To reach 1 million points e mili congratulations [crowd cheering] thats it . God damn it. God damn it. Goddam [door slams] butters, you want to play me next . Okay. O but i get to be the one that betrays you after the sex and drugs party ysgs pay captioning by captionmax www. Captionmax. Com from Comedy Centrals world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with trevor noah cheers and applause captioning sponsored by Comedy Central trevor welcome to the daily show im trevor noah thank you so much great show for you tonight our guests tonight from the new netflix comedy love, Gillian Jacobs is here, everybody cheers and applause trevor and wow, what a weekend this was, for me, especially. I got to visit New Hampshire for the first time. Yeah, which was incredibly white. laughter no, because it snowed. It snowed a lot, and because of all the caucasian people. And then on sunday was the super bowl, yeah cheers and applause so congratulations to the winners, the denver broncos, Peyton Manning and, most importantly, all my boys back home, yeah, because you know what comes off the super bowl sunday . Free tshirt monday were still ripping the panthers, baby applause and dont worry, cam, you will be back next year. You can dab away all these tears. Its okay. Oh speaking of losers. This last weekend, we had the final g. O. P. Debate before tomorrows New Hampshire primaries, and it was my favorite one yet because, from the beginning, it was clear that iin this day bait, anything coud happen anything except make getting all the candidates out on to the stage. So lets welcome the candidates for the republican nomination for president , new jersey governor Chris Christie. cheers and applause dr. Ben carson cheers and applause s the senato texas senatord cruz. cheers and applause laughter trevor oh, the look on ben carsons face is priceless he has the look as he just walked out as if he forgot his keys. And, first, ted cruz steals ben carsons votes, now hes stealing his entrance. Its a perfect metaphor for ted cruz, he sees a fellow candidate in distress, knows it would cost nothing to help him but instead chooses to push past him with a smile. For an extremely religious man that is exactly the opposite of a Good Samaritan and the best part, is it just got better. cheers and applause Businessman Donald Trump cheers and applause florida senator marco rubio. cheers and applause former Florida Governor jeb bush. cheers and applause laughter trevor oh that will be the only time jeb bush passes donald trump in New Hampshire. The look on his face, so happy. When he walks out, you see he looks at trump and hes, like, oh, this guy again his campaign spent 13 million on that eye roll there, worth every penny. Dr. Carson eventually made his way to his podium. So we have seven candidates called out and then five actually made it to their podium, which means, according to the moderators, there was one person remaining. And lastly, we welcome back to the debate stage donald trump. cheers and applause john kasich. What about kasich . Its noisy in here. Yes, yes, were going to introduce Ohio Governor john kasich. Trevor ah, kasich. You know the worst thing . The carson trump fiasco can be explained because the moderators had their backs to the candidates b through last gaffe was so much worse because now moderators are facing the stage and they still couldnt tell the difference between an empty podium and john kasich. laughter thats how you know they havent planned any questions for you. They were, like Chris Christie was the guy who noticed. Hes where is john kasich . The moderators say hes there. He says, no. They say, hes here now. Finally, everyone was waiting for the brawl to see what donald trump would do because if you remember, donald trump skipped the last debate, which is probably why you dont remember the last debate. You see, trump is the main attraction, the t rex in jurassic park. laughter and to see him in action, all you need to do is leave out some poor little animal as bait. Oh, no, im not sure thats the right if we can get oh, yeah, thats better. That will do. That will do. Its funny how you guys were waiting for jeb bush, a goat about to be eaten. laughter what are the biggest issues on debate night between jeb and trump was emnant domain. For many conservatives, this is a hot button issue, should the governor be able to take private land for public good. The Keystone Pipeline without Eminent Domain wouldnt go ten feet. You need Eminent Domain. Donald trump tried to use Eminent Domain to try to take the property of an elderly woman on the strip in new york city. Thats not for a good purpose. I didnt take the property. And the net result you tried and you lost in court. A lot of times you will have and it doesnt work well with how tough is it to take property from an elder riwoman . Let me talk. Quiet. audience reacts trevor oh quiet quiet, pip squeak talk to the tan. That must have been the weirdest buff ive ever seen in my life. Two guys, you want to have a tough guy . You looking at my girl . No, im looking at your poorly considered thoughts on eminent do plane as it relates to commentary. Lets take this outside property from an elderly woman let me talk. Quiet. A lot of times audience booing thats all his donors and special interests out there. laughter you know who has the tickets to the Television Audience . Donors, special interests, the people that are putting up the money audience booing the reason theyre not loving me booing the reason theyre not loving me is i dont want their money. Trevor this is insane. I love this. laughter do you understand how crazy donald trump is . Jeb bush was like fight me fight me trump was, like, no i need a challenge and then he proceeded to fight the entire audience. The entire audience if thats not president ial, i dont know what is, people cheers and applause even though everyone was waiting for donald trump, the match that really surprised everybody was the baby faced thirst quencher marco rubio versus the bridge blocking bully Chris Christie. Christie tanked in iowa making New Hampshire his last chance to make himself the top alternative to trump or cruz but to do that he had to beat marco rubio who came in third in iowa. So Chris Christie launched an accusation rubio sac empty suit with canned lines. I want the people to think about this thats what washington, d. C. Does. In the memorized 25second speech, that is exactly what his advisors gave him. cheers and applause trevor all right, rubio, the challenge has been issued and now, you have to prove him wrong. And lets dispel once and for all with this fiction that barack obama doesnt know what hes doing. He knows exactly what hes doing. I would add. This lets dispel with this fiction barack obama doesnt know what hes doing. He knows exactly what hes doing. He is trying to change this country. Heres the the bottom line. This notion that barack obama doesnt know what hes doing, he knows exactly what hes doing there it is, the memorized 25second speech there it is, everybody trevor just say anything else hes memorized the 25second speech. Thats why this campaign is so important. I think this is an important point, we have to understand what were going through here. We are not facing a president that doesnt know what he is doing, he knows what he is doing trevor he lost it first of all, h hes saying barack obama knows what hes doing. Lets just take a second to accept that. cheers and applause thats the first thing. Secondly, Chris Christie called rubio out on the fact that he mindlessly repeats talking points like a stumped speech robot and rubios reply was people, people, people i am human people, people laughter he got exposed marco rubio got bleep so hard he had to take Chris Christie to red lobster cheers and applause oh, man look, senator rubio, its time for you to take a page out of of dr. Carsons book laughter next time there is a debate, take a moment and think about not coming out. applause but for now, go home, get some fresh clothes, because, lets be honest, you just bleep your pants. Well be right back. cheers and applause Straight Talks bring your own phone plan saves me a lot of money. To prove it, i switched from an expensive contract plan by popping a sim card into my phone. Now its a Straight Talk phone. And i get to keep my same number and network for half the cost. Thats money we can put toward your college fund. Oh, im not going to college. I want to be. A magician. Invisibility, now i can still see you. Your phone, your network, half the cost. Unlimited talk, text, and data is just 45 a month. Find out more at straighttalkbyop. Com. Demi lovatos confident song plays in tsong endso nd around the world, around the clock. In defense of all we hold dear back home. cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the daily show as wail know as we all know, last night was the super bowl, and it seems like the real m. V. P. Of the night was beyonce. For more, we turn to our senior beyonce correspondent jessica williams, everybody cheers and applause thank you, thank you. Thanks, trevor. On saturday, beyonce dropped her new song formation and in typical beyonce fashion there was an epic video to go along with it. Everybody went to nov com 1, reserved for the only intense beyonce drops. Were always there. There was so much about black female empowerment. She calls out Police Brutality and the constant fear black people have of the police. Even threw back to hurricane katrina. The black woman imagine income that video was out of control, she was like a beautiful black dumbledore but wearing a black wig and goochy. That was before the game. It was an amazing show, but not everyone was ready for that. In the end, beyonce dressed up in tribute to black panthers, went to malcolm x formation and basically told cops to stop shooting blacks. I thought it was outrageous she used it as a platform to attack police officers. Is there anything in america that can exclude race . Why is race brought into the half time show at a super bowl game, why . Race was brought in because beyonce was brought in and, brace yourself, might want to sit down for this, but beyonce is. Black and as a black person, you walk around every day constantly reminded that you are black. Were more likely to get paid less, more likely to get sent to prison and more likely to win a dance competition. Its not all bad. The point is, beyonce is black and this song is her message. Thats what artists do. Their message is in their music. Like how chris wore his Global Citizen arm band to promote his message of ending worldwide poverty or bruno mars delivered his message about how uptown was going to punk me up. That was a threat. I live in uptown, i baffle barely slept after his performance. How dare he Say Something like that laughter and why are surprised beyonce would send a message during the show. Shes done this during her career. Have we forgotten where she addressed the importance of Mental Health in crazy in love . Oh, no, indeed but, look, i get it. Beyonce wasnt doing just any television performance, this was the super bowl. Thats what got some people pissed. Youre talking Middle America when you have the super bowl, so you can have entertainment. Lets have decent, wholesome entertainment. Okay, so, first of all, are you saying you cant talk about race issues to Middle America . What are they, so delicate and unaware and so White Beyonce is too much for them . You know whats in the middle of Middle America . Ferguson, missouri applause and furthermore, i am so sorry this wasnt wholesome enough for you. I didnt realize singing about race was the equivalent of Janet Jackson getting her titty pulled out at the super bowl. laughter but the fans need wholesome entertainment like the gladiator. So were you not entertained by beyonce, everyone . cheers and applause trevor ex jerks, everyone. Well be right back. [ retro music ] hey, whats this . Chardonnay party. Well, the helen i know she brings a sledgehammer to a thumbtack. She brings a flamethrower to a bonfire. She brings beer to a chardonnay party. A lot of metaphors, but i get it. As long as you are you, its miller time. Four bandits chose a prius as their getaway car. Bravoniner, in pursuit of a toyota prius. Over. How hard is it to catch a prius . Over. This thing is actually pretty fast. Over. Very funny. Oh look, a farmers market. We should get some flowers for the car. Yeah holly toyota. Lets go places. Adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Book now, offer ends soon. We broabout this new car. To get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. Feels like a bmw. Reminds me a little bit of like an audi. So, this car supports apple carplay. Siri, open maps. She gets me. Wow. It also has teen driver technology. It even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. Im very curious what it is. This is the 2016 chevy malibu. And it sells for . It starts at twentytwo five. What . Oh wow. I mean with all this technology. Thats a game changer. Okayits chewy. His . Really icy. Wooh. Thats intense it just hits you. Its gum. No. Its totally a mint its disappearing as i am chewing it. Where did it go . Its not a gum. Not a mint. Its a breakthrough in cool. Ice breakers cool blasts. [just go ahead and take any weempty seat you see. [coughing and sneezing] i hope its not contagious. [playing flute] so i do have it. [music stops abruptly] when your mom wakes up, can you tell her about me . cheers and applause trevor thank you for coming back my guest tonight is an actress whose new net flex series is called love. I just keep believing a relationship evolves and gets better. Why do i believe that . Where do these lies come from . I know, songs, and books, and, you know, movies. Pleasantville . Whoa, yeah no, i like it do it again. Pretty woman . Pretty woman is such a lie. Like, a prostitute wouldnt fall in love with you. She would just like steal your bleep and sell it for coke. Homeland season 3 . Very confusing. Like she could ever just sneak into iran. Get it out of my way trevor please welcome Gillian Jacobs cheers and applause trevor thank you so much for being here. My pleasure. Trevor first of all, im going to be selfish with my interview and start at the top. Huge fan of community. Thank you trevor like the mantra of the show is six seasons and a movie, but the movie when . Who do we need to pressure to get this to happen . One man, name is dan herman. We just need to get dan to write the script and we make the movie in an instant. Trevor were calling you out. This is it. Dan harmon Trevor Harmon harmon cheers and applause trevor such a huge fan of yours. I told your earlier, you set the building on fire. Gillians coming, everyone said. Can i ask her a question . I said, no. laughter you have such a diverse portfolio of what you love. Youre a big film of documentary filmmaking. Is that a passion youve always had . No, i kind of fell into documentary filmmaking. A couple of my classmates on community. Theyre great as well cheers and applause they need some 30 for 30 docs for espn. I met a producer there and i said if youre giving actors who have never directed before directing jobs, sign me sniewp nicely done. Very qualified and eager. I directed 538. Com about a computer coder, a woman named grace horn, that sparked an interest in computer coding which i dont know anything about and making documentary films. Trevor its a fascinating story. You call her the queen of code but she didnt want to be held up asen icon but she inspired young girls and women in jean to get into coding. Yeah. Trevor so a fascinating story. If you could direct any film now, if you could make any documentary, what would you make it about . Well, another, i think, remarkable woman is hedy lamarr. Do you know anything about her . Trevor no. She was a glamorous movie star and an incredible inventer as well and during world war ii she felt compelled to help the war effort, so together with a composer in hollywood they invented a technology which the government refused to use and they dismissed her because she was a glamorous movie star but it later became the basis for wifi and bluetooth technology. Trevor insane. Yeah. applause trevor its funny you say she was dismissed. You had a bit of a tumultuous start. When in school, your teachers would say things like, youre very pretty but you dont act like a woman. I they told me i had terrible posture, i shuffled my feet. They told me i did well for someone with no natural ability. You dont forget these things. Its seared in your brain ever. Trevor wow. Do you ever go back in a really nice car and go, like, oh, i was in the neighborhood oh, did i drop a few Million Dollars . Do they ever say anything to you now. No. And actually the mere sight of the building still make my knees shake a little bit so i need a little more therapy before i do that. Trevor you need to terrorize every single one of them. Youve done great. This new show is funny and fantastic. Judd apatow was involved in producing it. Yes, one of the coproducers with paul and leslie, they created the show. Trevor for people who are going to get into it, what is the show about. You saw the main two goof balls, myself and paul, and we are a very unlately pair. Both have a lot of issues that on the surface, im a wild child and he seems like an uptight nerd. But we meet and stumble towards love but we make a lot of mistakes along the way and cause a lot of havoc in los angeles. Thats a good way to put it. Trevor its fun because i see a lot of people gravitating toward netflix now. Like stories told in a more authentic way. What would you say you prefer . Im not saying choose between community and love. Im saying which forum do you prefer . Let me think about that. Netflix gave us two seasons right off the bad. We were almost canceled six years in a row on nbc. laughter trevor its a wonderful story. Its super funny, and i guess the best part about it is, its going to be coming out right around valentines day so people can get into the love. Either you have a great valentines day and can be smug about our misadventures or a terrible day and can commiserate with us. Trevor misery loves company. Love available on netflix starting february 19th. Starting february 19th. Gillian jacobs, everyb wright here, shock top. Big citrus head, flavorful beer. Is that real . Look at that beard man like a modern day abe lincoln. You wanna take me and my refreshing friends . We ride . Ya . Lets party. Lets do it. Shotgun, called it. You got shotgun . Alright. Can you say i love it . Oh love it . Can you say hey . Hey thats the spirit oooooh. Ooh ooh sing sing, baby baby i love you. Oh yes. Ooooh oooh. Everything little thing. Ooooh oooh. Super smart to not mess up your tax refund. So we flew in super smart mathematician, maria chudnovsky, to help her. I have a lot of student loan debt. Can i deduct my interest . beep can amy deduct her student Loan Interest . In her case, yes. The amount goes right here. In your case, yes. The amount goes right here. Thanks. Intuit turbotax. Taxes done smarter. vo making the most out of every mile. Thats why i got a subaru impreza. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. cheers and applause trevor that is our show, everybody. Join us tomorrow night at 11 00. Now here it is. Your moment of zen. My favorite thing to do on the day of debate is play plants versus zombies on my iphone. What questions would david muirer be asking at the New Hampshire debate . I normally call my mom t captioning sponsored by Comedy Central

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