Incredible work. Mr. Chairman and on behalf of the ways and Means Committee, who worked along side you, im honored to speak in support of the American Health care act because it guarantees coverage for those with preexisting illnesses. It guarantees coverage for those with preexisting illnesses. The bill takes Decisive Action and repeal all the damage done by obamacare and begin a thoughtful stepbystep process to deliver a patientcentered Health Care System not a washingtoncentered Health Care System. While obamacare has helped some, far more have been hurt by this law. In more obamacare failures are piling up every day. Just yesterday, aetna announced it will exit virginias individual Health Market next year and not just the ork exchanges they are leaving behind, aetna will not offer any plans in the individual market in virginia. Same thing is happening in iowa. And democrats, my friends on the democratic aisle have done nothing to stop this, nothing. But today, because of this bill, thousands of people will have hope for new plans to provide the Health Care Coverage they need. Millions of americans throughout the country are facing terrible options. People in texas have been hit particularly hard. Between this year and last year, nine Health Care Insurers have exited Obamacare Exchanges in the lone star state. No other state saw more insurers leave. For my familiar have made incredible tough choices. You cant access affordable coverage tailored to what they need. And learned how to get by of the bigger than their mortgage payments and chose to pay out of pocket for the care they need or not getting care at all. Under obamacare, receiving from luxury. Ent has been a today with the American Health care act, the republicans proposed we have an opportunity to provide immediate relief from this failing law. More than that, we can provide americans with real choices in health care, not the painful decision they are forced to live with under obamacare. Under the ways and Means Committee area, this starts by repealing the laws crushing taxes and mandates and thats where ways and means takes action. Under obamacare, the individual employer mandate penalties allow washington to strong arm you, strong arm americans into an obamacare plan you do not want and cant afford. Not anymore. We repeal the individual mandate tax penalties so americans have the right to make the choices. Under obamacare, trillions of taxes were imposed. Under the republican plan, those taxes are gone, taxes that burdened americas Small Businesses and families. And under our plan we provide increased Health Savings accounts so americans can save easier that hit them and we create a personal individual tax credit so americans can buy plans that are right for them and not what is right for government. Health care premiums, they can choose a plan that can go with them from job to job or state to state. Today is about taking on the collapsing obamacare and replacing for the American People health care that they want, they can use and that they can afford, driven not by what washington wants, but driven by what American Families need in their health care. I urge support. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott i remind my colleague his vote for this bill could take away protections to 4. 5 Million People with preexisting conditions in texas who might have access to coverage but if they have diabetes, their rates could go up by 5,000. I yield one minute to the gentlelady from north carolina. Ms. Adams after his latest failed attempt to roll back the a. C. A. , speaker ryan said obamacare is the law of the land. Less than 50 days later, paul ryan shamefully is going against his word trying to ram trumpcare down our throats. Its an embarrassment we are asting taxpayer dollars to dontcare. Trump and gives tax breaks and forces families to pay higher premiums and placing health care out of their reach and changes medicare as we know it and strips essential Health Benefits and protections for people with preexisting conditions. What a pitiful display. Trumpcare is so bad, republicans exempted themselves from it. They dont want trumpcare. The medical industry doesnt want trumpcare. Democrats dont want trumpcare. Why arent republicans listening. The people dont want it and i wont support it. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott i ask unanimous consent to enter into a record a letter from common sense care action saying it jeopardizes the health of americas kids. The speaker pro tempore woment mr. Scott i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the jam from new york, mr. Jeffries. Mr. Jeffries i enter a letter from f. C. I. U. Which states it will leave millions without Health Insurance. Mr. Scott i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Jeffries House Majority has once again made clear that under republican rule, the system is rigid. The fix is in. The deck is stacked against hardworking americans. And exhibit a is your reckless Republican Health care plan. Under trumpcare, 24 million americans will lose access to Health Insurance. Under trumpcare, a draconian age tax will be imposed on people between 50 and 64. Under trumpcare, costs will go up, premiums will go up, copays will go up, deductibles will go up. Under trumpcare tens of millions of americans who are living with preexisting conditions will be screwed. House republicans are out to destroy the American Health care system as we know it. But you will be held accountable for the cruel and unusual punishment that you have decided to inflict on the American People. Vote no against this draconian iece of legislation. The speaker pro tempore apparently for the last time, the chair reminds the members to direct their remarks to this chair. Understood . The gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record an article in Consumer Reports dated may 2, 2017 entitled how the Affordable Care act drove down personal bankruptcy the speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott i yield to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Norcross. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Norcross a month ago this bill was abruptly that day because it wasnt harmful enough. It is so bad, it might actually pass. I dont have a lot of time to explain, but let me tell you two groups that are going to say thank you, its the billionaires and its the undertakers. This bill will make health care more affordable. Meanwhile it gives 600 billion excuse me 800 billion to the wealthy, to the billionaires. Trumpcare brings us higher costs, less coverage, guts the benefits, crushing age tax and steals from medicare. And in my district alone, 43,000 people will lose coverage, 9,000 of those are children, elderly, the medicaid will be lost, close to 2,000. There is a reason they are trying to jam this down our throat. There is no c. B. O. Score because they dont want to hear a score. Let me make it plain. Lets put this bill in a coffin and lets kill and bury this bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black now my honor to ield 1 na minutes to mr. Scalise, our whip. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Scalise i thank the chairwoman of the Budget Committee for yielding. I rise in strong support of this bill, mr. Speaker, that finally provides relief to the American People across this country from the failures of obamacare. And just how bad is it failing . You dont have to look any further than what happened in iowa yesterday, they will have in 94 out of 99 counties nobody to write nurns for people that are in the Obamacare Exchanges. What do those who are opposed say to those people in iowa . What are the people that oppose this bill going to say to the millions of people with preexisting conditions across the country who are being faced with double digit increases in their Health Insurance every year . And by the way, premiums and deductibles as high as 10,000 which are creaming those folks that are struggling under the weight of this bill. What we are replacing it with with lower premiums and put patients back in charge of their Health Care Decisions so elitists in washington up here wont tell you what you have to buy, you get to make that choice yourself and focus on plans that are good for your family at lower costs so you can be in charge and reforming the medicaid system, so that states have the ability to innovate and help lowincome families. This bill is important, mr. Speaker, to rescue the American People from a law that has failed. Lets end the skyrocketing premium increases and lower costs and have patients in charge of their health care. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott for example, those with Breast Cancer could see their premiums go up by over 34,000. Mr. Speaker, i yield to the gentlelady from delaware for the purpose of a unanimous consent request. Ms. Blunt rochester mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from aarp which makes clear, health care will be sabotaged under this bill and Health Care Costs for Older Americans will, quote, dramatically increase, end quote. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentlelady from delaware. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Blunt rochester thank you. Mr. Speaker, i know in these polarized times we often forget that we are connected. And we are all connected to each other. A sick, uninsured employee effects the bottom line of a Small Business. Uncompensated care in the emergency room, we all pay the bill. When a child from an uninsured family goes to school, with an undiagnosed virus, not only does it impact his or her ability to learn, it impacts other kids and puts them at risk. We are all connected. As Martin Luther king so powerfully said, we may have come over on different ships, but were all in the same boat now. Mr. Speaker, its time we start rowing together. Unfortunately this bill fails to recognize this. It still fails. That were connected and that instead of bringing us together, this simply divides us, by providing less coverage, imposing an age tax, forcing people to pay more, and stripping key protections. I urge all my colleagues to vote no on h. R. 1628. Thank you and yield back the balance of my time. Thank you and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee reserves. The gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield one minute o the gentleman from illinois, mr. Krishnamoorthi crish mr. Crish mr. Krishnamoorthi crish. Mr. Krishnamoorthi. I could yield for the purpose of unanimous consent request first . The speaker pro tempore sure. Mr. Scott thank you. Mr. Krishnamoorthi i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the American Medical Association that states, quote, not only would the ahca eliminate Health Insurance coverage for millions of americans, the legislation would in many cases eliminate the ban against charging those with underlying medical conditions vastly more for their coverage. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott now i yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Krishnamoorthi thank you, mr. Speaker. The country will not remember what we say here today. But it will never forget what we do today, especially if we make the wrong choice and adopt this bill. The 159 million americans whose employersponsored health care could be cut would never forget. Neither would the 24 million americans who would lose their coverage or the 52 Million People with preexisting conditions who would struggle to find Health Insurance again. If this bill passes, mr. Speaker, no cancer survivor denied coverage will forget, no survivor of Sexual Assault charged more for her ordeal will forget, and no parent struggling to afford emergency surgery for a newborn child could ever forget. They would not have that choice. But today we have one. We can choose to vote no and prevent millions of americans from losing their health care. We can choose the right path rooted in morality, decency and reason. I implore you, vote no. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from tennessee. Mrs. Black reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott mr. Speaker, i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from new york. Mr. Espaillat mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from which states this bill would cost millions to lose would cause millions to lose their Health Coverage and return to the days when even inadequate coverage was unaffordable. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york. Mr. Espaillat mr. Speaker, i strongly oppose this bill. We all should. Protecting a. C. A. Is a top issue for my constituents. Constituents like leslie who without the protections of the a. C. A. Would not have gotten the treatment for leukemia that she was diagnosed with at the age of 22. Leslie is now in remission thanks to obamacare. For leslie, the a. C. A. Protections, like essential Health Benefits, were a matter of life and death. This republican bill would destroy those patient protections. Under the a. C. A. In my district, 5 dropped in uninsured rates. Subsidized based on region and income, not on age. Medicaid expansion covering 156,000 people will be lost. The president promised not to cut medicaid. This bill guts it by 880 billion. This bill is a gut punch to america. Pregnant women seeking health care kicked to the curb. Patients with preexisting conditions, kicked to the curb. Senior citizens who will have to pay for more less, kicked kicked to the curb. Only 24 Million People, including 6. 5 million latinos kicked to the curb. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Espaillat stop this bill. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from california, ms. Lee. Ms. Lee thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent to insert into the record the Service EmployeesInternational Unions letter voicing strong opposition to the deadly American Health care act for their two million members. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott thank you. Mr. Speaker, i now yield for the purpose of unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from california, ms. Waters. Ms. Waters mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the association of american medical colleges which states, the treatment of essential Health Benefits and Health Status underriding the protections for Many Americans and would leave individuals with preexisting conditions facing higher premiums and reduce access to vital care. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield one minute to the gentlelady from california. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Waters thank you very much. I rise to caution those republicans who have been allowed themselves to be persuaded by this president and to into supporting this terrible bill, which would lead millions of americans leave millions of Americans Without Health Care and raise the costs of care for millions more. You are going to pay a terrible price for not protecting your constituents. Trumpcare will cause 24 million americans to lose their Health Coverage and slash medicaid by 880 billion. For Older Americans, premiums, deductiblesance copayments will skyrocket. Those between the ages of 50 and 64 will be forced to pay premiums five times higher than what others pay for same coverage. This crushing age tax will fall on some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Elderly people on fixed incomes who often have Serious Health issues. Meanwhile, hidden in this bill is an outrageous tax break for billionaires, trumpcare gives 600 billion in tax cuts to large corporations and wealthy people, including 2. 8 billion to the 400 richest families in america. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Waters made this bill even worse by gutting protections for people with preexisting conditions. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Conyers. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from michigan is recognized for one minute. Mr. Conaway thank you. Mr. Speaker, mr. Conyers thank you, mr. Speaker. And mr. Conyers thank you, mr. Speaker and i also thank mr. Mr. Speaker, and i also thank mr. Scott. Members of the house, ive been here for five decades. And i cant recall a time when weve debated something so obviously harmful to seniors and working people in this country. This bill strips health care from 24 Million People. Requires seniors to pay sometimes 100 or more of their income in premiums. This legislation drastically and dramatically cuts medicaid, directly contradicting President Trumps claim not to. In michigan, fully half, half of all children rely on medicaid. In my district alone, 56,000 people will lose coverage, including 16,000 children and 3,200 seniors. Lets be clear. If we pass this bill, people will die. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Conyers health care is a right and not a privilege. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black continue to reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. For the purpose of unanimous consent request, i yield to the gentleman from minnesota, the highest ranking enlisted soldier ever elected to congress, mr. Walz. Mr. Walz i thank the gentleman. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the paralyzed veterans of america urging rejection of the latest version of the American Health care act. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from minnesota. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Walz thank you, thank you, mr. Speaker. Theres many reasons that people may come to this, come to the conclusion this is not the piece of legislation for them. I would argue most egregious amongst this is the manner in which it was done. There was clearly an error made on the seven million veterans you heard about. I do not question a single members commitment in here to caring for veterans. You did not do it on purpose. You did it because you had to, to meet the arcane rules of the senate. So you stripped it out, and you will by all intents and purposes fix it in the senate. For you i would say, good luck with that. But for the members who are sitting here, why would we not debate this . Why would we not fix it . Why would we not go through regular order, so all of us would ensure there is not a loophole that would deny coverage to seven million veterans . This is too important to rush, its too important to make errors like this. Its darn sure too important to counteron the senate to fix count on the senate to fix it and it was our responsibility. So here we sit with 30 seconds amongst 15 of us to make points that are important to the american public. I urge my colleagues, reject this, come back and do it right. And provide the health care our veterans deserve. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. In case anyone has forgotten, address your remarks to the chair. The gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from hawaii, ms. Hanabusa. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady. Ms. Hanabusa thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from save medicaid in schools, a coalition of dozens of organizations. This letter states that this bill jeopardizes health care for the nations most vulnerable children, students with disabilities, and students in poverty. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentlelady from hawaii. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Hanabusa thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise in strong opposition to h. R. 1168. The trumpcare act. I am fortunate to have been born and raised in hawaii, where we are taught to never forget our seniors. Aarp with a National Membership of 3 member and over 38 million and over 150,000 in hawaii remain opposed to trumpcare. The amendment proposed today makes the bill worse and for our seniors in hawaii and nationaly, they will have no relief from the age tax. This chart shows how much more at age 64 a person will pay in premiums. Almost 6,8 nun hawaii, where we have 6,800 in hawaii, where we have one of the best health cares. Why . What did the seniors do that trumpcare wants to penalize them and pay such a premium when theyre moving towards retirement . Trumpcare is out to get those 50 to 64 with this terrible age tax. Vote against h. R. 1168. These numbers will not be different in your district. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott mr. Speaker, could you advise us how much time is remaining on both sides . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia has 5 1 2 minutes remaining. The gentlelady from tennessee has 2 1 2 minutes remaining. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentlelady from illinois, mrs. Bustos. Mrs. Bustos mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record let frrts the united steel workers, the aflcio and the International Brotherhood of teamsters in opposition to this bill. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentlelady from illinois. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Mr. Boustany thank you, mr. Speaker. This is not mrs. Bustos thank you, mr. Speaker. This is not how washington is pose supposed to work. Were supposed to improve the lives of hardworking people. Instead this reckless and dangerous Trumpcare Bill would undermine the health and Economic Security of millions of americans. People like emily carlson. Shes a Small Business owner and mother two of from rural illinois. She lives with m. S. A lifelong and very expensive preexisting condition. Before health care reform, emily and her husband, kevin, a farmer, often had to sit around the table at night, go over their bills, and decide between sickness or debt from one month to the next. If this bill passes, thats a choice theyre going to have to face once again. For families like the carlsons, trumpcare means higher costs, fewer choices and worse coverage. Trumpcare is a bad deal for americans, but its devastating for rural americans. Right now there are nearly 700 rural hospitals at risk of closure. This bill will pull the plug on far too many of them. Killing thousands of jobs and ripping the economic heart out of many of them. Its time to put families first. To the right thing and vote against this bill. Thank you, mr. Speaker, i yield back. Mrs. Black i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from tennessee. To the t i yield gentlelady from new hampshire, ms. Sheaporter. Ms. Sheaporter i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the American Cancer Society which states Cancer Patients and survivors need affordable coverage with no preexisting coverage and that highrisk pools have failed to meet these basic needs. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scott i yield one minute to the gentlelady from new hampshire. The speaker pro tempore without objection the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Sheaporter i oppose this cruel bill on behalf of my constituents, especially those it would hurt the most, those with preexisting conditions, Older Americans, we will go back to the day when people with preexisting conditions could be thenied coverage or charged more, when insurance could decide whether or not to cover basic care like hospitalization and when sick babies might hit a lifetime limb before they could walk. Older american wills pay more. Americans age 50 to 64 will pay five times more than others. Slet rans will lose access to tax credits that makes private insurance affordable. Taking away Medicaid Expansion would put affordable coverage out of reach for millions and set us back in the fight against the opioid crisis. Instead of this bill lets come together to improve health care. Were better than that. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black i yield po seconds to myself. The the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. Mrs. Black this bill begins to fulfill our promise by reducing costs for American Families. It eliminates obamacares burdens on Small Businesses and families. We must continue to work on this. With that, i would like to yield one minute to the gentleman from california, our majority leader, mr. Mccarthy. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Mccarthy i thank the gentlelady for yielding. Thank portantly, i congresswoman diane blackfor more than four decades as a nurse. For caring for the sick. I know her passion for the unborn. And for her work on this legislation. Now mr. Speaker, americans are a practical people. We know that we can have Fair Health Care that helps those who need it without trapping everyone in a governmentrun system dreamed up by washingtons central planners. Now contrary to our freedom, obamacare forced the American People to purchase insurance. Contrary to our well being or ba macare imposed taxes we cannot bear. Contrary to what is responsible and right, ba macare made medicaid unsustainable for the people most in need. And contrary to common sense, ba macare regulations continue to drive up the cost of insurance beyond what people can afford. You want to know how obamacare is working . Just read this weeks papers. Let me take you all the way back to yesterday. His is the headline. Medica the last insurer selling individual policies in most of iowa is unlikely to exist. So now 94 of the 99 counties will have no insurer. In iowa. 94 of the 99 of the 94 counties in iowa will have in insurer. Heres another headline from yesterday. Etna will exit obamacare markets aetna will exit obamacare markets in virginia in 2018. Humana left the Obamacare Exchanges, blue cross left nebraska, United Health care left all but a handful of markets this year. You see, mr. Speaker, we have roughly 3,000 counties in all of america. One third, 1,022, only have one provider. Soon, more counties will have none. So you know what doesnt cover preexisting conditions . A Health Care System that doesnt have coverage. No options means no coverage. Thats the road obamacare is leading us down. And doing nothing leave taos Many Americans out in cold. Out in the cold. And mr. Speaker, we will not stand for that. We tried the obamacare way. It is failing remarkably. And the American People are demanding a change. Now we have the chance to do something great. We can have care without control. Civility without centralization. And support without mandates. We have a chance to listen to the American People and repeal and replace obamacare. The American Health care act will repeal the individual and employer mandates. It will repeal obamacare taxes. It will repeal obamacare rules. It will repeal obamacare subsidies. And it will do what is right by stopping taxpayer taxpayer funding for abortion providers by refocusing medicaid on those who most need it. And we replace all of that with a system that protects those with preexisting conditions. Mr. Speaker, i heard a lot about this bill and this bill is not ,000 pages. Its less than 130. Ive heard things on this floor that are not true. So let me state it one more time. We will replace it with a system that protects with preexisting conditions and reduce premiums through the tried and true process of fair competition. And as the price of insurance decreases, we give those who still cant quite afford it a step up through tax credits and expand Health Savings accounts. This is fundamental and structural reform. Now mr. Speaker, since ive had the honor to stand on this floor and serve in this house, this body has done many good things. 2 we have stood time and again for what was best for our country. Struggling against other branches for so long, many times that required us to dig in our heels and stop something terrible. Its good to stop bad things from happening but its great to make good things happen. Finally, after years of waiting, we have the chance to do something good today. This bill is not perfect. No bill could be. The question is not why cant it be made perfect. The question is do we retreat or do we act . Do we take this great leap to repeal and replace obamacare, extend a hand to our fellow citizens most in need and break free from washington control . Or do we continue to wait for the day that is already here in the hope for a better day that may never come. We were not sent here to wait. We are called to action. This is our opportunity. Mr. Speaker, i do not want to read another day of headlines of more people going without insurance. Without insurance is without preexisting condition. Without coverage. Today well do something good. Thats why today we will act. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott i remind my colleague that his vote for this bill could take away protections for preexisting conditions for almost six Million People in california who would have access to coverage but those with diabetes could see their premiums go up by 5,000 a year. Mr. Speaker, i yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from florida, mr. Kris. Mr. Crist. Mr. Cris this is a perable bill, i ask to revise and extend my remarks briefly. This bill will cut 24 million americans out of Health Insurance this bill will gut planned parenthood in the first year, affecting women across the 850 outnd it will cut of medicaid. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time is being timed. Mr. Scott could the speaker advise how much time is left . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has 3 1 4 minutes remaining. Mr. Scott i yield for the purposes of a unanimous consent request to mr. Engel. Mr. Engel i rise in strong opposition to this bill and ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a statement of the American Hospital association against the bill and i just want to say in simple slogan, American People are going to pay more and get less. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield for the purpose of a unanimous consent request to the gentleman from georgia. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. I rise for unanimous consent to make one point, it is most shameful the speaker pro tempore is the gentleman making a unanimous consent request . Yes, i am. The unanimous consent is to take 882 billion out of medicaid the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is not making a unanimous consent request. And give it to the wealthy is the wrong thing to do. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is not recognized. The gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott yes, mr. Speaker. Can you advise again how much time remains . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has 3 1 4 minutes remaining. Mr. Scott i yield 2 1 4 minutes to the gentleman from south carolina, mr. Clyburn. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for 2 1 4 minutes. Mr. Clyburn thank you. I rise in strong subpoena igs opposition to the republicans pay more for Less Health Care plan. I often repeat the 1966 observation of Martin Luther king jr. That of all the inequalities that exist, the injustice in health care is the most egregious and inhumane. On the day it was passed, i observed that the Affordable Care act is a Civil Rights Act of the 21st century. Repealing the Affordable Care act would be inhumane. And put egregious discrimination back into our Health Care Delivery system. My republican colleagues and President Trump have promised more coverage and less cost for everyone. However, this plan would allow all states to eliminate essential Health Benefits such as maternity and new bosh coverage, prescription drugs, hospitalization, emergency coverage, and Mental Health services. It would also allow states to tax Older Americans five times more than younger americans. Republicans are reneging on their promise to protect americans with preexisting conditions. Without essential Health Benefit standards, protections for those with preexisting conditions would exist in name only. Repeal of the essential Health Benefits would drive a race to the bottom with insurers dropping coverage for everything from chemotherapy to high cost drugs. It would precipitate a proliferation of junk policies that historically plague unsuspecting low income communities for years. People with preexisting conditions will have their costs would not be able to find coverage they need at any price, much less affordable. We took a giant step away from this with the a. C. A. But this republican bill takes us back to that era where people with preexisting conditions are left in the cold. Add in money to a states slush fund adding money to a states slush fund is in the a solution. Repealing the ample c. A. Would once again institutionalize inhumanity and egregiousness. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee. Mrs. Black im prepared to close, i reserve the balance of manufacture of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady reserves. The gentleman from virginia. Mr. Scott i would like to yield the balance of of the time to the gentlelady from california, ms. Pelosi. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Pelosi i thank the gentleman for yielding. I thank him, congressman scott, i thank frank pallone, john yarmuth, richie neal, our ranking members who have done such excellent work on this debate on the values of our country. Mr. Speaker, our colleague, mr. Clyburn, began mr. Speaker, i want to join him. I think those words bear repeating. Over 50 years ago dr. King said, of all of the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and the most inhumane, because it often results in physical death. We come to the floor with the luther kings dr. Words in our hearts. The Affordable Care act is a civil right, a fundamental right for every person in our country. Not just the privileged few. So in the spirit of mr. Clyburn and dr. King, let us be prayerful about how we go forward on this very personal issue, about the wellbeing of every person in our country. Speaker ryan once called this bill an act of mercy. An act of mercy. There is no mercy here. Indeed, inequality and inhumanity is exactly that is exactly what trumpcare has in store for the American People. But when he said its an act of mercy, ears what others said. From the beginning trumpcare was a moral monstrosity that will devastate seniors, children and hardworking americans. That was from me. But dont take it from me. Sister Simone Campbell said, this is not the faithful way forward and must be rejected. The Catholic Health association wrote, we strongly encourage the full house to reject this replacement bill. And the United Methodist church said, opposing trumpcare, this is what they said, people will die because of efforts like this to roll back health care. Lutheran services of america said, trumpcare will jeopardize the health care and Longterm Service and support of million of americans. The emiss can pal church said trumpcare falls woefully short of our spiritual calling to care for the least of these, as well as the noble values upon which our great nation was founded. End of quote. And all that was said before the republicans decided to destroy the protections of americans with preexisting conditions. I grant our republican friends their position. I respect them and their constituents who sent them here. But i reject the wrong priorities in trumpcare. Tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the Health Insurance for tens of millions of working families across america. Trumpcare very clearly spotlights the differences in priorities between democrats and republicans in congress. It has stepped forward in the long standing republican beliefs that medicare should wither on the vine, that medicaid should be shrunken, and that Social Security should be privatized. If you believe in the health and wellbeing of the American People, you must reject this bill before us now. It is what trumpcare, heres what it means for the American People. Much has been said about policy here today and over time. Much has been said about politics. But what are the politics of this . But whats really important is what this means to the American People. And they know, they are listening. They know what it means to them. It means, trumpcare does, it forces families to pay higher premiums and deductibles, increasing outofpocket costs. Higher costs. Less coverage. Trumpcare will take away health care from more than 24 million hardworking americans. A crushing age tax. Trumpcare forces americans age 50 to 64 to pay premiums five times higher than what others pay for Health Coverage. No matter how healthy they are. Stealses from medicare. Steals from medicare. Trumpcare shortens the life of Medicare Trust fund and ran sacks funds that seniors depend on to get longterm care they need. Thats why its consistent with their wither on the vine for medicare philosophy. And then, if that were not bad enough, and they couldnt pass their bill because it was that bad, they moved further away from the American People. By gutting key protections. Trumpcare eviscerates essential Health Benefits such asthma ternlt care such as maternity care, prescription drugs, and guts protections for americans with preconsisting medical conditions. As bad as trumpcare was the first time around, it was dead, it died. It died right here on the floor. Now its come back to life. Like a zombie. Even more scary than before. And it is even worse. If republicans had their way, americans with preexisting conditions would be pushed off their insurance and segregated into highrisk pools will where they will face soaring costs, worse coverage and restricted care. Trumpcare means huge premium increases. Its frightening future for families who need affordable, Dependable Care the most now. On the floor, the republicans have recklessly and some would say fraudulently claimed that trumpcare covers americans with preexisting conditions. It does not. It does not. As the conservative center said about the upton amendment, the 8 billion amount is a pittance spread over five years, it is 1 5 of a pittance. As the keizer family mount dation said, the upton means would cover the costs for only 1 of the individual market. Others have given it up to 5 . 1 to 5 . Does that mean covering . No. Forcing a vote without a c. B. O. Score shows that the republicans are afraid of the facts. Theyre afraid of learning the full consequences of their plan to push americans with preexisting conditions into the cold, oz ar my colleague from new york said or as my colleague from new york said, off the sidewalk. If republicans thought they really were protecting people, they wouldnt be afraid of the facts. But theyre also afraid of the truth. And the truth that would come forth if we knew the facts. And theyre afraid that the American People will find out that this is not a Health Care Bill. This is a tax bill disguised as a health bill. This is a bill that is the one of the biggest transfers of wealth in the from the middle class to the richest people and corporations in america. A tax bill, not a Health Care Bill. Thats why they have to do it now. So they can get on with their tax bill. But the suffering trumpcare will inflict on people is all too clear. Thats why this disastrous bill has been condemned by the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, American Diabetes society, American Diabetes association, american heart association, American Lung association, American Society of clinical oncology, the Cystic Fibrosis foundation, age united, the Childrens Hospital association, aarp, the march of dimes, the list goes on and on. Instead of reading all of these pages, i will submit them, without objection, for the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Pelosi thank you, mr. Speaker. Under trumpcare, families, seniors, vulnerable children, americans with disabilities, people struggling to overcome addiction, and the sick will lose their health care. Rural hospitals will be closed, nearly two million jobs will be destroyed across america. Seven million veterans will lose access to tax credits for health care. And all of this to give a massive tax cut to the richest in america. Trumpcare is a billionaires tax cut disguised as a Health Care Bill. Its robin hood in reverse. One of the largest transfers wealth from working families to the rich in our country. Today we have within wwe honor of visions of our we honor the visions of our founders, we can, who risked everything. They risked everything. Their lives, their liberty, their sake receipt red honor, to advance sacred honor, to freedom to pursue your happiness. The freedom from being job locked or policy locked because of what the republicans want to do today. Today we fight to preserve Affordable Health care as the right of every american, again, not the privileged few. Today we fight for children like zoe madison lynn. Zoe was born with a con genital heart defect in may of 2010. She faced her first of three heart surgeries at 15 hours. By 6 months old, she was halfway to her lifetime limit her insure heir placed on her. She faced a grim future, not only using up her lifetime limit by preschool, by preschool, but by carrying a preexisting condition will that that will require attention and care for rest of her life. Under the Affordable Care act, shes protected. But trumpcare puts her future in danger. I wish that our members who vote for this bill have better i hope you make time to sit down with the parents of a newborn or with a heart condition or a young woman who just learned she had Breast Cancer, the family of loved ones struggling with the disease or a chronic condition. Any of the tens of millions of americans who are rightfully terrified of what trumpcare will mean in their lives. Mr. Speaker, we have with this bill a wonderful opportunity. This is one of the best civics lessons we can engage in. Because of what happened following the election, the American People are engaged. They are paying attention. Im not saying in a political way. Im saying in a personal way. A former speaker said, all politics is local. In the case of health care, all politics is plit is personal. All politics is personal when it comes to health care. So, this civics lesson will teach the American People a number of things. As special as we think we are when we come to the floor here, most americans dont know who their member of congress is. But they will now. When they find out that you voted to take away their health are. They will know when you put an age tax on them or undermine medicare, medicaid and the rest. Oh, yeah. Theyre paying attention. Because its really personal with them. And their families. So, i think we have to get ready for that. Our colleagues who have the mantle of being a moderate, you vote for this bill, you have walked the plank from moderate to radical. And youre walking the plank for what . A bill that will not be accepted by the United States senate. Why are you doing this . Do you believe in what is in this bill . Some of you have said, well, theyll fix it in the senate. But you have every provision of this bill tattooed on your forehead. You will glow in the dark on this one. Will you glow in the dark. Will you glow in the dark. So dont walk the plank. Especially unnecessarily. Our responsibility to the sick and the hurt is biblical. Its fundamental to who we are. As pope francis said, health is not a consumer good. But a universal right. So access to Health Services cannot be a privilege. Today let us declare once again the Affordable Care act must be the right of the Affordable Health care must be the right of every american, not the privileged few. So does trumpcare Lower Health Costs . Does trumpcare provide Better Health care . Does trumpcare protect seniors and families . Does trumpcare is trumpcare good for our veterans . Is there any caring in trumpcare at all . For the sake of our values, to honor our responsibilities to our founders, like liberty, pursuit of happiness, to our veteran who protect us, and to our children whose aspirations are our guide, i urge my colleagues to vote no on this disastrous Trumpcare Bill. And yield back the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to address their emarks to the chair. The gentlewoman from tennessee. Mrs. Black thank you, mr. Speaker. It really is my privilege now to yield one minute to the distinguished man from wisconsin, the speaker of the house, paul ryan. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. He speaker thank you. I havent said anything yet. First off, there are a few people id like to thank. Id like to thank the committee chairs, id like to thank chairman walden, chairman brady, chairwoman black, chairman sessions. I want to thank the members of those committees, energy and commerce, ways and means, budget and rules. I want to thank all the members who made constructive contributions throughout this entire deliberative bottomup organic process. I want to thank the president of the United States for his teadfast leadership. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order the speaker he called on congress to act and today we take the next step to repeal and replace obamacare. I want to thank Vice President pence, secretary price, director mulvaney and all their teams. My colleagues, there is a fundamental and urgent choice at the heart of this debate. We can continue with the status quo under obamacare and we know what that looks like. It means even higher premiums. Even fewer choices. Even more Insurance Companies pulling out. Even more uncertainty and even more chaos. Look at what has happened in iowa this week. As is the case in so many areas in this country, iowa is down to one insurer. That, of course, is not a choice. But now that one insurer is saying that it will have to pull out of 94 of 99 counties in iowa. This is happening right now. So tens of thousands of iowans will go from having one option to no options. That is not a choice. This is a crisis. And it is happening right now. What protection is obamacare if theres no Health Care Plan to purchase in your state. This is the direction obamacare is rapidly heading. So we can continue with the status quo or we can put this collapsing law behind us, end this failed experiment. Lets make it easier for people to afford their Health Insurance. Lets give people more choices and more control over their care. Lets make Insurance Companies come in and compete for your business. Lets return power from washington to the states. Lets help get people peace of mind. Lets put the patients, not the bureaucrats, at the center of the system. This bill does all those things. This bill delivers on the promises that we have made to the American People. You know, a lot of us have been waiting seven years to cast this vote. Many of us are here because we pledged to cast this very vote. To repeal and replace obamacare. To rescue people from this collapsing law. Are we going to meet this test . Are we going to be men and women of our word . Are we going to keep the promises we made . Or are we going to falter. O. After all of this, after all of this, after seeing what is happening in iowa and around the country, after seeing this law collapsing while we witness it across the country, knowing all this turmoil thats coming, we will not falter, we will replace, and today is the day that were going to do this. Today this house has the opportunity to do more than just fulfill a promise. We have the opportunity to raise our gaze and set a bold course for our country. We have the opportunity to show that weve got the resolve to tack they will big challenges in this country before they tackle us. Arrogant e drift of Big Government policies in our lives and to begin a new era of reform based on liberty and selfdetermination. Giving people choices, letting them control their own destinies. That is the day that is before us right here. So let us pass this bill to take the next step to put obamacare behind us. Let us pass this bill to build a better Health Care System for American Families. Let us pass this bill to leave this country better than we found it. Because that is why we are here. That is what is at stake today. And that is why i am going to be so proud to cast my vote for this legislation and i urge all of my colleagues to do the same. That was debate from the house, before they passed the Health Care Bill in may. Senators,ar from Mitch Mcconnell and chuck schumer. Take your calls live. This part of the debate is about an hour. President , majority seven,