the airport is closed. they're not getting picked up. will: take a quick look about we can, bill, this is lucas tomlinson pressing kirby on the relationship between these two groups. >> that we're going today, lucas, lucas, i appreciate it very much. appreciate it very much. >> 1000 isis were released by the taliban. is that evidence that the isis might be in -- will: sensitivity, bill, i would assume is related to the fact that the international community seems to have made a big bet that the taliban is a better thing, a better stablizing force within afghanistan, because isis is interested in global affect, right? if they're intertwined, inseparable, that is a bad bet by everyone including the united states. >> this is the result of binary thinking i see that exist with issues like this in washington all the time. it is possible that both the taliban and which is deeply in bed with al qaeda, is a threat