america is more diverse, it's happening all across the country. just look at demographics all across. so at some point, we may actually get to meritocracy. >> greg: yes, it will work its way like it's always worked its way forward. there's obviously a half feet don't like happy medium and quotas. it's called, letting it happen, kat. you think china's worried about the sort of thing question mike >> no. >> greg: thank you. >> i do not think china is worried about this sort of thing. and when i was reading this i was like, okay, this is the first time that this is happened. there are pictures, no pictures, no pictures. i'm like guys, you are doing that? you shouldn't be spending that much time doing that, especially because now you are seen hey, it's not really working out how you wanted to. the number one thing, like you said, you should really have concern about keeping us safe. >> greg: you are old navy.