Sounds like everyones gonna have a great summer. See you next week. Good night. Captioning by captionmax www. Captionmax. Com stephen tonight who will be the next mayor of new york . Quinn, de blasio or 200 rats in a man suit . Then good news for gun owners, or any kind of news you want. Youre the one with the gun. And my guest is grammy awardwinning acoustic ledgend john prin, after the colbert bump, maybe hell have enough money to buy an electric guitar. Happy rosh hashanah, which we all know is the jewish holiday of i have no idea. My riders all left early. This is the colbert report. cheers and applause captioning sponsored by Comedy Central theme song playing cheers and applause cheers and applause stephen hey, welcome to the report. Thank you for joining us ladies and gentlemen, ive got to say stephen, stephen, stephen stephen, stephen, stephen stephen, stephen, stephen stephen, stephen, stephen cheers and applause stephen what can i say. Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Folks, folks, i want to thank you and thank you for letting me latch on to you like an emotional lamprey an suck the joy from your young vital bodies until they are as dry as a crouton. laughter stephen because folks, theres a lot of depressing news out there. Chemical weapons in syria, radiation in fukushima, breaking bad is ending. Even worse, im starting to think that hank and walt may not end up together. laughter well, folks, you know when i need a little pick me up, i always dip into Stephen Colberts smile file. Tonights smile file, ariel castro. laughter now folks, you might be saying Stephen Ariel Castro is a vial monster whose suicide this week is just the darkened to a dark life. How can anything associated with that man possibly make me smile . Thats what i thought. Until i tuned in to fox newss the five starring eric bolling who always cease the glass as half full. Ariel castro the pedophile piece of you know what who held three girls captive in cleveland for decades was convicted and sentenced to life plus 1,000 years behind barings, last night the cow ward hung himself far short of the the 33 kerr years, he spent 33 years, think of the tax Dollar Dollar taxpayer dollars he saved. Here is the 3457, ariel dos tro, Life Expectancy of 79, 30 grande year, 780,000 taxpayer dollars we saved by him hanging himself. Stephen thats a good point. Thats a good point. Justice is extension expensive. Imagine how much we could have saved if we never caught him. And and folks, the bolling sunshine express did not end at castro and a playful cartoon of the news, no. Bolling had a way to save america even more money. How about gitmo, 903,000 per year per gitmo detainee. Thats 150 million a year we would save in gitmo if they would all just do the same thing. Stephen thank you. I mean would it kill those gitmo detainees to kill themselves . For petes sake what are they waiting for, charges . And if you look at his white board bolling has already got some suggestions about who should take the next exit ramp to dirt nap city. Hes got nidal hasan, khalid chic mohammed and eric bolling . Oh god oh god dont do it, eric, youve got some of to live for. Nothings coming to me now but one imagines. But folks, folks people, the people are clapping for you, eric, like tinker bell, like tinker bell with a gun in her mouth. But folks, bolling really got me, i want to say thinking. The country could save so much more money if like eric bolling we are willing to put a price tag on human life so i say forget prisons lets talk about the suicidal element in the room. Social security. At 815 billion dollars a year, pepaw its time to smear the stairs with some of that pudding and just slip againly into that good night. And if any of you freeloaders out there need some inspiration, just turn on the five. Because every time i watch eric bolling, i want to kill myself. applause cheers and applause nation, its election season here in the big apple. Were choosing a new mayor to replace Michael Bloomberg who laughter who sadly was lost in the couch cushons at gracey mansion. Primaries are on tuesday but its a tough choice because this time no one is addressing the important issue of the the last week new york faced a crisis that could turn the tide of this election. Two lost kittens bring an entire new york city subway line to a stand still. Train crews shut off the power. It did hold up trains for two hours, delaying thousands of commuters. Americas largest Transportation System brought to a screeching halt, all because of this fury duo. Kittens, shut down subway service. Stephen tuckermeow right. laughter these subway kit kens paralyzed Transit Service in brooklyn it was chaos. Hundreds of brooklynnites were stuck on the platform with nothing to insta gram. Thousands of baristas were late for their shifts. Worse of all dozens of bands were instantly formed to name the subway kittens. New yorks mayorral candidates applause stephen in response to the crisis new york mayorral candidates immediately weighed in. A spokesman for shockingly candidate for mayor be thonny weiner told if an anthony said if he will not only stop trains for kittens, will personally chroim over the third rail to do it. I for one believe Anthony Weiner would never harm a kitten though he has a long record of choking the chicken. cheers and applause now weiners response was echoed by fellow candidates christine queen, Bill Thompson and sal albany who said what are we nut, of course i would have stopped. We cant just go running over kittens. laughter cant, sal, or wont . Because theres one politician out there with the courage to grease our tracks with cat babies. Republican joe lhota Whose Campaign when asked about the kittens responded that lhota does not think its appropriate to shut down an entire train line for an extended period for this purpose. Folks this is a shrewd political move. Think about it, lhota is the only pro dead kitten candidate in this race. Or any race. And i say he should run with this. What better way to grab attention than with yard signs that say joe lhota dead kittens. laughter i mean all these other candidates are just going to split prot kitten voters leaving joe to sweep up in the key antikitten demographic of sociopath, rats large enough to vote and alf. And these, these two troublemakers named august and arthur had it coming. They call this a major Transportation Delay in the largest city in the country making the bad, bad kittens. Now i would love to tell them that to their face and i will. Please welcome August Arthur and the man who took them in, stephen lew. cheers and applause tharmtions so thanks some of. Look at that, welcome, stephen, how are the kittens doing . Theyre great. Great. Enough of that. All right. Because im ready to open doors in the mayorral race and joe lhota is looking good. But first sir, you have to prove that when it comes to kittycide, you dont just talk the talk, you even kill these kittens. Anyway you want. Barry . Thats right, stephen. For his kitten killing, joe lhota can choose from a bat, a 10 inch drop board knife, his choice of hammer, Monkey Wrench or a classic burlap bag filled with rocks to toss into the east river. All this plus the colbert bump can be yours joe lhota if youll just kill that kitten. Stephen mr. Lhota i will be waiting for you in my studio but please take a car. The subway is infested with these monsters. Well be right back.  welcome back, everybody, thanks so much. Folks, if you watched this show you know im in bitter competition with the oprah book club. Well, next tuesday september 10th well have our second installment of the Colbert Book Club this time dedicated to author j. D. Salinger. So by next tuesday, read anything you want by salinger except catcher in the rye. I dont care for it. Please join us, i guarantee it will be a perfect night for banana fish. Thats a literary reference. Im told. Go over here. Folks, you know it is a dangerous world out there and we are constantly under threat of violence even in our own home. For instance, a suspicious stranger comes up to my house six days a week to deliver ransom notes. Pay your mortgage or well repossess your house, sorry but i dont negotiate with terrorists. Thats why im always on the lookout for the latest in home protection. Now i had previously told you about the bed bunker, a bed with a builtin gun safe underneath. Folks, there is no better place to rest your head after an exhausting day of paranoia. What about those vulnerable hours when youre not sleeping . Dont worry, folks, because the makers of bed bunker have an answer. Its a sofa that could possibly safe your life. A fort worth Furniture Company is making that claim as they market a couch that can store rifles and has bulletproof kitchens. It looks like a norma normal sofa. Open up the lid and you have a con sell gun safe. Its called the couch bunker t will help you hide up to 40 rifle its and dodge a bullet too. You can take one of the cushons, hand it to one of your children or your spouse to protect them. And then you can hold it, make them with arm straps. You can hold the cushon with one hand and fire it with the other hand. Thats right. Its what weve been waiting for. A couch with bulletproof cutchons. Its foolproof as long as you yell at the home invader, only shoot the cushons. And after think do shoot them remember to push the cushons over so your house still looks nice. Plus the kids can rearrange the cushons to make a bulletproof force to keep them safe from robbers or indians or lava. But i do have one problem with the couch bunker. You have to take the cushons off in order to access your guns which requires getting off the couch. Frankly, i would rather be dead. laughter thats why im proud to introduce the latest in living room protection, the barka launcher. Simply duct tape a knife to your head and pull the lever on your side to launch yourself remember, the lever on the right recline, the lever on the left makes you a human spear. Or the other way around. Youll figure it out. Order today, well also throw in this plush bean bag gear full of grenades, sit back, relax, and pull the pen on comfort. Well be right back. At farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. What if you didnt know that its smart to replace washingmachine hoses every five years . What if you didnt know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items . And what if you didnt know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident . sup the more you know, the better you can plan for whats ahead. Talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. We are farmers bum pa dum, bum bum bum bum welcome back, everybody, my guest tonights, singer songwriter whoses album the missing years is being rereleased on vinyl. I cant wait to download it. Please welcome john prin cheers and applause thanks core following con. Im an enormous fan, enormous fan. Thanks for being here. Great to be here, thank you. Stephen are you as i said before a grammy awardwinning, really folk singer, songwriter, songwriter. Youre a legend in your own time. But you started off as a mailman. Yes, i did, yeah. Stephen were you a mailmans mailman . I was. Stephen were you the kind of mailman that other mailmen wanted to get their mail from . I was the kind of mailman that dogs couldnt wait to see coming down the street. Stephen why did you leave a steady job and go into a shaky business like music . Because i was making more money in the business as walking in the snow. Stephen so folkmusic was where the big money was. Thats right. Stephen i got a beef with you, john prine, im an enormous fan as i said. But you like to keep it simple. Its mostly just vocals and guitar. Yeah. Stephen why not flash mob, facepaint, why not someone twerking against you while youre doing your songs . That would put me in a different tax bracket. laughter cheers and applause stephen my Favorite Song of your, one of my Favorite Songs of all times is called how lucky. Now the song has lyrics, goes today i walk down the street, i used to wander. And i scratch i shook my head and made myself a bet. All these things that i done think i remember, how lucky can one man get. What are the things that you dont remember . laughter i cant recall them right now. Stephen well, weve got a new release of your classic album the missing years which was released in 1991 but not available on vinyl then but available on vinyl now. The missing years refers to jess sus missing years. Yes. From the time he was 13 to i guess about 18, 19. But. Stephen we done know what happened then. Nobody did. I dont know why. Stephen do you fill in those missing years. I have as good a guess as anybody. Stephen thats heresy you realize. laughter well, john, would you do a song for us, please. I would love to cheers and applause stephen all right. Stephen well be right back with a performance by john prine. Stick around.  captioning sponsored by Comedy Central captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org stephen ladies an gentlemen, john prine. Sneath yeah i walked yeah shook my hand and i made myself a bed. Theres all these things that i dont think i remember i like it. How lucky can one man get i my shoes and hung them from the rear in a blind spot of regret theres all these things that i dont think i remember how lucky can one man get snoted used to wanter this my cigarette theres all those things that i dont think i remember how lucky can one man get how lucky can one man get how lucky can one man get cheers and applause john prine, the missing years, good night, everybody. cheers and applause from Comedy Centrals world news headquarters in new york this is the daily show with jon stewart. cheers and applause captioning sponsored by Comedy Central jon welcome to the daily show, my name is jon stewart. A good one for you tonight, my guest michael c. Hall, handsome and scary at the same time. Thats not easy to pull off. The mayorral race, our new segment indecision 2013. laughter the question on everyones mind who will fill mayor Michael Bloombergs shoes, tiny, tiny shoes. laughter hes very small. You i have a pair of his shoes right here. I took them from his arm other, i have his az rmoire as well. There we are, there are his little shoes. Im Michael Bloomberg. Im going to work. cheers and applause jon actually, very interesting. He puts these on every morning and commutes to work on the subway. Rat, he rides a rat because hes tiny. Its funny story, were actually laughter but im actually obviously i cant take the subway im too famous. I fly a pigeon to work. laughter but mr. Bloombergs third term ends this year. So he is done unless he manages to pull a putin which no, not that, not riding around with his nippulars showing. I mean just hanging around not leaving. Who shall take mayor bloombergs case. Democrats gather tuesday for the final debate and faced a tough line of questioning. When did all of you last take the subway. Give us a recent example of your own personal struggle to get by. Should bicyclists have to pass a test and have a licence. Do you compost . laughter okay, two things. One, compost . What do you think, these guys are running for mayor of burning man . What do you mean, compost . laughter whats on your ipod . And i guess the second question would be this, how large is bill de blasio. Did that guy fall right off a bean stock . I mean seriously. If de blasio wins there will be the greatest incumbent successor inaugural size discrepancy in the history of swearing in ceremonies. I mean, look laughter i got to ask you this. How does a guy de blasios size get to work. I mean he is oh, really, oh. laughter i guess the rats can do get quite large, so well, these debates arent just about issues. They are about letting your personality shine through. Do you have a housekeeper, mr. De blasio. Sometimes, from time to time. Ms. Quinn. Once a week, y

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