strength. that was militarily, it was also economically. and he also believed in strength of messaging, which he showed time and time again. he also believes in the power of optimism. he believed that it was a cold war that could be won and he was hoping to win it without firing a single shot and he did. >> yeah, and if you think about the world as we see it now, with the threats we still have from north korea to iran which we were reporting on. what do you think that president trump would be thinking of if he would survey the global stage right now? >> well, he always believed in face-to-face diplomacy. so he believed it was vital to get face-to-face with these leaders and believed there was nothing that couldn't be solved if two people sat across the table with each other. even though he believed the cold war would be won, i think he would be surprised how quickly it was won. it was long and hard fought and he tried to reach out to