part of the policy. we adopt a policy ofcu alwaysata believing the report inse the case of harassment l e case of harassment alwayswill always believe the su accuser and not the accused.ocen and this isn'td due processah and i'll leave it at that.t noby but nobody ever believesoftus. michael , i believe that you have to decision due to your point, michael , just switch roles.ill: t that sounds like just becomeo r the accuser on someone else.oune >> that sounds t likhee the australian equivalent of bee all women.lian equivalent of bee yes. it's probably going to be women accusing men . everybody goes to clubs to make sure they're not looked at. yeah, that's exactly what you didn't know why you were going to a court? yeah, i up next, paul pelosi this the fourth one of the show paul pelosi got in a wreck and you can own that car for a big fat check attention. military personnel, families and civilians who were stationed or worked at camp lejeune from 1953 to nineteen eighty seven , if you were a loved one , lives served