that i'm not a dynamic that i only care about. i'm just saying. for no, i think it's interested in having to explain because i think you have a unique >>rspective, which thank you. that's a great shame. service. that's a great shame. which i fully appreciate. oh, tappa. what do you make of his analysis? of his analysis? >> i just want to i just want to know where khloe kardashian is so she can take her dad's phonkardase were absoy ridiculous. >> absolutely ridiculous. >> like you said, oj, chill, rolling. >> and i think the internet wase trollingrn to even asked him, bt he definitely should be quiet. >> he he could think y aboutou s cnn legal analyst.t. th they haven't they haven't replaced what's his name, toobin. they haven't replaced toobin. havee not rehave t. >> there you go , o.j. you