a success would say. so our short men shortchanged when it comes to basic rights? go to our hide correspondent, joe devito. >> greg, it is unconscionable the men of my height have been treated poorly. i will not stand for it on a box or even a stack of books of sometime and i appreciate that we are raising expectations here on the "gutfeld!" show. that because our size will not be mocked for their physical attributes. back to you. >> all makes >> greg: tyrus, why do you hate short people? >> it's not that i hate you. you are just so annoying. you complain about everything and you sanctimonious sons of benches. everything is made for you. who has a special chair appear? i do. who has to order his shoes? i do. who can go on a roller coaster? you guys can. every chair here is for a short man. the make them small so your