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>> i feel more damaged now than i ever remember feeling as a child. >> this is "piers morgan tonight." now for the latest on the charges against conrad murray, let's go to ted rowlands in los angeles. >> reporter: here's another riveting day in the courtroom. prosecutors continued with their witnesses that were with michael jackson at the time he was dying, and specifically, the most compelling witnesses we heard from were the paramedics that responded to that 911 call. one paramedic said when he got there, jackson was cold and blueish, another -- actually, both of the paramedics testified they asked dr. murray point blank, what have you given michael jackson. and there was never any mention of propofol. >> did dr. murray ever mention to you having administered propofol to michael jackson? >> no, he did not. >> did conrad murray ever mention the word propofol to you during the time that you were at the location or in his presence? >> no, he did not. >> at the end of today, piers, we got a little bit of testimony from one of the emergency room doctors at ucla, we'll have more of that next week. and those doctors are going to basically tell the exact same story. that they asked dr. conrad murray, what did you give michael jackson? and again, no mention of propofol. over the week, we have heard the defense make some ground by bringing up dr. arnold klein. they didn't do that today, they did make some groundwork in that they were able to mess up a time line from one of the earlier witnesses, the paramedics basically refuted some of the details that one of the earlier witnesses had come up with. they'll be able to use that to their advantage down the road here. next week, we not only expect to hear from these doctors, we also expect to hear from the detectives who were assigned to this case from the beginning to this point. they've been in the courtroom all the way, so the jury's gotten to know them somewhat. they'll really get to know them next week. we'll also hear from two of dr. murray's girlfriends next week. piers? brooke shields was a childhood friend of michael jackson, and gave a poignant and emotional tribute to him at his funeral. i'm going to move on to why you're here a little later. but i can't not talk to you about this trial, which is engulfing everyone's thought process at the moment. shocking stuff coming out of this. very few people knew michael as well as you did. what would he make of all this? >> i haven't seen any of the trial. i refuse to watch it. for simple reasons, that i don't want to feel like getting engaged in conversations about it. all i knew was when he and i were friends as young people. and knowing the man that he was, the person, the genius that he was, the kid that he was. and he just -- he just always wanted to be the absolute best, best, best, most superior performer that ever lived. >> and to my mind, he was the best i ever saw. >> i don't think anybody came close, and i think so much was imitation. i think he was a one of for sure. >> i want to play a part of what you said at the funeral, it was incredibly moving. i remember watching this live and being moved by it. >> both of us needed to be adults very early. but when we were together, we were two little kids, having fun. >> the reason that resonated so deeply with people, everyone's known both of you, really were born into this. you never had any choice. you didn't bang on the door at age 20, the door marked fame. >> or 11 months. >> yeah, in your case you were a year old. tell me about that phenomenons you don't have a world of anonymity. which is one thing, you don't seek it, you're just born into this. >> in some ways, ironically, it's easier and healthier. because you don't have one form, like with anonymity and the peacefulness and the freedom in that, which is then completely usurped by this public life that's invading your life. so in a way i've seen it destroy young people who then all of a sudden come into it relatively quickly. then fame and money and all that that comes at them. growing up with it, it's less of a big deal. it's less of a phenomenon to you, in so far as you learn to navigate it early. i forced myself to be ingrained and an integral part of regular conventional childhood. >> notwithstanding that, do you still slightly damaged by the whole process of stardom for so long? >> i feel more damaged now than i ever remember feeling as a child. >> really, why? >> because i didn't -- because i was a kid, and i also had a lot of fun. and a lot of opportunity. and we made it a game. and then when i worked, i still had to go to school. so i only worked in the summers, i only worked after school. that piece was never broken up. and it never was -- it never did not take precedence. >> why do you feel damaged now? >> because in a way, i was so protected, and i was so naive, i was sort of -- i maintained a level of naivety for so long, now when i see things the way the world is, the way the industry, i'm so much more affected by it, because i can't believe -- i always say i hate people. i did not get hardened by it, and, therefore, i'm shocked when there's injustice done, and i'm shocked when someone hurts my feelings, and shocked when someone says something mean about -- there is -- in a sense, i don't know if you're allowed to call it that at 46. i see something now and i think, my god, had i seen any of this when i was younger? i'd be a statistic, i'd be destroyed. >> is this very similar, do you think, to the way michael jackson probably felt? >> i think -- we talked about it a little bit, i think that in any case, dealing with fame is an individual thing. your character gets challenged, your character gets revealed, your character, who you are, how you choose to live your day, and what you -- what you're ensconced in. i refused it to be bigger than i was, and inadvertently it still became very big. but it never -- i never said to myself, i'm going to have a healthy marriage, and i'm going to have my children, and i'm going to do this. these are things i set out, when i was a little child. >> how do you feel about your own children going into any sort of fame? >> i pray to god they don't want to, i can't be such a hypocrite, because here i am on stage and film and doing everything, and having a blast, and bringing them in on the experience, and they're seeing me perform and grow and make a living, and so i can't very well say do as a say, not as i do. however, i hope to give them enough of a field of view that allows them to see sort of all that it entails. and if they want to go to school, that's all i'm going to pay for is their schooling. they can do whatever they want and as a mom i will help them. >> i always wondered what it would be like on the on the school run when brooke shields has a child at the same school. a friend of mine's children go to score in london and gwyneth paltrow arrives -- >> it takes a team of people three hours to make me look like this to appear here. it's probably have i've made some really good friends at the school, the moms. i look wretched when i got, and they know i could look that way and they can see it on google or whatever. >> you were born two months before me. and i think most viewers will be deducing, i'm surprised you're in the same decade, morgan. so i wouldn't worry too much. we're going to take a break, when we come back, i'm going to talk to you about your latest passion, which is the broadway stage. welcome. kristin. kasey. come on in. kasey, kasey! kasey, what about the new edge drew you to it? the look of it. i love the sleek design. i like the rounded edges. what does the technology in your edge make you think of ford? it just makes me think that ford is in it to win it. ford is trying to get to the next level. you really have to make yourself stand out, and i think ford has done that. looking over there, how does your car look? is this my car? (laugh) (laugh) for medicare made clear, we're here to answer all of your questions. call unitedhealthcare medicare solutions. what are you doing? >> listening. >> to what? i don't hear anything. >> exactly. no phones, no traffic. no nothing. >> oh, i know, so annoying. >> "the greening of whitney brown." a pretty powerful performance. it's an interesting thing, because it kind of plays on american dmik hardship, she's very timely. what do you make of what's happening to your country in terms of so many people now out of work, suffering financial problems? >> it's devastating. i feel like there is so much that i do believe is available for us to do, to create jobs, to keep to -- to make that happen. and there's certain industries that can do it, and i'm ignorant as to why it doesn't seem more obvious to our leaders. maybe it does many. >> are you a fan of president obama? >> i am. i mean, i am -- i was much, very much a fan in the beginning. i was excited about all the promise and all the prospect. but it's interesting, i was listening to clinton speak the other day, and there was just something about the fact that he had -- he had a very clear view as to the steps that do need to be taken. maybe that's intrinsic to when you were actually in office, you start to have to speak in these grand terms and not point specific. the things he was saying were so bright. i felt like saying, you guys talk to each other and get together. >> does he -- has it ever bothered you that you are considered this beautiful model/actress, and not necessarily a brain? when in fact you've got a great brain. >> thank you. i use that as an advantage, sometimes it's a lot easier to think that you're ditsy. if they think you're stupid they let you in on information they think you probably wouldn't understand. and you go, i know, i don't get it. and you go the other door and make the deal you want to make. >> what are the people that -- part of the interview i did with him is coming after this interview is chris christie, who people want to enter the race. he's a very big guy. and there's this huge debate about whether america is ready to embrace a fat president. >> oh, my god. >> what's your view of that? should it matter? >> here's the thing. none of these things should matter. but it's interesting when you take polls and you watch how people respond. it's like, they're going to respond to something pretty. they're going to respond to something well put together. maybe they'll respond more to tan than blonde. psychologically, i think we've been taught in this country to respond to the visual. if that -- the tragedy is if that is in fact what deters him, whether he -- for him or not, i just think it's so pathetic that we -- >> i think it's ridiculous. he's one of the smarter guys i've interviewed. charismatic, intelligent. i don't care what size he is. >> there's also this other piece to it, i'm getting into dangerous territory. i don't really care what people do in their personal lives. i really don't. if what they do in their job, yes, you can argue that it's a -- it explains their character to you, if they're a lying, cheating person. however, there's something to be said for letting what they believe in their politics be what takes precedent rather than they're fat, skinny, divorced, this or that. i mean, i think we have to move past that, just in so far as, we're going to spend time whether he should go on jenny craig or not? well, i'm already bored. >> do you love being on stage? >> i love it. i love the growth that i get to experience. i love the immediate reaction from the audience. i'm sort of an addict for it, and i watch -- i have to be careful that i keep the art pure and not just do it because that one person in the second row doesn't look like they're enthralled and my day's ruined. there are 900 other people to be accountable to. i love performing. i love doing it, i love being surrounded by a great cast. i love finding new ways of manipulating the material. what's great about the addams family, it's iconic character and family, and then you couple that with me, who's just been around forever and little kids know me from hannah montana's mom, their grandparents know me from "blue lagoon" or whatever. there's this coming together of two entities, it makes sense, it's not offputting or why would that make sense? and it's -- they're amazing sets. we were going to close earlier because these months are incredibly hard. but we decided to stay open and stay through december. and then the show's going to close. i've extended until december 31st. >> i owe you an apology. you're not two months older than me. >> darn it! >> you're two months younger than me. >> i wanted to be the elder. >> i would have loved that too. >> it's been a pleasure. >> thank you. >> beer next. >> you want a beer? >> not now. >> you can come and have free beer in my pub in london, as much as you can drink. >> thank you. you'll have to card me because i'm two months younger than you. chris christie who says he's not running for president at the moment. i'll show you what makes him tick. [ male announcer ] tom's discovering that living healthy can be fun. see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups. for a man who still insists he's not running for president, chris christie has been getting a lot of attention this week. mitt romney said it would be fun if he got in the race. listen to what the new jersey governor himself said after a speech at the reagan library, when a man in the audience asked if he'd run. >> are you reconsidering or are you standing firm? >> listen, i have to tell you the truth. you folks are an incredible disappointment as an audience. the fact that that took to the second question -- shows you people are off your game. that is not american exceptionalism. >> i like all good politicians. he was very candid, when i talked to him in an in depth interview back in june. we spent the day at his new jersey home and high school, it was a revealing interview, which is even more relevant today. take a look. governor, welcome back to your old gym. >> it's great to be here. >> does this bring back warm memories? horrible memories? >> incredibly warm and happy memories for me. i mean, my -- almost all that i am was developed in this place. it really was. >> but in the gym specifically. >> oh, yeah, listen, i played sports here, and it was a great place to grow up, and we had great athletes that i played with the years that i was here. it -- you know, i watched my own son now play high school baseball and i -- >> i heard you were a bit of a baseball star here. >> listen -- >> trophy cabinet littered with your triumphs. >> i think that's probably overstating it. we had a lot of great players. i played, which was a triumph. >> but you were good? >> i was pretty good, yeah. >> you were a hot athlete in your day? >> i was a good catcher. i was a good baseball catcher and a good leader on the team. >> talking about being leader on the team, i loved this quote i found from steven sweeney, the democratic president of the state senate here. who said about the difference between his style and yours, "the difference is that i have an off switch and chris doesn't. you know, if i knock you down, i'll pick you up, brush the dirt off your back, try and build the relationship, and go forward. chris knocks you down, like with the teachers, and he'll stomp on you, kick on you until he can kill you." >> very dramatic but not true. you know. very dramatic but not true. >> not true? >> no. listen, i'm tough when i have to be the same way steve is tough when he has to be. but in the end i'm about getting things done and you don't get things done by stomping people until they're dead. you get things done by standing for your principles. and letting people know that that's what you stand for. and then that can make appropriate compromise possible. but being squishy does not allow you to make appropriate compromise possible. >> see, to a brit like me even your accent seems intimidating. it's the kind of thing -- >> good. i'm glad about that. >> yeah. you're like a political sort of tony soprano. >> others have said that, piers. others have said that. but you know, just like james gandolfini would say if he were here, there's some of that that is for effect. and you have to. i mean, part of what we do -- >> do you like the fact you have this slightly intimidating reputation? >> i don't like or dislike it. it's just kind of what it is. it's who i am. and i think what people in new jersey have gotten to know about me over the last decade that i've been in public life is what you see is what you get. and i'm no different when i'm sitting with you than i am when i'm at home or anyplace else -- >> but right now i'm getting sort of -- this is a very civilized conversation we're having, you're very polite, you're very friendly. but i've seen some of these youtube videos of you in action in these town halls, and you're on the rampage. >> well, and you -- listen, and teachers go into it knowing what the pay scale is. that's right. >> well, what i am -- >> lacerating these people. taking no prisoners. >> i'm responding to -- >> in the words of mr. sweeney, taking them down, stomping on them, and killing them. >> i'm responding to their attempted laceration of me. and if you look at the youtube videos, what you're going to find is -- i see this at my town hall meetings all the time now. here's the last rule. if you want to disagree with me, that's great. and if you do it in a polite, respectable way you'll get a polite, respectable disagreement back. but if you decide you want to take me for a walk you'll get that response as well. >> you take no prisoners. you like a fight. america right now is in the fight of its life as a nation, particularly economically. do you think america needs somebody like you who's going to be tough? >> i think america needs lots of tough people. not just me. i think america needs to get tougher, all of us. we need to understand that it's time to step up and pay for what we want. and you know, we haven't been doing that for a long time, and both parties have been guilty of it. >> tell me about your upbringing here. new jersey man, born and bred. tell me about the early days. >> well, my parents moved here to this town from newark. when i was 5 years old so i could go to this school system because it's one of the best school systems in the state. and they borrowed money. $1,000 from each one of my grandmothers. to put a $2,000 down payment on a $22,000 house that my father was able to get with his va mortgage from having served in the army. they wanted to come here for their kids. >> your mother died very suddenly five, six years ago. and it was an awful end to her life. you had this poignant time with her before she died. two things struck me. she said -- you can go back to work, because there's nothing left unsaid between us. which i found very moving when i read that. also, she said to you, going forward, and i'm sure like all mothers she had great aspirations for her boy. she said never worry about being loved, focus on being respected. if you're respected, you can find love down the road. people will love you for it. >> yeah. and listen, i miss her every day. she was incredibly, incredibly strong. and the end of her life was really very difficult for all of us, and it came very suddenly. but the greatest gift she ever gave me was that last moment i had with her in the hospital when she said go to work, there's nothing left unsaid between us. you know, that's the way she taught us to be our whole lives. >> if you were being honest, what do you think your mother would say are your best qualities and your not so good qualities? >> best quality, brutally honest, tough and compassionate. and think the worst qualities she would say, quick to judgment. >> great unspoken is the presidential run that's not happening. you said i think more likely you'll commit suicide than run for president. can we hold you to that, governor? >> yeah, you can. >> is that one of those little jokes where you think, hang on, maybe i went too far there? >> listen, my wife didn't like the joke. what i said was what do i have to do to convince you i'm not going to run for president, commit suicide? that's kind of my humor. my wife didn't think it's the funniest thing i've ever said. but -- >> here's the thing. i don't understand why you wouldn't want to run this time. i mean, you've got the economy in tatters. your record on that is pretty strong. you're admired for it. your poll ratings have been going up. there's no clear candidate. i've interviewed most of them. no one is screaming vote for me yet. you're the guy that the party likes. you've got the admiration of the public, why wouldn't you? >> because that's not the way you make decisions like running for president of the united states. to put it really simply, i don't want -- if i ever were to make that decision, i wouldn't want to say i know i can win, i hope i'm ready. i'd rather say i know i'm ready, i hope i can win. and -- >> why aren't you ready? >> listen, i've been governor for -- >> how old are you now? >> i'm 48. >> how old is barack obama? >> he's about 50, i think. listen, if it were just about calendar, john mccain would have beaten barack obama. you know, if that's the way you gauge readiness. that's not the way i'm making this decision. i'm making this decision based on whether i believe in my heart that i'm ready to be president of the united states, and i want to be president of the united states right now. >> you're a straight talker? >> yeah. >> we're 18 months away, it's a long time in politics. i don't believe this is 100% closed to you, and i don't think you could look me in the eye, given everything that's going on, and say, piers, i'm 100% certain i'm not going to run, can you? >> you're wrong. i'm 100% certain i'm not going to run. >> let me rephrase the question. >> sure. >> you're 100% certain you won't run this time. are you 100% certain you won't run in 2016? >> there are so many variables to that, piers, i couldn't say i'm 100% certain. >> give me a percentage. >> i couldn't. >> we're going to go to a break. when we come back, i'm going to ask you what you feel guilty about, as a catholic boy. you were a high flyer here? president of everything, right? >> sophomore class, junior class. >> even when you're saying that, your chest is popping out? >> sure, winning beats losing, piers. 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>> well, my religion says it's a sin. i mean, i think -- but for me i don't -- i've always believed that people are born with the predisposition to be homosexual. and so i think if someone is born that way it's very difficult to say then that that's a sin. but i understand that my church says that. but for me personally i don't look upon someone who's homosexual as a sinner. >> you support civil union partnerships -- >> i do. >> -- but you don't support gay marriage. can you see a situation where you would change your mind about that? >> i don't think so. i believe marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. i think it's special and unique in society. and i think we can have civil unions that can help to give the same type of legal rights to same-sex couples that marriage gives them, but i just think marriage has a special connotation, and i couldn't see myself changing my mind on that. but i am in favor of making sure that homosexual couples have the same type of legal rights that same -- that heterosexual couples have. >> on abortion, quite controversially for a new jersey governor in waiting as you were, you came out and were strongly against it. obviously, it's a pretty liberal state before you became governor. tell me about that. obviously, an interesting -- not a dilemma but for you a position to take that you knew probably would be controversial here. >> well, i just told people about it up front. i'm pro life. i believe in exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. but i do believe that life is precious and should be protected. >> part of being a catholic, you confess to sins. obviously, in light of weinergate, schwarzeneggergate and so on, anything you want to get off your chest? >> yeah, you don't look like a priest to me, piers. so no. >> should we be ever worried about any skeletons tumbling out of the christie closet? >> you know, listen, any confessions i need to make i'll make to my wife and my priest, not on cnn to you, pal. >> the other thing of being a catholic is feeling guilty. do you ever feel guilty about stuff? >> listen, i had a sicilian mother. guilt was like a staple served on the kitchen table. you know? >> what do you feel most guilty about? >> it depends on the day. the thing that i feel most guilty about? my weight. >> really? >> yeah. yeah. because i'm really struggling. been struggling for a long time with it. and i know that it would be better for my kids if i got it more under control. and so i do feel a sense of guilt at times about that. >> why do you think you've had a battle with your weight? >> if i could figure it out, i'd fix it. >> you don't know what it is? >> i don't. >> did you ever get help for it? >> sure. plenty of times. >> where do you fall down in terms of dealing with it? >> i eat too much. i mean, it's not a complicated thing. and you know, it's one of those things. everybody has faults. >> well, is it the one jibe about you that really stings? >> no. no. because i know the people who jibe me about that are just ignorant. they're just ignorant. because it doesn't matter. it's my issue. and when people talk about those kind of things, i think it just displays their ignorance. because in the end it doesn't have any effect on the way i can do my job. and so if they're commentating about me as governor and decide they want to do that, you know what i conclude? i must be doing a damn good job. because if that's all they've got to jibe me about, amen, man, i'm having a good day. >> final question for here. do you think you would make a good president? >> you know, my wife was asked this question. and she said yes. i'll leave it at that. >> governor, we're now going to leave the gym, which i'm sure you'll be quite relieved about, and we'll go to a few other interesting locations in the life of chris christie. >> excellent. i love all the gadgets. check out the backup cam. show me the carfax. oh yeah, can you show me the carfax? 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>> it's okay. >> is that the new jersey way? >> i think it is. and it's no surprise to me because bruce is a liberal. and you know, he and i have different political philosophies. but i've been to 125 of his shows. so you know, i love him. i love his music. and i love the way he performs. and -- >> what's your favorite song, "born to run"? >> no, "thunder road." "thunder road." >> see what i did there? "born to run." >> yes, i saw and i went right back over it, to "thunder road." "thunder road" is my favorite. it's my favorite. but listen, i grew up as bruce was becoming prominent. you know, my high school years were the "born to run" years, the "darkness on the edge of town" years. >> i would imagine he, like you, like everyone i've met in new jersey straight talkers, no [ bleep ]. they call it as they see it. >> yeah. >> not going to suffer fools. >> no. >> that's the kind of vibe i get here. >> it is. and that's the vibe of the state. i mean, folks here are tough, and they're edgy. but they've really got big hearts. so they're willing to welcome you in. but don't cross them. the one thing new jersey hates is phonies. and we can smell them from a mile away. >> why are you looking at me that way? >> we're still evaluating you, piers. we're still evaluating you. you're trending positively, but we're still evaluating you. >> a lot of people say that in american politics because of the scale of the country what you do statewise doesn't have to be the same as what you would do on a national level. >> i think philosophically on those kind of big broad issues, for me i would bring the same kind of approach and same ideas to a higher job that i would to this one. but where it gets a little trickier, there might be certain things i would be in favor of doing as a governor, where as a president i might back off a little bit, because i think it's the right of the states to do certain things. >> i would imagine you would run america rather like they run this diner. you want to make it as an attractive place as possible for people to come and invest in, spend their money. but in terms of the business end of the operation keep costs to an absolute minimum, provide quality. you know, make sure you have good, reliable, loyal staff. and in the end feel you're providing a snapshot of what america should be all about. >> absolutely. i couldn't agree with you more. and i think people want an american president that strides across the country in -- and brings us a philosophy and principle that he's willing to stand by. i always thought one of the best things on reagan, if you presented him a fact problem, you knew what reagan was going to say. people felt like they knew him. >> we're going to move to the person you're genuinely scared of, your wife. >> there's no question, real fear. what do you got? restrained driver... sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. last year i had the pleasure of performing for cnn heroes and at the sound of the common ground foundation i'm dedicated to helping young people in under-served communities. now i'm thrilled to help introduce one of this year's top ten cnn heroes, now more than ever, the world needs heroes. >> guns, guns and more guns. these are our young people. these stones represent them. we're losing a generation to violence. people just want to close their doors. but there are some people who are not scared to go outside and i'm one of them. my name is diane latiker. i tell kids this is a peace place. this is a face place. they have a leadership workshop, music. there's a range of things that go on in here. we opened the doors to the new center in july. last year we served 301 young people. when they knock on their door they can come in. >> i was 12 when i got in trouble. she changed my life. i love her for that. >> i'm no different reason -- different than anybody else. i'm just opening my door. there are people who care, and i'm one of them. at bayer, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. so, governor, we're now in your kitchen. >> yes. >> and we've now reached the boss in the relationship, which is your wife, mary beth. now, mary beth, i've been spending a lot of time with your husband today. a fascinating character in many ways. had a lot to say about you. mainly of the -- that you wear the trousers in this relationship. is that an accurate description? >> no. i think we're more of a team than one person wearing the trousers. >> they say behind every successful man, there's a good woman prodding him on. do you go along with that? >> i definitely think i'm a good woman, but we really do work as a team, and we really have helped each other both in our careers and in our personal lives. >> there's lots of talk of your husband possibly running for the presidency. >> uh-huh. >> when i asked him about it, i sort of got the sense he didn't feel he was ready and that collectively as a family you kind of agreed with that. is that right? >> yes. i'd agree with that. we have, as you know, a large family, four children at really pretty crucial ages in their development and a lot of moving parts to this family. so i think as a team we all decided it probably wasn't the right time. >> what if your country needs him? >> well, i'm sure his country could use him, but his family needs him too. >> i asked him as a good catholic boy to tell me about any sins he wanted to absolve himself as well. because i'm a catholic, as well. i thought we could have a mini confession. >> we need a priest. >> he said that and that he would only admit these to you. anything you want to share with us? >> no, not at all. not at all. nice try, piers. >> what's the single biggest misconception about your husband, do you think? >> probably that he's mean. i mean he's just the nicest guy and funny. >> he's the nicest most ferocious prosecutor you've ever met. >> there you go. but he's a really good person. i mean as a prosecutor his overriding -- his focus was to never prosecute the wrong person. i mean people will never know how hard chris worked at not prosecuting someone he wasn't absolutely confident they were guilty. >> a bit of a pussy cat. >> well, i wouldn't go that far. you're putting words into my mouth, piers. >> that could be really damaging. we're now going to be joined by two of your children, i'm delighted to say. sara and andrew. welcome. >> hello. >> how old are you? >> 17. >> you're getting quite political. nearly able to vote. when you look -- are you a republican by nature, would you say? >> yes. >> when you look at the other candidates, doesn't part of you think, wow, wish the old man would run because he'd have a better chance? >> you know, i guess part of me thinks that a little bit, but i don't think for us personally as a family and for him it would be the best idea. >> i understand your kids are scared of the white house. you have already measured out the lincoln room. i mean, come on. how cool would that be? imagine the chicks, hey, do you want to swing by the white house for a cocktail. don't tell me you haven't thought about it. >> oh, i've definitely thought about it. it would definitely be cool, as i said but probably not right now. maybe in a few years, though. >> when he looks me in the eyes and says it's 100% certain, i will not run in 2012, should i believe him? >> yes. no doubt about it. >> when he says that, he means it. >> because i ask him that all the time too. i'll hear stories and stuff and -- >> why would you keep having to ask him if when he says it, you believe him? >> well, i just want to be sure because i don't want him to. i want to make sure you're not running. >> i saw pictures when your dad won the state baseball championship. he looked athletic like you and said one of the reasons he wants to lose weight now is for his children. what would you think? would you like him to? >> of course, yeah. i'm -- you know, i don't know, i think sara is pretty concerned about it. she expresses that often and, of course, everyone would love him to lose some weight. >> sara, why are you concerned about it? >> i just want him to be healthy and i think he'd be happier and i just think it would be one less thing people would like say about him. >> as your daughter do you get upset when people poke fun. >> yeah, because it's not like, you know, he chooses that necessarily. i think it's a stupid thing to make fun of him for. >> what would you say are his best characteristics. >> he does his best at making his family a priority and always reminding us like before he went out to give a speech on election night, the six of us huddled in like a circle and he just like this is all crazy but just remember that these six people here were all that really matters right now and we're going to go out there and we're going to try to do our best for new jersey and just -- it really reminded -- reminds us all the time about how your family is going to be your best friend and they'll always be there. >> a group political huddle. i like that and what would you say is a negative about your dad? >> he's very -- well, he makes fun of me for this but i always say he's very embarrassing. you know, just -- like blasting like usher music in the car. >> oh, no. you just killed off any chance he has. he plays usher music? it's been great to meet you. you're obviously a very close loving family. whatever does happen i wish you all the best of luck. thank you very

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