa in august. standing in front of a running tally of the national debt, so-called debt clock, romney slammed president obama for huge increases in the neblt debt and much more. listen. >> this president is comfortable with trillion dollar deficits, i'm not. i will stop that. this is a president who is comfortable cutting our military. i'm not. i will stop that. this is a president who is not taking advantage of our energy resources. instead he is taking your dollars and investing it in some of the little businesses of his campaign contributors and that's wrong and that will stop. we will not do that when i'm president. [applause] >> reporter: hearings on capitol hill today about some of those alleged donations to and from and loan guaranties for obama donors. romney repeatedly criticized the president for trying to blame the debt and deficit on former predecessor, george w. bush when in fact some of obama's policies added to debt and deficit problems themselves. jenna: virtually uncontested at this point governor romney is getting some help or so we hear attacking the president's record. how so. >> reporter: new bunch of affidavits going out. crossroads pac. from karl rove, former gop official. $25 million in one month t will go in series of 10 big swing states. listen to part of it. >> if you are a family making, less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes go up. >> broken. obamacare raises 18 different taxes. >> today i'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office. >> broken. because he hasn't even come close. >> reporter: broken promises always a staple of the campaign ad season. this will run as i said in 10 states, all bat gel ground swing states, colorado, florida, iowa, michigan, florida, ohio, new hampshire, pennsylvania and virginia. you have to memorize those. the country will be focused on 10 states next five months. jenna: you will need to help me, carl. carl cameron's cheat sheets. that has a ring to it. what do you think, jon. >> yeah. jenna: use those once a day. >> reporter: there is always writing on the hand. jenna: always works. thank you very much, carl cameron with the latest from the campaign trail. thank you. jon: big battle on the hill right now focusing on the violence against women act and it is sure to be a big campaign issue as both sides fight for women voters. a little background on this now. senate democrats have already passed a version of the bill including new protections for gays, lesbians, bisection walls and transgender people. as well as native americans and illegal immigrants. republican-written house version strips all of that away. meanwhile the white house is threatening to veto the measure without the new provisions that are in the senate version. what does this all mean for the november elections? with, here with us now for a fair and balanced debate, fox news political analyst angela mcglowan and raid show yo talk show host, santita jackson a fox news contributor. what is all the stuff in the senate bill about? why not just pass the simpler house version? >> well, you know i think we first of all have to stand against domestic violence period. i don't care, whoever it is against. we have to be against it. all people need to be in. no one should be out. that is the problem we're seeing today. three women in the united states are murdered every day by an intimate partner. 4.8 million are battered or assaulted or raped every year. that is something that we have to continue to stand against. stripping gays to me is particularly cruel because 5.3 million men are victims of domestic violence every year. so i think that at the end of the day we have to make a decision that culturally and legislatively we'll stand against violence against anyone in our homes. jon: but, this isn't the violence against men act, anglela. this it is violence against women act. >> jon, so sad controversy surrounding this bill, basically in 1994 passed overwhelmingly with bipartisan support. has nothing to do with violence against women. it has to do with getting out the vote in the gay community, getting out vote in latino community and getting the vote for women and the bottom line is, you have a machiavellian president that cares more about winning re-election than preventing domestic abuse. so i think it is sad and i think a lot of folks here in washington, d.c. are playing politics. jon:. >> machiavellian, come on? >> vote by any means necessary, by any means necessary by pend bending people to his way. why not use violence against women act to bring on gays and lesbians and bisection walls and undocumented workers. >> i think it is particularly cruel, absolutely to exclude anyone, angela. i think for anyone to be assaulted in their domicile that's a horrible thing. i don't know why anyone, democrat or republican would want to put anyone out? that is the point. >> started out against the violence against women act. violence against women, has nothing to do with undocumented workers, native americans or gays and lesbians. >> not to interrupt you, you know as well as i do we all piggyback off each other's movements. i'm sorry, jon. jon: specifically with reference to the protection that is the senate wants to put in for illegal immigrants. one of the arguments is, if you suddenly establish legal protections for illegal, people who are here illegally. >> yes. jon: you have created a real slippery slope. i mean that, you know, potentially could apply to all kinds of other laws. >> well you, jon, i think slippery slope we're on is for domestic violence to be excused whoever commits it. that for me is the bigger issue. i think that we've got to make a cultural and legislative decision that domestic violence is illegal, it is wrong on our shores. period. jon: we said that. >> violence is illegal. violence jon is illegal but how can you protect people who are in this country illegally who are already breaking the law, protect them with another law? jon is exactly right. it sets up a slippery slope. basically what they want is amnesty. they want to impact tribal law which from each native-american tribe differs. so you want tribal law now to impact american citizens. and that is not right. jon: we'll have to leave it there. >> okay. jon: the discussion goes on in the house. >> i can't wait to do this again. >> people should really read up on this bill. find out what is in it and see what they think about it. santi it a jackson, angela mcglowan. thank you both. jenna: we'll like to have them back. that sounds pretty good. humor heals the heart. so says anna king. a remarkable little girl that need as new heart. we'll talk to anna next on "happening now.". jon: new next hour, the financial crisis gripping europe reach as whole new level as folks in greece rush to the banks to withdraw their savings. what they're afraid of. we're live with that story. breaking developments in the john edwards corruption trial. what the defense just announced. also new evidence released in the trayvon martin shooting case. what it could tell us about george zimmerman's injuries and what that means for the prosecution against him. jenna: with norm memorial day just around the corner and holiday, long weekend, gas prices are the on the minds of many folks planning to hit the road. right now the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.72 according to aaa. a new ethanol gas blend could bring the prices down a bit this summer. some warn the fuel could end up costing you much more down the road. rick leventhal is live in dover, pennsylvania, with more on this. hi, rick. >> reporter: jenna, we're at only gas station in york county, pennsylvania, that only sells pure gas. no ethanol here. more than 95% of the gas stations sell a blend of gas and 10% ethanol made from corn. they say it saves $1.09 for every gallon. they hope to release a new blend of 15%. oil companies are fighting back. they say results of a new study say many engines can't handle e-15. 5 million light cars and trucks could be significantly damaged. department of energy says the study is unreliable and incomplete. the ethanol industry says it is a success store. >> ethanol is american-made product. we're creating jobs here. we're creating economic opportunity here. we're lowering gasoline prices here. as opposed to a pure gasoline that is lining pockets of regimes in parts of the world that don't like us very much. >> reporter: one person who has issue with that is randy who runs this gas station. people are driving many miles to spend 20 cents more per gallon for your pure gas. why? >> yes, because they don't want the ethanol. small motors especially, just like the man left here in the pickup truck just drove 44 miles one way to get here. >> reporter: buying fuel for a plane and for what, for lawn mowers? >> no. a friend has a plane told him this is his first time here for his lawn mowers, generators. all of his equipment. >> reporter: you say corn belongs where? >> well belongs in our stomach or in your cattle so for our beef. >> reporter: not in our fuel? >> no. we don't need it in our fuel. >> reporter: you will keep selling pure gas? >> yes as long as possible we'll sell pure gasoline. >> reporter: thanks, randy. the american met petroleum institute is actually suing the epa for more studies on this 15% ethanol. jenna, hoping that it won't be released to the general public this summer as planned. back to you. jenna: very interesting story, rick leventhal in pennsylvania today. >> reporter: sure. jon: o.j. simpson, remember him? he is making a new effort to get out of prison. he claims now his lawyers did a bad job in that trial which he was convicted for kidnapping and armed robbery. our legal expert weighs in. think twice before buying so-called healthy alternatives to things like classic cookies and chips. the healthy alternatives might be just as bad for you if not worse than regular old junk food. do you believe that? we'll explain. jon: a fox news alert out of greensboro, north carolina. john edwards defense team has rested. there had been speculation all along that the former senator and democratic presidential candidate might be called to the stand in his own defense. he's facing federal corruption charges for, according to the prosecution, having solicited payments to his campaign funds in order to pay off and hide the fact that he had impregnated his mistress. there was some speculation he might himself testify because he is so charming in a courtroom. he made millions of dollars as a personal injury attorney in that way but the defense has rested in the john edwards case without calling their dleblt celebrity client to the stand. jenna: "happening now", a remarkable story of courage to share with you today. imagine just feeling run-down for a few weeks. you get it checked checked out and suddenly you learn you need a heart transplant. now imagine you're 12 years old when this happens. this is actually what happened in real life to anna king. only a few weeks ago she learned she need as new heart. she can no longer attend a full day of school. she can't play all competitive sports she can play. what she can do really caught our attention. anna is now using her new website, humor heals the, to well, check this out. >> ♪ there's a problem starting in my heart, reaching i'm going to need a new start. finally the diagnosed me, i have cardio myleopathy. see how i feel the love i get from you. don't underestimate the things that he will do. jenna: we certainly will not under estimate you at all, anna. anna king and her mom pam, now, getting a standing ovation from the entire crew for your work and great parody of that song. most people would not handle such news in such a manner. you know, where did this come from, this idea? >> well, at first the situation was just so crazy that we really just, we're looking at it in a funny way and goof if i self we -- goofy self we always are and have been and we looked at it postively. >> look at it postively. mom we were talking about finding out of this news. how did you first learn of anna's heart condition? >> like you said, she was just not herself for several weeks and she just kind of had flu-like symptoms. after a couple of trips to the pediatrician's office she developed pneumonia. it was pneumonia that led to a chest x-ray and chest x-ray that led to a follow-up with a cardiologist because her heart looked a little bit swollen. and, she went in and had a workup from the pediatric cardiology department and we discovered that she had this really horrible disease. and dilated cardiomyopathy. it came at us out of nowhere. jenna: anna, when did you think when you heard that news? >> at first, obviously the situation stinks but i mean, really but, and it was just out of the blue. first i really couldn't believe it but i just, it became more and more real and just decided to look at it and in optimistic way because that's how we always look at things. jenna: well, it certainly bringing a lot of optimism. you can't not look at your videos and not smile and not root for you. we know you like to play competitive sports like volleyball and like to run and do soccer. the doctors tell you listen, right now maybe you can't play some of those sports but you can play golf. i understand that there is a particular golfer that you're inspired by that you have learned about. tell us a little bit about that. >> yeah. well, when i was diagnosed, you know, a lot of, i was so excited i could play golf, a lot of people mentioned to us a guy named eric compton. he is a professional golfer and he was kind of in the same situation that i was in. when he was 12, you know, he was diagnosed with a heart problem and he took up golf. and it really inspires me because now he has an active life and that's always the life i wanted to have. jenna: well, we heard that you were inspired by eric and we arrange ad little surprise for you, anna. because i know you would like to talk to eric. so eric is actually here with us as well. and he has been listening to your entire story. eric, welcome to the program. eric is right here. has titleist hat on. there is the wave. what do you think? >> hey, eric. >> very nice to meet you. jenna: so, eric -- >> nice to meet you too. jenna: anna gave us a great description by the way what happened to you, eric. at the age of 12 you also learned that you needed a heart transplant. so tell us a little bit about your journey. >> well it is very similar to anna's story. obviously, you know, the, i had a virus that she had caught with cardiomyopathy and something that weakened my heart and attacked my heart. i needed a heart transplant. my heart goes out to anna and stories like this all over the country. you know, i've been very blessed and lucky to have a second chance at life and to play the tour and to have a family and be married and have a daughter and you know, i think anna, she has such a fighting, positive, spirit just from listening to her talk and how much -- how mature she is for her age and i know she will get the second chance of life that i did and when i'm out here on the tour and playing every week i'm trying to educate and talk to people about becoming an organ donor and signing up to be an organ donor through know through the dmv and your driver's license. jenna: right. >> and getting a chance. here's remarkable story of a young girl who is so positive and --. jenna: anna, do you have any questions for eric now that you have the opportunity to chat with him a little bit? >> well, just like, this is what i'm looking to do. how long was it, after the transplant where you could get out there and swing the club? i mean i want to play!. >> yeah. well, i mean you have such a great spirit like i said, i think obviously you have to take it, take it every day by day. it is a little bit of a long process. you have to, you know, you could be lucky and get a donor very soon or it might take a while but, just keeping that great spirit and take it one day at a time after you get your transplant. i look forward to hearing from you get your transplant and maybe come out next year or year after when you do get your heart and come visit me and watch me play golf. we have to arrange that. jenna: that sounds like a pretty good idea. anna, you maybe can give eric singing lessons at that time. i know eric is pretty good at golf but i'm not sure he could sing as good as anna. sorry, eric, probably the truth. anna and eric we know you twice have a lot to talk about. we'll leave it here. you guys can probably continue your conversation and talk more. for more on anna, everyone has to visit this web site, humor heals the watch out for her next parody. maybe broadcast news. there is a lot for anna ahead. jon: she has some spirit. jenna: anna, eric thank you very much. pam, thank you so much for taking the time today. >> thank you. jon: think about her when you are asked to be an organ donor. i am. next time you reach for a bag of healthy chips are you really getting what you pay for? a new report finds some so-called health food really still junk food. product packaging you see can be very misleading, using terms like naturally-sweetened yogurt, covered, refused fat, glute gluten-free, that report appears in "consumer reports" shop smart magazine. the june issue. sue perry is the deputy editor of shop smart and has some of these, well things you might want to watch out for. so all of this, what seems to be healthy food, you have to look out with, look at with a very critical eye, huh, sue? >> you definitely do. there are some things out there, as you say, they carry a halo around them because they say reduced fat or fruit filling or got yogurt coating or something. believe me, once something is dipped in sugary yogurt or chocolate it is candy. let's call candy candy. jon: for instance, choosy mothers choose jif and really choosy mothers might choose jif reduced fat creamy peanut butter right? >> that was kind of a surprised to us too. you would think reduced-fat jif would be a really good option. you will be reducing the fat. maybe calories and whatever but you're not. you really aren't. the jif reduced-fat and jeff regular were actually the same amount of calories, 190 calories for two stable tablespoons and the jif reduced has more sugar and sodium. when you take the fat out you have to put things back in that are going to make up for that taste difference and other things as well. so you're actually getting more sodium and more suggest far in the reduced-fat version and you're only saving four grams of fat. okay, if you want to save some fat. jon: sue, we have to say good-bye. more in shop smart magazine. thanks. so, ah, your seat good? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. mmm-hmm. and just leave your phone in your purse. i don't want you texting, all right? daddy...ok! ok, here you go. be careful. thanks dad. call me -- but not while you're driving. ♪ [ dad ] we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. ♪ we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. >> reporter: brand-new stories that we are working on just for you over the next 50 minutes, including this one up here in mississippi, a man dressed as a police officer, now the main suspect in the murders of two people found shot to death along a remote highway. the latest on a manhunt in mississippi. also those wildfires in arizona, a lot worse than expected. more homes are in danger. the flames are moving to the northwest. we have the breaking developments. and some brand-new hope for people suffering from alzheimers, and their loved ones, while the government thinks perhaps a family in south america could hold the key to preventing that disease. we've got that and breaking news, as the second hour of "happening now" starts right n now. jenna: news in the john edwards federal corruption trial. we are glad you are with us, everybody. moments ago his defense attorneys simply rested their case without calling the former presidential candidate to the stand or his former mistress as well. we thought this trial would go on for weeks but not quite as long as everyone expected. we are glad you are with us. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. we thought we might here from those two principals. jenna: we hoped. jon: didn't happen. 17 days of sorted testimony in greensboro comes down to this. now the jury will soon decide whether edwards illegally used campaign funds to try to hide his pregnant mistress while he ran for president. jonathan serrie outside the u.s. district court in greensboro, north carolina. the defense had this line up of high profile witnesses ready to go today. why rest? >> reporter: yeah, a sudden change. it appears they may have been look for leverage. they had been attacking the credibility of andrew young, the key witness for the prosecution, and then they were threatening to bring him on with these other witnesses. they have been trying to get the prosecution to agree to some unspecified stipulations, and today they announced, just before they rested, that if the prosecution would agree to these stipulations they would rest their case without calling andrew young to the stand. so, perhaps they used the leverage moving forward as we look for closing arguments to begin tomorrow morning. jon: they got what they wanted apparent leave. how strong is the defense case? >> reporter: the defense attorneys for edwards appear fairly confident, although they have repeatedly been frustrated in their attempts to introduce testimony from federal election officials giving opinions that the money in question, that the money that was provided to hide edwards' pregnant miss stes during the 2008 campaign did not fall under fec definitions of campaign donations. repeatedly the judge has refused these requests. just this morning they were attempting to introduce a tape of one of these fec officials giving one such opinion. we had abby lowell, the lead attorney for john edwards saying, quote, it's an independent attempt by a criminal defendant who is fighting for his life to bring a piece of evidence. well the judge denied the request saying, quote, i don't think opinions of others, whether they are fec officials or not are helpful to this jury. earlier the judge had indicated that such opinions were best reserved for closing arguments by the attorneys, which we expect to hear first thing in the morning tomorrow, jon. jon: all right. jonathan serrie in greensboro, waiting for the jury to do its work now. thank you. jenna: another big case now, new developments in the trayvon martin shooting case. court medical records don't necessarily confirm george zimmerman's versions of events that night, the night that he allegedly shot and killed the unarmed teenager, but they do confirm something else. phil keating is live in miami with the details on newly released documents. >> reporter: hi, jenna, this medically confirms, or at least it backs up the claims of george zimmerman, as well as those of at least two eyewitnesses there in that community who reported seeing trayvon martin on top of zimmerman that night with trayvon martin throwing the punches. however, this development does not alter whatsoever the state's case against george zimmerman. about 30 minutes after the unarmed teenager was shot and killed back at end of february up in sanford, florida, sanford police walked an unassisted zimmerman in for questioning after paramedics treated him on the scene for injuries which we've reported for months. in the medical report of zimmerman's injuries taken the day afterwards, obtained by abc news, doctors report he had a broken nose, black eyes and cuts on the back of his head. according to the initial 911 call made by zimmerman that night the neighborhood watch volunteer spotted trayvon martin walking through his gated community wearing a hoodie, thought he looked suspicious and was following him. in court zimmerman has apologized to the parents of trayvon martin for their son's death, while still maintaining his innocence, but the martin family attorney this morning tells me that zimmerman's injuries are totally irrelevant. >> trayvon martin was defending himself, it was self-defense for trayvon martin. he had no idea who this strange man was who was confronting him. george zimmerman made a decision to get out of his car on a rainy night, profiling and pursue trayvon martin. >> reporter: we have confirmed ourselves, independently, fox news, that in fact the medical report taken of zimmerman the following day showed the lacerations on the back of his head, as well as the broken nose, and the two black eyes. as for zimmerman, he remains in hiding, free on a $150,000 bond. he is charged with second-degree murder of course and the special prosecutor in this case with this medical record development, still not commenting. jenna: more as we continue to follow this developing story, phil, thank you. jon: right now in greece a crisis of confidence, a lot of folks are heading to the bank to pull out euros, thousands of them. they are afraid the rapid deval waeugs could eat away their life savings if greece gets out of the euro zone. even the president of greece is worried that fears could turn into panic in the weeks before new elections are scheduled. greg burke is streaming live from rome with that situation. >> reporter: jon, that is right. this could end up like a scene out of the movies. people are nervous, it gets bigger, it snow balls it turns into absolute panic, and in the end a run on the banks. that would be bad news. greece is in trouble, it's been in trouble for a longtime, a small country but it's already needed two massive bailouts just in order to pay its bills. now at one of the most critical times in recent history for greece they can't even get a government together. they had elections on may 6th which resolved absolutely nothing. now today naming a caretaker government, that will be in there just until next month when their new elections with the hope that that will somehow make things better. well, the markets across europe are nervous, they are certainly not as nervous as the greek people as you mentioned to the banks. they've withdrawn about a billion dollars in the last couple of days. tiny greece has an affect on europe, france and germany. it becomes more and more likely that they would have to leave the euro zone. that would mean they would no longer have the euro, they would have the draakma, worth a whole lot less. greece is talking about this is the time to be responsibility. responsibility is what they should have thought of in the last few decades when they were spending a lot more money than they were taking in. jenna: joining us in london david buick a partner at bcg partners. he and i have talked for years, david, about the econom especially during this financial crisis. it's nice to have you become with us when we have so many people speculating about what the ultimate affect will be of greece and this upheaval in europe. what do you see ahead for the global economy? >> hi, jenna, lovely to talk to you again. we've got to deal with this unacceptable uncertainty, which has really sent all markets, whether they are bonds, commodities, money markets, equities into complete turmoil. markets cope very well with good and bad news, they can't spell uncertainty and we have it in spades. the european politicians for selfish reasons look like they've been in dare hrebgs of their duty in coming to a common cause of how to deal with this problem. we've had two years staring greece's problems in the face, sticking our heads in the stands like a bunch of ostriches hoping it will go away. it's going nowhere. jenna: i was going to jump in here, we are obviously seeing this incredible economic situation. you mentioned the politics of it all. what is it telling us about the state of politics in europe, the state of democracy? >> the trouble is that we're now into a situation where we have, because of a period of the last ten years where we borrowed whether it be government industry huge amounts of money with very built ability of being able to repay them. the banking system throughout the world and particularly in europe for the phoeupls unsustainable. without the help from the central banks they have absolutely no possibility of financing their assets under any circumstances. we can straighten that out over a period ever time if there is an austerity program that is adopted. greece is in no position with virtually no industry and commerce to speak of of any great size of being able to service debt. they can't spell tax which doesn't help, so therefore nobody pays anything. they refuse to sell any assets, such as airports, ports, land, they could glean a lot of money from that. they are trying to implement an austerity program, and as a result people of going hungry, they have no income and can't pay their bills. this has totop and we have to send the world a message, that the kwroerpl and union means business. jenna: how does that happen, david? some are suggesting that the european union will not survive this. that it could affect america's economy as well as the global economy overall. do you see that actually happening, a collapse if you will of the banking system in greece and all these ripple affects across banks across the continent there? >> i think there is hysteria right there. greece can't survive in the euro zone. if the banking system and the governments of europe haven't made contingency plans in the course of the last two years then what on earth have they been doing? because they've had plenty of time to write down greek debt to virtually nothing, or sell some he, or get fresh capital. i don't buy this. italy and spain have had a great opportunity over the period of five years of being able to rebuild their economy. if the whole of the european union pulls together they can get out of this. it's a question of allowing greece the time, the sensitivity, the warmth, the kindness to make this transition over a two-year period. very the drakkma will de devalue 20 to 30%. if you say you've got this debt but we're not going to pay it, that is wrong. it sets a precedent for the rest of europe. jenna: looking forward to having you back to talk more about this very information issue, thank you very much. jon: just a few hours after she got married, this new bride was found dead, still wearing the dress she wore to the reception. and guess who the prime suspect is? plus, he beat one of the most notorious murder wraps of all time only to wind up going to prison for armed robbery. today o.j. simpson is making headlines again. >> reporter: we know a lot of folks out there are online while they watch fox news channel. over the next couple of minutes a suggestion, you might want to check out a fox news exclusive on it's all about the united nations jumping head first into the world of social media, but has the world body also jumped head first into a legal mess? you can read all of about it we'll have more "happening now" right after this. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. then don't get nickle and dimed by high cost investments and annoying account fees. at e-trade, our free easy-to-use online tools and experienced retirement specialists can help you build a personalized plan. and with our no annual fee iras and a wide range of low cost investments, you can execute the plan you want at a low cost. so meet with us, or go to for a great retirement plan with low cost investments. ♪ jenna: right now new information in a few crime stories we are keeping an eye on for you. in washington state a jury is deliberating the fate of steven powell. he's facing 14 counts of voyeurism that stem from an investigation into the 2009 disappearance of his daughter-in-law, susan powell. steven powell's son josh was a suspect in susan's disappearance. months ago as you well know josh powell killed his two young sons as well as himself. illinois police searching for a newly married man after his bride was found stabbed to death hours after their wedding. she was found stabbed to death in the bathtub. she was still wearing the dress she wore at the reception. the man who shot former beetl beatle john lennon has been moved after spending 31 years at attica correctional facility, but he is being moved now. jon: boy does he look different. a slow-speed effort to get o.j. simpson out of prison is moving ahead in las vegas. a new lawyer for simpson claims o.j. deserves a new trial because his former lawyers did a bad job of defending him. he was convict ned 2008 of kidnapping and armed robbery. he maintains he simply was trying to recover personal items that were stolen from him after ace acquittal in the murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ronald goldman. joining us now bob massey a fox news legal analyst. what do you think of the case? his new attorney is saying that his previous attorneys, yale galanter and gabriel grassey were simply bad. isn't yale galaner one of the best known attorneys are on the east coast. >> he's a good lawyer. they went to the supreme court on the appeal from the trial and of course a new trial was denied. so what you're procedure lee allowed to do is go back to the district court, get a new judge and file what is called a writ of habeas corpus, and then you can challenge at that point ineffective assistance of counsel. and here is the difference, jon. when you're at the supreme court you cannot present evidence on that, you can only argue that there was error in the trial court. but when you do a writ of habeas corpus you are permitted to put evidence on, the court could say, we are going to have an evidentiary hearing to take testimony to see if he was denied a fair trial because of even effective assistance of counsel. jon: so the judge has to read through, or at least, you know, read through the paperwork submitted and kind of try to imagine this having taken place in court? and make a decision whether they were effective or not. >> yeah, it was a 92-page document that was filed. the court then will read it and determine -- of course the district attorney will file an opposition, and the court will determine if they are going to have an evidentiary hearing where witnesses will be called. let me just read to you real quick, jon, if i may. the leading case from the united states supreme court says two things, first, the defendant must show that counsel's poor performance was deficient, and second, the defendant must show that the deficient performance prejudiced the defense. so, if the defense is able to put on evidence that shows that o.j. was denied certain substantive legal rights, that he did not get a fair trial, or errors were made that were so serious, that district judge could say, new trial. if they deny the writ they could take it back to the supreme court. jon: here is what puzzles me, bob. one of the arguments here, apparently, and let's remind people what the case was all b. the case was about o.j. simpson and a couple of his buddies bursting into a hotel room trying to reclaim some memorabilia that he claimed this autograph dealer had stolen from him. there is a question of whether guns were involved, whether guns were shown or not. >> right, right. jon: supposedly o.j. had yale galanter as his attorney before that particular night, galanter supposedly had advised him that this move, this reclamation of his stuff would be okay, as long as it wasn't violent, and yet galanter represented him at the trial that resulted. that is one of the points his attorney is arguing. >> let me -- >> go ahead. >> i'm sorry, jon. jon: i'm wondering why didn't o.j. fire galanter at that point if he had questions about him. >> there you go, there you go right there. first of all you raised a great point, fire the guy, okay? number two, yale galanter is seasoned guy. and the local lawyers, good lawyer. there is no way he's going to tell him, what he's going to tell him is call the police, which is all he had to do, jon. the palace station is two miles from whee a areng this shoot. call the cops, say there are guys in the room that has my things, go get it. there is no way that he would tell him that. to put that on in evidence no judge is going to believe a seasoned lawyer would tell him that. here is the bottom line, if they lose the writ of habeas corpus they can take it to the supreme court there. if they lose there they can go into federal court and ask a federal judge to make a decision. o.j. will not go away my friend. jon: another o.j. in the future. what a concept. bob massey, thank you. "happening now" will be right back. jon: this just in, mitt romney with a razor thin lead over president obama in the latest rasmussen poll. the daily tracking poll finds 47% of voters favor mitt romney. president obama one point behind him in effect it's a tie. independent pollster scott rasmussen is the president of rasmussen because of the margin of error it really is a tie, too close to call, right, scott. >> absolutely, especially with six months to go before election today. in the last week and a half mitt romney has been doing consistently a little better than he was beforehand. that jobs report a week ago friday clearly had some -- raised some concerns about the economy and i think that is helping romney's cause. jon: it was a week ago yesterday that the state of north carolina voted to ban gay marriage. the very next day the president of the united states comes out and says he thinks gay marriage is okay. the voters of north carolina, well what do they think about this race, the democrat particular convention is going to be held there. it doesn't look so good for the president right now in that state. >> right now mitt romney is ahead 51% to 43%. that is a big improvement for romney from a month ago. it's worth noting that the president's numbers did not go down, his support stayed steady, but mitt romney's support gained five points. the most worry so many number in the north carolina polling for the white house is that 18% of democrats, nearly one out of five north carolina democrats says they are prepared to vote for mitt romney. jon: the president won north carolina last time around. it's one of the states he is hoping to keep in his column this time and he can't afford to lose many of the states that he won last time. >> north carolina is one of the states that we identified as the core four. mitt romney really needs to win at least thraoeft four if he wants to win the white house. it's north carolina, virginia, ohio and florida. north carolina was always the toughest for obama to hang onto because he won it by a quarter of a percentage point. jon: mitt romney has taken quite a beating in the republican primary to this point. it seems to have got even better for him lately since all of his competitors have dropped away. is that part of the reason that you're seeing this upward spiral for him? >> yes. republicans are consolidating and supporting around mitt romney. but there is a bigger reason too, and that is that during the republican primary all the focus, all the talk was about mitt romney, why can't he wrap this up? what are his issues? now it's a referendum on the president, and the focus is on the president's job and what has he done in the last few years. and for mitt romney that is a much easier position to be in. jon: scott rasmussen is the president of rasmussen reports out with that daily tracking poll. thanks for breaking the news with us, scott. >> thank you. jenna: state police are looking for a killer who may be posing as one of their own. two deadly highway shootings sparking a manhunt that spans the south. rick has more on this from our newsroom. >> reporter: the police don't usually tell people, jenna not to pull over if there is a cop driving behind them with a flashing light. that is exactly the warning people are getting from the police in mississippi, after you said, two people shot and killed by someone police think was posing as a police officer. the murders taking place in cape county northern mississippi along a remote stretch of highway, investigators trying to solve the mystery. but they believe it may be someone proceedings as a fake officer driving around. there have been rumors that the suspect was driving a counsel victoria, which of course can resemble a police car, but fox news has learned that those rumors are not true. the sheriff's office has posted a message on its facebook page telling motorists if they are instruct towed pull over and they feel unsure about stopping to call 911 from their cell phones and ask a dispatcher to confirm whether or not it's a real officer. the police have been instructed not to overreact if someone doesn't immediately pull over. there is an active manhunt going on for the person responsible for those two murders and so far, jenna, no witnesses. if you have any information you're asked to call the state police in mississippi. back to you. jenna: more as we get it, rick, thank you. jon: a wildfire is spreading faster than expected in very high heat, and some strong winds, why firefighters say they must stop it now or it's going to get a whole lot worse. plus, the defense rests in john edwards corruption trial without putting the norm former senator and presidential candidate on the stand. is that the right move? a closer look next. 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[ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! jon: right now, raining wildfires are causing more evacuations in arizona. the gladiator fire, worse than expected there and growing. crews are now scrambling to prevent flames from jumping a fire line and putting more homes at risk. reporter alexis vance is live in mare, arizona for us now. >> reporter: this fire is now at 2000 plus acres. it burned two homes and one trailer and now today it's headed for about a dozen homes in the communications towers for this entire area. so that affects cell phone service, internet service and really the way law enforcement out here communicate with each other. so they're really trying to set a perimeter around that area so it doesn't get to the homes and doesn't get to the communications towers. today crews are coming in from other states like idaho and utah to hell with the fight. it is so challenging because you're dealing with real rugged terrain, rattlesnakes. crown king where the fire is burning is a old mine town. you're dealing with old hidden mines they don't even know about and then the extreme heat from the fires. so far three firefighters have been injured. one with minor burns and two with dehydration. so that is some of the stuff they're dealing with up there that we don't even think about. they're working really long days. of them are spending the night right on the front lines because it is so hard to get in and out of the area. meantime you have hundreds of people evacuated. crown king is a small town about an hour north of phoenix and they have 350 permanent residents. many of those people had to evacuate and they're wondering is their home at risk? will i have a home to go back to? did i get all of my belongs? you have that aspect of all the evacuees. hopefully they will learn more tonight about the fire. we're told this could last anywhere from a week to two weeks. they don't know when it will be able to get it out. it is basically baby steps today, setting up the perimeter so that it doesn't get to more homes and the communication towers. jon: bad enough they have to fight a fire and then take on rattlesnakes as well. thanks, alexis vance. jenna: the jury in the john edwards corruption trial will begin deliberating his fate on friday. defense attorneys for the former presidential candidate rested their case about an hour ago without calling john edwards or his former mistress to the stand. let's bring in our legal experts. joey jackson, former prosecutor and duane indicates a criminal defense attorney. quite a surprise here. the suddenly the defense is done. they barely made it through three days. the prosecution took 14 for their case. what is your initial reaction to this? >> the reaction is john edwards is in trouble and here is why. what happened here, jenna is this. what the defense wanted to do put on chairman thomas from the election commission. he was supposed to explain how the donations are personal in nature. they don't run afoul of any types of laws to speak of. he would cite to past cases to give indication everything here was aboveboard and legal. the problem was the defense got that testimony precluded. that is the judge did not even allow it. it was a major blow to the defense. now you're left with a couple of other witnesses like laura haggard, for example, chairperson, at least financially of the campaign and what she did was she said, you know what? mr. edwards had nothing to do with what we did. he wasn't involved in any disclosures. he didn't know anything at all in terms of what we were doing. you know what, jenna? the buck stops with him. this is person united states senator. completely familiar with federal law. ran for vice president, familiar with federal law. was running for president. he should have known and they put on jim walsh the private investigator with all the flow charts with $750,000 not going to the campaign. but from the prosecution's perspective, of course it wasn't going to the campaign. because they were hiding it. jenna: if the defense is in so much trouble why wouldn't they put john edwards on the stand? >> they couldn't put john edwards on the stand. he has some, he has so many problems with his credibility. he has so many problems with his likeability. nobody likes john edwards. what he did was despicable. jenna: do you think joey is right? that the defense really is in trouble here and said cut bait and all right, we're done? >> didn't we learn anything from the casey anthony case. you can't take a case thin on facts and just pile on the unlikeable factor on john edwards. all, most of this trial was making john edwards look bad and that wasn't hard to do because he did some pretty bad things. and you know, they're trying to get them, the jury to hate john edwards and the evidence is so confusing who gave money, when the money came, who knew about the money. there is conflicting evidence all over the place. the state's key witness is, has no credibility. in fact the state's key witness got 80% of the money. got to keep it and he has not been charged with anything. i think --. jenna: joey, let me have you jump in. you have closing arguments as a prosecutor the how do you prove and wrap this up beyond a reasonable doubt that john edwards did something illegal when it came to campaign finance? not when it comes to being kind of a jerk? >> very simply. absolutely, jenna. very simply. i don't think it is confusing at all. ladies and gentlemen of the jury this is about a person who wanted to hide his mistress who was pregnant from public view and did it in a way improper and illegal. he fully had knowledge of what the campaign finance laws were but he ran afoul of those and thereby exceeded limits that should have been spent here. why did the money go to andrew young and go to cheri young? to sir couple vent you so he could deny at some later point he could deny he knew about it. someone running for president and no knowledge what sever where money is going to the campaign and because it is their mistress and would be denied high office. let he is be clear here. jenna: that is pretty good. >> joey, here's the thing. there is appealable issue not allowing the auditors to come in and testify that they audited the campaign and found that they did nothing wrong. you know, and they said, well, because we didn't know what they considered. well that is what cross-examination is for. that evidence should have came in. >> but you can only get appeal if you get convicted. >> i understand that i'm saying if he gets convicted. i don't think he gets convicted because i don't think a jury can figure out exactly where the money went, what it was intended for, who paid, where did it go? i don't think that they can prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. >> it went to rielle hunter t was intended to hide the affair. >> 20% went to real yell hunter. only 20%. jenna: the appeal could be interesting to take a look at as well. we'll see what happens with the closing arguments and see what the jury thinks. this is not an easy case. we'll have both back to talk more about it. both were looking forward to john edwards testimony and rielle hunter. joey, we talked about it as well. no dice of the couldn't do it. >> too damaging. jenna: we'll see come out of this, guys. thank you so much. >> pleasure, jenna. >> thanks, jenna, a fan full of disabled adults catches fire in a crowded parking lot and turns two good samaritans into superheroes. more of this ahead. plus could be a major break through in the fight against alzheimer's disease. dr. manny joins us live with some really exciting fuse -- news jenna: an amazing rescue turns two average joes into superheroes for a day. a cab driver and a construction worker saving two disabled men from what could have been certain death. they were with 12 other people in wheelchairs in a van that caught on fire as you can see on your screen there in a parking lot. without flinching the brave men sprang into action. >> i knew it was going to go anytime, you know. so, that's why we had to do it right away or forget it. >> you can see i'm still emotional but yeah, i'm glad i got them. jenna: so scary but they did a really good job, didn't they? the van was completely engulfed in flames a few moments later. firefighters say the battery may have sparked the fire. glad to know those guys are out there, jon. jon: that's great. a potential breakthrough to tell you in alzheimer's disease. a brand new drug will soon be tested in clinical trials. it is actually a vaccine that could help prevent the disease in people most at risk. talk about it with dr. manny alvarez. senior managing editor for fox news and a member of the fox medical a-team. the same way you get a flu shot every year or most people should they might be able to give you something that would prevent alzheimer's? >> this is the theory behind the study. this is a landmark change the way we're looking at alzheimer's. in the past there were several trials of people with medication of people already with alzheimer's to see if they arrest the proceeding aggression of the disease. obama administration has been putting a lot of dollars carving out research. one of the things they look at folks at exist for alzheimer's. this is specific genetic family of patients that are at risk and, and they know that if they target this group they're going to get really an evaluation. so they're looking at the vaccine the vaccine will be given profill lack i canly, before you have signs and symptoms of alzheimer's. the way the vaccine works, it blocks formation of the protein which is really the hallmark. i think everybody has decided that is buildup of this protein in the brain that is really destroying the brain cells. prevention which is a new phase of this trial is kind of unique. the second thing of course they will look at associations with diabetes which another thing in the literature shown people with diabetes may be at risk for alzheimer's. so they're looking at a type of insulin administration through the nose. jon: one of the problems though obviously, that alzheimer's effectively, it starts to affect your brain maybe 10 years before the symptoms appear. by the time you know your grandfather or something has alzheimer's has happened in my house, it's too late. >> it's too late. why is the trial is very exciting. the trial will be done not only here in the u.s. but done in colombia, south america, medellin. there are a family of 300 specific people have a gene mutation and they are using that family as studies subjects. however we have to realize we still don't know what triggers the proteins from forming. so basic science research, for instance here in new york city, dr. paul greenguard, rockefeller university is one of leading biologists and really understanding the mechanics behind the cell as to why it creates this protein. for the first time this is going to be the first multifactorial, national studies which may yield very positive answers for patients. jon: theals himesers problem is getting worse in this country. why is that? >> over five million americans are afflicted with alzheimer's here in the u.s. one would argue it is getting worse because people are living longer. you would argue --. jon: more time in your life to show the symptoms? >> if you live into your '80s the likelihood of developing alzheimer's is greater. we don't know are there environmental factors affecting the american population also. all the things we need to look at. we have an epidemic on our hand but this multifactorial trial will be very positive for patients and families. jon: look for more information on >> we have the whole story on jon: dr. manny, thank you. jenna. jenna: her mother and father say she vanished from her bedroom in the middle of the night. today police are weighing in what they think about the story they're getting from the parents of little isabel celis. plus you know it is tough to buy a home these days. why it could be getting more difficult to rent as well. desperate times call for desperate measures jenna: we have new information on a of-year-old girl missing for almost a month in arizona. rick has been watching this case and has the details for us. rick. >> reporter: the sad story we've been following and a couple of developments we're monitoring down here in the newsroom. first of all, finally after almost a month after isabel disappeared police are officially saying she was abducted. they were calling it a possible abduction. now it is official. the other key development, this happened recently, isabel's dad, sergio, who one originally reported her as missing is being kept away from his two other children. that gives us perhaps the first possible clue where police are going with this investigation. they have gotten more than 1,000 tips. they have interviewed 500 registered sex offenders in the tucson area. no sign of the 6-year-old girl. sergio cell list calling 911 on the morning of april 21st saying his daughter was missing but said he believed she had been abducted. a window screen was pushed aside in the house. police say it was arizona's child welfare agency was behind the move to keep sergio from any contact with his 10 and 14-year-old sons. the agency not saying why they made that move. police are holding out hope that isabel may still be alive. as i said, jenna, still no trace of her. we'll keep you posted as we get more information. jenna: sound good, rick. thank you. jon: some frustrating news for people who want to buy a new home but can't afford it. new research shows it is also getting more expensive to rent, leaving some desperate folks with not many options. alicia acuna is live in denver with that report. alicia? >> reporter: jon, yes, this is especially true for lower income folks. you know it used to be considered rentings was the affordable choice but not anymore. rebecca is on the hunt for a new place. >> i could definitely sign a lease tomorrow for sure. >> reporter: the landlord trying to raise her rent by 14%. it was negotiated down but she says it is still too high. >> that is not shocking at all. we do get calls from some people in the public who are concerned about that as well. >> reporter: ryan with the colorado division of housing says finding a place to rent in denver is getting harder and pricier. companies tracking real estate nationwide are finding even if folks can qualify for a mortgage many are worried about another housing bust. the result? more people are being pushed to rentals. so as vacancy rates shrink the average rent is going up. >> landlords are well within their ability, well within their legal rights to push rents right now if they think the market can bear it. >> reporter: places like boston, san francisco, detroit, orlando, almost every major metro area in the country saw rent increases in the fourth quarter of 2011. dr. ron troupe of the university of denver conducted a study to find out why it is a landlord's market? >> we have nod been building apartment units over last few years. it takes time to catch up about permitting or actually building these. >> reporter: experts say, jon, could take years for all of the apartment construction to catch up with demand. back to you. jon: alicia acuna in denver, thank you. >> new controversy in the massachusetts senate race and democratic candidate elizabeth warren's claim about her native-american heritage. coming up where warren stand and how this could affect one of the most expensive and competitive senate races in the country. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. jenna: we often don't get to call favorites. today we have a favorite segment. anna king if you missed the segment was around 11:50 eastern time. we'll get that online for you. it's about a little girl that learned she needs a heart transplant. she has quite the sense of humor, and it's something special i think. bill: humor heels the is her website. great story. jenna: a great singer. you can sing but she can really sing. jon: she has some pipes that little girl. jenna: thanks fea for joining us everybody. megyn: fox news alert new warnings today that the country is on a collision course when it comes to our economy. welcome to "america live," everyone, i'm megyn kelly. we have a live camera outside of the white house right now where we are awaiting details from what might be a tense meeting between the republican leaders and our president. both sides say they want to head off a coming showdown over out of control spending in washington. a lack of solutions on the debt crisis, a tax hike that will affect every single american set