Transcripts For CNNW Early Start 20120622

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the party in south beach. guaranteed it is still going on this morning. >> he said it's the best day of his life. >> i wouldn't doubt it. hi, everybody, nice to have you with us this morning. welcome to "early start." >> it's 5:00 a.m. in the east, good morning, everybody. >> it may be a good morning, it may not be such a good morning, depending how you look at things. the markets are down worldwide this morning after the ratings agency moody's downgraded 15 of the world's largest banks and guess who happens to be sitting in this morning. the woman who knows everything there is to know about this. can you boil this down and let us know what it means for us? >> it means that your stock investments got hit yesterday and the global economy is slowing and we're seeing the ramifications of that around the world. 15 of the biggest banks in the world, including five of the largest u.s. banks were downgraded by moody's. bank of america, citigroup, goldman sachs, jpmorgan stanley. and hsbc, barclays, moody's says these banks have significant exposure to volatility in the credit markets. banking analysts mike mayo says this move by moody's will not change your day-to-day banking, but it will affect business for the banks themselves to get loans and to lend and who will be willing to do business with them. he says this is likely to be the worst lending decade for banks since the great depression, that's something that you feel. the stocks for these banks are actually up a little bit this morning, because in short, the downgrades could have been worse and many say these ratings changes were already priced in. stocks have had a very rough spring. it was a rough day on wall street, the dow plunged 250 points almost 2%, and here's why. we have more concern about a slowdown in china, germany and the u.s., weak manufacturing data, the data if all of these countries a little bit weak yesterday, plus goldman sachs put out a report saying investors should sell s&p 500 stocks. meaning sell them and let the prices drop and buy them later at a cheaper price. the s&p 500 dropped 30 points yesterday or 2% and the buzz about the bank downgrades pushed stocks lower. futures are up. whatever happened yesterday happened you're going to feel it in your 401(k), but right now futures are up a little bit, which we could see a bounce in the open, which tends to happen. >> by market open we could be sailing in the clear? >> i don't think we're going to regain almost 250 points. the other thing that's important for everyone to know, look we've seen these little signs for several months that the world is slowing and when europe is slowing and world demand is slowing, that means jobs in this country are not going to grow. all of this goes back to your 401(k), your ability to get a job and there's also an election. >> i still can't believe you said the bank stops are up this morning, remarkable. we'll talk more about that in a moment. meantime another big story developed overnight for you, while the jury in the child sex abuse trial of jerry sandusky is preparing for day two of deliberations. two new accusers are coming forward with explosive stories of sexual abuse at hands of the former assistant football coach, is jerry sandusky's own son. one of six adopted children of jerry and dottie san dusky. going public with his claims that his father assaulted him and said he was prepared to testify against him in court. not only this, but a man named travis weaver is coming forward. here he is, he's telling nbc that the abuse by sandusky was accompanied by threats. >> he kind of pinned me down on the bed. and i told him if he didn't get off me i was going to call the police on him. and he just laughed at me and you know, forced me to stay on the bed. and told me if i ever said anything that nobody was going to believe me. and he would get my dad fired from penn state. >> travis weaver did not testify in this trial. he wasn't part of the charges, either. however, he has filed a civil suit against jerry sandusky. and in the next half hour, we'll be joined by pulitzer prize-winning reporter, sara ganim. shoo has watched the trial closely from the beginning and watched the closing arguments and has observations. severe flooding in northeast minnesota is keeping rescue crews busy this morning. they needed a coast guard helicopter to pull a couple to safety thursday in thompson. the two were left stranded by flooding caused by the overflowing nomson reservoir. the flooding has decimated the neighborhood, it's only one of, only one of the johnson's neighbors remain inside their home. look at the pictures. >> speaking of water and weather, it looks like florida could be in for a soaker this weekend, there is a huge storm brewing in the gulf of mexico. and alexander steele has been watching this for us overnight. i think there was this big debate, will it or won't it by morning turn into a tropical storm? do we know where it is at this point? >> well it hasn't really developed yet. so there's a lot of unanswered questions. the good news, it's early in terms of development and also the good news, early in terms of awareness. so let's show you what we do know. here's the satellite picture. all eyes on the gulf of mexico, and the northern yucatan peninsula. here's what we're watching an area of low pressure just beginning to develop now. still disorganized, but getting more organized. now, national hurricane center does have it becoming a depression in the next two days, next 48 hours. so the entire gulf needs to be aware. so there are a few different scenarios possible. so how big it is, how strong it is and where it goes, all uncertain. but atmospherically, a few different models, taking it few different ways. scenario number one, it's contingent on the jet stream, the driver in this thing that will push it or nudge it one way or the other. jet stream scenario number one, we see a dip here in texas and we see it kind of go a little bit farther north here this is the most benign scenario. here's the area of low pressure, it moves it into florida with just kind of some rain, negligible compared to a different scenario. scenario number two, the jet dips in the east, it's slower in moving and it bring as lot of rain and wind to florida. scenario number three takes it to the west and puts the whole gulf coast in play. so all contingent upon the jet and the movement, so a lot still to figure out and follow these computer models. just so you kind of are aware of what's happening in the gulf right now. >> no matter the classification, florida is going to have a lousy weekend weatherwise, thanks, alexandra. see you later. breaking news this morning from the afghan capital of kabul. a taliban militant storming a hotel, opening fire, sparking an ongoing gun battle with afghan and nato troops overnight. three security guards, a police officer and two of the attackers are dead. this is according to the afghan interior ministry. 20 civilians are cress cued from this hotel. but it's feared some may be dead inside. and others may have been taken hostage. eight minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. and if you think that's early, it could be very late. if you're in florida because the party may just be getting start or not wound up on the streets of south beach. here you go, the king has delivered the crown and there are the cheers. lebron james leading the miami heat to their second nba title in six short years. it was a 121-106 game five victory over the oklahoma city thunder and lebron james's first championship. he also had a couple of great moments last night because he cass named the mvp. very nice. finishing off his remarkable season with a triple-double, 26 points, 13 assists and 11 rebounds. after he seemed pleased about the decision he made to head south to miami. >> i knew what it was going to have to take and i was going to have to change as a basketball player and i was going to have to change as a person. you know to get what i wanted. i'm happy. i'm very excited, i'm very happy right now. to be a champion, nobody can take that away from me. >> he says he's happy. he didn't sound so happy. but i'm sure he's pretty darn thrilled. next half hour, live to the streets of miami for a little taste of the celebration down there. she was verbally abused beyond belief. taking unthinkable taunts from 12-year-olds, but now this grandma may never have to ride the bus again. wait until you hear how viewers of the video have reacted and how much money they have donated. anderson cooper's interview with karen klein, next. but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. ♪ i hear you... ♪ rocky mountain high ♪ rocky, rocky mountain high ♪ ♪ all my exes live in texas ♪ ♪ born on the bayou [ female announcer ] the perfect song for everywhere can be downloaded almost anywhere. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. [ thunk ] sweet! [ male announcer ] the solid thunk of the door on the jetta. thanks, mister! [ meow ] [ male announcer ] another example of volkswagen quality. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. visit today. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. get two times the points on dining in restaurants with chase sapphire preferred. to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. 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[ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerine®... power to your mouth™. she's captured the sympathy of the world. now a 68-year-old bullying victim reduced to tears by children is revealing exactly what she wants to happen to her tormenters, first a clip of the disturbing video incident. the victim, karen klein, a bus monitor in upstate new york tormented by these middle school kids for an agonizing ten minutes. >> you're a troll, you're a troll. you're troll, you old troll. >> i'm going to bring my, if i stabbed you in in the stomach, my knife would go through you like butter. >> klein is a 68-year-old grandmother, she told ac 360 host anderson cooper was all she wanted was to make the teasing stop. >> trying to get it out of my mind. i was trying to make it go away. i was looking out the window. i kept looking and front because i needed to check on the other kids. i would like them to be at least kept off the bus for a year. be forbidden to play any sports. at least for a year. somebody mentioned community service and i thought that was a pretty good idea, too. >> you know, we use the word teasing, this is not teasing, this is verbal assault. this is verbal assault on a bus, this is not simply teasing. support for klein pouring from all over the world, a website raising funds to send her on a dream vacation has received almost half a million dollars in donations. >> i still can't believe it. i can't believe it. there's that much -- i don't know, i don't feel like it will come to me, anyway. so i don't -- think too much about it. i mean it's -- it's a nice gesture. but i don't know. if it's for real or not. it sounds too good to be true. >> we've just learned one other thing that you don't know about, southwest airlines reached out to us today, they've been extraordinarily touched by your story, they wanted us to let you know that they'd like to send you and nine people to disneyland in california for three nights, air fare, hotel and car all included. >> you got to be kidding me. that's awesome. nine people? >> and that bullying tape igniting a a frightening ripple effect. police say the four students accused of harassing klein have gotten death threats, the school district responding to the threats in a statement quote people are outraged and they feel the students should be punished. while we agree that discipline is warranted, we can condone the kind of vigilante justice some people are calling for. this is just another form of bullying and cannot be tolerated. we all need to take a step back and look at how we treat each other. it's our job as educators and parents to teach children and lead by example, we encourage parents to use this as a springboard to begin a dialogue about bullying, respect and consequences. coming up, we'll speak to the founder of the site tell me what you think the punishment should be for those kids, curious, if you think she's shown a little bit of mercy for those kids, would you be so merciful. >> at "early start" cnn, you can join in the twitter conversation. >> is it verbal assault. that's not teasing to me. teasing is saying, you're old. >> there is a case to be made for actual verbal assault. don't forget, these are 12-year-old kids, we're not talking about kind of justice system that you and i would enter into. this is a juvenile justice system, if they do at all. clearly there's a bigger issue here, that is, what is the message that everyone is getting from this. i think the school district made a good point. let's not counterbully, either. they are 12-year-old kids. even the victim herself has said that some of them didn't seem to even know what they were doing. that they were just trying to one-up each other as opposed to assault her. >> a lot of people have been saying, they're only 12, it's the mob mentality, cut them some slack. there are a lot of kids who would never, ever do something like that. these are kids -- >> i think -- they should be off the bus and their parents should be responsible for getting them to and from school. if they want to bully, they can do it to mom and dad. >> it could be more serious if the police decide to charge. so this conversation continues, make sure you check in with us on what you think about it. it's 17 minutes past 5:00. a couple of other big top stories to get you up to date on. not the least of this, markets in europe and asia trading sharply lower in the wake of the downgrades for some of the world's largest banks, u.s. stocks took a plunge. the dow losing 250 points. the stock futures here are up this morning. yes. i did. up. like you, awake. could see a bounce at the open. so stay tuned to christine. taliban militants opening fire on a hotel in cabal triggering a gun battle with afghan and nato troops, three security guards, a police officer and two attackers are dead according to the afghan interior ministry. 20 civilians have been rescued from the hotel. but officials fear others may be dead or taken hostage inside. mitt romney bobbing and weaving when it comes to taking a stand on immigration. he stood before latino leaders in orlando and criticized president obama's recent decision to halt deportations for illegal immigrants who were brought to the country as children. >> some people have asked if i will let stand the president's executive order. the answer is that i will put in place my own long-term solution, that will replace and supersede the president's temporary measure. >> governor romney didn't offer the specifics about what his plan would be, an immigration plan that he might be willing to support. on the topic of support, a new cnn poll is showing that 48% of voters support president obama, that gives him a four-point lead over governor romney. whether george zimmerman goes to prison or goes free could come down to the tapes. newly released tapes of zimmerman given police his version of what happened just before he shot and killed trayvon martin. zimmerman reenacting the final moments of martin's life. >> my jacket moved up and i had my firearm on my right side hip. and my jacket moved up. and he saw it, i feel like he saw it, he looked at it. he said you're going to die tonight [ bleep ]. and he reached for it, but he reached like i felt his arm going down my side. and i grabbed it and i grabbed my firearm and i shot him. >> the martin family doesn't believe that story. their attorney told cnn's aaron brant last night, his credibility has to be questioned. >> i think that credibility is an issue in this case, because you're going to have, there's clearly a homicide that has been committed. trayvon was shot by george zimmerman. george zimmerman is bringing forth a self-defense argument. his self-defense argument is that he was defending himself and the only person that is saying that and backing that up is george zimmerman. so his credibility comes into play here. >> next hour, we compare what zimmerman told police in this video reenactment of what he initially reported in his 911 calls. is his story consistent? we'll let you decide. it is a battle over bones. bones, believe it or not. old bones. >> very old bones. >> but look at them. wouldn't you want that? why is the united states suing for custody of this million-dollar dinosaur skeleton? i'll give you a hint. they say this thing was smuggled. and if you are leaving the house right this minute, you can watch us any time on your desktop or mobile phone, go to ♪ [ acoustic guitar: upbeat ] [ dog ] we found it together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. 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[ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ it's 5:25 in the east, getting an early read on local news making national headlines. the justice department going after two u.s. cities it says are controlled by polygamists. it's suing both towns, colorado city in arizona and hilldale in utah. accused of carrying out orders of imprisoned fundamentalist mormon sect leader, warren jeffs, who is serving a life sentence for raping two underage girls. official says he controlled both cities from behind bars, imposing new laws, such as a ban on dogs. the towns are accused of discriminating against residents who don't belong to the sect. the next one is kind of gross to say the least. a new naked flesh-biting attack that's been reported in florida. this is getting really out of hand it seems, deputies in manatee county say 26-year-old charles baker took off his clothes, and bit a chunk of a man's arm off in a drug-induced rage. he was at his girlfriend's house to visit his kids. >> classy. >> yeah. >> police say he went absolutely berserk, he was screaming, throwing furniture. another man present said he tried to calm him down and that's when baker allegedly bit his bicep. now he's been charged with aggravated battery. police say i the drunk bath salts played a role. but they are saying that it's entirely possible. here is the battle over bones we told you about. the old bones. united states is suing to get its hands on a 70 million-year-old dinosaur skeleton. a cousin of the t-rex. it's worth about $1 million. official says this skeleton was brought to the united states illegally. it's it was auctioned nof new york and the company who held the auction say it acted in good faith. u.s. officials want to recover the skeleton and return it to mongolia. i like hearing that the u.s. wants to do that as opposed to the mongolian government calling the u.s. government saying, give us back our bones. >> nice to know. >> it was it mongolia, who was the president when the dinosaur lived? i know, i mean, there were no borders. >> quick test, who is the current president? for an expanded look at all our news, head to our blog, will istart. bombshell news out of the jerry sandusky case, shocking allegations that his own adopted son has. saying that he was abused as well by the former penn state coach. a live report from outside the courthouse, next. ♪ [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? his own son, shocking new allegations against jerry sandusky, that the deliberating jury will not hear. at least not officially. >> plus, a tsa body scanner is apparently not stopping any terrorist attacks, ever. just ahaed hear what the tsa is saying about the news. and remember the video of a man being beaten on the side of a road, big new developments in the case, coming up this hour on cnn. hello, and welcome back to "early start," i'm ashlee banfield. >> and i'm christina romans. >> let's get you started with this bombshell, just a bombshell in the jerry sandusky case as the jury continues to deliberate, the former penn state coach's fate. sandusky's own adopted son, matt, now says that he was also sexually abused by his father. and he was willing to testify in the sex abuse trial as well. the jury is currently sequestered during these deliberations and it is not supposed to hear about these new allegations. matt sandusky now 33 years old went to live with the sanduskys as a foster child. he was 11 years old at the time. and he was involved in the second mile charity as well where the older sandusky met his alleged other victims. the older sandusky is accused of abusing ten boys over a 15-year period and facing up to 500 years in prison as well. sara ganim is the reporter of the "patriot news" in harrisburg, she broke the story and is following the trial closely. >> so much to go over you and it was such a stunning development last night, sara, the fact that matt sandusky has come forward. let's start with this. the jury never heard this. why not? >> the jury never heard this because both sides rested their cases and they went into deliberations, with matt sandusky never being called to the stand this is interesting, ashl ashlee. in the very beginning of the trial, opening statement, joe amendola, who is sandusky's attorney, referenced matt, sitting with the sandusky friends and family in the section of the courtroom reserved for them. he was sitting near dottie sandusky, jerry's wife and the defense attorney said to jurors that they might hear from matt as a witness for jerry sandusky. and about ten days later right after the case wraps up and the jury begins to deliberate, we hear a completely different story out of matt sandusky through his attorney that he in fact had said sometime in the last few days, we're not sure exactly when he met with prosecutors and he was prepared to testify for prosecutors if they opened a rebuttal case. now they never did that. the point that i believe he met with prosecutors, the defense had already begun presenting their case. the prosecution had initially rested. they did have the opportunity for rebuttal, but they did not for whatever reason. and i don't know if that's a legal reason, call matt to the stand. >> so that makes a little more sense. but and it only makes sense in the technicalities of it. the prosecution presents its case, they close. matt san ducky possibly then approaches the prosecutors, gives them this revelation. and they can't reopen their case, because the defense is beginning. and then when you get your rebuttal case, it's beyond the scope of direct, so you can't just bring that up, unless like you said mr. sandusky takes the stand himself. so here is my question -- what is the prevailing wisdom in this very perplexing situation, that perhaps matt sandusky as he sat with the supporters of his father listened to the account one after the other of witnesses who say they accused him of molestation and maybe he had a change of heart? >> that's hard to say why he did it and why he came forward at this point. i can tell you this -- he was initially sequestered, because the defense attorney had called him as a defense witness, like i said. but he came back into the courtroom, right after opening statements, he came back in for the very first testimony, which was victim four. and victim four mentioned him by name in his testimony. saying that they had both been in the shower with jerry sandusky. at some point during the time when victim four says he was molested in the '90s. and when the horsing around began and the horsing around was allegedly always led to worse abuse. when the horsing around began, victim four said matt left the shower and when he was asked what matt looked like when that happened. he said, he looked nervous. i never saw matt sandusky in the courtroom after that testimony. >> that is a very telling detail. sara, great observation, great reporting on this. and obviously going into day two of deliberations, who knows if we'll end up having a verdict in this case today, we'll talk to you later on, thank you, sara. waking up and checking your 401(k), you might notice that yesterday was a big down day in stocks. the second worst day for stocks this year. the second worst day this year. you could see that's our cnn money page showing you how stocks are doing right now. a rout continuing overnight. although futures watching them closely in this country right now and also bank stocks moving up a little bit in the premarket. look, here's what happened. you've got china slowing, europe in crisis, you have a weak u.s. jobs market, jobs recovery and then you throw on this big downgrade of 15 major banks around the world. and that was enough to really get the selling going. we'll watch closely, keep you up to date every 20 minutes, what we're expecting for this morning. >> making big news this morning, mount rainier national park is closed after a park ranger fell almost 4,000 feet to his death. all at the same time as trying to rescue four climbers who were stranded. his name is nick hall, he was preparing other climbers to be evacuated by helicopter. when he himself fell while standing at an elevation of 13,700 feet. a 34-year-old hall slid about 3700 feet down the mountain's northeast side. a search team reached his body several hours later. but he was dead. updating breaking news from the afghan capital of kabul. taliban militants storming a hotel and opening fire, sparking a long gun battle with afghan and nato troops overnight. the siege is over, three security guards, a police officer and two of the attackers are dead. this is according to the afghan interior ministry. 45 civilians were rescued from the hotel. the death toll, though, is expected to climb higher. the clock is certainly ticking now on a possible house vote next week that could lead to contempt of congress citation against attorney general eric holder. it's all about the botched fast and furious gun operation. that's what's at the heart of this debate. where guns were purposely put in the hands of drug cartels to track them across the border with mexico. the problem is, two of those guns at least many of the guns were lost and two of them that were lost were found at the scene of a murdered border patrol agent. an american. democrats are accusing the republicans of playing politics with the whole story. the republicans are firing back. the house speaker, john boehner insisting that the contempt vote will not be called off unless the justice department turns over more documents. we're trying to get to here, the facts and the truth about where this program started, why it continued, and why an american border agent was killed as a result of it. >> what we have seen is a shameful display of abuse of power by the republicans in the house of representatives. they are holding the attorney general of the united states in contempt of congress for doing his job. >> well, ultimately, if eric holder is held in contempt of congress, a decision about whether to prosecute him would have to be made by the justice department. guess what, eric holder runs the justice department. in a shocking turn of events, the victim of a brutal highway beat-down gets arrested toor another road rage attack. the victim in this fight on the i-5 in downtown l.a., james peterso prau patterson is accused in a prior incident. when police say he gave a man two black eyes. patterson surfaced after this attack last week where he was on the receiving end of the violence. police say his two attackers have turned themselves in and remain in jail. you know the full body scans at the airport? the ones you got to go through and you don't particularly love? they've generated a whole lot of controversy. but apparently they are not helping the transportation security administration catch any terrorists. a top tsa official is admitting that the scans have quote not resulted in the arrest or detention of any terror suspects. end quote. but the tsa's john helenski is defending the use of such scanners. he says their presence is keeping terrorists away from our american airports. the king crowned. an all-night party. our john zerella getting mobbed as lebron james and the heat take 0 home an nba title and we take you to south beach. wake newspaper south beach this morning, folks. maybe you haven't gone to bed yet in south beach. yee ha, south beach! glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. 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>> i think people are calling them here the fizzle. they didn't show up last night. the miami heat won by 15 points, to be honest, it wasn't even that close. lebron james gets his ring, miami gets a second title. and i'll tell you, the fans absolutely loved it. 19,000 plus inside the arena going crazy. and outside the arena, it was mayhem, perhaps twice that. the amount of people just coming in to downtown miami, taking over biscayne boulevard. they brought here in miami, they do something a little unusual. they bring their pots and pans out and they were banging them. all up and down biscayne boulevard. they shut down the roadway. people actually started climbing some of the highway signs out here. honking their horns. they had a fantastic time. the party went on for several hours. miami police got involved and disbursed everybody, but it was pretty calm and to be honest, they were very happy with the results. see people driving by, honking away here. it was a good time had by all. i want to show you what's left here on the streets of miami. it is a bit of a mess to clean up and down in the distance, you can see a little toilet paper that is hanging that was dropped from the skyscrapers, it's going to be a mess to clean up. but i'll tell you what, there's going to be a bigger mess next week. they're already talking about a parade. this is biscayne boulevard, the main they a the main thoroughfare in downtown miami. we're telling miami fans, today is not the day to call in sick. next week sometime. >> there's going to be a period on the sentence and it's going to be sometime next week. maybe an exclamation point. >> it's 46 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. time for the top stories. remarkable story coming in from overseas. six people dead, the number expected to get even higher. after taliban militants stormed a hotel, opened fire and sparked an all-out gun brawl between afghan and nato troops in kabul. lucky to report, the siege is over, but not before 45 civilians had to be rescued from this hotel. three guards, a police officer, and two of the attackers apparently dieing in this gunfight. day two of deliberations set to begin in a few hours in the jerry sandusky child sex abuse trial. a bombshell yesterday when sandusky's 33-year-old adopted son, matt, claimed he had been abused by sandusky, too. he said he was willing to testify about it in court, but of course the case was already to the jury. so they wasn't hear it in the courtroom. markets in asia trading sharply lower this morning in the wake of downgrades for some of the world's biggest banks. u.s. markets also on the decline yesterday. the dow and nasdaq, and s&p 500 all dropping 2%ish. a texas man indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly threatening to use violence to stop construction of a mosque in murfreesboro, tennessee. accused of violating the civil rights of the members of the islamic center of murfreesboro. prosecutors say he left a long voice mail threatening to blow up the building. in the northeastern united states it's starting off to be the summer of the heat wave. severe heat and huge humidity the order of the day thursday, temperatures in the mid to upper 90s from vermont down to north carolina. over 400 cooling centers are open today, in new york city. 700 sprinklers are going to be turned up full blast in the city parks. that is an adorable picture. can i tell you, those little kids? precious, no the so precious if you have to be at work or the new york city subway. >> it was 85 degrees when i was coming in. >> 87 for me. president obama trying to win over more latino voters at an appearance in orlando. coming a week after announcing he'll stop deporting the children of many illegal immigrants. it comes hours after florida senator marco rubio addresses the conference. a millionaire's boat washes up onshore and he is not aboard. coast guard is now searching the waters off of south florida for guma aguillar who made millions of dollars in oil and gas, coast guard says the boat's engines and lights were on, but he wasn't there. he is the father of four, he converted to the jewish faith and he has a record that shows arrests for stalking and making threats. if you're looking to save money on rent, you may want to buy your home if you live in one of these cities. the places where buying is cheaper than renting and detroit tops the list, orlando and st. petersburg round out the top three. results based on the cost of a two-bedroom home. if you want to spend your entire friday singing the song "take a chance on me" that's your cue, my dear. stick around for stephen colbert late-night laughs. can you take us -- this never happens. romans singing. >> look on your screen, the instructions to take us with you on your phone, on your desktop, all the instructions there. ♪ [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the moist, chewy, deliciousness you desire. mmmm. thanks. at 90 calories, the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. at 90 calories, the brownie of your dreams fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at hey, nice to see you back here, it is 53 minutes past 5:00 a.m., time to take a look at what's trending on the web. we had a kid who had a bad night, a little 6-year-old who seriously hates the miami heat. take a look. >> why are you crying? >> i hate miami. >> it's not -- the series isn't over. >> it's about to be. three more days to win. >> what a sweet thing. >> take that kid to vegas. >> that was a good prediction. >> seriously good prediction. >> we just want to let you know, little guy, it is okay that you cried over this. because even the grown-ups, the grown-up males will cry over sports. grown-up men over their chocolate milk. >> can you believe his predictions? going back to a time when they didn't exist, the tampa bay rays unveiling 1970s throwback uniforms they will wear next week. modelled by manager joe madden, he might be the only ray who was actually alive when these uniforms would have been fashionable. the rays were only established in 1998 when they're still cashing in on the retro thing, one critic in yahoo say they looked like mom's kitschen in 1976. makers of the smart car are winning a twitter war using toilet humor. started when the critic of the compact car tweeted a joke that said saw a bird that pooped on a smart car, totalled it. smart car fired back saying it couldn't have been just one bird, sounds more like 4.5 million birds. accompanied by a chart showing how many bird bowel movements it would take. it would take 4.5 million pigeons or 45,000 emus, rarely encountered in the urban jungle. full disclosure, i drive a smart car and poop does not affect it. sweden turns over its official twitter account to a different citizen every week. colbert nation is threatening that he needs a crack at it. >> before things get ugly, let me make a last appeal with the words of sweden's greatest living poet, benny and bjorn. if you change your mind ♪ ♪ on the first in line ♪ honey i'm still free ♪ take a chance on me ♪ if you need me ♪ let me know ♪ gonna be around ♪ if you got no place to go ♪ if you're feeling down ♪ if you're all alone ♪ with a pretty person ♪ honey i'm still free ♪ take a chance on me ♪ gonna do my very best ♪ and it ain't no lie ♪ if you put me to the test ♪ if you let me try come on sweden, give me the feed! we'll be right back. >> come on, sweden, take a chance on me. >> it looks like it could be the next broadway show. we're keeping a close eye on the tropics, because there's a nasty storm kicking up in the golf. we're tracking the storm, letting you know if it's going to turn into a tropical storm. for 25,000 miles, but... 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[ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ global markets tanking after major banks take a huge credit drowngrade, signs pointing to a costly friday. gulf storm brewing, more extreme weather after floods and a fierce heat wave. when are we going to catch a break? plus, a total bombshell coming after testimony ends in the jerry sandusky trial from his son who says he was one of the victims of the accused child molester. it's friday, i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm christine romans. >> the wall street journal says all of the up arrows and down arrows and market down worldwide after the ratings agency moodies downgraded 15 of the largest banks. who better on the story than the one to my left. >> it was a hammer blow to the largest psyche, five of the largest u.s. banks were downgrade, bank of america, citigroup and morgan stanley and j.p. morgan stanley. moodies says these banks have significant exposure to the volatility in the markets and economies. banking analyst mike mayo says this won't change your day to day banking but this will affect business for the banks themselves to get loans and will affect who will be able to do business with them and willing to do business with them. he says this is likely to be the worst lending decade for banks since the great depression. many of you have been complaining about that, you're right. the stocks for these banks are up a bit this morning because in short, the downgrades could have been worse. the rating changes were already factored in. the dow plunged 250 points. here's why. more signs of a slowdown in china, germany and u.s. economies after weak manufacturing data. plus, goldman sachs put out a report saying investors should sell s&p 500 stocks. the s&p dropped 30 points, 2%. this buzz about the banks downgrades, yesterday was the second worse day for stocks in this country all year. very tough day. >> when i heard about the bank's exposure and this is a big reason, it made me wonder. the whole time jamie dimon said we exposed ourselves and -- did that factor in? >> no. jamie dimon is showing a fortune balance sheet. everyone is trying to prove, we have a lot of money in cash. we're being very conservative and lending less, being very conservative so we can withstand the shocks around the world. >> the banks have all said, this is lag, this is lag time that moodies is doing this, we've taken measures to ensure. moody's is behind the times, that true? >> they say that. it fell 250 points yesterday because moody's is coming out and cut the credit rating two notches for morgan stanley. >> sometimes perception is reality. >> that is the mantra of the markets. >> i have the mantra of the markets today? >> you do, perception is reality. >> we have another big story brewing today, literally brewing. the tropics are coming alive, there is a big storm churning in the gulf of mexico right now. will it or won't it has been the big story. alexandra steele probably up all night. do you have the answer? do we know if this thing has turned into an official storm yet? >> no, it certainly has not. the biggest questions, how strong will it get and where will it go? way too early to know. let me show you what we're talking about. an area of low pressure is developing in the northern yuk ka tan. it is still disorganized. next two hours, next two days, 48-hour period, we could see it become a tropical depression. the entire gulf needs to be on alert. because of the spaghetti models, the forecast models. look at the discrepancy, one takes it this way, one takes it to the west. there's no consensus, thus, it's really difficult in the early phases of development. the driver with this is the jet stream. that's steering this entire thing. that will really be the driver to decide where this thing goes, be it goes east or west. scenario number one, this would be called debbie, a tropical storm if it were to become so. here's the area of low pressure, this is the strong jet stream. it dips down into texas thus pushing it toward florida, becoming beginning monday a wet day. that's the most benign scenario. next has it with more rain for florida and the third taking it to the west for the movement of the jet stream farther north. certainly early to tell but the good news with the early status, it keeps everyone on alert along the gulf of mexico from texas to florida. so aptly named the spaghetti model. you're brilliant. thank you, my friend. >> sure. >> the jury in the sex abuse trial getting set for day two allegations as two new accusers come forward and one happens to be sandusky's adopted son. matt sandusky going public with claims his father sexually abused him. he said he was prepared to testify about it in court. a man named travis weaver is also coming forward telling nbc the abuse he suffered at the hands of sandusky was accompanied by threats. >> he kind of pinned me down on the bed and i told him if he didn't get off me i was going to call the police on him. and he just laughed at me and you know, forced me to stay on the bed. and told me if i ever said anything that nobody was going to believe me and he would get my dad fired from penn state. >> weaver did not testify in the trial. he has filed a civil suit against sandusky. in the next half hour, we'll be joined live by pulitzer prize winner sara begganim. >> at one point he was smiling when the prosecutors were lining that up. breaking news from the afghan capital of kabul. storming a hotel and opening fire and triggering an all-out deadly gun battle with afghan and nato troops. three security guards, as well as a police officer and two attackers are dead this morning. this according to the afghan interior ministry. so far more than 20 civilians have been rescued from the hotel. it's feared that some may be dead inside and others may have been taken hostage. >> party is just getting started on pt streets of south beach because the king has delivered the crown. lebron james leading the miami heat to their second nba title in six years last night with a 121-101 game five victory over the thunder. it's lebron's first nba champion after nine seasons. also named finals nvp finishing off his remarkable season with a triple double, 13 assists and 11 rebounds. afterward he seemed pretty pleased about the decision to play in miami. >> i knew it was going to have to take and i was going to have to change as a basketball player and change as a person. you know, to get what i wanted. i'm happy. i'm very excited. i'm very happy right now to be a champion, nobody with take that away from me. >> happiest day of his life. >> we'll take you live to the streets of miami for the big celebration. >> we have been watching this story that broke yesterday and went viral, the grandmother, the bus monitor who was verbally abused beyond belief, taking unthinkable taunts from 12-year-old kids. now this grandmother may never have to ride that bus again. just wait until you hair how viewers of the video have reacted and how much they generously donated to her and a little surprise that anderson cooper had for her as well. the interview with karen klein next. no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at you know what's exciting? 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that's awesome. nine people? >> you know what's awesome, the original goal of the website was to raise $5,000. last night it raised $300,000. by this morning it's $500,000. $448,729 from strangers all over the country and said some woman deserves something good and those kids are punks. >> that almost doubled overnight. >> that bully tape had a r rippling effect. the four kids accused of harassing klein have gotten death threats. people are outraged and feel the students should be punished. we cannot condone the kind of vigilante justice people are calling for. this is another form of bullying and cannot be tolerated. we need to look at how we treat eachous. it is our job to teach children and lead by example. we encourage parents to use this as a springboard to begin a dialogue with their children about bullying and respect and consequences. we'll talk with the founder of reddit. the parents of these kids, the community must know who they are, must be morety fied or wonder if they are surprised. >> at least one of those parents, a father, came over to her house last night and hugged her. but nowhere visible was the child. it's interesting, perhaps it was too dangerous. perhaps the child didn't want to go. i don't know. the father was there to apologize in person and hug her. she's interesting too, she herself has said, at least a couple of these kids really were just trying to one-up each other. >> she is showing mercy where the kids did not show mercy to her. some of you are telling me middle school kids are the worst, where the 12-year-old boys are horrible. i wonder what you think. i want you to tell me if this is an age thing for them, crowd mentality. >> they are 12. important to remember, they are 12. at early start cnn you can tweet us and let us know what your thoughts are. 17 minutes past the hour. all eyes on wall street at this hour. asian markets are trading sharply lower because massive downgrade for some of the world's largest banks yesterday. u.s. markets also on the decline yesterday, the dow and nasdaq and s&p 500 dropping 2% or more. do y dow futures trading higher right now. a long gun battle with nato and afghan troops after storming a kabul hotel. three securities and police officer and two attackers are dead. that number is expected to get higher. more than 40 civilians were rescued from the hotel but again, the death toll could still rise. newly released tapes of george zimmerman explaining what happened on that night that he fatally shot trayvon martin. has his story changed. if you look at interview to interview, does it tell you anything? we're going to break down those tapes for you. [ male announcer ] this is the at&t network. in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪ there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. here's a question for you. does george zimmerman's story hold up? for the first time we are seeing and hearing george zimmerman in his own words reenacting the night he shot trayvon martin to death. this was taken by police the day after the shooting. keep in mind, this is before any of the controversy, any of the explosive stories surrounding this case was out there. zimmerman's bandages are clearly visible on the back of his head. and he gives the detectives a play by play of what he says happened the night he shot and killed the 17-year-old. >> that's when my jacket moved up and had my firearm on my right side hit. my jacket moved up and he saw it -- i feel he saw it. he looked at it and said you're going to die tonight [ bleep ]. and reached for it but reached -- i felt his arm going down to my side. and i grabbed it and grabbed my firearm and shot him. >> that video was among several new audio tapes and videotape interviews of george zimmerman and statements he made to police. they was released by his lawyers yesterday on their website. charles knows a thing or two about this kind of case. i want to get you in to get reaction about this. before we dig into the overall -- overarching reasons for why this might have been released and what effect this might have on a jury pool and anybody watching, i want to get to the specifics of what george zimmerman says happened and what george zimmerman says happened on the 911 call. let's play the 911 call as this incident was playing out and then we'll get to the other tape later. listen to the 911 call first. >> he's running. >> which way is he running? >> down towards the other entrance of the neighborhood. >> which entrance is that he's heading towards? >> the back entrance. >> are you following him? yeah. >> we don't need you to do that. >> there is george zimmerman on the call with the 911 dispatcher trying to figure out direction, is he going north or south, which direction is he going? are you following him? yes, we don't need you to do that. okay. the day after the crime he goes out with investigators and he gives them this account on video in a reenactment. have a listen. >> he didn't xnt me what direction he went in? i said i don't know. i thought to get out and look for a street sign. i got out of my car and saw walking -- >> go ahead. >> there he goes, getting out of the police car as he would have gotten out of his own car. do you see any inconsistencies in those two pieces of tape, the night of and next day? >> i do but before i even get into that. i think one of the things that needs to be pointed out. this is the same guy who has been shown to lie in order to get his bail reduced and his wife was arrested basically for perjury, for lying. if he's going to lie about his finances, what are the chances you think he's going to lie about the account that night when he's facing a second degree murder charge. that said, the huge inconsistency i see with the audio tape of the 911 call as well as this video is the reason as to why he got out of the car. he said initially, that he's ll following him, now he's saying, i'm getting out to look for a street sign. >> that came after though. the devil will be in the details without question. >> it will. >> he is being asked by the dispatcher which direction, north entrance, south entrance. then said are you following him? yes. we don't need you to do that. there are questions about the location and direction. the next day he said he was getting to look at the street sign. he definitely has a credibility issue because of the bail issue. >> of course he does. >> it can't be stated more importantly, this was taken before all of this was a national story. >> even before it was a national story, he still killed someone. he's aware of that. what else do you think he's going to say other than he had to defend himself. clearly he's aware of the stand your ground law. he carries a gun and well versed in terms of the gun laws in florida. one of the things i need to point out with this tape, i don't know if you have played the whole thing through, i find it incredible and hard to believe he would have been able to pull the trigger if trayvon martin was on top of him and pummeling him. >> the forensics will be a critical issue. you could make the argument that trayvon martin's hands might have been busy -- >> where are those injuries? >> they were visible on that tape. he had black and blue under his eyes and bandages on the back of his head. >> in he was being pummeled all over his body, i don't see those injuries. >> i think he was saying iz head. >> if you listen to the audio tape of the police officer, he says your injuries are not consistent with the beating you say you too. >> i'm going to play devil's advocate because this is going to happen in court. >> it's fair to do that. >> i have to play prosecutor. that same investigator said during that interview, do you need an ambulance? and he said, the paramedics who treated me said no but i don't know. that's something else that hasn't been out there yet. you and i need an hour long show to go over this win. thank you for coming in. >> fascinating stuff. the king crowned as lebron james and the heat take home an nba title. and we will take you to the party in south beach live. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. your trip begins at ♪ [ acou[ sighs ]ar: slow ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make brady miss his favorite part of the day. ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barking ] [ whines ] that's why there's beneful playful life, made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day. beneful. play. it's good for you. 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he was sifting with the sandusky friends and family at the beginning of the case. >> reporter: that's right, that's the amazing part of the story. he's been suspected and been in the news, his mother has been saying for more than a year and even testified before a grand jury that she witnessed strange behavior between jerry sandusky and her son about 1995, 1996 and beyond. and he denied it. he's denied it for more than a year. he denied it when he testified before a grand jury according to jerry sandusky's attorney. we don't have that actual testimony. when this trial started 11 days ago, matt sandusky was sitting with the family with dottie sandusky and appeared to be a potential defense witness. joe amendola told jurors they might hear from matt sandusky. he was even sequestered with other defense witnesses at the start of that trial. now, it was interesting and where things started to seem like they might be changing, is that he broke that squest trags and came back into the courtroom listened to victim number four who mentioned matt sandusky in his testimony. there was a time when he was in the shower with jerry sandusky and horsing around and touching was beginning and matt got out of the shower. when he was asked, when victim four was asked, what matt san dusdy was doigs or looked like. just said he looked nervous. matt sandusky, i never saw him in the courtroom after that day. that was day number one. it wasn't until the jury went into deliberate, day ten, that we heard from him again through his attorney saying for the first time in, like i said, more than a year, this he is a victim of jerry sandusky. >> and of course the jury won't hear any of this because it comes after the case has gone to the jury in the jury room. sara ganim, thanks so much. the king finally has the crown he's been looking for for so long. lebron james and the heat champions of the nba. they crushed the thunder in five games, last game, 121-106. what a victory in miami last night. james leading the way with 26 points, 13 assists and 11 rebounds, capturing his first title along with mvp honors for the whole series. john saturdzarrilla is live. all i can see with one guy behind you waving. what's going on back there? >> reporter: you mean just one this morning. my ears are still ringing -- >> look at him, we're number one. >> reporter: i don't think he went home yet. >> i would think miami would be alive everywhere. >> reporter: you know, it is miami. but yeah, it never was much of a contest last night. the heat pretty much led wire to wire all the way through the game. it was a statement game for lebron james. you know, the scene here very quiet this morning. much different than what it was like last night after the game ended. >> yeah! >> reporter: everybody getting into the action -- >> we're number one for the next -- not one, two, not seven, not nine. let's go, baby. >> reporter: and here's this morning's early edition of the "miami herald." the kings. and it is certainly a great, great day here in miami. we don't know when the party will be but they did bring home the second championship for miami heat. of course the first one for lebron james and we assume that, you know what, ashleigh, there's a champagne bottle on the floor over here and i think that's the same champagne bottle i was doused with last night. ashleigh. >> i love that headline "kings" because in a couple of weeks we had l.a. king crowned as champions and now the heat crowned as kings. >> champions, right. >> it makes it easy for the headline writers, recycle your kings. downgrades for the world's biggest banks sending a chill through the world markets, all major global markets hammered. and here's the one thing you need to know about your money today, the day after a big down day in stocks is the worst time to scramble to find your 401(k) log and sell stocks. please make sure you check it regularly and make it a habit. don't make big moves just when there are big moves in the markets. that's the dumbest thing you can do with your money. >> i get to work with her every day, she's my personal financial adviser. >> there's a saying on wall street, don't just do something, stand there. >> that's a good one. >> smart people don't just do something, stand there. >> latinos could be the voting bloc that sways this election. president obama speaks to the largest gathering of latino lawmakers hoping to make a connection with millions of hispanics across this country. h. h. oh woah. hello? 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[ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit a reminder of how important the latino voters are going to be this november. president obama has a speech to the largest gathering of latino lawmakers happening near orla o orlando. the president's speech coming just one day after governor mitt romney addressed that very same gathering. clearly an important bloc of people. by the way, the governor criticized obama's executive order, criticized the president's executive order to allow young people brought here illegally as children to avoid deportation. and governor romney called this a political move. but he gave few specifics of his own as to what his immigration policies would be. >> some people have asked if i will let stand the president's executive order. the answer is that i will put in place my own long-term solution that will replace and supersede the president's temporary measure. as president, i won't settle for stop gap measures. i'll work with republicans and democrats to build a long term solution. >> well, felicia is the political reporter for the "washington post" and she's live in orlando. maybe i could put it this way, felicia, some people who have weighed in on governor romney's speech have characterized it as, it didn't go over so well. >> sure. i think when you look at the reaction among attend ees yesterday, it's important to remember this is a very mixed crowd. everyone is fond of saying the latino community is not monolivic and that was clear here today. a lot of attendees i spoke with said they were -- some of the things he said, particularly the tone he took which was different than the harsher tone during the primary. on the other hand you have a lot of people who were not satisfied with the details he provided. that was evident in the response to his speech yesterday. it's going to be on display when president obama speaks here today. there are a lot of people here still looking for more from mitt romney when it comes to the actual substance of his proposal. >> so the specifics about immigration, it's the first thing i thought when i saw the substance of his address. but, then i was reminded of all of the polls out there that show what is important to latino voters and this one from univision news, 50% believe the economy is the most pressing issue for latinos, while 46% say it's immigration. that is within the margin of error but let's move to the unemployment numbers, the labor department releases these statistics and show an interesting number. the national unemployment is sitting at 8.2 -- 8.1? >> 8.2%. >> 8.2% for the national numbers. look at may for 2012, for latinos, it's 11%, up almost a point from just a month prior. and then it's about -- it's down a wee bit from this time a year ago. how much do they care about the immigration issue when there is a big, big story, not only nationally but for latinos when it comes to the economy? >> that's absolutely the biggest hurdle president obama faces here, when it comes to his economic report and particularly the hispanic community has been hit hard by that. another thing he has to deal with is the fact this will be his first time addressing this conference as president. the last time he spoke here was in 2008 when he was campaigning. that is another point that mitt romney made in trying to make the case to those who are here and those watching throughout the country that president obama has failed to live up to the promises he made when he was on the campaign trail. one of the things working in his favor is the fact that the move he made last week, when it comes to blocking some deportations, and the fact that he himself has advocated for a long term approach to this, whether or not that comes to fruition is in the hands both of the president and of congress. >> it will be interesting to see what the president has to say. felicia, thanks very much for joining us. >> soledad o'brien joins us for what's ahead on starting point. >> ahead this morning on quts starting point, we're watching your money as you have been talking about markets jittery after moody's downgrades five of the six largest banks. our money experts say this threat has gotten a lot more serious. we're going to talk about that this morning. a troubled florida millionaire has gone missing, his empty yacht washing ashore. what happened to guma agill lar this morning? >> that's lebron james, putting to rest talk of not being able to win an nba championship. we'll talk about that with mike and mike. don't forget, you can watch us live on your computer or mobile phone. go to >> thank you, soledad. >> gloeting. >> she loves it. >> one happy little lady. she loves it. >> you're lucky zoraida is not here because she was rooting for the oklahoma team. >> that's why she's out sick. >> what have you done with zoraida by the way soledad. thank you so much. her story inspired millions. the bus monitor caught on tape being verbally abused by school kids, now almost half a million dollars raised for her. the founder of the website that helped the video go viral live after the break. e right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious. we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality. bny mellon wealth management in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪ it was a feeding frenzy of crueldy, karen klein was called fat and troll and much worse bringing her to tears. listen. >> oh, my god, you're sew fat. karen you're fat. you're so fat you take up like the whole entire seat. >> you don't have a family because they killed themselves because they didn't want to be near you. >> the 68-year-old happened to lose her son to suicide ten years ago making that particular comment you just heard cruel, revery cruel. the video was taped on cell phone and posted on a kid's facebook page. then it was put on youtube then picked up by reddit where it went viral. millions of viewers vote on content they think is important and one user set up an online fund raising site through karen through indiego the total approaching a half million dollars now. joining me now is alexis o han yan, founder of reddit. you go from cell phone to facebook to youtube to reddit to indiegogo. first you have this punk trying to do whatever. but the guy thought it was $5,000. >> he crated this account and let's give mrs. klein a vacation, thought $5,000 was a reasonable amount. it captured so many people's attention online and it spread $400,000 later, she'll get the vacation of her lifetime. much deserved. >> what do you think this says about social media. and i guess -- i don't know, social media trying to right a wrong. >> you know, at the end of the day, i think most people are good. and i think the power of this platteform of the open internet and the reason so many fight for it, it let's good people, so many of us, so many of the people who gave or if they couldn't give, still spread the world. give it a voice. when you see the collective power of it, it raises almost half a million dollars for this woman. it really hopefully sets an example. so many of us saw that video and could connect with someone in our lives who we wouldn't dare want to put in that position. it was a way for us to say, we can do something about this. maybe it's a vote or few dollars, it's empowering, i'm hopeful we can see more things continue to snowball. at the end of the day, most people are genuinely good. >> the same platforms can take somebody down, post somebody's phone number or e-mail addresses if they don't like what they are seeing. it's a very democratic place with very few rules out there. >> and that's part of the reason why i think it's so important to stress and encourage the positive behavior. at the end of the day we are still subject to the fact that humans are fallible creatures. we need to use the tools for the best. seeing stories like this are encouraging because it also speaks to a new wave of philanthropy. one of the things you see so many non-profits doing and so many websites doing is connecting individuals, sitting at her laptops with specific people with specific causes. gone are the days of bureaucracy, getting help to people who need it. >> nice to see you, thank you. we'll keep you up to date on how high it is going up. it's still going up right now. ashleigh. >> coming up, best advice. my cut hurt! mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... 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Wanted , Employee Benefits , Presentation , Food , Lac , Tune , Sound , Lullaby And Good Night , Standards , Caterers , Drivers , Photo Sharing Abilities , Table , Kitchen , Experience , Customers , Credit Drowngrade , Jerry Sandusky Trial , Break , Floods , Gulf Storm Brewing , Child Molester , Christine Romans , Ashleigh Banfield , Arrows , Market , Wall Street Journal , Morgan Stanley , Left , Psyche , Hammer Blow , Economies , Mike Mayo , J P Morgan Stanley , Rating Changes , Manufacturing , Jamie Dimon , Factor , Fortune , Balance Sheet , Measures , Flag , Shocks , Perception , Credit Rating , Reality , Mantra , Big Story Brewing Today , Storm Churning , Alexandra Steele , Yuk Ka , Alert , Consensus , Discrepancy , Debbie , Status , Movement , Spaghetti Model , Friend , Sex Abuse Trial Getting Set , Claims , Hands Of Sandusky , Live By Pulitzer Prize , Sara Begganim , Deadly Gun Battle With Afghan , Afghan Interior Ministry , Pt Streets Of South Beach , 101 , Seasons , Finals , Lebron S First Nba , Big Celebration , Belief , Next , Surprise , Pride , Graduation , Lives , Face , Doctorate , Difference , Phoenix , University Of Phoenix , Jocelyn Taylor , Visit Phoenix Edu , Energies , Electricity , Shell , Natural Gas , Mix , Clay Piggies , Fed , Partner , Sugarcane , Co2 Emissions , Biofuel , Brazil , Let S Go , Energy Mix , Pricing , Brakes , Cap , Trol , Middle School , It Stop , Anderson Cooper All She Wanted , Airfare , Website , Goal , 000 , 500000 , 5000 , 00000 , 300000 , Bully Tape , Strangers , Punks , Ar Rippling Effect , 448729 , 48729 , Eachous , Community , Morety Fied , Child , Each Other , I Don T Know , Worst , Know , Thoughts , Asian , More , Securities , Long Gun Battle With Nato , Dow Futures Trading , 40 , Collaboration , Cloud , Computing , Apps , Ideas , Business Works Better , Adventure , Subaru , Wow , Time , Hearing , Bandages , Shooting , Back , Detectives A Play By , Hit , Lawyers , Audio Tapes , Videotape Interviews , Reaction , Reasons , Charles , Call , What , Jury Pool , Anybody , Way , Entrance , Dispatcher , Back Entrance , Investigators , Listen , Reenactment , Crime , Street Sign , He Didn T Xnt Me , Saw , Police Car , Walking , Inconsistencies , Pieces , Bail , Chances , Wife , Finances , Perjury , Lying , Audio Tape , Degree Murder Charge , Inconsistency , He S Ll , Details , Devil , Location , North Entrance , South Entrance , Bail Issue , Gun , Gun Laws In Florida , Stand Your Ground Law , Forensics , Argument , Trigger , Injuries , Black And Blue , Iz Head , Beating , Devil S Advocate , Investigator , Paramedics , Ambulance , Prosecutor , Win , Stuff , Tee Times , Courses , Shots , Michigan , 800 , Trip , Ear , Acou , Will Make Brady Miss , Barking , There S Beneful Playful Life , Egg , Whines , Wholesome Grains , City Streets , Networks , Performance , Value , Security Solutions , Soldier , Northrop Grumman , Moderate , Crohn S Disease , Nno , Humira , Symptoms , Gastroenterologist , Circles , Remission , Adults , Significant , Studies , Symptom Relief , Medications , Patients , Majority , Infections , Types , Have , Blood , Liver , Nervous System Problems , Tuberculosis , Cancer , Lymphoma , Heart Failure , Doctor , Region , Reactions , Tb , Hepatitis B , Infection , Fatigue , Sores , Fever , Cough , Speech , Group , Accusations , Engine , 12 Million , The Big One Anymore , Zoraida Sambolin , Bis Cane Boulevard , Bombshells , Sanduskies , That S Right , Matt May Have , Sifting , Grand Jury , Behavior , Beyond , 1995 , 1996 , Family , Defense , Dottie Sandusky , Defense Witnesses , Squest Trags , Touching , It Wasn T , What Matt San Dusdy , Jury Room , Last Night , Series , Honors , Title Along With Mvp , John Saturdzarrilla , What S Going On , Number One , Ringing , Contest , Statement Game , Action , Baby , Eedition , Miami Herald , Seven , Kings , Champagne Bottle , Headline , Floor , Ashleigh , Headline Writers , Chill , Big , Moves , Habit , Latinos , Voting Bloc , Adviser , Gathering , Lawmakers , Hispanics , Connection , Oh Woah , H , Prompt , Chase Sapphire , List , Math Scores , Class , 25th Place , Spain , Bacteria , Neosporin , Dollar Coupon , Pain Relief , Two Dollar , Reminder , Bloc , Immigration Policies , Deportation , Term , Felicia , Stop Gap , Didn T Go Over , Washington Post , Crowd , Attendees , Fees , Tone , Primary , Substance , Response , Immigration , Show , Address , Polls , Proposal , Univision , Unemployment Numbers , Statistics , Say It , Terror , Margin , Labor Department , Unemployment , 8 2 , May , Numbers , Wee , 8 1 , Immigration Issue , Hurdle , Fact , Campaigning , Hispanic Community , 2008 , Campaign Trail , Both , Fruition , Approach , Favor , Congress , Soledad O Brien , Threat , Money Experts , Florida Millionaire , Washing , Missing , Yacht , Guma Agill Lar , Computer , Mike And , Talk , Lady , Zoraida , Soledad , Oklahoma , Gloeting , Team , Zoraida By The Way , Tape Being , School Kids , Perspective , Go Viral , Wealth Management , Risk , Make , Vision , Opportunities , Obvious , Success , Bny Mellon , Fat , Feeding Frenzy , Crueldy , God , Entire Seat , Suicide , Cell Phone , Facebook , Comment , Revery Cruel , Youtube , Content , Fund Raising Site , User , Total , Han Yan , Alexis O , Indiego Go Com , Punk , Vacation , Whatever , Mrs , Social Media , Lifetime , Wrong , 400000 , Internet , Platteform , Couldn T Give , We Wouldn T , Voice , Vote , Dare , Position , Empowering , Somebody Down , Phone Number , Platforms , Addresses , E Mail , Best , Tools , Humans , Creatures , Websites , Individuals , Wave , Philanthropy , Laptops , Non Profits , Causes , Bureaucracy , Cut , Lightweight Construction , All Wheel Drive , Engine Revving , Cadillac , Secretary Of Labor , Come From Labor Secretary , Robert Reich , Whim , Cabinet Officer , Washington , Starting Point , Credit Downgrade , Double Dip Recession , Dover , Riduculist , First Nba , Rallying ,

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