attorney general. beautiful it represents america. brian: i wish it would be we reverse the hyphen. african-american american-hispanic, i thought we would be more who he emergencyized why now. enough to multiple generations have been here. we are still trying to segment so much all the time. steve: well, i saw something this morning in the "the washington post" where they broke down who exactly showed up and who didn't show up. and one of the problems for the democrats in the commonwealth of virginia was there was not a lot of enthusiasm for terry mcauliffe and in particular, the younger voter. the under 24 voter for the most part didn't show up like they have in the past because clearly, they were not interested in this particular election. but, know what the democrats are going to do is say you know what? we didn't get them out last time we need to get them out this time. that's going to be the marching order. ainsley: carley has headlines for us. carley: that's right. i sure do. we will start with a big story here. illegal immigrant posing as a