soaring. >> plus, employers asking job applicants for their facebook passwords, shocking, but likely legal. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." -- captions by vitac -- >> this is cnn breaking news. let's get right to the breaking news this hour in sanford, florida. just moments ago the chief of police announced he's temporarily stepping aside, a move over the handling of the trayvon martin shooting death. martin is the unarmed black teenager killed by a volunteer who has not been charged. update our viewers on the very latest. >> reporter: wolf, the city manager in sanford has long said he will not fire the police chief bill lee. he would wait until federal investigators looked into this case and looked into his department to determine whether to fire the police chief, but we are hearing the police chief will step down temporarily and scott cotter will step in as interim chief. we'll hear more about what the police chief had to say as he decided to step down temporarily. let's take a listen. >> my role as leader of this agency has become a distraction from the investigation. while i stand by the sanford police department, its personnel, and the investigation that was conducted in regards to the trayvon martin case, it is apparent that my involvement in this matter is overshadowing the process. therefore, i have come to the decision that i must temporarily remove myself from the position as police chief of the city of sanford. i do this in effort to return some semblance of calm to the city who has been in turmoil for several weeks. >> reporter: that announcement came as a big surprise today. a lot of things happening fast and happening now in advance of this big rally today at 7:00. thousands of people here in sanford. i want to bring two people in just to get your reaction to this announcement that the police chief will step down temporarily. your name, please. >> my name is stan. >> what do you think? >> ink it's a travesty for him to step down temporarily. there are further things that need to take place and find out what's going on. it's adding insult to injury. >> reporter: not enough for you. >> no. >> reporter: your name, please? >> my name is corey. >> reporter: what are your thoughts about this announcement? >> i think it's a travesty as well, and i think he should be permanently fired, not no just suspension because suspension lasts a couple of days or week, but i think he just needs to be fired. >> reporter: gentlemen, thank you both for your time. this is the headlining news that will lead this event. again, this rally, thousands of people will be here just after 7:00 for a rally led by al sharpton here in sanford after the shooting death of trayvon martin. >> i take it, george, later this hour the parents of trayvon are going to be meeting with justice department officials who have come in from washington, from the u.s. attorney's office and they subsequently will be having a little news conference. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: wolf, in fact, we know that they are meeting right now. sabrina fulton and tracy martin are meeting right now with members of the department of justice we also know that members of the doj are at the police department and they've started the process of going through the investigation and looking at all of the evidence to determine why police did not have probable cause and to determine whether they made the right call on this, wolf. >> we'll stay in close touch with you. george, thanks very much. i want to bring in our legal analyst sunny hostin. she contributes to "in session" on our sister network trutv. what do you make of this surprising development, the suspensi suspension, if you will, the temporary suspension of the police chief? >> i think, wolf, that this was certainly long in coming especially after we got the vote of no confidence from the commission just a few days ago. so i think many people were expecting him to either be fired or to step down. i do think people will be uncomfortable with the wording that he used with the wording of temporarily removing himself because if he's stepping down to sort of not become this distraction, and i don't think it gives people the certainty that they were looking for. >> what do you think about this upcoming meeting? we'll be standing by to get the parents' reaction, meeting with justice department officials. e plain to our viewers, sunny, what this is all about. >> that's right. my understanding after speaking with the martin family attorneys, wolf, is that they will be meeting with the justice department to go over the potential steps that the justice department would be taking in this case. at this point i'm hearing that they may not be taking over the investigation, but rather running a civil rights investigation in tandem with the john going investigation in florida and we will know after the meeting that's supposed to end at 4 dlok, 4:00 or 4:30, but my understanding is that they are here to explain to the family their efforts and also perhaps to explain that a civil rights case may be very difficult to prove in a case like this and they may be managing the family's expectations as to the justice department's civil rights probe. >> we'll have live coverage of that news conference later this hour. sin, stand by, i want to get back to you as well. we'll hear from the parents of trayvon martin. stand by for that. let's move on to some other news including major political news, the etch a sketch issue is now a must-have prop, i would say, for mitt romney's presidential rivals in the republican race for the white house. they're hammering away at him for the second day in a row seizing on an offhand analogy by a top romney aide. our joe johns is in new orleans ahead of the louisiana primary. what are you seeing there, joe? set the scene. >> reporter: wolf, the latest polls out of louisiana suggest that for one thing, mitt romney is not leading. rick santorum apparently is doing pretty well. he seems to be getting some traction. newt gingrich, on the other hand, seems to be falling off, but probably the big driver of the day, as you mentioned, is that metaphor for the romney campaign that just went absolutely rival. it was child's play on the campaign trail for the second straight day. a mitt romney adviser's errant comment made on cnn's "starting point," suggesting his campaign could reset like an etch a sketch toy gave romney's opponents all of the license they needed to ridicule the front-runner. rick santorum flirting with political hersey suggesting that republicans might be better off keeping the democrat currently in the white house than electing a republican who changes his stripes. >> you win by giving people a choice. you win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who will be a little different than the person in there. if they're going to be a little different we may as well stay with what we have rather than taking a risk on an etch a sketch candidate for the future. >> the toy has become a mischiefmaker. a santorum adviser alice stewart was seen handing them out at a romney, vent in maryland, not to be outdone the newt gingrich campaign actually put up an etch a sketch website asserting that the candidate could morph into different political positions, and when gingrich arrived at an event in houma, louisiana, people were holding etch a sketches. the candidate had one, too. >> if you're serious about changing washington, d.c., you can't use an etch a sketch. >> amen! >> you can't have a child's toy. >> reporter: romney had tried to put the issue to rest wednesday night by issuing a brief statement asserting that should he get the nomination his campaign will change, but not the candidate. >> the issues i'm running on will be exactly the same. i'm rung as a conservative republican. >> reporter: the question is whether the issue will blow over. many think it will. >> we were all tweeting about it. it's funny. it's unfortunate, but i do think it will go by the wayside. next week we're going to be talking about something else. >> reporter: what many don't want is for the etch a sketch episode to upstage campaign plan to focus on president obama's health care legislation which comes up next week before the u.s. supreme court. santorum is working hard to link prom me's plan in massachusetts to obama's federal law. the president himself weighed in today essentially suggesting santorum is right. >> we designed a program that actually previously had support of republicans including the person who may end up being a republican and is now pretending like he came up with something different. >> the big winner so far, at least, is actually etch a sketch. their thinly traded stock is up a bit. eric fernstrom, the romney aid who started all of this sen out a humorous tweet suggesting as a stock tip he is going to essentially mention mr. potatohead next. wolf, back to you. >> very funny. thanks very much for that. by the way, as joe just said ohio art, that's the maker of etch a sketch has to be loving all of this uproar. not only the stock price. sales have soared more than 3,000%. on where the toy is now number one on the so-called movers and shakers list. love the etch a sketch. >> let's get more now with the chief political analyst gloria borger. she's watching this going? this is old school. >> this is smart strategy for gingrich and santorum to jump on the etch a sketch issue. >> it has a perfection all its own wolf, right? it is just too easy a metaphor because what the etch a sketch is it embodies the problems that conservatives have with mitt romney which is that you can draw a picture and then if you need to change you just shake it up and appeal to the next group and conservatives have always been skeptical about mitt romney because he's changed positions on issues like abortion, for example. he's moved to the right on immigration and this just helps rick santorum and newt gingrich to punctuate that point which, by the way, they've been making throughout the campaign. so just too perfect. >> he's a flip-flopper, specially when it comes to health care. in louisiana ahead of saturday's primary in louisiana, he's going after romney again on health care. >> right. i think it's going to become the central point of his campaign. >> of santorum's? >> of santorum's campaign because he's going to say as he's been saying all along, look, there isn't utsch in of a difference between president obama and mitt romney when it comes to health care reform which is so important to those tea party voters. take a listen to what rick santorum said today on that. >> health care is now the central issue in this race and is uniquely disqualified to take on president obama on this issue. we cannot have a candidate who is -- who forfeits the issue of government control of your life and health to barack obama and takes what is an overpowering, positive theme for a republican presidential candidate and turn it into a negative that will be used against that can at. he is the wrong candidate at the wrong time. >> and you know, what's central about this, of course, is that the supreme court arguments on health care reform are coming up on monday. so it's no surprise that santorum has picked this moment to really start emphasizing it because it will be front and center. >> you see a little change in the way romney's campaigning as well. >> you do. remember how romney campaigned in the beginning of this campaign? which is he ran against barack obama and didn't pay much attention to his opponents. i think he's going back to that, wolf. he's treating rick santorum as more of an annoyance than an opponent. listen to what he said today. >> this president promised to cut the deficit in half. he's doubled it. he told us he'd get back to work and that unemployment would be below 8% and it hasn't been below 8% and he said he'd cut taxes for middle income taxpayers. that hasn't happened either and this man is out of ideas and out of excuses and in 2012 we'll make sure we get him out of office. >> so while mitt romney continues to talk about barack obama, the campaign and its surrogates are still talking about rick santorum more and more as the spoiler. there was a campaign memo that came out today, wolf, and it was quite tough. it said that santorum is, quote, becoming the most valuable player on president obama's team, that is if he continues to drag this out. so they're calling him a spoiler. get ready to hear a lot more of that. santorum as obstructionist. >> romney wants everyone to think he's the presumptive nominee. >> although he won't say it himself. >> that's what he wants everybody to believe. thanks, gloria. >> the sanford, florida, police chief stepping aside over the outrage over the trayvon martin investigation. we are standing by for a live news conference. marten's parents will be speaking and meeting with justice department officials from washington right now. imagine you're in a job interview and your prospective new boss asks for your facebook password. this is already happening. here's the question. is it legal? we always hear about jobs leaving america. here's a chance to create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now. >> we are awaiting the parents of trayvon martin to come out. they're meeting with justice department officials from washington right now. we'll hear what they have to say and also get their reaction to the decision by the sanford florida police chief to step aside temporarily. stand by. we'll go there live once they emerge. in the meantime let's go to jack cafferty. he's got "the cafferty file." >> around here it's never too early to start looking ahead to the next election. president joe biden, you may or may not think that has a ring to it, but that may be what the vice president has on his mind for 2016. according to politico, the often unpredictable and entertaining mr. biden who has already been down this road twice before is quietly assembling a team of advisers which includes a top clinton-era operative. so one might wonder if biden thinks the third time could be the charm for him. close friends say right now, of course, he's focused on helping president obama try to win a second term. he's already popping up on the campaign trail and depending on what's on his mind on a given day he is arguably the most interesting one out there. after that, though, friends think and think that he thinks a potential white house run could be on the table. not everybody thinks it's such a great idea. after all, he'd be 73. he's been known to put his foot in his mouth on occasion, sometimes on no occasion. of course, there's also hillary clinton, a much bigger star of the democratic party and she came very close in 2008 to beating obama for the nomination. there were even talks that shield replace biden on the ticket as the president's running mate. there are younger up and comers who can potentially breathe new life into the party and they suggest that maryland governor martin o'malley are names that could be in the hat. biden jumps in and it will be the most refreshing thing to happen in presidential politics since obama ran. here's the question, would you vote for joe biden in 2016? go to post a comment on my blog and go to the situation room's facebook page. >> can you imagine if biden in 2016 were running against the democratic nomination against hillary clinton? that would be quite a fight there. >> it would be a great show. we'd have fun with that. >> there would be high interest in that campaign. that's four years down the road. we have plenty of time to think about it. >> i'll be old by then. >> you'll be doing the cafferty file every single day, jack. >> thank you. >> we're standing by to hear live from the parents of trayvon martin. they've been meeting with justice department officials down in sanford, florida, about the case and the man who killed their son, a teenager, unarmed. we're going live to florida in a few minutes. we're looking at live pictures of the microphones there and that's where the parents will be speaking and answering reporters' questions at the same time. also, the elderly are facing a new danger that comes after a stay in the hospital. we've got new information, and information you need to know. stand by. you're in "the situation room." cannot be contained. 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[ female announcer ] yoplait original. 25 flavors for you to love. >> the top american commander in afghanistan says he wants to keep a steady number of u.s. troops in the country into next year. our pentagon correspondent chris lawrence is with us. he has details. a very important story and a lot of commotion right now as far as keeping u.s. troops in afghanistan. what's the very latest from the commander, chris? >> yes, wolf, this could potentially affect thous of american troops and their families. the u.s. commander is indicating that after the last of the surge troops come home by the end of the summer, he would like to see the rest of the remaining american troops stay in afghanistan at least through the end of the year. by the end of summer, 68,000 american troops will still be fighting in afghanistan. pentagon officials say it's too early to tell how quickly they'll come home, but the top u.s. commander has revealed he'd like to keep most, if not all of them in the fight next year. >> what is your opinion at this particular juncture? >> my opinion is that we will need significant combat power in 2013, sir. >> like 68,000? >> 68,000 is a good going in number, but i need analysis on that. >> the general john allen clearly wasn't comfortable giving specific numbers before having a strategic conversation with the white house, but senator john mccain pushed allen to give his opinion. in a statement to cnn, a pentagon spokesman said there is absolutely no daylight between general allen and the commander in chief about the need to assess the state of the insurgency in the fall before making any decisions about future force levels. senators also questioned military leaders on the possible transfer of five taliban detainees from guantanamo bay to qatar. some republicans accused the obama administration of cutting a deal with terrorists. >> i am really offended that there would be some conversation about releasing five of the meanest, nastiest killers in the world to the taliban as a show of good faith. >> the five detainees would be swapped for a captured westerner and open the way for peace talks for the taliban, but a u.s. official confirms that transfer is on hold temporarily until the defense secretary receives certain assurances detainees won't be able to leave qatar. >> we are in absolute agreement that these assurances might be in place before anything can go forward. >> and i am also told that it's likely that some sort of deal will be worked out once they iron out those differences, but, wolf, the big debate could come in the fall to see if general allen does get to take those 68,000 troops into the next fighting season in the spring. >> all right, chris. thanks very much. chris lawrence reporting. let's discuss what's going on in our strategy session. joining us right now is the cnn contributor and democratic strategist paul begala, senior strategist for the democratic fund-raising group, usa priorities and usa action. they're the super pac. >> i have a dog in this fight. >> you are very pro obama. >> no doubt about that. >> did you see the stories about vice president biden getting ready to run for president in 2016. >> it sounded like jack cafferty was going pay his filing fee. >> what do you think? >> i think it's premature. i think it's a toss-up and this could easily go to republicans. i don't think anybody is looking forward to 2016. he's been a great guy and he's been a terrific vice president and he would be a formidable candidate. >> if he ran and the secretary of state hillary clinton also ran for the democratic nomination in 2016 that would be pretty cool. >> that would be great. pop your popcorn, but it is so far away. you wouldn't each be -- if you planted your corn today -- >> it seems like 2008 was just yesterday. four years goes quickly. >> we are getting so far ahead of ourselves. >> what we just heard from chris lawrence of afghanistan right now. there's so much pressure from the democratic base to get those troops out of afghanistan and a lot earlier than the schedule. president obama wants them there for another three years until the end of 2014, at least 68,000 troops, $2 billion a week. $100 billion a year. is this money well spent. >> it doesn't seem particularly tactical and that's good. back when he was running. he was just senator obama with very little foreign policy experience as critics said. he said he would wind down the war in iraq, which he did and he would boost up the war in afghanistan and he would send them into pakistan to kill bin laden. >> given what's happening in afghanistan on the ground in pakistan for that matter, maybe it's time to reassess that strategy. >> i know that the american people have reassessed, right? popular opinion has turned pretty strongly and continuing our engagement in afghanistan. i don't see any signs that this president is running his national security operation by the poll, though. he runs a very long ranged security strategy. i think it's a good thing, i could not imagine him look at polls about this. >> let's talk about healthcare for a moment because the president said something interesting and it was playing once again, and defending his health care mandates and not two years into that new health care law as the republicans call it, obama care, if you will. play the clip because i want to discuss one point about it. listen to this. >> we designed a program that actually bripreviously had supp of republicans, including the person who may end up being a republican standard bearer and is now pretending like he came up with something different. >> so if, in fact, romney is the republican nominee, does that, santorum say neutralize the health care debate going into the fall? and that's exactly right, senator santorum's against the individual mandate and it was an idea that came to the republican party and romney got it from newt gingrich and gingrich got it from the heritage foundation which is a very conservative foundation think tank in washington. >> are you saying president obama got it from mitt romney? certainly, absolutely. the president which was saying in that interview, here's the problem romney will have. not only will he lose the ability to attack the individual mandate which is politically unpopular because he wants to repeal the whole law the president will be able to attack him to say you want insurance companies to deny coverage because of a preexisting condition or to charge more to women or to continue a whole lot of policies that are true by the insurance reforms. if romney is there healthcare is a plus for president obama. >> i will make the point, though, that going into this november election, if in fact, romney and a lot of people think he is the presumptive nominee. >> i do. i think he's very likely. almost certain. >> at some point the president will have to name names in effect, and he's not going have to say there's some other guy and he'll do what joe biden has done this week, specifically say romney, your experience in '96 and they'll take the high road and have a rose garden strategy, and i write about this on my blog post. at what point do they get in and start talking about romney. >> this is why god made super pacs. not god, satan, made the super pacs or had the vice president. this president can hang back longer. president obama, you weren't even born. the senior white house correspondent -- >> he attacked bob dole and he named him and gave him a new name. we call him dole gingrich because bob dole is a war hero and highly respected guy. he was the house leader and the clinton camp lingered them together. >> i don't remember -- >> he was not the president of the united states and he takes the high road as president will do this time. >> that's why he has guys like you. >> i promise you, word of honor, you will see attack ads from my group going after mitt romney on his record. he's a fine man, he's a wonderful man, but terrible record. the super pac can name names. the vice president can name names. i like the president staying above the fray a little. >> the republican strategist who worked for john mccain four years ago, she's supposed to be here with you, and unfortunately, she had to cancel at the last minute. >> she's a better guest than i am. >> very smart lady and very lovely lady. >> i like nancy. >> we'll have more on our top story. the outrage over the death of trayvon martin. we are standing by to hear directly from his parents. also, just two is the man who shot and killed the teenager? at the top of the hour, we'll go live to his hometown right outside of washington, d.c.n nearby northern virginia. were there any warning signs at all? 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[ indiscernible ] >> the back entrance. >> you may not have heard the moment in question because it was so quick. >> how long does that portion last? >> a second 18 frames. >> and that's 1.6 seconds. >> correct. let's listen to it ten times in a row, if we can. >> what we're listening for is the racial slur coons. it follows the "f" word. some people say they hear it. others say they don't. [ indiscernible preb ] >> is there anything we can do to make it clearer? >> i did a boosting at 2.two killo hertz and 2.6 kilohertz. it's boosting the high end. >> and power the flex capacitor. >> why is it that you want to get rid of the low end of the audio, the base of the audio. >> to minimize the noise. >> it allows us to hear the voice more clearly. >> is that correct. >> i'll boost it up more there. [ indiscernible ] >> that does sound clearer to me. it sounds like the allegation could be accurate, but i wouldn't swear to it in court. that's what it sounds like to me. >> very difficult to pinpoint what he's saying. >> rick, can we play just that second word, what we think the second word is. >> okay. [ indiscernible ] >> it certainly sounds like it. that sounds even more like the word than the word before that. >> that's correct. >> only george zimmerman knows if he used the slur, but he's not talking, so the phone call like so much in this case remains a mystery. gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta. >> let's bring on our legal editor, sunny hostin. she contributes to "in session" on our sister network trutv. you can hear the investigation, whether or not a racial slur is actually heard on that 911 tape. >> well, it certainly is significant, that the justice department civil rights drigz has to prove that this is a hate crime because they would have to prove what was in george zimmerman's mind. if he indeed uttered that racial slur, that would certainly make a civil rights case a bit easier for the justice department. it would be very, very difficult absent some sort of history of racial an mouse or something besides what we have so far to show a hate crime or to prove a hate crime. >> it's a pretty high hurdle that they have to go over, right? >> that's right. and many people at the justice department have said that in a way of trying to, i think, manage expectations because it's one of the highest hurdles in our legal system. you would have to prove intent in a hate crime, very, very difficult. we know in new jersey, in the dharun ravi case it did meet that hurdle and very difficult to prove hate crimes under our federal law, and that's why i think so many people are honing in on this 911 call and whether or not that is a racial slur. i want you to stand by, sunny, because we'll be hearing directly from the parents and they met with justice department officials. they're on their way to the news conference where you see those folks right now. we have live coverage and i want to discuss it with you afterwards as well. sunny, stand by. meanwhile, other news, a job interview questions that caught people off guard. what would you say if they should ask for your facebook password. plus, a child's safety concern profrme prompting a giant recall. i'm walt gale, i worked at the colorado springs mail processing plant for 22 years. we processed on a given day about a million pieces of mail. checks, newspapers, bills. a lot of people get their medications only through the mail. small businesses depend on this processing plant. they want to shut down 3000 post offices, cut 100,000 jobs. they're gonna be putting people out of work everywhere. the american people depend on the postal service. >> wach's back with the cafferty file. >> the question this hour is would you vote for joe biden for president in 2016? there's word out there that he might be considering his third run for the office. mark in new hampshire writes, yes, biden is showing a career-long proclivity for working across the aisle and compromising on a whole range of issues. with government spending a major priority, widening the door frames for chris christie would be an undue burden on the american taxpayer. mike in texas, let's see, told the irish prime minister god rest her soul when referring to his very much alive mother, told the wheelchair bound senator to stand up and said fdr was president in 1929 and appeared on tv that same year, and admitted hillary clinton was a better pick for v.p. i would vote for joe biden to be political comedian of the century. he would rin in the landslide. i would have to say i would if he were the only option. i would be relieved if he'd step down in favor of an obama-clinton ticket which is what i wanted in the first place. i'm tired of his gaffes. >> i wanted to vote for joe biden in 2008. i voted for obama because biden was on the ticket, biden for all his gaffes is a hard-working, rock solid american patriot and an example of old school politics with integrity. he's principled and what you see is what you get. >> paul in oregon says joe biden is to president obama what ed mcmahon to johnny carson. the best second banana in the business and the comic reliever. i'd have a beer with joe and i'd play a round of golf for joe, but not in one million years would i vote for joe for president. mark in new jersey says much more likely i would vote for joe than the tools of big corporations, congenital liar arse, taliban christians or the other assorted nut cases that ride around in the republican clown car. carol in massachusetts, wow! are we already so done with this year's election that we're speculating on an even more boring race in 2016? who would run against him? bob dole? if you want to read more about this, go to my blog file or to the post on the situation room's facebook page. >> i love our viewers. terrific. >> thanks very much. >> a video from afghanistan is going viral online. mary snow is monitoring that and the other top stories in the situation room. what's in the video? >> take a look at this, moments after flying low over a building and climbing back into the sky, you can see this apache helicopter crash land into the snow. no one on the ground was injured and both crew members survived. military official suspect it's footage of the february incident in afghanistan. they're investigating possible causes including pilot error and mechanical problems. >> if you have a young child in your house you may want to take another look at your child's safety locks. 900,000 cabinet locks are being recalled because young kids can open them. the safety first brand, push and snap cabinet locks. there have been 140 reports of concern as high as 9 months old being able to get into the cabinets. >> i have to give the children credit. i have trouble opening up those locks. good frz those 900 kids. >> a growing number of potential employers are asking applicants the same question sparking controversy. lawmakers are taking action. we're taking a closer look at the man who says he shot trayvon martin in self-defense. you'll hear his plans for his life when he was 17 years old. the real world. it has under-seat storage to bring everything, available seating for up to seven people to take everyone, and the grip of available all-wheel drive to go everywhere. think of it as a search engine helping you browse the real world. this march, get no extra charge third-row seating plus 0% financing on dodge journey. [ male announcer ] remember when you were a kid? you liked getting dirty and building things. there were no limits -- you could move mountains. the john deere 1 series subcompact tractor -- the way grownups move mountains. and with auto-connect implements, it's the easiest tractor to use yet. what will you create? learn more about the easy-to-use 1 series tractor at at meineke i have options... like oil changes starting at $19.95. my money. my choice. my meineke. >> here's a look at this hour's hotshots. in belgium, a man and child pay their respects at the funeral service for seb children killed in a bus concern in switzerland. >> in france, workers for a steel company protest a partial shutdown. in syria a girl uses a pot to carry water to her home. in romania, baby goats play in a courtyard. pictures come in from around the world. >> when you go for to interview for a new job your potential employer isn't allowed to ask you about your age, your race or religion, but what about asking for your facebook log in? some are doing just that. mary, what are you finding out? >> this is generating a lot of interest after reports came to light of some employers vetting job applicants by asking for their passwords to access facebook pages. two states are currently considering legislation and now there's word of a potential federal bill. imagine being at a job interview and an employer asking you for your facebook log in and password. that's what robert collins says happened to him at the maryland apartment of corrections. after taking a leave of absence, he says he had to go through another betting process in 2010 and was stunned when his employer asked for his facebook password. collins says he complied because he feared for his job. >> i'm, like, so what exactly are you doing? what are you looking for? well, i'm looking through your messages and through your wall and through your pictures and through your posts to make sure that, you know, you're not flashing any gang signs or involvement in illegal activity. i was just mortified. i just thought that that just crossed the line. collins has since left that job, but his complaint to the aclu prompted change. maryland's department of corrections' new policy states candidates will not be asked to share their login and/or password information, but job applicants to maryland's corrections department are asked to login to facebook voluntarily as an interviewer looks over their shoulder. the department argues that kind of screening is useful for public safety and law enforcement jobs. cnn legal contributor paul c callen. >> is this legal? >> in most states it's absolutely legal. >> reporter: it's unclear just how many employers are asking job applicants for passwords. it's facebook's policy to prohibit anyone from soliciting the login information or accessing an account belonging to someone else. they would make it illegal for an employer to ask for passwords. in the right to privacy in the workplace act is on the table in illinois after a state lawmaker received complaints for constituents. >> you have individuals that are afraid to speak and say that the employers are asking for their password and their user name for fear of using their job or for fear of not being hired. >> and now connecticut democratic senator richard blumenthal wants a federal bill that would ban employers from asking for passwords. he would draft a bill that he expects to be red in the near future. wolf? >>a you will right, mary. thank you. you're in "the situation room," happening now, breaking news. we expect to hear any moment you no from the parents of the florida teenager killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer. the police chief in the case just stepped down. we are learning the shooter has a surprising past. we'll get some details for you. >> also, a u.s. connection to the french gunman killed by commandos and new questions whether he had any help carrying out his deadly shooting sprees. >> doctors explain the unexplainable. how a soccer player is alive and talking after technically being dead for more than an hour. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're "in the situation room." -- captions by vitac -- first, the death of an unarmed teenager. trayvon martin's parents are expected to speak at a news conference any minute now. they met with justice department officials. you're looking at live pictures. the family and supporters have been calling for the arrests of the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed martin, the sanford florida police chief bowed to mounting pressure as he's stepping down temporarily from his post. watch this. >> my role as leader of this agency has become a distraction from the investigation. while i stand by the sanford police department, its personnel, and the investigation that was conducted in regard to the trayvon martin case, it is apparent that my involvement in this matter is overshadowing the process. therefore, i have come to the decision that i must temporarily remove myself from the position as police chief for the city of sanford. i do this in the hopes of restoring some semblance of calm to the city which has been in turmoil for several weeks. >> we're also learning more about the shooter, george zimmerman and the northern virginia area just outside of washington, d.c. >> let's go there, cnn's brian todd has been investigating. what are you finding out, brian? >> wolf, we're here on the street where george zimmerman grew up in manassas, virginia. this is the house where he grew up and where we believe he lived until about 2001. over here, neighbors we spoke to, an elderly couple still trying to come to grips with what happened to the family they knew. >> george hall looks at the local newspaper and still can't believe it. his former across the street neighbor, george zimmerman, is a front-page headline. >> this thing about george just floors me. i mean, i'm shocked. i -- i didn't realize it was him. at first, you know? i would have never guessed it. >> george and kay hall lived across from zimmerman and his family for about two decades until the zimmermans moved after george graduated from high school. george hall, a retired presbyterian minister described imzerman and his older brother as friendly, dependable neighbors, a family who had their maternal grandmother living with them. >> what was his demeanor like in the neighborhood? >> he was always polite. both of them were always polite. they were always thoughtful. >> helping with groceries, hall says, helping them retrieve their dog. according to the halls and state officials zimmerman's parents worked in local government. his father robert as a magistrate and his mother as a clerk for the county court. the pastor says george zimmerman was an altar boy here. george zimmerman graduated from osborne high school in 2001. we were told no member of the faculty could talk to us about him. in the yearbook there isn't much information about him, he was in the future business leaders of america in the junior and senior years. a quote from george zimmerman. i'm going to florida to work with my god father who just bought a $1 million business. his career plans seemed to have changed. >> he came to ask you for a recommendation? >> yes because he wanted to go to the police academy and become a police officer. >> what did you write on the recommendation? >> yes. a very positive one. i have nothing but the strongest positive feelings for the whole family including the boys. >> i asked kay hall about a key implication in the trayvon martin shooting and zimmerman's involvement. >> is he a racist from what you know? >> not from what i know of because basically they were among minority themselves, you know, 20 years ago they were hispanic. before there were a lot of hispanics around and we had blacks in the neighborhood and hispanic, hungarian, was there no discrimination that i ever witnessed or saw. >> george hall says if there can be no case made against george zimmerman he hopes that authorities in florida will help zimmerman through all of this. hall says if there is a case to be made against zimmerman he hopes they will put him in jail for his own protection. wolf? >> you're also hearing other stories from some of the interaction that zimmerman had with another family in that neighborhood. tell our viewers. >> reporter: that's right. we talked to a woman down the street here, an african-american woman. she did not want to be filmed and she did not want her name used or anything regarding her family or her house. she did say that her young son had corresponded on facebook with george zimmerman. she was not sure if this occurred since the trayvon martin shootings or not, but her son had on occasion corresponded with george zimmerman on facebook. so a lot of diversity in this neighborhood. george zimmerman at least had a relationship with people of all walks of life from this neighborhood. >> brian todd in manassas, northern, virginia, for us. thanks brian. cnn's special report, by the way, will break down the legal angles to the trayvon martin killing and the reaction to florida across the country saturday night, 7:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. and we're standing by for a news conference in sanford, florida. the parents of trayvon martin. they'll be coming over there fairly soon. they've been meeting with justice department officials to get -- we'll get their reaction to what they just heard from justice department officials and the starting an investigation into civil rights abuses if in fact this occurred in the shooting of sanford. we did get a statement in from the justice department. let me frommed to our viewers. earlier today u.s. attorney for the middle district of florida, robert o'neal, the deputy assistant general, roy austin, jr., and other department officials met with the family of trayvon martin, specifically his father, mr. tracy martin and miss sabrina fulton along with their attorney. first and foremost the statement from the justice department we extended and continue to extend our deepest condolences to the family for their loss. during the course of this meeting we listened to the concerns of the family and the representatives. the statement winds up by saying this. earlier this week the department of justice announced the opening of a parallel investigation into the death of trayvon martin. that matter remains open at this time. the department of justice, u.s. attorneys office and fiber available to provide likal authorities with assistance in this case where appropriate. that's the statement just released by the justice department. we'll have the news conference from the parents as soon as they show up there. there will be a rally there later tonight as well. we're watching this story unfold. we're also watching other important news including more information now about the man behind the deadly shooting spree in france. the man was apparently on the u.s. no-fly list. mohammed merah was shot in the head by commandos after a 31-hour siege. he confirms merah was on the radar of american law enforcement because he had attended an al qaeda training camp. so why wasn't merah stopped sooner? did anyone help him? cnn's senior international correspondent dan rivers is in toulouse, france. >> reporter: well, wolf, this evening, president sarkozy has described the killings of mohammed merah as the crimes of a monster and a fanatic, and as a result he's proposing new anti-terrorism laws here in france which would include banning people on visiting extremist websites or punishing people who go to foreign training camps and an investigation into french prisons into whether they are a breeding ground for ideological indoctrination. it's significant because mohammed merah was arrested ten times in his youth. of course, his killing spree here in toulouse, resulting in one of the biggest man hunts france has ever seen. wolf? >> dan rivers, and so right now the investigation, there's still a lot of unanswered questions whether or not there was an accomplice or anything like that. that still continues, is that right? >> that's right. yeah. his brother was arrested. one of his other brothers attended a police station voluntaril voluntarily. they are looking into a cache of weapons that they found in a vehicle here. one of the big questions here, wolf, is how on earth he amassed this enormous arsenal of guns and an uzi sub machine gun, an ak-47, he had huge amounts of ammunition and there are tight gun controls in france so that will clearly be an area in which they will look into this and there are political ramifications as well, wolf. we're only about a month out now from the french presidential election with both sides, president sarkozy and his main rival nicolai francois trading insults over this accusing each other over campaigning over this case where they said they would suspend their campaigning. but the big news this evening is that president sarkozy has got a bump in the polls over this. he is now two points out in front. >> reporter: dan rivers on the scene for us in dtoulouse, france. thanks very much. we are told the parents of trayvon martin are getting ready to hold this news conference down there in sanford, florida. we haven't seen them yet, but we are told they are there and they're getting ready to make a statement and answer some questions as well. sunny hostin, our cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor is joining us right now. sunny, let's set the stage for what we are about to hear. you just heard me read the statement from the justice department with the announcement on their meeting with the parents. the parents presumably will make a statement and answer some questions. give our viewers a little perspective on what we are likely to hear. >> i think we are likely to hear that the justice department certainly wanted to explain to this family that they are looking at this case, that they are going to be working in tandem with local law enforcement authorities and that they are not going to necessarily take over the investigation, but that they will be involved and they'll be more involve if local law enforcement officers ask them to be. i am sure that they also wanted to manage their expectations in terms of a civil rights case here, wolf, because the bottom line is in order to prove a federal hate crime case, it's going to be very difficult because the government would have to prove that a person acted -- zimmerman acted intentionally with the specific intent to do something which the law forbids. that's the highest level of intent in criminal law, but i'm sure that the justice department wanted to make sure that this family understood what they are up against and also understood that they are there, that they are involved and that they are looking over the facts of this case. >> george zimmerman, the man at the center right now who shot trayvon martin, he says in self-defense. he's still a free man and has not been arrested. i take it he still has the right to maintain his weapon, is that right? >> well, that's right. he certainly lawfully had his weapon on that night in february. he had a permit to have a concealed weapon. we don't know, though, i have not confirmed, wolf, whether or not his weapon had been taken by the police department. whether or not they are keeping it as evidence. i haven't been able to confirm that even though i have spoken with the martin family's attorneys. i am told that the police department hasn't confirmed to them whether or not they still have his weapon. in fact, they told the martin family attorneys that they couldn't share that information with them because this is an active investigation. >> all right. as soon as the parents come over to that news conference we'll go there. stand by, sunny. i want to bring you in for your analysis as well. obviously, a lot of anger in sanford, florida, and indeed around the country. we're watching this closely and we're watching the race for the white house and the iconic toy that's now become a symbol of romney's campaign problems and our national political correspondent jim acosta is covering the romney campaign for us. the etch a sketch issue not going away so quickly. no surprise that mitt romney's rivals were playing with their etch a sketches today, but the gop front-runner is shaking things up again and lining up key support for his campaign on capitol hill. >> i carry -- i carry one of these around now. >> reporter: it's the gaffe that keeps on giving. rick santorum and newt genning rich can't leave home without one. >> if you're serious about changing washington, d. krchc., can't use an etch a sketch. you can't have a child's toy. >> the issues i'm running on will be exactly the same. >> reporter: romney appeared to be finished wednesday with answering questions about his aide's descriptions about the jenn campaign about everyone a skefrp. >> one question, governor, if you don't mind me sailing. >> it was a chance to respond to the question that i didn't get a chance to respond to. >> the democrats are still toying around. one party activist created the etch a sketch mitt and lib, they pounced on a massachusetts newspaper which quotes romney as saying i don't think that now is the time for us to encourage the use of more gasoline. contrast that, romney critics say, with his position now. >> should we build the keystone pipeline? of course, we should build the keystone pipeline and we should also drill in the gulf, drill in north dakota and drill in alaska and take advantage of our own energy resources. >> when i'm president i intend to keep in place the moratorium here in florida and around the country. >> democrats have had their share of flip-flops, too. in 2008, then candidate barack obama -- on oil drilling in the gulf. >> if we can come up with a genuine, bipartisan compromise then that's something i'm open to. >> let's keep the record absolutely clear. >> there's john kerry in 2004. >> i actually did vote for the $87 million before i voted against it. >> reporter: romney tried to turn the page on etch a sketch by going behind closed doors on capitol hill, meeting with jim demint, a tea party kingmaker. >> i'm not only comfortable with romney, i'm excited of him possibly being our nominee. >> what his plan is and what he thinks is his potential is for wing the nomination and why it has to be wrapped up sooner rather than later. >> romney met with wisconsin republicans including sean duffy, a freshman from the upcoming primary state and says the gop contender does have some work to do on the etch a sketch image. >> you don't think he's an etch a sketch? >> of course not. the voters will make that decision and there have been a few concerns that have been voiced. >> rick santorum suggested republicans may be better off staying with the president over as he called it an etch a sketch candidate. that won't go over well in the republican party and it's sometimes a reminder that when you milk a rivals gaffe for too long things can get sketchy and mitt romney put out a statement on what he put out earlier today saying he's disappointed that rick santorum would rather have barack obama as a candidate. >> jim acosta, thanks very much. >> let's go to that news conference in sanford, florida, right now. you see the lawyer for the family. benjamin crump. you see al sharpton with the action network. the parents are there, as well. sabrina fulton is the mother, tracy martin is trayvon martin's father. we're expecting to hear from the parents. they have emerged from a meeting. they've emerged from a meeting with the justice department. let a listen in to the lawyer benjamin krupp. >> in this very unnecessary killing of this teenager who only had a bag of skittles while zimmerman had a .9 millimeter gun. the investigation can go on and on. what we want is an arrest of george zimmerman today. okay. now -- now -- now -- one second. one second. chief lee had an opportunity to do the right thing. now all the eyes of the world are watching the state attorney. is he going to arrest john zimmerman or is he going to keep passing the buck? now -- now tell them very clearly, state attorney, you have to arrest george zimmerman. we don't want to hear nothing el else. i want to get to you a true leader. when i called him he didn't waiver nor vacillate. he didn't hesitate. he got involved day one when we called him. you all know who i'm talking about. the leader, reverend al sharpton. [ cheering ] >> we will start the rally at 7 croc. we wanted to come out and answer that we did not come here for a temporary leave of absence. we came -- >> we will monitor this news conference. we are waiting to hear from the parents. sunny hostin is still with us. the legal analyst and former federal prosecutor. it looks like that crowd, over there, sunny, is very, very angry, but you heard the lawyer for the family say they want the state attorney, i take it, to get involved and to arrest george zimmerman, the shooter in this particular case. he said he shot trayvon martin in self-defense. walk us through the legal aspects. can the florida state attorney now take charge of this specific case and remove the sanford police department, if you will, from him? >> well, that has already happened. we know that the police department, wolf, investigated this and turned over its investigation to the state's attorneys office, but the state attorneys' office has now said that this will go before the grand jury on april 10th and so it seems to me then that this is really going to be in the hands of the grand jury in terms of determining whether or not george zimmerman will be indicted on any charges. if he is indicted, that is really akin to an arrest warrant and he would be then arrested and charged with whatever charges the indictment would come down on. >> so the state's attorney's office is certainly still involved in this. they're still investigating it, i'm sure. what i think is very telling about what ben crump is saying after his meeting with the justice department, i think what it means is that the justice department again has indicated that they're going to work in tandem and that they are involved, but this is still very much a local law enforcement investigation. >> all right. i think the mother now is speaking. the mother of trayvon martin, sabrina fulton. i just want to hear what she has to say. they met with justice department officials. >> i thank god for being here, and i thank god for you being here. since the chief has stepped down, it's a temporary -- we need an arrest. [ inaudible ] >> and i want to share with you, last night even though we're here in sanford, florida, we were in reverend sharpton's backyard in new york city, and i want you to know that the people of new york let tracy and sabrina know that martin -- that the trayvon martin movement for justice is just not here in florida, it is in new york city, it is in southern california, it is in london, england, and it will keep growing until they arrest, prosecute and convict george zimmerman! >> we would like to thank everybody for coming out supporting us. we want you all to know that we love you. we want you to know that we love trayvon. we would like -- that the temporary stepdown of lee is nothing. we want an arrest. we want a conviction and we want an arrest of the murderer of our son. >> they want the state to arrest george zimmerman, the shooter, in this particular case. he says he shot trayvon martin, the teenager, unarmed because it was in self-defense. stand by. we'll have more on this story coming up, but there's another important story breaking right now. >> i want to go right to careen wynter. she's in los angeles. she has a developing story, braking news in the death of whitney houston. kareen, what are you learning? >> well, the los angeles coroner's office, wolf, just gave us what they said was the first official copy of the toxicology report for whitney houston who died in february the day before the grammys, and i can tell you the final cause of death has been determined. it's been ruled drowning. we also know that at the time of her death whitney houston had heart disease. there was also cocaine, wolf, found in her system. she was found submerged in a bathtub in the beverly hilton hotel just the day before the grammys. there was cocaine in her system, as well. who what is also interesting, wolf, in terms of the toxicology here, in addition to cocaine there were other metabolytes is, marijuana, the drug xanax and benadryl were identified, but they did not -- did not contribute to her death here. cocaine and other metabolytes. no foul play or trauma is suspected even though this report lists the cause of death and other details, we are told. another detailed report that outlines basically more factors that resulted in this toxicology report, all of the findings in the last several weeks, that will be released some time next week, but again, whitney houston, her cause of death being ruled accidental. >> no foul play, but heart disease and cocaine directly related to the drowning. is that the bottom line that we're seeing in this formal, official report? >> that's the bottom line here. drowning and the affects of cocaine, cocaine was found in her system. she also had heart disease at the time. this whole thing, you know, it's been a long process for the family as well, wolf, and i know that bobbi kristina was at the center of this investigation. investigators here say she was crucial to this investigation in terms of closing out this toxicology. they weren't able to interview bobbi kristina, but she was the primary point of contact for the toxicology findings and the primary family contact and they were able to reach him, and we're hoping to get more information from ed winter as to how she was notified. he had trouble getting in touch with her, they had to locate her through her attorney and we're awaiting more details and drowning and cocaine found in whitney houston's system. wolf? >> i want you to read that report. i want to get back to you, kareen, specifically, the nature of the heart disease, how much cocaine was found in her system and the result, obviously, being drowning, a very tragic story indeed. kareen wynter on the scene here with the latest on whitney houston's death. the official report out. we'll speak to our own sanjay gupta and get her medical expertise on what we just learned. we are following other news including president obama. he's trying to disarm critics who blame him directly for the high gasoline prices. republicans say he's claiming credit for doing nothing. we're taking a closer, harder look at his new announcement about a controversial oil pipeline as well. teammates were stunned, stunned, when a soccer player suddenly collapsed on the field. they're even more shocked that he's alive right now after technically being dead for more than an hour. since i was a kid. [ mike ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines. we lift people up off the ground to 35 thousand feet. these engines are built by hand with very precise assembly techniques. [ mike ] it's going to fly people around the world. safely and better than it's ever done before. it would be a real treat to hear this monster fire up. [ jaronda ] i think a lot of people, when they look at a jet engine, they see a big hunk of metal. but when i look at it, i see seth, mark, tom, and people like that who work on engines every day. [ tom ] i would love to see this thing fly. [ kareem ] it's a dream, honestly. there it is. oh, wow. that's so cool! yeah, that was awesome! [ cheering ] [ tom ] i wanna see that again. ♪ oh. let's go. from the crack, off the backboard. [ laughs ] dad! [ laughs ] whoo! oh! you're up! oh! oh! so close! now where were we? ok, this one's good for two. score! [ male announcer ] share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're gr-r-eat! . >> we now from the coroner's report here from los angeles, california, on the death of whitney houston. she died on february 12th, at the age of 48. i want to bring in our own dr. sanjay gupta, our chief medical correspondent. sanjay, let me read to you from the report. she was found submerged in a bathtub filled with water. there was cocaine intake. it says -- it says in addition to cocaine, other drugs that were identified including marijuana, xanax, flexorol, benadryl, but those drugs did not necessarily contribute to the death, no trauma or foul play is suspected. it is anticipated the final coroner report will be available for release within two weeks. but the headline here is that they did find that there was heart disease. there was cocaine use, but she actually drowned in that bathtub. what do you make of this report? >> well, if someone has cocaine use in their body and has a history of heart disease which is what they're saying here in the first couple of lines in this report, the cocaine can actually exacerbate or worsen someone's heart disease. it really constricts blood vessels and can cut off blood flow to the heart itself and you're setting someone up for having a heart attack or some sort of heart failure. it sounds like reading between the lines of what happened is you have someone who has a history of heart disease, takes cocaine and has a heart attack while is in the bathtub and accidentally drowns and they made specific note as you mentioned because there was speculation about the other pill bottles and while they were saying some of the medications found in their system, there certainly was a high enough dose even in combination with each other to cause this problem. >> because you hear about cocaine, someone with heart disease and then you start finding out these other drugs in your system. what you're saying is the other drug like marijuana, flexorol or benadryl and they didn't contribute to their death. is that normal? >> when you talk about these medications and even an isolation in high enough doses, you wonder can they actually hinder someone's ability to breathe on their own or hinder their reflexes in terms of protecting their airway and certainly in combination you worry about that even more so, but there are toxicology reports that can sort of shed some light on that specifically in the concentrations with these medications and including the marijuana and cocaine are found in her blood, but the idea that someone had taken cocaine and subsequently had some sort of catastrophic heart event whether they had a heart attack or their heart stopped beating even for a period of time and she also happened to be in the bathtub at that time so it may have lapsed into a period of unconsciousness and subsequently drowned. it seems, they say more details will come in the next couple of weeks and it really seems like that's what they're pointing their finger at here in terms of cause of death. whether or not they had evidence of drowning and sort of worked backwards to the heart disease and the cocaine, and not exactly sure how they arrived at that conclusion and it sounds like that's what they're saying wolf? >> they're saying the final cause of death has been determined to be drowning and the effects of the heart disease and the cocaine use. does the cocaine use cause the heart disease or if you have heart disease or if you use cocaine it exacerbates the potential for having some sort of heart issue and potentially drowning? >> i think it's more so the latter in terms of this particular situation. so they described and they commented on arterio sclerotic disease. >> what does that mean? >> that's sort of a hardening of the arteries. we talk that's not specifically to cocaine use and that's more the lifestyle that we talk about all of the time, people developing heart problems or coronary vessel disease as a result of diet, exercise, lack of exercise and things like that, but what happens with cocaine if somebody has that degree of disease it can make a situation worse because it constricts the blood vessels. the blood vessels have hardened and narrowed as a result of the disease and then you add cocaine into the equation and it makes the situation worse and someone may go through a period of time when someone is not getting enough blood flow as a result of the constriction of the blood vessels and that can cause a heart attack. the fact that she was in the bathtub, that should have lapsed into a period of unconsciousness, that would explain the drowning. >> it doesn't say here, sanjay, maybe i'm not reading it properly. it doesn't say she had a heart attack. it said she had the effects of arterio sclerotic disease and does that mean she had a heart attack before she drowned? >> i think they're saying probably the caocaine use contributed to some sort of heart event. you look for evidence of heart muscle actually having you know, died. the muscle tissue not surviving. in this case it may have happened so quickly that she subsequently was drowned because of falling into the bathtub or lapsing into unconsciousness in the bathtub that it was the cocaine and arterio sclerotic disease one on top of the other that may have happened. the heart muscle dying sometimes can take a little while and we may not have evidence of that, but the cocaine use on top of arterio sclerotic disease, it seems like they're making that pretty clear in terms of what caused this whole event. >> you shouldn't be taking cocaine under any circumstances, but certainly not if you have this kind of heart disease. how unusual is it for a 48-year-old woman who is obviously not overweight or anything like that to have this kind of disease? is that a genetic issue or is that the result of lifestyle? >> you know, wolf, it's interesting. you can see a lot of people who appear thin and you say to yourself, they don't seem like somebody who would have heart disease and that's not always a clear indicator of what's going on inside their heart. people can appear thin and can even appear fit and can have significant heart disease and by the way, the opposite of that is true as well and you have people that don't appear as fit and their hearts are okay. i don't think you can read too much into her recent appearance where she was thin. it was almost always -- people developed some degree of arterial sclerosis or a hardening, and a lot of times that's because of lifestyle decisions over their life. >> they conducted the autopsy on february 12, 2012, the day after she died in los angeles in beverly hills. does it normally take five, six weeks to complete an autopsy of this nature? >> well, you know, that's a good question. i think a lot of timeses the big sort of questions are sort of figured out earlier than that, but i think the time lapse is usually because you're trying to put all of the pieces together. the cause of death was drowning, why would a 48-year-old woman taking a bath drown? did she have some sort of event and if so, what was that event? there was no indication of trauma or foul play which was also indicated in the report then you start looking at other things that would cause someone to perhaps lapse into consciousness -- unconsciousness, rather, lose their airway or whatever may be. sometimes you're working backward a little bit and they probably found evidence of the cocaine and other medications and drugs you mentioned in the drug stream and putting it all together, realizing she had arterial sclerotic disease and possibly offering the best explanation. it's not perfect and it takes this long just to come up with the most likely scenario, wolf. >> sanjay, if you can hold for a moment our own don lemmon has spoken to the coroner. tell us what she told you. >> a minute or two ago i spoke with ed winter and i heard you and sanjay and i wanted to clear it up immediately. he said the cause of death was due to drowning and the affects of arterial scler attic heart disease and cocaine use? what does that mean? does it mean she had a heart attack or she drowned? which one happened first? >> he said she probably had a heart attack because of using cocaine at the time and went under water. and i said, what exactly does that mean? which one precipitated the other? it was probably all of them, taking a bath, a bad heart, taking cocaine, went under the water and she died and he said the final tox reports won't be listed with the levels of everything in her body for ago two weeks now, but all of the drugs they mentioned, the cocaine and metabolyte and the xanax and all of them are contributing factors and he did say the cause of death was accidental and cocaine did contribute to her death. >> yes, because in the tox kohl je report, don and sanjay is still with us as well, it specifically says that cocaine was identified, obviously, contributory to her death and it goes on to say the other drugs found in her body, xanax, benadryl, did not contribute to the death. sanjay, how do they know that? how can they be so firm. tell our viewers what flexor ol and benadryl and it's something that is sold over the counter, but xanax is a major drug. >> yeah, it is. it's an anti-anxiety medication, and the flexoro latin america, the muscle relaxant, and the benadryl is an antihistamine, as you mentioned sold over the counter. you're asking a good question, wolf, and part of this is determining the level of these medications or the active ingredients of these medications in the blood and trying to figure out are the levels high enough to possibly cause death either in isolation or in combination one with the other? and they reached the determination that at least as i'm reading it as you are, wolf, but that was not a contributing factor of these other medicat n medicatio medications. it's not to say that the medications in combination were not at all harmful, but what they're saying is if you are specifically asking what was the cause of death here? the picture that they're drawing is the woman that had heart disease, she took cocaine and the cocaine caused an event within her heart, a heart attack, call it, and that heart attack caused her to -- she's taking a bath to slip into the bathtub and drowned. it's not to say that those other medications possibly couldn't have been problematic, but she died as a result of drowning because of the cocaine on top of the heart disease. >> because the cocaine, and don, i just want to get back to you, ed winter, the coroner, the man you spoke to, did he or did he not say that these other drugs contributed to the death? >> i think sanjay's explanation is pretty correct. that's what he said. i don't think that they alone with any of the other drugs would have caused her to die, but i think in combination with taking cocaine as sanjay said in combination with having heart disease, and i would imagine that because of that, because she took these things and possibly her muscles gave out and when you take xanax and any number of these things you get drowsy, you're weaker or what have you. so i would imagine that alone shieldn't have died from those, but when you put them all together, i think the major contributing factors, the major contributing factors and you see the toxicology and the press release, wolf. i'm looking at that time in my hand, the first thing that is mention side cocaine and then the second thing are metabolytes. i think with the heart disease and with the cocaine he just slipped under water. as he said, she probably had a heart attack first and became weak because of the other drugs, she had a heart attack, slipped under the water and she drowned. >> what does that mean, sanjay, metabolytes. in this toxicology report it says cocaine and metabolytes were found and contributory to her death. >> i think when they're referring to metabolytes are saying cocaine and metabolytes. it starts to break down after a period of time and it's more basic ingredients. so when you see that in a report like this, it gives you some sense of timing. if you haven't found actual cocaine in the bloodstream and it was not fully broken down, you have found metabolytes and putting pieces of the puzzle together and we don't know for sure, but when you see metabolytes, and there had been cocaine taken at some point and it was there long enough to break down into metabolytes and there was cocaine at the time of death that was taken that had not broken down yet either because not enough time had passed or because she had died and when the person dies they're not metabolizing as fast or as much anymore. >> how long do these drugs stay in the system? in other words, if she had taken these drugs weeks earlier would there still be evidence of that? the zhan a the flexorol, the benadryl and the cocaine and all these other drug, the marijuana? or would they just be over the last 24, 48 hours that there would be evidence in such a toxicology report? >> they vary in terms of what is known as half life. you know, you measure drugs break down and you find half the amount of the concentration and at another point it breaks down again and some medication or some drugs like marijuana have a much longer -- you can find of evidence of them in the body much longer and drugs like cocaine will break down more quickly. i don't know the other medications, but this isn't something especially with regard to the cocaine, especially if they're finding cocaine in its unmetabolized form, that is something that would have been taken weeks before. this was -- it seemed to be indicating in the report it was a much more recent thing. >> don, you covered the story. from day one, you were out in los angeles and did an excellent job reporting on it. what will be the likely reaction to this coroner's report? >> it's funny that you just said that, and i was going jump in and say that when sanjay and i were both covering the story i think the consensus was that it would not be surprising if drug use would be contributing to her death because she was an admitted addict. people knew whitney houston was an addict. there will be sadness, obviously, because everyone had hoped that it would be something else that possibly she just was sick and died, maybe of a heart attack and they were hoping she had gotten it together and she wasn't using cocaine anymore, but what i think the overall reaction should be to this is a wake-up call among america, among the world and especially among the black community and i'm just being honest, that people have addictions in your family and you have to admit it. you have to talk about it. you can't sweep it under the rug and say hey, this doesn't exist because you don't want your problems to be aired publicly. the reaction will be one of sadness, obviously, whitney houston sadly was an addict and she died partially because of cocaine use -- hang on one second. i just got some information. i had one of my producers call the coroner about alcohol. the coroner is saying there was no alcohol in the system. no alcohol. the chief operating officer, the pio, the chief of operations of the pio said to his knowledge at this point there was no alcohol found which was interesting because days before people talked about her heavy drinking. but anyway, going back to that, i think it's going to be sadness, but again, it's a wake-up call that people do have addictions and they shouldn't be stigmatized. one addiction is no different than the other. having an addiction to food is no different to having an addiction to alcohol and no different to having an addiction to sex or drugs an addiction is an addiction is an addiction. >> sanjay, i want to go to a quick break, but before i do, don makes an excellent point, and i have to add, white people, black people, a lot of people have problems with drug addiction and give us a final thought on a lesson we should all learn from this tragic death of a woman who literally had it all. >> well, you know, you talk about someone who had had a history of addictions and had been treated for addiction. some incredibly, incredibly difficult disease from which to recover, but just about anything, as we talked about, can unfortunately put you back on the path of addiction. cocaine will be, obviously, the focus because of what the coroner reports have said, but she did have these other substances in her body and many of those substances, if you're an addict as someone who had been treated for addiction, any of those substances can put you back on the path for addiction again. it may have started for the drugs that we think of as more innocuous, but graduated as you saw during the report with marijuana and cocaine. >> a sad, sad story, indeed. don lemon, thanks very much for your excellent reporting. sanjay, thank to you, as well. we'll take a quick break. a lot of news happening in "the situation room." we'll update you on all of the news when we come back. and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. . the statement we just received from whitney houston's family. i will read it to you. we are saddened to learn of the toxicology reports although we are glad to now have closure. the toxicology reports says that whitney houston died of heart disease, drowning, aggravated by cocaine use. she says, she was using cocaine. other drugs were found in her system, including xanax, flexeril, benadryl but they did not contribute to the death. what did contribute was cocaine use and the effects of heart disease. we will stay on top of this story. mary snow has some of the other top stories, including a new satellite imagery of a launch pad in north korea, mary. what happened? >> well, the images may reveal north korea's plans. analysts at digital say a rail line could be seen running from a missile near pyongyang to the launch pad for assembly. an expected satellite launch would violate a deal to suspend missile launchers and nuclear activity in exchange for food aid. actor, robert de niro is taking heat for a joke he made about america not being ready for a white first lady. newt gingrich said it was inexcusable. the obama campaign calls it inappropriate. is deniro sorry for it? >> i apologize. no, i don't apologize. i think it was silly. i'm sorry that it had to go that way. it's ridiculous. everybody knows that. that's all i have to say about it. nonsense. >> romney told cnn's piers morgan, she thought it was a joke. news of the trade shocked the sports world. tim tebow to the jets. will his squeaky clean image survive in gotham. stand by. there's no going back. see your lexus dealer. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? exactly. okay... [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. he is certainly one of the more popular players but can he keep his faith in the city. >> reporter: america's most christian quarterback can he survive. >> the tabloids are already making god puns. just when new yorkers thought the whole pun thing with the knicks jeremy lin had been exhausted. now, it is timsanity. tim tebow facing so much timtation in sin city. >> this is not a sin city. we have a lot of christians here. >> reporter: it sort of reminds us of buck in midnight cowboy. >> i am heading on to new york s city, ma'am. >> instead of taking a bus, tebow flew in on a private jet. instead of a hustle letter, he said he is saving himself. that didn't stop tmz from asking, who would you rather, tebow or the jet's first string quarterback, mark sanchez? tebow won. he is not winning with former jets quarterback, joe namoth. >> he called tebow one of the worst quarterbacks. >> fans tend to be more forgiving. >> he is positive. we need positive. >> reporter: he is humble and nice and new yorkers can go for that. >> reporter: one fan chose this, suggesting it be the jets new logo. another tweeted, metlife stadium is now prolife stadium. tebow will be working under a coach known for salty language and a fetish for feet. at least they were coach ryan's feet. remember, tebow is saving himself for marriage. >> he is pretty cute. i think there is something wrong with him. >> that's what i don't like about it. >> reporter: why, that he is a virgin? >> who really knows that. >> reporter: new yorkers who don't usually get on their knees for anybody, prepare to dip for late night comics to cartoonists taking liberties with lady liberty. these denver fans want tebow