Trick . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. We begin with a disturbing new alarm about possible terror attacks inside the United States. The Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson warning isis is using the internet and social media to reach inside the u. S. Homeland inspiring wouldbe terrorists to strike in his words at any moment. Homeland security alerting police and sharive ares across the United Nations such attacks could come with little or no warning. Members of the public asked to be vigilant going about their normal business. In a cnn exclusive, saudi arabias new foreign minister is right here in the situation room. Ill ask him about the Terror Threat as well as the deepening chaos in the middle east. Correspondents and experts working sources standing by with new information on the Terror Threat. Lets get the latest from our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. Reporter wolf good evening. The question now is has the internet become virtually a Weapon System in isis war . There are a lot of Administration Officials increaseingly concerned about this believing isis viral on the internet inspiring and directing attacks that way, that lone wolves could strike with very little warning. The secretary of Homeland Security jeh johnson talking about it all weekend. Listen to a little of what he had to say. Wee definitely in a new phase of the global Terror Threat where the socalled lone wolf could strike at any moment. Reporter now this concern about the lone wolf attack is growing across the country. In the latest development, the new York City Police commissioner bill bratton, just a short time ago, talking about he wants to hire 400 additional new York City Police officers to deal with his Counterterrorism Operations because of the growing threats. Wolf . Barbara starpr at the pentagon. Thanks very much. The white house going out of its way to deny president obama suffered a serious setback in the war on terror. Saudi arabia announced its king is skipping a summit of gulf state leaders here in the United States this week. The president insists this isnt a snub. Bring in senior White House Correspondent jim acosta with more. Reporter wolf the president and aides are pushing backwards to push back this is is a snub but the white house also says it only found out this weekend that the king of saudi arabia was pulling out of the summit. Saudi arabias king salmon was supposed to be the groun jewel of guest crown jewel of guests invited. A rare lineup of middle east monarchs touted by the president in the rose garden last month. Inviting leaders of the six countries who make up the council. Saudi arabia id arab emirates kuwait amman, qatar and bahrain. Reporter confirms with the white house he was coming saudis informed the administration over the weekend the king will instead be represented by the crown prince adding his absence to due to the timing of the summit. The scheduled humanitarian ceasefire in yemen where the saudis had been conducted air strikes and opening of the kimng Salman Center for humanitarian aid. Leaving only two of six gulf state monarchs slated to come. Not the summit the president envisioned as he trying to ease concerns about the Iran Nuclear Deal. The white house says this is not snub. Speckulation this change in travel plans is a message to the United States. If so that message is not received because all the feedback weve received from the saudis has been positive. Reporter but analysts too study the region say, not so fast. There is an optics problem. This is a rocky marriage and the gulf feels they were not included in the discussions about the iran deal that they were kept in the dark. So its not so much what the u. S. Is doing towards iran but how its going about it. Reporter add to that the president caused further tension tellingal New York Times the gulf states face a greater danger from their own extremists i think the big et threats they face may not be coming from iran invading. Its going to be from dissatisfaction inside their other than country. Reporter the white house had been wooing monarchs with talk of building a Missile Defense system oos a counterweight to iran and days ago sends secretary of state john kerry to saudi arabia where the king is said to be ailing. This guy is 79 years olds. Hes had a stroke. Reporter Administration Officials say privately they do believe the kings health is a fechter in his decision to pull out of the summit. The white house says the president is not disappointed in his guest list for this weeks summit adding the right people are attending. Jim acosta at the white house. Thanks. Joining us exclusively in the situation room saudi arabia newly appointed foreign minister Adel Al Jubeir. First tv interview here in the United States since becoming foreign minister. He was saudi arabias longtime ambassador here in to the United States. Foreign minister thanks for coming in. Thank you for having me wolf. Why isnt the king coming . We explained the situation. We announced a humanitarian ceasefire in yemen that will take Effect Tomorrow at 11 00 p. M. We also the keen on making sure the ceasefire holds and humanitarian supplies sent in quickly and launching the center for humanitarian relief to yemen in riyadh a focal point for coordinating relief efforts in yemen. So the decision it was not a good time to be leaving when we have so many things going on. The king will be represented by his Royal Highness also the minister of interior also participating his Royal Highness the minister of defense. Would have been a much better summit at camp david and at the white house if the king would have come and as recently as friday u. S. Officials thought he was coming . The decision on the ceasefire and timing of the ceasefire was not made until friday evening, and it was after that that the decision was made that the custodian would deputize his crown prince to come to the u. S. Wolf i want to lay to rest the notion of this being a snub or problem in the relationship. You really think theres a ceasefire . We hope it will hold and find out tomorrow night at 11 00 p. M. And hope it will continue so we can send relief supplies into yemen to help the yemeni people. The decision whether or not the ceasefire homicide rests with the houthis and allies. What about the fact hes 79 years old, had ailments . A Health Factor as well . Not at all, wolf. This is in snub or reflects a problem has no basis in fact. The Saudi Crown Prince has always represented the king of saudi arabia and in 2007373 nob thought anybody different about it. The current king crown prince represented the king at the summit in australia last year. With all due respect why accept to begin if he could have deputized the crown prince, others to come instead . Why lead the u. S. To believe he would be here this week . The circumstances in yemen were such it was changing. Our cities attacked the ceasefire announced. Timing of the ceasefire announced. The circumstances have changed. That six leaders were supposed to be here. The president got r. S. V. P. S from all six. Four regrets, two acceptances. That sounds like a snub to me. Leaders from the gulf cooperation council, Sunni Arab States in the gulf fearful of iran decided no the to come to this meeting . I dont think so. In the case of saudi arabia unprecedented we have the crown prince and deputy crown prince attending a function out the kingdom at the same time. The number two and three person in our hierarchy. They one deals with security and interior ministry. The other manages the defense minister. All of the issues discussing at camp david whether counterterrorism enhancing security and millitary cooperation and those two individuals are the key personalities in the kingdom. And youve heard the speculation. This is really about iran. The nuclear deal that seems to be in the works. You dont like it. The uae doesnt like it kuwait doesnt like it bahrain, none of the sunni gulf states like it. You were seeking military assurances Defense Security assurances from the United States in the weeks leading up to this summit and theres a lot of thought out there you werent getting what you wanted. Oos a result, the king said im not coming. Theres a lot of speculation, wolf. Assure you of one thing. First Everyone Wants a nuclear deal air tight, preventing Irans Nuclear ability. Everybody wants this and the first countries that want this are the gcc countries. We would welcome a deal that provides this and that provides assurances that iran will not be able to acquire a Nuclear Capability. The Framework Agreement that has been signed is a Framework Agreement. The details are still to be discussed over the coming six weeks or so. We have been assured by the United States that the u. S. And the p5 plus 1 countries will be everything every deal reached will not have a nuclear waepeapon something we welcome. We have no doubt what so ever about americas commitment to the security of saudi arabia. Thestablished in the security area where the late king met with president roosevelt in 1945 over the past seven decades have never for a moment questioned americas commitment to the security of saudi arabia and seen it play out in the 50s, 60s, 70s 80s saw it when the u. S. Sent troops and liberate from kuwaits occupation and see it today in the Ongoing Operations in yemen. Are you seeking mischer nonnato ally status from the United States as a reassurance in the face of whats going on with the Iran Nuclear Deal . Like i said we are working with the United States in order to take the relationship between the u. S. And the gcc to a higher level. The relationship in fact is at the higher level. Now we have to make sure the policy is the Obama Administration ready to give saudi arabia major nonally status . I cant talk about theistics or details of what will or not happen but what i can assure you is that the relationship especially in the security and military areas is rock solid and both sides are doing, will do everything they can to further strengthen and enhance those ties. All right. Stand by foreign minister. More to discuss. A lot of sense esensitive issues. Much more with the new foreign minister of saudi arabia, right after this. dog mmmmm. 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Save 500 on the memorial day special Edition Mattress with sleepiq technology. Know better sleep with sleep number. Breaking now. The white house denying a snub is involved even though saudi arabia king will not attend the president s summit at carve david with other mubembers of the gulf state this weekend. Were back with adealt al jubeir first tv interview. We just got word president obama calmeded king a little while ago, had a phone conversation. You were in on that call . Yes. Wanted to speak with the president , and able to arrange the call quickly, that happened at 4 00. Who initiated the call . Both sides. The two leaders have a close personal relationship. First met when king salman was crown prince and minister in 2015 first visitfirst 2010 and the first person he heard from becoming king president obama and they speak on the telephone frequently and i think the relationship is a very warm relationship and Mutual Respect and very frank and candid with each other. Did president obama express his regret disappointment the king could not be here . Of course not. Absolutely not. The president expresses understanding for the step that king salman took and expressed welcome for the crown prince and deputy crown prince. Given the circumstances of the ceasefire he understood. The ceasefire is supposed to begin tomorrow in yemen. Do you believe the Houthi Rebels backed by iran backed also by hezbollah, they will honor a ceasefire . I hope so. Entirely up to them. I cant say whether they will or not but we will see. Time will tell. Is iran and hezbollah directly involved in the civil war in yemen . Absolutely no doubt. Houthis received weapons from iranians have advisers from hezbollah. When the houthis first captured sanaa, they released operatives from the jails. What if they dont honor the ceasefire . What will saudi arabia do . Try whatever we can to minimize operations. But if push comes to shush and they shove, no humanitarian pause. How worried are you now about the isis threat to saudi arabia . Obviously u. S. Officials are very concerned about an isis threat to the u. S. Homeland. How strong is isis . Very strong. We see them in ceia, insee syria, in iraq. They are determined to cause mischief and murder people and have to all be very very vigilant in going after them after those who support them and those who finance them. You saw Tom Friedmans interview with president obama in early april. In which the president was very blunt suggesting the real threat to saudi arabia is not iran or other outside parties. The real threat to saudi arabia is internally. Let me play the clip. This is the president speaking to tom friedman. But i think the biggest threats that they face may not be coming from iran invading. Its going to be from dissatisfaction inside their own countries. Now, that disentangling that from real terrorist activity inside their country, how we sort that out, how we engage in the counterterrorism cooperation thats been so important to our own security without automatically legitimatizing or validateing whatever repressive tactics they may employ thats a tough conversation to have but one we have to have. A lot of people were very concerned in saudi arabia and some of the other gulf states when they heard the president speaking like that. Your reaction . I didnt take it as addressing it to saudi arabia in particulars particulars. Weve been developing over the past 70 80 years, double Life Expectancy and reduce infant fatalities and have universal education. When my father was born his Life Expectancy was 37. Passed away at 85 my youngest sisters Life Expectancy was over 70. Doubled in one generation. My father went to school nine of ten of his colleagues were it lit illiterate could noteof go to school. And over 60 of women, graduate students in saudi arabia are women. A country progressing, moving forward, that has been taking care of its people and the proof the gulf monarchies are doing the right thing is the fact that after 2011 all of the convulsions we saul around us did not impact us. Women cant even drive cars in saudi arabia. This is an issue that has to do with the nature of the society and in time this issue will resolve itself. How much time . I cant predict time. Im not a prophet. Are you making progress on that front . Women now without an easyscort without ang uncle, father brother, cannot go out. Thats not correct. More than 50 in colleges are women. Job opportunities, when it comes to ability to have a business obtain credits, have loans, i think women are way ahead of women in other developing countries. When you were here a few weeks ago, still the saudi ambassador to the United States we spoke about iran. You were obviously worried like many others in the region about an Iran Nuclear Program underway. In your words, the kingdom of saudi arabia will take whatever measures are necessary to protect its security. I asked if you were ruling out sewage itself developing a nuclear military capability in the face of a threat from iran. Whats your position now . Still the same. We have we will do whatever it takes to protect our people and our country. We will have to see what is needed in order to do so and make decisions at the right time. You want a good deal with the Iran Nuclear Program. But what if it isnt a good deal . What if it doesnt meet your appreciation, your satisfaction . We have had extensive briefings by secretary kerry and by officials in the Treasury Department about the deal that is in the process of being negotiated. Understand wolf that the deal is not in place yet, and it may not be concluded, but the objectives that they are trying to achieve are objectives that would deny iran the ability to acquire a nuclear weapon. That would have intrusive and continuous inspections on iran unprecedented inspections. In principle, this is something everybody wants, but the details and whether iran will accept the conditions that will be placed upon it are still are still up in the air. The iranians its up to the iranians to make decisions whether or not they want those to accept the details that are offered. So far they havent. One final question. Tens of billions of dollars that iran is going to get, a bonanza. Once the deal is through with sanctions ease lifted. You have a problem with that . Everybody does. We hope the iranians will use any sanctions relief to improve the lot of their people and improve their infrastructure and fear they will use it for nefarious activities and will watch closely. One of the items discussed as camp david, how we can blunt irans interference in the affairs of the countries in the region and look forward to that conversation very much. Adel al jubeir foreign minister of saudi arabia. How do you like your new job . Very busy. Two weeks, right . One week last monday my swearing in. Congratulations once again. Thank you. Good luck to you, Adel Al Jubeir foreign minister of saudi arabia. Coming up north korea releasing new pictures backing up its claim of launching a submarine Ballistic Missile. Is seeing believing. And George Zimmerman wounded. An incident involving the moon who killed Trayvon Martin. Boy once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. One day, it started to rain and rain. Water got inside and ruined everybodys everythings. The house thought she let the family down. But the family just didnt think a flood could ever happen. The reality is floods do happen. Protect what matters. Get flood insurance. Visit floodsmart. Gov flood to learn more. Breaking new, concerns about the homeland. Jeh johnson u. S. Is such attacks could han at any moment his words. Bring in counterterrorism official cnn analyst phillip mudd cnn terrorism analyst paul crewcheck and commentator former commentator mike rodgers. Chairman of houseland security representative mike mccall says Terror Threats are seen in his words on an almost daily basis, and that terrorism has gone viral. Are u. S. Officials right now prepared for this fight against terror and how it has changed . I dont think so. This is the first time in about a decade i personally haveble concern been concerned. Number one, speed. You can transmit this information over the internet and some kid, saw it in colorado can be radicalized in as little as days or weeks by a friend who gets information over the internet the u. S. Intelligence committee does not have the capability to respond that quickly. The second problem is volume. Youre not talking about a few cells radicalizing dozens of people in the United States. Youre talking about cases in 50 states. I think this is going to take a radical rethink in washington. The washington agencies dont own the data. Agencies are companies on the west coast like twitter and facebook do. Somebodys has to bring them in for example, the white house, say, how do we have a Public Private partnership to stop this . I dont think the government can. Good point. Paul talk about the change isis grooming people for attacks here in the United States via social media. Well wolf this has been a very big game changer indeed. Both in the United States and also on this side of the atlantic. In europe. Isis have now been directly grooming extremists to launch attacks. Theyre reaching out to them over social media. Then direct messaging them or finding private, secure ways to message them to encourage them to launch attacks. We saw that with the texas attack where the gunman, elton simpson, encouraged by a british isis hooker in searacker in syria in the days and hours before to launch an attack. The umbilical cord between whats in the United States and isis organization in syria and iraq. Who needs to spearhead, congressman, spearheading this attack against isis right now . You heard former Homeland Security secretary tom ridge say the u. S. In his word much more serious circumstances now than after 9 11 . Well theres a reason for that wolf. The sheer number they call it the threat matrix is so widespread from so many different sources that we didnt have prior to 9 11. Which means the limited resources we have to apply to it get diffused over all of the threats. Thats whats theyre talking about. Secondly now you have a new Communication System that doesnt exist during the 9 11 attacks that allows isis not to just talk directly and recruit somebody to do an act of violence now including the threats recently where we think we can just inspire someone to do it. So youll see more inspirationaltype messaging to American Youth to try to get them to do something that they may not have had even thought through the whole act of that particular violence. Who needs to spearhead, be in charge of his, fighting this new threat here in the United States . Two things. Talking domestically the fbi can only be the fbi. In conjunction with local Law Enforcement. Maintain surveillance onil thousands of people . No. The problem, all of our Intelligence Service partners including the british. By the way, british tell you the waters coming over the bow of boat. Not enough hell to handle the volume of cases, number one. Tells you you have to get them where theyre doing this. The british hacker that was in syria that inspired the texas attack. You dont have to have too many more of these cases showing that this radicalization this inspiration, this planning and operational triggering is happening in syria and iraq. Youre going to have to do something about it. We cant talk about it anymore. We cant admire the problem. We cant say, well this is getting raet bad. 90,000 twitter accounts related to isis thousands of people who are getting at least connected to that message here in the United States. Now is the time to for congress and the president to stand up and say were going to do something where the nest of this problem is. All right. I want everybody to stand by. Well have more on this new isis Terror Threat coming up. Also Important Note to viewers out there for an indepth look at isis watch Fareed Zakarias hourlong special, blindsided. How ices shook the world. 9 00 p. M. Eastern, only here on cnn. Isis shook the world. Coming up the man famous for killing Trayvon Martin has yet another runin with the law. George zimmerman involved in a new shootings we have detail. And north korea claims to have fired an underwater Ballistic Missile. What do the pictures really tell us . If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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Reporter wolf incredibly significant and theyve really use an old term thrown the book at him. We were thinking that would be the case. The nfl was not pleased on two fronts. One, the original of course cheating from the welsh report there had been this cheating and obviously as everyone knows, also the fact that the patriots and especially tom brady had not cooperated completely with the investigation. That also rankled the National Football league and it is not a surprise at all it is four games. Incred beforably significant. Highest profile star in National Football history to receive this kind of suspension but sends a message loud and clear from the National Football league they wont tolerate cheating and lack of cooperation not only from brady but also the patriots. The conclusion of that report you know by the attorney who was retained by the nfl sort of said probably wasnt 100 definitive and some people are probably going to say, fourgame suspension too severe. Others will say they want him suspended the whole season. You think four games is enough . Reporter i do wolf. Its a significant penalty and totally understand that conversation. And people will have to for sure talking about up a sporting events and obviously anything related to sports as this is. I understand the conversation. The preponderance of the evidence more probable than not, that tom brady knew this was more like a civil suit as opposed to a criminal suit. That will always bother some fans. Probably patriot fans some of them. A lot of people in new england were not pleased when they read the report and Patriots Fans should be given credit. Internet polling shows they were not pleased with tom bradys behavior, but the reality is that the big takeaway for me is that the National Football league has spoken in a huge way and said this is unacceptable. You are not going to be able to do this. Cannot do this and also have to participate in any investigations and, again, the patriots and tom brady were not entirely forthcoming, for example, brady keeping his phone records and his Text Messages to himself. Not sharing those with his investigator. The statement the nfl released among other things set Quarterback Tom Brady will be suspended without pay the first four games, of the 2015 regular season for conduct detrimental to the integrity of the nfl. Brady may participate in all offseason Training Camp and preseason activities including preseason games. I dont know if you know the math. How much hes making. Four games. Could are several Million Dollars hell have to forfeit. Right . Reporter absolutely. Not looking now at what hes making, unfortunately. Thats a lot of money. I know that thats the issue here. Its that when you think of money and think of multimillionaires wolf so many of these players are. Kind of roll our eyes and say, yeah right. Okay. Whats that worth . Playing time for a 37yearold is incredibly valuable and the idea that youre taking away games at this point in tom bradys career thats worth more than the price of gold. And, again, thats why this is so significant. That the nfl is taking away the thing most precious to tom brady. That is playing time towards the end of his career. And, again, patriots super bowl champ, you well know and they are scheduled to play the Pittsburgh Steelers in the home opener in their home opener a big deal. The nfl, the big bash. Season opener. Brady will not be there and then miss three more games. Thats a big hit for him and for the team. Hold on a moment christine. Rachel nichols is joining us. Rachel, your reaction to this decision and i assume the commissioner Roger Goodell personally authorized it, that brady will not play for the first four games of the season. This Upcoming Season 2015 will be suspended without pay. That the patriots will have a 1 million fine. Theyll give up their firstround draft pick. Your reaction . Reporter this is the nfl putting fullface in their investigation. Christine mentioned making statements not just about breaking the rules but impeding an nfl investigation, and i dont think theres any mistake that that is part of this punishment. They want to send a message twofold. First of all, to other teams and players around the league. Even if it is not in a sense that is going to have is a huge impact on a game and, of course as many Patriots Fans have yelled and screamed over rts past few months the inflation rate of a football at that degree of measure is not going to have a huge impact on a game but they want to make sure every player around the league understands. You cannot break the rules. The rules of the competition are the rules. You cannot bend them. Cannot break them. The second message they are sending with the harsh level of punishment is once we sit you down to talk to us you need to answer. Several points throughout this investigation that the investigators ted welsh felt he wasnt getting the answers he wanted. Tom brady not turning over phone records was part of it and other steps they didnt feel full cooperation and the nfl wants to send the message here once we go down this path with you, you better answer all of our questions, otherwise, the penalty you fear from maybe what answers you give us youre getting it anyway. Rachel the commissioner authorized the nfl executive president roy vincent to impose these penalties and then in a separate letter from troy vincent to tom brady, vincent writes this reading a couple sentences for you and viewers. Christine Pay Attention as well. With respect to your particular involvement, the report established that there is substantial and credible evidence to conclude you were generally aware of the actions of the patriots employees involved in the deflation of the footballs and that it was unlikely that their actions were done without your knowledge. Moreover the report documents your failure to cooperate fully and candidly with the investigation including by refusing tro produce electronic emails texts et cetera despite offered extraordinary safeguards by investigators to protect unrelated personal information by providing testimony that the report concludes was not plausible and contradicted by other evidence. Those are pretty strong words, rachel, right there. They basically are saying, youre going can to be suspended without pay for four games, because you didnt cooperate with the investigation. Reporter absolutely. When he talks about extraordinary measures, this is the conversation between investigators and tom bradys representatives and they tried to negotiate over this. Wanted phone records from tom brady. Bradys people came back said excuse me. Hes tom brady. A huge american celebrity. Married to a supermodel. We dont want to just turn over every phone conversation every text message hes ever had. This leaks out, salacious to the american public. Not fair. Investigators says youre right. Isnt fair. We understand reserve angss there. They actually offered tom bradys counsel the opportunity to voluntarily hand over any Text Messages or email communications that they thought was relevant. So youre basically saying to tom bradys people you want to hide something from us . Hide it from us. Give us anything that might be re vents and they were looking for, hey the day of of a this report came out, did he text his dad . Text his friend . Text his agent say, can you believe this . This is is ridiculous. I would never do this . They just wanted anything. Anything that would help paint a picture for them. Maybe stuff only favorable to tom bradys side. The he of opportunity they offered him and tom bradys acts and lawyers decided that wasnt smart. Now, we had tom bradys agent on cnn and asked that question. Why not even a limited number of Text Messages . Why not turn over the things that are favorable in tom bradys favor . He said we didnt want to set a precedent for other nfl players to hand over private information voluntarily was a good idea. Now, there is a lot of information in these investigations that are handed over voluntarily. And that is part of the message the nfl is trying to send here. Guess what . You do have to hand over that stuff, because you are an employee. And theres a difference between a criminal investigation and what the court system and the police do and do not have rights to and what an employer has rights to when they ask their employee to do something. A huge difference. In this case an employer investigating an employee and when that employee does not cooperate, that employer is taking action within its state of business. Going to lose their firstround draft pick in 2016. Nfl, fourthroud selection, 2017 nfl draft and the letter president vincent wrote to tom brady, theyre stinging your actions as set forth in the report clearly constitute conduct detrimental to the integrity and Public Integrity and Public Confidence in the game of professional football. Christine, this is going to be be going to be a serious cloud over tom bradys head going going down the road . I think so, wolf. In the first or second paragraph of any bio ever written by tom brady. He will have many. Im sure hell have a varied career outside of football once finished. This is exactly what you dont want to have happen if youre tom brady. Obviously, selfinduces. The end of your career a punctuation mark have a although next year is going to be fascinating when he misses four games. The patriots will be dealing with this for quite a while. But this is absolutely a huge hit for bradys reputation as mr. Clean, the boy next door the smiling, laughing guy that everyone seemed to like especially people in new england. Im guessing hes not laughing right now. I think this also shows, the National Football league is this is Serious Business to the nfl. The nfl has gone through a lot since last september, as we know. The ray rice elevator video. Its different story entirely than this. Nonetheless, the National Football league is really saying we are sick and tired of the nonsense. Whatever it may be we do not want this behavior. Were in this for the fans and for kids who are watching us. I think you can take that seriously now. They seem to be taking it seriously now moving forward. Christine brennan, Rachel Nichols, stand by. Well have much more in the next hour. I want to move to another major story were following right now. A chilling new report from north korea which claims to have test fired a powerful Ballistic Missile from a submarine. The claim as neighboring south korea warning we may be nearing a point of no return with the norths nuclear program. Brian, what are you learning . Tonight, officials from the white house, the state department the pentagon are calling on north korea to refrain from provocations. They tell us they are closely monitoring the situation on the korean peninsula. It comes after kim jongun personally supervised what the regime calls a test firing of a Ballistic Missile from a submarine. We have new images from that which u. S. Officials have clearly been examining carefully. He is seen pointed at a nfl launch which north korean Officials Say he ordered, beaming with pride. Tonight, kim jonguns regime claims it successfully test launched a Ballistic Missile fired from a sub. Once u. S. Official says this was not a real Ballistic Missile test but a simulated firing. Another says the u. S. Is looking at whether it was photo shopped. First, we see the white that indicates the missile did penetrate the water and later, we see that the missile fired its engine. This to me indicates there was a successful missile test. It was not just a test of the ejection system. Reporter north korea could have a fully operational submarine with a Ballistic Missile within four or five years. Rick fisher says even if this test wasnt all it claimed to be north korea could still put Nuclear Warheads on these missiles could hide the missiles on merchant ships and fire them close to the u. S. Coast. U. S. Officials have said they believe north korea has an icbm that could reach the u. S. West coast. This test came on the weekend kim was expected in moscow for vladamir putins celebration of the end of world war ii. But russian Officials Say kim backed out for internal reasons. The political situation in north korea is not settled and internal security for kim jongun is absolutely necessary before he ventures off into a foreign trip abroad. Reporter Michael Madden says kim is still dealing with the fallout with the enemies he made inside north korea when he executed his powerful uncle at the end of 2013. I strongly suspect he has not attained complete loyalty, not from maybe senior elites, but at the mid level. His uncle had a very powerful political Patronage Network in north korean politics and kim jongun is still dealing with that. Lets dig deeper right now with the former state Department Adviser to north korea and gordon chang. Christian, what about south korea . They say north korea could have a submarine armed with Ballistic Missiles in the next four or five years, what would that mean . Its a big deal because if you step back ten years ago they didnt have a Nuclear Capability they werent very good at Ballistic Missiles and there was no talk about submarine launched nukes. What it really means is not just a threat from north korea but potentially a growing threat from iran syria, pakistan because north korea has a habit of proliferating every major Weapon System it produces. Gordon do you think that photo was photo shopped . No i dont think that it was and i dont think anyone said it was. When you look at it it looks authentic. They were able to do the really difficult things, and all they had to do now are simple things which they can buy from china and russia. How many Nuclear Warheads do you think they have gordon . They probably have about 20. Thats what the chinese said about three weeks ago in that meeting with Stanford University professor and other american specialists. Thats about right. Because the Uranium Program is churning out warheads at the rate of two or three a year if not more. Well stay on top of this story. Coming up here in the situation room, new alarms about an isis terrorist strike on the u. S. Homeland. It could happen at any moment. [car engine] [car engine] introducing the firstever 306horsepower lexus rc coupe with available allwheel drive. Once driven, theres no going back. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. 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With isis terrorists believed to be in the United States a lone militant could attack any time. What message is isis sending to america and a new video thats just been released. Putin on a show. The russian leader marches troops and Nuclear Missiles through red square as john kerry heads to russia for a meeting with putin. Is there a way to fix the fractured relationship between moscow and washington . And zimmerman is fired at and injured as a dispute escalates s escalates. Who is the man police say had the gun . Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Were following breaking news. The National Football league just announcing that new England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady will be suspended for the first four games of next season as punishment for the deflate gate scandal. The team is facing fines and punishment. Were following the isis threat and the new warning by the Homeland Security secretary that a lone militant could attack any time. U. S. Military bases are ramping up security over concern of a possible attack. Were covering that story with our correspondents and our guests including a key member of the House Armed Services committee. Lets begin with barbara starr. She has more on the isis threat. What are you picking up barbara . Reporter tonight, wolf there is a new intelligence assessment about the fate of the leader of isis. U. S. Intelligence believes the isis leader al baghdadi remains in charge. Theres no intelligence indicating hes been injured in a recent Coalition Air strike despite press reports. The u. S. Has identified these men as potential successors. Theres no shortage of supporters on the ground or online. The latest this video from a fling proisis hacking group. Threatening a cyber attack is coming. The thing i always look for, at what point do groups decide that they need to move from viewing the internet as a source of recruitment as a way to spread ideology. Do we see it more from that, viewing it as a potential weapons system . Reporter those attacks are toughest to detect especially when the internet can so easily recruit isis sympathizers. You have a lot of people springing up in various areas around the world that are all interested in joining this organization. Reporter the move to isis going viral online, even inspiring the attack in texas, is as worrisome for the u. S. As what is happening in syria and iraq. Were very definitely in a new phase in the global terrorist threat where the socalled lone wolf could strike any moment. Reporter that threat from the internet giving the authorities less time to catch the terrorists. Because of the use of the internet we could have little or no notice in advance of an independent actor, attempting to strike. Reporter dont miss those words from from admiral mike rogers. Wolf . Barbara thank you. Were following other breaking news. A phone call from president obama to the saudi king who suddenly pulled out of a white house summit of persian gulf leaders this week. Some see the move by the king as a snub of president obama over the nuclear deal in the works with iran. Lets go to jim acosta. Whats the latest youre hearing . Reporter aides to the president are straining to push back on this notion that this is some kind of a snub. They note if two spoke earlier by phone today, just days after the saudi mornnonark. Officials confirmed the king was coming but then the saudis pulled out the king pulled out, and will be represented by the crown prince instead and the kings son. The saudis say the kings absence is due to the timing of the summit and the opening of something called the king Solomon Center for humanitarian aid. But bahrains king also announced he wont be attending. That is not the summit the president envisioned as hes trying tos concerns who are far from convinced that the nuclear deal will stop tehran from obtaining Nuclear Weapons. Here is what he had to say. Some speculation that this the change in travel plans was an attempt to send a message to the United States. If so, that message was not received, because all the feedback that we received from the saudis have been positive. Administration Officials Say privately they do believe the kings health is a factor in his lastminute decision to pull out of the summit. But the Saudi Foreign minister wolf hes denying that. Either way the white house says the president is not disappointed in his guest list for camp david, adding the right people are attending. And just in a Conference Call that wrapped up here at the white house, one top official here said that they have not picked up a hint of disappointment in the saudis about what is happening with respect to the president s foreign policy. So theyre pushing back hard on this notion that this was any kind of a snub. Jim, thank you. Vladamir putin meanwhile got an unquestionable snub by many european leaders as he put on a massive show of Russian Force just days before hes scheduled to meet with the secretary of state john kerry. Lets go to elise labot. Whats the late west putin . Reporter it was one of the largest displays of Russian Military might since of the fall of the soviet union, a show of force directed at the west. Moscows role in ukraine caused many to skip the party and rain on putins parade. Vladamir putin celebrating russias power and glory. Kremlin pa trading more than 16,000 troops and its newest weapons through red scare, to mark the 70th anniversary of the world war ii victory over the nazis and the soviet armys key role in the defeat. Putin was joined by 30 world leaders, including chinas president. But the guest list was more notable for who wasnt there. Europes leaders boycotting their military might. Even the german chancellor in town for the festivities, skipped the parade. The west giving putin the Cold Shoulder as tensions grow over russias meddling in ukraine. Today, the nato chief warned that ukraine is spiraling out of control with clashes in violation of a ceasefire that appears to be in name only. This is a disturbing trend in the wrong direction. Reporter for the first time in two years, since the crisis in ukraine began, the u. S. Secretary of state is headed to russia to meet with putin. In sochi, where putin last sought to project russia as a world power in the 2014 winter olympics. The u. S. Needs putins help striking a nuclear deal with iran, and ending the civil war in syria where hes one of president assads closest allies. This is part of our ongoing effort to talk about these issues where we agree were working together and also where we disagree. Reporter u. S. Relation remain at an alltime low over russias role in ukraine. And putins latest display of military prowess, even more concerning given this recent warning by natos top commanders. Many of their actions are consistent for preparations of another offensive. Reporter there is a sense that putin could be ready to end russias isolation. Hes eager to reaffirm russias role on the worlds stage and secretary kerry is going to be trying to assess whether putin is serious about peace in ukraine of whether he is intent on muscle flexing there in ukraine and throughout europe. A significant meeting, thank you very much elise labott reporting. Joining us now, the democratic congresswoman from hawaii a member of the Foreign Affairs committee and gulf war veteran. Thank you very much for coming in. Lets talk first of all about the message these gulf leaders, by refusing to come to Washington Camp david for the summit what message did the saudi king these other gulf leaders who are not coming what message are they sending . Each of them have their own reasons why they say theyre not going to be here. But the overarching concern that we hear consistently across the board is their concern about this negotiated deal with iran. I think they share the same concern that we all share, and that is making sure that this deal is airtight. Making sure that there are very strong any time anywhere inspection provisions in there that make it so iran is prevented from developing a nuclear weapon. If theyre not satisfied, the last hour we had the new foreign minister of saudi arabia sitting where you are right now, and hes not ruling out the possibility that saudi arabia would go ahead with a Nuclear Weapons program if theyre concerned about the iranian program, if this is not a good deal. Thats alarming. It is and it is understandable given that iran is on their doorstep and this remains a constant concern from each of those countries in the region and to countries around the world. This is where i think its very important for the president and the white house to hear the concerns coming from the countries in the region. And making sure this deal doesnt end up just for the take of being a deal, but making sure its a good deal to make sure iran doesnt get this nuclear weapon. And these gulf states, they also want better security guaranties from the United States making sure they get the weapons they think they could need against iran or others for that matter. Some of them want to be elevated to major nonnato status of the United States. Im not sure they were getting the reassurances that they wanted in advance of this summit. What are you hearing . I think there are mixed messages going around. The concerns we heard from the foreign minister last hour highlighted what many of those concerns are. If we go forward with the picture that were seeing in the middle east with the picture were seeing with iran with this threat of isis continuing to grow making sure we have strong partnerships there to work with strong partners who will work with us to defeat enemies like isis and islamist extremist. Congresswoman, we have a bunch more to discuss. Well take a quick break. More right after this. Why do we do it . Why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people . Why are we so committed to keeping you connected . Why combine performance with a conscience . Why innovate for a future without accidents . Why do any of it . Why do all of it . Because if it matters to you its everything to us. The xc60 crossover. From volvo. Lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. Visit your local volvo showroom for details. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. 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Com this is humira at work were following a growing concern over a possible attack by a lone terrorist here inside the United States. Jeh johnson is warning such a terror attack could happen in his words, at any moment. Were back with democratic congresswoman kelsey gabbard. Youve got some military bases in your distribute in hawaii. Theyve got on a heightened state alert. What does that mean . Each of them has gone on this heightened state alert. That mean there is is an increased awareness of a potential threat that could happen theyre check 1g00 of military i. D. Cards. Were seeing this threat become more prevalent here in the United States. When they go on a higher state, they raise it up to threat level bravo, thats expensive, its a major burden. They say theres no specific plot out there, but theres just an abundance of chatter, is that what theyre concerned about . Yeah, i think you look at what are the threats out there and you look at the potential and possibility, making sure we are prepared. In other instances where this fpcon threat has been raised has been on the anniversary of 9 11. They look at situations where there could be a threat of an attack and make sure our military bases are ready and prepared. Thats from people coming in from the outside. There is a possibility that a civilian or military personnel could be radicalized or inspired by isis. You remember major hasan at ft. Hood, texas, he wound up killing fellow soldiers. What do you do about somebody thats already on a base and become an isis terrorist . What happened there on ft. Hood i stood in that exact same build bring he opened fire just a year before he did that attack. That was the outprocessing building for soldiers who were coming back from those long deployments. The key here when you look at social media, the fact that there are tens of thousands of accounts on various social media platforms, different websites where you have people who are recruiting directing terrorist attacks, spreading propaganda these social media accounts need to be shut down. Theres no question the strategy that has been in place in allowing these to go really without check has failed, because were seeing this threat growing here at home this radicalization threat here. What about freedom of speech First Amendment and things like that . People threatening violence terrorists are not protected by the First Amendment. We have to protect and keep the American People safe. The fbi director is a serious guy. He says in the aftermath of what happened in texas, he said i know there are other elton itch simpsons out there. He said its almost as if theres a devil sitting on the shoulder saying kill kill kill all day long. What can congress do about this . Can congress do anything . The federal government needs to do a couple of things. We need to crack down on these websites and shut them down. So youre turning down the volume. Yes, they may look for other places but the point is you want to reduce the amount of propaganda and access that people have towards this islamic extremist terrorist propaganda. The second thing is what that does is it narrows the pool. We need to focus our resources, through the nsa or other federal agencies stop spying on innocent americans across the country. That is counterproductive to us being aible to defeat our enemy and making it so we dont have the resources necessary to focus on the bad guys. So we need to stop spying on the American People as a whole and use those resources in a very targeted way to track down these lone wolves those who are really looking to take action based on this islamic extremist terrorist propaganda that theyve taken. We heard it takes 20 or 30 individuals to do fulltime surveillance on somebody who might be sympathetic, could become radicalized and commit a terror attack and there arent enough personnel to get that job done. Youve heard that. Many times, and that goes back to the point where we are spending hundreds of millions if not billions of gathering and collecting data after spying on innocent americans. Its never been proven to be effective. Zero cases show that this policy in place through the patriot act has been effective in thwarting a terrorist attack and its wasting resources that need to be focused on providing the whats coming. Come on. Make your move. vo beneful healthy weight, a delicious, lowcalorie meal your dog will love. With wholesome rice, real chicken, and accents of vegetables and apples. Beneful. Healthy with a side of happy. We all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. So cvs health is creating industryleading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. It could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. And that would be something worth shouting about. Cvs health, because health is everything. Test. Were following breaking news. A fourgame suspension without pay for the new England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady. He and the team facing serious punishment, a scathing reprimand for the use of deflated footballs. Lets get more details. Joining us Rachel Nichols and cory wire joining us on the phone. Were you surprised by this penalty cory . Actually wolf it was in line with what i was thinking and a couple of other former and current players ive spoken to. The thought was four to six games and that the organization as well should be fined at least if not more than they were at least as much as they were for the spygate scandal, which was 250000 for the organization 500000 for bill belichick. And they did have that loss of the first round pick. As it turns out, wolf it is more for the organization. 1 million fine for the organization, they lost a first round pick next year and a fourth round pick in the draft the following year. Brady being the fourgame suspension without pay. Certainly its understood its justifiable. I think when you really look at this his failure to cooperate, troy vincent said in his statement that his failure to cooperate with the investigation turning over the Text Messages with the investigators what did play into the factor as well so they didnt like the fact that he died. Rachel, were you surprised by this . Is there a serious precedent of punishment like this for the nfl . Its a precedent the nfl wants to make. First cheating is unacceptable no matter the infraction whether matter if its the kind of cheating that wins you an entire game or just gives you a little advantage. They dont want to leave it up to players discretion of how much cheating is okay. They have to draw a line and say no cheating these are the rules. So that is one precedent they have to set. The other precedent is when we launch an investigation into what you have done, you have to answer us. The nfl doesnt have subpoena power, so theyre relying on the employees to tell the truth. Because the patriots did not fully cooperate in the correct shun one of the equipment guys was not made available, tom bradys available was maybe not what the investigators wanted to determine how forthcoming he was. He didnt turn over his electronic communication and tried to make accommodations to keep his communications private, he still said im not interested. So they see that as efforts by the patriots to not fully cooperate. They want to set a precedent there too, wolf because in the future when other teams and players commit offenses they want the players and teams to know if they dont cooperate, whatever you think youre hiding and benefiting by hiding something, the punishment is going to come down on you worse for hiding it than whatever you would have turned over. Can he appeal this rachel . He can. He has three days to appeal. That appeal is either going to be heard by Roger Goodell or a commissioner designee. They can petition to have an outsider to appeal to. We saw that with adrian peterson. In those cases when an outside person has heard the appeal that appeal has usually not gone the nfls way. So i would be curious to see if theyre going to give permission for an outsider to come in because they havent had great experience with this in the past. On appeal would he get some of those games reduced . Maybe he would. Weve seen that again in recent cases a suspension of six games goes to four a fourgame suspension goes down to two games. We shall see. If it stands right now, one of the real ironies is that if tom brady is suspended for four games what game is he going to come back for . For a game against the indianapolis colts. In indianapolis this is a team he played in the afc championship that launched the deflate gate investigation. So well have to see how it plays out. This is not over by any means but a huge blow for the patriots organization. And for tom brady personally. Cory you played in the nfl for years. I want to get your sense on the buzz among players of the suspension, the fine the strong words condemning the patriots condemning tom brady for that matter, especially since the report was not 100 conclusive. They said probably more likely than not. Words along those lines. Whats the buzz among players . The buzz is simply this. I played against the patriots for six years when i played with the bills. I played them twice a year. The general consensus is tom brady is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. I dont think this is going to hurt his legacy. However, like most players, they feel off the field his legacy his character has certainly been tainted. And the reason for that look at the guys he threw under the bus by not admitting to this. Youre talking about two equipment men, two people that work in the locker room that made maybe 30,000 a year who he found out in this report that were suspended last week by robert craft without pay. So they were suspended without pay, not tom brady. Now they are sitting at home on the couch, and maybe never able to return to the nfl again. So his off the field legacy tarnished in my book and those of the players with whom ive spoken. And rachel that letter that the nfl sent to brady those words will hang over him for a long time. Yes. Those are heavy words, basically calling tom brady a cheater. That is something that will not go on his hall of fame plaque but when he has his hall of fame induction and they list off his accomplishments, they will talk about this. Something interesting to notice in this report in a statement from the nfl, they took the patriots past actions, the spygate controversy, into consideration here. This was treated as a second offense. That goes to the legacy question, as well. When you look at the super bowls that tom brady has won, when you look at the patriots record over this last dozen years or so, is the fact that they were twice convicted in the nfl courts of having shady business going to impact how people think of this dynasty . Rachel nichols, coy wire thank you very much for updating us on the breaking news. Other news were following today. The man known for shooting and killing Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman hospitalized in a new shooting. Thats next. 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With xfinity from comcast you can manage your account anytime, anywhere on any device. Just sign into my account to pay bills manage Service Appointments and find answers to your questions. You can even check your connection status on your phone. Now its easier than ever to manage your account. Get started at xfinity. Com myaccount George Zimmerman, the man acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin was injured today when a dispute escalated into gunfire. His lawyer says a car pulled up next to zimmerman as he was driving in stanford florida. The driver someone zimmerman had previously fought with fired at least one shot. Zimmerman wasnt hit but suffered injuries from flying glass. Lets get more with cnn Law Enforcement analyst frederick alexander, don lemon, and sunny hostin. Don, George Zimmermans attorney said zimmerman was almost hit in the head with the bullet. What is your reaction to this latest development of this long saga . Oh my gosh. Theres George Zimmermans version the other guys version, and then theres the real version of it. I have never in my life witnessed someone who has so many issues when it comes to Law Enforcement especially someone who has been in the public eye and who is infamous. I spoke to someone who was deeply involved in the George Zimmerman case and that person said to me she said he should probably leave the country or at least leave the state of florida. I think that would be good advice. The best advice anyone would have for George Zimmerman is just to stay out of the public eye. And he probably should not be carrying a gun at this point. What do you think about that sunny . What is your reaction . Zimmerman was acquitted in the Trayvon Martin death. You know certainly ive seen people with long rap sheets as a former prosecutor wolf. But i think its odd that since he wasni acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman, over and over again, has had violent altercations with other people. In september of 2013 he was arrested for Domestic Violence against his exwife and also against his fatherinlaw, his former fatherinlaw. A couple months later, he was arrested for an aggravated assault and pointing a gun at a girlfriend. The following year there was a road rage incident when he threatened another driver waving a gun. Then we have another incident where he was arrested for Domestic Violence with a girlfriend. Now we have this incident. I will say that i think its victim, yet there is evidence at least from other people, that hes waving a gun at people and being aggressive and being violent. I think thats cause for some concern. Frederick, lets talk about whats going on in hattiesburg, mississippi. Two Police Officers, as you know they were gunned down during a traffic stop this past weekend. Heres a question. Do you remember a time when theres been more violence against police than in the past year . Well its certainly on the uprise. By heart and prayers go out to the family and friends of those officers. Its very painful, having been in this profession over 38 years myself, seeing countless acts of violence towards Police Officers and deaths as well too. But in light of everything thats going on and the questions being raised by police and some of their actions, in light of all that we have to remember, wolf that these men and women put their lives to protect us all every day, and these are two men who,uo49 that particular night, doing their jobs that in the line of duty protecting their community, protecting the citizenry. Im still very troubled and saddened by the loss of two of these officers the more recent loss of these two officers among others that were beginning to see an uptick on this particular year in 2015. First time in 30 years that a Police Officer in hattiesburg, mississippi has been killed in the line of duty. Don, the fbi reports filling a Police Officer in the line of duty up 89 in 2014 over 2013. What do you make of this spike . I dont know the numbers. I take the fbi at their word but in my estimation its always a very dangerous time for Police Officers. Police officers firefighters and the military have the most dangerous job on earth. They give us the luxury of being able to run away from trouble. Especially Police Officers lately, have been beat up in the media and we should be careful about that about how much we report on officers who, you know do things wrong and how much we report on officers who do good things. Officers do untoward things sometimes. Some Police Departments need to be fixed, as we see around the country. But i think that we need to honor our men and women in uniform and that means police uniform, as well. We need to not beat up on them so much and talk about the good things they do. I just walked last week and this weekend just this particular Memorial Service for the Police Officer killed here in new york city. And it reminded us of the danger, reminded me of the danger that Police Officers face every single moment. There is no routine thought whats happening in baltimore over the weekend. Prince held a concert in honor of freddie gray invited the states attorney on stage. Some people are wondering if that was smart on her part giving the fact that shes inviting prosecuting six baltimore Police Officers. S what that a smart thing . I do think that as a prosecutor, someone that is elected in office you have to be very careful in terms of appearances. You have officers defendants now that filed a motion to asking her to recuse herself because of certain conflicts of interest or alleged conflicts of interest. It doesnt help this case, and i dont think it helps the cause of prosecutors when you see this type ofc ee first lady of the United States Michelle Obama, talks about race and says she was held to a different standard. Quiet mom has a headache had a headache but now, i. Dont. Excedrin® is fast. In fact for some, relief starts in just 15 minutes. Excedrin®. Wow, that was fast. [ male announcer ] you wouldnt ignore signs of damage in your home. Are you sure youre not ignoring them in your body . Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. And if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. This is good, mom. Good . chuckles its delicious and this new kibble blend is so healthy. Thank you. 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The story of jeb bush so far in this 2016 race is he is doing well in national polls. But where it really matters, the early primary and caucus states he has failed to break away from the very large republican pack running for president. There are lots of reasons for that but one big one is his name. Invading iraq was the most controversial decision of george w. Bushs presidency. But his brother says he would have done it too. I would have. And so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody. And so would have almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got. Reporter jeb bush was quick to link himself to Hillary Clinton because she voted to authorize the iraq war in 2002. So it is with conviction that i support this resolution. Its vote she later said she regretted. And even jeb bush was quit the cite mistakes in the war that marred his brothers legacy. In retrospect that the world saw, not just the United States, was faulty. Once we invaded and took out saddam hussein, we didnt focus on security first. And the iraqis in this incredibly insecure environment turned on the United States military because there was no security for themselves and their families. Reporter backing the iraq war when your name is bush and you want to be president is Risky Business and jeb bush knows that. Im my own man. And my viewed are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. Reporter but george w. Bush is not the pariah he was when he was leaving Office Especially among the gop base. New poll numbers in iowa show george w. Bush with a skyhigh favorable rating 81 . But jeb bush is underwater only 39 favorable. And in South Carolina recently this was jebs biggest applause line. Im a proud brother of george w. Bush. And he is doing pretty good too. [ cheering ] reporter beyond policy and politics is family. And jeb bush is consistently loyal. He told cnn in 2010 that he was the only republican who never disagreed with his brother when jeb bush was familiar governor and george w. Bush was president. Wolf dont expect that change now that jeb bush wants the job in the oval office. Good point. Joining us our cnn chief political analyst Gloria Borger and ron bronstein. What is the strategy . I think that 3 4 of republicans, when you look at the polling, approve of using some sort of ground force to support to comebat highs sis. Keep the general election aside, supporting w. Is not at all unpopular in certain places is not a bad strategy when youre trying to push your conservative credentials. Now, when you get into a general Election Campaign its completely different because democratic voter roos are not there and independent voters are not there. Yes, but in the republican primary, the but, one of the two main concerns about jeb bush as a republican primary candidate, one is he may be too moderate on common issues common core but republicans do not want to have to relitigate the george w. Bush years, and they fear he would make it too easy for democrats to have it do you want to go back argument in the general election. And i think this kind of magnifies that risk. Although hillary voted for the war in iraq although she said it was a mistake. And he was quick to point that out. He didnt waste any time. My brother may have been getting bad intelligence. Hillary clinton was getting bad intelligence. She voted to go to war as well there is no accident he did that. The other thing to keep in mind the republican electorate of 2010 just a couple of years after george w. Bush left office was very much inward looking, all about fixing americas books, being more isolationist or maybe the better way to say it is to be less hawkish on the international stage. Thats changed a lot. And now the Republican Party has already swung more towards being more interventionist, which is why you see marco rubio doing better and even rand paul, who was more focused at home trying to make it himself less so. So that does benefit jeb bush. Gloria the first Lady Michelle obama, she was at the commencement address at Tuskegee University over the weekend. She got very personal in their comments. As potentially the first African American first lady i was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others. Was i too loud or too angry or too emasculating . [ applause ] or was i too soft too much of a mom, not enough of a career woman . What do you think . Well look i think this is a liberated first lady who understands that her husband is not running for reelection. She says she is not running for anything. Well have to wait and see about that. And with that liberation comes reflection. And i think what you hear from her is the truth. Not only as somebody who is African American, but also quite honestly as a woman, who has to figure out when your husband is running whether you can be too strong or whether youve got to be softer. And i think she was completely refreshingly honest. She also ron mentioned that controversial cover in the new yorker magazine ill show it to viewers to remind them, she was portrayed with an afro and machine gun, fist bumping president obama. Yeah it was satire. But if its really being honest it knocked me back. That is striking because it was certainly meant to satirize the conservatives who were portraying them that way. And to have that effect, i thought it was wound telephone most striking parts of the speech. What were seeing her is parallel to what were seeing from president obama, more comfort and interest in talking about race and the special challenges facing much of the African American community. He was very focused for much of his presidency on sending the message that he is president of all the people. But i think you can see his interest his heart is in dealing with these issue morse directly and her as well. When any president or politician leaves office you start to get oh, this is what they were really thinking at the time. Theyre doing it before they leave, which is fascinating for journalists. Were kind of getting a real sense of history maybe a little earlier than we normally do. And i think to glorias point, just as a woman, to hear her say that she wasnt sure sort of how to be not that long after Hillary Clinton, of course now wants to be president herself, get in so much trouble for saying she wasnt just staying home standing by her man or staying home baking cookies. Its like 2015. And its still the same old question for women. And whether its Michelle Obama or anybody else. And i think what you see with michelles speech is a woman who kind of feels she has a responsibility in a way. Absolutely. Like her husband, to talk about these things before they leave office. And theyre not getting anybody else in trouble. This is about them and their legacy. She is a very accomplished woman. She went to Harvard Law School graduated. She is a very smart lady. Were going to continue our conversations down the road guys. Thanks very much. Thats 40 me. Thanks for watching. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Outfront next breaking news. Sacked. Tom brady suspended for four games without pay for his role in deflategate. The patriots fined a record 1 million. The team stripped of draft picks. Fair . Plus George Zimmerman back in the news. The man acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin shot today. And an explosive new article charging the United States covered up what really happened in the Osama Bin Laden raid. Lets go outfront. And good evening to all. Im erin burnett. We begin outfront tonight with very latebreaking news

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