a mysterious new deseechls all five of them eventually died and all they had in common was a trashed immune system. they didn't know each other. they had no apparent connection. we now know they had aids. since then it's killed nearly 30 million people. 34 million more are living with hiv. that's the virus that causes aids. more than a million of them are in this country alone. this week i was part of an event to raise awareness and try to bretter fight back against hiv and aids. the beginning of the end of aids. i like the way that sounds. i like the way that sounds when i first heard it. i like the way that while some problems in d.c. seem too big, too difficult, this dev stating disease, we can tackle. we can put hiv/aids on the run, so to speak. the beginning of end of the aids is something that allows us to stand at that most perfect union of audacity. thing of what is audacious, that intersection, that's where we want to be. the organization's one and red have laid out three major goals to hit by 20015 and they're pretty ambitious. in um beer one, eliminate mot r mother-to-child transmission. number two, have 15 mill people treated by 2015. number three, keep coming up with new ways to stop spreading the infection. there's no doubt we're in a lot better shape than we were 30 years ago. we know what causes aids and we have medicines to treat it. i've been told and shown over and over again, do not be fooled. yet still every day people are infected with hiv. in 250u 11, one of the even scepters in the aids epidemics right here in the united states, it still feels like 1981. for the last 18 years, angel vuchetich has walked through these doors in atlanta. >> this whole building is more like a day hospital. we have five main clinics, nine subspecialty clinics. all the aids organizations are on site for support. >> it started as a small infectious disease clinic on the grounds of grady memorial hospital. 25 years ago when angelle was responsible. >> we were operate 24g hour as pay. >> every patient's you took care of tied. >> every patient died. >> what was it like for emotion algly for you. >> the fact that people were dying did not scare me. the thing that was a challenge i was told i couldn't get anybody to work with me. >> because at that time dook tors didn't know how the disease was spreading. there was a lot of fear. >> whau about other doctors or newses in the hospital? how did they treat you? >> i was the aids nurse. most of them didn't. >> they wouldn't hang around you? >> it was a pretty lonely existence. >> what is this area right now where we're standing? >> well, this is treatment and holding. we do infusions here. we're tremendously growing. >> this is the infusion center. they see about 300 patient as month here. about 60 of those are going to neat hospitalization. vuchetich says the faces of aids have shifted dramatically from white gay to young gay african-american men. >> who are coming in here with advanced disease and t-cells less than 25. they have all these infections that a lot of the medical community in the united states as well as the population believes that aids is all over in africa and we're seeing here in the southeast that to me looks exactly like 1989. >> that was the year fred ricks harris was diagnosed. >> i thought my life was over, you know. at the time i was a drug user also. back then, you know, they didn't really give you much time with it. >> the 49 is heterosexual. he and his ex-wife who is also positive have a 16-year-old daughter. she's negative. harris used to take 20 pills a day, now he takes four. he gets regular three thf month checkups at potts. >> what's so significant about this that's so important to you? >> the nurses and the doctors really seem concerned. they have a lot of programs to help you, you know, with food and housing and all kinds of things. you know, this place gives you practically everything that you'll need. >> angelle calls it a medical hope. one-stop shopping. her days are filled with rounds and patient care. >> what is the biggest change since '81 when we first diagnosed this disease in this country? >> the biggest disease is this is not an illness that should cause someone to die. >> gary is a 36-year-old man with full-blown aids. he doesn't want his identity revealed because he hasn't told his familiaritily. he was diagnosed three years ago at grady. his t-cell count was 20. >> people see me in a whole different light because i'm positive but i had to get my personal feelings out of the way because i know i needed help. >> harry has a number of health problems. >> it makes me feel good that i can open up and talk to my doctor about stuff that's going on in my life and he's able to offer not only medicine but advice and get comfort. >> what is the hardest part of this job for you? >> there are 20-year-olds coming in with advanced end-stage disease. that's a quit desparing when i know that should. be happening. >> but it is happening on five floors of this carolina em. angelle has witnessed 25 years of death, of suffering. it's taken its toll. although she hasn't given up hope, she doesn't see an end in sight. >> how long will you do this job? >> i don't know. i'm not certain about that. >> for now, she's committed to the next generation of nurses. you know, one man's story is giving many hope in the aids community and researchers as well. in 2008 he was known slim as the berlin paetsch emts whose hiv appeared to have been cured after undergoing cancer therapy. he revealed his identity and is speaking out as an advocate to try to find a cure for aids for everyone and he joins me now from new york. first of all, thank you very much for joining us, timothy. as i said, i think you -- it's a remarkable story. you were living in the german capital in 1995. you were diagnosed with hiv. you began taking antiretro viral drugs a that time to keep the virus in check at that time and in 2006 you were told you had leukemia, a blood cancer. you had khemo. tell us what happened next? >> i got myself a transplant. there were 233 donors which is a huge number of donors for a transplant because it goes to a world bank to look for donors. some people don't even have any donors. >> they're trying to find a donor for your leukemia. just to back up for your a second here, timothy, they also want to find a donor who might have a mutation that was protective against hiv. a lot of people don't realize that there is such a thing, but that's what he was trying to do was essentially find you bone mary rowe that would treat your cancer and your hiv, is that it right. >> that's correct. >> it was already compromised. what did it feel like? what did you have to go through? >> i had to have another round of chemotherapy and also a full body radiation treatment. >> so you had been irradiated, you received more cheemo. at what point did they come to you and say, look, this transplant worked as far as your kimmo goes. was there a point where they said, timothy, good news, we've had success here. >> they did feel that it was successful because my system had been replaced by the donor's system and was able to go to gym and work out and get in shape. >> this virus can hide. sometimes you don't know it's hiding. in your case they looked for it, they can't find it. your immune system is working. >> right. >> what does this mean, timothy, for the rest of the people who are living with this disease who hear this story and are inspire. what does this mean for them? >> it means that this is a case in point that the disease can be cured. i don't wish what i went through on my worst enemy, and i -- i'm hoping that it can be done in a more simple way that can be -- that can be translated to treat a cure for the entire world, all people that have hiv. >> so many scientists and doctors are still learning, as you know. we don't have a cure that's applicable. >> right. >> -- at large, but, again, i've about been wanting to talk with you for some time. ing that you for making time for us. hopefully science will move forward, in part, because of your inspiration timothy. thank you so much. >> thank you very much. up next, as a parent, you i want want to miss this. fast food play areas, a breeding ground for bacterias like ones you wouldn't believe until you see this. stay with us. progresso. it fits! fantastic! 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to cialis.com. oh, my gosh. this place is disgustling. yeah, you want your kids playing there. >> you're listening to erin carr-jordan. she's documenting the filth found in play areas at restaurants. like me, she's concerned about her children's safety. i've got to tell you as a parjt myself, i was so interested in what it is you're doing. can you start off by telling us what prompted you to start looking into these fast food restaurant play areas? >> right. my son had to use the restroom on the way to school and i followed him in to the bathroom obviously, and when we were leavi leaving, he asked to go down the slide in the establishment. immediately when we entered, we noticed that it was beyond disgusting. it was covered in black goo. there was so much stuff on the plexiglass that you couldn't see out the window. there was large gashes in the slide. it was covered from head to toe in gang tagging and profanity. ketchup was on squirted on the wall and children's hair got stuck in it and it smelled like hair and feces. over the course of a month when they didn't take any corrective measures i wondered how that could possibly will be b and i wondering if there was anything that the health department could do about it. i started reaching out all over establishments in arizona and searched the country to see if there was a pattern. >> when you describe it it sounds disgusting. it's really obvious that that one's filthy. but what are you finding at other play areas. you'ven gone in and actually started testing all sorts of different places. what are you seeing? >> we're seeing pretty consistently the same sorts of things. the bacterial counts are typically very, very high. that ire in the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and in many cases in the millions, and it's my understanding from the microbiologist with whom i've had conversation that anything in the hundreds is considers something that's at risk and indicative of a place not being cleaned properly. >> when you do this, you go into these restaurants and you go into play areas, you zreeb you actually go around and swab and you're doing this at your own, at your own expense, i should point out as well. what is the response from the owners of the restaurants or the people around you? what do they tell you? >> you know, more people ask me now what i'm doing because more people have become familiar with the story, and it depends on the establishments. since there sthees no across-the-board standard, it depends on the management, the establishment, the owner/operator. some are very receptive and say thank you so mump for telling me -- ban you. >> have you been banned? >> yeah, eight from arizona. >> do they check your i.d. at the door and say you can't come in here? how does that work? >> i don't know because i haven't tried go in. it was hand delivered to my front door. i had returned from vacation and it was a letter hand delivered to my door that indicated i was prohibited from entering the premises. >> i have kids. you have kids. what's the -- first of all, are their problem establishments and what am i to do as a parent about all thissome. >> so i would say -- and this isn't really where i started. i would say now i would not take my children to an establishment that i wasn't 100% positived that ha protocol in place for cleaning and desanitization and maintenance and that means that they're following guidelines set forth by the super product safety commission and the fda and cdc and i would make sure i was reaching out to my legislators. please, everybody, do this. say you would support the bill, kids play safe bill. we grant regulatory authority to the health departments that say you can come in, inspect, look, and if there's a problem, you can have a cease and desist or abasement order or they can be shut down if it is a continuous problem. >> i really appreciate your time. good luck. please keep us posted. we'll have you back on to talk about it. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> well, from freaky play space bacteria to freaky fruit as well. modern agriculture is destroying our most alluring fruit, the tomat tomato. what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon. it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ [ electronic beeping ] [ male announcer ] still getting dandruff? neutrogena® t/gel shampoo defeats dandruff after just one use. t/gel shampoo. it works. neutrogena®. did you know this grocery store tomato has 14 times more sodium, 62% less calcium than a tomato from 1960? think about that for a second. how did this happen exactly? journal lift barry estherbrook cases how tomatoes went from vine-rappened to gas-ripened. congratulations on your book. fascinating read. first, you pick tomatoes off the vine when they're ripe. that's what you're supposed to do? >> that's what you're supposed to do. in the florida tomato industry, the vast majority of our winter tomatoes, they're picked green. a hint of pink is taboo. >> because they want to let it ripen off the vine? >> well, they don't want to let it ripen off the vine. they take these green tomatoes and expose them to ethylene gas. and the tomatoes don't get ripe but obligeingly turn the right color. >> this is like a hard ball, by the way. in fact, that's -- >> oh, yeah. >> that's an anecdote from your book. you talked about following a tomato truck and the tomatoes are falling off the truck, and what did you see happen? >> it was in southwestern florida several years ago. i was going along the interstate, behind this truck, loaded -- it was an open-top truck, loaded with -- mounded over with green tomatoes. and it hit a bump. and three or four of them flew of the truck and narrowly missed my windshield so i pulled over and slowed down. they missed my windshield. they hit the interstate highway, they bounced -- >> tomatoes. >> tomatoes. they bounced, and they rolled off into the shoulder. and they didn't splatter. i couldn't see that they cracked. >> so i mean, you -- these are literally -- i mean, they're nearly indid he say instructable tomatoes. >> yeah, they're lots of fun. >> is that what farmers want, indid he say instructable tomatoes? >> that's what growers want, supermarkets want, fast food restaurants want. not what you and i and the consumer wants. these tomatoes, the factory tomatoes, supermarket tomato, is primarily grown for yield, lots of tomatoes. one farmer said to me, i don't get paid a cent for taste, i get paid per pound. so this is what they have been growing these things for, breeding for the last several decades. and what it results in is -- >> and when you look inside -- >> yeah, here's a local farm-grown tomato right here. and here's one from the supermarket. and you see how this is -- see all that tough tissue there? that really lacks flavor. it's very bland. the good stuff, the acids, which give tomatoes -- >> the mushy stuff. >> the mushy area. so you're getting, you know, lots of support. but no -- you know, no good flavor. here's the farm tomatoes. it's just been sliced and already falling apart with the juice coming out of it, and that's where your flavor is. >> fascinating. i will never look at a tomato the same way again. >> well, no, they're wonderful things to have when they're ripe and when they're from -- i say the best tomato is one that grows closest to your kitchen counter. >> i love that. thanks so much. >> great. >> good luck with the book. a lot of us do want to eat better and get in better shape, as well. here's your chance now. the 2012 cnn fit nation challenge. we've already gotten some pretty great submissions, but we're looking for you. you might be tired of making excuses about your health. that sound familiar? well, if so, you can log on to cnn.com/sanjay and submit a two to three-minute video about why you should be part of next year's six-pack. if you're selected, we'll give you everything you need to compete in the malibu triathlon, along with six months of training, including three all-expense-paid training trips. we're going to all race together. we're going to do this together. it's going to be in malibu next september. think about it. still ahead for this morning, is this the future of friendship? i'm going to introduce you to a robot whose name is david. dumb luck? or good decisions? ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there. 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