me. it is about my fellow new orleans friends and fellow louisianans, in mississippi, alabama as well, in the path of ida, it's a time that we as americans need to come together and realize that so many forces that can work against us as a collective us, so we should stop fighting with each other and come together to fight against things that are working against us. that's all i want to say. >> eric: we're all in this together. we need to stay safe. if you are home, shelter in place. don't take any chances. don't go out like you saw our brave mike do. adam klotz is here, weather meteorologist with the very latest on the storm and where it is going next. what do we expect? it had two landfalls, adam? >> adam: yeah, well, one landfall. we have some barrier islands that set up kind of along the louisiana coast, so that initial land out out on one of those barrier islands. now more of a landfall that will stick. we will be over land which will allow this to weaken.