What do you say to black americans who may be skeptical about you and your book and just explosive cover . I give them my back story. I was born on a cotton plantation, my father was a sharecropper. Picking cotton. He bought us out of the plantation in tennessee. And he was so thankful that god had given us a middleclass life that we started a gospel team group, went around the south singing gospel music around the south. I went to College University of michigan and started working in a prison in South Carolina, five years and i saw the belly of the beast and i saw evil. I was supposed to supervise 127 hardcore felons every day and i was most of the time by myself so i had to understand evil and i saw a lot of young black men, the clinton crime bill, started asking black intelligentsia why does a black man get backed up like this, in 1990 they had 40 on that case. They told me it was a bunch of rich white republicans who hated black people so i left my post working in the ghettos and i saw no rich white republicans down there. You would see a leprechaun before you someone. I saw a bunch of black democrats, the entities outside making money off the chaos, black politicians, black civic organizations, the iron triangle, that is my first book, this is a sequel to that and as i studied and saw these were connected to the Democrat Party and found out their number one goal was to make sure they get 90 of the black vote for the Democrat Party period, full stop by hook or by crook and that is what they have been doing, the old slave master crew. Host we talk about god will hold you responsible, play on words but what do you say when you look at, you talk about this in your book, about education, the, high crime rate, homicide, how it is so heavily concentrated in these communities do you believe there is a connection between the leadership who have relinquished their moral obligation and leadership obligation to make sure the new plantation you keep them as slaves, keep them dependent, make them believe there is always racism, youre going to be pushed back or discriminated against especially when you have other race cases that you see which reinforces it in their mind, they use this, the white man will never allow you to progress and therefore let us feed you because you cannot feed yourself. Guest i call it neoplantationism. Picking cotton, they have us picking votes and have people demoralized and when a persons demoralized they tell you the truth, the soviet union did that to their people, beat them down and beat them down and the schools are terrible, they destroyed every institution to the economic system, you name it they have done it but they have always done it, the Democrat Party from 1800 up to now has been perpetually the evilest institution on the face of this earth from 1800 to 1860 slavery, from 1860 to 1855 the confederacy, almost a million americans enslaved, they destroyed reconstruction, killed people, maimed people, hunger people, after reconstruction one hundred years of jim crow systematically stolen election, intimidated, murdered, anything to keep power and after 1965 Civil Rights Act they change their ways . No, they expanded it, abortion, socialism, and if you want to know the Democrat Party go to the ghetto, go to the innercity and it will show you everything you need to know. You are accusing the Democratic Party of genocide without firing a bullet. And they know it, just like you and i have, they see what they are doing, School Choice would be too easy to educate young people, any schools in baltimore, detroit and memphis, they arent learning anything and they know it, they know something that works because it has worked in washington dc, it worked in new orleans, they know it works, that is why they do it, they know they can do it, public education, they wont do it because the one thing that scares more than anything like Frederick Douglass said his educated black men, cannot be controlled, keep them ignorant, keep them frightened, keep them under control and so was the answer . How do you deal with this in the book . How are they so successful no matter what era we find ourselves in targeting one community, the black community . Doesnt work for Jewish Community is, the italians, why does it work so well with overall in your opinion in reading your book the black community . It is a science experiment to them. The whole concept of being was to keep us under control and they learned how to do it through demoralization, beat them down so stockholm syndrome checked in. Its not a condemnation, its an explanation. Patty hearst had stockholm syndrome, she thought she was helping the people are kidnapped and robbed banks so identifying with your oh pressure, and even during the civil war when the northern armies came to free the slaves, 95 were still on the plantation, they didnt leave. Abraham lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation, slaves in the south in the civil war, they were digging the trenches and putting up the parts for them and even when they did the census in 1990 they found 90 of black people still live down south. A fascinating point, a correlation in this book is when you have the potential to remove god, remove faith, remove being accountable to responsible to a Higher Authority the reason you stress the atheism and lack of morality in your book is because you make it clear that blacks were once very moral community, they were a blessed Community Despite slavery, segregation, Civil Rights Movement, that is something they held onto but once they were able to remove that pillar and replace god with materialism, dependency, that is when they begin to experience the most successful results instead of continuing to demoralize that community. We have always had poor black people but we werent killing each other, we werent destroying our families, the Civil Rights Movement, the liberals from the Democrat Party decided my goodness, they got inside the black church and made it just a conduit to the Democrat Party, politics became part of the black church and it never should have been. The black preachers job or any preachers job is to give us a prayer, to live for eternity in the presence of jesus christ, that is your job. Weve got politicians, weve got lawyers but when youre talking about god and jesus christ i tell people i cannot be oppressed and cannot believe in systemic racism because im an air of jesus christ. I never met anybody that figures to me because it teaches us we are all brothers and sisters, we all have gifts and we are supposed to elevate each others gifts and when we elevate each others gifts, jealousy, income inequality, better house than i got, you go to a better school, no, think about you, elevate your gifts, help your neighbor elevate his gifts and then guess what happens . We have a beautiful society, a good doctor helps everybody, great mechanic helps everybody, great cook, great teacher helps everybody, instead they are trying to get us to dumb america down by saying Critical Race Theory means you have some type of superiority over me and i want you to give up your privilege, i was born with privilege, two great parents, great family, i was born an american, that is a privilege. Try to tell me is it being born white is a privilege, i say being born black is a privilege. Dont want you to believe that. I was born with the greatest privilege, being an air of jesus christ because you are not under anybody, anything you need i got you. If they dont want us to go back to that because once we do that, ignorant stops, the jealousy, hatred, all of this foolishness that makes a skill one another will stop, they will lose their power. Another interesting chapter in your book, when you talk about the lgbt q, you should Great Respect to human beings, no one should be discriminated against, no one should be harmed in any way because of their preferences but you also pointed out in your book very eloquently how this has become a tool for the marginalization of the black community. Yes it is. They use their pain for their gain, say we can help you to achieve whatever it is you want and i tell them no, you achieve it by earning the respect of the people around you. Change been rejected. Kane and his brother abel, god changed, why are you angry . If you do well, will you not be accepted and if not, you must master it. If you do well will you not be accepted . Done well. Accept it. Do well. They will raise at tickertape parade in new york city in 193435. Before all the marching, joe lewis knocked out Matt Snelling at menke Yankee Stadium in the country is celebrating because he did well. I tell the Lgbt Community dont get caught in trying to use the law of coercion to make america like you. It didnt work for us. Change the hearts of the people, be respectful. Talk to god. If youre happy with your self that is enough. Host i encourage people to buy your book, you go heavy on how important morality was to the human rights community, desperately need a king, they never compromised the moral leadership. Where is that moral Leadership Today in our elected officials . Guest is amazing. You know. I look at it because we have to have examples how best to live and our children as a matter of fact the worst behavior in the world is held up as proper. Im looking at it and it worries me. I spent communication with my daughter, with my children explaining to them this is not right. Our ministers can to a better do a better job connecting our children, put him first and all things come after, i will be lifted up, draw all men to me, lift him up and no matter where you are, if you are starting up, if you have a job at walmart making 20,000 a year you will be happy and move up further because youre good, clean, kinda. Those are the intangibles that move you up and as you move up in walmart and go somewhere else, a good man, good woman, they are good at what they do. If you do well you will be accepted and next thing you know you will be like my mother, my father who came out of poverty because they were good people, honest people, they work hard, people had a good word to say about them. It is not waking up one morning and you are rich, you know it is a grind, isnt it . We have to teach them about the grind and crime is a thing that makes it beautiful. Start out, work hard, beyond just administers have to give back to teaching their children, one of the things to teach them because they are not good at the others, you just want black people to get their golden heaven, youre making them broke on earth and send them to hell at the same time, screwing up on both ends, at least do the one part right, teach them how to piece of god here on earth, to love one another, teach them to love themselves because once you love yourself it doesnt matter how the white man feels about you, the lgbt q community, the greatest all host in your book you really chart out with society how the big switch started in 1960. People believe the switch started in 1960, i take them to the election of 1876 when the whole southern part of the United States went, they went democrat. This continues after lincoln was assassinated so you had a lot of black people voting for the Democratic Party then and they have a plan for it called the mississippi plan and the South Carolina plan, intimidation, bribery, murder, look it up, with mississippi and South Carolina, stole the election for hundred years down south, still doing the mississippi South Carolina plan even today, people say they started voting for the Democrat Party in 1960, no. We are talking civil rights, no, in 1956, 1957, in 1957, the Civil Rights Act, 1960, the 19 sixties Civil Rights Act, so black people down south could vote and also sent the 101st airborne down to make sure they got into Central Hospital in arkansas and also did the First Oval Office address on civil rights in the history of this nation so people want to talk about civil rights they wouldnt have voted for johnson, they wouldve voted for eisenhower and nixon. Nixon was president and eisenhower stepping back so what happened . Eisenhower and nixon and all the civil rights stuff, 4 or 5 million black people are registered to vote down south, my grandfather registered to vote in the 1960s, kicked him off the cotton plantation where he worked, the fbi came down told him not to go anywhere. Eisenhower and dixon sent them down to say we passed this new law saying they cannot intimidate or hurt you anymore, youre going to vote. My grandfather voted he voted straight democrat. Asked my father why . Black folks did what white folks told them to do. Even then. At the end of that campaign they found 8 of black people voted for the Democrat Party. People say all of these democrat switched to republicans, george wallace, those dramatics, wells barnett, although southern governors, strom thurmond, only one, the rest of them stated democrats forever and black people voted for them so when i start asking the question, goes back to stockholm syndrome, goes back to cognitive dissonance, it makes perfect sense, youve been beaten down for 400 years, of course you take on the characteristics of your master plus if they had been paying attention to the Civil Rights Movement we were fighting, bleeding, dying, i hamburger beside them, go to the bathroom beside them, drink the water fountain beside them, go to school beside them, of course when it came to votes we were going to vote with them. Makes perfect sense. Wire blacks so skeptical about the Republican Party . Guest in 1992 a good friend of yours was over the rnc, george bush had just become president and the Republican Party had to have power in the house of representatives, working with the district, dont have the numbers to change the state house votes on that, we said lets see if we can get the black caucus and make a deal. For majority black districts and we wont run anybody in these districts, wont help anybody run in perpetuity, to the black caucus, union statehouses, we will give you majority black congressional districts vote will double your number in congress, what do you say . They said you got a deal. The Republican Party pulled out of the black community. Black democrats came in and for 30 years, we dont fund the candidates that run down there whether way be black, white or is irrelevant, if you go to South Carolina and running jim clyburns district you will not get funding from the are in see no matter how they draw up the funding and for 30 something years, nothing but lies, like lincoln said in the state of the union address, the only the Republican Party existed except for the lies you tell about us. Guest both parties what they did. I want to come back, your voice is so important, that is why to be a part of this interview on afterwords. Race, you can find race in everything in america today, what do you say when you look at trave on martin, george floyd, everything is about race to the Mainstream Media when it involves a white officer and someone whos black and it doesnt tell the whole story. How do you get black americans, and whites to another extent to see that it is not always about race, and you talk about this in your book, obsession, is that it sells . What is it . They are controlled by larger interests we are unaware of . They have an agenda to keep their power, black people have to vote, they know it. They know they cannot lose the black vote, they will burn the country down before they do it. They tried to put hate crime on derek shove and he will be in jail the rest of his life. It was wrong but couldnt prove it was racial, it didnt matter. They set up this country on fire. It was irrelevant. With his behavior was immoral. I agree, it was wrong, exactly right and that is how i saw it and they made it racial and told black people this is america. They are going to turn us back and they did and young black people out there. They think we are the same country we were in the 1950s, the democrats will never make us believe we are in a Postracial America where merit can move you to the top. You have proof of that, merit, hard work, when President Biden comes out and ive got a new Supreme Court justice got to nominate, i will find the best justice in america, hes going to walk out Ketanji Brown jackson answers this is the best jurist i could find an american we all applauded yes, that is beautiful, black woman is transcended, he can do that. I will give this to a black woman. This is old slave master talk, let the field negroes understand you can earn it, everythings you get comes from me. They are allowing the very people they say are racists to determine what black people are elevated. Judge jacksons credentials are stellar. Nominated to the court. Yes. They marginalized her because shes black . They want to make black people understand you cannot earn it, everything you get comes from me. Black people work in the cotton field and in the fields for a whole season and the master is going to give them what he wants them to have. How is the Republican Party any better . The only thing that makes the Republican Party any better is they do not have in their platform the murdered children, destruction of the family, they are against religious liberty. There is a desire in society about lgbt q and the church and the state and all this stuff and you have people religiously ready, you dont have to agree with me. Host why cant the Republican Party with the 25 lies you discussed in your book, why dont they capitalize on it, you would think what blacks were a huge part of the Republican Party, 80 to 90 , wise there no gain for the gop . Same reason, the gerrymandering thing, they made the deal to stay out and they keep their word, right now they are drawing districts again at have drawn some and the gop is going to take the house again and as long as they keep their deal, the black caucuses keep their part of the deal the gop will keep their part of the deal. This transcends politics, the good of the country, for the good of the healing of the nation . Policies wont fix it. This to come out of the breath of the Christian Community, the muslim community, the Jewish Community and the american spirit, the same way because it is immoral, it is wrong. We are going to put sanctions on them, same thing needs to happen, we should not support any politician going to those ghettos saying we wont support School Choice or arm people in a war zone or strip your religious liberty or allow people to come over the border and bring fentanyl and sex trafficking into those areas, we are not going to allow this anymore, we as americans and christian say im not going to allow you to hurt my brother or my sister any longer and im doing fine but im not going to allow you to hurt my fellow americans anymore. You will be held accountable. An elected politician killing people, killing children, trapping children in failing schools, religious libby, allow sex trafficking and to Drug Trafficking come over the border are harming individuals you will be held accountable so i am saying to america this book is saying the politicians wont change it, we cant be like liberals expect in politics to change our situation. Host i find this fascinating, to ask people around the world to come, you talk about the Second Amendment, why, the biggest demographic getting conceal carry, by africanamericans, wise the Second Amendment port and . Without the ability to fight back, human nature cannot respect a we command. And the Natural Force of power, you cannot be free unless you can defend yourself. We see what happens with the george floyd riots, people robbed them. Tell the police to stand down, in ukraine, another country invaded heather government doesnt have the ability to defend them. It is a natural state of power and this makes me angry. I talk about the biggest problem in america is not white racism, it is black male cowardice, it is us, black men not defending our families, defending our neighborhoods, we are the provocateurs of violence, killing, carjacking, smash and grab, selling dope, wont work, wont take care of our children. It takes bravery and strength for a man to get up and go to work every day and bring money home to his wife and children, take them to church on the weekend, take care of his family and what we have now is a bunch of cowardice going on that is actually being, people are explaining away, racism you talk about feminizing men, emasculating men, making men forget what their roles are and that is important. Guest you grew up in the south, strong father with the gun, sitting up in a corner with a shotgun in the corner of the bedroom, nobody bothered me. Nobody. Host he had a gun in his glove compartment. Guest just in case. These were men nobody parted them because they understood they were men. Now they want to feminize men and make them believe being a man is something, anything you want to call it, no definition to it, what if you want to call it that is what it is. Theres a definition to it. Host you and i grew up, if someone said we need to take fraternity leave guest i got to work, got to take care of that baby. It was a thing we grew up with, you have to fight in the neighborhood. And the guy you are following became your best friend, we grow up during a time you had to be tested, you fought with your brothers, it is over with, come back inside, now they want men to cry. Host not everything was about mental illness. It exists, you fought through it. It was about discipline. You were looked upon a man when you could control yourself, when you could control yourself and you understood you werent supposed to talk about everything in public. We had mothers and grandmothers who have tenets for kids and once giving birth to the kid they were back in the field. Better believe it, your mother was harder than your daddy was. Bring your face up. Straighten up. It was about control. Christianity is about control. Life was about conformity. Control yourself. Tired, get the job done, scared, fight through it, face your fear, angry, better not hit your sister, didnt matter, you control yourself, that was the way you were supposed to be and that was also reinforced in school, you would never swear. You would not wear a hat at the dinner table and your pants hanging down. Never happen. Guest there was a decorum you had to respect your father and your mother no matter how old you got. When you came to my daddy app store you were 12 years old again and had to act like it. Yes, sir. It is the respect, the honor, knowing what right looks like and right now nobody knows what it is. Host there is so much we are covering it is in your book, but you also talk about you can see there is progress because i dont know if people get what i want to get across in this book 25 lies, what your advocate is no different than has been advocated through faith through the 10 commandments that theres a higher being, theres no such thing to us black conservatism, theres a certain thing as a right way to live at the wrong way to live in if you live this way, you have these certain virtues and values and ethics, you end up pretty good in life and you dont put color to it. What scares me is they are not trying taking the black immunity, spread to the white community, that is what crt is, make white people hate themselves, you are a racist, you re no good, start looking in the mirror and say i am no good and start shooting people that look like them. When i hear music are not be wn word, we didnt have that stuff, when it came out, terrible, and got back. We have children 35 years old and now they look at each other and hate one another because hes in an word, he is a w word and why are these children so hateful and full of anger. Every thing, sex, injury, murder, materialism, all of it, that is them. If you dont have what youre supposed to have somebody will victimize you and you have a right to go take it from them. The 10 commandments is a beautiful document. If your father saw you looting. Vuitton or some other story wouldnt be he would be he would be so hurt. When i heard that President Bidens son they got together, my daddy would have call ed a ride to my house. What was this . The stuff you talk about in your book, i want to take full advantage this hour we have, something you talked about crt making white people feel guilty and questioning themselves and black lives matter, they didnt necessarily give the money because they believed in the cause, it was guilt. They didnt care how they spent the money, they wanted to feel good about themselves. That is all it is, virtue signaling, george floyd, everybody feeling bad about it but somewhere in the white liberal mind they think they were responsible for being white, like their children, you have a big rich parent the grew up in the child ended up bad, didnt raise them right and a lot of these rich liberals have such a messiah complex that they actually believe they have control over our lives and because we didnt turn out well they can change it. I had a white liberal told me the black man would do well if the white man would get soft and i looked at him and you think you can hold me down . His face turned and white, never heard a black man say that. You told them this is a human being, you think you can hold me down, you have the arrogance and a lot of these liberals actually say that, we have to do more to help, everything is a Government Program to help. Please stop helping me but a lot of them understand what they are doing is control. It is absolute control. Host you dont think they mean well . There are some that do and some are just evil. Guest in your book you talk about abortion and choice and how the disproportionate number of young black women abort their kids and yet they regret, depression, sometimes suicide that follows. Guest what they have done. What i thought about this, the legal concept of cost, jesus said anyone that causes, the millstone, so how did my greatgrandmother have 16 children . My grandmother had 16 children, my mother had 7 and this generation started, Justice Brandeis said people follow the government answers okay so what happens . They got with the church, civic organizers and they know it is not okay and instead the black church started saying it is okay and black politicians say it is okay and the black civic organizers start saying it is okay and they talk to schoolteachers and they said it is okay and these young ladies started getting the okay from people in society who are supposed to tell them the truth, he who causes and causing these young people, you and i remember when they put birthcontrol in schools and when you tell them this will cause children to have more sex, you see what happens. They knew what would happen, that was their goal and what do they do . Abortion factories in the black community and steal the body parts, make money from it, 500 they get for abortion and 500 million from planned parenthood, 60,000 for body parts and using us to make money, the black Community Public education doesnt work, spend as much money as you can to pay the teachers and the money goes back. Host continuing Margaret Sangers legacy. You touched on School Choice. For young people listening, watching our conversation and learning about your book 25 lies, wise education the foundation of it all . Imagine going through this world. Guest wouldnt that be tragic . Wasted time. The most terrible thing that could happen in this world, the child, make a beautiful thing or be a great mechanic, not teaching these children to read and when you cant teach a child to read or have moral instruction you destroy their lives and in the ghetto, so much potential, ways that it happens. It doesnt have to be that way. All they have to do is tell the mother to her 3 times, schools down the street in baltimore will educate your children, these men, white men, asian men, teach about treating the mother with respect, teaching about god, teach them reading, writing, arithmetic, history. When he grows up, he wont be award of the state, wont go to jail. A private black school that does that, they are very successful. They know of them and refuse to let it happen. Host what about the playground in the classroom, assault teachers, disrespect some, use abusive language and now you cant suspend kids from school. Guest take the government out of that. Allows the parent to take their children or teachers that they trust. Host you touch on this you can only allow this to happen to not only do you want to destroy Public Schools but want to destroy the learning process. Is that intentional . Guest it has to be. You cant teach somebody to supplement security. When the green berets jump into the middle they put up a secure perimeter, a security job, they know that but they have this crazy idea of the world where they dont want children disciplines because if they are disciplined they cant control them. These people from harvard, yale and oxford, they know what they are doing. They know. They are looking at statistics, the lowest birth rate in history of the nation last year and the trend had been going down for 7 straight years. Americans dying, they know it, and i read this story and they were celebrating it, they were saying, our generation, this generation between 17 and 30, celebrating it, this is why we are dying, you took 17 of the population, out of the child ring, how do you take 70 of the population out of birthing children . And then you are teaching children at an early age, not people that are legitimately lgbt q but to get involved in a lifestyle that might not be conducive to them. And not who they are. It host what the outcome will be, it encourages them. Guest trying to get little children to have a sex change operation before they are 18. Grown men going into bed the public bathroom with little girls. Then stand outside the bathroom door, im going to break the law. Host with the time we have left, what you are talking about now, everything else, your book is not many blacks in this country symbolize what is wrong with america, if you are talking about behavior and own moral code and what happens when a nation is not educated, what happens when the government stands down and allows crime to be. Face of, what happens when the government does not have standards and no response ability, you talk about when the government gets involved in Political Correctness which is detrimental to the fabric and exponential growth of this country. Host a Democrat Party has made the black community their petri dish for it, we are going to do it here and control these people with all the stuff and they have now that it has expanded. Like the soviet union did with the commentary all over the world and so now they have started to expand this to all of america. All of it. Young people, legalizing marijuana. Dirksen Senate Office building marijuana, drugs, prostitution, they are trying to legalize and we are trying to tell people to stop. We are all americans. We are protected, it is to protect ourselves. We are americans, lgbt q, black, white, asian, theres a way to live, we dont have to all agree but i told my children, ive never seen my wife and children be rude to anybody. If i sign lgbt q person being mistreated, leave that person alone, you have no right to be mean to that person. There is no virtue in us being, nonviolence is a christian virtue, it is not. Not a question is a christian virtue. Host this is what happens when government tries to replace god and remove, you speak about god and mention jesus people think you are weak and they laugh at you. Host guest you cant say it in the public square, cant put the 10 commandments up anywhere but they will let you put anything else up. No prayers but they will bring in to read to the children, the bible in the library and nasty books for children to read, you cant host you got to make them all feel good. Implicated is no longer about curriculum. This is about a party that systematically tried to destroy this nation. Slavery to the confederacy to jim crow and socialism and atheism and it is very seductive. If you depend on me i will give you what you need. Host not prosecuting crime. Guest no bail, defund the police and dont believe they are not going to defend the police because that is how they have to make you insecure. Host they want anarchy. Guest when people are slaves, have no security, when people are trying to survive they turn to government. Host in reading your book you also know the best laid plans cant work. America cant survive. Guest you and i, christian men, we believe in satan. Try to take this nation out. The whole world, the whole world looks at america and wow, america is a dream. We only make 3 of the worlds population and everybody wants to come here. He has to destroy it, make it feminine, make it poor, as Abraham Lincoln said we will only be destroyed. Host who are they . Guest i put it down to them credit party, Upper Echelon of the Democratic Party, not the rank and file people, not a lot of the people. That are elected by the Democratic Party. A lot of these people are in districts, the Democratic Party has controlled, in order for them to win and do some good and they told me they told you what they told me, i cant run as a republican or conservative in my district, help me change it. So many indignities. And from the teachers union, School Choice, and who controls the Democratic Party . Planned parenthood, from George Armstrong on down, people that want open borders. People who love the drug trade, people who love the sex trafficking, they sent all of that money down, use the law to keep these people under control that will vote for you. Host they want to the people who are carry out their agenda. China sending money through lobbyists and that goes to the politicians. They are doing a good job. Host they can destroy our values and bring about fear. Like you talked about with covid 19 and the pandemic. Guest and had a fight to do anything, now we are in this inflation and economic turmoil because of it. We live very protected lives in dont know how sinister people are. So outside of america they are sending everything they can, propaganda, the cold war was about that and now they are doing it to us and they know that the foundation to at all, the Democratic Party keeping power, black people under their heel. Host you lay all the blame on the Democratic Party, no response ability for republicans and the gop, just the Democratic Party . Guest looking at what theyve done to the black community a look at the evil they have done from slavery, 6 million black people in slavery to abortion and this comes from jim crow, jim crow was hard even with the laws on the book. The right to vote, equal protection under the law, they castrated, killed, murdered, the first and a lobbyist naacp got killed on the field, Delbert Williams in tennessee in 1940 because hes trying to get black people to vote. Murdering, thieving, perverted lot since their inception in 1800 and they havent changed. Like the mafia. If you set up the mafia in the city who is coming to it . The pimps, the drug dealers, the murderers, the thieves because that is what they do. The Democratic Party in a state, will support abortion, keep children in terrible schools, defraud religion, who comes to it . Host is this why the media demonizes black conservatism . Demonizes conservatism . They are the enabler and protect them so they can continue their bidding and the erosion of American Values . Guest youve seen media. You know from history the soviet union had its minions always trying to break america down. In my book i wrote about in 1954, infiltrate the destruction to make a direct replica of the soviet bloc and they have done it. 1party rule, dictator worship, apostate religion, broken family, poverty, drug abuse, you name it and people try to say capitalism has destroyed socialism has, they can just, do you socialism has destroyed, not capitalism. Host in the 5 minutes we have left, thank you for writing this book 25 lies, exposing democrats most dangerous, district of, dammit all lies give us hope. What can people do to turn this around or can they . Guest there is hope. The hope is there is still a strong Christian Community that held this country ever since it began, the abolitionist movement, christian movement, between real christianity and thechristianity. Slavery, racism, injury and abolitionist christianity, forbearance, freedom, that christianity still exists and we have to activate it and saying we are doing a good job in africa, south america, china and korea but what did jesus say . Want you to take these gospels and spread it starting here in jerusalem and superior and the outer marts outermost parts of the world, we as christians have to start redoubling our efforts here and go back into the community that is suffering, challenge the church to do its job again and bring about the Great Commission because it is the apostate church, not all of them, you have good preachers down there but too many of them have just made politics part of the church. Street money. You know how it works. Youve seen it. They have taken the black community is made some the Democrat Party and socialism synonymous, they are not. Host how do we get americans lives like the immigrant song, opportunity, how do you get american blacks, i am at home and will protect it as if it is my home. Guest to believe in god and 25 generations in the country. You have to end the slave trade in 1808. This is your country. Your people built it. You know your way around, protect your self, that is part of being america, you have to walk and exercise your freedom. Your freedom is an unalienable right given to you by god, it is irrevocable, nontransferable, unsellable according to john locke, exercise your freedom. Believe in your god, get married, have a family, work hard. Youve seen the study from pew, at first you graduate high school, dont have a child until you are married. Host explain people and denounce the myths, people tried to make others believe. Have to believe in jesus christ as god. That makes you sound stand up and look in the eyes, get everything i get, anyone who does that will have a problem. Anyone who will try to teach my children and pulled them away from their god, a person that believes in christ and god and freedom, not the government gives him his freedom, he believes his freedom comes from god, he doesnt ask permission. He exercises like your car, you own it. And then arms himself, the wise man and walks this earth. Host my brother, i say my brother in christ, i see behavior, expos democrats most dangerous, productive, damnable, destructive lies and how to refute them. Vince ellison, thank you so much for joining us on afterwords, got to get the book. If you are enjoying book to be sign up for our newsletter using the qr code on the screen to see the scheduled upcoming programs, after discussions, book festivals and more, booktv on cspan2 or any time online, booktv. Org, television for serious readers. Now available, the cspan shop, cspans 2,022 congressional directorate, go there to order a copy of the congressional directorate, the spiralbound book is your guide to the federal government with Contact Information for every member of congress including bios and Committee Assignments and Contact Information for state governors and the biden administrations cabinet, order your copy on cspanshop. Org or scan the code with your smart phone, every purchase help support cspans nonprofit operation. Welcome barbara walter. Its a pleasure to have the chance to talk with you today. Your book has generated an astonishing National Debate about where we are as a country today during a moment of. Quite extraordinary polariz during a moment of quite extraordinary polarization and division. And in the book you advance this quitee controversial claim that the u. S. Iss closer to civil war than many of us would like to think or believe. Whatnc i thought it would make sense to do is we get launched is to give you a chance