say anything like this again. so why are so many people out there, you know, unwilling to give a second chance? whye not let the audience of the view? it's not me tow, worry. let them decide they want to watch or not. when you're in the middle of a firestorm, ma'am, my advice would be you just got to hold on , be strong, keep moving. and if you want to leave, leavey on your terms and certainly not in two weeks. never bowed down to t an angry mob. ng you said something wrong. you apologize. now you have an opportunity. hopefully abc willit bring yout back in two weeks to get itge right and then get on with your career. welcome to the world, by the way, that wearar fox and we conservatives on talk radio live every se day. that's our world because tens of millions of dollars are spent trying to get us fired, boycotted and canceled every single a day. it's been thirty three years of my life living with this and we have always been consistent about opposing this and unfortunately many in the media