the tourist attractions here in the nation's capitol. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >> you certainly could say the general election campaign began this week when republican candidate rick santorum declared "the race is over for me." now that mitt romney's toughest challenger is out of the picture, romney and president obama are taking direct jabs at one another. let's bring in our senior correspondent, joe johns. romney, it's his race, he's the challenger. he moved to the right during this campaign, the primary season, but now presumably he's got to move a little closer to the center. >> it does sound that way certainly, wolf. it's been a very good week for mitt romney. now it's up to him and his staff to keep it going. we've essentially entered the general election phase of the 2012 campaign with lightning speed thanks to social nemedia d controversial remarks by romney's wife anne by political strategist hillary rosen. recent polls show mitt romney running behind president obama with women voters by double digits. the question is how can he close that gap? of course, wolf, that is a huge question and moving back to the middle presumably would be at least part of it. >> he's also got to make sure that the republican base, the republican establishment all are on the same page. he's got to have peace, if you will, with santorum and the others. >> absolutely right. the conservative base, keeping them energized is absolutely critical. whether he's going to try to make that move that's so traditional among candidates once they're assured the party's nomination is a question. but what i've been finding at least anecdotally talking with values voters and other conservatives, the national rifle association that after rick santorum announced he was suspending his campaign, the republicans were saying they realize now they have nowhere else to go and if the primaries showed us anything, they said again and again they are prepared to vote for anybody but president obama. >> one thing is clear, some of the conservative base, they may not necessarily love mitt romney but they certainly don't love president obama. >> that's absolutely right. and if -- the one thing that's clear is those people who are highly energized in this election are highly energized to vote against the president. >> joe johns reporting for us. joe, thanks very much. all of this happening as i spoke to one of the candidates still in the race, the former house speaker newt gingrich. we spoke about the future of his campaign. why do you think you still have a chance? >> it's fascinating to me, wolf. you say everyone else. i was in north carolina yesterday. not a single person asked me to drop out. many, many people asked me to stay in. we've had over 4,200 people go to and give money since 2:00 yesterday encouraging me to stay in. i was in philadelphia last night. not a single person asked me to drop out. a number said they're proud i was staying in. i was campaigning in delaware all day today. not a single person asked me to drop out. many said they're glad i'm staying in. it's fascinating in the states that haven't voted think it's good to have a contest and the only people who ask me about dropping out are the elite media. it's a fixation. i'm not dropping out then and i'm not dropping out now. listen to the leader of the republicans party. he said this, he said today senator santorum has made a commendable decision. he has decided to put his country, party and desire to defeat prom a ahead of any personal ambition. as you well known, that was seen as a direct reference to you. i guess he's suggesting maybe it would be wise if you put yourself, the country, the party ahead of everyone else in order to beat president obama in november. >> because it was mis interpretd misinterpreted, he called me to say it should not be interpreted except to say he's positive about rick santorum's decision. i think he's quite happy about my staying in and understands this brings new ideas and energy to the party. that's been my role for my entire career people going to continue to talk about things like $2.50 a gallon gasoline, creating a national debt retirement fund. i'm here tonight. i'm going to talk at wesley college about a personal savings account for young people, much like the chilean model. if we had adopted this model in 1983, we'd have $16 trillion in savings in those social security savings accounts today if we adopted it back in 1983. i'm going to continue to object about big solutions and big approaches and keep campaigning. as you self-admitted, governor romney does not yet have the nomination, despite every effort to get people to concede it and have i every right to continue to campaign until he gets a majority. >> you certainly have every right. i'm not suggesting you don't have a right to continue or ron paul for that matter. we were only assessing given the delegate count. what does it say about your campaign, which has some financial problems right now, i take it, that a $500 check in utah from your campaign bounced? >> nothing. that check was issued four months ago and the check it was written on was closed it was entire li an aaron on the banking system. >> to a lot of people it makes you look like you're in deep financial trouble. >> i know. >> you're going into debt like that. >> wolf, the nature of the media is if jerry ford, who was a great athlete decided he was a bunkler and "saturday night live" made him a bunkler, therefore every time he slipped, he was a bungler. had they called our office and anybody asked to verify, it we would have told them the facts. it's purely a technical mistake. and it wasn't on our part. we issued the check in december. >> your think tank and i know you've spoken about it often, the center for health transformation, that, too, has filed for bankruptcy. you must be sad about that. what happened here? >> well, i am sad about it. these are good people. it turned out that one side left over a year ago, it was very, very hard for them to sustain it. it's very unfortunate. particularly if obamacare is repealed, the ideas of the center, the books they'd written, the network they had would have been very valuable. this was a very bad economy. because hi been gone for over a year, they were not able to sustain the membership or member tum i had going while i was there. they're a great network, great people and i feel very sad it didn't work out. >> trayvon martin's shooter could get out of jail on bond by next friday. and why tony blair says he doesn't trust the syrian regime at all. and look who's taking up residence here in washington. we have details of the surprise rise of the u.s. coyote population. [ camera clicks ] ♪ it's hard to resist the craveable nature of a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪ mitt romney doesn't have rick santorum to worry about anymore. would it matter one way or another can newt gingrich actually dropped out of the race? let's talk more about this dramatic race in the presidential race for the white house. joining us, our chief political correspondent candy crowley and ron bronstein of the national journal. why is newt gingrich still in this race? >> i think there are probably personal reasons. i'd rather not try to analyze him. i think it's tough for everyone to get out, particularly if they're in the twilight of their career. i think there's that. i think he would like some delegates. he has said he wants to change the platform. there's that practical reason. the more delegates, the more likely he can create the florm and there's probably some animus with mitt romney as well. >> he's going deeper and deeper into debt and a lot of people are raising questions about his legacy. >> he's still in the race. i'm sorry. >> we were going to discuss this. >> i think candy is exactly right. we saw when rick santorum got out of the race this week. breaking up is hard to do. running for president is really hard, really draining. it's a difficult moment for candidates to conclude they've hit the end of the line. newt gingrich has like to have his ideas heard. the fact he's running for president makes it likely he'll appear on shows like this and that is enough in his case to keep him going when there's no hope of any meaningful influence. >> for all practical purposes, this general election campaign is full scale under way right now? >> yes. and actually has been periodically off and on while we did this during the primary season. >> the only question i have is if santorum would have won in pennsylvania. there are states where he could get some delegates. >> states where he could have embarrassed romney. getting him out is actually a good thing for romney. may could have been an odd month where the media consensus could have been correctly romney is the nominee -- >> that's what's happened so far and that's what hurt him all along was he couldn't get the traction he needed to look like the strong frun persont-runner. >> you have a column in the "washington journal." explain. >> san drum offered a vision of a different republican agenda aimed at blue collar workers. i don't think that's likely to sustain in the romney campaign. romney is not a credible messenger for that empathy that santorum expressed for declining upward mobility. on the other hand the cultural conservatism that he espoused and that redirected the republican race toward issues like contraception and abortion, that is having an impact. if you look at the polling in the last few weeks, the group where the republicans have lost the most ground, college educated white women and that's created a lasting imprint that may be difficult for romney to erase. >> will he pivot dramatically, not so dramatically from the right toward the center? >> probably not so dramatically. it's a pretty deep hole here that he's in. he has sort of a balancing act here because what's the rap on mitt romney? oh, he's a flip flopper. every time he sort of moves one direction, you can be sure he's going to be hit from the white house, well, what does he really stand for? he isn't the first person to be in position. have i argued for some time the reason that george h.w. bush lost his reelection bid was that he was so pushed so far in the right in his first primary about taxes that he had no place to go. this is not the first time it's happened. mitt romney knows he has to sort of pivot back but the pivot can't be so obvious, as you put it. >> a lot of the problems that romney has had in the primary, i they they get a reset in presenting him as historic. there are three areas where they may have had lasting issues that go on to the general. one is the social issues and positions like funding planned parenthood or denying contraceptive coverage. that is an issue with college educated white women. the second is with hispanics, related to immigration and the third one is the vehements of the oughtio bailout, particularly michigan, wisconsin, ohio. i think those three are different and it's going to be very challenging, i think, for him to completely undo the images he created. >> those are also three very big ieshs to the core of the conservatives. >> and to the core of this new krakt coalition as well. >> how much of a setback was it for the democrats this week? hillary rosen, our cnn contributor, the democratic strategist, what she said about anne romney, the wave of the republican candidate? >> lasting setback, i don't think this is going to be the time it all turned and suddenly women came rushing to mitt romney. he has work to do. i'm not saying this is some big thing in that. it did put everything on pause for a while while the democrats went to clean everything up. they didn't want it to have lasting damage. >> they threw her under the bus quickly. >> it's not the cultural line they want to draw. they want to draw the line around social issues like contraception and abortion. the movement has been among college educated white women, who are more liberal and feeling better about the economy. mitt romney is still ahead among white women without an education. >> in the end if people in general are feeling the economy is doing well that, is going to bode very well for president obama. and women, you're right, it's not monolithic and women also we've seen in the polling in recent years have not been likely to change something without a good reason. so if there is no good economic reason for women to change, then, you know, president obama is sitting pretty well. but we've got some time to go. >> we'll see you sunday at the state of the union. we'll see you, ron brownstein and read you in "the national journal." >> i go one-on-one with the former british prime minister coming up. stay with us. you're in "the situation room." all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ a bond hearing is set for this coming friday for jordan zimmermann. he face as second degree murder charge for the shooting of trayvon martin. he made his first appearance in court this week. martin savage is following the case for us. martin, it's really been an amazing week. walk us through what we can expect in the coming days. >> well, it has been an amazing week, no doubt about it. this is clearly the turning point in the whole investigation. you've gone from where george zimmermann was a man not charged with anything, allowed to be out and free and then came down the charges and it was second degree murder, charges that surprising to a lot of people. we thought it was going to be a manslaughter case. it appears the state attorney thinks it's more serious than that. if it goes to a trial, george zimmermann could face from 30 years to maybe a life sentence as a result of this tragic incident that took place at the end of february. the next step is that bond hearing. is he going to get bond? it's a good question. his attorney will argue he turned himself in and that he is not a flight risk. so all of those are good things. he will be in court when he's told to be in court. others say this is a very serious crime he's charged with and the other factor to weigh in here wolf is how safe will he be when they're out on the street? there's still a lot of people who are not happy with george zimmermann. he could be in danger. >> the prosecutor is setting up what the strategy might be. a lot of people are wondering what he might have overcharged hoping if it's manslaughter in the end, he'll spend a lot of time in jail and this is a bargaining position. >> a lot of people said it has to be a heavy charge that comes down, otherwise the supporters of trayvon martin will think zimmermann is still getting preference treatment. second degree murder, that would be difficult. we saw the probable cause affidavit and that read lying everything we've already heard about. there was no real shocking revelation there. it's a very one-sided telling of the story and it's a story that trayvon martin's family has been saying from the very beginning, that is george zimmermann is the man that instigated this tragedy when he began by profiling 17-year-old trayvon martin. mark o'meara is the new defense attorney. he's said to be quite sharp and very much in control. he's trying to prevent any further leaks coming out of the public. two very different strategies. he's going to say it was self-defense. the prosecutor says it was nothing like that. >> martin savidge on the scene for us. we'll be staying in very close touch with you in the coming weeks. >> many don't trust bashar al assad. and are the changes in washington, d.c. too dramatic? 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>> do you trust them at all? >> i don't trust them at all frankly, no. what i do think, however, if you keep ratcheting up the pressure on him and make it clear this isn't going to disappear, this issue is not going to disappear, we're going to keep coming back to it, we're going continually to look for new ways of putting pressure on the regime, there's an outside chance it's got a chance of working. >> so many experts, syrians and others have said to me either he survives or the rebels survive, both can't survive, this is a war of survival between the regime of bashar al assad and those opposed to him. >> the question is is he prepared even at this stage to teak a chance of a negotiated way out? there's no way can you have the situation stable again unless there's an agreed change in the way the -- >> do you think there is an agreed negotiation that allows him to remain in power? >> no, not that allows him to stay in power. it's possible, i'm not saying likely, but possible to have a situation where kofi annan suggestion is allowed to work, there is a transition. >> that he leaves the country is this is that what you're saying? >> i think most importantly is there's a change in krit. the most important is that the people in the country know we're not abandoning them, we're going to stick with them and we're prepared to take steps to put further pressure on the regime. the good thing that's dock out is a general consensus there has to be a change. >> his wife is british. is it far fetched to think give them asylum in britain, given the fact she's a britt, citizen? >> i've not come across that suggestion. >> you're former prime minister. >> i am former prime minister. >> would that be acceptable, let them escape and set up shot in great britain? >> wolf, let's get the first stage under way. the issue now is will they break the promises now as they've broken the previous promises? i hope not. the only thing that will give us a chance to keeping them to the promises is if we keep up the pressure. what happened to assad and his family personally is for another day. >> what about arming them? senator mccain and lieberman say it's time to arm the rebels. >> there are a whole set of ideas can you look at. for example, turkey's idea of creating some zone of security or stability for peoplin side syria for people to congregate that will be protected. there a host of ideas you can look at if this latest initiative fails. it's worth giving it a chance to succeed. i think there's no doubt it will only succeed if assad and the people around him know that we're not giving up, we're not going away, this isn't going to be resolved by history repeating itself and an uprising of the people being crushed and, you know, we've had thousands of people already dying in this. it's really important i think for all sorts of reasons the international community makes it clear we're sticking with this, there's got to be change and if these promises are broken as previous promises have been broken, then there's going to be action that follows. >> your other job is to try to negotiate peace between the israelis and palestinians. obviously a tough challenge. what are the chances any time soon that prime netanyahu will sit down with president abbas and you and others and work out a deal? >> there's a chance. you have to keep working at it. >> how good of a chance? >> maybe better than some months back. >> why? >> because on both sides there's willingness to engage if the negotiation is credible. the key thing is the palestinians need to know if they're sitting down with the israelis and talking about issues like borders and security, that the israelis are prepared to engage in what is necessary for viable state and the palestinians need to know on issues like security, there's a recognition they have a genuine concern. over the past few months with the jordanians playing a central control in this, we're trying to work out is there a way to get the sides back engaged. >> how far apart are they right now? >> it's hard to judge frankly. i mean, at one level i think with a bit of creativity and imagination we can actually get people into a negotiation where the differences are clear but not unbridgeable. >> do you think they are going to bomb iran's nuclear facilities any time soon is. >> i don't know. the israeli will take their own security interests. i think iran with a nuclear weapon is a very bad idea. here again, we have to be strong and clear and determined. >> are you with president obama that there's no policy of containment, in other words, allowing iran to have a nuclear weapon, it's going to be removed one way or another before it gets to that? >> he's absolutely right. i'm out in that region a lot. it would be a disaster for iran to have a nuclear weapon. it would bring problems for the region, you have the potential of leakage of the technology or even of the weaponry. no, he's absolutely right. you -- in my view, i think one of the things that's emerged over this past period is a very clear and agreed position. you can debate how we deal with it but the clear position is we mean what we say. iran should not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons capability. >> prime minister tony blair, thanks very much for coming in. good luck. >> i need it. >> let's get a take on critical global hot spots. i spoke with the foreign minister of italy about whether iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb and if italy will intervene in syria as it did in libya. is italy ready to play a more assertive military role together with nato potentially to get rid of president bashar al assad? >> it has reached a napoleon level of consequence, more than 9,000 casualties, a huge number of refugees in turkey, in lebanon, in jordan. yesterday the foreign minister made a very impressive presentation to the g-8 minister and showed how much the pressure is from the inside of syria population. >> are you ready to play a military role to help -- >> there's no use to uses for against the bashar al assad regime now. >> minister, would you be opening to arming the rebels without a united nations security council resolution? >> we will not do anything which applies the use of force without a framework of legitimacy which can be done only by the security council. >> do you believe iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb? >> there are many gray areas or very dark areas in the explanation that iran has up to now given to the international community concerning its nuclear problem. the board of director resolution and six resolutions of the security council have pinpointed exactly where the areas of explanation are few and they have not been given. the monitors have not been gained free access to facilities, which are very important. so this is the point. iran has a credibility problem. there is no confidence within the international community. >> so do you believe they are trying to build a nuclear bomb? >> this is a widely accepted assumption, that they are going towards enrichment, which can have only a military puch because when you have a large amount of fuel, which is above 0% of enrichment and there is no possible commercial or reserve expectation of all this fuel they are producing, there must be something else. they have to explain what is something else. >> have you severed, italy, all commercial ties with iran, its central bank, you no longer purchase iranian oil? >> we are not purchasing iranian oil and we have been among the promoter of toughest sanction measures. >> so no connection with the central bank of iran? >> no connection with the central bank. we have frozen activities. there no financial activity from italy to iran concerning the purchase of iranian oil and we've been among the most forthcoming among the small group of countries in the world community. it is our expectation that also the other major purchase ever of iranian oil could do the same. the sanctions are biting. the iranian economy is feeling the effect and perhaps this show that they are coming back to the table. >> a lot of americans are very worried, greece, spain, italy. is the economic situation in your country italy looking any better or is it about to get worse? >> it's looking much better than it was when the government, the prime minister monte came to power. there's been a very impressive set of reforms. it's not up to me to say that but there's been a common understanding among international observers, media and the foreign governments. every time i travel around the world, there is always a very positive reaction, even if i don't ask what you think about the economic policy of italy. there is always a question, also a very positive assessment. italy is going fast in the right direction. >> the italian foreign minister speaking with me earlier. one of the most recognizable tourist attractions here in washington, d.c. will soon look rather different. we're taking a closer look at the unusual ideas for making over the national mall. and we're allowed inside a new church of jesus christ of latter day saints, a new temple for a rare look at a place of worship few people ever get to see. specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. has been because of the teachers and the education that i had. they're just part of who i am. she convinced me that there was no limit to what we could learn. i don't think i'd be here today had i not had a wonderful science teacher. a teacher can make a huge difference in a child's life. he would never give up on any of us. thank you dr. newfield. you had a big impact on me. and on small business saturday bothey remind a nations of the benefits of shopping small. on just one day, 100 million of us joined a movement... and main street found its might again. and main street found its fight again. and we, the locals, found delight again. that's the power of all of us. that's the power of all of us. that's the membership effect of american express. in your breakfast cereal, what is? 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[ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. certainly one of the most popular tourist spots here in washington d.c. is getting a facelift. when the renovations are complete, the historic national mall will look rather different than the architects of the capital envisioned. we take a closer look now. >> a new skating rink with a glowing glass partition over it, a patio while kid are fishing. these are ideas for sprucing up the national mall. the park has come a long way since its early days with train tracks and a stinky canal. some look at cracked sidewalks and fading sea walls and say it's time for some upgrade psup. >> what we see today on the national mall is not what i think the people of the country expect. we picked out the top three areas that needed the most work. 25 million people come here every single year, and we want to better meet the needs of the visitors were more food facilities, more bathrooms and amenities. >> caroline cunningham and the trust for the national mall are presenting the finalist for design competition and are asking the public to weigh in. this amphitheater right next to the washington monument could be replaced with a new underground theater for performances. or how about a restaurant with a grass roof? in front of the capital, this reflecting pool could be upgraded with a new shape, new fountains or pathways crossing it. >> i think the bridges are a good idea. again, it's an interactive element. it's pretty. i like the row of scalloped fountains. it very pretty. >> one designer wants to have microphones that transmit sounds into ripples in the water, some coming from the house and senate, others where the public can talk back. >> i think that would be a nice way to let people know what they're say and what they're thinking about it. >> and this neglected pond, proposals for flowing water stocked with fish, waterfront terraces and a cafe. >> one of the renderings on the constitution avenue side flank around 18th and constitution. one is actually underground so you wouldn't necessarily see it from the street. it would have a grass top, a sustainable top, and then orient visitors' views towards the washington monument. sfwlt trust for the national mall says the winning designs will be announced next month. no taxpayer money would be needed for the improvements. they say instead they plan to raise $350 million from private investors. >> it's something few people ever get a chance to see. up next, a rare look inside a new mormon temple. and the latest newcomers to the nation's capital. coyotes. details coming up. i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. we're about to get a rare look inside an impressive building that relatively few people have ever seen. it's a new mormon temple and as cnn's brian todd reports, it highlights not only the growing influence of the mormon church but the controversy surrounding it. >> this 32,000 square foot temple will be dedicated next month. for the next three weeks it will be open for the public, a three the public, a rare look in a mormon temple, and at a time when the church is dealing with significant controversy. it is unmistakable, rising up like a castle from a rolling prairie. the statue of an angel adoring its main spier. the temple symbolizes a rare pattern, at a time when many faiths see their numbers in north america shrinking. >> the church is growing nicely. we have over 14 million members of the church worldwide. 6.5 million members of the church in the united states. >> for members of the church, this is the house of the lord. we were shown around by an elder who oversees the operation of 137 temples worldwide, with 30 more on the way. >> how much did it cost to build this? >> a lot. >> he won't say how much, but it doesn't look like any expense was spared. the chambers are striking. we saw ceiling rooms where weddings take place, an instruction room with a mural depicting earth as mormons believe just after creation and the celestial room, the most sacred space for reflection and meditation, complete with crystal chandeliers. this is the biggest room in the temple. there is no large sanctuary. >> the purpose is not for a big meeting. we have other chapels throughout the church and throughout the world, assembly and meeting halls. when we come to the temple, this is more for private and individual communion. >> while we were given an extensive tour, the church denied request to record it and provided these pictures. i asked him if that doesn't play into perceptions right or wrong that the church is secretive. >> it is not about secret, it is about sacred. we feel it is a sacred, special place, reserved for those worship functions and ordinances that take place. it is not about secret. >> once it closes its doors to the public next month, not even all mormons will be allowed in. worshippers should wear white in a normal day. during these visits, we have to wear foot covering so we don't mess up the carpets. once it is dedicated, you can't come past this front desk, recommend desk, unless you have a recommendation from a local mormon church leader. inside, a ban 'tis mal font. it also symbolizes controversy for the church. they will do baptisms for mormonings ancestors not of the faith, invitation to accept it as an avenue into heaven. some used the genealogy database to baptize others that aren't ancestors, like daniel pearl and holocaust victims like anne frank. a practice that outraged jewish leaders. >> they say it speaks of arrogance and intolerance, your faith is the only way to get into heaven. >> jesus didn't say this is for people of a particular persuasion. jesus taught it is necessary to be baptized to enter the kingdom of heaven. >> walker says there's no desire to offend anyone. the church used it as a loving, kind gesture but is cracking down on those that question the policy. when i asked about people being offended by pos humus baptisms, he said maybe we didn't do some things as well as we should have. we would tell them we're sorry but live by our word when we say we'll do something about it. wolf? >> thanks very much. coyotes are taking the nation's capital by storm. the latest going on here and in cities around the country. [ male announcer ] nature valley sweet & salty nut bars. ♪ [ camera clicks ] ♪ it's hard to resist the craveable nature of a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar. this is this hour's hot shots. he jumps over a fire. in north korea, female soldiers stand guard awaiting a controversial rocket launch. in india, they carry human remains to a god. and in rome, they protest the ban on posing with tourists in front of the colosseum. hot shots. pictures coming in from around the world. democrats and republicans alike are making room for a new breed in washington. this one without any political baggage. cnn tom foreman has more on the growing trend of coyotes, not just in the nation's capital but in cities across the country. >> reporter: a few miles from the white house in this popular woodland park, wildlife officials are thrilled by the latest discovery. it is only five seconds of video, but solid proof that coyotes have taken the capital. >> i know around there, like in this area. >> reporter: images captured by a camera in the trees by this exchange student. >> i don't know there were coyotes here. i've took pictures of foxes a bunch of times. a fox or a big dog or something. >> reporter: they were surprised to find them in such a busy area. >> 20, 25,000 people in the park every year, don't know exactly. there are people on the trails all the time. >> reporter: yet in some way, that discovery was expected. they have been expanding for years, adapting to urban environments where they don't face predators like wolves, and thrive on small rodents. in chicago, more than 600 have been tagged. caught on video dodging traffic, racing through shopping districts, and yet one of the nation's top coyote experts, stan garrett, at ohio state, admits they remain elusive. >> we have no idea how many coyotes there are in north america. it is a safe assumption to say there's probably more coyotes now than there has been in the past historically, and that's continuing to increase. >> reporter: part of the issue is that like the old cartoon suggests, coyotes are wiley. they pose little threat to people, with rare exceptions, they avoid human contact. still, even if we don't see them, our pets might, and keeping them safe as the coyote population booms may require vigilance. >> that means keeping dogs on leashes in areas there might be coyotes, keeping small dogs and cats, not letting them outside at night if they're

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,Fuel ,Amount ,Military Puch ,Expectation ,Reserve ,Something Else ,Producing ,0 ,Soil ,Promoter ,Ties ,Sanction Measures ,Central Bank ,Connection ,Activity ,Purchase ,Activities ,Central Bank Of Iran ,Countries ,World Community ,Group ,Same ,Forthcoming ,Effect ,Sanctions ,Show ,Table ,Spain ,Greece ,Monte ,Government ,Governments ,Understanding ,Reforms ,Observers ,Reaction ,Look ,Mall ,Direction ,Italian ,Specialists ,Temple ,Doctors ,Lots ,Advice ,Church Of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints ,Care ,Pediatrician ,Information ,Team ,Unitedhealthcare ,Hands ,Numbers ,Health ,Teachers ,78000 ,70 Million ,Teacher ,Science Teacher ,Life ,Child ,Limit ,Difference ,Nations ,Dr ,Newfield ,Small Business Saturday Bothey ,Main Street ,All Of Us ,Locals ,Fight ,Shopping Small ,Benefits ,100 Million ,Membership Effect ,Breakfast Cereal ,Box ,Big G Cereal ,General Mills ,American Express ,Grain ,Ingredient ,Burgers ,Heartburn ,Shoot ,Acid ,Don T Get Heartburn ,Zero Heartburn ,Prilosec Otc ,Zero ,24 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