long island and taxes, high taxes. steve: and particularly, keep in mind, new york state is very -- is pretty darn blue. so, to have two d.a.s. ainsley: six democrats every one republican. steve: did d.a.s in nasa and suffolk county. republican candidates both won, it's a stunning landslide and the number one issue was bail reform so eliminates cash bail. nassau county the democratic state senator todd kaminski who has been a rising star in the democratic party. he got beaten because he voted to eliminate cash bail and people out there didn't like him. a career prosecutor by the name of ann donnelly beat him by 20 points because the people of long island say look, if somebody breaks the law, you arrest them, you should keep them in jail if they can't make the bail. brian: all you have to do is talk to a police officer. the police commissioner on the show the day this came out.