Liz first we take a look ahead to tomorrows gm hearing on capitol hill. Ceo mary vera will testify, but we have an advanced copy of her remarks. We have reaction on a number of fronts. We will start tonight with an attorney representing families of many of the People Killed when their gm car malfunction. Ball, welcome back to the show. I want to start with some of those comments that surly impressed me, mary talking about just how a victim Settlement Fund my get started and when. Here is what she said. I quote her here, mr. Feinberg has full authority to establish Eligibility Criteria for victims and determine compensation level. He has indicated he will show the final criteria with us by the end of the month. We can also expect to process claims by august 1. Does this surprise you . Is what you expected . I know you have talked to feinberg, what he has told you . Good afternoon, jerry. So, couple questions us first ms. Vera has been talking the talk now for some time. Im at ground zero involved in litigation and the gm lawyers are doing the exact opposite. For example, last week they claimed in 2006, a cold but was not designed, manufactured or sold by jim. So, that is going on while she makes her we are going to walk the walk comments and i applaud her for making them, but my cure is that either her lawyers getting their instructions or shes not controlling the attorneys who are defending the lawsuits that im involved in. Gerri there are to the Different Things arent there . There is a lawsuit you are bringing and then there is a promise of special dispensation by the company that mr. Feinberg who ran the line 11 fun and the boston fund, all of these funds is in charge of. Two Different Things on two different tracks, which do you think will actually find realization . Do you thank you will be successful with your lawsuit . Well, how can a victim evaluate a Compensation Fund fairly if gm holds the bankruptcy sword over their head . If they say look, if you dont take this what will happen is we will assert bankruptcy and all you will get from us is an apology. So, its not really dual tracks, it has to be in a knowledge meant by gm that they have legal rights and if the Compensation Fund is fair than they will give up those little rights in order to resolve the case. Resolution is always the best mechanism if it is fair and you are right, i have been talking to mr. Feinberg who may be the right man for this job because he understands litigation. We have a strong relationship and i tell him as im telling you that im hopeful that this is going to be fair , but there are some things we are going to require if we are signing off on this. Gerri bob, i guess youre not going to tell me what hes telling you then . Thats what i asked. I would like to, but part of the process is that it is a process and gerri heres what i want to get to. I want your response on this. Tomorrow there will be a lot of fireworks on capitol hill, no doubt about it as she testified i thank you will expect a lot of Congress Members to be adamant in their questions and insistent on change. What would you ask her if you were one of those commerce members . I would say, there is no one anywhere that believes this was a rogue engineer. Your own policies and procedures would make a change like that a sign off of a document like that go up the food chain. If you had a Corporate Culture of complete not and say youre going to to do something, but you dont do it why do you go after the midlevel guys . If the whole Corporate Culture is this way, isnt it your response ability or isnt it your predecessors is onto billy . I would push her in pusher hard for personal responsibility because where i sit i have family members that i visit with every day and the stories as you know you had some on, you had one of my clients on later and they are compelling and they are painful and they are very difficult and i would also tell her this , one of the many things that occurs is that the cars sold to younger drivers and those victims arent always killed immediately and theres a lot of suffering that occurs in its difficult, you have to walk a mile in the shoes of my clients to really understand what they have been through and if she is going to Tell Congress look, im satisfied with these changes in benches going up a lot of dissatisfied victims. Gerri you make a good point about all fingers pointing one direction to a single engineer, but as to whether current management of the company is responsible for the belugas are sport said no, this was a special investigation commissioned by the company i very wellrespected us attorney who says no present management and especially mary vera is not responsible to read how do you respond that . That is true, but doesnt the buck stop with her and if it doesnt stop with her then theres no one to read the former ceo is gone three does she get a pass now and is the odd that she holds more important then the change to the company that she says she wants to make . I dont necessarily advocate that she needs to step down, but i do strongly feel that someone higher up than a midlevel engineer or a lawyer in charge of litigation needs to be given the boot. Gerri we will see what happens. Bob, thank you for stopping by. Tonight, joining us from Columbia South carolina is renee trout wine, her daughter sarah, killed in a chevy cobalt in 2009. Friday, thank you for coming on with us and i appreciate your time and talking to us about what must be a very painful issue for your. I want to ask you about mary barra, but first i want to ask you this, another recall, 3. 1 million vehicles in some of these vehicles still in production by the company. How does that mother of a young girl who was killed in one of these cars, how do you react to that . I am just sick by all of this. In fact, what was funny was about a couple weeks ago i was watching tv and i saw a commercial by gm and it was for a college kid getting a gm vehicle to go to college and thats exactly what i did and the reason i bought the car was for safety number one and its okay so finally they are doing recalls, but they dont have the parts available, so what good is a recall . Gerri unit make a good point that they are not making enough ignition switches or its difficult because some of these cars are in models that are discontinued, but mary barra tomorrow on the hot seat, how do you think she has done so far in talking to people like you and talking to the American Public about what needs to happen next . Very fake he, shes a very fake type of woman, cold women. She really doesnt have any answers. She says its such a tragedy, well why dont you stop these cars from being driven, all of these unsafe vehicles . Instead they are more worried about the bottom line and i dont think we will get any real answers tomorrow as we didnt and havent so far. Gerri as many of one in five new vehicles on the road right now, gm vehicles and this is a popular company with consumers and they are still buying these cars in droves, sales through the roof. What do you say as a mother of someone who died in one of these cars to the American People . Someone who might be out this afternoon looking for a car for their teenage daughter . Stop buying gm the vehicles. They are unsafe. That is proven. For now at least stop buying them. Also, compensation, what compensation can bring my daughter back . But, i do want you to know that we do have a petition on change. Org gm and its a criminal charge and thats what we want for all of these gm executives or whoever that new, we want jail time. Gerri you see it you have been very clear about your view that these people should be try to cram all and this is a criminal issue not a civil issue. What would you like to see mary barra asked tomorrow by congress if you are and that hearing what would you ask her . I would like the truth. The truth. There is no truth here. You say theres no coverup . Yet, there is proof there was a production time, a part replaced with the same number, with the same part number . Its not a coverup . I think that is totally a coverup and it doesnt take an investigator to see that. I would just like some truth and some accountability. There is no accountability here. Its all hogwash, total hogwash. Gerri renee, i know we will have a lot of fire and brimstone in that hearing tomorrow, but its almost like the members of congress are playing this for it not ratings, but votes. How does that make you feel . What do you take away from this . I didnt feel that when i was at the last congressional hearings. I have to say it was heartfelt by the questions that were asked. I was very pleased with that, so i would not ever think that ever think that. Gerri do you think genuine sorrow for these victims out of these Congress Women and men no. I dont think it has anything to do with votes. Gerri do you think the problems that gm go beyond the single engineer . Absolutely. Absolutely. There is no way, no way it was a single engineer. No. Its been a coverup for 10 plus years and also think about it, 20 to 30 lawsuits in the last 10 years. How many lawyers do they had . No one ever questioned this . Theres a lot more to this that we may never know. Gerri friday, thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you so much, come back soon. Thank you very much. Gerri well, as victims real from terrible losses, dangerous gm cars are still on the road. For months after the ignition switch recall began gm has repair just 7 7 of the 2. 6 million vehicles. Foxbusiness joins me now from the gm dealership in naperville, illinois, jeff, only 7 of these cars repaired, why . It was very difficult to get these parts remanufactured because were talking about very old cars and all parts and they had to start the production line against. Im in a Service Department here as you point out at a buick gmc and i will tell you parts in this box here. What he just showed me these and these are parts coming in and we are talking about multiple different recalls. You dont make these cars. You are the person though who has to interact with the customer. What are you hearing from the customer . Well, the customers are very understanding now as long as we communicate with them what the problem is, what it takes to fix it and that we can do. These two vehicles are waiting to get delivered today and we have 75 parts where we can get 75 cars repaired get them on the road. Reporter have you had rollins getting parts for General Motors . Obviously they are making parts they were intending to make. We had an initial shipment to get cars on the road and they came in several a day, but this is a great shipment today, we have 75 parts to get the cars on the road. Reporter at some point you dont make the cars, but you have to deal with the people to read do they get mad at General Motors and say how could you have another recall, youre killing your hair . We are a team. They build great products and they are under the gun to make sure they dont have anything with any flaws and they are stepping up and making sure there is something that doesnt look good they are stopping it and making sure its right, so we respect that. Our customers understand mac its amazing, jerry, but a lot of dealers and what he is one of the one that is willing to talk to us and address this issue, but they have had a number of people that have come in, new traffic to the dealership because people have come in for a recall to get their car repaired and of course we are talking about now what is it 17 million plus recalls in the us alone . It has been a lot of people that have been to the dealership that wouldnt otherwise be there and if you look at the Sales Numbers the sales have remained solid. Gerri jeff, i would love you to ask this question to woody. We just had one of these victims, the mother of a daughter who died in a gm car, she said her advice to parents is dont buy gm whatever you do. What would we say to that . What is his response to concern parents . We were talking at that very thing and i shared with 20 the response to a. Who says dont buy gm cars, they are unsafe, my child got killed in a car, that is a top 13 at what do you say to those people . We have extreme set the fee for them and like you said we dont manufacture the cars, we sell and service them and we try to put the safest car we can on the road to read again, you gmc didnt have a lot of those card cars recalled, but we abide by the recalls in the rate calls for we sympathize to those families and its a shame. We just want to make sure and im sure General Motors once to make sure that never happens again and that is why we are going through these safety precautions. Its painful now, but it saves pay later for mac woody, just want to say thank you for a lot of dealers do not want to be seen at this time, but what he has always been a standup guy and we have known him for a long number of years now and appreciate you taking the time and putting it out there. Gerri our great thanks to woody as well. Jeff, thank you. Appreciate your report and showing us some of these parts. Its amazing, we also have extreme sympathy over the words from woody, for all these folks dealing with this tragic. Still, a lot more to come this hour including your voice through your voices import address. Thats why during the show we went to facebook me, tweet me or send us an email. At the bottom of the hour i will read your comments and next, airlines are giving would be fires the summertime blues. Why travelers are so over flying they that they are refusing to fly at all. Stay with us. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. So i can reach ally bank 24 7 but there are24 7branches . Im sorry im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying new things . You feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Id like that. Experience a new way to bank where no branches great rates. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Gerri we comes applying americans are so bad it that theyre not find it all. The ceo of the Us Travel Association joins me now with what is firing up the fires most. This story, i had to tell you, it really blew me away and i can relate to it. What is it that is really taking people off . Why are they still hassled and frazzled . We went out and had Research Talk to thousands of flyers and asked them what bothers them and is it going to keep them from flying and its good Old Fashioned delays and hassles about cancellations. What they want is get me there and get me there in time. Gerri amen and amen. On the show folks what youre talking about, 39 of folks you surveyed said delays and cancellations are the biggest problem to read 26 said airline fees, safety was an issue for 11 and security screens for a percent. You come up with an estimation here of how many people are staying home and what the cost is to the economy. Lets first talk about how me folks are not flying are traveling . When we asked people do these delays and cancellations make you want to stay home and we extrapolate to 38 million aborted flights, what does that mean to the us economy . 35billion, what does that mean to jobs . Over half a million jobs. This is killing the economy and its out america sees each other and how they get to see america and how they do business. Gerri so, 9. 5 billion on airfare loss, sixpoint airfare on hotel lost, 5. 7 our recreation, almost four on Food Services and three on car rental, thats a big load of cash that remains unspent. How do you come up with these numbers because you are doing the opposite of what most economists do. Usually they measure activity the action happened not activity that doesnt happen. How do you come up with our . The good thing is the travel industry is thriving with almost 900 billion, but it could have another 36 billion more and we asked people, do these things keep you from flying and then you multiply the number of flyers you have and its fairly simple to us dropping like that. Challenge is we used to be the top care system in the world, now not one of our airports in america is the top 25 around the world. Gerri you have to be kidding me . Wow. Thats amazing fact. Although, when i fly sometimes i feel that we. I came into laguardia yesterday and i thought this is horrible. Lets look at exactly what we are talking about when it comes to delays. 2013 flight tracker from flights into and from the us there were over 1. 3 million delays. Cancellations, 125,000. Is this an acceptable level in your view . Absolutely not. Because those delays and cancellations translate to ulcers of things, billions of dollars lost in business productivity, missed connections that they cant make any message cruise the missing their loved ones or they miss that pitch theyre going to make for the pitch for their company. We have to get congress to act and help make our air traffic system back to number one in the world again to read focus on are in for structure. Gerri what will it say . It will take its not that hard it just takes some guts to get up and have the fortitude to say we have a challenge, this is what built america, probably 5 billion a year, but when you are losing 36 billion a year its an investment that should be made. Gerri interesting argument. Roger, thank you for coming on. We want to know what you think, heres her questions and i. Have your canceled a flight to avoid travel hassles . Log onto gerri willis. Com. And vote on the right hand of the screen we will show the results at the the the show. Coming up later in the show a look at the golfer who underwent to heart transplants on his road to the us open runnerup. Is your Retirement Savings getting rated . Next up promises a big return are leaving individual investors rolling over in their nest egg emptyhanded. Stay with us. If youve got copd like me. Hey breathings hard. Know the feeling . Copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. Spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Does breathing with copd weigh you down . Dont wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. Could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company . Thats enough time to record a memo. Idea for sales giveaway. Return a call. Sign a contract. Pick a tie. Take a break with mr. Duck. Practice up for the business trip. Fly to florida. Win an award. Close a deal. Hire an intern. And still have time to spare. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business. Built for business. Gerri well, right before your very eyes. That is opening to happening to a growing number of individual people encouraging people to Swiss Investment with the promise of big returns. How do you do it . Lets bring in brandon course so. Thank you for coming on the show. So, rollover. It is a rollover bone. Some 321 billion moving from retirement, company accounts, your retirement, to ira. And someone out there is making this a great opportunity for big fat profits. What is happening, and how our early retirees at risk . Well, there are trillions of dollars in 4o1 ks and those type of investments. Financial advisers will be compensated on managing assets. Guess what, that is the place to look, the place to go to. Too often the investor is being harmed, and what we are seeing most frequently is where a broker typically is selling something that is high risk and high commission. That is really what the investor needs to look out for the most. Gerri what kind of investments are they getting that you think people should think twice before signing the dotted line . Some of the ones that would raise a really big red flag would be a variable annuity. That makes 0. 0, but we still see it. Some of the regulators have issued warnings about this. A variable annuity is more expensive in general, and guess what, that is what an ira or 401 k already has. A variable annuity is an almost all cases a terrible idea. Municipal bonds also makes 0. 0. Taxfree interest. The ira or 401 k is taxdeferred. These are things that make no sense. A very highend upfront commission and is illiquid. Those are things to look out for. Gerri oil and gas placements were another of the investments on the list that are often badly sold, sold to the wrong people, and that is what we are talking about. Maybe some of these would make sense in different scenarios, different people, different times, but in this case when you were putting your money into an ira you need to know what you are investing in. We know that is being investigated. Is that going to be enough . Will that stop the trouble . Probably not. If you look back historic plea when any of the regulatory bodies have issued rules, it is not enough to protect consumers. First and foremost the consumer must be diligent and protect themselves. Some level of education is a good idea. There is plenty of affirmation out on the topic. Rick edelmans latest book goes into a ton of information about how to build the right portfolio the thing is, the right portfolio depends on what . The investor, the individual. Are you many years away or tomorrow . Gerri but as an individual investor, what are their red flags i am looking for . How Much Commission is too much . What are the highpressure sales tactics i should be looking out for . You know, so much of it is, quite frankly, trusting your instincts because your instinct is usually right. A big promise about a big return look, if you are a fiduciary you will be making promises because quite frankly no one knows what the future roles. A big promise or pushes a big red flag. A big upfront commission . Today there are so many alternatives and good choices. There are a lot that have no upfront cost. That is live look for first and foremost. Lastly illiquidity because, agai gerri all that means is you cant get in and out of it, right . Brandon, that means you used the word that i dont think everyone will know, illiquidity. What you mean is you cannot get in and out of it right away. If someone tells you have to sign on the dotted line and leave your money for a long time, dont go there, especially if you are on the cusp of retirement. Thank you for coming on. Thats exactly right. You should be able to sell your investment immediately. Gerri great job. Thank you. Later, howard and obamacare subsidy checkup could leave taxpayers on the hook. Celebrity financial planners, suzie warm in, she launched her Prepaid Debit Card with a ton of noise. Why is her car being discontinued with no more than a whisper . We will explain after the break. Gerri remember the suze orman Prepaid Debit Card . It was sold as a great way to build credit and manage your household budget. Suze orman used her celebrity status to haunt it everywhere, but with no explanation it has been cancelled. What happened, john . No one can get an answer. She has gone underground. I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that since hurt card was rolled out most of the large banks have now entered the Prepaid Debit Card market and, frankly, have become the big fish in a fairly small but growing pond. And their pricing structures were much more aggressive in to the friendly side and not only the card of suze orman but a lot of the other cards in the market her card was not the most egregiously priced from 80 perspective, but when you compare to some of the ones by chase there really is not a good comparison. Gerri and uni cost many times. Theyre is a sight that hawks this card still active. You can hear her pitching his car on line. You can always bank on me because i have your best interest at heart. Gerri how do you react to that today . The card pulled with no explanation. Does she have our best interests at heart . I am not sure. Ive went to the website. The link was dead. It looks like someone got to the website and kill blank where you could sign up or try to purchase a card home. The one thing that everyone should understand is there is lot of Due Diligence behind any celebrity endorsed pre purchased product. The only Financial Services products that has this long list of a and b level celebrities that have chosen to associate themselves with them. You do not see this with things like mortgages and automotive loans. So be very careful when you are buying something. It is a product. You are not applying for anything. To your Due Diligence and compare free the structures. What you will find is big banks will be much more competitive than some of these obscure debit cards. Gerri and i will show you some. We have one from justin bieber, magic johnson, the list goes on and on, the kardashian spirit and these were the early entrants. Fees were out of control. Celebrityendorsed product. They wanted to make money. Now the Playing Field is being evened by big banks coming in because they know a lot of young people like cards. Are these a good deal for young people . They are and okay deal for young people. I do not think there is any Prepaid Debit Card that meets my definition of good. There are varying degrees of bad, and cards issued by big banks are definitely on the better side of bad than the cards issued by these small, obscure, celebrityendorsed products and service providers. The fee structures are much better, but at the end of the day this is a fee to use your aftertax dollars when you can do the same thing for free just by going out and buying a traditional gift card at the mall. Or how about this, use a no annual fee credit card. If you never pay interest, it costs you a grand total of nothing. Gerri i know a lot of our viewers to exactly that. I hear from them all the time. I want to get to one other point that you and i have talked about a lot. That is Prepaid Debit Cards, do they establish credit . That was one of the promises from suze orman. Ultimately young people could build credit, get themselves known among big banks, anyone it wants to borrow from, establish credit using a Prepaid Debit Card. Does it happen . It did not happen, and early on it was the wildwild west. These were raising promises that these products will help you build credit, establish credit. It was a flatout lie. Now it is still true that prepaid cards do not need to help your credit cards and credit scores. Even the credit Industry Standard guidelines at 210 pages called the credit reporting resource guide has for bids in there that says, do not report Prepaid Debit Cards because they are not extensions of credit. Really nothing has changed. Gerri thank you. Great story. Appreciate your bringing it to us. Yes. My pleasure. Gerri now we want to hear from you. Here is what some of you are tweeting me. Have you ever canceled the flight to avoid travel hazards . We talked about it earlier. I would walk from South Carolina to california before i would fly. Are you kidding . I get away any chance i can. Posting on my facebook page, i quit flying altogether. We do not fly much. We live in the northwest, and there is literally a plethora of beautiful places to visit here. Good stuff. Next, the white house is performing a check upon who is getting an obamacare subsidy. Why are there morning said taxpayers who may be on the hook here is your consumer gauge for the numbers that matter to you and your wallet. Of more than 5 this year. We will be right back. [ male announcer ] its one of the most Amazing Things we build and it doesnt even fly. We build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrows innovators. We build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving americas veterans. Every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. Building Something Better for all of us. The numbers are impressive. Over 400,000 new private sector jobs. Making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation. With 10 Regional Development strategies to fit your business needs. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york. With the state creating dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. So i can reach ally bank 24 7 but there are24 7branches . Ork. Im sorry im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying new things . You feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Id like that. Experience a new way to bank where no branches great rates. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Gerri if you were one of those folks who thought you were getting a subsidy the help pay for a Health Care Plan on the obamacare exchange, think again. The administration is contacting hundreds of thousands of people to resolve issues concerning eligibility. Our next guest says he could wind up with a big fat bill. Yes, taxpayers could be on the hook. With details president of the American Action form. So this is amazing. 2 Million People who have different information that they submitted to the government and what the government has in its own records. How does this happen . Number one, their lives could change. It could easily be the case that you got a raise or god forbid you are making less money, got married, divorced. There are a lot of reasons why they might not match up. You may be getting the wrong amount as a subsidy, and if you are one of two things will happen. I hear you pay it back next year as part of your taxes or as history has shown its never shows up again and the u. S. Taxpayers have to write a bigger check. Gerri either way whether you are the recipient or just a taxpayer news is not good. Here is what the government is saying. The information does not match what we found in other records. Follow up as soon as possible and provide more documents. If you do not you are risking losing your coverage or help you may be receiving. How did they know . I cannot even they cannot even run the website. This is an impossible system in the best of circumstances. We have to have individual reporting where you have your income, family size, your employer has to report, match records up and get the subsidy right. That will be hard, but now wait is much worse because there are three different sets of rules, federal, state, medicaid. It has become hopelessly complex and no one will know the right answer which means next year during the Filing Season for taxes we will see a lot of problems. It will be a debacle, quite frankly. No one will be able to figure out these forms. They dont know whether they have to attach a new form to their tax return. It will be a mass, and quite frankly, i emphasized at the outset, some people will not get taxes right. It will hold up refunds and things like that. And the average taxpayer will pay one out of every 5 on this. That is a lot of money. Gerri lets look at those numbers. Obamacare subsidies to be paid out, eight in ten enrollees are eligible. Over four and half billion so far this year. A total of 900 billion over ten years. Was this suppose to be a cost curve . Alternately at the end of the day this is redounding to taxpayers. Look back. The earned income tax credit. It is simpler. And requires information on how much you made and the size of your family. The error rate in payments on that program which been around for years is about 21 . The same performance out of this, the obamacare subsidy, which means there will be 180 billion in mistaken payments over ten years, and that is ed we do as well as we did there. This is a much more complicated system. Gerri i cannot imagine it will be done well. It is the government, after all. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. Gerri coming up next, u. S. Open runner eric compton in second place, the national spotlight. We take a look at his inspirational story. Stay with us. Gerri and now on to my favorite sport, golf. Last three guy had the pleasure of attending the usda u. S. Open championship in pine hurst, north carolina. Earlier, he leads golfers were there. A professional named eric compton. He placed second and one under par but was also recovering from two heart transplants. Dr. Kevin campbell. Welcome back. This is one of the big stories of the u. S. Open, this man, this young man who had heart problems all of his life starting at the age of 12. Tell us more about his story. He is an inspirational figure for me and everyone who plays golf. Mr. Compton at age nine got a cold virus like many of us as we grow up which developed into what is called a viral myocarditis which affects the heart. The heart became weak, and he had have a heart transplant. Gerri at 12. At 12. Gerri he was already playing by that time. Exactly. And he won a scholarship to the university of georgia, was an allamerican golfer with of transplant. Imagine all of that adversity a golfer has to overcome to start with. Gerri and then he had another transplant. He did later when he was in a nationwide tour. He developed a heart attack and is transplanted heart. Six months later and roughly 2008 he had another transplants and has recovered and earned his pga card and earn his way into the u. S. Open. Gerri in did a heck of a job. I saw him play. Inspirational. I did not realize people got transplants like this. Every year in the u. S. There are approximately 2500 transplants done. Almost 3,000, 4,000 people on the list waiting every year. It is important that all of us consider Organ Donation because theyre is a shortage of organs. Every year people die on the waiting list. Gerri waiting to get a heart. How does that registration work . There is an Organ Sharing Network that shares organs among regions based upon the waiting list based on priority and based on how sick you are and other things that determine like blood type and other things. To be a donor in most states all you have to do is check a box when you get your drivers license. Gerri right. So what is next . It seems to me there would be other ways to solve this problem. This is a really exciting time in medicine. At the university of louisville researchers are using 3d printers to actually print real, working hearts. Gerri hal is that possibly going to work . In an ink jet type printer instead of inky put in stem cells that have a cellular matrix around them and you print a working hard. We have done it for wind pipes that have been successfully transplanted into children who are doing well. We have done it for skin for burn with thames at wake forest university. Gerri he think he can bill the heart. And i thing this will be something that we embrace in the next five to ten years to wear a transplant waiting lists are no longer needed and you dont have to a be on the rejection medicines because it is harvested tissue from your own body. Gerri in the meantime and tell that becomes the normal thing, what can we do to help . It is very important to make sure you are an organ donor. You can donate life, as we say. Eric compton is an amazing human being. He should inspire us to donate organs to others. One thing he says is, i want to be known as a pga golfer first and a heart transplant recipient second. Gerri they are becoming more and more common. That is for sure. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for having me. Gerri we will be right back with my 2 cents more, and our answer to the question of the date. Stay with us. [ male announcer ] if you cant stand the heat, get off the test track. 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[ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release Smartcontrol Technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. Help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. Gerri fliers are staying home because of house calls. Are you one of them . Take a delicate never cancel the flight . 26 percent said yes. 74 percent said no. Lanius decision to fly that made him the internet start he was stuck at the Las Vegas International airport overnight after being bumped from several flights. An idea struck kim how to pass the time using the iphone shot himself lipsynching to celine dion all by myself. [laughter] it is different parts of the airport to the escalator, the ladies room room, the moving walkway listen to this. Gerri is that not a brilliant . Of course, it has gone viral now celine dion herself is a fan and has invited him to airshow the next time he stops at the las vegas airport. Finally covering the hearings in depth tomorrow but until the end that is the willis report. We will see you tomorrow. Charles tonight making money the day of reckoning is coming the fed raising Interest Rates sooner rather than later. And salivating wall street. That means a lot of major reaction. In there is another moment of truth that involves the person in the mirror are you the investor or there trader . This goes to long term success and it never comes in this Straight Line so we will have a heart to heart conversation look what we started. Even a hawkins is getting into the debate

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