Transcripts For CNNW Early Start 20120618

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on cnn. good monday morning to you, everyone. it's good to have you with us, welcome to "early start." i'm ashley banfield. >> we're bringing you the news from "a" to "z." big developments in greece that are sure to have a ripple effect. winning yesterday's parliamentary election in a vote seen by many as an endorsement for the survival of the euro. >> i will make sure that the sacrifices of the greek people will bring the country back to prosperity. >> so now it's up to samaras to form a coalition government to quickly keep greece afloat. something that other euro nations are hopes that we can do. christine romans is monitoring markets. as we started, we said, ah, good news here. >> features have turned lower. and i saw this described as a stay of execution for greece. others have called it the status quo. what is the status quo? relying on other monies from other countries to stay afloat, to basically not go broke and it still has an awful lot of work to do here. but voters decided to stay in the euro. and they're up for more money, believe it or not, in the middle of july so this new government however it gets formed will have to make sure it gets more money. the greece vote means it says in the euro. you won't need this dragma right now, but you'll still be using the euro here. but that would have, could have crushed the stock market. i want you to look into possible repercussions. again, status quo is maintain nourd. but these are what people feared. people feared a credit release in euro. people feared that the stocks could plunge. and it went back to that drogma which i just gave you. i want to tell you about the x lexicon. greece's lehman moment, the grexit leaving the eurozone, that has been avoided now. that is why futures are down for u.s. stocks. >> christine, we'll continue the story. also other uros in nations in the u.s. are urging the u.s. to act quickly to once again form a former coalition government. our matthew chance is live in athens this morning. this didn't go so well the first go around, is samaras able to actually pull off a coalition government, oh, in the next three days? >> reporter: i think that the hopes are much higher this time than they were six weeks ago when the new party and the anti-samaras got a much large portion of the votes. the final result gives him 129 seats in the parliament and he needs 151 to command a majority, so he's going to have to get that much more in the negotiations with the other parties which are expected to begin probably later on today and the latest tomorrow to try and forge a coalition. he hasn't come here yet to the presidential mansion in the middle of athens. he's expected to be invited over the course of the next half an hour or so. he'll officially be given the mandates to try and form a coalition. only then for the possibly problematic negotiations, again, with the various other political parties, to join with this party to form some kind of stable government, the kind of government that many greeks want. hopefully, within the next three days, ashleigh. >> so matthew, what changed because this candidate wasn't a bailout supporter originally. all of a sudden he is a bailout support, and all of a sudden, the greeks have seemed to have switched their allegiances. all of a sudden, they come with really tough austerity measures. what happened? >> well, to be fair, the new democracy party is one of the appears led by samaras that essentially backs the bailout in the first place. so they did have reservations about the kind of austerity measures that were being passed. they said this time, they'll be elected and support the financial commitments to the national creditors. they do want to renegotiate as much as they possibly can some of the terms of the loans that have been imposed on greece already to make it a bit easier, to make growth of it stronger in the country. and also, i think, to address your other points, i mean, the party only got 30% of the national vote. it's 70% of greeks who voted yesterday did not vote for his party. and that's a significant figure, obviously. >> well, let's hope that you and i are having this conversation in another six weeks because they couldn't form a coalition and had to start all over again. matthew chance live in athens for us. thank you. also, we want to let you know we're going to continue to monitor the world markets for you as things develop. you can always check out for the latest on how this affect your money. more bloodshed this morning as a muslim brotherhood claims visibility another egypt's historical presidential election. a count by state media show the candidate with millions of votes still uncounted. military leaders some the meantime have refused to give power, but they've grabbed more of it disarming parliament before the election saying they will make the laws until a new body is picked. a giant leap for china. a chinese spacecraft successfully docked in an orbiting space lab this morning. and this makes china the third country to complete a manned space dock behind the united states and russia. the mission also september the first female astronaut into space. the prosecution is expected to rest this morning then the defense will begin presenting its case in the jerry sandusky sex abuse trial. yesterday, sandusky underwent psychological tests that was requested by prosecutors and approved by the judge. his lawyers reportedly plan to argue that he suffers from hist tee onic personality disorder. that's a condition that can cause someone to be excessively emotional and inappropriately pro provocative. dangerous search on mt. mckinley causing the search for four climbs to be suspended. four are suspected killed, a fifth member survived. mt. mckinley standing more than 20,000 feet. the climbers were just 12,000 feet when the avalanche swept them away. in colorado, a situation, the fire burning near'collins is now officially the worst in the state's history. more than 1600 personnel are working on that fire which has blacken 86 square miles and is now 45% contained. we've got new details this morning on the death of rodney king. his neighbors told the "l.a. times" they heard, quote, a bit of a commotion late saturday and early sunday which they say was out of character for their typically quiet neighborhood. his fiancee found him dead in his swimming pool yesterday. king's controversial beating sparked riots one year after the beating in 1992 after four officers involved in the beating were acquitted, two of them were later found guilty. however in a federal court guilty of civil rights violations. king also sued the city of los angeles and was awarded $3.8 million in civil damages. king was 48 years old. president obama has arrived in los cabos, mexico, for the start of the g-20 summit. the euro crisis is expected to dominate the agenda. for the next two day, the world bank calls on u.s. economies to start buying time for short-term fixes. president obama is expected to meet this morning with vladimir putin for the first time since his recent return to the russian presidency. and a hot putter and a few prayers on the final three holes helped wake forest grad webb simpson cap ndur the open on sunday. 2 under par 68 at the olympic club in san francisco to win his first major championship and move up the rankings to number five in the world. but he had to watch nervously from the clubhouse with his wife before it was decided. as former u.s. open champ mcdowell had a birdie putt on the 18th hole to tie and force a monday playoff. mcdowell missed. the 26-year-old simpson taking home the title and the $1.4 million first place first. and the friday girl, notice that. this is a strange one. when redecorating nearly turns deadly, honestly. neighbors realize they haven't seen a woman for a couple of days. you see the house. you can't see her. so wait until you find out where police discovered her. in here,t in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. 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[ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums welcome back, 14 minutes past the hour. here we're playing politics maybe, or was it just the right thing to do? mitt romney is not mincing his words. he insists president obama's decision to stop deporting younger illegal immigrants is nothing more than an attempt to win over lat tone knee voters. >> if he really wanted to make a solution that dealt with these kids or illegal immigration in america, this is something he would have taken up in the first 3 1/2 years not in the last few months. >> reporter: so he did it for politics? >> that's part of the equation. >> what's the white house saying about romney's accusations, joe? >> the obama administration think immigration is a good thing for them. the obama say they can offer a temporary solution to one piece of the immigration issue that administration ruled, they announced, that you have to have come to the united states by the sage of 16, lived here like five years. graduated from high school. gotten an honorably discharge from the military, no crime convictions, and then you can get a work visa. so, they say they've offered a temporary conclusion. they're saying romney hasn't offered any solutions at all. it's made worse by the fact that over the weekend on cbs, he essentially was asked three, four, five times if he would repeal the administration position. and he wouldn't say. this is also complicated, as you know, during the primaries, mitt romney actually said he supported some deportation, and that was pretty much ridiculed even by people in his own party. so a little bit of a tough situation right now for romney, as he sort of develops his position on this. >> and he has flip-flopped on the dream act as well. we know that the president won 67% of the latino vote. does this move tell us anything where the white house's head is with latino. but i do want to qualify that president obama did campaign with this issue back in 2008 and it took him all this time to do something about it. will that adversely affect him with latinos? >> well, it's a very peculiar situation when you look at it sort of the 30,000-foot view. the at station has an advantage, at least in the polling with latinos in the united states. however, the administration has also deported more latinos than any other administration, and they did not come up with a comprehensive immigration policy like they promised they would. still, romney's also in a bad position, and it looks like at least right now, a lot of latinos in the united states are going with the obama administration. so what we're seeing is obama, the white house trying to shore up their position with latinos because that's obviously going to be a crucial vote in november. >> all right. joe johns live in washington, d.c. for us. thank you. now, 17 minutes past 5:00 p.m. on the east coast. let's get you up to date with stop stories forming this morning, and that's what christine romans has been busy doing. hi there. >> good morning, antonis sam rare mass has emerged victorious in greece's parliamentary elections and will then be faced with putting together a coalition government there. his victory is seen as a referendum on keeping the eurozone impact. and asian markets grew sharply on the news. new developments in the trayvon martin case. prosecutors have turned over crime scene photos. fbi reports and witness statements to the attorney representing george zimmerman. and this week, they plan to release 151 phone calls zimmerman recently made from jail. some of those calls led to his bonding revoked as well as the arresting of his wife on a charge of making statements. concerned neighbors thought she died but it turns out 67-year-old virginia cartier was trapped and you a dresser for four days. the oregon woman lives alone she was moving a dressers when a dresser fell on her. neighbors kicked down her door and rescued her. she's out of the hospital now. the miami heat taking a 2 to 1 lead in the finals. oklahoma city blew a ten-point lead in the second half. and lebron james on him, superstar kevin durant scored just four points in the fourth quarter. and soledad o'brien is very -- she's a happy woman this morning. >> i know she's happy, i'm not. i want oklahoma to win. the underdog. >> a cnn rivalry, i like it. >> i just miss hockey, you know. >> okay. it is now 19 minutes past the hour. a group of nuns gets into a bus and travels across the country all in support of a cause. it's called "nuns on the bus." find out what they're fighting for right after this quick break. and if you're leaving the house right now, you can take us with you. you can watch us anytime on your mobile phone or when you get to work, go to slash tv. in one day, kih with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. 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[ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ ♪ the global markets reacting to the news that the elections in greece, how it's going to influence your money today. plus, sarah palin slamming the president on drugs and what he ate as a child. this all at a conservative blogging conference in vegas. you'll hear from her straight ahead. and having a steak dinner in space? it's just not possible. it's especially not possible on the planet mars. we'll show you what they will be eating on the red climate. here's a hint, looks a bit like dog food. >> space food, always does, doesn't it. hi, everybody, welcome back to "early start." nice to have you with us. >> ashleigh banfield and zoraida sambolin. markets are up after greek votes picked the pro-ballot candidate to lead. >> christine romans is here to give us the lowdown. every seems to be down. it seemed like an up story and now it's becoming i down story. >> there was an initial reaction that was released quite frankly in overseas markets that's because greece will stay in the eurozone. that's what this vote was about. but a lot of people came out, guys, and voted to say, hey, we don't want to be part of these bailouts. we don't want this crush burden for having to qualify for the bailouts so that shows you the coalition is going to have trouble. let me tell you about the troubles ahead for greece. five years of deep recession. people are not feeling great in this country. two yearses with a financial crisis. concerns as i said of the coalition however it's formed lasting look, you've got a bailout at the end of the june. and bailout money, the cash runs out mid-july. so this has been described as a quote for the status quo. and the status quo was very difficult for greeks and the rest of europe. and also been described as a stay of cushion. look at it this way, if you're only as strong as your weakest link. the weak of the link was greece. the weakest link stays on the chain but now the chain is weaker as well. you've got people talking about spain and italy, how borrowing costs have been rising there and how every time there's a new development in greece's problems, people worry about other problems, different, but similar problems for some of these other much bigger european economies. we'll closely watch markets today to see if you get relief from the u.s. or stocks are up in the use. g-20 happening in mexico today as well. we're starting to get all of the responses from the political leaders who are there about their hopes and reservation, quite frankly, what goes on in greece. >> i'm glad you put it that way, you're only as strong as your weakest link. so many people are confused as to why this tiny mediterranean state could be affecting this. >> these countries have only been coming together with exit strategies. it's never been tested. >> 33 minutes past 5:00. a man believed to be high on bath salts has died in custody. police say he was standing in the middle of the street in galveston, texas, shouting incoherently but later died in a brief struggle with officers. of course, why is this making such news? because it follows that horrifying attack, that zombie attack in florida that also involved bath salts. the next hour, the drugs -- gil kerlikowske is going to visit with us to talk about what the government is planning to do. sarah palin is rallying the troops. the former alaska governor head lined the conference. she mocked the president for cocaine snorting and for eating dog food as a child. and she also targeted what she calls the mainstream media. >> let's be bold and courageous to win our country back. we can do it because we have the time-tested truths on our side and we will do whatever it takes to defend those truths. we will defeat that goliath of the old media that still seeks to deceive this most exceptional nation. >> palin also making headlines for what she didn't say. no mention of mitt romney. and still no endorsement of the presumptive nominee. the lawmaker who was suspended after making a reference to her vagina is planning to perform "the vagina monologues" on the state capitol. her name is lisa brown, a dem, joined by tony-winner eve vanceler. she told michigan's speaker, quote, i'm flattered that you're also interested in my vagina but no means no. after that, republicans refused to allow her to speak about an unrelated bill the very next day. premium court justice scrambling to finish up 14 cases before the end of the month. among them, the president's health care reform law. and arizona controversial crackdown on illegal immigrants. opinion days this week are scheduled for today and as for thursday. so decisions could be handed down as early as this morning. in suburban san antonio, a teacher is in trouble for trying turn the tables on an alleged class bully. apparently telling the boy's kindergarten classmates to line up and hit him. >> 24 of those kids hit him, and he said most of them hit him twice. he had friends in that classroom. they didn't want to hit him, but she instructed them to hit him. >> this kind of activity, you know, just can't go on. >> the 6-year-old never told his parents. but another teacher who witnessed all of this came forward two weeks later. the teacher who told the students to hit the boy and then said hit him hard will not be fired back. she may now face charges. and we're hearing -- the teacher who initially failed to report the incident will be coming back to the school next fall. 36 -- 37 minutes past the hour. fifth grader cameron slade has found himself in the middle of a censorship scandal. the 11-year-old won the right to speak, but became the subject of controversy after the principal told him to change topics or be banned from competing. why? well, the speech was about same-sex marriage. cameron will give his original speech today after a ruling over the weekend by the department of education. okay. get your geek flag up. this one rocks. call this top chef mars edition. yes, mars, the planet. 700 applicants can be whittled down to nine. their mission -- to cook food on mars that which healthy and appetizing. >> space anorexia can set in k4 is a loss of appetite which means your nutrition can go down and you're at risk for health and performance impacts because you're not maintaining your calories or the nutrients that you need. >> final six of the nine participants are going to spend four months in a martian-like habitat. apparently, they found that on a volcano in hawaii. the idea is to develop the strategy to feed a human colony on mars. because that's right around the corner. >> and why? >> so the animals of "madagascar 3" stampeding over the box office competition clinching the number one spot for the second week in a row with $35.5 million. sci-fi thriller "prometheus" remained in second place. but newcomers "rock of ages" and snow white and that's my boy" respectively four and five. >> my daughter has seen that almost twice. ♪ >> it's great. i'm just saying, it's a great movie. the second most dangerous city in the country is detroit, michigan. the number one city, according to the fbi, coming up after this quick break. would you take it? 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[ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] there's another way to help erase litter box odor. purina tidy cats. only tidy cats has new odor erasers... making it easy to keep things at home... just the way you want them. new tidy cats with odor erasers. good morning, atlanta. as the sun begins to rise over your fair city, it's a nice 65 degrees right now. heading up to 88 degrees. so while your windows are open now, you might want to shut them, think about the a.c. later on today. good morning to all of you as well. thanks for being with us on "early start." in just a few hours prosecutors are expected to rest their case and the defense begins in earnest presenting its side of the story in jerry sandusky sex abuse trial. the former penn state coach is facing 50 counts with jurors already hearing stories of unthink only sex abuse from eight of his alleged victims. our cnn national correspondent susan candiotti joins us live from bellefonte, pennsylvania. susan, when you wrap up a prosecution case it looking awful. almost insurmountable. the begin gets to start today. they have a long road to hoe, but in their efforts there was a cycle investigation that was underwent by jerry sandusky. can you explain how that moves forward? >> the jurors are constantly reminded, you have to wait until all the evidence is in before you make your decision. jerry sandusky reportedly has been examined by two psychologists. one for the prosecution, two for the defense. they're trying to prove that he suffers from something called a hi histrionic personality disorder. and it's one defense they'll argue for the creepy love letters to the victims. one, here's an example, sandusky writes in the third person. it reads, quote, jer may not be worthy, but he needs a best friend. is jer will not forget and always care." so prosecutors are warning this is one example of grooming techniques used by sexual predators. however, the defense is arguing, no, this is not it. it's a personality disorder and nothing more. ashleigh. >> what about his wife, dottie sandusky, she could fulfill two roles here? she could try to humanize him as the husband and father, but she under cross-examination would really have some answering to do for the allegations of screaming coming from the basement from these alleged victims. >> that's right. now, we'll have to see whether she does take the stand. it is very likely that she will. but yes, she could defend her husband but also answer tough questions, did you hear anything? did you see anything? of course, defense experts say, on the other hand, she can't say well i was with my husband every time he took a shower with a boy. and he has said that he has showered with young boyce. anyway, besides talking to dottie, defense attorneys could also challenge the time line offered by some of these victims. and as we've heard, they will probably attack the alleged victim's testimony, that -- they will stay that they're just in it for the money and simply plan to sue penn state and make a mint off this case. those are some of the things we expect to hear. >> you know, pennsylvania trial rules don't -- don't suggest that the defense has to share all of its strategy before trial time. so there could still be some big surprises that are coming down the line. i think the biggest surprise that everyone's waiting to find out is if jerry sandusky himself will take the stand, especially since we've heard from him in interviews, leading up to this trial. and those interviews did not go well. >> that's right. and, of course, jurors already heard one of those interviews that was played and taped during the prosecution case, that now infamous interview that he did with bob costas on nbc. but, again, defense attorneys said in their opening at the same times, you will hear jerry's words. were were they referring to that? or will he make that bold move and take the stand? if he does, as you know, ashleigh, not only would he get a chance to tell the jury what he wants to tell them, but he would also face, no doubt, blistering cross-examinations by prosecutors. we'll see. >> so we've had this legion of accusers who have taken the stand, one after the other, eight them. are we expecting to see other kids who are now adults, who are either part of the second mile, or had an experience with jerry sandusky that might come forward with entirely different stories, character witnesses? >> oh, i think it's entirely possible. although others argue, i don't know how far that would get just because some people would say they didn't doesn't necessarily mean that it also didn't happen. so jurors will have to struggle with this. but, you're right, usually, there are always surprises in defense cases. we'll see if we get one this time. and, ashleigh, the defense is probably only going to take two to three days. so it's very possible that including a rebuttal case and closing statements this could be in the jury's hands by the end of the week. >> and we all thought this would take at least three weeks or so. but we're only in week two. susan, excellent reporting. this will be a fascinating day. difficult but fascinating. susan candiotti reporting live from bellefonte, pennsylvania. let's get you up to date, christine romans with the top stories. good morning. let's start with greece. antonis samaras winner of the greece's parliamentary election by a slim margin for the second time in six weeks he'll be faced with challenges of putting together a coalition government for greece. his victory yesterday seen as enendorsement of the euro and keeping the eurozone impact. u.s. stock futures are slielly lower. high winds and extreme heat remain a volatile mex for cruise in colorado. the hyde park fire burning near ft. collins, colorado. the fire scorched miles. the fbi has issued a report in the cities most dangerous in america. two cities topped the list. the top five. memphis is in at number five. it bucked the trend of declining crime rates. oakland, california, number four, st. louis, number three, detroit, number two, and flint, michigan number one. flint government said there is too many guns on the street. warren buffett fired for using a gun with his staff. benjamin moore the company owned by the berkshire firm after frozen sal ris and lots of layoffs. society ceo dennis abrams took his corporate staff to bermuda and warren buffett fired him for taking them to the long islands to celebrate. resources say by 2015 we could get most of our resources. the cost of solar is dropping and advances are being made with wind and plant-derived technologies. researchers say the grid could use an overhaul. that's an underestimate. >> 80%? 80%? that's ambitious. >> really? >> that's am bifbitious. are the numbers reversed? >> thank you, christine. >> 50 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. don't you love that smell? >> paper passion. >> just how passionate could you get over this? yes, over a good book? very passionate. >> i don't know, the smell of it, sometimes a bit musty. we'll let you know what the story is all about coming up. 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[ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ ♪ you're money in the stock market and in your 401(k) likely to be influenced by these elections in greece. >> china making a statement in the final prfrontier as the unid states is still left hitching a ride. king james two wins away from getting his first nba crown. lebron huge in game three in that win. we'll have the highlights coming up. welcome to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> we have the news for you, 6:00 a.m. in the east. a big election in greece, did you hear? sure to impact your 401(k) and the u.s. markets later this morning. the new democracy party won yesterday's election as a vote that was seen for many as a survival of the euro. >> i will make sure that the sacrifices of the greek people will bring the people back to prosperity. >> well, now it's up to samaras to form a coalition government quickly to keep the u.s. afloat. christine romans is here with us live this morning. she's not only monitoring the world markets this morning. poor girl did not sleep all weekend. >> i was worried about this. >> here's the deal, while i think a lot of americans say let them play it out and have their thing and let me know how it affects me, it's kind of an immediate thing. >> it's been playing 221 days without an elected government in greece and surviving on bailout money from the rest of europe. this is the weakest link in the european chain and it looked like it was going to break off but at least for now this vote means it stays on there. here's what people were worried about, the possible repercussions if greece's crisis spreads, u.s. stock market potentially plunging, the euro sinking against the u.s. dollar. many people told me that would have been with a had happened if this had gone towards an anti-bailout party who would say we don't want the crushing terms of the euro. going back to the drak ma, that's what many people thought would happen. you've heard a lot of things, drachmageddon. it could be europe's lehman movement. you hear that a lot, greek leaving the euro zone. it has avoided today for now. stocks are lower because this country has a lot of work to do. you have a government, potentially if at the this form a coalition. there's a mid-june deadline for how it's going to make sure it is actually abiding by the terms of the bailout. runs out of money in mid july and the telegraph has an amazing story. how the tax collector came and a local radio station put his license plate number so people could hide from them. corruption and tax evasion still a problem. >> they've got three days to make that coalition government. talk about speedy work. >> that guy has the hardest job in the world right now. >> we'll try to figure out if that can happen in three days. our euro zone nations are urging samaras to act quickly. matthew chance is live in athens this morning. can samaras pull this together after failing just six weeks ago? >> reporter: well, the hope is zoraida that he will be able to succeed where he failed six weeks ago. he had a much lower proportion of the national vote and this time coming away with 129 seats. he needs 151 to command a majority in the parliament. in terms of the figures it's going to be easier for him to attract some -- enough support to form a government. in terms of whether he's going to be able to do that or not, it may be just as difficult. same parties are out there, there are idealogical differences. but samaras, the man likely to be the next prime minister of greece, now has three days constitutionally to conduct the negotiations with the other parties and to forge some type of working coalition. the meetings with those parties will begin in about a few hours from now here in athens at the parliament building. as i say, three days to conclude, maybe it will happen before then. percentages, the differences between election this time and last time were very small. a lower voter turnout. is that the lowest ever there? >> reporter: yeah, i mean, i think that low vote turnout reflects the apathy with which many people in greece have towards the political process here. remember, they have seen five years of recession, unemployment is sky high, well over 22% nationwide. it's over 50% for the age group between 16 and 24. and a whole category of people are totally dis illusioned with the class in this country. there's very little hope that whoever will do that will solve the economic problems inside greece. what most greeks understand is what they've elected this time is sort of continuation of the process, not a solution, not much hope for that. >> matthew chance live in athens, thanks very much. >> we'll continue to monitor the world markets for you as things develop this morning. remember to check out for the very latest. in colorado, the high park fire burning near fort collins is now officially the worst fire in the state's history. it's destroyed a record 181 homes. more than 1600 people are working on this fire. it's blackened 86 square miles and it's just 45% contained this morning. a giant leap for china. a chinese spacecraft successfully docked with a orbiting space laboratory this morning. this makes china to complete a manned space docking behind the united states and russia. the mission also sent the country's first female astronaut into space. >> dangerous conditions on alaska's mount mckinley is prompting the search for four japanese climbers to be suspended. park officials believe the climbers were killed in an avalanche. a fifth member did survive. mt. mckinley stands more than 20,000 feet tall. the climbers were just below 12,000 feet when that avalanche swept them away. new details on death of rodney king. his neighbors told the l.a. times, they heard a bit of a commotion late saturday, early sunday, which they say was out of character for their typically quiet neighbor. his fiance found him dead in the swimming pool yesterday. his beating sparked riots one year later. after the four officers involved were acquitted, four were later found guilty in a federal court of civil rights violations. king also sued the city of los angeles and was awarded $3.8 million in damages. king was just 47 years old. power struggle and more bloodshed as the muslim brotherhood is claiming victory in egypt's historic presidential election. shows morsi leading but more votes to be counted. military leaders have not only refused to give up power but grabbed more of it. they say they are going to make the laws until a brand-new body can be picked. a very dependable putter helped web simpson get the golf championship. winning his first major championship and then also move up in the rankings to number five in the world. simpson had to watch anxiously from the clubhouse with his wife before that tournament was actually decided. as former u.s. open champ mcdowell had a birdie putt to tie. mcdowell missed and simpson took home the $1.4 million first place prize, not to mention all of the bragging rights. nice cup. >> nobody has talked about tiger woods this morning. he faded into the final round yesterday and didn't end up being a factor at all. we're going to interview woods, yes, we are, another one of the woods family in fact. it's his niece coming up later on in this hour. cheyenne woods will talk to us after her debut this weekend. >> jackie joyner kersey is going to be here. very exciting. neighbors realize they haven't seen a woman for a few days and called the police. wait until you see where they found her. that's what they tell us a legal golf bag can hold. and while that leaves a little room for balls and tees, it doesn't leave room for much else. there's no room left for deadlines or conference calls. not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day, or the to-do list of tomorrow. only 14 clubs pick up the right one and drive it right down the middle of pure michigan. your trip begins at [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. 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depends on where you stand in this election and mitt romney is not mincing any words. he suggests it was nothing more than an attempt to win latino voters. >> if you really wanted to make a solution that dealt with the kids or illegal immigration in america, then this is something he would have taken up in the first three and a half years, not in his last few months. >> he did it for politics? >> that's certainly a big part of the equation. >> kind of a damned if you did or don't thing. how to you legs late without getting the credit or criticism? joe johns is live from washington, d.c., which is why you are such a busy man. give me the lowdown on how this is shaking out? >> the polls tell the obama people immigration is a good issue for them at least right now. they are slamming romney for not coming up with solutions, ashleigh, the obama people say we don't have a complete solution but we have come up with a stop gap solution. they have come up with this idea to let people who came to the united states by the age of 16, lived here up to five years, say they graduated from high school or got an honorable discharge from the military, no crime convictions, then they can get work permits. so that's just a piece of this. they say they've done more than mitt romney has come up with at least so far ashleigh. >> joe, we have this itty bitty taste of how mitt romney reangted to this over the weekend. and then bob schieffer did what all of us are taught to do from day one in journalism school -- >> he's the best. >> isn't he? he asked, if you are president romney, would you repeal this and it was incredible. walk me through it. >> this is really interesting. several times and i think it was three or four or five times he asked if romney would repeal the obama policy that i was just talking about. do we have that sound? can we listen to it? >> we do. have a listen. >> would you repeal this order if you became president? >> well, let's step back and look at the issue. >> what would you do about it? >> as you know, he was president for the last three and a half years, did nothing on immigration. >> but would you repeal this? >> well, it would be overtaken by events if you will by virtue of my putting in place a long term solution. >> i won't keep on about this but to make sure i understand, would you leave this in place while you worked on out a long-term solution or would you just -- >> we'll look at that set as we reach that. >> he gets right in there, right, joe? >> absolutely. this is compounded by the fact that during the primaries, romney said he supports self-deportation and that's the kind of thing, of course that got him ridiculed even from republicans who were supposed to be in his own party. it's a tough position this immigration issue for romney right now. >> stay on it my friend. let's see how this shakes out today. joe johns, thanks for getting up early. >> good to see you, ashleigh. >> here's christine romans with her top stories. >> and the top story is greece. for the second time in six weeks, samaras has come out victorious and will begin be faced with the challenge of putting together a coalition government. his victory is seen as a referendum on keeping the eurozone intact. u.s. futures are down a little bit this morning. the defense will begin presenting its case in the jerry sandusky child sex abuse trial. yesterday he went psychological testing and approved by the judge. the football coach faces 50 counts of sex abuse and his lawyers plan to argue he suffers from a condition called histrionic personality disorder. concerned neighbors thought she died but it turns out 76-year-old virginia cartier was trapped under a dresser for four days. the oregon woman who lives alone was moving furniture when the dresser fell on top of her. neighbors called police who kicked down her door and rescued her. she's out of the hospital and staying with friends while she recovers. the miami heat taking a 2-1 lead. they pulled out ail 95-81 lead. and lebron james, superstar kevin durant scored only four points in the fourth quarter. that was an exciting second half of that game. >> yes, it was. i'm still waiting for oklahoma to pull it all the way through. they get this close and let it go. >> how many games in the series? >> seven. >> and they are 2-1? okay, it's exciting. all right. i'll give you that. >> i miss hockey, i'm in my funk. >> 18 minutes past 6:00 on the east coast. when was the last time that you made something? a sculpture, beer, maybe your own rocket? you're about to meet a man whose mission it is to make more makers. dale dougherty says all of us were born makers and he is making it his business to get us working. >> for many years or decades, we've kind of talked ourselves out of being makers, that we're smart shoppers or consumers. and i really want to turn that around and say we are makers. we make our world. >> how about this, dale created a magazine and festival to encourage americans to get making, go on, get out there. you can find out more on "the next list" this sunday at 2:00 p.m. it's sanjay gupta, needy say more? >> no, he's awesome. i would watch sanjay sit there. >> the organt this weekend, it was terrific. the largest economy is buying time now. president obama joining other leaders at the g-20 sum it with the crisis in europe on everyone's mind. we're live in mexico with the latest. 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. was a state representative barred from a fight over abortion, what she has planned today in protest. >> a designer drug may be turning people into zombies. the white house drugs on the bizarre behavior of people who take bath salts and what the government is doing about it. >> leveling the playing field. we're looking at the significance of title 9, 40 years later and who best to do that, three time olympic gold medalist, jackie joyner kersey. >> she is in the studio. we're very excited about you with us. welcome back to "early start". >> it is 31 minutes past the hour. it's a mantra for many. greece is the word this morning. the entire world is watching athens in the wake of last night's parliamentary elections. samaras, winning by a slim margin in a vote seen by many as an endorsement in the survival of the euro. christine romans didn't sleep a wink. she's minding your business this morning. i like that you say that greece could be considered the weakest link in the chain. >> that's right. >> and that that's why this is so significant. >> the question was whether the anti-bailout people were going to win and then you would have basically an exit down the road from the euro. what would that look like. what would be the ramifications? there was a lot of fear around the world that would happen if the greek crisis spreads and it were to exit the euro and not be able to pay its bills. you would have a credit freeze, stock market plunge, some people say global stocks could plunge by 15%. you would have the euro sinking against the u.s. dollar and the reason why today we have so many concerns, u.s. stocks have now turned lower and stock futures are down a little bit. that's because of the troubles ahead for greece. many people are saying the work has just started. five years of repainful recession and a lot of questions whether the coalition will last. the bailout deadline by end of june and then the cash runs out by mid july. so we still need to see that greece can abide by its crushing bailout terms. it can survive on the money that's being given of the european union and fix its structural economy and get going here. i was telling you about a telegraph report that the island of naxos, the local radio station was broadcasting license plate number of the tax collector when he came to town because some people don't want to pay their taxes and corruption is still a big problem. the greece story is just beginning. also talking about spain and italy and higher borrowing costs for those countries. >> 33 minutes past the hour. supreme court justices have to decide 14 cases before the end of the month. among them the president's health care reforms and arizona's controversial crackdown. opinion days are scheduled today and thursday, decisions could be handed down as early as 10:00 this morning. the lawmaker banned from speaking at the session after making a reference to her vagina is going to recite the vagina monologues, she was arguing and told michigan's speaker that she was flattered by everyone's interest in her female anatomy. while she has asked for a reason why she was ban d, she's never been told directly. the next day republicans refused to allow her speak about an unrelated bill on the floor. a teacher is in trouble for trying to turn the tables on a class bully. telling classmates to line up and hit him. >> 24 of those kids hit him and he said most hit him twice. he had friends in the classroom. they didn't want to hit him but she instructed them to hit him. >> this kind of activity just can't go on. >> that little 6-year-old never told his parents but another teacher who witnessed it came forward two weeks after it happened. the teacher who told the students to hypotheticit the bo the boy harder may not be hished back and may face charges. and the teacher who failed to initially report the incident will be back in the falls. we heard about violent attacks from people using bath salts. we'll talk about what the federal government is planning to do open this strange new fen on men on on drug use. but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. welcome back, 39 minutes past the hour. through a string of bizarre incident, a designer drug known as bath salts went from being unheard of to taking the national spotlight in what many are calling a drug epidemic. rudy eugene, suspected to be under the influence of bath salts attacked a homeless man and bit off over 80% of the victim's face before being shot and killed by police. there have been at least four our violent incidents across the country since then and u.s. lawmakers are scrambling to try to find a solution to this. joining me from washington is gail curl cow xi of national drug control policy. nice to see you this morning. thank you for being with us. >> you're welcome. >> i want to talk about explaining bath salts. i want to be very clear that this is not what you buy to use in a bath. if you can explain that quickly. >> absolutely. they are marketed as incense, bath salts or plant food, not for human consumption. these chemicals are incredibly powerful and cause not only violent incidents but psychotic episodes with young people. >> they are bougt under a lot of names, cloud nine, we went on the internet and we could purchase this off the internet. >> one of the things that we're really hopeful is new federal regulation that will ban this. many of the states have banned it. the people that sell and market this who are truly bottom feeders change the chemical compilation and then are able to skirt the law. but hopefully federal legislation is going to work to stop that. >> you talked about the chemical compilation, you're banning certain chemicals that are used in it? >> it's over 28 different substances. when these are put together and sold as things we just mentioned, that was the significant problem. federal legislation also will allow the department of justice and others to be able to stop them from being imported in the form that they are in. >> so this is a growing problem. i want to throw u statistics. the number of calls went up from 304 to 6,138 in 2011. there have been more than a thousand calls this year alone. would you consider this an epidemic? >> i wouldn't consider it an epidemic because we've heard of waves of problems different drugs over many years that have come forward. but i guess the most important part is that we want to alert parents and the partnership at along with the department of justice actually developed a kit. parents are pretty good at being able to talk to their kids about alcohol and marijuana and cocaine. they really didn't have the information until recently to talk to their kids about these sen th synthetics. >> what is the time line you're talking about to fix this problem? >> we're hopeful with the work of senator schumer and cloeb char and others, that it will move forward. a number of states have already taken action. i guess the most important part is, it isn't going to be just about law enforcement or a particular law. it's also about educating young people with a trusted voice like a parent, coach, police officer, to tell them about the dangers. the people that sell and market this stuff are truly low lives. >> and when you look at the list of priorities for you. where do you rank this? >> it's difficult to rank one drug as more dangerous or more prevalent or more of a problem than others. we have our own prescription drug problem which you all have remarked about quite a bit. >> right. >> and we certainly see an increase in use of these synthetics with young people. a question was asked on a survey for first time ever and what we saw was one in nine high school seniors talked about using this s synthetic. we appreciate you wanting to raise awareness. we have a website we'll put up here for folks who want more information. tell us where to go, anywhere else? >> white will give you more information. and the kits for parents give them the information they need to warn people about this dangerous substance. >> we appreciate your time. white house drug czar. thanks. >> soledad o'brien joining us with a look at what's coming up on "starting point". >> a new biography of president positi obama. the two differ a little bit. we're compare and contrast on where they are not saying the same thing. mitt romney's biggest supporter on the campaign trail, does that mean tim pawlenty could get a spot on the ticket as vp? we'll talk to him this morning live. history through this man's lens, the only photographer to have shot album covers for the beatles and the who. you can watch us on your computer or mobile phone if you're heading to work. we'll see you at the top of the hour. happy birthday, title ix. >> it's not my birthday. >> not you, girlfriend. you'll know, there will be a cake with people jumping out. what exactly does that mean? you probably would want to know from some of the best in the business. top female athletes, jackie joyner kersey, cheyenne woods joining us to talk about the influence on their lives. a grea. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. there's another way to help erase litter box odor. purina tidy cats. only tidy cats has new odor erasers... making it easy to keep things at home... just the way you want them. new tidy cats with odor erasers. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. i meant it when i said happy birthday, the 1972 law ensured equal treatment of men and women in all federally funded institutions. that law had a huge impact in women's sports in particular, which is the subject of what you're seeing on your screen, a brand-new documentary called sporting chance, which is going to premiere this weekend on espn 2. tonight in new york at lincoln center, a cast of prominent female athletes, including three time olympic gold medalist, jackie joyner kersey and its impact over the years. miss kersey is also joined by miss cheyenne woods who made her golf debut a week ago and on tonight's panel. very nice to see you and congratulations on the big debut. >> so much to talk about with regard to title ix. i was looking over your bio, jackie joyner kersey is younger than i am, i wonder how much time she had to benefit, it has been almost your whole life. can't believe it. >> i'm very fort natd and excited about tonight with coke cola and prentding this panel tonight to talk about the celebration of title ix and how it has impact all of our lives. for me in 1972, when it came into effect, i didn't know what to expect. but i know that as i continued to dream about wanting to do great things and my parents couldn't afford for me to go to the college of my choice and title ix made a big difference in my life. >> did you see changes in the way the gyms were structured that all of a sudden, you said, i could get on that team or there is a team for me to join? >> what i was able to notice coming up through my middle school as well as high school, i wanted to do sports. and one of the things is that the girls weren't allowed to practice right after school. we only had one gymnasium. we would have to come back at 6:30 or 7:30 in the evening. my mother wasn't going for that. then the coaches still impacting and making sure they really enforce the law, the title ix. after school, we being girls were able to practice right after school and allowed us to continue to pursue our dreams. >> six olympic medals three of them gold, do you think that would have happened without this? >> i think training and trying to become one of the best and realize how difficult stepping back how difficult it is. i still see there's a lot of challenges today but title ix made it all possible. >> you had almost your entire life to benefit from title ix. you on the other hand, 21? >> 21. >> good heavens. baby. i'm wondering cheyenne and it may be tricky to think of live on television. i'm been thinking this through, do you think you're benefitting from title ix or from jackie's benefitting of title ix? >> i i would say a combination of both. title ix got it started and women like jackie joyner kersey started the foundation for female athletics. i'm thankful for women like you and title ix for helping female athletes getting to where we are today. >> this is a question for both of you. is the playing field level? do we still need title ix. if you're already there at 21, do we still need it? >> i think so. it's always good to set that equal playing field. and i think with it it will really set it and help us continue the progress in female athletics. >> jackie, do we need it? >> yes. >> a lot of critics say, we're done. >> you can never be done. we still need it. we need more women in decision-making positions from athletic directors from presidents of universities to make sure that she don't try to do away with title ix and change the playing field. there's always people out there trying to figure out a way. we're still not on an even playing field. it's great we're talking about the celebration and i am very, very thankful for coca-cola and ncaa because billy jean king, the great legendary tennis player will be here tonight joining us, talk about the empowerment of women and what title ix has been able to bring to female athletes. >> nice to have another woods on the golf course doing well. did you talk to -- hate to say uncle tiger because you're the same age. did you talk to him about the weekend? >> he was proud of me, followed me the whole week. it was nice to have his support and support of my entire family through this process and beginning of my career. >> i'm no sports reporter, i'll ask you this, what happened to tiger last weekend? >> i don't know. he showed a lot of promise and i thnk he's playing really well. it's exciting to see him out there. i know that he's going to continue to play well and it's always exciting when he's out there. >> cheyenne, just as exciting to see you now coming up in the ranks. jackie joyner kersey, always a pleasure to see you. the building is buzzing that y' all are in the building. better get your autograph pens ready to go. nice to meet you again. saw you in sydney. zoraida, over to you. >> get ready to say cheese, we have our cameras ready as well. up next, the best advice from one of the ceos from one of the most successful businesses in the country right now, the head of starbucks. stay with us. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany. so how much do we owe you? that'll be $973.42. ya know, your rates and fees aren't exactly competitive. who do you think i am, quicken loans? [ spokesman ] when you refinance your mortgage with quicken loans, you'll find that our rates and fees are extremely competitive. because the last thing you want is to spend too much on your mortgage. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪ one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. starting pointless than a minute away and we wrap it up with best advice. >> let's call it a tall skim half cav soy latte comes from howard shultz. >> the best advice i got was from my mother, who said believe in your dreams, they can come true. >> see what i mean, tall, short and sweet. another piece of advice from mom. so far mom has the wrap on best advice in our untypical -- >> my favorite comes from your grandmother. >> you have two ears and one mouth, act accordingly. >> i love that. >> apparently there's a greek -- greek mythology has something about it too. >> did you want to start and end the show in greece? >> yes, there you go, greece is the word my friend. >> stays with you, those little bits of nugget mom always gives u.s. >> christine, you're the bomb, baby. that's "early start". >> "starting point" with soledad o'brien starts now. why the greek elections matter and money in the stock market and 401(k) could be taken for a ride today. don't forget the presidential election here. what's next for greece and the world economy? we'll take a look. questioning president obama's own story about his life. a new biography suggests that maybe the president got some of the facts wrong. our get real,

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Toronto , Music World , Stage , Rubble , Scaffolding , Check , Paul Ryan S Budget Proposal , Religion Intersecting , Sisters , Budget Cuts , States , Plan , Celebrity , Bus Tour , Apropos , Tony Parker , Chris Brown , Newspaper , Brawl , Retina , Injury , Drake Bar Fight , Nba , San Antonio Express , Police , Fight , The Club , New York , Team , Training , Melee , French , Eight , Bar , Entourage , Soda , Drinking Habits , Witnesses , Officers Drake , Confronted Brown , Bottles , Christine Quinn , Politician , Mayor , Service , Play , State Representative , The Vagina Monologues , Sippy , Baby , Steps , Capitol Today , Insurance Company , Policy , Scream , Responsibility , Whisper , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Women , Amen , It , Venture Card , Won T , Credit Cards , Island , Isn T , Miles , Capital , Hat , Frustrating , 25000 , Flights , Airline , At Capitalone Com , Uh , Pilot , Presentation , Food , Photo Sharing Abilities , Caterers , Technology , Experience , Standards , Drivers , Table , Kitchen , Wall , Drugs , Sarah Palin , Child , Space , Blogging Conference , Vegas , Steak Dinner , Planet Mars , Everybody , Zoraida Sambolin , Doesn T It , Dog Food , Eating , Hint , Red Climate , Hi , Lowdown , Candidate , Reaction , Bailouts , Trouble , Troubles , Crush Burden , Guys , Look , Crisis , Recession , Yearses , Concerns , Rest , Europe , Mid July , Quote For The Status Quo , Chain , Link , Borrowing Costs , Weak , Cushion , Italy , Spain , Problems , Development , Relief , Responses , Use , Reservation , G 20 , Exit Strategies , Bath Salts , Street , Custody , 33 , Zombie Attack , Attack , Struggle , Florida , Shouting Incoherently , Galveston , Texas , Planning , Gil Kerlikowske , Governor , Eating Dog Food , Alaska , Troops , Cocaine Snorting , Conference , Side , Truths , Courageous , Mainstream Media , Nation , Headlines , Media , Goliath , Mention , Lawmaker , Vagina , Reference , Nominee , Pure Michigan , Name , Speaker , Lisa Brown , Capitol , Tony , Dem , Eve Vanceler , Republicans , Cases , Bill , Scrambling , Justice , No Means , Decisions , Health Care Reform Law , Crackdown , Arizona , Teacher , Boy , Classmates , Kindergarten , Tables , Class Bully , San Antonio , Friends , Classroom , Activity , Most , Go On , 24 , Parents , Students , Charges , Hit , 6 , Cameron Slade , School , Incident , Hearing , 36 , 37 , Subject , Controversy , Topics , Censorship Scandal , Principal , 11 , Speech , Flag , Rocks , Marriage , Ruling , Geek , Top Chef , Department Of Education , Mars Edition , Applicants , Yes , Mars , Appetizing , Planet , 700 , Performance , Risk , Nutrients , Nutrition , Impacts , Health , K4 , Appetite , Space Anorexia , Idea , Participants , Strategy , Human Colony , Habitat , Volcano In Hawaii , Spot , Box Office Competition Clinching , Number One , Corner , Stampeding , Row , Animals , Madagascar 3 , 35 5 Million , 5 Million , 3 , Prometheus , That S My Boy , Newcomers , Rock Of Ages , Snow White , City , Daughter , Detroit , Movie , Ocuvite , Eyes , Experts , Vitamin , Bausch Lomb , Help , Eye Health , Formula , Multivitamin , Eye Nutrients , Pill Worth Taking , Lid , Protein , Music Plays , Record Skips , Water , Clear , Huh , Vitamins , Fat , Minerals , Blueberry , Peach , Pomegranate , Nine Grams Protein , Twenty One , Zero , Number , Cadillac Xts , Tablet , Cue , Automobile Advanced , Buttons , Simplicity , Forward , Pizza , Olaf , Doin , Word , Company , Sound , Bottom Line , Tune , Wanted , Lac , Duck , Employee Benefits , Aflac , Lullaby And Good Night , Forbusiness Com , Odor Erasers , Cats , Litter Box Odor , Tidy Cats , Purina , Atlanta , Sun , Windows , A C , 65 , 88 , Jurors , Coach , Counts , Penn State , Victims , Sex Abuse , Susan Candiotti , Pennsylvania , Bellefonte , Road , Cycle Investigation , Prosecution Case , Hoe , Efforts , Moves , Evidence , Psychologists , Example , Person , Hi Histrionic Personality Disorder , Love Letters , Is Jer , Arguing , Grooming Techniques , Best Friend , Predators , Husband , Dottie Sandusky , Cross Examination , Roles , Father , Stand , Basement , Allegations , Answering , Questions , Hand , Shower , Defense Experts , Defense Attorneys , Time Line , Young Boyce , Testimony , Pennsylvania Trial Rules Don T , Victim , Mint , Surprises , Surprise , Waiting , Interviews , Interview , Trial , Jerry , Opening , Bob Costas , Nbc , Face , Chance , Legion , Cross Examinations , Jury , No Doubt , Accusers , Mother , Adults , Didn T Doesn , Character Witnesses , Defense Cases , Rebuttal Case , Thought , Hands , Excellent Reporting , The End , Antonis Samaras , Winner , Susan Candiotti Reporting , Margin , Challenges , Enendorsement , Stock Futures , Cruise , Mex , Hyde Park Fire Burning , Slielly Lower , Cities , List , Report , Crime Rates , Trend , Flint , Memphis , Oakland , Louis , Warren Buffett , Staff , Guns , Gun , The Street , Benjamin Moore , Dennis Abrams , Layoffs , Ris , Lots , Berkshire , Society , Bermuda , Solar , Cost , Resources , Islands , 2015 , Wind , Technologies , Advances , Overhaul , Grid , Researchers , 80 , Numbers , Christine , Bifbitious , Smell , Book , I Don T Know , Paper Passion , Jetta , Thunk , Road Trip , Mister , Meow , Hotels Com , Volkswagen , 159 , 59 , Hotel Experts , 100 , Interwebs , Trending , 54 , Screen , Anywhere , Walk , Brand , Teeth , Player , Grass Flip Flops , Artificial Turf , Factor , Toes , Grass , Think , Gifts , Gag Gift , Gag , Washing Machine , Turner , Dishwasher , Fragrance , Bottle , Perfume , Library , Wallpaper Magazine , E Books , Noses , Awe , 15 , 115 , Whiff , Pages , Engine , Go Cart , Jet Engines , Boeing , The Guinea Pig , Ebray , Jet , 8100 , Guy , Bat Mobile , Helmet , Agent , Aircraft , Tiger Woods , The Go Cart Track , Open Road , Drag Are Racing , Miami , Economy , Jobs , Technicians , Engineers , Scientists , 3 Million , 400 Billion , 400 Billion Dollars , Cleaner , Natural Gas , Domestic , Smarter Power , Statement , 401 , Game , Bride , Highlights , Prfrontier , Wins , Win , Unid , First Nba Crown , Least , Bailout Money , 221 , Dollar , Euro Sinking , Crisis Spreads , Drak Ma , Europe S Lehman Movement , Euro Zone , Form , Tax Collector , Radio Station , License Plate Number , Telegraph , Runs , Problem , Corruption , Euro Zone Nations , Tax Evasion , Job , Flower , Proportion , Differences , Prime Minister , Meetings , Working Coalition , Type , Parliament Building , Voter Turnout , Lowest , Percentages , Process , Turnout , Apathy , Category , Unemployment , Sky High , Illusioned , 22 , Class , Whoever , Continuation , Fort Collins , High Park Fire Burning , 181 , Space Docking , Orbiting Space Laboratory , Country S First Female Astronaut Into Space , Officials , Mount Mckinley , Conditions , Japanese , Neighbor , Fiance , Power Struggle , 47 , Military Leaders , Shows Morsi , More , Golf Championship , Tournament , Prize , Tie , Nobody , Bragging Rights , Cup , Family , Interview Woods , Niece , Jackie Joyner Kersey , Cheyenne Woods , Debut , Room , Stress , Conference Calls , Leave Room , Deadlines , Balls , Tees , Else , Pocket , Golf Bag , Clubs , Trip , Love , Dog , Upbeat , Beneful , Bouncy , Nature , Subaru , Electricity , Wedomestic Energy Future , Dream , Energy Future , Energy Development , Control , , College , Children , University Of Phoenix , Kid , Program , Visit Phoenix Edu , The Sky S Limit , My Name , Naphtali Bryant , Phoenix , Brakes , Pricing , 13 , It Election , Politicking , Joe Johns , Credit , Criticism , Polls , Stop Gap Solution , Age , Discharge , Work Permits , Taste , Itty Bitty , Best , Day One , Journalism School , Bob Schieffer , Isn T He , Order , Listen , Putting , Events , Virtue , Term , Set , Self Deportation , Friend , Challenge , Jerry Sandusky Child Sex Abuse Trial , Football Coach , Testing , 76 , Furniture , 81 , 95 , Superstar , Games , Series , Seven , Beer , Sculpture , Makers , Dale Dougherty , Rocket , Consumers , Shoppers , Making , Magazine , Festival , The Next List , Sanjay Gupta , Organt , There , Say , Sit , Latest , Mind , Creaking , Level , Zapping , Trophies , Clang , Quotes , Perfection , Sport , Pursuit , Innovation , Rx , Scottrader , Trading Process , Trading Floor , Fingertips , To Trade , Reason , Investors , Dollar Trades , Rodger , Seven Dollar , Northrop Grumman , Snds Ng Melodic Tune , Malennounc , Value Performance , Ith , Makthworld A Feplace , Northr Gruan , Face To , World Leaders , 23 , Eurozone Crisis , Key , Priority , Sagging Global Economy , Brianna Keilar , Reenergy , Summit , Ones , Germany , Eu , Brus Sels , Regard , Commitment , Striing , Documentary , Re Election , Drag , Opportunity , Tension , Fly On The Wall , Talks , Iran , In Moscow , Cab Bowo , Topic , Page , Bashar Al Assad Go , Weapons , Source , Syria , Interests , Base , Discussion , Transition , Warships , Bully , Kindergarten Teacher Fights , City Streets , Networks , Lives , Security Solutions , Value , Soldier , Skin , Damage , Radiance , Spots , Soy , Blotchiness , Brown , Daily Scrub , Healthier , Skin Brightening Daily Scrub , Spf , Skin Brightening , Shell , Clay Piggies , Fed , Partner , Energies , Co2 Emissions , Mix , Brazil , Mom , Let S Go , Sugarcane , Biofuel , Energy Mix , Fear , Identity Thieves , Lifelock , Identity Theft , Pledge , Banker , Mike , Go To Lifelock Com Today , Identity Theft Protection , Identity , Brenda , 800 , 1 800 Lifelock , Bullet , Offer , Credit Approved , Buyer , Buyer Preapproval , Designer Drug , Protest , Zombies , Abortion , Playing Field , Behavior , Significance , 40 , 9 , Medalist , Studio , 31 , Watching Athens , Wake , Mantra , Last Night , Christine Romans Didn T Sleep A Wink , Question , Exit , Bills , Ramifications , Stock Market Plunge , Credit Freeze , Stock , End , Repainful , Crushing Bailout Terms , Telegraph Report , Taxes , Island Of Naxos , Supreme Court , Health Care Reforms , Opinion , Session , 10 , Vagina Monologues , Interest , Anatomy , Ban D , Floor , Bo , Attacks , Falls , Strange New Fen On Men Drug Use , Adventure , Wow , Welcome Back , 39 , Spotlight , Drug Epidemic , String , Rudy Eugene , Incidents , Influence , Lawmakers , Gail Curl Cow Xi Of National Drug Control Policy , Bath , Chemicals , Plant Food , Human Consumption , Incense , Internet , Cloud Nine , Names , Episodes , Law , Compilation , Regulation , Market , Feeders , Legislation , Substances , 28 , Department Of Justice , U Statistics , Calls , 304 , 2011 , A Thousand , 6138 , Epidemic , Partnership At Drugfree Org , Waves , Information , Cocaine , Kit , Marijuana , Alcohol , Cloeb Char , Sen Th Synthetics , Senator Schumer , Action , Law Enforcement , Voice , Police Officer , Parent , Priorities , Dangers , Stuff , Prescription Drug Problem , Drug , Survey , Synthetics , Increase , High School Seniors , White Housepolicy Gov , S Synthetic , Awareness , Drugfree Org , To Go , Website , Kits , Substance , Drug Czar , Biography , Starting Point , Contrast , Supporter , Campaign Trail , Ticket , Vp , Tim Pawlenty , Photographer , Lens , Album Covers , The Beatles , Title Ix , Birthday , Computer , Top , Who , Cnn Com Tv , Girlfriend , Cake , Top Female Athletes , Grea , Warning , Seat , Attention , Safety , Danger , Pulse , Mercedes E Class , Tee Times , Courses , Shots , Weather , Men , Institutions , Treatment , 1972 , Sporting Chance , A Cast Of Prominent Female , Women S Sports In Particular , Lincoln Center , Espn 2 , Athletes , Impact , Panel , Miss , Golf Debut , Congratulations , Bio , Coke Cola , Fort Natd , Celebration , Effect , Prentding , In My Life , Choice , Changes , Middle School , Gyms , Coaches , Girls Weren T , Sports , Wasn T , After School , Gymnasium , 7 , Medals , Girls , Gold , Heavens , 21 , Television , Cheyenne , Title Ix Or From Jackie S Benefitting Of Ii , Both , Foundation For Female Athletics , Combination , Title Ix For Helping Female , Playing Field Level , Critics , Progress In Female Athletics , Presidents , Positions , Universities , Athletic Directors , Title Ix And Change The Playing Field , Field , Billy Jean King , Coca Cola , Ncaa , Nice , Woods , Talk , The Great Legendary Tennis Player , Empowerment , Golf Course , Uncle Tiger , Hate , Sports Reporter , Career , Tiger , Promise , Buzzing , Ranks , Pleasure , Up Next , Cheese , Cameras , Autograph Pens , Saw You , Sydney , Starbucks , Ceos , The Kids , Brittany , Fees , Rates , Know , Ya , 73 42 , 973 42 , Quicken Loans , Mortgage , Spokesman , To Amaze , Teachers , Ap , High Schools , Results , Test , Science , Initiative , Math , 138 , Potential , Scores , Cav Soy Latte , Advice , Wrap , Howard Shultz , Greek Mythology , Favorite , Grandmother , Untypical , Mouth , Tears , Stays , Christine , Nugget Mom , Show , Bomb , Bits , Shun Doubt , Computers , Doubts , Doubting , Ability , Facebook , Facts , Questioning , Get Real , The World Economy ,

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