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embarrassment to the republican party. she has become a one-woman carnival cruise. go out and have a great tuesday folks. come back and see us again tomorrow morning. [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. pardon us while we do our usual l.a. talk. cold water canyon -- >> oh, my god. >> stephanie: i had to go north to go south. >> what are you doing here? >> stephanie: jacki schechner feels our pain now because she has to drive here. >> it's a much longer commute for me and when there's a small closure, it throws everything off. >> stephanie: we have former porn star, traci lords on she was raped in stubenville as a teenager. and she has been awesome talk about this stubenville rape cases. and she has a song. >> that's right, "stupidville." >> stephanie: that's right. and here she is in cap pain america's underpants jacki schechner. >> good morning, supreme court in italy has ruled that amanda knox should be tried for the murder of her roommate. they still think knox and her former boyfriend killed he roommate in italy even though another man separately has been convicted of the crime. we don't know the details for another few weeks, but she can be tried in absen sha, meaning she does not have to go back to italy. today the justices will hear arguments over the meaning of marriage. who couples have challenged proposition 8 saying not allowing gays and lesbians to participate in the very distinct institution of marriage violates their guarantee of' kwal protection under the constitution. >> stephanie: damn skippy. >> there are a few possible outcomes today, one go with the administration's suggestion the supreme court require that states that allow same-sex legal unions extends all of the benefits of marriage to those couples only withholding the word marriage itself. same-sex couples have a constitutional rights in all 50 states, the gay marriage issue should be left up to the states or avoid making a decision all together. we're back after the break. ♪ billy zane stars in barabbas. coming in march to reelz. to find reelz in your area, go to the grand canyon cactus flower has a subtle yet invigorating scent and can take 10 years to bloom. so at air wick, we waited. crafted by our expert perfumers for your home. air wick cactus flower and warm breeze is part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance. [♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. wow, what are the answers traci lords on the "stephanie miller show" show and oral arguments at the supreme court. >> oh stop it. >> stephanie: it's a big day in the usa. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. oh, my god, jacki schechner's shirt makes her eyes look amazing. [ applause ] >> stephanie: we have charlie pierce and we have traci lords at the bottom of the hour -- >> at the bottom. >> stephanie: stop it jim. get it all of your system. >> she has a new song. >> okay. >> take it from the top. >> stephanie: she talks about the bias about you talking about issues, and she was raped in stubenville, ohio and that was in here book that she talks about her whole life path being affected that way. >> i'm going to state takes some guts to come out and speak to publicly about this especially given her history. >> stephanie: she talks about being labelled a slut after it happened, and the story is kind of incredible. she was telling her mother about it, and her mother said me too. >> we should ask her, i think there was is probably a culture -- >> stephanie: yeah, what is going on in stubenville. >> it is probably a lot of small towns around the country, where there is this celebrated culture of athletes that are protected if there's some sort of bad behavior that is protected on behalf of the football or basketball team. >> because they don't want to give the team a disadvantage. >> yes. >> stephanie: has there been some people rallying to protect the football players -- >> that was a big problem at cnn in the courtroom, pap pi harlow was saying the boys lives have been affected. >> she did take exception toward people thinking she was biased towards the men. >> inot when you come out saying their lives were ruined -- >> without barely mentioning the victim in the case. >> stephanie: jim we talked about this with penn state -- totally different scandal -- >> yeah, got to protect the athletics. >> stephanie: football is like a religion in this country. >> right. and the athletic departments are an easier way to bring notoriety and money on the school. >> stephanie: traci has been really compelling just talking about how the guys were carrying her around like a pig -- >> the girl who was raped. >> stephanie: yeah, not traci lords thank you. thank you for your journalistic acumen. >> a little clarity was necessary there. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: traci lords was being carried around -- no! thank you for that jacki schechner. it is a huge day, jim. huge. >> huge! >> stephanie: huge! at the supreme court. we'll talk to charlie pierce and others about that. jim, speaking of which -- [♪ "jeopardy" theme music ♪] >> stephanie: there is a theme today. who said -- this is rewarding -- you know -- who said that's that is what is truly remarkable about this aura. this country has experienced a profound social evolution when it comes to gay and lesbian people. who said that? >> charles nelson riley. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: that was a really good guess, but no. frank bernie in the "new york times" in a fabulous place. we should have some supremes today. how about stop in the name of love. [♪ "jeopardy" theme music ♪] >> stephanie: i just called an audible -- >> you know who did stop in the name of love at her concert? linda carter. >> stephanie: oh, i missed it. >> she did her own interpretation of it. >> stephanie: i heard she was so great. >> she was terrific. and so gracious and so kind and mary hart was here -- >> stephanie: oh, my god that's too much loveliness and perkiness in one room. >> did anybody get a seizure from mary hart's voice. >> stephanie: stop it. >> no she was so beautiful and lovely and even toned. >> stephanie: and now back to the countdown. thank you for that little interlude jacki. wow, we rel -- momma's got it. jim -- [♪ "jeopardy" theme music ♪] ? >> hum? >> look alive. >> stephanie: the buildup to the supreme court hearings have [ inaudible ] proclamations of solidarity issued by dozens of athletes, tech giants, retailers, airliners, somewhere along the way standing up for gays and lesbians has become the thing to do. who said that? >> [ inaudible ]. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: no. >> i have never seen a harlem shake video nor have i heard the song -- >> stephanie: could everybody keep their arms and legs inside of the feature at the same time. >> you don't even know what it is? >> stephanie: no. >> how is that possible? do you people live under a rock? >> google harlem shake -- >> stephanie: if i have to pull this show over. seriously. >> all right. focus. focus. [♪ "jeopardy" theme music ♪] >> stephanie: now with added non-sequiters. jim who said the trajectory is undeniable the trend line is clear and the choices before the justices is whether to be hand made in history or to sit it out. who said that? >> marcus bachmann? >> no [ inaudible ]. who frankly they should stop in the name of love don't you think? ♪ stop in the name of love before you break my heart ♪ >> stephanie: you folks in radio land are missing all of the choreography. >> was that your harlem shake video? what was that? >> stephanie: it was the lame ass white girl dance. >> stephanie: you know what show does bring all of the boys and girls to the yard? sexy liberal? >> all hail the segue. >> stephanie: john and jane i was the old bald guy that you allowed after your permission to grab your ass. you don't have to ask -- >> nice of him to narrow it down. >> stephanie: which cheek? >> no witch bald guy. >> stephanie: it ain't no thang. did i just say no thang? i felt bad about the harlem hip thing. >> oh, my god, you need to get out more. >> stephanie: i'm the molly sharon character trying to be the hip mom. >> you are thinking kathleen kim. >> stephanie: exactly. >> who? >> it was a sitcom -- >> stephanie: also played by amy poehler in -- what movie am i thinking of? >> mean girls? >> stephanie: right. right before she takes the rat mask off. >> smurfet. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: jeff cirillo my buddy, my pal are one of the proponents in the prop 8 case. >> the term marriage is global. no one celebrates a domestic partnership-verasry. >> yeah, that's clunky. sandy stooer also close personal friend -- >> they have eaten at your house. >> stephanie: right. >> i don't see how our getting married would impact anybody else's marriage negatively in any way. >> stephanie: they are the oldest most boring married couple ever. [ applause ] >> so are paul and jeff. >> i think straight people are doing a good job of ruining marriage all by themselves. >> it's true. i've done it twice. well i'm still in the second one. >> you have been married twice while the next of us have been married nunce. >> stephanie: grand total of zero! [ applause ] >> computer says zero. >> stephanie: jim, you are holding up the fort here for family values. >> that's right. >> stephanie: we were having a go to my pc and we said jim can with peek into your tranquil married life. >> wow just as boring as my life. [ wah wah ] >> stephanie: that was really also a seamless segue. >> wow she worked that sponsorship in there. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: you know what this ain't my first time at the radio. here is the thing go to my pc keeps this whole claptrap together because who wants to drive, as we mentioned cold water canyon is closed people. if you are not from l.a. just trust us. it's bad. can i get to the actual -- >> sure, go ahead. >> stephanie: you can use your smartphone, your tablet now your downtime is your new uptime. you can work from literally everywhere. even the 405. >> and you can pretend you're in culver city. >> stephanie: right. actually get work done while you waiting. it is the missing link you can edit or send any file plus easy to use. kind of key for me. just learned how to send a link. tomorrow we look on email signatures. roland knows he has to be tech support, just stay on the phone, what? left or right click. >> somebody sent me a cocktail weanny, i don't think that's what they went my a link. >> stephanie: go to my pc try it for free. the pro foe code is stephanie. 19 minutes after the hour right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> this is too weird man. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ than vacuuming alone. leaving you with a carpet that's truly fresh and clean. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ i hear the secrets that you keep, when you're talking in your sleep ♪ >> stephanie: all right. that's enough of everybody's disastrous personal life. everybody look alive. it went from marriage into the lonely heart's club into -- >> yeah. >> stephanie: i am the only one that has no room to talk about anything. every time i try to give advice you are like ah-bah-bah -- >> you have no room to give advice. >> i'm fine. >> yeah because you are married. >> stephanie: we don't have marriage equality, but we have loser equality. >> and we are all equals there. >> stephanie: we are all winners, really. [ applause ] >> segue out of that one. >> stephanie: right. let me climb out of this ditch now. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. traci lords is coming up at the bottom of the hour to talk about the stubenville rape case. jim are you ready to be blinded by science. >> sure. ♪ science ♪ >> stephanie: we believe in science here and also weirdly, emails because it involves the jar of hearts. ♪ no, i can't take one more step ♪ >> oh, god, not this song. >> who is this? lana del ray. >> no. christina perry. >> and you are -- >> no this was a big song. >> stephanie: what i do use for the national scientific journal? no i use noses. science -- scientists can grow noses on the human heart. bitter party of two? can we have a table? >> i have been here a day and a half and i'm already in tiers. ♪ the ice inside your soul ♪ >> i can kerry has a jar [ inaudible ]. >> stephanie: gawker writes why get a kidney off the black market when you can grow one in a jar. bioengineered noses -- been there, done that and parts of human hearts build organs for transplants. why wait for people to die just to get their organs. here is the awesome science part patients wouldn't be subject to the dangerous process of getting -- i'm going to say rejection -- and i'm sorry, please don't cry -- >> i'm fine. >> stephanie: the transplants were built with the patient's own cells. >> that's pretty awesome. ♪ with the ice inside your soul don't come back to me ♪ >> stephanie: this is an abby normal brain. >> you brought me an abnormal brain! >> stephanie: yeah. oh, we don't have that one. >> no that's the only line from young frankenstein we don't have. >> stephanie: the doctor said during the operation [ mumbling ] . >> put the candle back. >> stephanie: it didn't have any connection, i just like that line. second science fact -- we're taking a brief pause between heavy subjects. jim don't be alarmed, vial of deadly virus goes missing from texas lab. [ screaming ] >> stephanie: officials say a vial containing a virus that can cause hemorrhagic fever has gone missing. >> that's like ebola. >> stephanie: they say there's no reason to believe there's a threat to the public. >> oops. hemorrhagic fever. [ giggling ] >> stephanie: there's no reason to believe there is a threat to the public -- i would say the first part of the sentence would say there is a reason. was no breach of security and no indication of wrongdoing officials continuing the missing vial was destroyed during the lab's cleaning process. hate when that happens. >> what the housekeeper knocked it over with a mop? >> stephanie: yeah, and just cleaned it up with pinesol. >> liesol kills 99.99% of germs. >> that's the one it doesn't get. now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? ♪ >> if there's one way to get the truth out, it's -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. thirty-four minutes after the hour. jacki you and hal talked about this last -- week. the stubenville case is particularly -- just awful. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and i was saying -- i saw traci lords on television, who is amazingly articulate about all of this. and i did not know the connection. i did not know she was raped as a teenager. let's listen to a little bit. ♪ running with the crazies my whole life ♪ ♪ i been pushing up the daisy's and still all right ♪ ♪ i been promising the diamonds to myself ♪ ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ ♪ hanging on me ♪ ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ ♪ it's a fire drill ♪ ♪ out in stupidville ♪ >> stephanie: wow. traci lords joining us now. good morning, traci. >> good morning, stephanie. >> stephanie: thanks so much for coming on with us. >> i'm pleased to. i love a woman with a big mouth and you have got one. >> stephanie: jim you heard that one right there. >> i didn't say anything. >> you have some serious fire, and i appreciate that. >> stephanie: this can't be easy. you are saying this happened -- you grew up and stubenville and were raped there as a 10 year old. >> yes, it is definitely not something pleasant to talk about. i kept getting tweets and different emails and things and social media from friends and many, many fans and i was quiet about it at first, because i was gathering my thoughts, and i was so stunned because it is my hometown when i was 10 it also happened to my mother when she was a teenager and i was trying to figure out what to say and how to state, because whenever you are a public person you speak out about anything as you probably know, people attack you. >> stephanie: we'll share hate mail sometime. >> exactly. i have a great family a great career, and all of that stuff, to go back and revisit this was just like a great big ick. but i started talking about it and the first thing that happened was i tweeted roseanne barr who has been incredibly active on this front and said you know what i was raped in stubenville, i was born and raped there, and that's how i did her show, and it just snowballed. and i felt like as an artist how can i help get this out here. and when you run out of words, music is an excellent way to spread the word so i wrote "stupidville," and we put it together and within two weeks recorded it. put this video together and it's up on youtube and my site traci, and it's not for sale but you are listen to it and share it for free and hopefully it will make people pay at attention. >> stephanie: i have to admit when chris said traci lords, you think the former porn star but you write so clearly about how this changed the trajectory of your life forever. you realize how even more horrible this is than when you first hear the story, right? >> absolutely. and on that note i think that it has been really difficult watching people sympathize with these rapists, while i can understand that there's a sadness of any child any young person making a mistake so grand that they have ruined their life, but where the sympathy should be is with this poor girl. she is the one that was given the life sentence. and i feel that way as well. i have done so much in my career. i have won awards for acting i have a double platinum album, but people still remember that period. there is a stigma attached to that violence, they really put the victim on trial. >> stephanie: you talk about your birth name was nora and you were called nora horra after this happened. and you said my identity was established. >> i think so. i think rape is -- it is goble. it is absolutely goble. it is a sickness that is -- i think is everywhere. it's in our military. you think about what is going on -- what happened with this poor woman in india with the crime getting on a bus with a friend and ends up dead -- >> stephanie: i was just going to say i have a friend making a film in india right now, and i read statistic that a woman is raped something like every ten minutes in india. >> it's crazy. and there are a lot of statistics in the video for stupidville, and it really blows your mind. the -- one of them is that 54% of people that are raped never report it. i was one of those. because you are so afraid that that person will come back. it really -- there's just -- the violence that people -- i don't necessarily know that they get how deep that is and how scary that is. >> stephanie: and tracy you speak with such empathy about this young girl. look at this age of social media now. she doesn't even know what happened until the next morning when he is saw texts and photos on facebook and twitter. can you imagine? >> i can't imagine. vap a horrible horrible thank that happens, but when it happens to a child it is even worse, because they don't know what to do with it. and there's that deep level of shame, and to have her picture plastered everywhere. when i heard this happen i kept thinking where are the parents? it's just -- the fact that they took her party to party, and there were all of these people that could have intervened at anytime, and no one did. and interestingly enough that's why the course of my song -- it's a fire drill. because you are told to scream fire not to scream rape because if you scream fire they may help you, and if you scream rape they turn the other way. >> stephanie: yeah what happened to a society where you go there is somebody that is incapacitated let's help her. you described they carried her from party to party like a pig. >> yeah, it engaged me. it brought tears to my eyes and i thought my god, if that were my daughter. if we don't start talking to my kids and tell them we have to empower our daughters and teach our sons that if for no reason this is wrong -- guess what, you are not going to get to play football anymore. if they are no moral compass, they can't understand that it's not okay to hurt other people. you don't want to ruin your life. i remember when the boys were crying, and people were like these poor poor boys and i just thought are you kidding me? they are crying because they got caught. i didn't cry for them. i just thought -- and now with the one boy's lawyer -- the idiot that was on piers trying to slut chain me because he had nothing better to say with him getting up there saying his frontal lobe wasn't fully formed, and you are right, but at 5 years old,sy teach my son that you shouldn't throw sand because it could hurt somebody. they should know that it is a bad idea to urinate on somebody, or leave them passed out in a car, and this is not a good thing. >> stephanie: traci is there something different about stubenville -- one of the most stunning things about your story, was when you told your mother, she said i was too. >> well, it's a dead town. there's -- there's nothing -- you know, people are mostly out of work it's very poverty stricken the only thing they really have is football. it's very macho sport. you don't hear about the chess club raping girls. there's a certain kind of aggression that comes with that -- >> stephanie: right. and we were talk about that how we glorify football in this country. >> professional football players, it's your job to hurt people. >> stephanie: traci, it's jacki, i think you can speak specifically to this too. i think the nature of porn gnawingfy now because it is so prevalent, and i think it has become increasingly degrading to women, that it has shaped the way young men think about women. do you think that has changed or the accessibility of porn gnawingfy on the internet has made it more acceptable for young men to behave this way? >> i do think so. because this is the first generation that is growing up with webcams and the access to the internet, and all of that and what does it do to their mines. i can't help but think where pornography has gone today. we're not talking about love vignettes here we're talking about gang rape being depicted and women being completely degraded, so if you are a child and you are growing up with this, and you are watching it in your bedroom, and the woman in the bedroom is saying no jno, no, but she really means yes, yes, yes is there maybe some -- it's part of the game you really want it? i don't know. it seems like that doesn't help the case. i think that the best thing that we can do as conscious human beings, if you feel like me that it does influence it then don't buy it. if there was no market for it then they wouldn't be making it anymore. >> stephanie: speaking of happy endings, my favorite thing i read is you have tomcome to terms with your past and married a wonderful man and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. that made me cry. and thank you for speaking out on this, and lot letting anybody slut shame any of us anymore. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> wow. >> we put a video up on your facebook page. >> stephanie: that was an excellent question jacki schechner. >> thank you. >> stephanie: those are her journalistic stripes she is wearing today. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> this was so funny in my head when i planned it. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. why do we clean? to help keep our homes healthy. but not all cleaners are equal. at lysol, we go beyond cleaning, we call it healthing. healthing is killing germs, and having more cleaning power than bleach without the harshness. it's being the #1 pediatrician recommended brand. and sharing healthy habits in 65,000 schools. so, stop just cleaning. start healthing. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ ♪ if you like pina coladas, if you're not into -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ -- if you have half a brain ♪ >> stephanie: this hour of the "stephanie miller show" brought to you by go to i want you to try go to my pc free for 45 days with this special offer, click on the try it free button and enter the promo code stephanie. charlie pierce of esquire coming up next. a lot of people with thoughts about traci lords and the stew benville stays. chad in illinois. hey, chad. >> caller: hey, steph. love you guys. love the show. >> stephanie: thank you. go ahead. >> caller: i just wanted to thank anonymous for shedding light on the subject there in stupidville, if it weren't for anonymous i probably wouldn't have found out about that whole rape case, and i also wanted to say i have two young boys one is four and one is ten, and i'm raising my boys to make sure that they have respect for themselves, respect for women, hopefully they will become good productive members of society, and i don't know i just -- you know i tell my oldest son >> stephanie: tressy brought up a good point. are we at that point where we have to debate whether a young boy things it right or wrong to pee on a young girl that is passed out. >> caller: yeah they should know that at kindergarten, and good for her for coming out as well. i love the show, and my sons love singing the song that you guys have on when you start the show -- >> stephanie: good. all right. that's somewhat disturbing. thank you chad. right up until that point i thought he was a really good parent, but -- ♪ i'm walking on sunshine well ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, well ♪ ♪ i'm going to feel good ♪ ♪ wow ♪ >> stephanie: and i then i would just stop there. >> hi stephanie miller. >> hi stephanie miller. >> stephanie: okay. carolyn in ohio. >> caller: i wanted to touch on kids and soesh medial -- medial -- socialal media, and one kid harassed a teacher, which was me and we also had a girl performing oral sex on a boy, in one of the school stair wells, and he took a picture of it and tweeted it. our big problem is what do we have to tell these kids -- why do they think it's okay to take pictures of stuff like this or to say anything they want on these social media sites? they don't get it? and we're -- it's just a dilemma. we don't know what to say to these kids to get them to understand -- >> stephanie: besides the obvious horror of it you go are kids even stupider? because that's evidence. >> caller: you wonder yeah. you wonder sometimes. and i mean i was scared when this happened. i had to go to a counselor and everything, because it frightened me because this had never happened to me before. i had dealt with punk kids but this was different. >> stephanie: you are right. it makes it even more disturbing. thanks for sharing that carolyn. chris what do i say in evil facebook. twitter second. hi, josh. >> caller: how are you doing miss stephanie. i have a statement and then a question for you. first off i think it's only fair if we look at this whole problem in historical context, we're talking about does porn make it worse? historically we are only getting better. rape was used in war fair as a tactic for centuries. so it's not as quick as we would like. yes, it obviously needs to be eradicated, but -- >> women are still raped in the military all the time. >> caller: no, like you would rape and pillage a city. you just let your troops rape people rape -- >> stephanie: if that's what counts and progress. but chris you and i hung out with barbara boxer's daughter who did an amazing film about the prevalence of rape in our military. so josh i'm not sure that it is not an official tactic -- i don't know if it was ever an official tactic of the military. devalue in utah. >> caller: hi, stephanie. >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: thank you for having your show on current tv. i would like to see you guys during the day more. >> stephanie: you mean in person? oh, on tv. >> caller: well >> person too, but i don't think they will let you in the state of utah. >> stephanie: no you are right. [ laughter ] >> caller: that is a special pass port you would have to get. >> caller: go ahead, duval. >> caller: how do we try to hold kids to a standard when our politicians, our religious leaders even school administrators and everybody that is surrounded with that they are supposed to look up to are route with hypocrisy, and senator and congressmen having to leave office because they get caught doing things that they are not supposed to -- >> stephanie: well it's not everybody. it's obviously some adults. >> caller: enough of a majority that the media consistently portray somebody as doing something wrong. on a daily basis we see it. i'm not justifying it, i'm just saying that kids are subjected to that and they say why do we have to do that when these people are getting away with it? >> stephanie: that's it, jacki, have we gotten courser as a society? or is social media just amplifying it. there is a story about a superfreak, and we'll talk about that as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. charlie pierce of coming up. jacki schechner how much do we love the stories about the intrigue and back stabbing between matt lauer and ann curry. >> i'm fascinating with that. >> stephanie: much like you and i, they rarely spoke to each other when the cameras were off. >> is it that obvious. >> stephanie: this is here doing the ann kurcurry. and now here is jacki schechner. he is agency has that icy look. now here she is the lovely jacki schechner in the -- not the current news center. but right there. >> chris christie keeps growing, not his wait but his poll numbers. the latest quinnipiac poll shows he would likely be a shoe in in 2016. 47% would prefer he stay and serve in trenton. newt gingrich is launching a new effort to pay down his 2012 campaign debt. he still owes $4.7 million, so he is starting a pac called the committee for america to help pay down that debt and help conservative politicians across the country. newt's first fund raiser is april 29th in greenville south carolina. rand paul, and others will deliver a letter to harry reid's office tlet-- threatening to filibuster any gun legislation. many components are likely to come up, via amendment. "politico" says paul cruz and lee, don't use the f word filibuster, specifically, but it is implied. we're back after the break. gets that i actually mean it. michael shure: this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. joy behar: you can say anything here. jerry springer: i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar: your mistake was writing a check jerry springer: she never cashed it (vo) the day's events. four very unique points of view. tonight starting at 6 eastern. the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! [♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie:um. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. charlie pierce coming up at the bottom of the hour, some great stuff. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. just his writing describing peggy peggy nunan on the various sunday shows is worth the price of admission. we'll talk to charlie about the supreme court arguments on marriage equality. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: this does not seem wise. irish town legalizes drinking and driving. proposed by a local pub owner, ironically enough and politician danny healey ray, the motion allows people who live in country areas to have a few drinks before they drive home. the law applies mainly to elderly people that live in far away places. what is the alternative for them with no other public transports available. staying at home and staring at the four walls? no, clearly not. out driving on the countryside, of course. go ahead, jim. >> danny heeley ray here here we have more than a few people that live in remote places, and i got to thinking why not let the geezers drive home rather than stair at the four walls. [ inaudible ] even if you did you might make hundreds of your roast of improvements at the time especially if you crash into the worst pub in the planet leones sledge hammer. you want the definition of an irish sledge hammer? it's sort of like something stephan would talk about. >> stephanie: thank you for that, jim. >> thank you stephon. >> stephanie: it sounds exactly like it. >> it does. >> stephanie: wow. so obviously oral arguments today -- >> oral arguments. [ giggling ] >> stephanie: a big day in juris prudence. there is finally something in it for republicans. money! [ applause ] >> the sincerity is thriving. >> stephanie: yes. he's in there behind immany grags -- immigration reform. republicans speak cash opportunity in gay marriage. >> oh, well that changes everything. >> stephanie: right. republican fundraisers say the change in view could unlock big money. that's why it happened in new york because a lot of the big republican donors -- paul singer's son is gay. >> uh-huh. >> stephanie: several republicans pointed to senator rob portman's switch as a watershed moment for the party, and they asked the supreme court to back gay rights. even foster freeze was closely behind rick santorum right behind sanatorium -- >> oh, boy. >> stephanie: he has softened his stance. republican intolerance has been detrimental to winning. big doneors know they don't want to focus on a losing issue. some people were -- were saying it's interesting -- some people don't care why you get on the right side of an issue, but somebody was saying they go it's only because you are personally involved now. what about just doing it because it's the right thing, right? >> uh-huh. >> i think that's a hard thing, right? because you want someone to come around for the issue, but come around for the right reasons. not because it's a personal vested interest. >> stephanie: that's so cute she just mentioned insincerity in hollywood, and we're all nodding our heads sincerely. >> i'm still poly-anaish. >> we're going to go ahead and move you downstairs in storage b. we have some new people coming in and we need all of the space we can get. >> stephanie: camilla harris. >> when we talk about fundamental rights as it relates to the constitution we are talking about those rights that we as a nation demonstrate as some of the most sacred we can have. >> stephanie: and senator rob portman. >> i have had a change of heart. >> stephanie: speaking of doing the right thing for the right reason. dick cheney -- what was it -- 2004 and ken mellman was part of this. putting out these flyers with two men on a wedding cake and ran against it. and we always knew his daughter was gay but remember that moment in the debate that they tried to act outraged that they brought up -- his daughter is gay. >> yeah, and everyone knew that. >> how dare you! >> stephanie: didn't lynn cheney call him a bad man. once again let's review. married to dick cheney. >> yeah. >> stephanie: as they used her as a semicampaign prop. this was dick cheney in 2009. >> i think freedom means freedom for everyone. and many of you know one of my daughters is gay -- >> stephanie: you are a bad man! >> and that's something we have lived with for a long time in our family. i think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish. >> yeah, people ought to be free to vote too. >> he was so upset when people were bringing up his daughter as a prop -- >> how dare you. >> that's like sarah palin bringing out her kids and then saying you can't use them as a prop. >> stephanie: as we mentioned my parents had the decency not to use me as a campaign prop because i was an ugly child. >> you were a wolf child. your eyes were permanently crossed. >> stephanie: yeah. >> but that uncrosses naturally. >> stephanie: yeah, my mom was right. >> just naturally uncrosses. >> when we shave that unibrow they uncross. >> maybe it was one of the times your brother hung you. >> or when you hit yourself in the head with a jart. >> stephanie: randy tomlinson. >> we should not allow the federal judiciary to destroy the vote of the people especially on something as old as good as marriage. >> stephanie: okay. well so far all the polls i'm seeing it's about 60-something percent support marriage equality now? >> it has flipped from the way it was in 2004. >> something about him makes me think barbarians need to be disciplined. >> you have to understand barbarians need to be educated. they need to be disciplined. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: perfect segue. all straight people everywhere have exquisite family values. >> right. >> stephanie: and this is a democrat. >> oh jno. is this another junk shot. >> no -- >> stephanie: little worse than that. >> it's worse than weaner. >> stephanie: yes, and now he has a book title. >> worse than weaner. [ laughter ] [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: jersey dem kinky emails to spank me stalker. i might get my going ellie eyes back. he has an insatiable lust for bondage. and -- the other kind -- >> from behind? >> stephanie: no! no! [ buzzer ] >> i'm confused. what is the middle part? >> give us a clue -- >> sounds like. >> stephanie: oral sex. what is the matter with you! [ buzzer ] >> you can say that. >> stephanie: i'm squeamish now. secret emails -- no, they are not secret anymore. assemblyman joe crayan had over 150 emails to a lobbiest. and then had her busted for stalking. he sent all of these emails and then he had her arrested for stalking. >> she is like, by the way look what i have. >> stephanie: yes. would you like some of the fun facts? >> sure. [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> stephanie: what do you want to be spanked with? that's what the nuns would ask in catholic school. >> right. we had two big paddles, one with holes and one without -- >> stephanie: right. and you got to choose the weapon. >> if you were really bad you got the one with holes because you got a faster swing on it. >> stephanie: sometimes parents would let you pick the weapon. >> in german schools you had the choice between being hit by a buzz bomb or a stuka. >> stephanie: thanks, jim. this is kind of impressive. this spanned 14 hours on june 28th. that's like some marathon sexting there. >> your inappropriate emails are nothing compared to this. >> stephanie: right, because i peter out. i just give up. >> it's like high row glifices. what does she want to do with the heart and the panda? >> and always ends with xo. >> but i love you! [ laughter ] [♪ fun-facts music ♪] >> stephanie: okay. regarding the spanking what will you wear to beg for it? wow, a bondage episode of what to wear. i don't know. available for a bj this morning? he queries. okay. i won't read the other part. [ censor bleep ], [ censor bleep ]. >> available? >> stephanie: this is like a questionnaire. tell me about your preference knees, stairs or hands tied to a bed post as you stand dressed appropriately, of course. you know what would be appropriate to wear while being tied to a bed post. >> something breathable. >> just no white after labor day. >> stephanie: no that is horrible. that could cause what's her name to kill you in the bathroom like in -- what am i thinking of? the movie with kathleen turner serial mom. she killed a woman in the bathroom for wearing white after labor day. >> yes. >> stephanie: his idea of appropriate dress included leather boots, nipple clamps and lingerie. he frequently suggested they took up for [ censor bleep ] and go sessions. >> like quickies? >> stephanie: he at certain points grew nervous about the paper trail. you delete the emails right? [ applause ] >> stephanie: we talked about how dumb is tiger woods. you are not recording this or anything, are you? hi, it's tiger, woods, the famous golfer. you are going to delete this right? >> computer says no. >> stephanie: twenty minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." i'm going to do that after the thing, because we're late here. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> it is a happening spot. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ dude, i need your help fast. well, clearasil's fast. yeah, but is it this fast? faster! how about this fast? clearasil's faster! this fast?? faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it's fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin. current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ i said are you going to be my girl ♪ >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." twenty-five minutes after the hour. this hour brought to you by carbonite. i have an unsolicited testimonial by the way from david in north carolina. hey, momma, i have only had carbonite for about a month and it has already saved my bacon. i am writing a book i was have a meeting, and panicked but wait, i downloaded it from the cloud and within moments i had it in my hands. [ applause ] >> stephanie: it will back up everything in your computer automatic automatically. whether it's for your home or business carbonite has the right back upplan for you, just $59 for the entire year. >> bar-goon. >> stephanie: that's right. access to the files from any tablet computer or smartphone. don't wait go to, do it now before you forget. the offer code is stephanie. all right. charlie pierce at the bottom of the hour with some great stuff. tim in madison, hi tim. >> caller: good morning. >> stephanie: good morning, baby. >> caller: regarding the whole kids and social media taking pictures and things they can just do these things and you look at paris hilton, kim kardashian and other celeb advertise out there -- >> stephanie: yeah i was going to say soon you won't need a law degree, it will be like this is too easy. >> caller: yeah, and you don't look at the celebrities and they weren't celebrities until their sex videos show up and kids are thinking hey we can do the same thing. we allow a lot of these celebrities to get away with this, and then praise them with money. >> stephanie: yes, i'm thinking oh, great, we are raising a nation of people that want to be kardashians. and that's a good thing? i bet you are people on your lawn right now that you should turn the host on. let's go to tim in cleveland. >> caller: hey, steph. we need to have a progressive forum where we talk about the elephant in the room that rape has always been. and number 1 we need to keep that it is an act of violence to exert power. it's not sex. it has nothing to do with sex. it is are strictly a violent act and it's about power. our society, unfortunately, it's -- we have a higher ark call structure that is very exploitative and especially for a man when he is exploited and pushed and he's not -- does not feel that he has any kind of power or standing the easiest way to get that is to violently assault another person -- >> stephanie: yep. yep. yep. all good points. charlie pierce as we continue on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> i didn't need any help because i'm naturally perky and quite fascinating. >> stephanie: the commercial breaks here are really the most fascinating. jim is leaving a message for his lovely wife, the guy is coming by to look at the sink, and jacki is saying does this look infected. >> i fell playing tennis on saturday, because i'm that competitive. this totally rickedy court really could not be more low budget and i went diving for a ball, and there is this big gaping wound in my knee. >> the only thing to do now is go to a spinning class. >> stephanie: we're doing that on friday. >> you have made me a total addict. >> stephanie: right, exactly. >> you should learn not to compete with me. i always win! >> stephanie: guess what kids -- there's only one man that understands, and that's the author of video in america. ♪ pierce ♪ ♪ pierce ♪ ♪ why is everybody always laughing with me ♪ >> we started this whole mess off here with our supreme court, so just remember that. >> stephanie: yes. thank you massachusetts. what do you think? >> i think this is going to be enormously popular around the studio, i think they will kick it back to the states. >> stephanie: chris just sent me this. deciding not to decide gay marriage. david cole said in the long run, recognition of same-sex marriage is inevitable. young people overwhelmingly -- yadda, yadda yadda, it is gaining sup north the states and a federal resolution should be left for another day. >> no! how did that work out with abortion. the supreme court will decide and therefore -- what they are saying is that the backlash was occasioned by the fact that the supreme court got involved. does anybody think that apportion would be legal in alabama, south carolina or north dakota if the supreme court hadn't gotten involved? give me a break. chris, accepts you things from like the "new york times." he's like my facebook bff and all i get is like beef cake photos of chris. >> oh stop it. [ laughter ] >> i went there one and said oh there are some changes -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: yeah i have this really hopeful side that thinks they will go all the way. >> i can see a path for them to do so, but at the same time i will be surprised. i don't think quite honestly there are five or six people on that court who are courageous enough to do that. i think give you give them a way out, they'll take it. if you think i'm going to use the phrase oral arguments in this context for get it -- >> stephanie: no don't do that. >> to say nothing of presentation of the briefs. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: your writing about the sunday shows is my favorite thing in the history of anything ever. can i just say. but on the subject of marriage equality, you call david gregory the dancing master, you said he enabled charlotteton's and grifters in full flowers. ralph reid was back pretending to be pius. it really was hilarious. i watched this. >> yeah, i can't remember what he said but it something about -- gregory was talking about how -- the approval rating for same-sex marriage is going through the roof in the states and reid said i don't want to hold up the tent with one poll. [♪ circus music ♪] >> oh, boy. >> stephanie: you say i bet you wouldn't you lumber jack you. >> yeah. i hear jacki schechner giggling in the background. >> yes i'm here. >> stephanie: and then you talk about tony perkins one of our favorites. [♪ "psycho" scary music ♪] >> no, mother, no! >> i can't say anything until after my clue. >> stephanie: i think you did homage to jim ward here. >> it was a very subtle one. >> stephanie: after a brief outburst of reason perkins reappeared dressed in a frumpy frock, and kitchen knife. >> yeah. >> stephanie: and you say the polls are skewed again -- >> yeah, again. >> stephanie: and you say if all of those people believed that why didn't they vote for willard romney those damn turn coats. >> exactly. >> stephanie: and then your summation i love. you say it's not about marriage. it's about the marriage alter, no it's about men and women and their peep peeps, and who has. well aid said. >> thank you. it's a good day when you can get who ha in print. >> and esquire is just the place for that word. >> exactly. >> stephanie: and he had the lovely and talented wayne lapierre on meteet the press. >> yeah wayne is getting more interesting by the day, and it's about rich moneybags michael bloomberg coming to you now and guying things >> stephanie: i love that you call him special guest crazeoid. and hey joe mansion and all of you could -- cowardly democrats pay attention. >> yeah. we didn't really want to line up with the other guys, no you lined up with [ inaudible ] and cheney. they were the only people in offer. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. and may i use the analogy you really shot holes in wayne lapierre's analysis you know who is supposed to enforce those laws, the atf? and you know who hasn't had a director for the last six years and who is at fault for that? >> yeah, the default position is even illogical. enforce the laws we have. fine get out of the way and let us do that. and the they are wrapped up on the international amnesty in arms. >> stephanie: can i just say as i mentioned earlier, your writing about peggy nunan is probably the thing that makes me laugh -- >> i crew up with peggy nunans. my mother's friends were all peggy nunans. >> stephanie: you say the tiny canaries that orbit her head went into full swing. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: what they decide is the right thing. and you say knot for nothing, we had a bad president for eight years because of decisions by black-robed masters. and i don't recall our lady's vapors back then. >> and she gets back into the let's let the states decide kind of thing and we tried that with a lot of things and it never worked out. >> like slavery? >> not just slavery, but jim crow. >> stephanie: yeah. >> you leave it to states that's what will happen okay. >> stephanie: charlie what about the gun -- president obama supports universal background checks obviously. he does not support a national registry, which you say wayne lapierre was out there fear mongering about -- >> all right. is your mellow on the table? pit away because i'm going to harsh it again. i think the clock may have run out. i think they might get background checks. what is the ridiculous poll now? 91% of americans think it is a good idea? >> stephanie: yeah. >> might is not good enough. i'm afraid that as i said the clock may have run out on this one. and i'm astonished by the inability of the majority of the people to get what they want. >> stephanie: exactly. seriously what number does it need to be? >> this is everybody. 91% is everybody. >> stephanie: yep. i know exactly. exactly. you never see that kind of number. charlie pierce exquisite stuff. >> thank you. good luck today. listen to the oral argument. >> ah! >> yaw! [ applause ] >> stephanie: you know why we can't have nice thing, jacki schechner because of the people that make their money from guns. ♪ this is a story about bubba joe and peter too, two gun lovers with nothing better to do than sit around the house, and watch fox news and here's what happened when i decided to smooz ♪ ♪ they met a congressman east of el paso, the gun lobby has given him a special ♪ ♪ lapierre makes his money on guns ♪ ♪ go on make your money from guns ♪ ♪ go on make your money from guns ♪ ♪ woe hoo hoo hoo ♪ ♪ go on make your money from guns ♪ >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. rocky mountain mike never on vacation. >> it's amazing to me how he finds the perfect song every too so quickly. >> stephanie: yeah, he's a seens you. >> we should pay him. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: i'm come over there and -- right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> stephanie miller one of the most popular and funny radio hosts in the country. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. while your carpets may appear clean. it's scary how much dirt your vacuum can leave behind. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum to expel the dirt within your carpets. resolve's deep clean powder is moist. absorbing and lifting three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving you with a carpet that's truly fresh and clean. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. fruit just got cooler. fruit on one side, cool on the other. ice breakers duo a fruity cool way to break the ice. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. ♪ ♪ mr. d.j. won't you -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ oh mr. d.j. won't you -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> stephanie: uh-huh. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. fifty-one minutes after the hour. i'm sorry i had a hard time with the word "welcome." i apologize for the small brain-related event. i am sleepy and -- >> drunk. >> stephanie: right. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. but jacki schechner wearing her journalistic stripes is propping us up today. >> really, i'm responsible? i'm not doing a very good job. >> stephanie: yes, you are. terry in georgia. hi, terry. >> caller: hey, i was just going to say when my son was in eighthth great the coach asked him all who wanted to go out for football. he was the only one in his grade that did not. and his coach was very angry, and he said what am i suppose to do with you? and my son said can i lift weights? and he said no you can start cleaning this gym and you can start with the bathroom. so it says to me you have no self worth -- >> stephanie: jim was saying earlier terry, in some ways that's the point of football is to hurt people. we were talking about how he relates to the football culture and stubenville. >> caller: yeah, and he was so ostracized, of course they called his gay, and fag, and it changed him. and he wouldn't pop the bras of the girls in fifth grade. so the boys were mean to him then. i just tried to raise him with good manners, and he was just a kind-hearted little boy. >> or according to the football teem, gay. >> caller: yeah, and it would have been okay with me i told him that his whole life. >> stephanie: i also hope we can stop using that word as a pejorative. thank you. we were very echoey. >> we were very echoey. >> stephanie: stop being annoying jim. gregg in jersey. >> caller: hi, i'm a devil's advocate for new jersey. in defense of the state rep's what -- who ha i want to say how it is fair to publicly shame the state rep in new jersey when on the same day we're arguing to give all americans the right to do anything they want. >> stephanie: the problem was he had this woman arrested for stalking and obviously there were 150 emails -- the point is these were in the workplace all of these inappropriate emails and -- so obviously they are relevant to the case -- >> caller: using his computer to talk to people? he can't email he has to go all the way home and hide and talk -- >> well, it's company -- >> caller: it's his computer. it's his computer. >> stephanie: so you should be able to send 150 emails -- >> caller: if you were gay -- and i'm bisexual, so i deal with a lot of stuff myself. if you are gay and you use a phone to talk to your gay partner, there are some companies that will fire you for it. and if you are talking to your partner through emails there are some companies that will fire you for it. if it's consenting, if it's your phone and computer, how is that fair. >> stephanie: see, i don't think that's what this case is about, though. she was charged with stalking and her case was always that this was consensual, and the emails came out proving this. but anyway -- that being said -- >> i think he mixed a couple of different topics which is okay because our show has been a little intertwining today. >> stephanie: a big ball of weird twine. melissa, you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: oh, good morning. part of what is happening with the gun control, or part of what is so up setting is that it's not even coming up for a vote. it is not even coming up for a vote to protect what seems to be the democratic politicians who are afraid to speak out against it. in illinois you have a very vocal supporter of gun legislation, which is a shock to me and then you have dick durbin who is absolutely silent on the issue. so i decided to write a letter to dick durbin saying you have to take a stand. come out and say no so we know where you are, but this hiding behind, well there's no vote and we don't have enough votes, that's enough. make a decision and stand by it. >> stephanie: right. melissa remember the powerful speech the president made about all of the families of the victims, they deserve a vote. yes yes, and i wrote a letter to dick durbin calling it chicken manure. it is not one of those issues that people are wishy washy on. >> stephanie: thank you. mayor bloomberg. >> i don't think there ever has been an issue where the public has spoken so clearly where congress hasn't eventually understood and done the right thing. >> stephanie: exactly. and what did charlie pierce call him, crazeoid. wayne lapierre. he is talking about background checks. these arguments make no sense to me. charlie pierce does a great job -- >> we put a link up on your facebook mraj-- page. >> there are too many people on the planet some of them have got to die. >> stephanie: right? that's why god made woodchipers. fifty-eight minutes after the hour right back on the "stephanie miller show." [♪ theme music ♪] >> stephanie: all right. welcome to hour number 3. current tv land. supreme court, we're going to have people checking in with us tomorrow on what happens today. today is prop 8 and tomorrow is doma. and should it go all the way, jacki schechner will be caught up in a magical frenzy and we'll be married on wednesday. >> we'll do anything for ratings. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: be like brittany spears -- and then the next week we'll be like we're kidding, right? in the meantime here she is in captain america's underpants my future bride, jacki schechner. >> mark kelly bought a military style rifle in tucson to prove a point, and the gun dealer said he is now resending the sale. he put a photo on facebook showing how easy it is to get a firearm. the background check took just minutes, but he had to wait because the store got it from a gun owner. he store owner says he didn't like the reason he was buying the gun to make a political point. he wrote he planned to turn the ar-15 over to the tucson police. he was going to keep the handgun. the wall street journal is live blogging events as the supreme court hears arguments on same-sex marriage. officials give out yellow yards for three minutes in a time. the process allows about 70 to 80 people to filter through every half hour. and virginia governor bob mcdonal has just signed a law requiring voter id. the new law does if a registered vote for does haven't photo id he or she can get one for free and the governor has signed an executive order asking to education the public before the 2014 season. and it is expected that tim johnson is going to retire. we're back after the break. ♪ this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern [♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm oninging on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to., you can email us all there executive producer chris lavoie, voice deity jim ward, and me steph. news lady jacki schechner here in studio with us. >> what did i win? >> stephanie: the opportunity to spoon in captain america's underpants. >> you won a longer commute. >> i did. >> and an extra band aid for your boo boo from tennis. >> i have shown it to the group. >> stephanie: that does look infected. does this milk smell bad. [overlapping speakers] [ laughter ] >> stephanie: you know you are entirely too close when someone says does this look infected. >> or smell this. >> is ooze a bad thing. >> stephanie: oh, don't say it. people are eating. >> are they? >> stephanie: a little yeah. kidds april 13th is fast upon us, you know what that means. >> the stephanie miller sexy liberal comedy tour is turning to the chicago theater on april 13th. tickets are available on mikt come see the tour that sparked the number one comedy album, the sexy liberal comedy tour on april 13th. sweet home chicago is about to get a little more sugar from momma. >> stephanie: yay. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i made a laugh-in reference a little while ago, because people get to watch the supreme court for three minutes. and it's like the beginning of laugh in. a lot of opening and closing doors. >> that's why joann whirly was there. there. >> one of our friends on twitter says the three-minute rule is actually pretty common. >> stephanie: right. we have a good friend who is a legal analyst, and she is going to check in with us. by the way speaking of laugh in and sexy liberal, george slaughter, creator of laugh in our buddy our pal was on with neil kuvudo. >> yes, they brought him on to talk about jay leno and all of that -- and i don't know that they knew he was a liberal. >> stephanie: you don't want to take neil kuvudo by surprise. >> that's right. >> stephanie: i got a tongue lashing when i was not there. >> there has been a lot of conservative comedy >> >> four minutes in you finally had your hit -- >> i didn't say anything. i didn't say that -- i didn't state. i didn't say it, neil. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: that's hilarious. >> this closed out the interview. >> george always a pleasure my friend. >> do say hello to the little woman. >> and sean hannity hopes grow to hell. >> i'll meet o'reilly there. >> oh. all right. thank you. >> and these catholics -- o'reilly is catholic, so he may not get in. >> that's fine. if you would let me finish this. that was george slaughter making his final appearance here -- ♪ let's hear it for the boys ♪ >> stephanie: you can tell there is a moratorium on me, and then they decide to give me another chance, and then i blow it up again. and i'm like you want me to come back. okay. >> they should have had dennis miller rebut him. mip, mip, mip. >> stephanie: eddie in virginia you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi eddie. >> caller: yeah, since the homosexuals have higher rates of domestic violence and murder -- [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: where are you getting that from? >> you google it. >> everything on google is true -- >> you google it and then do empirical research to back it up. >> i can do it right now. >> yeah, what link is she looking for -- >> the medical maladities -- >> stephanie: what? >> caller: have you guys ever heard of aids by the way? >> oh, no. >> the diet candy. >> the majority of people around the world who hiv and aides are straight. you do realize that. >> caller: well, getting back to my point -- >> stephanie: go back to your first statistic, gays have higher rates of domestic violence and what else? >> suicide, drug abuse, murder -- >> stephanie: eddie all of that is completely untrue but go ahead -- >> caller: i invite people to research themselves. >> stephanie: okay. sure. >> caller: number two if they have the maladies and they are true, then shouldn't they be denied by a background check from owning a weapon? [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> caller: if we're going to have background checks -- >> stephanie: because they have higher rates of infection -- >> caller: no infection was not -- >> stephanie: jacki i hope you are not going to buy a bush master today. >> caller: i wasn't referring to federal infections as a disqualification -- i was referring to the mental illness -- >> stephanie: oh, the mental illness -- >> i'm too busy googling -- >> caller: these mental issues that are systematic of homosexuality or are caused by it. but these people have higher rates of murder suicide, domestic violence, alcoholism and right down the line. >> stephanie: okay, once again, that is all completely untrue -- >> well, i would think if they have higher rates of suicide it's from listening to people like him. >> stephanie: so god is saying gays should haven't guns -- >> caller: no, the second amendment is not based on ballot ballots and polls, it's based on our bill of rights. and just because you cite polls constantly, that doesn't mean we should start chipping away at the bill of rights. >> stephanie: so you want gays armed as much as possible -- >> caller: yeah absolutely. if someone is homosexual they should be able to own a gun immigration reform dr immigration reform respective of -- not only is this unconstitutional, it is damaging to individual rights and it encompasses everybody's rights -- >> stephanie: well, as one of innocental defectives you speak of. >> i admit i'll have lated the third amendment, i have housing red coats in my garage. >> dammit jim. >> stephanie: what we learned from that call i have gone mental. that encompassed gods gays and guns in one ball of bigotry -- all right. [overlapping speakers] >> conservative -- conserve pedia has a whole section of gays and domestic violence. >> stephanie: oh, okay. >> maybe this is where it's coming from. >> stephanie: that's part of the homosexual agenda. >> according to conserveipedia. >> it is on the inner webs -- >> stephanie: let's get to people being attacked by people dressed at mimes. >> this is a thing? >> stephanie: this is a thing. >> i'm surprised the mimes aren't being attacked first. >> stephanie: college students -- [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: you can pretend to run away into the wind. >> using a rope. >> you can't touch me, i'm in a box. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: the head shrine college student attacked by woman dressed at a mime. did cops have the right to -- have the right to tell her she had the right to remain silent. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: stephanie walker 37 dressed as a mime when she tacked a georgia student, she approached wearing all black with her face painted completely right. walker allegedly started yelling right away. bad mime. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: back to mime school. >> no! no! >> stephanie: he just rolled over in his make box. [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: wee! she started yelling that the student had watched her on tv. when the student relied she didn't even have a tv walker grabbed her pulled her hair and through her to the ground. when police arrived the mime appeared to be making no sense. >> do they ever? >> stephanie: she was charged with battery and scheduled to have a mental evaluation. she is mental -- >> maybe she is gay. >> stephanie: walker -- [ laughter ] >> stephanie: these are some really not so fun facts. walker not the first person to end up in a street fight. a cop and a clown were caught brawling. the clown was allegedly chasing cars with a squirt gun. and in case your children are already terrified of clowns the evil birthday clown will for a fee stalk your child the week leading up to his birthday. he threatens the kid with harassing messages, and culminates with smashing a pie in his face. >> worst parents ever. >> stephanie: yeah. wow save up a little for therapy. >> oh, god. and bail. [ laughter ] >> a kid like that can turn to a life of crime. >> stephanie: eighteen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> announcer: in a perfect world, there will be no right-wing radio. until then there's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's lobsterfest our largest selection of lobster entrees [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's lobsterfest our largest selection of lobster entrees like lobster lover's dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently. now, buy one lobsterfest entree and get one 1/2 off with a coupon at the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! dude, i need your help fast. well, clearasil's fast. yeah, but is it this fast? faster! how about this fast? clearasil's faster! this fast?? faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it's fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin. current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ working up a sweat ♪ ♪ push it push-push it real good ♪ >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. it is the "stephanie miller show." twenty-three minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. oh, thank god, matt and reno has the google and the therapist. >> oh, can he clarify? >> stephanie: right. about her caller saying gays have higher rates of infection, being mental murder domestic violence, who knows what else ricketts. skabbyes. matt in reno. >> caller: ricketts and skabby's, oh my god i get those every day at the gym. oh, my god. okay. so first of all i'm also the one that kind of [ inaudible ] go go dancing. >> oh, hello, hi matt. >> stephanie: he is what? >> he sends me pictures of his go go dancing. >> stephanie: oh awesome. thanks for that. >> caller: i am a therapist, and i -- out in california and i can tell you if you go to substance abuse mental health administration, you will find the substance abuse related information on lbgt populations. and if you go to the [ inaudible ] of mental health you'll find information. and the substance abuse and suicide are both directly correlated to social acceptance so maybe the 30 states that people are not allowed to be employed just because they are gay -- >> stephanie: you know, if you heard this mom call from georgia, but said, you know, that her son gets called the f word for a gay man because he doesn't want to play football. that's a very cogent point you are making. >> caller: and the suicide rates are most highly correlated to when people come out of the closet and a lot of these things happen especially around holiday times. people intoxicated, stressed out. naturally in all groups of population suicide rates go up around holiday times, and in lbgt families they usually end up coming home from something and the family is stressed out, they are arguing and fighting and then there's this incident where the gay person just can't take it anymore, and they say it. the family members ostracize them even more than they have already been ostracized and then they end up doing something to hurt themselves. so that's where they comes from. the dv rates are no [overlapping speakers] >> caller: in finds out why they do and why they don't report. and i was also a child protective services worker for two and a half years, just fyi for people, and so one of the big things you do in cps is domestic violence because witnessing domestic violence has the same effect on the brain as beating your child. >> stephanie: oh wow. >> caller: they do mris and things like that to show it. and in the domestic violence studies, they sound that gay and lesbian people are afraid to report if it ever occurred because anyone that has reported police used to treat it as though it was a lesser incident or they wouldn't know who to arrest or who to take in so they would just not report at all. >> stephanie: matt all good stuff, although it did not come from conserveipedia, i will accept your facts. >> caller: and rape and murder it is more towards gays and lesbians than from gais and lesbians. >> stephanie: thank you, matt. so that has nothing to do with my being a mess. >> it is probably all one big crazy lasagne. >> stephanie: hard to separate. >> exactly. >> stephanie: david in wisconsin go ahead. >> caller: a couple of things that your friend wayne lapierre said this week that are so hypocritical and void of logic. first of all he -- he complained that bloomberg was using his $27 billion to guy congress and buy the people and it turns out that that is what the nra has been doing for years. >> stephanie: thank you. thank you. >> caller: talk about hypocritical, and then he said those people attacking the second amendment, they don't realize the constitution is of by, and for the people. well 91% of the people say they want universal background checks. so he should be fighting for background checks. >> stephanie: he means those 9%. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? ♪ >> now i will grant you that -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> is what, well silly, but not any sillier than the pet rocks, the mood ring or of course nbc's sunday night lineup. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." this hour brought to you by therabreath lozenges. pop a therabreath lounge -- lozenge -- lounge? >> you never know where that lounge has been. you have to have a martha ray sized mouth -- >> stephanie: some airport lounges are small enough -- some people are tweeting from inside the supreme court. >> well not actually inside but right outside, and they are saying we'll have the oral arguments online probably by 9:00 a.m. >> my personal feeling is they are just going to kick it back down to the states. >> stephanie: and again, trouble coming from ruth vader ginsberg. but i hate that analogy, jim, because i feel like we are so much farther ahead than we were in terms of the abortion issue. there has been a seismic shift. >> and it's not like the supreme court hasn't taken public opinion into consider ace before. >> stephanie: yeah. >> they are saying that basically -- it's interesting some of the take are that the justices are skeptical of the nine-state solution advanced by the obama administration. the civil unions would extend the same benefits beyond civil union, and now they are questioning whether or not the case had standing at all. >> stephanie: richard in texas wants to talk about that very issue. hi, richard. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hello, go ahead. >> caller: why fight the battle from the direction of redefining marriage as a term? the term seems to be a religious tea word. why not fight the battle for equality under the law. civil union -- when we got married my wife and i, we were married from the time we filled out the marriage license and went in front of a jp. it had nothing to do with a church. why not remove the world and the right from the argument. >> stephanie: because -- i have to say i understand your thinking, but to me it would be like if we had said to black and white people, you can get married, but we're not going to call it marriage. i think equality is equality. >> and marriage by definition isn't religious is it? right? >> and life jeff zirrilo said earlier, you don't call at it domestic partnership verary it's an anniversary. >> stephanie: yeah. mike in chicago. hello, mike. >> caller: hey, steph. hey everyone. what i don't understand is the whole gun argument. harry reid claims he didn't have enough votes to bring the assault weapons vote to the floor. so why doesn't he just say any one who votes against it your name will be listed on my website. and why isn't [ inaudible ] getting any backlash. he is the whip? >> stephanie: but couldn't the reason be that harry reid is one of those democrats? i just saw him on tv saying i didn't vote for it last time because it didn't make any sense. really? >> caller: yeah, unless you are on the payroll for the nra there is literally no reason why you would vote against it. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. speaking of the supreme court, republicans don't believe that the supreme court is conservative. really? >> they mean right-wing radical. >> stephanie: 45% say the high court is liberal. only 9% think it's conservative. i -- i -- i that's -- that's part is stunning to me. >> wow. >> the tea partiers are so far off -- >> stephanie: exactly. the right is the one that i think has moved farther to the right. bill from madison. >> caller: what do the supporters of doma hope to do. it's not going to stop gays and lesbians from finding a partner and falling in love. it's no different franchise those of us who are straight. doma won't stop that. it's natural. all it does is inflict pain by denying the rights of those that have a different lifestyle than those of us who are straight. it's not going to stop this. you find somebody and fall in love. >> stephanie: okay. stop bringing that point up. stop poking me with the loser stick. bill, i have read a lot of legal analysis about that. this is what happened in prop 8. this is not hurting anybody. it's just opening a right to everybody, right? >> caller: well, and this is the thing. it is inflicting pain. i just read in the state journal this morning, a woman who had partner who died, and she has no right to even the wedding ring. it's horrible. it's ridiculous. >> stephanie: right. >> on facebook today a lot of gay people are switching their sign to a red equal sign. and a lot of straight people are starting to do that too. >> stephanie: oh. thank you, y'all straight people. mary, welcome. >> caller: hi, everybody. last week's show was pretty good, and that was good choice that you made putting hal. >> stephanie: hal and that jacki schechner. how about that jacki schechner? >> caller: yes, she was fabulous. it was a different tone, but still very, very good. i can understand you are getting these awards you deserve it. >> stephanie: what awards? okay. go ahead, thank you. >> caller: i'm about to say something. and i need you to hear me out. and not take it the wrong way. all right? >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: god -- >> stephanie: i'm not being defensive you are. oh i'm sorry. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: go ahead. >> caller: in god's words it says that he is the judge, not you, not me not anyone else. right? and as christians we're supposed to be the best that we can be to human beings and be unto service to others and in the end it is god that judges us. okay? and what two consenting adults or what consenting adults do with each other. that is their business and no one else's. it's between them and god. and it's for god to judge them. if you are a christian and you think it is wrong you have the right to maybe testify to that, but to push your belief off on to someone when god himself has not felt the need to make us all straight or make us all accept his son as savior then who as a human being should start trying to enforce these things. and just for a side note i find some of the terminology we use very offensive. me being straight somehow implies, what? gay is crooked. [ applause ] >> stephanie: thank you for that mary. i found the entire thing delightful. >> yeah, very thoughtful. >> stephanie: by the way -- [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: -- speaking of religion, the evangelical preacher who served as michele bachmann's campaign director is accused of illegally using funds. all of her staffers are now being interviewed in the alleged misuse of campaign funds. marcus, who used the campaign money to go shoe shopping. [ applause ] >> i was using it to discipline barbarians. >> stephanie: i'm asking that she is going to ask jehovah god -- >> the day is at hand we are in the last days jehovah god. >> manna, manna, raw hide. >> you can't make a rawside out of manna. >> stephanie: how do you know? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: hello, sam. >> caller: i am clergy and have been for 30 years. no church can perform a marriage. marriage is a legal term and is authorized by the state. churches perform weddings. they cannot perform a marriage. >> stephanie: oh. >> caller: no church can perform a marriage. that's why it is so important to lgbt folks that they keep it marriage equality and do not surrender that term as i have heard some folks argue. let's just call it something else. no, marriage means you have created a legal contract in that state that gives you one and only one right and that's the right to sue each other -- >> stephanie: that's so romantic. that's is awesome. [♪ romantic music ♪] >> stephanie: marriage sounds good. weddings sound like a pain in the ass. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: speaking of inclusiveness. the president wants to see movement on immigration reform reform and passage of a bill as soon as possible. >> obama: the time has come for a comprehensive sensible immigration reform. we are making progress but we have got to finish the job, because this issue is not new. everyone knows what is broken everybody knows how to fix it. we have just got to work up the political courage to do what is required to be done. >> stephanie: 63% of americans support a path to citizenship, it is me or is america pretty much moving our way on all issues we care about. marriage equality immigration reform, guns. >> yeah. >> stephanie: yes, chris lavoie? >> nbc news is reporting that the supreme court appears unlikely to issue a sweeping ruling on gay rights. >> uh-huh. >> so it's a partial victory but really only for california. >> stephanie: that means jacki schechner still has to marry me. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> do i get to wear a perdy dress >> stephanie: yes, my little bride zilla. >> i want flowers and cake. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv. i can't stand these spots. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ hey ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ hey ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ hey ♪ ♪ hey ♪ >> stephanie: jacki schechner coming up with the cutest ideas for our wedding, we could have a spinning theme. >> and your gowns could be all sweaty. >> it would have to be white spandex. [ applause ] >> stephanie: oh, my god, did you see this story. little lemon is asking customers to bend over to prove that their yoga pants are really sheer. jim should get that job. >> that is weird. >> stephanie: numerous an deck dotes, little lemon is asking them to put the pants on and bend over to make sure they are really sheer. says the head of marketing, squeezy mcfeel pants. [♪ porn music ♪] >> oh, my. >> stephanie: they are sheer but not sheer enough. do they not have real girlfriends. >> does my butt look fat? no, i can just remember the whole thing. >> stephanie: remember in high school, that time of the month. can you just guys me. >> no i don't remember. you guys did that? >> stephanie: shush. you don't want to hear anything about -- >> about lady parts, yeah. >> stephanie: leslie good morning. >> caller: everybody talks about the sexual morality of gays and lesbians, and i have a hard time with the government deciding what is sexually moral. i don't think any of them are in a position to judge. when it comes to health care and education, why it is based on who we sleep with. i have aunts who have spent their entire lives together who will never benefit on any of that. i don't think it should be based on sex at all. we have to prove we live in a certain area to get the in district rates for school and different things like that. we're talking about a whole society, i mean half of us are getting divorced all the time anyway. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: we need to find a different way of providing services for each other, and it shouldn't be based on facts. >> stephanie: that's right. >> caller: make it out. >> i get a little hanky when people assume gay relationships are based just on sex. >> stephanie: they are based on the whole disastrous -- >> don't they say married couples don't have sex anyway? [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: i would like to live a lie. i would be willing to have a loveless marriage. i don't know why this story just screams -- the headline is arre-emmanuel unhappy with brian williams interview and sends letter to nbc. it seems as though he was caught off guard during a recent interview with all of the brothers emmanuel. who should have done this interview, chris? >> brian williams famed misspeller of names, in hot water with ari emmanuel he was caught off guard by the hard hitting approach [ inaudible ]. [ laughter ] >> it was supposed to be a [ inaudible ] piece to promos the memoir about the brothers and instead resembles ago from meet the press or real time with bill maher or perhaps all in the family. >> stephanie: i love how he can just read it -- >> i don't think stifle huh was in the original interview. >> i love when people get upset when they ask people actual questions. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: that's when we speculate that tom brokaw quit it was a story with too many ls. >> don't forget the teacher and her lover. [ mumbling ] >> andrew lover. >> and lover -- billy falllll -- although he preferred to have married [ mumbling ] . >> stephanie: speaking of tv news, we mentioned this earlier. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: after ann curry was unser moanously fired matt lauer was demonized. according to a new new york magazine piece -- >> matt lauer is actually bellllzabub. >> stephanie: they had no relationship and barely spoke when the cameras were not rolling. and we don't here either except when jacki schechner has a knee cut. and then there is a lot of discussion about that. it's a little gross. >> what can we throw in the wound? >> stephanie: here, have some salt. [ screaming ] >> yeah. >> stephanie: it literally -- i'm like maybe take the bandage off and let it breathe, and she is like no it stuck to my tights

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