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Capitol hill, he said the decision is due to the directors refusal to hand over a document related to allegations against President Biden during his time as vice president. The Oversight Committees ranking member, representative jamie raskin, also spoke to reporters to weigh in on the investigation. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] thank you very much for being here. Had a few notes i wanted to make public. Fbi officials confirm that the unclassified fbi generated record has not been disproven and is currently being used in an Ongoing Investigation. The confidential human source you provided information about vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme, a trusted, highly credible informant who has been used by the fbi for over ten years and has been paid over six figures. These are facts, no amount of spin and frankly lies from the white house or Congressional Democrats can change this information. At the briefing the fbi refused to hand over the unclassified record to the custody of the House Oversight committee and we will now initiate contempt of Congress Hearings this thursday. Given the severity and complexity of the allegations in this record, Congress Must investigate further. Americans have lost trust in the fbis ability to enforce the law impartially and demand answers, transparency and accountability. The investigation is not dead. This is only the beginning. It appears this investigation is part of on Ongoing Investigation which i assume is in delaware. The committee will follow the facts and be transparent to the American People with our findings. Are we talking about documents . Federal documents and what could be documents, could they end up showing more biden Family Business dealings . This document was dated july 30, 2020. The claims made in the document are consistent with what we found and disclosed to you in romania. It suggests a pattern of bribery, where payments would be made through shell accounts and multiple banks. Theres a term for that called money laundering. That is not what the majority of specific ask suspicious actually reports also say. We feel this accusation is consistent with the pattern we are seeing in other countries too. We believe there are multiple documents. Why do you have the document, why is it with the fbi system . Lets look at what i read in a lot of media accounts and statements, there is no merit to this, this is crazy, this is a Conspiracy Theory and youre supposed to take my word or the fbis word are that they are investigating this, or you are going to write the sources unverified. Remember the main reason they are not wanting to make this public is they are concerned about the source. Highly credible, havent read in a lot of outlets, highly credible source that has been with the bureau since the obama administration. One more question. Thank you very much. In addition to this hearing, with all the charges to the doj. The 1023, due to the fact it is not classified, this is not classified document. It is an important part of investigation. And find this document in hand. All i know is theres an Ongoing Investigation. They confirm an Ongoing Investigation using this information. I assume it is in delaware. Can you drop that . Can you break down why what the information has and so on . What countrys national . Do you take notes in their . Took notes on the unclassified portion but theres a classified portion. The ball is in the fbis court. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] hello, everyone. The fbi sent over highlevel delegation to comply with the oversight majoritys demand with us to see this document. We saw the document and the fbi team went beyond that to explain the historical and prosecutorial legal context of the document and from that, what i learned was our attorney general william bar named scott brady, the us attorney for western pennsylvania to head up a group of prosecutors and fbi agents who would look into all of the allegations related to ukraine as we have to take everything coming from ukraine with a grain of salt. After Rudy Giuliani surface these allegations this group was appointed and they looked into the form 1023 and this group was created in june and spent the summer on it and as i understand it, in august, determined there was no grounds to escalate from initial assessment to a pulmonary investigation and the standard for moving get from an assessment to pulmonary investigation in fbi prosecutorial protocol is whether there are articulable facts giving rise to suspicion of collectivity, and they called the end to the investigation. This was under attorney general william barr and his handpicked prosecutor, mr. Brady, the ones who decided there was no ground further based on what the confidential human source reported from conversation with another person, decided there was no grounds in the investigative prosecutorial chain. If theres a complaint, the complaint is with attorney general william barr, the Trump Justice Department and the team the trump investigation appointed to look into it but i am surprised my colleagues want to try to litigate this in public, much less hold the director of the federal bureau of investigation in contempt for complying with their request, when there was a whole process that was undertaken in that process came to its natural end. There were no criminal charges from what you saw today. Not only were there no criminal charges but no escalation of the fbi investigation ordered by scott brady or attorney general william barr. They are signed off on ending that investigation. What we are talking about here is a confidential human source reporting a conversation with someone else. We are talking about secondhand hearsay and they did whatever investigative do diligence was called for in that assessment period and found no reason to escalate it from an assessment to pulmonary investigation and after that comes a fullblown investigation. Is chairman comer doing that process . You said it was ongoing. And Ongoing Investigation. Im not privy to what the chairman had to say. There have been public reports of an Ongoing Investigation of the us attorney related to hunter biden. The document as part of an Ongoing Investigation. What i know is the Fbi Department of justice team under william barr and scott brady in the Western District of pennsylvania terminated the investigation. They said there were no grounds for further investigative steps. They ended that. In terms of another investigation, i cant speak to that. Ive seen nothing about that other than published reports. This document, is it part part of an Ongoing Investigation. I must have missed that. Ive not heard that this is part of an Ongoing Investigation. The money for hunter biden . Cant go into the details of it. Remember, abstracting from the particulars of this case, something pretty extraordinary here, the fbi document is a report of confidential human informant. The fbi depends on these people to make their cases, they are categorically absolutely interested in maintaining the confidentiality of these peoples identities and their identities can bd deuced from certain kinds of facts. If you release interview documents that they confided in the fbi. We want to be careful about that, not a partisan issue. They did confirm it is about families. I dont believe i am permitted to get into details of specifically what it is. All i will tell you is there was a complete department of justice us attorney and fbi team that was set up to investigate the allegations that surfaced after Rudy Giuliani was making particular allegations. You candy dues from that. 6 figures right here. Theres a confidential human source the fbi works with its prudent to be very credible, that confidential human source said he had no way of knowing about the underlying veracity of the things he was being told. It is not the source of the information, it is information that he reported from a conversation with someone else, that he was not able to verify or authenticate which is often the case. We are talking about secondhand hearsay. It is not the source, the confidential human source that is the origin of the particular claim. It is the person who reported it, that someone else was saying. That is why the task force was created that examined it. To move up the chain of investigative procedures. The physical documents. With unclassified documents. Let me Say Something about the document and contempts. The document, all documents relating to all confidential human sources is one that should not be released publicly because it would endanger the confidential human source and undermine the whole Law Enforcement system that the fbi has put into place. Ask your self whether you would be a confidential human source for the fbi or any Law Enforcement entity if the interviews that you engaged in with agents would then be published or turned over to the public or be on tv. You would never do it. That to me strikes me as out of bounds. The contempt thing amuses me. I was on the Oversight Committee when donald trump said he was not going to participate with any legislative oversight activities at all and ordered every federal department and division not to comply. If we had, at that point, the director of any agency or the fbi or attorney general or anybody under the president coming over, delivering documents and explaining the meaning of those documents to us we would have had a Mardi Gras Parade because we were shutout. The idea of holding the fbi director in contempt, they want to take this document which could be a vagary dangerous thing to put out in the public, and use it for political call purposes strikes me as wrong. A copy, a time we had a simultaneous briefing. We got to ask whatever questions we wanted. There were copies of the documents distributed to us, we perus them and they return them. I was very pleased, it was extremely accommodating. A minimal rejecting im sorry local. It was several pages. A lot of redaction. There were certain name redaction this. Would you call this move by workup likens republicans political . I was amazed when i heard the chairman who i have a lot of respect for defend the work of the committee on the basis that Donald Trumps paul numbers are going up. Leaving aside the causal nexus between that anyway how should that be the basis for measuring the success of a legislative Oversight Committee in the house of representatives, whether it is affecting someones paul numbers . I noticed the former president s lawyers are in washington meeting at the department of justice about the very serious allegations the former president took government documents including classified and topsecret documents and elaborately didnt return them. In the meantime we are involved in what i see as a huge distraction which is trying to get contempt charges brought for the first time in American History against the director of the fbi. I leave it to your judgment whether that is political or not. Given your concerns about moving forward to stop that as you expected. I know something about contempt. There were contempt motions brought against the number of people who refused to comply with congressional subpoenas offered by the january 6th committee voted by a bipartisan fashion by republicans and democrats in the committee, there was refusal to participate. And and we moved to contempt. We brought the very document, 90 what was being asked for. All kinds of answers about the document, seems like the goalpost has shifted a little bit. The majority is asking for the actual document itself. That was a dangerous risky thing. Internal fbi documents, these forms 1020 that relate to the statements being made by confidential human sources in conversation with other people should be released to the public. Its a dangerous, risky thing. Theres a reason why you dont know of that happening before. That exposes the whole method of confidential Law Enforcement investigation. I dont think you have one yet. [inaudible question] unfortunately i dont know what hes referring to. We have a problem in our committee, out of these investigations, im constantly scrambling to keep up based on that. I dont know specifically what hes referring to. I didnt see anything in any of the documents that had to do with romania. [inaudible question] i would hope my colleagues would think long and hard before holding the director of the fbi in contempt for what the Trump Administration and william bar did. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] tonight, a look at challenges facing International Financial institutions, the world bank and International Monetary fund the. Watch the House Financial Services so Committee Hearing at 8 00 pm eastern on cspan2. You can watch on cspan now, our free mobile video apps or online, cspan. Org. Cspan now is a free mobile apps feature your unfiltered view of what is happening in washington. 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