that the nation has been on brink of this kind of crisis. let's go straight to capitol hill, our congressional current kate bolduan baldwin is standing by. >> the ability to finally fand a way out of this impasse and to avoid this looming government shut down and how this could all come out has to do with the big focus on the fema funding. the additional funding for federal disaster relief that democrats and republicans wanted to put in this short term spending bill. fema came out today to confirm that different from their prior predictions, that fema may be able to stretch their disaster relief funds that are much depleted and could run out, but they said they could stretch the funds through the end of this week. this is different than prior predictions which many had said would be depleted by the beginning of this week. in a statement, i will read you just in part, wolf, quote, estimates from over the weekend indicate the disaster relief fund could be fully exhausted by the end of the week. why i'm focusing on so much of the end of the week, why that is key swb that that is the end of the fiscal year as well. the center of this harsh battle between democrats and republicans and the house and senate could become a moot point. and this is whether or not the disave the are relief funds that were to be added just for the rest of this fiscal year, which is just the rest of this week, should be offset. should be paid for. republicans stood firmly that they should be paid for. d democrats said they should not. this issue might completely go away now that we hear from fema, they could stretch their funds in order to stretch them through this week. congress could just pass, as we say, a clean short term spending bill, wolf, that fema funds can kick in for the next fiscal year. the next deadline date is november 18 and the government along with all this would get the much-needed funding it needs after this friday, wolf? >> we have a brand new poll out just this hour, kate. let me tell what you it shows. it shows that 47% of americans would blame republicans in congress if there were a government shut down, 33% would blame the president, so it is obviously a significant number there. but there's a vote schedule this hour, right? tell us what's going to happen there. >> to not confuse anything any more, which i'm sure i will, there is a vote still schedule for this hour in the senate. the senate pushing back its scheduled recess this week in order to be in town to have a key test vote on a measure that would send a democrat called a compromised measure. a very similar bill to what the house passed as in terms after short term spending bill last week. of course, this might not be such an important issue any more that we now see the possible, you know, emerging way out of this impasse. i will tell you while they have this test vote and top democratic leadership, they are still working to win support around it. it is unclear if it gains the support it needs. there is also, i'm told by a top democratic aid, there is a senate democratic caucus meeting tentatively scheduled for later this evening where they will be talking about the latest estimates and predeckes from fema which could completely change the game here as we could see a break through soon, wolf? >> they better get a break through. no one will be happy if the government shut downs. it'll be a plague on both of their houses, no doubt about that. >> let's move on to the presidential rate. there is new fuel for the rivalry between republicans rick perry and mitt romney. perry holds on to his place at the top of the pack at our brand new cnn poll of republicans with a 7-point lead over romney. but perry is five points behind president obama in a would-be general election match-up. romney does better against the president in our poll of registered voters, trailing by just one point. chief political analyst, gloria, is joining us more with this story. gloria, what are voters saying about the candidate's personal qualities? how important is that compared to some of the other issues? >> well, it's so interesting, wolf. here we are in the middle of an economic crisis facing what possibly could be a double dip recession. two wars currently being waged in iraq and afghanistan. when we ask people, what's the most important thing for your vote for president, personal qualities versus issues, personal qualities won out, wolf. 49 to 43%. which is stunning. but when you look at these candidates, do candidates have the personal qualities a president should have? bring those candidates back up pl you will see that romney and obama are very close. perry trailing and sarah palin, down at 30%. that means that means that 70% of people don't believe she has the qualities a president should have. that includes leadership, stature. so you can see, that there is no stature gap between barack obama and mitt romney. >> and when it comes to the issues, how do these candidates do? forget about the personal qualities, let's talk about substantive issues. >> you want to ask the question of voters, does a candidate care about the issues that you personally care about? we ask, does a candidate agree with you on the issues that you care about? and again, barack obama and mitt romney are tied 46 to 46. wolf, what this shows, if you are a republican primary voter out there and you want to beat barack obama more than anything, you are not quite sure about the candidates, but you want to make sure you have someone who is electable, at this point, in this field, mitt romney stacks up as the most electable candidate against barack obama. and that's what he is trying to sell on the campaign trail. >> gloria is in new york. he she is nominated for an emmy. and you are going to the emmy award tonight. >> i am. >> all of us are hoping you win, gloria. >> thank you. >> emmy-nominated, cnn coo chief political analyst. thank you. >> thanks. president obama with a western swing taking part in a town hall meeting at california headquarters of the professional networking website, linkedin. one person made an pale, please raise my taxes. in mountain view, california, it was relatively calm. i didn't hear a lot of headlines, did you jessica? >> i did not. a very subdued president obama. turning 0u9 whi . he is taking a sharp tone against republican with pretty partisan lines. but at this event, focusing largely on the jobs act, american jobs act, answering questions about unemployment and veteran's employment and the news actually came from someone in the audience, former google executive, who is now retired. he said he made so much money that he wants the president as you said, to make him pay more in taxes. listen to this question. >> i don't have a job. but that's because i've been lucky enough to live in silicon valley for a while. and work for a small start-up down the street here, that did quite well. so i'm unemployed by choice. my question is, would you please raise my taxes? [ applause ] >> that small start-up is called google. the president went on to say, look, i remember back in the days when eventually bill clinton was president and taxes were higher and the rich got richer. the president also, he shied away wolf from making the same points he made at a fund-raiser which, were if we follow the republicans plan which is to keep taxes where they are, that could be crippling for the future of the nation. he did not say that in pup lick here today wolf. >> nothing stopping him from make writing a check to the ugs treasury. he can write a check. >> you are also getting, jessica, new information on president's very active schedule out there on the west coast. fund-raising. >> that's right. the president has a total of seven fund-raising stops here and the campaign is going to rake in a lot of money while he's out here. democratic sources tell cnn that the campaign s has been telling their top bunders to expect a total of $55 million to be brought in, all told this quarter. as you know, the quarter is about to wrap up. 55 million is a lot less than the 86 million they brought in last time around. some of the reasons for the drop are partly because it is harder to raise money overall during summer. but also during debt deal negotiations it was hard to get fund-raising done. some part of that i'm told was because donors didn't want to write checks. they were so turned off by what they saw in washington. some of it because the president couldn't leave town to attend fund-raisers. and once he proposed the jobs act, that buffet rule, those have helped people start giving money. nothing helps democrats give like seeing republicans debate. they say that started people writing checks too, wolf. >> very busy out there fund-raising. even they he doesn't have a democratic challenger, he is working hard it raise as much money as he can for the general election campaign. he will have a ton of money, even if he doesn't get as much this quarter as he would have liked. jessica, thanks very much. donald trump once predicted mitt romney would lose the presidential race. does he still feel that after meeting with romney today? my interview with donald trump is coming up this hour. i'll ask congresswoman maxine waters about her negative reaction it president obama when he told african-american law makers to stop complaining. ♪ [ multiple snds ng melodic tune ] ♪ [ malennounc ] at northrop grumman, makthworld a feplace. th's value performance. northr gruan. o we are the tomorrow makers. we're making tomorrows like clockwork. ♪ for all the different things our customers planned for. like a college education. or, the perfect wedding. ♪ ♪ i love ya, tomorrow! [ male announcer ] we're making them a better financial future. what can we make with you? transamerica. transform tomorrow. jack cafferty is here. he has the track, jack? >> it appears rick perry may be all hat and no cattle. the pretend cowboy, george w. bush, and watching perry's most recent debate performance, looks like he got his boots stuck in his mouth. the texas governor may be fading 0u9 as quickly as he shot to the polls last month. the signs of trouble are stacking up everywhere around him. beginning with mitt romney closing the gap on the national polls. although perry is still at the top of the pack, romney polls stronger against president obama. and on the state level, perry is losing one straw poll race after another. in florida, businessman herman cain pulled a surprise landslide victory. his win in florida topped perry and romney combined. perry was expected to win the florida straw poll at the start of the weekend. but his performance put him at a distant second. in michigan, straw poll, perry finishing second, this time to romney, a native of michigan. perry placed a distance sec to paul in the california straw poll. these straw polls don't mean a lot. they are just mock elections. they don't necessarily reflect how the primaries will go. but if you are the republican front-runner, there is an expectation you win some of them within an advisor to jon huntsman campaign suggests it is increasingly clear that perry can't perform, saying he has a case of elec ti le dysfunction. perry's people say romney who has been in the question a lot longer, here is the question: are rick perry's 15 minutes up? go to our post on the situation rooms facebook page. pretty clever, electile dysfunction. >> clever. is that a word? >> i don't know and i don't want to know. >> thank you. president obama is hoping his time isn't up when it comes to rallying support from a key voting block. we're talking about african-americans. but with unemployment and poverty among blacks, that may be easier said than done. listen to what the president had to say at the congressional dinner saturday night. >> i don't have time to complain. i'm going to press on. i expect all of you to march with me and press on. take off your bedroom slippers. put on your marching shoes. shake it off. stop complaining. stop grumbling. stop crying. we are going to press on. we've got work to do. >> let's talk about that with democratic congresswoman maxine waters of california. i think he is complaining about you, among others, right? >> i don't think so. >> because you've been complaining that he hasn't been doing enough lately. you've been making statements along those lines. >> no. wolf, i don't complain. i work. as a matter of fact, the black caucus have been hard at work. we travelled to five states. we took up leping people to get jobs. >> that was exactly when he was in iowa meeting with largely white groups, right? >> that is part of the time. >> do you remember what you said at the time? >> yes. first of all, the audience in detroit said to us, why don't you do something? why don't you make the president do something? they were really at us and i raised the question, are you ready, for a conversation about how you feel? and we are now into that conversation. yes, we want to see the president. more in african-american communities but the work that we did is what caused the conversation it take place. we focus on what needs are and the president heard us. because the president heard us he was saying african-american and black for the first time in the speech. when he was talking about complaining, we don't know who he was talking to. he couldn't have been talking to the black caucus. we have been working very hard. >> i think he was complaining but he was talking about corn el west has been talking about him, as you know. and remarks that you have made, and other white house officials have said, why is maxine waters complaining so much? doesn't she realize he wants to improve the economy. >> maxine waters does not complain. maxine waters does two things. public policy and organizing. i don't go around complaining so i don't think he was talking to us or the people in that room. the people in that room for the most part are people who came out of civil rights movement, who marched and worked hard and have been doing if t for years. we are pleased the president is now focused and he made a speech, the likes of which he had not made before, where he talked about african-americans and the fact that blacks were unemployed. >> nearly three years into his presidency, until now he hasn't addressed concerns of poverty in the african-american community. >> there has been no focus at all. >> no focus, what do you mean by that? >> you know and radio stations and television stations have been talking about the high unemployment rate. 40 to 50% of african-american youth. no, we have not heard the president focus on that or talk about that, despite the fact it is getting worse and worse. i expect this unemployment may go up as high as 20% in the african-american community but we will support the american jobs act. well support this president. we think we help him with this base constituency. we believe that the work that we have done will help him to begin to know how he must target, to those communities most in need. whether it is the urban community or rural community. you have to put the resources where the problems are, where the need is. we think we have gotten him focussed to do that. >> after two and half, three years -- >> we finally got him to focus, yes. >> so you will take off your slippers and get out there and march with him? >> i've never owned a pair of bedroom slippers. anyone who knows maxine waters knows i'm a fighter. i came to washington with that identity. >> but he brought you into this process, you and others members of the congressional black caucus to address these issues? >> well actually we started with the jobs fairs that we were doing. we said basically we can't sit here in washington, d.c. and simply do one minute and five minutes. we have to get out there, first of all, let the people know that we feel their pain and we understand the desperation in these communities. and once we were out there, into these town hall meetings, they let us know that they truly are in pain. and so, we have the job fairs where we connected them with employers from all over the country. and we brought the message back to washington, d.c. and this president got it. i mean, he was at that black caucus talking about african-american unemployment because of the work that we did. >> the corn et wefl and ralph nader throw out the possibility of them running to challenge the president for the democratic nomination. not necessarily thinking they are going to win, they are not going to win. but to force them to focus more on these issues instead of becoming more moderate it get more in line with the so-called progressive or liberal views. is that a good idea? >> the black caucus doesn't know anything about that. we are involved with the work we do as public policy makers. we are involved with whatever influence we have with focus on the issue isz of concern to our communities. so we don't know, i haven't heard the discussion. and we support this president. and we want him to get the best out of his constituency, that base constituency, that gives him so much support. we think we are helping him with the work that we do. >> so you're not complaining, you're not grumbling, you're not crying, he is not talking about you. >> maxine waters didn't cry. maxine waters works. >> thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you. >> amazing images from the washington monument p.m. a rare earthquake here in washington was hitting. we have the video ahead. what officials are now saying about the damage sustained. plus -- will pakistan work against the key network the country is suspected of supporting. we have details of that as well. [ woman ] my grocery bill isn't wasteful spending. [ woman ] my heart medication isn't some political game. [ man ] our retirement isn't a simple budget line item. [ man ] i worked hard. i paid into my medicare. [ man ] and i earned my social security. [ woman ] now, instead of cutting waste and loopholes, washington wants to cut our benefits? that wasn't the agreement. [ male announcer ] join the members of aarp and tell washington to stop cuts to our medicare and social security benefits. you can add mitt romney to the list of republican contenders trying to cozy up to donald trump. it is fresh news that tv clebity is try to influence the campaign after deciding ton run himself. stand by for my interview with donald trump. that's coming up, including his impression of romney, the rest of the gop field, including perry. right now i wall bring in brian todd. he is taking a closer look at the candidates. they all seem to be the can dates eager to have that photo op with donald trump. even though in this case, there was no photo op. >> the media buzz they get from the appearances and experience from the tea party scoconstitue. to president obama he is a corn val barker. to republican like met romney, he is a must-see. romney is the latest gop hopeful so seek an audience with trump. a trump aid says they got along. talking about jobs, the deficit, china. it was a meeting the democrats tooker issusly enough to counter with a web video. >> what did the american people have to say with those returning to the same failed policies that created our challenges? >> if i -- >> if i -- >> their connection might seem natural. both wealthy businessmen who tried to pummel president obama over the economy. in the spring, trump wasn't complimentary about romney's business skills. >> he would close companies, get rid of jobs. my net worth is many, many, many times mitt romney. >> that is about the same time trump predicted romney would lose this race. all under the bridge now, as romney follows rick perry. michele bachmann, one-time candidate mike huckabee and sarah palin as stars with high profile meetinges with trump. >> why is he a necessary stop for so many of them? they have to latch on to that tough message against obama? >> well two purposes. one is that he is a successful businessman so to have his stamp of approval says something. in addition, he has been able to connect with the dissatisfaction with washington and this frustration with career politicians. so if you are able to align yourself with donald trump, donald trump gives us his stamp of approval, you're not that career politician. >> in interviews and youtube messages, trump is hammering at the themes all year. america is being treat cheated by the chinese. the country is in terrible shape and frail you're of leadership is at the heart of it. >> obama must be defeated. >> kind of red meat, analysts say within won donald trump allot of support among tea party supporters. it is romney who may need the tea poort eers more than any right now. trumps ability to fund raise and draw media attention is the reason canned dates come to his door. at this point he hasn't tipped his hand own who he might endorse. someone in trump's camp told me he will do that probably between now and june. but trump may decide if he is not happy with any of the gop front runners to enter the race as third part party candidate. >> that would worry candidates. >> would be. it could be the ralph nader effect. remember in 2000, ralph nader jumped in. didn't win many votes but took some away from main stream can lift and al gore suffered the most there. they are worried about that with donald trump. >> we will speak with donald trump in just a moment. stand by for my interview with trump. also web will talk about not only his meeting with mitt romney. whether or not they see eye to eye on key issue. he will also assess rick perry and candidates. plus this -- three high profile attacks in afghanistan, hitting right at the heart of security. are they linked? 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we will get to my interview with donald trump np just a few moments. there was a dramatic day in court for jurors hearing appeals in the trial of amanda knox, the american student convicted of murder in italy. lisa sylvester is monitoring that. other top storesry in the situation roo # room right now. what is going on there? >> jurors saw pictures of the bloody body, urging them not to overturn the 2009 murder convictions of knox and her former boyfriend. the two were sentenced to 26 and 25 years respectively. and are fighting to have their gill guilty verdicts overturned. there are closing arguments this week and a decision could come as early as next monday. pakistani army says it decided not to take action against the terror group believed to be behind a string of recent deadly attacks in afghanistan. the decision comes just days after the u.s. accused pakistan's top intelligence agency of supporting the infamous network. pakistan says it is used as a scapegoat for failed u.s. policies in afghanistan. amazing new video, take a look at this, from 500 feet up inside the washington monument as last month's magnitude 5.8 earthquake was sitting. four cracks were discovered in the building shortly after the earthquake. it's been closed for a comprehensive assessment ever since. officials concludeded the monument is structurally sound but they won't say when it will reopen. wolf? >> pretty scary, you remember, you were hear in the building that day, right? >> yeah. can you imagine being at the top of the washington monument. you saw people there, imagine what was going on in their mind. >> bad enough here at the eighth floor here at cnn. thanks very much. coming up, my interview with donald trump. he will tell bus his meeting with mitt romney and other political news. the interview with donald trump, that's next. 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>> i think he did really well in the debatsdebates. nobody is endorsing anybody. we will have to see how it all comes out. but we add really good meeting and i think we will have other meetings. we hit it off very well. i will say. i think even better than i had anticipated. >> that wasn't the first time you ever met him, was it? >>, i've met him before. >> what did you talk about specifically? >> well, i don't want to get into that too much. we discuss he the basic points and one of the things that i hit very hard, and i think he is real believer, is that china is taking tremendous advantage of this country and we can't get in country back on track unless we do something about china and opec. every time the country starts getting a little more solid, opec raises the price of fuel and price of oil. and all of a sudden we go off and nobody knows why. but every single time a good report comes out, they raise the price of oil. and it is disgraceful. we discussed that. he is a believe. and i think we just agree on certain very important issuees. >> was there anything you disagreed with him on? >> i don't want to comment on that. but certainly we agreed on a lot of things. and i just think it is extremely important for the right candidate. i mean, if the right candidate doesn't comes along, somebody else is going to come along. i think it is very important that right candidate go against president obama and wins. this election is vital. >> did he ask for your advice, donald? >> well, i don't want to put it that way. but certainly we threw out ideas that i think both of us either agreed on or certainly are subject to agree on. we had a great talk. >> here is a question that has come up. there were a lot of camera crews as you can imagine waiting outside of trump tower. they wanted to get a picture of you and mitt romney but no photo opportunity. no picture and contrast to some of your other meetings with the republican president candidates. was that deliberate or just a snafu? what happened. >> it was deliberate. we wanted it keep it as private as we could. from the standpoint of mitt, there is no -- i don't know if either of us would have felt comfortable with picture. >> there were pictures with rick perry and skplin and skplarah p? >> yes. the cameras were good. i guess we were better this time. >> who is better perry or romney? >> i had great meetings with both and with michele bachmann and with sarah palin. i don't know what sayral be doing. i guess people are waiting and waiting. we just don't know. she is hard it figure. maybe that's not so bad she is hard to figure. i don't think it sfar question or a fair answer. >> you say mitt romney has done well in the debates. rick perry, everyone agrees, hasn't necessarily done all this well. have you watched the debates, what did you think? >> actually, i was in australia and i came back and i watched the debaldebates. i think press is tough on perry. i think he would be the first to admit it wasn't his finest hour, or as it goes, two hours. he didn't do as well as he would have liked, i guess. but i think the press was extremely tough on him. i think mitt did well. i think he did better than press is reporting, but let's see what happens. >> do you think it is still possible that another candidate could emerge like chris christie, the governor of new jersey, despite all of his repeated assertions that he is not running? >> well, chris is a good frepd of mine. i have known him well. i have known him a long time. i don't think he is running. i think he has been a great governor. i own a lost property in new jersey. i can tell you he has a positive impact on new jersey and values and even will image of nunl. i just don't see him running. areally don't believe he is going to run. he told me the same thing as he told everybody else. you know, i hear all of these reports where he is thinking about it, he is giving it another thought. i just don't see it happening. >> you're the last person who seems to suggest that it is still possible, was the former governor, tom cane of new jersey, saying gov are in christie is in fact rethinking his refusal to run. they go back a long time as you probably know. >> that's true. that's true. i don't think he is. i think he is really made up his mind. but the world and life is full of surprises. >> this is still a wide open race. i wrote about that on my blog my situation room blog today. donald, i will play a little clip. this is a new dnc ad. i don't know if you have seen it. but listen, it mentions you. >> mitt romney and donald trump are meeting today. they is a lot of common. they have done well for themselves. both have lan it help out richest that won't help the middle class that will slash social security. cut kut funds for healthcare, research and development and schools. what do the american people have to say to those who would return to the same failed policies that created our challenges? >> if i -- >> if i -- >> it sends with a picture of you sort of, an obvious statement. what did you think of that? >> well actually i got to see that, i saw it on one of the shows this morning. i thought was amateur night. the ad was you know, not a very good one. it was also within they talk about keeping america competitive, we're not competitive. that's the problem. we're not competitive at all. the world is laughing at us. i was insulted at the airplane they used. my plane is much, much greater than that. i wrote a that with a smile. someone will say that trump was insulted. i think it was amateur night. not a very effective commercial. i will say this, when they talk about america being competitive and effective, he are not competitive right now, we are not a competitive nation any longer. we have lost our competitive zeal and drive. we need the right leader. >> i will leave you with one final question. i don't know if you saw the brand new forbs 400 list, which just came out a year ago, we were in your office when it just came out. right now you are number 128 with worth of $2.9 billion. >> is that accurate? >> no. it's okay. i will be able to eat well. but it is not accurate. >> is it more or less? >> well, i'm a private company and they don't know my numbers. i think they are professional and think try. but is t is not an accurate, no. >> you won't tell us if it is high or low? i i think that you can say it is low. that's my assumption. >> well, it is low. i will say that. >> whatever number they had a year ago, it was low also. >> i don't remember what it was. what was it? >> i don't know. >> so i went up. at least that's a good year. >> hey, donald, thanks very much. >> thank you very much. snrs checking last year, a net worth according to forbs was 2.4 billion now 2.9 billion so he went up a half billion according to the forbs 400 list. by the way, check out my blog at i write about the republican field. it is a wide open race right now. anything is still possible in this race for the republican nomination. swrel more on the new signs that the new jersey governor chris christie maybe, repeat, may be considering jumping into the race for the white house. our strategy session is coming up next. when anybody in america calls quicken loans for a free home loan review, we'll offer them a free android smartphone. but how are you gonna get these phones to our clients coast to coast? 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[ male announcer ] call today for a free home loan review. we'll offer a free android smartphone to you! one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. joings, our two cnn politicalis politicalists. i'm looking at these national polls. take a look at this. if you look at the national polls at this point, september 2003, howard dean and wesley clark were doing apparently a little bit better, least as well as john kerry who got the nomination. and take a look at this. four years ago rudy giuliani and romney were doing way better than john mccain even though he eventually got the nomination. so donna. first to you. should we just assume these national polls are irrelevant? >> absolutely. given the volatility and the country, the uncertainty on the republican side. and the fact that the tea party is clearly dominating the coverage as well as providing the momentum and energy for the republican party. there is no way you can read the tea leaves today and come out with a clear front-runner on the republican side. who would be we are to take on the president? the incumbent president? >> various detractors are making a worse case/best case argument. but that is spin. there's no way to know. it is wide open on personalities. but it is very narrow on philosophy and policies. and we now are saying tea party as if it is a pejorative. the conservative base, and independents who are conservatives are very demanding on what they want relative to how we should proceed. going into our future. so there is not a lot of latitude but there are a lot of personalities. people want to make sure it is the right messenger. >> what somebody coming in at this late point? as a strategist, is it too late to come in right now? >> the one rule of thumb is to look at the deadlines in the early key states when you have to file delegates and get your name on the ballot. from that perspective, no, it's not too late. but take a look at rick perry. the fact that he came in less than a month ago. he is wobbly. his organization is still not tight. we don't know about his money yet. so on the one hand, if you have a big name. if you're a sarah palin and you can attract the kind of support and money and pull together the organization, absolutely. if you're chris christie, some other terms of the national audience, you might want to rethink this and take a look at how perry got into the race and see if you really want to go down this road. >> you heard tom cain saying, maybe he would reconsider. what are you hearing? >> i'm bleeg what chris christie is saying. he is handling this really well. when you are when your major donors and party elders and their panty hose are in a knot, you have to be responsive. but he's been responsive without conveying hubris. he is citing his potential issues. he is not being a hamlet about this. this is not cuomo, '88, '92. in or out, in or out. i think there is possibly time unlikely but everybody is playing that dance. >> the president of the united states is beginning to sound off on the republicans. i'll read to you what he said on sunday. he said, has anybody been watching? referring to the republican debates lately. you've got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change. rick perry of texas. you've got audiences cheering at the prospect of somebody dying because they don't have health care and booing a service member in iraq because they're gay. a lot of democrats wanted to become even more outspoken at this point. what do you think, donna? is that smart strategy at this point? >> absolutely. president obama realizes what the republicans have been telling him for almost two and a half years. there's no such thing as bipartisanship. the president has to do whatever what's right for the country, right for the american people. he cannot continue to alienate his supporter in democrats. so he is pivoting to talk about jobs. he is talking about his republicans' opponents. that's the only thing they're offering the american people and he's getting a lot of energy out there. >> get ready because it will get exciting. you have ten seconds. >> to make a political point of the tragedy of 1,600 homes destroyed and countless lives in texas is despicable. even for the worst kind of democratic demagoguery. >> note, guys, get a good night's sleep and we'll continue tomorrow. thanks very much. a looming government shutdown just four days away. flood disaster victims caught in the middle. what they're saying about the political grid lock in washington. >> plus, a unlikely new fight. [ male announcer ] go beyond the brush with listerine® total care. its multi-action formula works to restore enamel, help prevent cavities, and kill bad breath germs for a whole mouth clean. whooo... [ male announcer ] listerine® total care. the most complete mouthwash. the question this hour, are rick perry's 15 minutes up? suzanne writes, one could hope. if they're not, it begs the question. what does perry's general lack of intelligence say about the majority of republicans? joe writes on facebook, they were up an hour ago but somebody forgot to tell the republicans. perry never should have been in the presidential race. it's time for perry to saddle up his mule and go back to texas. these are cold. burt in arizona. i sure hope so. i for one have a hard time trying to figure out why he's even running since he wanted to secede from the union and not be a part of united states at all. pete writes in florida. yeah, they are, but don't worry. etoo dumb to realize it. he'll continue to stun and amoo us us. rick writes from florida. we were told it would be bush's third term if mccain got elected. it's perry who is bush's brother from another mother. and that's certainly no compliment. paul writes, rick perry's 15 minutes were up 14 minutes ago when he first uttered the words social security. and david writes, yes, sir, he's toast and i am happy for it. and doug writes, absolutely, since perry exposed romney has being vulnerable within his own party, the leaders of the establishment republican party are in panic mode now. call are going out to the fat little thug from new jersey. perry is toast. if you want to read more on this, to go my blog. >> thanks very, very much. to our viewers, you're in the situation room. happening now. his opponents and the pundits. the tv comics. they've been giving him a very hard time. our latest poll shows rick perry has some staying power. on the other hand, there are signs republicans may be shopping around for a 2012 alternative. the taliban has a gruesome new weapon that has taken the lives of several new afghan leaders. called the turban bomb. and extraordinary new images from inside the washington monday utility. at the very moment an earthquake shook the nation's capital. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. political news, headlines. all straight ahead, i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." he's taken a pounding for his performance in the republican presidential debates. our latest poll finds the texas governor rick perry still in decent shape. that may not be enough for so many republicans. let to go cnn's jim acosta. he is taking a closer look at what's going on. what are you finding out? >> after turning in a shaky debate performance, getting spoofed on saturday night live, you would think rick perry was in serious trouble will our new cnn/orc poll indicates, you would be wrong. >> our best days are ahead of us. >> the beltway establishment stuck a fork in rick perry last week and called him texas toast. this week it might be nonstick rick. there may be slicker candidates and there may be smoother debaters but i know what i believe in. and i'm going to stand on that belief every day. i will guide this country with a deep, deep rudder. >> perry sometimes rudderless performance had little effect on the latest cnn/orc poll which finds the texas governor out front. some in the country are cutting him some slack. >> i think it is way to early to know or to issue, to pronounce last rites over one performance. >> herald an cain! >> as the results from two nonbinding straw poll among activists in florida and michigan reveal, the republicans are shopping for alternatives. perhaps a contender with more staying power than the perry spoochd on saturday night live. >> he was before -- border patrol! >> and he's asleep. >> did he start a conversation about whether he can be the guy. >> sure. there is some doubt out there will. >> brendan with the tea party organizer freedom works. the race between mitt romney and somebody else. >> there is clearly room for an alternative to mitt romney. it could be rick perry, it could be ron paul. that may explain why the perry campaign is still attack romney for deleting this line from the paper back version of his book. >> we can accomplish the same thing forrer one in the country. >> accusing the former massachusetts governor of flip flopping on whether he would bring his state health care plan to the rest of the country. team romney called that a tall tale. perry can also point to the attention he's getting from president obama who warned his donors at a weekend fund-raiser, you've got a governor whose state is on fire, denying climate change. >> how are you? perry might also brag, he had his gate the donald first. romney somehow evaded the cameras after his meeting. >> the poll finds romney stacks up much better in a head to head match-up with the president. so republicans have something to chew over. do they go with the candidate they like or the one who may have bear shot at beating the president? >> and herman is getting some, i zbhes strength from that straw poll in florida. when all is said and done, how significant is it? >> these straw polls, you know, i think folks have to decide for themselves whether or not they are credible. keep in mind, and i know a lot of ron paul folks will not like hearing this. ron paul has won several of the straw poll. and he is pretty much stuck at 10% in a lot of the national poll. look at michele bachmann winning a straw poll last month in iowa, she is now bat 6% on the cnn/orc poll. while herald an cain has a lot of people revved up about his message, it is an open question as to whether or not this is really going to have some legs long temperature. >> good point. jim acosta, thank you. all week cnn is going indepth on the question of why the u.s. government is so broken. the latest example at the congressional stand-off over disaster relief funding that is threatening, guess what? another government shutdown. after dozens of natural disasters, fema, the federal emergency management agency, is almost out of money. lisa sylvester is looking into tim pact. >> to keep it in perspective, these folks who had their homes destroyed, they lost their belongings and many were counting on federal government disaster relief assistance. now fema's disaster funds are dwindling down to zero. and the agency could run out of money sometime this week. and congress has fail to act. from severe snowstorms hitting new york devastating tornadoes tching down in joplin, missouri, to record flooding in the northeast. there have been more than 80 natural disasters declared in the united states this year, straining the disaster relief coffers of the federal emergency management agency. west pittston, pennsylvania. once a victim of hurricane irene. now a victim of gridlock. the entire first floor of this woman's home was destroyed by flooding. she received $1,300 from fema to cover emergency how ever housing but is still waiting on help from fema to rebuild. >> people have no flood insurance. very little warning to get out of their houses so they have nothing. they're the ones that they need to step in and do something about. they have to stop worrying about shoveling money overseas for different thing. and worry about what's going to in this country. >> fema is scheduled to run out of cash by the end of the week. congressional republicans and democrat are wrangling over short material spending bill. the major hold-up, funding for fema. republicans want to offset additional emergency aid with spending chuts democrats oppose. irwin the national center for disaster preparedness at columbia university says, flood victims shouldn't be used as a political football. >> why americans and american communities are being held hostage by political wrangling which is so far beyond their ability to comprehend. my heart breaks for these people. and i don't understand how the people representing these american communities in congress, or the administration for that matter, is allowing this to even tran spire. >> fema said would it run out of money on tuesday. now the agency says it has a little more money than it thought it did. $114 million. enough to karat through end of the week. that is significant. on october 1, it is a new fiscal year and the agency will be receiving additional funding which could make this entire fight in congress moot. residents here were reeling from mother night. they're still dealing with the second blow, uncertainty. there are variables on what day the woogs run out of money, including the number people seeking assistance. and it also assumes there are no additional disasters in the next few days. the senate was scheduled to vote at 5:30 on a spending package this evening. you can see the senate floor right there, right now. it doesn't include additional fema money. the senators, as inearlier, what they're trying to do, they're hoping this agency can limp along. make it to the end of the week and the start of the new fiscal year when additional funding will kick in. that vote was supposed to happen at 5:30. it has now been delayed. we don't know what the hole-up is. you can see that there is a lot of people really docounting on them to do the right thing. >> they never seem to run out of that $2 billion a week that the united states is spending in afghanistan. but to help the victim of earthquakes and flooding. all that money up in the air. $2 billion a week. more than $100 billion a year the united states is still spending in afghanistan. a lot of question over whether that will have any positive outcome when all the dust settles. i want to move on to that story right. now. there has been a new attack, yes, another attack at the united states embassy in afghanistan. this time from within. shots rang out last night at the embassy's cia annex. let's bring in barbara starr. she is getting more information. what are you learning? >> it is beginning to look like it possibly was a lone gunman shooting from the outside into one of the most secure area in kabul. it was an attack in the heart of cia operations in afghanistan. an afghan employee armed with a gun inside the heavily guarded cia compound, shot and killed an american employed by the cia. u.s. officials tell cnn, the shooter believed to be part of the local guard force, was firing indiscriminately before security guards killed him. just yards from the main embassy, the cia building has its own security. all afghan employee get an initial background check. they pass through metal detectors every day. once inside, only americans typically carry guns, officials tell cnn. it was the third high profile incident in days. first, nato headquarters, and the u.s. embassy were attacked. then a suicide bomber killed the lead negotiator in the taliban peace process. >> you wouldn't have imagined a year ago something like this could happen. and i think these three incidents so close together, regardless of whether or not we find their link, what it does say is that there is not this sense of confidence in the security situation in kabul. >> much of the latest violence is tied to the network based in pakistan. u.s. officials have strongly criticized pakistani intelligence for turning a blind eye and sheltering them in the mountainous bodier region. for its part, pakistan said monday, it wasn't going to change any time soon. >> they believe in the event that chaos returns to afghanistan, they need some sort of safety net. some kind of reasonably supportive, reasonably sympathetic group that could establish control. >> the u.s. insists afghan forces are trying to maintain fragile security, even in the once relatively safe capital. >> they are learning from each incident. and they're adapting. >> u.s. military official insist the afghan forces are getting better. but look, this is not even the first time the cia was attacked. you'll remember back in december 2009, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a remote base in eastern afghanistan. seven cia officers killed in that attack. wolf? >> i keep hearing the u.s. military officers saying, the afghan security forces are getting better. it's been ten years now that the u.s. has been training them, hundreds of billions of dollars spent. when are they going to be able to protect themselves and allow u.s. troops to start leaving? as i pointed out, $2 billion a week in u.s. taxpayer money being spent in afghanistan right now. a lot of americans are increasingly getting frustrated and outraged by that. >> you know, when you ask someone at the pentagon what they will tell you is, a determine attacker, a determined suicide attacker can always get through any defenses. but look know we're now talking dozens of attacks by the network in afghanistan order the last several months. what they have proven is they can penetrate those defenses. make the afghan people feel very uncertain that their own government can even look after them. >> imagine what $2 billion a week could be used for here in the united states right now. people increasingly are asking that question. so we're going to continue to focus on that in the days and weeks to come. thanks very much. as the death toll mounts in syria, we have a heart breaking report coming up on the savage torture and killing of a young woman. allegedly abducted by the syrian regime to trap her activist brother. stand by for that. and is there room for one more republican in the race? 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(laugh) (laugh) new jersey forever chris christie has said no in just about every way manningable when it come to running for president. with the lack of enthusiasm, a lot of gop donors are hoping that no might mean yes. and this time it might in fact. former new jersey governor tom cain has told the national review that christie is quote very seriously considering running. supporters think there is a rare historic opportunity for christie to jump in. here's the thing. chris christie is a rare politician who does what he says. and speaks in plain english. as new jersey governor, he has made tough budgets cuts, taken on teacher unions and other entremplged interests. he is pro-life but not an idealog and he doesn't engage in the more extreme rhetoric of the tea party. as one top republican who watched rick perry's debate performance put it, christie can string a sentence together. unquote. christie's aides tell "wall street journal," the government has release ad relentless stream of call over the last week urging him to run. they insist his answer was still no. there are several reasons christie could decide to sit this one out. he has no national fundraising apparatus. he has been governor less than two years and that limits his record. christie himself has that he doesn't feel in his heart that he is ready to be president. and politico reports, a source close to christie said the governor doesn't think he is prepared on all the issues and is leery of learning on the fly, unlike some of his republican counterparts. here's the question. had sh chris christie join the republican race for the white house? post the comment on my blog or go to my post on the situation room's facebook page. i wish he would get in. i think and he ron paul would make a delightful ticket. >> he said he's not getting in and i believe him. >> he's backed away from that a little bit now. and cain said he is thinking about it. >> that would be the former governor of new jersey. tom cain. let's see. we'll watch very, very closely. thank you. let's move on to some other important news we're following right now including the death toll. it is now said to be close to 3,000 in the syrian regime's brutal crackdown on dissent. today they are trying to make the case in the general assembly blaming foreign intervention. at the same time, there are new accounts of violence in the western province. they report machine gun fire as mourners held a funeral march in another. all of this coming in the same general area where horrifying and heart breaking reports are emerging of a young woman tortured and killed by syrian government security forces. let's go live to our reporter who is watching all this unfold. these are horrible, horrible stories. tell us the latest. >> reporter: they really are, wolf. the story is amongst the most chilling that we have heard come out of syria despite the foreign minister continue to insist the syrian government is simply targeting these armed gangs. they point to story like this as an indication that this government is quite simply lying. july 27th. the last time the family says they saw her alive. they claim she was abducted off the street by syrian security forces. she was just 18 years old. >> translator: my mother received her body from the hospital on september 17th. her brother says in a statement posted to youtube. her body was chopped into four parts. her head, two arm, and torso. >> reporter: we have viewed pictures of what was done to her corpse. they are simply too gruesome to air. not only was her body dismembered and decapitated, bits of her flesh charred. most of it appears to be melted or burned down to the bone. the pictures are among the most horrifying images we have seen come out of syria. they killed the rose, the placards carried by dozens of women in the city. protesting her slaughter and chanting for the downfall of the regime. her crime? her older brother mohamed was an activist. well known for leading demonstrations and treating the wounded. for months, he had been evading the authorities. the family says that the security forces demanded mohamed in exchange for her. on september 10th, the family says mow ham was wounded in a demonstration. he came back to his loved ones a corpse. tortured to death, they believe. >> translator: there were three gunshots in the chest. and one to the shoulder, he states. his arm were broken. there were cigarette burn to his face. the family had just collected mohamed's body from the hospital when doctors told them there was a young woman's body in the morni morgue. a few days later they received her remain. cnn conconfirm what happened and repeated calls were not returned. phillip luther said, quote, if it is confirm that she was in custody when she died, should would be one of the most during cases of death in detention we have seen so far. in confirmed, a chilling indication this regime will stop at nothing to crush those who dare oppose it. >> reporter: and wolf, a family friend and neighbor tells cnn, this was a very impoverished family. programs that is why it is to a certain degree appropriate that they are now at the forefront of this revolution. they have suffered such social injustice and now of course, they are continuing to suffer even more. >> clearly the unrest is continuing, and there were reports of children in a demonstration today. what are you hearing? >> reporter: that's right, wolf. there's video that has been posted to youtube that shows school children partaking in a demonstration. that happening in the province. if you'll remember, it is in that very province where this entire uprising began. we have in the past seen children taken to the streets. their parents saying that they are fully willing to have the entire family take on the risk of what is becoming an increasingly deadly crackdown. in this particular clip we are hearing people calling for the president to be hanged. an increasingly harsh tone being taken. activists throughout the country, especially in damascus, saying it is growing increasingly harder for them to go out and demonstrate because of the security crackdown. because it is so widespread. and because so many of them have been detain or forced to go into hiding. they say they're determine. >> and amidst all of this, mounting call potentially down the road for the syrian president. his top political leaders and military commanders to be tried at the international criminal court for crimes against humanity. war crime, if you will. that movement is gaining strength. we'll check back with you tomorrow. thanks very, very much. meanwhile, as change sweeps across the middle east. is now the time for a palestinian state? a potential showdown looming at the united nations. we'll talk about that and much more with jordan's foreign minister. he is standing by live. without ? or when you're distracted? when you're falling asleep at the wheel? do you know how you'll react? lexus can now precisely test the most unpredictable variable in a car -- the driver. when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer the world's most advanced driving simulator. you engineer amazing. ♪ but not in my neighborhood. ♪ [ female announcer ] we're throwing away misperceptions about natural gas vehicles. more of the vehicles that fuel our lives use clean american natural gas today. it costs about 40 percent less than gasoline, so why aren't we using it even more? start a conversation about using more natural gas vehicles in your community. 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>> in your previous report in your breaking news, you were talking about avoiding a government shutdown here and in your earlier report, announcing the segment, you were talking about the possible showdown at the united nations. i hope to deviate from the rhyme and tell that you perhaps this is a call to action by everybody. if i go back to the rhyme i will say we're all required to get down to some serious work. the peace process is not dead. but i think that we've had too much process and not enough peace as his majesty king abdullah ii said. i think there is a call by the general assembly to try on the one hand, as the quartest statement said right after the announcement, that they took note of the palestinian application for statehood. but at the same time they set a time frame for negotiation. for the first time, we see a clear cut statement talking about a preparatory meeting between the parties within 30 days. immediate discussion and an end to discussion by the end of 2012. so i think we have to work on multiple tracks and at the end of the derrek i think there is a consensus out there that the palestinians deserve their statehood. and that the middle east, israel and the arabs deserve to live in peace. >> at least so far, the palestinian authority mahmoud abbas said until israel stops building settlements on the west bank, they won't accept that relevant dags from the so-called quartet, the u.s., russia, the eu. >> let me answer this question in a different way. if you go back to the quartet statement, you're talking about a beginning of a discussion on board security within three months. and clear progress within six months. when you talk about borders and security, wolf, and you're an expert on the region having lived this conflict with all of this over many decades. when you set the borders. you agree on the borders. then the settle many issue is retroactively resolved. they are illegal, illegitimate. but tame, i think we have all final issues around the table. security, water,ering. i think settle many is part of that. provocative action. unilateral provocative action, particular by by israel. something that will happen in negotiations. i think if we are going to enter into those process in earnest, we should avoid these provocative actions. >> we recently saw the sim in cairo looted and stormed. you're familiar with that. we also saw some massive demonstrations in amman, israeli diplomats weren't there. apparently they were evacuated. what is your relationship with israel like today? >> it could be better but we have diplomatic relations. and we of course, abide by the vienna convention like we expect that all the countries that we have diplomating you relations with will abide by that. at the same time, the pressure is on and the entire middle east. if you look at israel today, it is becoming more and more isolated. look at the tensions as you mentioned with the region. look at the tensions with turkey work the palestinians. at the end of the day, you can read between the lines of. we're committed to our peace treaty with israel. but at the same time, we need to see serious tangible progress on giving palestinians their inalienable right to statehood. as part of the conference so israel can be part of the region. not just in the region. >> let's talk about your neighbor to the north. syria. nearly 3,000 people have been killed. the syrian regime is crack down brutally as you saw. i don't know if you saw the report but it's horrendous doufl agree the united states and so many other countries. it is time for him to simply go away? >> wolf, we in jordan don't call on leaders to step down. that's something that is entirely up to the syrian people. allow, t however, the picture that we've seen are gruesome. we've seen many others. our position in yojordan, it's something that we are very proud of. we don't export that. we think it works on the ground. since you and i last talked in january, i think you've seen the time line, the bench marks that we've set for ourselves. we've done everything that weapon. so at the end of the day, what i want to say is our position is clear. serious reforms are needed. there were two meetings syria and the recent weeks, and i think that what we are seeing is a continuation of what we don't want to see. >> it's a mess. war crimes potentially for assad. crime against humanity. we're hearing more and more about that possibility. we'll have another report tomorrow on what's going on in years. i can't you'll be fascinated, maybe deeply aroused and concerned by what's going on. foreign minister, as usual, thanks very much for coming into the situation room. >> thank you. >> the foreign minister of jordan. thank you very much. taliban suicide bombers have a gruesome new weapon. we'll tell you what it is. will cracks discovered in the washington monument after last month's earthquake keep it closed to visitors? (announcer) everything you need to stretch out on long trips. residence inn. delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service, and want to lay off over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains 5 billion a year from post-office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. 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[ male announcer ] no matter what the future holds, we're making tomorrows people can count on. what can we make with you? transamerica. transform tomorrow. we're getting a first look inside the washington monument when the earthquake struck in august. the monument has been closed ever since. brian todd is back. we finally got some video as well. >> they won't know exactly when the time line is for reopening until they finish the external assessment. that starts tomorrow. another dramatic development. take a look at the video that the national park service releesd. very dramatic from inside the monument. you see the park ranger there. very dramatic shaking. she looks up. tries to assess what's going on. clearly, she can tell something is happening. then you'll start to see debris fall. there was one park ranger and about 12 tourists, we believe. there you see the debris falling. someone getting knocked down. it appears to be a woman getting knocked clearly right off her feet there. one park ranger, 12 tourists inside that top compartment in the building when it started shaking. nobody seriously hurt. you did see that woman get knock off her feet by the debris. look, the shaking go on. we timed it out. when we felt it here at the d.c. bure over cnn, we thought it might have been 20, 30 seconds. by this camera it lasts clearly much longer than that. the shaking is clearly still going on. the way park service officials talk about it, it will be like a commando raid. listen to this description from wja. >> climb letters rappel all four faces of the monument to perform a close range survey of the exterior surfaces. a trained ropes engineering team from wje's difficult access team will install climbing ropes and safety lines on all four sides of the monument. then clip on to those lines and exit the monument from the windows at the observation level. climb up the pyramidian and then descend the length of the monument to complete a close range survey of the exterior. >> if you're in washington or you happen to see some video of this tomorrow, it may look like a commando raid on the washington monument. the good news is it is structurally sound. the bad news is it got some significant damage, an inch and a quarter wide. the joints at the he very, very top of the washington monument where mortar is missing there. a substantial amount of water getting into the monument. we can see apparently sunlight and water creeping in. from that damage to the internal part. they're assessing the external damage tomorrow and they'll be rappelling off this thing. it will be dramatic in and of itself. >> it is indefinitely closed. >> they won't know until mid-october even when they can start. >> they'll keep it closed until she can be sure it's safe. until sbomers in afghanistan have found a new way to hide their explosives. we'll tell you what's going on. taliban suicide bombers have a gruesome and deadly new weapon. the turban bomb. it has taken the lives of several key afghan leaders in recent months. reza has been digging into this story for us on the city of peshawar. >> reporter: july 14th. a suicide bomber killed a senior afghan official at a funeral for president hamid karzai's slain brother. july 27th, a suicide bomber assassinates the mayor of kandahar city. august 19, a suicide bomber targets a government building in helmand province. september 20 ths, another suicide bomber assassinates rannani, the man leading the peace twauks the taliban. four suicide bombings in a little more than two months, all of them targeting some of the most important leaders in afghanistan and they all had one very unusual thing in common. in all four attacks, assailants hid their bombs under their turban. this man is head of the police bomb squad in islamabad, pakistan. his office decoration, decapitated heads of suicide bombers, pictures too graphic to show. he said turban bombs seem to be the newest weapon in the fight. because asking to search the head dress is often viewed as disrespectful. >> would you be comfortable asking tribal elders to remove their -- it's not that easy. with powerful explosives like this c-4, turban bombs can weigh as light as a tissue box and nearly impossible to detect. >> you're telling me all you need to make a bomb that fits in a turban is this little bit of c-4. this detonator. that's it. >> that's it. >> reporter: the power of those explosives on display in this police training video. last month, president karzai called on clerics to condemn turban bombings, calling them an affront to islamic values. >> translator: the bomber was not a follower of god. i condemn all bombings, says this man. whether they're in trousers or turbans. explosives xrk earth that say, the afghan government will have to use more metal deckers. search people and clothing they may not have in the past. until then, they say turban bombs could remain the taliban's most effective new weapon. cnn, peshawar. >> so could turban bombs be a threat to air travel here in the united states? u.s. airport security rules already require all passengers to either pass through a decker or get a patdown. the tsa says it does not conduct ethnic or religious profiling and all travellers are permit to wear head coverings through the security checkpoints. but head coverings are a subject of further searches in private if necessary. jack cafferty is asking, this chris christie, the governor of new jersey, join the republican race for the white house? and when tv technology goes hay wire. [ woman ] my grocery bill isn't wasteful spending. [ woman ] my heart medication isn't some political game. [ man ] our retirement isn't a simple budget line item. [ man ] i worked hard. i paid into my medicare. [ man ] and i earned my social security. [ woman ] now, instead of cutting waste and loopholes, washington wants to cut our benefits? that wasn't the agreement. [ male announcer ] join the members of aarp and tell washington to stop cuts to our medicare and social security benefits. and tell washington to stop cuts can a trading site help make you a sharper trader? mine can. td ameritrade can. they've got trading specialists i can call for help. and paper trading. free practice trading that helps me hone my technique. complex options. and free tutorials. online or in person. can a trading site really make a difference? if it can't, why are you trading there? number one in online equity trades: td ameritrade. trade commission-free for 30 days, plus get up to $500 when you open an account. lisa sylvester is monitoring news in the situation room. what is going on? >> it's a legal set back for michael jackson ds doctor. some one day before he goes on trial for involuntary manslaughter, lawyers will not be permitted to show a video of jackson from march 2009. the defense says the video shows jackson's mental and physical condition but prosecutors say it's irrelevant because it took place four months before his death. take a look at texas governor rick perry. you see them dancing around. this is creating quite a stir on the internet. it's from the ceremony to mark the first day of hanaka. you might remember why is this video making the rounds just now? i guess it proves the point that ppz everyone to see politicians. dancing governor perry. >> that was a while ago. the video is just emerging right now. >> he's a popular guy now. >> popular with the rabbis, i'm sure. thank you. time to check back with jack with the cafferty file. >> the question this hour, should chris chris stooe join the republican race? john writes, i don't think he would fit in. he doesn't seem to be a racist. he may be a reasonable guy. he can get his whole sentence out without come sounding intelligence. nope, doesn't fit in. serious candidates will protect their image and show up in 2016. rather than take on only next year. that including jeb bush and governor christie. rachel in fresno, california, on facebook. i think it would be a great strategic move for the republican party. i'm a democrat and i would certainly consider giving him my vote. i'm sure other democrats feel the same way. dennis said no because he needs more experience. he's young enough that a future race with all of the experience that le gain will eventually give him a good shot. running the state versus the court tr kour country is a big step. >> from little exposure we've had from christie, i'm not sure how it would play out nationally. chicago is my home town. southern women may get the vapors. and rex in oregon says, please join. please. the lunatic and holy rich tycoons are represented. us fat people need represented, too. so go for it. if you want to read more, go to my blog at >> i love our viewers. >> they are just terrific. >> see you tomorrow into what happens when tv graphics simply go out of control. jeannie moose will report. 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Can T Perform ,Elec Ti Le Dysfunction ,Page ,Post ,15 ,Word ,Voting Block ,Electile Dysfunction ,Clever ,Flood Victims Shouldn T ,Poverty ,Blacks ,African Americans ,Bedroom Slippers ,Saturday Night ,Going To Press On ,Me And Press On ,Stop Complaining ,Marching Shoes ,Shake It Off ,Talk ,Let ,Stop Grumbling ,He Hasn T ,Statements ,Doing ,Others ,Fact ,Jobs ,Matter ,States ,Caucus ,Groups ,Iowa ,Something ,Conversation ,Yes ,Why Don T ,Detroit ,Communities ,Conversation It Take Place ,Heard Us ,Speech ,Time ,Complaining ,He Couldn T ,Black ,Needs ,Officials ,White House ,Black Caucus ,Corn El West ,Economy ,Doesn T ,Public Policy ,Organizing ,Room ,Civil Rights Movement ,Likes ,Presidency ,Hasn T ,Concerns ,Three ,Focus ,Radio Stations ,Television Stations ,Unemployment Rate ,50 ,40 ,Youth ,20 ,Need ,Base Constituency ,Community ,Half ,Slippers ,Resources ,Problems ,Pair ,Fighter ,Identity ,Anyone ,Jobs Fairs ,Process ,Spain ,Town Hall Meetings ,Desperation ,Tr Kour Country ,Message ,Job Fairs ,Employers ,Nomination ,Possibility ,Ralph Nader ,Corn Et Wefl ,Line ,Black Caucus Doesn T ,Views ,Idea ,Best ,Discussion ,I Haven T ,Public Policy Makers ,Concern ,Isz ,Constituency ,Grumbling ,Of Jackson ,Earthquake ,Images ,Maxine Waters Works ,Washington Monument P M ,Maxine Waters Didn T Cry ,Woman ,Pakistan ,Plus ,Isn T Wasteful Spending ,Damage ,Supporting ,Key ,Details ,Oman ,Retirement ,Heart Medication Isn T ,Isn T A Simple Budget Line Item ,Social Security ,Benefits ,Loopholes ,Waste ,Wasn T The Agreement ,Medicare ,Cuts ,Social Security Benefits ,Of Aarp ,Tell Washington ,List ,Tv Clebity ,Contenders ,Look ,Coming Up ,Including Perry ,Brian Todd ,Impression ,Photo Op ,Experience ,Media Buzz ,Appearances ,Tea Party Scoconstitue ,Trump ,Must See ,Met Romney ,Hopeful ,Corn Val Barker ,Policies ,Challenges ,Web Video ,China ,Democrats Tooker Issusly ,Trump Aid ,Deficit ,Businessmen ,Trump Wasn T ,Companies ,Connection ,Spring ,Business Skills ,Times ,Net Worth ,Bridge ,Michele Bachmann ,Meetinges ,Stop ,Stars ,Profile ,Mike Huckabee ,Approval ,Stamp ,Purposes ,Career Politicians ,Dissatisfaction ,Addition ,Frustration ,Career Politician ,Interviews ,Messages ,Hammering ,Themes ,Youtube ,Chinese ,Heart ,Shape ,Supporters ,Tea Party ,Red Meat ,Analysts ,Hand ,Raise ,Media Attention ,Reason ,Door ,Tea Poort Eers ,Camp ,Front Runners ,Votes ,Didn T ,Stream ,Al Gore ,Ralph Nader Effect ,2000 ,There ,Web ,Whether ,Eye To ,Security ,Energy Security ,Profile Attacks ,World ,Oil Sands ,Resource ,Thousands ,Oil Reserves ,Hundreds ,Project ,Growth ,Canada ,Kearl ,Breakthrough ,Emissions ,Oils ,Car ,Liberty Mutual ,Life ,Price ,Accident ,Accident Forgiveness ,Guarantee ,Home ,Repairs ,Features ,Office ,Looks ,Insurance ,Drivers ,Policy ,Agent ,Responsibility ,Jurors ,Court ,Appeals ,Snp ,Pictures ,Amanda Knox ,Lisa Sylvester ,Situation ,Storesry ,Trial ,Roo Room ,Murder ,Italy ,Body ,Murder Convictions ,Fighting ,Boyfriend ,Verdicts ,Knox ,2009 ,25 ,26 ,Decision ,Pakistani Army ,Action ,Attacks ,Terror Group ,Arguments ,String ,Take A Look ,Intelligence Agency ,Network ,Accused ,Scapegoat ,Building ,Cracks ,Washington Monument ,Four ,500 ,5 8 ,Monument ,Assessment ,Mind ,Floor ,Bus ,Soil ,Misperceptions ,Pipe Dream ,Transit Buses ,Energy Independence ,Natural Gas Vehicles ,Natural Gas ,Saudi Arabia ,Progressive ,Huh ,The Great Outdoors ,Uh ,Photos ,Phone ,Mitt Romney Go ,Behind Closed Doors ,Sp ,Weren T ,Chances ,Trump Tower ,Anybody ,Nobody ,Debatsdebates ,Meetings ,Wasn T The First Time ,Believer ,Advantage ,Little ,Opec ,Report ,Issuees ,Believe ,Somebody ,Him ,Ideas ,Advice ,Wins ,Picture ,Camera ,Contrast ,Photo Opportunity ,Snafu ,Mitt ,Standpoint ,Either ,Cameras ,Skplin ,Skplarah P ,I Don T Know What Sayral Be Doing ,Debates ,Everyone ,Answer ,It Figure ,Waiting ,Don T Know ,First ,Well ,Debaldebates ,Australia ,Press ,Reporting ,Let S See ,Finest Hour ,Chris Christie ,New Jersey ,Assertions ,Frepd ,Values ,Impact ,Areally Don T ,Property ,Him Running ,Nunl ,Thought ,Everybody Else ,Tom Cane ,Refusal ,Blog ,Situation Room Blog Today ,Surprises ,Sad ,Common ,Clip ,Dnc ,Won T ,Development ,Cut Kut Funds ,Healthcare ,Schools ,Research ,Class ,Plan ,Problem ,Airplane ,America Competitive ,Commercial ,Plane ,Smile ,Leader ,Drive ,Zeal ,Forbs 400 List ,2 9 Billion ,128 , 9 Billion ,400 ,Company ,Low ,Numbers ,Try ,I Don T Know ,Assumption ,Least ,Snrs ,2 4 Billion ,Strategy Session ,Repeat ,Jumping ,Quicken Loans ,Swrel ,Smartphone ,Home Loan Review ,Phones ,Android ,Magic ,Coast To ,Spartan Touch ,Politicalis Politicalists ,Joings ,Rudy Giuliani ,John Kerry ,Howard Dean ,Wesley Clark ,2003 ,September 2003 ,Volatility ,John Mccain ,Energy ,Side ,Uncertainty ,Coverage ,Momentum ,Tea Leaves ,Case Argument ,Detractors ,Personalities ,Spin ,Pejorative ,Philosophy ,Base ,Independents ,Conservatives ,Latitude ,Messenger ,Strategist ,Rule Of Thumb ,Perspective ,Name ,Delegates ,Deadlines ,Ballot ,Money ,Organization ,Tom Cain ,Road ,Saying ,Party Elders ,Knot ,Panty Hose ,Bleeg ,Hamlet ,Conveying Hubris ,88 ,92 ,Everybody ,In Or Out ,Sunday ,Dance ,Audiences ,Fire ,Health Care ,Service Member ,Prospect ,Booing ,Climate Change ,Strategy ,Donna ,Supporter ,Pivoting ,Bipartisanship ,Homes ,Opponents ,Tragedy ,1600 ,Ten ,Lives ,Note ,Night ,Sleep ,Guys ,Democratic Demagoguery ,Government Shutdown ,Victims ,Fight ,In Washington ,Flood Disaster ,Brush ,Formula ,Breath Germs ,Listerine ,Total Care ,Help Prevent Cavities ,Restore Enamel ,Care ,Mouthwash ,Whooo ,Say ,Intelligence ,On Facebook ,Majority ,Suzanne ,Joe ,It S Time ,Mule ,Burt ,Arizona ,Etoo ,Union ,Don T Worry ,Amoo ,Pete ,Mother ,Brother ,Compliment ,Term ,Toast ,Sir ,Words ,Absolutely ,David ,14 ,Call To Action ,Leaders ,Party ,Thug ,Panic Mode ,Viewers ,Pundits ,Tv Comics ,Staying Power ,Alternative ,Taliban ,Latest Poll ,2012 ,Weapon ,Turban Bomb ,Nation S Capital ,Inside The Washington Monday Utility ,Around The World ,Orc ,Jim Acosta ,Pounding ,What S Going On ,Debate ,Getting Spoofed On Saturday Night Live ,Debaters ,Nonstick Rick ,Fork ,Him Texas Toast ,Beltway Establishment ,Deep Rudder ,Belief ,Effect ,Front ,Slack ,Rites ,Activists ,Contender ,Alternatives ,Reveal ,Results ,Saturday Night Live ,Perry Spoochd ,Border Patrol ,Doubt ,Guy ,Will ,Tea Party Organizer Freedom Works ,Brendan ,Book ,Paper Back Version ,Perry Campaign ,Somebody Else ,Team ,Health Care Plan ,Forrer ,Flip Flopping ,Massachusetts ,Tall Tale ,Weekend Fund Raiser ,Attention ,Gate ,Head ,Bear ,Folks ,Strength ,Herman ,Significant ,Several ,10 ,Bat ,Temperature ,6 ,Syrian Government ,Stand Off Over Disaster ,Example ,Indepth ,Dozens ,Natural Disasters ,Tim ,Agency ,Disaster Funds ,Counting ,Disaster Relief Assistance ,Belongings ,Zero ,Flooding ,Tornadoes ,Snowstorms ,Missouri ,Joplin ,Disasters ,Victim ,Northeast ,Disaster Relief Coffers ,Pennsylvania ,West Pittston ,Hurricane Irene ,80 ,Help ,Emergency ,1300 ,300 ,Ones ,Flood Insurance ,Warning ,Spending ,Wrangling ,Hold Up ,Emergency Aid ,Cash ,Disaster Preparedness ,Football ,Spending Chuts ,Irwin ,Columbia University ,Administration ,Hostage ,Spire ,14 Million ,114 Million ,Fiscal Year ,Residents ,Karat ,1 ,October 1 ,Assistance ,Blow ,Run Out ,Mother Night ,Variables ,Woogs ,Evening ,It Doesn T ,Senators ,Spending Package ,Inearlier ,5 ,Hole Up Is ,6 Billion ,2 Billion ,Earthquakes ,Money Up In The Air ,100 Billion ,00 Billion ,Attack ,Embassy ,Outcome ,Shots Rang Out Last Night ,Dust Settles ,Barbara Starr ,Information ,Gunman Shooting ,Outside ,Cia Annex ,Employee ,Cia ,Compound ,Area ,Gun ,Kabul ,Shooter ,American ,Guard Force ,Firing ,Security Guards ,Background Check ,Guns ,Cia Building ,Suicide Bomber ,Tell Cnn ,Peace Process ,Negotiator ,Profile Incident ,Nato Headquarters ,Incidents ,Security Situation ,Wouldn T ,Link ,Confidence ,Sense ,Region ,Violence ,Much ,Turning A Blind Eye ,Bodier ,Safety Net ,Chaos ,Sort ,Forces ,Group ,Learning ,Control ,Capital ,Military ,Incident ,December 2009 ,Officers ,Afghan Security Forces ,Billions ,Troops ,Taxpayer ,Suicide Attacker ,Defenses ,Regime ,Meetings Syria ,Activist Brother ,Death Toll Mounts ,Killing ,Torture ,Supply ,Hit ,Chain ,Stand By ,Logistics ,Clearing Customs ,Hair ,Boards ,Chips ,Flat ,Shanghai ,Technology Ups ,Kasey ,Come On In ,Kristin ,Ford ,Edge ,Technology ,Edges ,Design ,Laugh ,Has ,Enthusiasm ,Running ,Opportunity ,Review ,Politician ,Interests ,Budgets Cuts ,Teacher Unions ,Plain English ,Entremplged ,Sentence ,Debate Performance Put It ,Christie S ,Rhetoric ,Aides ,Idealog ,Unquote ,Wall Street Journal ,Fundraising ,Politico Reports ,Source ,Apparatus ,Record ,Counterparts ,Comment ,Fly ,Bit ,Ticket ,Death Toll ,3000 ,Crackdown ,Accounts ,Intervention ,Assembly ,Dissent ,Western Province ,Reports ,Funeral March In Another ,Machine Gun Fire ,Mourners ,Reporter ,Most ,Latest ,Stories ,Foreign Minister ,Indication ,Gangs ,Family ,July 27th ,27 ,Translator ,Hospital ,Parts ,September 17th ,17 ,Corpse ,Arm ,Bits ,Torso ,Flesh ,Down To The Bone ,Rose ,Crime ,Mohamed ,Women ,In The City ,Activist ,Chanting ,Placards ,Downfall ,Slaughter ,Demonstrations ,Mow Ham ,Wounded ,Authorities ,Exchange ,On September 10th ,September 10th ,Demonstration ,Death ,Loved Ones ,Shoulder ,Chest ,Gunshots ,Doctors ,Face ,Cigarette Burn ,Calls ,Morgue ,Cnn Conconfirm ,Cases ,Detention ,Phillip Luther ,Neighbor ,Dare ,Family Friend ,Programs ,Degree Appropriate ,Forefront ,Unrest ,Revolution ,Injustice ,Children ,That S Right ,School Children Partaking ,Province ,Parents ,Streets ,Happening ,Uprising ,Risk ,Security Crackdown ,Damascus ,Commanders ,Hiding ,International Criminal Court ,Crimes Against Humanity ,Palestinian State ,Showdown ,United Nations ,Middle East ,War Crime ,Movement ,Jordan ,Asleep At The Wheel ,Perfection ,Driver ,Variable ,Driving Simulator ,The World ,Lexus ,Vehicles ,Neighborhood ,Aren T ,Gasoline ,Awwwwwwww ,Gnome ,Stephanie ,Jenny ,Tiffany ,Move ,Customer Support ,Booking ,Pony ,Pool ,Travelocity ,Didn T Book ,24 7 ,Trip ,Power ,City ,Size ,Singapore ,Projects ,Chevron ,Planet ,Agreement ,Let Go ,Series ,Change ,Shutdown ,Harry Reid ,Disaster Relief Funding ,Big Battle Over ,Voting ,Table ,Clean ,A Clean Continuing Resolution ,November 18th ,Voice Vote ,Language ,Complex ,Serious Business ,Statehood ,United Nations Security Council ,Session ,Closed Door ,Negotiations ,Peace Treaty ,Israel ,Argument ,Peace Deal ,Mr ,Minister ,Jordanian ,Breaking News ,Palestinians ,Israelis ,Rhyme ,Segment ,Peace ,Abdullah Ii ,Majesty ,The General Assembly ,Quartest ,Announcement ,Negotiation ,Application ,Frame ,Tracks ,Parties ,Cut ,Derrek ,Consensus ,Arabs ,Palestinian Authority ,West Bank ,Mahmoud Abbas ,Quartet Statement ,Quartet ,Dags ,Eu ,Russia ,Borders ,Progress ,Expert ,Conflict ,Six ,Eillegitimate ,Water ,Ering ,Actions ,Sim ,Cairo ,Amman ,Convention ,Relationship ,Relations ,Diplomats ,Countries ,Pressure ,Diplomating You Relations ,Tensions ,Between The Lines ,Turkey ,Conference ,Right ,Crack ,North ,Doufl ,Don T ,Position ,Ground ,Yojordan ,Time Line ,Everything ,Bench ,Weeks ,Reforms ,Continuation ,Mess ,War Crimes ,Humanity ,Usual ,Suicide Bombers ,Visitors ,Service ,Offices ,Medicine ,Packages ,Trips ,Mail ,Residence Inn ,Law ,Workers ,Bears ,Revenue ,Burden ,Losses ,5 Billion ,100000 ,2006 ,Cellphone Rings ,Movie ,Monica ,Simplicity Card ,Bigger ,Location ,Fee ,Anywhere ,3 ,Penalty Rate ,Worries ,Fees ,Citisimplicity Com ,Baby Room ,Congratulations ,Holds ,Z ,Gonna Renovate My Son ,First Look Inside The Washington Monument ,Shaking ,Video ,Park Ranger ,National Park Service ,Releesd ,Tourists ,Tries ,Debris Fall ,Debris Falling ,12 ,Compartment ,Feet ,Shaking Go On ,Debris ,Bure ,Commando Raid ,Description ,Survey ,Faces ,Ropes Engineering Team ,Letters ,Surfaces ,Difficult Access Team ,Wja ,Wje ,Climbing Ropes ,Safety ,Sides ,Windows ,Length ,Exterior ,Pyramidian ,Bad News ,Joints ,Sunlight ,Mortar ,Amount ,Water Creeping ,Safe ,Rappelling ,Sbomers ,Explosives ,City Of Peshawar ,Reza ,July 14th ,Hamid Karzai ,Afghan ,Official ,Funeral ,Mayor ,Kandahar City ,19 ,August 19 ,Suicide Bombings ,Government Building ,Ths ,Helmand Province ,Assassinates Rannani ,September 20 ,Assailants ,Bombs ,Turban ,Pictures Too Graphic ,Heads ,Police Bomb Squad ,Islamabad ,Turban Bombs ,Elders ,Dress ,Bomb ,Flight ,Tissue Box ,C 4 ,4 ,Clerics ,Police Training Video ,Detonator ,Display ,Islamic ,Bomber ,Turban Bombings ,Bombings ,God ,Affront ,Follower ,Turbans ,Trousers ,Metal Deckers ,Clothing ,Explosives Xrk Earth ,Airport Security ,Decker ,Threat ,Air Travel ,Passengers ,Coverings ,Security Checkpoints ,Profiling ,Travellers ,Patdown ,Searches ,Subject ,Tsa ,Tv Technology Goes Hay Wire ,Td Ameritrade ,Trading Site Help ,Trader ,Can ,Practice Trading ,Paper Trading ,Technique ,Trading Site ,Trading Specialists ,Options ,Tutorials ,Difference ,Account ,Equity Trades ,Trade ,Number One ,00 ,Set ,Michael Jackson ,Ds Doctor ,Defense ,Manslaughter ,Lawyers ,Shows Jackson ,March 2009 ,Condition ,Prosecutors ,Internet ,Rounds ,Stir ,Ceremony ,Hanaka ,Politicians ,Ppz ,Rabbis ,Racist ,John King ,Doesn T Fit ,Nope ,Chris Stooe ,Image ,Jeb Bush ,2016 ,2016 Rather ,Rachel ,Fresno ,Dennis ,Way ,Gain ,Shot ,Step ,Exposure ,Vapors ,My Home Town ,Chicago ,Oregon ,Fat People ,Tycoons ,Out Of Control ,Jeannie Moose Will Report ,Tv Graphics ,Car Replacement ,Accident Doesn T ,Tires ,Auto Insurance Product ,15000 ,Auto Insurance ,Copies ,Alcoholism ,Addiction Cure ,Ssagesmalibubook Com ,Jeanne Moos ,Trailer Headed Northbound On I 5 ,Television Technology Turns Amuck ,Jeep ,Anchors ,Crosswalk ,Pedestrians ,Giggles ,Blooper ,Ellen Degeneres ,Weather Graphics ,Show ,Vehicle ,Dr ,Drew ,Local Foco ,9 ,School ,Robo Cams ,Monday Morning ,Back ,Motorcycle Rocking Chair ,Bluejays ,Yankees ,Cup ,Boy ,Wrong Button ,Down ,Governments ,Checking ,Floor Manager ,Florida Constitution ,Leon ,Tv Camera ,Tv ,Rampage ,Danish ,Cable Tv ,Laugh Track ,Danger ,New England ,Programming Note ,Rob Bat ,North America ,On Cnn ,Will Federal Disaster Relief ,Twist ,

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