this. i thought it was beautiful. ainsley: she represents faith, family and freedom. faith she went to what i len baptist university. she loves god. she loves her country. she loves her family. you shed in the first hour she hyphenated her last name when she got married she is 28 years old because she wanted to honor her father who was killed in a car accident. tell the story about what she wants to do for her mom. steve: when you win a gold medal and on team u.s.a. you actually get the medal and you get cash. you get $37,000. that's how much for winning gold. so she she is going to take 30,000 of her 37,000 and give it to her mother because her mother's dream has always been to have a food truck, which is fantastic. lawrence: so beautiful. steve: "the washington post" writes this morning profile her. she was standing behind a rail answering questions after beating nigeria's blessing obrodudu 4 to 1 talking about