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[ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start the second half with stories we care about, where we focus on our own reporting from the front lines. a canadian man has been arrested after an incident on an american airlines flight in miami. the fbi charged ryan snyder with interfering with a flight crew. a source told cnn that the 24-year-old charged the front of the plane and began banging on the door. snyder was detained by fellow passengers and then he was handed over to authorities. the flight was heading from montego bay to miami. iran has enriched uranium up to 27%. that's according to a u.n. nuclear watchdog agency. the iaea says the uranium comes from a sample taken in february at the fordo plant. the previous highest level of enrichment had been 20%. just so you know weapons grade enrichment is 90%. a nuclear weapons expert tells "outfront," it is very unlikely it is finding out a part of a secret iranian the news comes days after iran failed to reach talks. a private spacecraft made history in outer space this morning. at 9:56 eastern spacex's dragon linked with the space station. they will open dragon's hatch tomorrow and unload the booty, which is food, clothing, and equipment. jpmorgan's ceo jamie dimon has been asked to testify on capitol hill next month about his company's multi-billion dollar losses. today the senate banking committee formally invited dimon to testify on june 7th. the ceo announced earlier this month that his bank lost $2.7 billion on risky trades. sources have told "cnn money" those losses may have grown to $6 billion or $7 billion. president obama and democratic lawmakers have called for more wall street reform given jpmorgan's situation. it's been 295 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? our fourth story "outfront," football is big business. if you factor in television deals and sponsorships, the national football league is estimated to be worth about $9 billion. but the league is under attack by former players. the threat, once again coming to light after the high-profile suicide of retired linebacker junior seau earlier this month. studies have linked depression and suicide to repeated head injuries like the ones that seau suffered throughout his career. so far, some 2,000 former players have fired 80 lawsuits against the league. they say they now suffer severe health problems including chronic headaches difficulty sleeping depression, memory loss, and dementia, all from the hard hits they suffered during their careers. they say the league knew about the long-term dangers of concussions and did nothing to protect them. "outfront" tonight, i spoke to leroy jordan a former linebacker for the dallas cowboys and one of the former players suing the nfl, and matthew mathiney a lawyer representing former players against the nfl. i asked leroy what his symptoms were and how he knew they were related to his days with the nfl. >> well you know for the last two years i've been having memory problems of you know forgetting things and not knowing what i came in a room to do and i've become very irritable with my family. my wife and my kids and friends. and that is really disturbing to me because that's not my personality. so i think we all have different degrees of this and i am lucky, compared to many of the players out there that are suffering much worse than i am. >> how do you -- what's your sense? i mean, look, we all only grow old once so we really don't know how it's supposed to feel. how do you know this just isn't age? >> well i don't know. but what i'm asking is are we going to do anything about the concussions of the past? are we going to improve the potential concussions of the future for our future nfl players? are we going to try to help take care of those guys who are suffering now from concussions back when they played football in the '60s, '70s, and '80s. and you know, are we going to just let them fall by the wayside? >> i want to give you what the nfl has said about this. the nfl has issued a statement. "the nfl has long made player safety a priority and continues to do so. any allegation that the nfl intentionally sought to mislead players has no merit. it stands in contrast to the league's alaskas to better protect players and advance the science and medical understanding of the management and treatment of concussions." matthew, when you go to court that's -- the nfl is going to say what they've said. what are you going to say? you know, if leroye roy and others can't entirely defend what, you know, why they're experiencing what they're experiencing, how do you make the case in court? >> well, first and foremost any individual plaintiff is not capable of linking the cause of their injury. that has to come from a medical professional. and fortunately, there are neurologists all over the country. there are several in dallas that are doing intense study on retired football players' brain function. the doctors at boston university neuroscience department have done a fantastic job of researching this issue, making the link and causation. they have the appropriate neuropsychological studies that can be done on these individuals to help make the link for causation. and when it's time and in a court of law those medical professionals treating neurologists from all over the country are prepared to come and testify that in fact, these men have suffered a concussion they've suffered subconcussions they return to play before their brains had healed and that repeated traumatic event through the course of their playing career is what caused them to have traumatic brain injury in their later life. >> lee roy let's talk about that getting players back into the game before they should have. you've said that they took the ankle injuries more seriously than they took head injuries when you were playing. >> well, they did. the doctors and trainers examined ankle injuries or knee injuries or knee strains, you know, much more than they did concussions or stingers or dinghies or whatever they called them back then. so, you know it wasn't considered an injury as long as you could remember the plays and get back on the field and perform. >> all right, matthew matheny thank you very much. he's the plaintiff attorney who's filed a lawsuit on behalf of about 100 players and lee roy is a former linebacker with the dallas cowboys. thank you, gentleman. >> thank you. it's been six days without a verdict in the case against john edwards. he's facing six charges of conspiracy and campaign finance violations. if convicted he could go to prison for up to 30 years. this afternoon the judge dismissed the jury for the long week, mentioning that one of the jurors has a personal issue, but no indication of what the personal issue is. it's just the latest in a string of curious developments since the jury started deliberating edwards' fate last week. paul callan is back with me. what are you hearing about this paul? a lot of people were saying the jury won't want to sit through the long weekend. a lot of you know, the old saw about how juries like to get out before a long weekend. >> i thought myself there was a good chance of a verdict this afternoon, and boy, they're coming back next week. you know, normally when a jury would be out this long, if you were a defendant, you'd be thinking, you know maybe i'm going to catch a break here maybe i'm going to be acquitted. >> in other words, day didn't go into the jury room convinced of something. >> that's right. if they were certainly two three days, they would have a verdict. so now they've got trouble with the evidence that's what you would be thinking. however, there's the politician exception to this rule. and what i have found when i've looked back at jury deliberations in politician cases, you know, jurors look at, i think three groups. lawyers, judas car salesman, and politicians in about the same category. they don't believe them, they want to believe the worst. blagojevich do you remember governor blagojevich? first trial, two weeks of deliberations they came back on one count, hung on the others. on the retrial another two weeks of deliberation, and then they convicted him of everything. if you look at a lot of cases involving politicians, if the jury's out for a long time a lot of times it means bad things for the defendant. >> so this jury very interesting. first they ask for some 20-odd specific exhibits. then they ask for everything and the judge actually sort of curiously asks them, you mean everything? and the foreman said yeah, everything. >> well. >> what's that say? i mean they went through a full trial. i understand saying, hey, we want to look at this particular document again. asking for everything? >> every group of jurors is different, but i'll the tell you a couple of stories about this. because i've seen this happen, many times in jury deliberations. a lot of times you have let's say you have eight or nine in favor of conviction or acquittal and the others oppose. and they're whittling down. maybe they're down now to two jurors who are holding out for whatever the -- and refusing to vote for the majority position. the majority then says we're going to make the judge send all of the evidence back in for you to look at it, because you're being blind to the evidence. >> right. >> so they try to browbeat the holdouts with the evidence to try to get them to change. so this says to me you've got a block of jurors probably a large block going one way conviction or acquittal, and you've got a couple of holdouts that are getting beat up in that jury room. >> like you see in the movies. >> exactly. >> what are you hearing about this talk about a juror that might be flirting with john edwards? >> i don't know, this might be very disturbing. first there was a juror -- and then i thought, who are they to report that it's flirting? what do you mean by flirting? but several reporters said that she was actually winking and smiling at him and he was smiling back at her and it was clearly flirting. now she's an alternate juror she's not somebody that will be actually deciding the case but that's very disturbing. and i'm wondering about the judge talking about a juror with a personal issue. maybe this is it. and the other thing that's been going on ali and this is very strange. the jurors have been dressing in the same way. they're all wearing yellow or orange -- >> and he's been wearing the same green tie all week. >> well, you know sometimes trial lawyers wear lucky ties while juries deliberate. >> but juries aren't supposed to dress the same. >> no they're not. and strange things happen with juries in long trials though, they tend to bond and they do strange things but this is sort of off the reservation. i don't know what's going on. >> we'll see what happens next week. paul, good to see you. why are hundreds of single mormons heading to duck beach, north carolina this weekend? hint, it's not just to catch some rays. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. ♪ ♪ and the flowers and the trees all laugh when you walk by ♪ ♪ and the neighbors' kids... ♪ what does being true to yourself have to do with being healthy? 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>> all right. thanks, hala. nearly a decade after a pakistani teenager visiting england with her family was found dead, her parents are now on trial for her murder in a suspected honor murder case. atika shubert has been sitting in on the trial in london. i asked her how much evidence there is against the parents. >> ali in the last few days, we've heard some powerful eyewitness testimony from her younger sister alicia who is now 23 but was 15 years old at the time. she told the court she was in the room when both of her parents suffocated her sister with a plastic bag. she described how both her mother and father held shafilia down as they stuffed a plastic bag down her throat. now alicia was testifying from behind a screen to protect her identity, as she sobbed through her testimony. her mother also broke down in tears. it was as you can imagine a harrowing account but the trial is not over yet. next week the defense will have a chance to cross-examine, ali. >> what a story. massive protests in young people with strong political views taking to social media. does that sound familiar to you? that's what happened last year in the middle east during the so-called ara spring. and now something similar is happening in mexico. i spoke earlier with cnn's rafael romo about the movement being called the mexican spring and the motivation behind it. >> ali more than anything, these college students say they do not want to be taken for granted. the movement started after a presidential candidate dismissed the student protests when there was little media coverage of the event. the students from several universities in mexico city organized the march on social media and took to the streets. so far, the marches and protests have been peaceful covering thousands of students in mexico city and other places. 24 million people between the ages of 18 and 28 are eligible to vote and among them 14 million will go to the polls this year for the very first time. if they vote as a unified bloc, they may decide who the next mexican president is. ali? and in our fifth story "outfront," mormons gone mild. spring break is an annual ritual for college students around the country, and believe it or not every memorial day weekend, single mormons converge on duck beach, north carolina, for their own version. >> it's interesting to be in sort of this concentrated social situation where you have fairly rigid limitations on how we express ourselves. >> you're not going to find alcohol. you're not going to find drugs. >> that was a clip from a film about duck beach. "outfront" tonight two of the directors, steven francen and hadley arch join me. gentleman, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> all right. from the outside, if you were to just show up on duck beach on this memorial day weekend, would it look different than the gather ergs you see in other parts of the country of young people, young single people? >> i think superficially it would look very similar. kind of the, what we say, is they look drunk, but they're not drunk. they're partying and going crazy, but it's pretty tame. >> so these are young mormons but some of them are older. >> absolutely, anything from 20 to 40, roughly, give or take, but what they all have in common is that they are still single. >> are they blowing off blowing off steam or trying to find a mate? >> a combination of both. depends who you ask. a lot of people are pretty much there to have a good time, hang out, and there are plenty of people who are there to find that one because that eternal companion, as they call it, is pretty important. >> in the faith if you don't end up with that eternal companion you're not sort of completing everything you can get. >> correct. yeah. to gain the fullness of eternal life you need to be married in the temple. >> you are mormon. >> i am. >> you're not. >> nope. >> and your third director was a mormon. >> she was. lauren alley. >> what's the perspective you bring to this? sounds like you bring a whole bunch of perspective. what do you come out with? >> hopefully a balanced and entertaining film. we've had our disagreements and arguments through the process. but what we sought out to do was tell an interesting story in a world that basically very few people get access to and see and let alone understand. >> steven why is this interesting? why would i go see this film? >> well, i think it demystifies the modern mormon experience in an interesting and entertaining way. it's something that you don't get a lot with the way mormons are covered in articles and in the news. it's a chance to set the -- >> you're implying there's a nuance missing perhaps. yeah. >> tell me what that is. let's be out front. what would you like to have people know about mormons that they don't know? where is the texture that's missing from coverage? >> well i think mormons are individuals. everyone's different. and this gives us a chance in the movie to see the story of four different people as they go down to this spring break experience and struggle to find a mate or struggle with not finding a mate, and it's -- it's a way to really understand what it means to be mormon and that it's not the same for everyone. >> mormons are not supposed to drink. they are not supposed to take caffeine or mood-altering drugs or narcotics and they're not supposed to have premar till sex. some sbrerptd it more strictly than that, there's not supposed to be general ka noodling going on. >> absolutely. >> is that the case? >> it is absolutely the case. in the film, we talk about that quite a lot the laws of chastity and how they are strictly defined and how there is certainly some gray territory and what people refer to as hooking up does take place at duck beach. >> what was the mormon church's reaction to this? >> no official reaction. we contacted them their pr department for comment, and they declined. >> did you get other reaction from mormons? moo when we first started the film, we did a little kick-starter campaign and there was some negative -- >> crowd source funding -- >> crowd funding campaign to get money and we made a little video and put it out. there was some negative reaction from the community. and there was some great positive reaction from the commune as well. >> what was the negative reaction? what was it centered around that you were making fun of them? >> i think mormons -- we have a persecution complex born from years of outside misrepresentation. and so when people want to tell our story we're very -- we push back on it. we don't like it to happen. and so we got a lot of that and we got a lot of -- you know, we showed some bikinis and hard rock music and they didn't like that as well. >> did you have a different sensitivity to this than steven did, by virtue of the fact he's mormon and you're not? >> absolutely. in certain ways, we had many discussions in the making of the film. for me it was very much about personal just understanding and seeing -- >> there is sort of an anthropological exercise. >> 100%. >> who was sticking up for the mormons in this? did you fight or others say let's not exploit? >> it just depended. i mean, sometimes i kind of felt the need to -- because i was so worried about standing up for mormons that i kind of pushed it a little too far sometimes. other times i was on the defensive. >> absolutely. >> did you think you exploited it all? >> no. >> in the interest of entertainment? >> no. >> were you trying to entertain? >> absolutely. >> do you think you succeeded? >> yes i do. >> what happened with your third director who's not here who is an ex-mormon? what baggage does that bring? >> a whole other level. that was another level of discussion brought into it. so you have a very sort of outsider perspective that just wants to understand and create an open and honest view of this and then you have potentially two other agendas that may, you know try and find their way into the film. i think it makes for a much more interesting -- >> if i get to talk to you guys and watch the film, what perspective won? whose perspective do i think i'm watching this movie from? >> mine for sure. >> no i think at the end of the film -- and from people who have seen focus groups and from responses where it's -- the seattle international film festival where it's actually premiering in two weeks we've had very positive responses from people who walk away fascinated by the characters but also with a lot of questions. and some things get answered for them, and some, you know, more fundamental questions about the faith are raised for them. so it intrigues and entertains. >> you think you were fair? >> i do. yeah. that was our main purpose was to set up and tell a fair and honest story. >> all right. look forward to it, guys. thanks for joining us. steven franzen and hadley arch. "duck beach: to eternity." why exactly is china kicking our butts? conan o'brien has a theory. [ thunk ] sweet! [ male announcer ] the solid thunk of the door on the jetta. thanks, mister! [ meow ] [ male announcer ] another example of volkswagen quality. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. well, you hear a lot of talk these days about how the chinese are teating us for lunch. you know how they own about $1.2 trillion of our debt, how their cheap labor force attracts jobs that should be ours, how they're building up their military to rival the u.s., and there are lots of economists and politicians and scholars who try to explain what is behind china's meteoric rise. but one explanation caught my eye and maybe there's a grain of truth to this. >> people ask the question, why is china so dominant in comparison to the united states? we tried to provide some answers to this question a little segment that we call "why china is kicking our a-[ bleep ]." >> reason number 933. >> what is that dee jay? dance party friday? >> is it? >> how did that happen? ♪ >> why china is kicking our a-[ bleep ]. >> not going to see that over here. we try and keep it a little straighter at cnn. a special edition of anderson cooper starts right now. on the, a special report, arab spring: revolution interrupted. it's not off

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