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Melissa it is day one of the new health care law. From the looks of it, things havent been going so smoothly. The muchhyped government exchanges debuted with major glitches with people trying to sign in and find out how much the new system would really cost them. Here to tell us firsthand how it looks from the insurers point of view, pat garity, the largest insurer of the sunshine state. Pat, do you know how many people signed up with you today . I know we had tremendous volume across all of our portals. So i dont have the final numbers but there was a tremendous amount of interest out there. Our phone calls were up. Melissa yeah. We had foilings coming into our Retail Centers at about 30 higher rates than previously. Melissa anecdotally, that is what it seemed like from here. If you look across the wires and other reporting services it showed a lot of people logging on to try to get information but getting bogged down along the way and not getting to sign up. Do you know if anyone was able to sign up . We think some people actually were able to complete the signup but what weve been trying to do is make sure were doing the job of educating because no matter where you are on the political spectrum we need to educate people so theyre making the right choices, theyre making informed choices. Over this next six months we intend to have 3,000 educational seminars at florida blue. Many of them in our Retail Centers. Many of them with agent and broker partners but making sure were educating the people of florida so they can do the best thing for them and their families. Melissa okay. Lets take that opportunity now, pat. One thing i think is so interesting, that you sell insurance on both the public and private exchange in florida. So, where am i more likely to get a better deal . Say im a 35yearold woman with three kids and trying to sign up my family, im married, where would i find a better bargain, on the Public Exchange or the private one . Lets be clear, most people dont have a choice between a private exchange and a Public Exchange. The private exchange has largely been the domain of Large Businesses who are looking to give their employees choice across a number of different insurers. So for instance, in florida, darden offered the choice of many different insurers for their employees to pick between and florida blue, as a matter of fact, enrolled 90 of the floridabased darden memberships. So we were happy to participate in that exchange an learn but their employees didnt have an option necessarily of going into the Public Exchange. The Public Exchange melissa you dont on a have an option . I thought if you didnt like the health care you were on and go over to the Public Exchange mo matter what . You may not get a subsidy but certainly anyone can go there and buy. Are you saying i have private insurance and as a result i went on Public Exchange i wouldnt be allowed to buy a policy there . I think what you find is an individual is getting a deal through their employer that has subsidy from the employer. Employers typically are buying down their employees contribution rate in their plan. Melissa so you get better deal on the private, on the private exchange . Absolutely. Melissa okay. So that is not good news for the Public People that are out there getting stuck on the Public Exchange then. Well in the Public Exchange you certainly have the opportunity to qualify for a subsidy. So, really cant judge whether its right for all people. It is your particular circumstances that matter greatly. So it depend on how old you are, the kind of benefits you have today, whether youre eligible for a subsidy. All of those things go into play to determine whether this is a good choice for you. Melissa okay. I want to play for you something the president said before and ask you to react to it on the other side. It is about what is available for a 27yearold young woman. Lets play that. If youre say, a 27yearold young woman, dont have Health Insurance, you get on that exchange, youre going to be able to purchase highquality Health Insurance for less than the cost of your cell phone bill. Melissa okay. So jd power says the average cell phone bill is 77 a month. Can you buy your insurance on your exchange, and youre healthy and less than 77 lars a month . I think biel be in close numbers there because what most people under the age of 30 looking at are catastrophic benefits. Melissa okay. That is not available for people above 30. In those benefit plans you have a lesser benefit to encourage people who are younger to get coverage through the exchange. So, those plans are far cheaper than the plans above age 30. Melissa so what is the deductible look like on that . If you pay 77 and were that woman how big the deductible would it be and what is the maximum outofpocket . Ranges obviously in those kinds of plans but youre looking at something on the order of 2500 being the out of, the outofpocket will be a factor of the deductible and the coinsurance. So theres a range of prices there but it could be as much as 4 to 5,000 outofpocket if you had an extreme evvnt. Melissa okay. Paul, that was a, pat, sorry, that was a lot of great information. Thanks so much. I hope you come back to the show. Happy to do it. Thank you. Melissa so suffice it to say not everyone is so hot on obamacare right now. We likely have a long road ahead of us before the system is a welloil machine and people exactly gnat what options are out there for them including the allimportant cash component. I want to bring back the favorite money health care expert, paul howard from the manhattan institute. What do you think of what we heard there . At love Important Information there. The online exchanges, kind of like exchanges everywhere. Not a plan to buy. All the federal exchanges were down until at least midday today. So people will have a very hard time shopping online. They will have to dial 8800 numbers. They have to go through a more complex process. Melissa a Million People go to websites at the same time, that cost cause as lot of traffic. So you give them the benefit of the doubt. At the same time, you know the head of the massachusetts plan had said if things, in fairness, they have already been through it. They said if things are not up and running and smooth by november, that is a fair timeline to say this isnt working out. What do you think . The massachusetts connector was online running without serious glitches when they wouldnt up and running. They have had three years to plan this they touted they know, how many people will be estimated come online 4 million the first day. You can test your servers beforehand, can they bear that load. Melissa it was interesting what pat said, i thought the perspective was fascinating, he sells insurance on both the public and private and it kind of told us a lot what to explain out there. He has competition on the private exchange from all kind of other insurance companies. I think only maybe one or two others that are selling on the Public Exchange. He said you will get ate per deal on the private exchange. The private exchanges have the advantage being more flexible. Employer provided insurance can design a lot of options for employees to do some. You said his plan won out. That is the advantage, you get more choice. Federal regulations and state regulations will drive up the cost of plans on the Public Exchanges. Melissa we played the sound bite from the president where he talked about the 27yearold woman could go out there and get an exchange, get an Insurance Plan list than what she say pays for the cell phone. 77 bucks. That is the average. Do you think people will likely buy that . Is that woman likely to go get catastrophic insurance . Unlikely they will find that price. Median 27yearold might make 35, 40,000. That tips out at end. I doubt many people will face the 77 plan unless theyre making close to Medicaid Eligibility type levels. Close irto 150, 200 for the bronze plan. Melissa right. Even then there is tremendous disincentive to go out and do it. If there is no preexisting condition you could wait until you have a illness and diagnosed and go back and buy the plan. Thats right. Perfect point you make, first year penalty is only 95 versus 1 of income versus thousands of dollars on outofpocket costs. A lot of people will sit on sidelines wait and see how the exchanges go or wait to see if they get sick and buy a plan. Melissa youve been studying for the long time. What grade do you give on first day. C, minus d. Melissa how come . You had so much time to prepare for this. Contractors were working two a. M. Until sunday night, ordering in pizza. Seems you knew this was coming for a long time. With this amount of attention they should have melissa technology is tough. Why didnt you get apple to work it out for them . I dont know. Look at this way. Why wait so long to the let the state exchanges make a decision whether or not they were going to run it. Why only do three years . This could have been a five or sevenyear i. T. Project. A lot of companies would say we need to plan a lot of more time than congress did. Melissa thanks for coming on. We appreciate it. Next on a money, it is lights out for the federal government but it may be the best investing opportunity youll see in years. An allstar Investor Panel tells us where the money is. Is it all a scam . Israels Prime Minister shreds irans president calling him a wolf in sheep as clothing. What is the real cost of trusting iran . One of the middle easts top experts is here next. More money coming up. We gave people a sticker and had them show us. We learned a lot of us have known someone whos lived well into their 90s. And thats a great thing. But even though were living longer, one thing that hasnt changed much is the official retirement age. The question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. To enjoy all of these years. If youve got it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and man, you know how that feels. Copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Does breathing with copd weigh you down . Dont wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. Melissa so by now youve heard the supposed bad news. The federal government has shut down. Do you really care . The political gridlock and dysfunction in washington continues to unfold. Fox newss chief washington correspondent james rosen is live in d. C. With the very latest. James, if you are a betting man, how long do you think this is going to last . Melissa, if i were a betting man i would stick to boxing and oscars, more easily handicapped stuff. One logical end point lawmakers would be eyeing right now would be the debt ceiling which expires in 16 days. Here in the nations capitol, american treasures like the National History museum, corcoran art gallery, smithsonian air and space me see up shut down along with the shatter taught of liberty in new york and departments of energy and agriculture. They reported to record voice and email messages to secure files and baton down the hatches. Vets far away from mississippi barged through a barricade were graciously admitted in. Leading vets and advocates to lament this sad day. Certainly, people being a real man about that and we have kind after hard time as you can witness here today, of our, all of us from world war ii veterans looking at our memorials and, understanding some things. This is personally upsetting because this is a decision i believe is made on politics, not on policy. This isnt about dollars and cents. The national zoo was closed and wit the nonpartisan panda cam, that welcomed the arrival of a neocon in august. Come especially for museums. I hear theyre so beautiful, big and you can see many stuff here but i heard this morning theyre closed. Theyre shut down. I heard that at the bus station. And now there is nothing to do here. We dont know what we can do. I dont think it is necessary at all for any reason. There is no reason to do this. So, especially over a bill. There is lot of other things going on in this country that, you know, separate to health care, that we need to have our government and, its, its very frustrating. The centers for Disease Control in atlanta said roughly onethird of the staff was being kept on the job. Among the effects of that would be to shift responsibility for flu monitoring to the states. Melissa. Melissa i dont know, we see a young person saying we need our government. No, no, no, we dont. Thanks, james rosen. They were saying we need your museums. Melissa i dont know. James, thanks so much. It is clear congress is trying to scare us all by the detrimental effects of the shutdown. But did you feel anything today . Me neither. Markets said they didnt feel for smart and savvy investors this could be a perfect opportunity to make some money. Here to tell you how is your allstar investing panel. Scott martin from united advisors. Leif videl and our own money making machine, charles payne. Hey, money making machine, nasdaq hit a 13year high today. Lo and behold the government shuts down and nasdaq rejoices. How is that possible . You know what . Seems to me maybe there is a little bit of a selloff leading into today the last few days. Melissa yeah. Every now and then wall street tries to nudge d. C. But there comes a point where wall street and stock market says forget about the knuckleheads. I was in cree research, up 10 bucks. It was absolute phenomenal day. People on wall street one thing they do know and get is history. These shutdowns have been moneymaking machine if there is a little bit of a blip at beginning. Melissa yeah. Scott, we want to point that out to our viewers because we dont want them to miss it. Last time the government shut down, because everybody is talking about all the damage done last time around. You have to go back and actually look at the numbers. Stocks were down about 4 on the shutdown. In the following month, after the government got back to work, they rallied more than 10 . Is there an opportunity in here . What do you think, scott . There is but to charless point, melissa, that opportunity might be slipping away here because we did have the kind of a selloff the last few days leading into this. You probably want to jump in here now. The only kind of caveat is going on the market today or going forward, melissa, is that federal reserve, the small Little Organization pumping tens of billions of dollars of equities at least into the bond market to keep rates low and money seeking stocks. If the shutdown continues for couple weeks and couple months, if it hits the economy, old uncle ben bernanke will come along and pump more money and therefore raising stock prices. At the same time we dont want to say our viewers have missed the boat because obviously stocks are back in rally mode here but we have the debt ceiling coming up. That is the next thing everyone is saying the sky is falling. If we lose the Credit Rating its a huge disaster. Arent stocks going to sell off again in anticipation of that fight . Doesnt that create another opportunity . Leif, what do you think . I dont think the government will make that mistake. I dont think that well default. I think that is not one battle well fall on the sword. Melissa well fight over the debt ceiling. Thats true but again i dont think well default. I dont think when push comes to shove, we get to the very last hour well pay our bills. Im not so worried about the market falling off, declining due to that at this point anyway. Melissa were not saying worried. Were saying opportunity as stocks go down and bounce back as we fix the problem. Chars, is there an opportunity in that one . I do and ai agree with leave. I think ultimate what happens well get the cr through, the debt ceiling through and sequestration as olive brand. They keep obamacare. Republicans particularly tea party say we fought the good fight. I caution viewers about being too cute with the market. In other words dont try to pick bottom and nuance every single news event. Tough be in the market. It is absolutely phenomenal. You talk about, melissa, 95, 96 shutdown initially the next few years the market was up 150 . Make sure you ride the trend and great companies, and own them. Melissa what is your best idea . Scott, ill start with you, what is your best idea right now . One, medical list sachs oil and gas and Energy Fracking state. All going on in dakotas and nebraska and wyoming. Fra, which is etf or mlpa. On individual stocks, we own those two by the way for our clients and portfolios. On the stock side, listen, visa, i keep talking about visa until blue in the face just like the visa cards are. I think its a great company. Cash is is so 2012. All cool people are using plastic. Vees is a company that keeps going up as the consumer bounces back. Our best idea . To charles point, we play the ball where it lies. Look at midcap and small cap stocks making new highs. Were investing in smallcap growth, midcap growth, foreign and developed markets and emerging markets. Full disclosure we own them inside the etf tactical advantage. Melissa if you recommend them i hope you own them. Charles. To scotts point, weatherford. Unconventional drilling. Breakout at 16. I think the stock will soar. Winnebago, so interesting were talking about the health care law. Old folks out there have the most money, most disposable income. Buying winnebagos. The stock broke out. Im looking for it to go north of 30. You have to love the chinese, gambling, las vegas sands. Huge holiday in macau and china. Fourth quarter im looking for gigantic move. Melissa when everyone else is afraid or even worse, bellyaching there is opportunity for the smart of you out there. Thanks to all of you. Next on money, Israels Benjamin Netanyahu coombs out swinging at iran. A new report shows out how much damage is doing to his company. Netanyahu says the push to get them lifted is all a ruse. Is he right . One of the regions top experts, tells us the cost of trusting the regime. Do you ever have too much money . Um. Wheres mrs. Davis . She took an early spring break thanks to her double miles from the capital one venture card. Now what was mrs. Davis teaching . Spelling. Thats not a subject, right . I mean, spell check. Thats a program. Algebra. Okay. Persons a and b are flying to the bahamas. How fast will they get there . Dont you need distance, rate and. No, all it takes is double miles. [ all ] whoa. Yeah. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one venture card. Youre the worlds best teacher. This is so unexpected. Whats in your wallet . You know how painful heartburn can be. For fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. Only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up relieving the pain quickly. Try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. K that way with health care. With unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, Treatment Options and cost estimates, so we can ke Better Health decisions. Thats health in numbers. Unitedhealthcare. Israel will not allow iran to get nuclear weapons. If israel is forced to stand alone, israel will stand alone. Yet instanting alone, israel will know that we will be defending many, many others. Melissa strong words from israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at u. N. Today, calling to keep sanctions going against iran. Even tough toughening the sanctions in need be. He also warned trusting rouhani and the regime despite the recent Charm Offensive the past week saying the cost could be catastrophic. Walid phares is here with more. Thanks for coming back to the show. How did you interpret what netanyahu said there. That is key sentence. It is not israel very nervous about the Iranian Regime and about our engagement now. Which is the whole region not spiking out loud as israelis are. It is saudi arabia. Kuwait, u. A. E. , jordan and turkey. All the countries mostly arab and sunni countries are nervous that iran now is unleashed alone against them. Melissa what do you think, what has changed . Are you saying that they put a new face on things and that Hassan Rouhani is out there looking very friendly and we shouldnt trust that or what is it exactly that has changed . What is the region nervous about, the fact that they know irans regime did not change. That the regime is moving forward and penetrating iraq as we said yesterday and hezbollah and syria and threatening the gulf. But on the other hand, they see that the administration, the u. S. Administration is giveing a lot of credibility to the socalled moderate voice of rouhani. So there is sort of a disconnect between the region, the arab states, israel on the one hand and the United States on the other hand. Melissa even got personal. He talked about knowing Hassan Rouhani when he was the head of National Security in iran and he wrote an article, saying this is how you fool the west. It is very similar to what he is doing right now. He made annalgy. Listen to this. Ahmadinejad was a wolf in wolfs clothing. Rouhani is a wolf in sheeps clothing. A wolf who thinks he can pull the eyes, the wool over the eyes of the international community. elissa what do you think everyone sitting in the audience there at the u. N. , what do you think they were thinking when they heard that . Well the iranians were not there. Some who are antiisrael are there. Everybody else was saying oh, boy, this guy rouhani is now, we are engaged with or the United States is engaged with, was the head of the Intelligence Security terrorist operations against so many countries in the region and he has not changed. The problem is not that he was violent and he has changed. He was violent and he did not send the right signals he has changed. We dont see reforms taking place inside iran. We dont see him, for example, appointing new reformists in the position. That is why the israelis are nervous and arabs are nervous and Many Americans in congress as well. Melissa how many people do you think it is really fooling . We had ambassador bolton at the beginning of the week on the show. Said very much the same thing. Anyone that knows rouhanis past this is the way he plays things. He has a smile and has a Charm Offensive. Kt mcfarland said the same thing. I heard it on other networks. Do you think it is working to be so charming or people realize this is the flipside of trying to the got very same thing. Let me tell you who is he trying to fool . Not the arabs in the region. Not the israelis. Not the turks. Not the majority in the United States congress. Not even the administration. The agency knows, our agencies knows there is constituency the administration is trying to convince were making progress, that were getting close to iran. We dont need to deploy. Lets go to domestic politics. That is the equation mr. Rouhani is bringing to washington politics unfortunately. Melissa to bring it full circle from where we started. What is the cost of having is trail addressing the israel addressing the situation on their own . That is the promise netanyahu said, if we stand alone we will deal with this. What does that mean . Israelis everyone knows have to do an action on iran. It wont be a full reaction. Iran will respond f iranians will entire impacted economy. And we will have to pay 10 times more if we dont do it right now. Melissa were a show about money. Walid phares, thanks for coming on. Thank you. Melissa money has been flying around the world today. Last months mall attack will cost the country up to quarter after billion dollars in tourism revenue. That is according to new estimate by moodys. Tourism makes up 14 of kenyas gdp t employs 14 of the its workforce. The mall assault left 16 people dead. Moving on to egypt, chaos with a Major Economic blow. Its economy will come in well below government forecasts. It will close 2 5 of what is was before Hosni Mubaraks outs sister in 2011. The tourist industry, once the backbone of egypts economy. It has plummeted to levels not seen in years. On to the united kingdom. Caught redhanded, six men were busted for committing card with fraud with carbon credits. Using dummies businesses they fleeced 18 million from the british government. Carbon crime doesnt pay. Come on next on money, one of the sport as greatest institutions gets sold. The Harlem Globetrotters have been sold. Maybe the Washington Generals will have a chance to win now. The new chief of the globetrotters joins us exclusively. He joins us what is next for the franchise. Piles of money. Go ahead, show us. No, no. There are cameras over here. Dont get crazy. Well be right back. Melissa they still got game. The Harlem Globetrotters are coming off of their best taurine year ever. Now they have new owners believe today persian Family Entertainment announcing its acquisition of the famously fun Football Players with some experts have valued at up to 100 million. Here in a fox business exclusive , entertainment ceo john mandy in harlem bill globetrotter ceo. Great to have the above on the shelf. I was surprised to read their revenue for the fiscal year is a 30 percent compared to five years ago. Five years is very popular. It was only a live event. The only way they did get the fans was one time. They want to come in droves. Melissa what is the interactive up a genetic . Tv, the today show, espn, online. We have a tremendous youtube following. We have the score on line of 89, which i am told is larger than kim kardashian. Melissa that is important. A whole new generation of fans who like the glow travis for themselves. They like todays verse is the ones that are nostalgic based. Melissa what do you think makes this modern . You think of it as an oldfashioned brand. I have to say, my husband told me he bought tickets. I thought, that is, you know, not the modern thing to do. I even going to be entertained . They went and got it was hysterical. Theyre three and six years old. How do you keep it modern . We are very excited to have the globetrotters. A fantastic brand. See your point is a modern product. If you go see you will answer your are question. It is a dynamic entertaining, a very wholesome product. And kirk and his team have done a fantastic job to make it relevant, not only in the Entertainment Experience that you see, but also some of the causes that they reinforce like anti obesity and also the entire building campaigns. Those topics make it relevant to. Melissa abbey road from here . That is always a challenge when you do a buyout. What is the opportunity theyre missing . It sounds like they have grown so much and then some many things. Whats left . That is a great question, but there arent many aborigines. 160 markets. Many of the venues, even though they have increased attendance, as he said, there are so a lot of empty seats in the ring is that could be filled. We can fill up every arena with better marketing and more efficient marketing. Also, Huge International opportunity. China is one example. A huge basketball country. No presence really from the globetrotters of any great degree. So we do see opportunities internationally. It is a very good fit for us, both companies are very focused on wholesome, generation of entertainment. Melissa it has been a tough time. Tremendous value. And now that is what youll say, but tickets at 30. We went. It is an expensive proposition. It is a tough economy. Hal is the consumer responding . We grew throughout the recession and sort of zigged when everyone else at. It is a guaranteed great time for the family. Melissa to people buy less once they get in there . Were coming once a year. It is an event. If youre trying to cut back, you might not go away for three days, not tow restaurant, but when we put a smile and everyones face worldwide. We are guaranteed great time. So when we come, you will come. We have seen the last four years is our jersey sales in the arena have tripled because people are more interested in todays players. They want to if your parent and your kid is not really into the brand, media with buying imagine dollar headband, but jersey sales are through the roof because the kids want to buy tnc in bulk. Melissa it is tough to stay know. I have to ask you on this day, you have an enormous company, 26 properties in ten states, 10,000 employees. How has the change in Health Care Landscape changed within your company . You doing anything differently . We are still waiting for all of the final decisions to be made and obamacare, but we have plans in place to react to a lot and certainly far fulltime employees it wont affect them much, but we will have new health care in place for seasonal employees who qualify. We are on top of it, ready no matter which with the ruling goes, were kind of waiting to see. Melissa to you think you have to cut hours jack we will not change our culture. As with the globetrotters, the culture is important. Our culture is important as well and how we treat people. We will not allow and cut ours. We will do what we need to do to satisfy the guest. That costs us more money, we will do that. We are managing very, very carefully. A lot of our parks, frankly, so seasonal that there not even qualify. Melissa have you seen our stage manager with the ball doing his thing . What do you think . Thats not bad. That was something. Come on. Do you have a job for him . One of our guys as the guinness book of World Records for spinning the ball on his nose. Can you do in onion as . Melissa on your nose . Of god that was a good effort. Im not sure this is wholesome entertainment right now. Melissa im not willing to let him go. Worked up perfectly for both of us. Thank you. Congratulations on your deal. Much success. Thank you for having us. Melissa next on money, lost three top ceos me with the president tomorrow. Will they let him have it over the government shut down, the debt ceiling fight . Fox business Charlie Gasparino dear reader who else. Here with all of the inside details. The end of the day it is all about basketball. I r there are no branches . 24 7. Im sorry, im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying new things . Look mommys new vacuum cat screech you feel that in your muscles . Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Id like that. A new way to bank. A better way to save. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedesbenz has pioneered many breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in design. Breakthroughs in safety. In engineering. And technology. And now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. Introducing the cla. Starting at 29,900. Customer erin swenson900. Ordebut they didnt fit. Line customers not happy, im not happy. Sales go down, im not happy. Merch comes back, im not happy. Use ups. They make returns easy. Unhappy customer becomes happy customer. Then, repeat customer. Easy returns, im happy. Repeat customers, im happy. Sales go up, im happy. I ordered another pair. Im happy. both im happy. Im happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy happy. I love logistics. Melissa the markets seemed to be unaffected by the government shut down. Banks are spooked by the government lately. Warning of dire consequences and the global economy. If theyre is a default on our debt president obama will be meeting with some of the most influential wall street ceos to mark as the country braces itself for the quickly approaching the ceiling. What will come to the meeting . Why are bankers so concerned . Our very own Charlie Gasparino is here with the inside story. A lot of questions. This meeting tomorrow. Who is going, what is supposed to be about . Reporter they are all going to. Her nose. Given all the pressure that they are under. Melissa his car might break down. He can fly privately prices dog might urinate on his suit and prevent tampering going. I have no idea. He is on the list. All the major ceos on the list. My guess is they will go. This is the point, i think, if they will make a point, most of them when you talk to their aides privately will tell you that this is a follow up with the president. The president is running them down there. There will be good guys, not their heads, said the politically correct thing spirit there not going to attacks. Melissa which is what . We cant afford to default. Come on. Get on board. Melissa come on, get on board, and basically give the president what he wants, support from the fat Cat Community for his side of this showdown. But heres an interesting thing. We also pushed these guys. And you ask them what they are concerned about. They will tell you the government shut down its kind of a nonissue. We should point out that the twitter ipo will be okay. If they won it filed this week, they will. The sec is staffed up for the next couple of weeks be read in the near term, you know, the functions of austrian government will go on. That part is funded for the read what theyre worried about, and this is where maybe something might come out of this meeting, they are really worried about the defaults. In the past it was always that the radical worry. You dont raise the debt ceiling, we will default on our debt. This, it is different this time. I get the sense from talking with people and senior people very close to these ceos, there is a real worry about the, a default is no wonder theoretical. Melissa with less than 10 percent is what a bunch of experts as saying. Melissa that is what theyre saying. We should point out, 10 percent, say its 9 percent, thats more than theoretical. That is one in ten chance that we could default. If he knew there was a 110 chance, if you knew there was a 110 chance that if you got on a plan was going to crash, would you give on the plan . And just telling you, this is more than theory. This is where they think these two sides activists, very radicalize republicans on one hand in a very radicalized presence on the other. And in mobile objects. Melissa but its not going to help. Well, this is what they think will happen. If they can pound on the notion avoided default means, even if it helps the president. The financial markets, let me tell you something. I talked to a lot of people about this. There is sort of like a bizarre notion up there among people, smart people, reporters from as far commentators. So what if we miss one payment. By the way, we miss one payment, credit defaults swaps, which are insurance contracts, they have to make good on all of that. Billions of dollars. That is an aig situation. You could have a repetition of lehman brothers. Melissa as always, thank you so much. All right. Up next on money, how do you say goodbye to accompany you have worked hard for for 30 years . If you are Steve Ballmer you move your mind. The gets his hands on his epic farewell to microsoft employees. Lets just say he is probably jealous. We have an all in spare change. You can never have too much money apparently. My customers can shop around see who does good work and compare costs. It doesnt usually work that way with health care. But with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, Treatment Options and estimates for how much ill pay. That helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. I dont like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. Innovations that work for you. Thats health in numbers. Itedhealthcare. Thank you. Melissa oh, man. Melissa that was microsoft former ceo Steve Ballmer giving his exit speech to his Company Courtesy of the verge. He bid farewell to 10,000 microsoft employees last week with jeers and high fives and fest bounds. Hes all choked up. He has a history of prison performances. This will be his last at microsoft. He walked off the stage, his favorite song, time of my life. Come on. Obviously the whole thing was sponsored by highlighted. I mean, what do you think . Well, he used the word its funny, because the use the word in a bar. Several times. There has always been something a little inappropriate. Another movie napoleon dynamite. Disney remind you of it . It just does not get it. I know hes a nerd. Melissa it was more likely dagga. In the arena with everyone. And hes saying things like so could then. Its your boss out there. Hes making a rare when cheer for him. A great number two. He never had charm school. He knows that is the reality. We have to give him some credit for revenues almost doubling for the 12 years that he was ceo position. At the same time, the stock has languished. Although, i would add that is that is a problem and the fact that people are using pcs a more . That would be his problem. Melissa you have to watch this. I think the question really is, is he crazy . Ac a lunatic . You have to watch this. Hes just a nerd. Remember, he goes back to 1980, roommates with bill gates at harvard university. The only thing missing was no woman jumping into his arms from the movie and it was from. Melissa i dont know. This looks like there was medication needed here. He has sold. Melissa and irina with all your employees to sit there and cheer for you is youre saying, you know, people, soak it in. Most of us know enough to keep some of that inside. He doesnt. Melissa and the shirt. Great job. I dont know. Thats my verdict. Up next, who made money today . He just scored more than 700 million today as a result. We have the answer right after this. You can never have too much money. You cant have too much Steve Ballmer. 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This was a lower tip led to enforcement action, i would hope 14 million. A percent of what was recovered in investor funds. And wasting the money, two dozen couples about to get married, the government shut down silencing their wedding bells. There were planning to tie the knot and Washington National mall. Now its closed. Poor things. Some couples even made there plans years in advance and now they are all scrambling to make new plans. Thanks. Thats all we have for you. We have you made money today. We will see you back here tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. The willis report is next. Gerri hello, everybody. And gerri willis. Welcome to a special edition of the willis report. Ready or not, obamacare begins today. A new Health Care Exchanges get off to a bumpy start with widespread problems across the country. Five times more users than had ever been on medicare at one time. Gerri a tough time getting information, getting help, and getting on line despite all of the assurances from the government. People cannot line for the first time, like it plans. Gerri and questions remain, even if the law takes full effect, who gets the billions of dollars in free money subsidies . We are w

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