Mr. Pallone well, mr. Chairman, just so you know because i dont think i mentioned before we decided in our Democratic Caucus that we would have vice rankers i know you have vice chairs but we have vice rankers and ms. Castor was elected unanimously by the democrats on the energy and Commerce Committee to be our vice ranking member. She has unanimous consent request. Mr. Walden all right. Whats the gentleladys request . Castor thank you. Health care is so important to our families all across the country and the republican bill makes such drastic sorry. Ms. Castor i know you limited our [inaudible] because this is so important that you allow us to take three minutes as the leaders have. Rei will mr. Burgess i object. No walden we heard objections back. This is new. Look, we are going to have plenty of time to discuss these issues. I recognize the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pallone. Mr. Chairman, unanimous consent request . Mr. Walden i recognize the gentleman from new jersey for an opening statement. Mr. Pallone mr. Chairman, we have unanimous consent requests from members of the committee. Mr. Walden there is no surprise. The gentleman from new mexico, r what purpose do you seek recognition . Ms. Castor was elected at the very least she be recognized for three minutes. While i respect the chairmans discregs not recognizing the rest of us for that time. I object. Mr. Walden we have an objection. I am serious. Other people could yield to her as well. Mr. Burgess could i speak on my reservation just briefly . Mr. Walden the gentleman can speak briefly. Mr. Burgess if its truly going to be one person, the gentlelady from florida, i would ask the gentleman from illinois with the chairmans support to withdraw and let her have three with the understanding that the vice chairman, myself, theres no requirement that theres vice we know there are vices on both sides of the aisle so i hould have three also. Mr. Walden without objection, we will accord ms. Castor three minutes. We will accord mr. Barton three minutes and recognize again the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pallone. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Chairman. The republican repeal bill before us will seriously harm american families. Most people who garnered Health Insurance under the a. C. A. Will lose their coverage. Those who retain Health Insurance will pay a lot more for less coverage and states will seriously ration care for those who still have medicaid. For seven years, republicans claimed to have a better way but it turns out thats nothing more than an empty slogan. After seven years of sabotaging and obstructing the a. C. A. , the republicans have finally presented a repeal bill less than two days ago. Thats incredibly destructive to the little guy, to the average working man and woman. Now, mr. Chairman, i am not a fool and neither is the american public. Throughout the coming days and weeks, democrats and advocates alike will ban together to bring transparency to this process and we will expos the g. O. P. Policies for what they are, a prescription for disaster. Republicans, both the speaker and our committee chairman, repeatedly said they would follow regular order, but not one hearing has been held on their repeal bill and we have also not received analysis from the c. B. O. Regular order would require a hearing and markup in the Health Subcommittee before we get to the full Committee Markup here today. Can republicans guarantee that the 20 million who have insurance today will continue to have Health Insurance under their plan . Clearly not. How many more millions of americans will lose their Health Insurance as a result of this bill . Who will be covered . And what will people pay for needed health care . No response from the g. O. P. Now, lets talk about what we do know about the republican repeal bill. With devastating cuts and caps on medicaid, it would ration care for the 76 million americans who rely on medicaid, including seniors with longterm care needs, americans with disabilities, pregnant women and vulnerable children, virtually ending medicaid as we know it. Working families could see their premiums and deductibles increase by hundreds of thousands of dollars. And seniors will pay an age tax and be forced to pay premiums five times higher than those who pay for Health Insurance. One reason the aarp came out strongly against the g. O. P. Repeal deal yesterday. The bill shortens the life of the Medicare Trust fund, putting the care of 57 million americans and those with disabilities at risk. It will institute a cancer tax, and americans with preexisting conditions will suffer. Insurers will once again be able to charge more or discriminate against americans with preexisting conditions when their coverage lapses for any reason. The republican repeal bill is a iant transfer of wealth, taking from hardworking families and giving to the rich. In fact, according to the joint committee on taxation, the bill will cut taxes for the rich and corporations by about 600 million, so billionaires will benefit while republicans dump huge outofpocket costs on working families. Frankly, this is a disgrace. Americans today have Better Health coverage and Health Care Thanks to the a. C. A. The American People do not want to see it repealed, and democrats will fight republican efforts to dismantle the health and Economic Security of millions of hardworking americans. I yield back. Mr. Walden the chair now recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Barton, for three minutes. Mr. Barton reason mr. Barton well, thank you, mr. Chairman. I want to commend you and the staff who worked on the bill today for your effort and your work product. Make no mistake, this is a necessary thing. The Affordable Care act is fatally flawed, and it is, as some people said, in a death spiral. If mrs. Clinton won the election and the democrats had won the house, we would be here today holding a similar markup. Its a simple fact that the Affordable Care act as currently construed will not work. The draft is a good effort and i intend to support it. Having said it can be improved upon. Im sure my friends on the democratic side are going to offer many amendments in the course of this markup. Some of them thoughtful and wellintentioned. Some not so thoughtful, not so wellintentioned. Ive been there, mr. Chairman. I sat where mr. Pallone is. In fact, i was in his chair when the Affordable Care act was marked up. So i know how that feels. At some point in the process, mr. Chairman, i plan to offer myself two amendments. One that would give a date certain to the expansion of medicaid in the states that have expanded it. The current draft isnt in that until the end of 2019, and my amendment would end it at the end of this calendar year, the end of 2017. I also intend to offer an amendment to make sure there is a date certain that the transition period back to the normal match occurs. Under the current draft, its never definitively ended. My amendment would give a date certain of 2023. I plan to work very closely during the debate on both all of the amendments. I look forward to a thoughtful markup and at the end of the process moving the bill, i believe, to the budget committee. Id be happy to yield the remaining one minute to anybody on the republican side that wishes to use it. Seeing no hands, i yield back, mr. Chairman. Mr. Walden the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentlelady from florida, ms. Castor, for three minutes. Ms. Castor well, thank you, mr. Chairman and colleagues. This is a very disappointing place to start because this republican bill will eliminate Health Coverage from millions of americans. Plus, it takes its very radical turn against our neighbors that are in nursing home care, alzheimers patients, kids that rely on medicaid for their health services. A large portion of this bill really is focused on eliminating their care and eliminating the support to states that is vital for so many of our neighbors. Whats interesting with this bill, its in stark contrast to what the democrats did a few years ago. The House Republicans for about seven years have promised to replace the Affordable Care act with Something Better and cheaper. This bill does not do that. Speaker paul ryan promised the American People their replacement bill would go through a thorough and transparent legislative process. Well, we know thats not true either. This bill was released less than 48 hours ago without a bipartisan Congressional Budget Office score, so we dont know how much its going to cost. Experts say its going to add to the deficit. We dont know how many people are going to lose their insurance and how high the uninsured rate will go up in america because of this bill because they didnt take the time to wait, to see what that c. B. O. Scores says. On the today show with matt lauer right at the end of february, the speaker said were going through the Committee Process. Were going to do this step by step. Were having public hearings. Were having committees work on legislation. This is how the legislative process is designed. Were not hatching some bill in a back room and propping them on the American Peoples front door. Well, thats not true. We have members of congress, democrats and republicans, at the end of last week searching the halls of the capitol, in back rooms for the bill. And they wouldnt produce it until monday night. Less than a week later, the House Republicans are reneging on speaker ryans pledge to introduce their replacement bill. Unlike House Republicans, democrats took the Affordable Care act through an open and transparticipant process. Just a little reminder here. We held 79 bipartisan hearings in markups on the Health Insurance reform. House members back in the a. C. A. Days did 100 hearings in 100 hours in hearings. We heard from over 100 witnesses. We considered 239 amendments, both democratic and republican, and accepted 121 amendments. The original house bill was posted online for 30 days before the First Committee began their markup. And then there were more than 100 days before the tricommittees formerly introduced their bill. They put it online wahle wald the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Castor our neighbors deserve a chance to weigh in to tell their stories. Mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan, mr. Upton, for one minute. Mr. Upton well, thank you, mr. Chairman. Those that know me know i have a long record of bipartisanship, especially when it comes to health care. I was proud to offer with representative degette legislation to speed up cures that passed this committee unanimously and signed into law by president obama. Sadly, the same bipartisan approach was not used in enacting obamacare and it shows. Premiums were promised to go down but they increase bid more than 16 in michigan. We passed a bill in 2013 that simply said if you like your Health Care Plan you can keep it on the house floor. That would have helped the nearly five million americans who were kicked off their health plans under obamacare. Most would agree that obamacare is failing. Right now americans need results. Our families deserve access to Quality Health care, especially our most vulnerable and those with preexisting conditions. Youll hear a lot of discussion today about Medicaid Expansion. In michigan the number of folks enrolled exceeds 650,000. This bill ensures that the rug is not pulled out from underneath them. The American People want and deserve a better way. I remain committed to working with all my colleagues to deliver Bipartisan Health care reform and relief for all. I yield back. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Rush. Mr. Rush thank you, mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, i am in strong opposition to this devastatingly, draconian and evil bill that seeks to wreak havoc on the most vulnerable segment of our population, the working poor. First and foremost, mr. Chairman, my opposition stems from the way this bill was brought to us today. This bill was produced in a process that our constituents on both sides of the aisle have vehemently opposed. And i am sure everyone on this committee is aware, mr. Chairman, that just last week speaker ryan on the today show saying, quote, we are going through the Committee Process and we are having we are having public hearings, end of quote. Mr. Chairman, what impact did the members of this committee have into this legislation . What hearings were held that allowed us and the public to learn about the impact of this bill . The answer to those questions, mr. Chairman, is absolutely none. Instead, this bill was hatched in the back room, prevented from being read by all but a select few and plopped on last nights dinner table for the American People to digest and to just live with. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Murphy, for one minute. Mr. Murphy thank you, mr. Chairman. I appreciate we are moving forward on this. I know one of the concerns i heard so consistently from my constituents was that in some cases under the Affordable Care act they could afford the premiums, they couldnt afford to get sick because the deductibles were so massive for them. I heard that time and time again. And this bill will fix that and make it affordable. Second thing, i intend to offer an amendment later today regarding Mental Health care. This committee worked long, long hours to work on the helping families with Mental Health crisis act, which was put into the cures act, mr. Uptons cures act, and parity is extremely important to make sure mental Health Coverage is intact and we need to make sure this is in this bill because when states coordinate care and integrate care when Mental Health and physical Health Coverage they provide better care, more Compassionate Care and lower cost care so i will be offering that laret. With that, mr. Chairman, i offering that later. With that, mr. Chairman, i yield back. Mr. Walden we appreciate that. I recognize my friend from california, ms. Eshoo, for one minute. Ms. Eshoo thank you, mr. Chairman. This is a very big day and this is a very important undertaking, and mr. Chairman, youre my friend, youre my colleague but im disappointed in this process. It doesnt reflect how you operated before. It hasnt been transparent. We have been noticed right within, you know, within seconds of when it needs to be noticed. Its rushed. Members are squeezed in terms of their comments. This is a lousy process, in plain english. Now, we heard a great deal about the advertising and the rhetoric. This is going to be for everyone. Its going to cost less and people are going to get more, but this doesnt pass the test of what the advertising is. This bill actually reduces benefits. It increases costs. According to the c. B. O. This bill is not scored either. Were in such a rush, our colleagues dont want to know what it costs. Mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Eshoo ill have more to say about it. The last thing i want to say, all of the members are enrolled in obamacare. Mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Eshoo if its good enough for us it should be good enough mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. [inaudible] mr. Burgess i appreciate on being able to speak on whats an important bill that i will work on in my congressional career. I have devoted my professional life to health care. It is my highest priority to improve health care in our nation and to do so we must put patients first above politics, above partisanship. Mr. Chairman, the Affordable Care act is packed with washington mandates and federal regulations. One of the biggest cost drivers is the onesizefitsall washington knows best approach and i believe we are going to go far down the road of correcting that with this legislation today. Again, i would remind the committee that this is about people, helping people making tough decisions. The Affordable Care act is nothing shy of a failed political and social experiment that ignored the need, the desire and the will of individuals across this country to those people, i simply say, i hear you. I yield back. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. Engel, for one minute. Mr. Engel well, as Ronald Reagan used to say, there you go again. Those that didnt lime obamacare they are going to hate this. This will cost them more, give them less coverage, bad for americans, terrible for seniors, people making between 25,000 and 75,000 are the ones who will be terribly harmed. In my district, more than 100,000 people have gained coverage through the marketplace or the Medicaid Expansion. This will all go away. You know, republicans gave americans less than two days to evaluate a bill that will radically restructure the Medicaid Program, shift trillions of dollars onto states, forcing them to ration care and rip Health Coverage away from 30 Million People. In short, the bill is a disgrace. We should have been working together to repair obamacare. Any major bill passed like that needs to be tweaked when we see how it works. It was true of medicaid, medicare, the civil rights of the 1960s. We could have worked together but instead, what did we get . We removed obamacare which helps so many people. Yes, there are problems with it. It doesnt fix it. It makes them worse. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes ms. Plaque burn. Mrs. Blackburn i appreciate this revisionist history what was posted, what was passed, what was read. We know what caused disruption. I want to thank mr. Barton for the amendments he offered that address. So concerns we have. I applaud the commission. This is something that will give needed flexibility to our states to allow them to address the needs that they are that our constituents, their constituents have. Legislation this led to a law thats too expensive to afford and use. I appreciate the efforts to get it off the books and address the concerns of our constituents. Yield back. Mr. Walden the gentlelady yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Green. Mr. Green this bill has had no public hearings, no Congressional Budget Office cost estimates. It will have Less Health Care coverage. More uninsured. Fewer protections. Higher costs. And thats what this bill will mean for millions of americans. It will lead to millions losing health care. People paying more for less and rationing care. This plan makes a Meaningful Health care standard worse for millions of americans. Under this plan, Many Americans will be pushed into bag coverage they cant afford to use and millions more will become uninsured all together. Its no way lives up to the rhetoric President Trump said that the republican plan will mean coverage for everyone. At much lower cost. Conservative leader roy went so far to say expanding subsidies for high earners, cutting Health Coverage off from working poor, sounds like a leftwing caricature of a mustache twirling top hatted republican fat cat. I agree with him. The repeal bill will not protect patients, will not seiche money, and will not help working families. Instead, its a drastic devastating step backward and the only people who stand to benefit are the healthy and wealthy. I yield back. Mr. Walden the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentleman from louisiana, the whip of the house, mr. Scalise. Mr. Scalise thank you, mr. Chairman. I think lets first be clear why were here. Obamacare has failed the American People. This is my original version of obamacare. I had just gotten on the committee in 2009. Sat down there at the end as a freshman on this committee when obamacare came through and we predicted when we read this bill the devastation that would occur. Why do you think families are experiencing double digits price increases in their Health Premiums every single year because of obamacare . Its in the bill. Families are facing over 10,000 deductibles in many cases because of the unworkable mandates and taxes in this bill. Families have been begging for relief from this law and saying give us freedom. Let us make our own health care choices. No unelected bureaucrat in washington should be able to tell you what you can or cant buy in such an important personal decision. I applaud not only the chairman and other colleagues here in the house, i applaud President Trump for working with us to bring forward a bill thats commonsense that lets patients be in charge of their Health Care Decisions so we can lower costs and actually put them back in charge of this very personal decision. We mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentlelady from colorado for one minute opening statement. Ms. Degette thank you, mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, even though the majority has refused to send this bill for a score to the c. B. O. Before we mark it up, the American Enterprise institute has estimated that 10 million to 15 Million People will lose their insurance because of this legislation and a number of other think tanks have said the same. I want to ask you a question, mr. Chairman. Who are those 10 million to 15 Million People . Is it lawrie, my High School Classmate who finally got insurance when she was age 56 of the Medicaid Expansion . Is it the young woman who came to my listening session and said that finally after years of Mental Illness she was able to get treatment and now she is in graduate school and shes going to have great job . Is it your next door neighbor . Is it your Health Care Provider . Who are these 10 million to 15 Million People who are going to lose Health Insurance . We should sit down together just like we did on 21st century cures. We should come up with a bill that fixing obamacare that we could pass unanimously and then uphold the proud tradition of this committee. Mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio, mr. Latta, for purposes of a oneminute opening statement. Mr. Latta thank you very much, mr. Chairman. Thank you for holding this hearing today. I think what the American People want and want to get done here today is make sure that we have a patient centered Health Care System. As the gentleman, my colleague from louisiana, mentioned that we have seen that over time the obamacare has not worked and just by the numbers. 25 increase in premiums on most americans this past year. 1 3 of the counties in this country only offer one insurer. 4. 7 million americans were kicked off their Health Care Plans because of obamacare. 18 failed obamacare coops out of 23 costing the taxpayers almost 2 billion. This is not working. I appreciate your holding this markup today. I yield back. Mr. Walden the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair now recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Doyle, for a oneminute opening statement. Mr. Doyle thank you, mr. Chairman. For seven years you promised the American People you are going to repeal and replace obamacare. And this is what you have come up with . This is a bad joke. No wonder you have been hiding this dog in a cave with an armed guard until monday night. No wonder youre not Holding Hearings on this bill. No wonder youre rushing through this markup. No wonder youre going to try to vote it in two weeks. Today republicans give you survival of the fittest starring health care for the healthy and wealthy. For the rest of americans, youre going to pay more money. Youre going to get less coverage. The American Enterprise institute, 10 million to 15 Million People are going to lose their health care. How do they pay for this dog . Over in the ways and Means Committee they are playing reverse robin hood. 600 billion in tax cuts for companies and rich people. Boy, they really are looking forward to getting that money. You pay for this bill on the backs of the Medicaid Expansion and medicare recipients. It is disgraceful. When people find out about this bill, youre going to wish you dont go anywhere near your town hall meetings. You have been ducking them. Wait null go home. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Lance, for one minute, for opening statement. He yields. Mr. Guthrie. Mr. Olson. Yields. Mr. Mckinley. Yield. Mr. Griffith. Yield. Who is after that . Mr. Bilirakis . Mr. Johnson. Yield. Mr. Walden mr. Mullen. Wait, we have to come over here. Mr. By shan, right . Nope. Mr. Brooks. I recognize for one minute for opening statement. Mrs. Brooks todays markup is the beginning of an open and transparent process that will repeal obamacare and rebuild our Health Care System so that Americans HealthCare Coverage works better for them. Today 45 of people paying the penalty for not buying insurance who have requested an exemption under the obamacare individual mandate are under 35 years old. The individual mandate is bad policy and doesnt work. I have been hearing this from my constituents for years. Young healthy people, simply arent buying Insurance Coverage which is driving up costs and premiums for everyone who does. Our plan encourages people of all ages to enroll in a plan thats right for them and incentivizing them to stay covered making it more affordable for everybody. By making important reforms like this one, our plan also preserves Important Health care provisions. Protecting coverage for people with preexisting conditions. Banning lifetime caps. Keeping Medicare Part d doughnut hole and allowing young adults under the age of 26 to remain on their parents insurance plan. I look forward to our colleagues working to get this passed. I yield back. Mr. Walden i thank the gentlelady. Now recognizes the gentlelady from illinois, ms. Schakowsky, for one minute for an opening statement. Ms. Schakowsky as president rump often says, bad, sad. Even if we could all agree we can make health care more affordable and accessible, this bill does the opposite. You pay more and you get less. The republican repeal bill even gives huge tax breaks to the rich while taking away Health Coverage from millions and millions of americans. Drastically increasing the cost in Health Insurance with the biggest increases for seniors and working families. It would radically change the Medicaid Program, slashing funding, and covering fewer people. The bill will force governors and state legislatures to ration care. Who will they want to cut or who will they cut . Children . The elderly . People with disabilities . In fact, our republican governor said that our state, illinois, quote, wont do very well, unquote, if the republican repeal bill becomes law. I oppose this bill because i believe that all americans deserve access to Affordable Care act. If we want to work together, lets fix obamacare. Mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. Mullen, for one minute. Mr. Mullen i reserve my time. Mr. Walden the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentleman from, mr. Butterfield, for one moment. For one minute for opening statement. Mr. Butterfield one of the proudest days in the american legislative history was the enactment of the Affordable Care act. It put in place a way for every american citizen to obtain Affordable HealthCare Coverage. The law provides subsidies for those low and middle income americans to assist with the purchase of insurance and took Insurance Companies out of the equations. T prevents Insurance Companies from denying coverage. It provided for expanding medicaid to allow those lowincome childless adults to obtain coverage through the Medicaid Program. We agree to pay 90 of the cost. You have tried and failed on more than 50 occasions to repeal this law. Now you have a president who is willing to join you in your repeal efforts. You want to eliminate subsidies and you want to replace them simplyle with a 2,000 tax credit that taxpayers will receive on their taxes. Millions of americans dont have the money to pay for insurance without assistance. You must know that. You have the numbers here in this house to pass this legislation. But you must, as mr. Doyle said a minute ago, you must understand the political consequences when you take 20 Million People and take their insurance away from them. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the next, the gentleman from new york, mr. Collins. Mr. Collins mr. Chairman, i reserve. Mr. Walden the chair would now recognizes the gentlelady from california, my friend, ms. Matsui, for one minute for opening statement. Ms. Matsui thank you, mr. Chairman. Six years ago we carefully crafted a plan that provided access to care for over 20 Million People. Today you are taking all of that away. This socalled plan will do nothing but ration care and drive up costs for hardworking families across this country. Hundreds of people in my district have filled my town halls, called my office, and written me about how they rely on the a. C. A. s benefits. People like kate washington, who came to my town hall in sacramento and described her husbands battle with cancer. She smoke about the importance of spoke about the importance of removing lifetime caps on coverage included in the a. C. A. This is personal for kate. Its personal for all my constituents. Its personal for me. Democrats are not going to stand for this plan to slash funding for longterm care. Substance abuse and preventive services. Will not engage in this effort to raise outofpocket costs for seniors. Reverse the progress we have made on Mental Health reform. And put medicare at risk. Were united in our determination to stop this attempt to ration care for the most vulnerable in our communities. There is so much on the line mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Cramer. The gentleman reserves his time. Mr. Sarbanes, you are recognized for one minute. Mr. Sarbanes thank you, mr. Chairman. Make no mistake, this proposal will effectively detroit Health Insurance exchanges which have made a difference for millions of americans across the country. It downgrades the credits that are available in the exchanges. And eliminates other supports that offer relief from deductibles and copays. The bottom line is the cost of purchasing health care in the exchanges will go up for many people, particularly for older americans, those who are approaching medicare but are not yet eligible. Who are trying to get coverage. This will effectively destroy the Medicaid Program. It takes money away from the Medicaid Program which serves millions of hardworking americans, people with disabilities, seniors in nursing homes, while giving a huge tax break to wealthy americans, pharmaceutical companies, and Health Insurance industry. This proposal, the gop g. O. P. Proposal, sends us back to the days where millions of people are left out of the Health Care System and turn to hospital Emergency Rooms to get their care, driving the costs of premiums up for everyone else. I yield back. Mr. Walden the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair recognizes the gentlelady from california, mrs. Walters. Mrs. Walters thank you, mr. Chairman. As we work to improve the Medicaid Program, it is necessary that we maintain the existing state, federal partnership. A key piece of the reforms were considering today is providing states with the flexibility to administer their individual programs. That includes the ability for states to innovate and implement initiatives within federal medicaid guidelines. Flexibility is critical because many states have implemented programs such as californias hospital financing program, to supplement state medicaid funds. It is encouraging that nothing in this legislation limits that state flexibility to administer such programs. Reforming the existing Medicaid Program is critical. Without reform we cannot ensure quality to our most vulnerable populations while safeguarding the longterm solvency of this essential program. An improved statefederal partnership that expands state flexibility is just one of the ways we can achieve that goal. I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Walden the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Mcnerney, for one minute opening statement. Mr. Mcnerney thank you, mr. Chairman. This republican plan is trying to do health care on the cheap. The bottom line is that if youre a Family Living paycheck to paycheck, you have a lot to be afraid of. You will either pay more for less coverage or you will lose coverage all together. In the three counties of my district, 263,000 people gained coverage with the Affordable Care act. All of them are at risk. In san joaquin county, 4,000 peoples jobs will be lost if the a. C. A. Is repealed like this. Republican plan enhances Health Savings accounts, but how does that help people that live paycheck to paycheck . States will get less funding for medicaid and will throw people off coverage or provide less coverage. This plan is especially hurtful to seniors with a double whammy. Theyll have higher premiums or tax credit reductions. So why are we doing this . This is a charge of the light brigade. Your members will get hurt and this bill has no chance of passage. Mr. Chairman, withdraw this message bill and work with us to improve the Affordable Care act. Mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. The the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Costello, for opening statement. The gentleman reserves. The chair recognizes the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch. Mr. Welch i thank you, mr. Chairman. There has been a lot of discussion about the fact this bill just appeared yesterday and it was being hidden. Was it really being hidden from democrats and america or was it being hidden from your Freedom Caucus . They say that this bill is a phony repeal of obamacare. You want to know something, theyre right. Because there is a lot of plagiarism in this bill. The insurance reforms that all of you voted against, youre now bragging youre keeping. The subsidies that you say are horrible, you have changed from a direct subsidy that actually provided meaningful access to health care to on the cheap tax credits that dont do the job. But thats anonymity you say you are against. The mandate, you decried the mandate, but what you have done is impose the 30 penalty in the revenues dont go to the health care program, the revenues go to the Insurance Companies. What is going on here . Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter forkser one minute. Mr. Carter thank you, mr. Chairman. Today were taking a first step to fixing our Health Care System that is failing for millions of americans. After watching promise after promise broken, it is clear that a topdown, one size fits all model for health care has provided us with little choice in a health of mandates. Our plan recognizes that people deserve patient centered care, not more bureaucracy. You should have the Free Trade Agreement and flexibility to choose the care thats best for you. Insurers should compete for your business and treat you fairly no matter what. And at every step, at every step patients should be in the drivers seat. Were taking steps in our plan to strengthen the Health Care Market by loosening obamacares age ratio which is used to adjust premium amounts according to avenlgt this has filled insurance pools with older less healthy individuals, while driving younger individuals from the insurance market. Driving the cost of health care up for everyone. As members of congress, we have a responsibility not to idly by but take the necessary steps to repair our Health Care System. I yield back. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the chairman of the dcc, my friend from new mexico, mr. Lujan. Mr. Lujan thank you, mr. Chairman. Todays bill should be about real people, real families living check to check, real parents trying to care for their sick kids. Thats not the bill before us today. Not even close. This legislation begs two questions from my friends across the aisle. Have he they forgotten these real hardworking people . Or are they ignoring them because this bill pits Sick Children against aging grandparents and turns its back on families living check to check. The bill literally charges the disabled senior citizens, women, and children more than gives tax breaks to the very wealthy and to Insurance Companies. As mr. It was written, its republican who are rushing to jam through their legislation to repeal the law in a highly secretive process. Speaker ryan said, were not hatching some bill in a backroom and plopping it on the American Peoples front door. Just check rand pauls twitter feeds. This is what mr. Spiro also wrote, republicans are making their members walk the plank with blindfolds on because they have no other choice. I hope my colleagues ask the tough questions that their constituents are demanding because this is the time to ask those questions. We cannot go home to our people mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Hudson, for one minute. Mr. Hudson thank you, mr. Chairman. Todays a great day for america. Todays about sandra from North Carolina whose deductible increased from 200 before obamacare to over 3,000 a month. She told me that she actually some months has to decide between going to the doctor and buying groceries. Its about kevin whose insurance premiums rose from 110 a month to 730 a month. 700 increase. With the deductible of 7,600. That means hes got to pay 16,000 out of pocket before he even accesses health care. This is about colleen, a Small Business owner, who started a business in her garage now has 30 employees. After the Affordable Care act passed, she got a letter saying her Insurance Company was dropping their coverage. They were saying no thanks. This is about real people out there being hurt. And today we begin the process of bringing them relief, of putting them in so that they can decide what kind of health care they want and they can get it at a price they can afford. Mr. Chairman, like forward to working with you on this. Not a perfect bill. But its the right direction. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. I appreciate the gentlemans comment. Well go to mr. Tonko. Mr. Tonko thank you, mr. Chair. I had prepared a longer, more detailed opening statement, but in yet another breach of this committees tradition and protocols that are quickly becoming the norm i was informed that members would only be allowed one minute to speak. This is clearly an attempt to silence us. Our voices and the voices of the American People, however, will not be silenced. With the brief time i do have, let me just say that the republican repeal plan before us is a tax cut bill dressed up as a health care bill. Nothing in this bill will lower outofpocket Health Care Costs for families or address outrageous Prescription Drug prices. Nothing in this bill will make Americans Healthier or more financially secure. Most egregiously this bill will Rip Health Care away from millions of currently insured americans in andical ploy to deliver tax cuts to the super rich. I oppose this bill and i will fight it with every fiber of my being and with alt energy i have because unlike some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, i did not get elected to take Health Care Away from my constituents. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes the gentlelady, ms. Clark, for maint. Ms. Clark mr. Chairman, i reserve. Mr. Walden the chair recognizes the gentleman from iowa. The chairman recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Schrader, for an opening statement. The gentleman recognizes mr. Kennedy. Reserves. Where do we go next . It the gentleman from california. Just trying to figure out the flow. Reserves. Recognize the other gentleman another gentleman from california, mr. Reese. Mr. Reese thank you, mr. Chairman. I became a doctor to help struggling families get the care they need when they need it most. Health care providers like me want nothing more than for patients to have adequate Health Coverage so they can have the access to care that they need, preventive, primary, followup service, you name it. Just because coverage is offered, if people cant afford t. What good will it do . Affordability equals access. In my years in medicine, i have never met a patient who didnt have coverage because they didnt want it. They didnt have coverage because they couldnt afford it. So i am deeply concerned that this bill will make premiums and other Health Care Costs unaffordable for working families and seniors and they will lose their insurance and care. At a time when far too Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, this bill will impose harsh penalties, call it a sick tax, for patients for an entire year if for no fault of their own lost their job and insurance. It will drastically increase premiums for seniors because they will have to pay five times more coverage than young adults. This bill is unacceptable. This will make health care more costly for families, for seniors, and they will get mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair would recognize the gentleman from mississippi, mr. Harper, for one minute, for opening statement. Reserve. Mr. Walden the gentleman reserves. Mr. Peters for an opening statement. Mr. Peters thank you, mr. Chairman. I wasnt here for the fight over obamacare, but i came to this committee this year and asked to be part of a constructive effort to continue to improve the Health Care System. And there were a lot of great things in the Affordable Care act which apparently the majority agrees because they are trying to preserve or recreate many of them. In someplaces like my district where so many get insurance through their employer or through the california exchange, its working pretty well n my district the uninsured rate has dropped from 9. 4 to 5. 4 since the a. C. A. Was passed. We know that in other markets they are lacking competition and consumers are faced with you er options. I acknowledge these are challenges that need to be addressed. But i also recognize that clearly there is no interest from the majority in a bipartisan solution to fix them. Instead we have a proposal that would damage these markets further and shift more costs on to working families. The majority gave up on getting any of our votes before they even began writing their bill and thats a shame because we can do bert. We have to do better. I hope whether this bill dies on floort of the house or door of the senate, well do better than this. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. Are there any members on the majority side that would like to seek recognition . Seeing none. The chair recognizes now the gentlelady from michigan, mrs. Dingell. Mrs. Dingell thank you, mr. Chairman. I have nothing but respect for my colleagues on the other side, but respectfully have huge differences today. Our job is to represent the working men and women and their families of our district. And to fight to protect them. As been said several times, pure and simply, this bill fewer protections and higher costs. I wasnt in congress when we passed the Affordable Care act, but i know someone who was intimately involved in the process. In fact, were in room that bears his name. This was his lifes work. And i can tell you that on behalf of john dingell, president ted kennedy, president Franklin Delano roosevelt, and the generations of other leaders who fought for the right of every american for equality, Affordable Health care, we cannot let you take Health Care Away from people who need it most. And we will not go down without a fight. Yield back. Mr. Walden the gentlelady yields back. Are there any members on the majority side seeking recognition . Seeing none, any other any on the democratic side . Was that a yes . The gentleman from iowa. Mr. Loebsack. Mr. Loebsack thank you, mr. Chairman. Today were kg a bill that will rip quality care from iowans. This legislation works to repeal the Affordable Care act which has helped iowans get back on their feet. Provided Quality Health care to thousands of iowa families. Under the Affordable Care act, 255,000 uninsured iowans gained expanded Health Insurance options both through medicaid and private health plans within the marketplace. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of iowans have gained coverage for affordable Preventive HealthCare Services. Rather than improving our Nations Health care, todays legislation would move us backwards. Stripping iowans of Important HealthCare Services and covering fewer people at higher costs. Since the debate about how to improve our nations Health Care System began, my number one priority has been to ensure all iowans and americans have access to quality, Affordable Care. This legislation undermines that goal. Make no mistake about it. Today the health care my constituents, iowans, and americans is at risk and that is something that i will not stand for. I yield back. Mr. Walden the gentleman yields back. Lets go through the list here. Ms. Clark for one minute for opening statement. Ms. Clark thank you, mr. Chairman. Aagainst this sham refers robin hood take from the poor give to the rich American Health care act. The republicans would like to paint a rosy utopian picture of life prior to the Affordable Care act. Thats fake news as donald trump would say. Well, let me remind you of how it really was prior to the Affordable Care act. Prior to the a. C. A. In the United States one of the wealthiest nations in the world, we had nearly 47 million americans who lacked Health Insurance. Additionally, a study by the department of health and Human Services found that 17. 1 million americans under the age of 65 were underinsured of which 9. 3 million had employerbased insurance. Tragically people in these situations often had to go without Vital Health Care simply because they couldnt afford it. However, after the passage of a. C. A. , only 8. 6 of americans, about 27. 3 Million People, are uninsured. The first time in the history that the nations uninsured rate fell below 9 . The American Health care act puts all these positive gains at risk. We cant afford to go back to prea. C. A. Days. Health care is a fundamental human right, not a commodity, not an iphone as republicans are treat tfplgt highly reckless and extremely irresponsible. We have a responsibility to mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. Other members seeking recognition . Mr. Schrader for one minute. Mr. Schrader thank you, mr. Chairman. The Affordable Care act is responsible for 20 million americans Getting Health Care and hundreds of thousands of oregonians. Its begun to bepped the cost curve in Health Care Spending putting us on a penn state to sustain ability and reducing our deficit. Making sure the medical trust fund is solvent for many years to come. Im disappointed to be here today. As a republicans try to repeal this great act. Or marking the bill up without any input from the Congressional Budget Office. Risk falling back on the progress it made to reduce the deficit and ensure seniors, children, disabled have access to health care. The bill were considering also rolls back a lot of the progress we have made in my home state of oregon to bring down costs and improve outcomes without cutting reimbursement. Perhaps worst of all the bill in front of us today rolled back a loft successes we had while failing to fix the problems that need help. Rather than reduce premiums it has the potential to increase them as much as 30 . We need to do better. Mr. Walden the gentlemans time has expired. The chair any members on the republican side seeking recognition . Seeing none, the chair wreck freezes recognizes the gentleman, mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy i was struck last night by a comment i heard made by speaker ryan where he called this repeal bill, quote, an act of mercy. With all due respect to speaker he and i must have read different scripture. The one i read calls on us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and comfort the sick. It reminds us were judged not by how we treat the powerful but how we care for the least among us. Mercy. Define and purely secular terms, passionate treatment for those in distress. Kindness and with grace. There is no mercy in a system that makes health care a luxury. There is no mercy in a country that turns their back on those ost in need of protection, the elderly, poor, sick, and suffering. There is no mercy an a Cold Shoulder to the mentally ill. There is no mercy on the policy that take credit to the sweat and tears that working americans sweat every day to care for their familys basic needs. There is no mercy. Mr. Walden the gentlemans ime has expired. The chair now recognizes the gentlelady from washington state, the conference chairman of the republicans, miss Kathy Mcmorris rodgers. Mrs. Mcmorris rodgers thank you, mr. Chairman. Were on a rescue mission. Obamacare though wellintentioned as failed. Its failed in its goals and it as failed in its promises. People in washington are paying more and more for health care. Millions of americans have lost their Health Care Plans. Millions of americans can no longer access the doctor of their choice. Medicaid, a very important safety net, is plagued with access problems, poor quality of health, unsustainable funding. This has been going on for years. And yet obamacare forced about 50 of the newly insured people into medicaid nationwide. It was over 80 in washington state. This jeopardizes this important safety net for the people who need it the most, the poor, the elderly, children, people with disabilities. I recognize many individuals with disabilities rely on medicaid for their health care, and i am committed to ensuring that they have access to care at home and in the community moving forward. Everyone should have access to quality, Affordable HealthCare Coverage. And thats why were moving forward with a plan that protects individuals with preexisting conditions. Responsibly unwinds the Medicaid Expansion, and helps americans afford Health Insurance. Mr. Walden the gentleladys time has expired. Are there other members seeking recognition . The gentleman from california is recognized for one minute for purposes of an opening stimet. Thank you very much, mr. Chairman. Ladies and gentlemen, the republicans are cheating hardworking americans. Their plan will force middle class families to pay more for less. It takes away Health Care Protections to up to 129 million americans with preexisting conditions. And it means seniors will pay up to 2,000 to 3,000 more every year. Once more this bill lines the pockets of Insurance Companies. If you have any lapse in coverage, Insurance Companies have to charge you up to 30 more for the care you used to get. To add insult to injury, this bill gives a tax break to c. E. O. s of those Insurance Companies. Thats what i call the keep quiet clause. Middle class families get screwed under this bill. We know that this bill will raise our National Deficit and hurt our economy but we cant tell you exactly by how much because the Congressional Budget Office hasnt had the opportunity to give us that score. Mr. Cardenas myself and the rest of the members of the committee, your elected representatives, were not allowed to see the bill until two days ago. When the Affordable Care act was passed in 2010, the house alone had 79 public hearings. The republican plan is doing all it can to kick you to the curb and take away your health care. Mr. Walden with that the gentlemans time has expired. Are there other members seeking recognition . Have not been recognized . At that point then, the chair calls up the committeedirble get to you in seafpkt the chair calls up the Committee Print and asks the clerk to report. The chair calls up the Committee Print. Just a moment. And asks the Committee Print clerk to report. Committee print, budget reconciliation, legislative recommendations relating to repeal and replace of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act. Mr. Walden without objection. The First Reading of the Committee Print is suspended with. The print will be opened for amendment at any point. So ordered w that i recognize the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone mr. Chairman, id like to enter into some parliamentary inquiries about the process today. I think it will make it easier for us if you can answer certain questions pursuant to a colloquy with me. Mr. Walden happy to have that discussion. Mr. Pallone first of all, with regard to the schedule, should we be prepared to work late into evening each markup day . Or do you plan to complete the day at a certain time and move to the next mr. Walden it appears based on the fact there are no amendments available for consideration that we should be done fairly soon. Mr. Pallone what does that mean . What are you referencing now . Mr. Walden no amendments have been filed or shared mr. Pallone we have many amendments, mr. Chairman. Mr. Walden just a moment, please. None of them were in a colloquy here. We have received no amendments, none have been filed. We look forward to seeing your amendments. Mr. Pallone mr. Chairman, there are numerous amendments on behalf of the democrats and the minority. Mr. Walden we have no amendments at the table. No amendments have been filed. Its hard for me to consider how long were going to be here until we know what your amendments are. Mr. Pallone ok. Mr. Walden let me ask you a question. How many amendments do you plan to offer . Mr. Pallone i think we have about 100 amendments. Mr. Walden is00 amendments. 100 amendments. We have not seen any of them. Mr. Walden we will certainly provide you with those amendments. Mr. Walden when will we see those . Mr. Pallone my understanding is they are available. Mr. Walden they are available now . Mr. Pallone theyll be provided within the customary twohour limit. Mr. Walden all right. Were there with the bill. Mr. Pallone i dont think so. Anyway mr. Walden the bill mr. Pallone youre not going to answer the questions about the schedule. If you want to be try to jam this thing through and not talk about the schedule. Thats fine. I can play that game, too. No questions. No answers about the schedule. Correct . Mr. Walden thats not mr. Pallone i simply asked the mr. Walden please suspend. I cant comment on how long were going to be here until i know how many amendments were going to consider. You told me now for the first time you may have 100 amendments. That tells us were going to be here dont know how long people will debate those amendments. Happy to give you guidance once i know what youre planning on. Parliamentary inquiry, mr. Chairman. Mr. Walden the gentleman from texas is recognized for parliamentary inquiry. Is it not the rule of the committee that amendment have to be made available two hours efore the markup begins . Mr. Pallone two hours before the amendments are considered. Mr. Walden since i have the gavel. Its the policy of the committee that they be considered two hours in advance. Thats been the tradition of the committee as you know as the chairman i believe mr. Upton knows, generally to be able to give more thoughtful consideration the sooner they are filed, the better. So our staffs can review them. Members can review them. Mr. Barton further parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Walden the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Barton since its the policy of the committee the amendments be made in order, be made available two hours before the markup begins, and since this markup began at approximately 10 30, should not those amendments that the minority wishes to offer have been already made available in order to be mr. Pa clone my understanding is two hours before the mr. Walden if the gentleman would suspend. It is the normal policy that they be provided ahead of time. Two hours in advance. That makes it all work better for all members on both sides to be able to look at amendments. We look forward to the majority minority placing their amendments in front of us and filing. But its hard for me to figure out how long well be here until i know how many amendments well have. Mr. Pallone lets move on. I have a parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Walden the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Barton the amendment should be made available two hour before the markup. Mr. Walden the gentleman suspend. Mr. Barton they have not been ade available. Mr. Walden regular order ended suspend. Ntleman will the gentleman will suspend. The gentleman will suspend. We look forward to getting your amendments and moving through on regular order. I recognize the gentleman from new jersey. Do you have another question . Mr. Pallone yes, i do. My understanding based on what you told us before the Committee Markup was that amendments on any section were going to be in order at any time. Now im told now you want to move to a process where we go section by section. That not what we were told beforehand. And i intend to proceed with having amendments opened at any time on any section rather than moving section by section. So let me ask again. Is that the case . My understanding was beforehand that you were not going to move section by section. Mr. Walden what we shared with your staff yesterday was our preference to follow the same procedures that have been followed before, including by mr. Waxman, former chairman of this committee, and during the a. C. A. Markup, to go subtitle by subtitle. It is still opened for amendment at any time. If you dont want to proceed that way, well recognize the amendments. It just makes it more thoughtful approach to go subtitle by subtitle. Its easier on both staffs to work through the amendments. If its a medicaid amendment, were happy to go through the amendments. Well be here until we finish the amendments. This was simply a way to make it more organized for the Committee Members and for our staff to be able to work through them, especially since we still dont have your 100 amendment. Mr. Pallone mr. Chairman, i was told that your staff indicated to us that we were going to be open to amendment on any section at any time. We were not moving section by section. Regardless of that, we do not intend to move section by section. Were going to offer amendments on any topic as we proceed. Mr. Walden well move on. The chair recognizes the himself for purposes of offering an amendment mr. Pallone i have some additional questions which i think will make things go easier again. Mr. Walden really . I look forward to that. Mr. Pallone about rolling of votes. You know when we had our initial organizing meeting i was very much opposed to the idea of rolling votes. You expressed the fact that you were not going to try to roll votes in most circumstances. Today, in particular, because we have such an important bill, because were all here and were going to debate amendments as we go along, i see no reason to roll votes. I would ask that we not move to a process of rolling the votes but rather proceed amendment by amendment with the discussion and not roll votes because its important that members be here for the entire debate. I ask you that question. I would ask we not roll votes. Mr. Walden always resides with the chair to make that de. As i said i will consult with you on those matters for the convenience of members. But we intend to move forward amendment by amendment. Vote by vote. Mr. Pallone i appreciate that. My last question is about the actual vehicle before us. My question is, is what were considering today a bill, a Committee Draft . What is it that were considering . Mr. Walden it is a Committee Print. Mr. Pallone does that mean that in terms of the procedural pathway that once this Committee Print has been amended and the markup proceeding has concluded, will that then be reintroduced in some form as a bill . Will it be introduced as a bill once we finish . Will it be mr. Walden at that time probably knows. What we do here is forward it up to the budget committee. This is the reconciliation process. I know in the past under the democrats this process was skipped at some point. And everything just was done up at budget committee. Were going through regular order to take amendments, to go through a Committee Print, and then we will submit our product to the budget committee. There it goes to the rules committee. And the rules committee will report a bill to the floor. Mr. Pallone let me go back to that again. What youre saying is because of a reconciliation process and alleged regular order, again i would point out that were not doing regular order because we didnt have a hearing and a subCommittee Markup, but if youre saying that this is going this is the reconciliation process, i dont understand how you can make that statement because the fact of the matter is that much of whats in this Committee Print is not in the nature of reconciliation. A loft this is what we callle it would have to be significantly changed before the senate could take it up. Mr. Walden the gentleman will yield. Questions of senate are the senates decisionmaking not ours. Were not bound by the rules of the senate. Were the United States house of representatives. Were the energy and Commerce Committee. We will do our job in regular order as we have under our rules with due consideration. Mr. Pallone what youre saying then is that even though this is a Committee Print and not a bill, and therefore is going to go through the reconciliation process, you have gone beyond the reconciliation process in terms of the subject matter going into things that are not could not be part of the reconciliation process. Mr. Walden that is not the case. That is not the case. Im not saying that. I dont believe that. Mr. Pallone i understand. Mr. Walden full let me finish. Im not saying that. I dont believe that to be the case. This was our procedures of reconciliation. As i say, the senate has different procedures. We dont even have the option to have the Senate Parliamentarians come tell us what we want. By the way, i dont want the Senate Parliamentarians telling us what we can and cannot do. If we can proceed. Mr. Pallone one more question. Mr. Walden this was your last question. Mr. Pallone except you made the point that made me think about one other problem. Why, why, if youre going through the reconciliation process, or if youre going to go beyond it in terms of the senate, i know youre not worried about the senate, i dond understand that. Why is it that were going through this procedure as opposed to just doing a regular ill . Mr. Walden we have instructions to the budget committee. I appreciate the gentleman. The chair recognizes mr. Pallone mr. Chairman, we have a question from the gentleman from new mexico. Mr. Walden well move forward with the regular order. The chair recognizes the the chair mr. Chairman, i have a motion. Mr. Pallone before we go through the amendment mr. Walden that is not how this is going to work. Mr. Pallone i have a motion. Mr. Walden an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Walden the clerk will report the amendment. Mr. Chairman, parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Walden the gentleman will suspend. The clerk will report. Parliamentary inquiry, mr. Chairman. Amendment to the committee int title 1, energy and commerce. Mr. Pallone i have a parliament inquiry, mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman. Mr. Walden unanimous consent without d objection, the reading of the amendment is dispensed with. Mr. Pallone mr. Chairman, im simply asking for recognition with regard to a parliamentary inquiry. If youre not going to recognize that, i dont know how youre going to proceed. Mr. Walden mr. Pallone, i didnt say i wouldnt recognize you. Im trying to follow regular order. We were trying to dispense with that. Then i will recognize you now for your parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Chairman, i objected to the suspension you were going through. That was the subject of my parliamentary inquiry. I object to proceeding mr. Walden which one of you wants to go first . Mr. Pallone let me ask a parliamentary inquiry. What is it that you just tried to do there with the clerk in terms of suspension . Mr. Walden were im surprised you dont know this. This is an amendment in the ature of a substitute. It if coy correct you. Were on the amendment gnat nature i objected, mr. Chairman. Mr. Walden go ahead. Mr. Barton he was not recognized. We dont have to be recognized to object. Mr. Barton the chairman has power of recognition. Mr. Walden well get through this. Mr. St call pallone let me say this. You have stated over and over again from the very first day when we began the organization of this mr. Walden does the gentleman have a parliamentary inquiry . Mr. Pallone yes. I would like to propose a motion to postpone the markup for 30 days. Mr. Walden the gentleman will suspend. I recognized you for a parliamentary inquiry. What is your inquiry . Mr. Pallone my concern mr. Walden what is your inquiry . Mr. Pallone why is it you have mr. Walden please state your inquiry. Mr. Pallone my inquiry is, again, if i can state it, if youll let me state it, is after the last two months of repeatedly saying we were going to use regular order, that we were not going to try to jam things down mr. Walden does the gentleman have a parliamentary inquiry . Mr. Pallone you are proceeding to do that. I said to you that i would like to make a motion to postpone the markup for 30 days. I dont understand why that is not in order at this time . It should be in order. Mr. Walden do you have a motion at the desk . Mr. Pallone the motion is to postpone the markup for 30 days. Most number one. Mr. Barton i move to table the motion if there is a motion. Mr. Walden do we have it . Where is it . Can your staff provide it . When did we receive it . We received the motion three minutes ago. Mr. Walden ok. Mr. Barton then we have to consider it for two hours . Mr. Walden not on a motion. Motion to postpone markup for 30 days offered by rep pallone. Mr. Barton i move to tablet motion, mr. Chairman. Mr. Walden all those in favor of tabling the motion mr. Pallone i think we should be able to have some debate on this motion. Again, whats the rush . You said mr. Walden mr. Pallone, the question let me rule on this, please. A motion to table is not debatable. Under our rules. I know you care deeply about following our rules. Pallone mr. Chairman, again mr. Walden the question now occurs on the motion to table. All those in favor will say aye. Those opposed, no. Again mr. Walden the question mr. Pallone i i ask for the yeas and nays. Mr. Walden im getting there. We will ask for a roll call vote. On the motion to table. All those in favor of tabling the vote aye. Those opposed, no. The clerk will call the role. The clerk mr. Barton, mr. Barton votes aye. Mr. Upton vothse aye. Mr. Shim discuss, mr. Shim discuss votes aye. Mr. Murphy, mr. Murphy votes aye. Mr. Burgess votes aye. Mrs. Blackburn, mrs. Blackburn votes aye. Mr. Scalise. Mr. Latta. Mr. Latta votes aye. Mrs. Mcmorris rodgers. Mr. Harper. Mr. Harper votes aye. Mr. Lance. Mr. Lance votes aye. Mr. Guthrie. Mr. Guthrie votes aye. Mr. Olson, mr. Olson votes aye. Mr. Mckinley. Mr. Mr. Mckinley votes aye. Mr. Kinzinger votes aye. Mr. Griffith. Mr. Griffith votes aye. Mr. Bilirakis. Mr. Bilirakis votes aye. Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson votes aye. Mr. Long. Mr. Long votes aye. Mr. Bucshon. Mr. Bucshon votes aye. Mr. Flores. Mr. Flores votes aye. Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. Brooks votes aye. Mr. Mullen. Mr. Mullen votes aye. Mr. Hudson. Mr. Hudson votes aye. Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins votes aye. Mr. Cramer. Mr. Cramer votes aye. Mr. Walberg. Mr. Walberg votes aye. Mrs. Walters. Mrs. Walters votes aye. Mr. Costello. Mr. Costello votes aye. Mr. Carter. Mr. Pallone. Mr. Pallone mr. Chairman, are you trying to rush this bill. You are not allowing for debate. And if this process continues all day long, its going to be a very unfortunate circumstance. Were going to be here all night for several days. I vote no. The clerk mr. Pallone votes no. Mr. Rush. Mr. Rush mr. Chairman, i totally concur with our ranking members position. I think that when you keep talking about regular order, when you are certainly out of order. I vote mr. Walden let me just say for members the regular order during roll call is not to have a debate on your vote. E will hold a regular a mr. Rush you talk about regular order and regular order is not what you are emphasizing this order. Mr. Walden the clerk will continue to call the role. The clerk mr. Rush. Mr. Rush mr. Rush votes no. The clerk mr. Rush votes no. Ms. Eshoo. Ms. Eshoo votes no. Mr. Engel. Mr. Green. Mr. Green votes no. Ms. Degette. Ms. Degette votes no. Mr. Doyle. Mr. Doyle votes no. Ms. Schakowsky. Ms. Schakowsky votes no. Mr. Butterfield. Mr. Butterfield votes no. Ms. Matsui. Ms. Matsui votes no. Ms. Kaptur. Ms. Kaptur votes no. Mr. Sarbanes. Mr. Sarbanes votes no. Mr. Mcnerney. Mr. Mcnerney votes no. Mr. Belch. Mr. Welch votes no. Mr. Lujan. Mr. Lujan votes no. Mr. Tonko. Mr. Tonko votes no. Ms. Clarke. Mr. Loebsack. Mr. Loebsack votes no. Mr. Schrader. Mr. Schrader votes no. Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy votes no. Mr. Can deanas. Cardenas. Votes no. Mr. Peter. Mr. Peters votes no. Mrs. Dingell, mrs. Dingell votes no. Chairman upton. Chairman walden. Mr. Walden swing and a miss. Freds back. Walden votes yes on table. Are there other members who wish to be recorded . The gentlelady from washington. Votes aye. The gentleman from louisiana. The clerk mr. Scalise votes aye. Mr. Walden are there members on the Minority Side that have not been recorded . Are there other members though ho have not been recorded . The clerk will report the tally. Mr. Chairman, on that vote there are 30 ayes and 22 noes. Mr. Walden 30 ayes. 22 noes. The motion carries. And the table motion the gentleman from new mexico is recognized. Mr. Lujan mr. Chairman. Mr. Walden for what purpose does. Mr. Lujan i had objected to the dispensing of the reading. Mr. Walden i thought you were asking for a parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Lujan in addition to oking to the dispenning of the reading. I was also asking for a parliamentary inquiry. I was attempting to being recognized for first request of the dispensing of the reading. I wasnt recognized so i thought i would blurt it out the second time. My parliamentary inguyry was the problem way to be recognized to object when the chairman is asking whether there is an objection to a ruling . Mr. Walden you asked for reason you are seeking recognition. If the gentleman would suspend. It was a little difficult to hear your objection over mr. Pallones discussion at the same time. Thats why im trying to keep regular order here so we can be in a regular process and recognize members in regular order. Thats why i was trying to have one at a time. And manage this. Does the gentleman have a parliamentary inquiry . Mr. Lujan is there a ruling from the chair on my objection to the dispensing of the reading . Mr. Walden it came late. Mr. Lujan it did not, mr. Chairman. Role the tapes. Do we have the oscars here . Flip them up there for us. Mr. Walden the gentleman will suspend. The gentleman did object to the dispensing with the reading of the bill. This is why its important and why i will continue to try to get regular order. It was difficult to hear the gentleman down there when i had my friend here also concerned about things. Thats why for everybodys benefit regular order, will i keep regular order. So nobodys discriminated against. So is the gentleman objecting to the dispensing with the reading of the bill . Mr. Lujan yes, mr. Chairman. That was my objection. Mr. Walden all right. Then the clerk will read the bill. Members need to know this will take a couple of hours. Which is fine. Were happy to do that. It would be helpful to the regular order process if the gentleman, gentleladies on either side of the aisle have amendment our you see on the screen house coverage coming up here momentarily. You can continue to watch this energy and commerce markup session online at cspan. Org. Were also covering the ways and means Committee Markup. Thats over on cspan3. And available cspan. Org and the free cspan radio app. Here on cspan live now to the house floor. They are coming in to begin work on the 578 billion defense spending bill for the remainder of 2017. Theyll also start debate on is a measure that relates to federal standards in fraudulent civil cases. We expect votes this afternoon. Live congress here on cspan