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more. a complete list of what you can expect to pay more for in 2012. -- captions by vitac -- one teenager's stunned saga ended with her return to the united states. this is exclusive video of jakadrien turner arriving at the airport in dallas. she spent most of the past year in colombia after being deported by the u.s. government. the problem is, she isn't colombian. these an american teenager who ran away from home. shoplifting, arrested in houston, convinced colombian officials her name was ortega cortez. her family wants answers from the federal government, but right now are just happy their daughter is home. >> they want to get some rest, to reunite the family. that's the purpose of this day. they're very happy that we were able to get them home. >> what a story. federal immigration officials are investigating. much more a little later in the show on the situation, including how her family finally found her. well, a two-ship convoy is making the first of its kind journey from the ice to nome, alaska right now. an american ship is leading wait for a russian tanker. bad weather cancelled the shipment last fall. this is the first time fuel's been taken from ice-covered waters to western alaska. check out this video from the u.s. navy. it shows 13 iranian fishermen held hostage by suspected hostage. an american destroyer rescued the men in the north arabian sea. the iranians held more than 40 days. 15 suspected pirates held by the u.s. navy. the navymen are the hero. penn state is ready to introduce its permanent replacement for legendary coach joe paterno. it's new england patriots offensive coordinator bill o'brien. the official announcement expected this afternoon. you rep that paterno was dismissed in the middle of a sex abuse scandal surrounding former assistant coach jerry sandusky. the head coach since the 1960s. we'll have to wait until wednesday to hear a plea from joran van der sloot. expected to plead guilty to murder in the death of a 21-year-old woman in peru. instead, van der sloot asked the judge for more time to consider this plea. you may remember, van der sloot was also a suspect in the disappearance of alabama teenager natalee holloway back in 2005. to politics now. any other iowa caucuses in the rearview mirror, meaning it's time for new hampshire. the new hampshire primary. tuesday. cnn political editor paul steinhauser repreviews all the action. >> good morning, gary. three days to go until the big primary and all major presidential candidates right here in new hampshire for two debates this weekend. right. one tonight and another one tomorrow morning. so where do things stand in the battle for the grand state? a bran new poll is out. there at the top a familiar figure in this state. former massachusetts governor mitt romney. the front-runner in all the polls here in new hampshire going back about two years. ron paul, 20%. everybody else in single digits. when the debate is over tomorrow, you'll see two candidate peel off and go down sow south carolina. the third contest in the primary caucus calendar. where do things stand in south carolina? look at this brand new poll out just yesterday. look at this. a surprise. mitt romney now on top in south carolina. that's a big switch from about a month ago. romney surging in south carolina. rick santorum the former senator from pennsylvania, at 19%. his numbers jumping and newt gingrich, his numbers plummeted in the palmetto state. ron paul at 12%. everybody else in single digits. that's where things stand in new hampshire and south carolina. back to you. >> thank you. they aren't resting voices. they're on the trail all over new hampshire. mitt romney the first out of the gate with a rally in derry in about two hours. rick santorum and ron huntsman the busiest. seven events. ron paul, newt gingrich, one each. still with cnn for the campaign trail all day today. meteorologist alexandra steel is in for our meteorologist. from the southeast, is there rain on the way? much more, and when will we see the wind and the cold is we'll tell you, that's calmoming up. been to the gas station lately? you know it's more to fill up your car. wait until you hear the prediction for this summer. a little youtube. great day in washington, d.c., because it is going to be a beautiful day, unseasonably warm in the nation's capital and all over the northeast on january 7th. wonderful news, warm weather in much of country. meteorologist alexandra steele in for reynolds wolf. a warm weather. >> unseasonably. last week alone, 1,100 records. minnesota, highness the 60s, since records began for the first time in history. really, notably warm. so where's the heat and where's it going? what we saw yesterday, with all the heat, minnesota through wichita and all the way south. temperatures there, 15 to 25 degrees above average. we're watching this cold front, although i use that term loosely, because not a lot of cold air behind this. cooler air coming down. certainly not record cool by any means and barely even chronologically average. ahead of it, boston, washington, all the way down through the mid-atlantic and into the deep south, temperatures there today, still holding on to 15 to 25 degrees above average. so the warmth is still on. a little caveat, though, here in the southeast, from charlotte to atlanta, to memphis, new orleans, moisture coming in. you can see the surface winds coming up from the gulf. warm air, yes, but clouds and a few showers. not a total long shot by any mean, but a few rain showers. windy conditions in the midwest. we'll see winds coming in. maybe a little lake-effect snow coming in, but very little. high pressure in control. high and dry for the plains. beautiful conditions, though, along the west coast. sunny skies. gorgeous conditions from phoenix all wait to los angeles. enjoy the weather today in the northwest. some clouds and rain coming in tomorrow. so in terms of temperatures, wlook whe look where we should be. live picture from washington, d.c. how about 63 in january in washington? you know, we're a little off the mark. 53 in boston. new york seeing 56. incredibly mild. again, ahead of the front, temperatures begin to cool down, really slightly. there we are out west. the only places that are going to see any snow are the mountains of colorado. mountain tops will get into snow. the rockies are pretty good for a little snow, but places like tahoe, really baran. really barren. the snow aids around bets in making more. we don't have much. we're not going to see much in the short term. talk about the heat coming up with incredible numbers. >> snow begets snow. i like that. >> much more in my pocket. see you a little later. >> thank you very much. just a week into the new year, gas prices are on the rise again. look at today's average price in the u.s. $3:37 for regular unleaded. a year ago, and by summer gasoline could hit, wait until you hear this, $4.25 a gallon. utah, cheapest prices. the only place still below $3 a gallon. and a list of other items likely costing more. american express, predicting the price for an economy seat will rise about 5% in 2012. next, food prices are going up. they rose 6% last year and higher whole sale prices. next, municipal fees. what you pay for everything, from dog licenses to vehicle registration, even local police may be writing more tickets. finally, shipping. the u.s. postal service raises race nearly 5% this year, and fedex and u.p.s. expected to do the same. it's not all bad news. after the break, i've got a list of five items that will cost you less this year. stick around. can you enjoy vegetables with sauce and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. before the break we showed you a list of items with prices on the rise from 201 from the good news, prices falling into the sunlight this year. take a look. wine. vino. retailers slashes bottles over $30. next, car rent 8rentals. deep discounts this year. next, the ipad 2. ipad 3 rumored to hit the stores. watch for price cuts on the ipad 2. especially refurbished models. and fancy tvs plummet in 2012. 3d tvs and homes. expect prices to stay low this new year on homes. former pennsylvania u.s. senator rick santorum is the latest republican to emerge as a possible front-runner for his party's presidential nomination, but where does he stand on the issues? the good place to start, just to listen to what he's saying. >> reporter: losing by just eight votes to mitt romney has certainly invigorated rick santorum. >> there's going to be a rematch. we're going to go to new hampshire and take him on, and we're going to run a campaign talking about my vision for this country. >> reporter: we can already tell you dwight a bit about his vision for this country. santorum, after two terms as congressman and u.s. senator, established a reputation as a conservative in every sense of the word. just this past sunday in iowa, santorum was talking about entitlement programs. >> i don't want to make people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. i want to give hem the opportunity to go out and earn the money. >> reporter: santorum's statement came in an area where most conservatives are white. he was tongue tied and didn't mean top say the word black, but he didn't meng the word black in another situation. from january of last year regarding comments made by president obama, saying it was above his pay grade to say when a baby is above human rights. >> the question is and this is what barack obama didn't want to answer is that, is that human life? a person under the constitution and barack obama says, no. well, if that person, is not a person, then i find it almost remarkable for a black man to say, now, we are going to decide who are people and who are not people. >> reporter: santorum received significant attention when he gave a quote to the associated press to the supreme court about homosexuality. if the supreme court says you have the right tore con sexual flight nor home, you have the right to bligmy, you have the right to polygamy and you have the right to incest. does that undermine the fabric of our society? i would argue, yes it does. that's not to pick on homosexuality. it's not men or child, men on dog or whatever the case maybe. santorum says he wasn't equating that but trying to make a larger point on morality. >> do things which we believe are wrong, but when you act out those things that is a problem. i was simply reflecting that opinion and that belief structure that i happen to hold as a catholic. >> reporter: san tore somme a staunch supporter of vatican policy when it comes to contraception and said this to an evangelical blog site. one of the thing i will talk about no president has talked about before, the dangers of contraception in this country. it's not okay. it's a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things supposed to be. a belief that may play well in the far right but might be a harder sell among other conservatives. regarding national defense, certainly the an thing stithesi ron paul. >> we will degrade the facilities through air strikes snd make it very public we are doing that. >> reporter: critics thought rick santorum's political career was over after he lost the senate seat by 18 percentage point. his star is once again rising. and hopes of iowa showing a b broad reach in new hampshire and beyond. >> for the latest on rick santorum's views as well as the others running for president, go to and ahead, you'll hear from parents outraged about their children's homework assignment. and imagine hitting the lottery, but the check bounces? yes, bounces. those stories straight ahead. first a new study shows which college degrees make it harder to find jobs. according to the georgetown center, an education in the work force recent college graduates with engineering degrees have been at 7.5% unemployment. humanities and liberal arts, 9.4%, third highest. look at the two with the worst job prospects in a moment. s p! ] ow, ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! if you're looking for a job you may find it tougher with these thinks. art majors, 11.1%. according to georgetown. and highest unemployment, 13.9%, architecture. lower rates in home construction are to blame. good morning. 21 past the hour. look at news across the country. we will start in boston. nothing like a robbery with a trooper in the store. >> a man behind the counter, a hood up. definitely didn't look right. >> reporter: this massachusetts trooper walked into a cvs. >> i pulled my handgun, let me see your lands. turned, looked at me quick and ran out, and the chase was on. >> reporter: mackinnon caught up with this man and blachted him twice in the face with pepper spray. he demanded pharmacists give him painkillers. to newport beach, california and a cheating scandal at a school there. several students at corona del mar high accused of prepping for a history test by buying test materials from teachers on the students apparently found the book they were reading, which included questions and answers. cool officials say one student tried to sell the material to classmates. by the way, these test documents are not on amazon anymore. and in chicago, 85 lotto winners cashed in their checks around christmas, and they bounced. illinois lottery officials say the check totalling about $159,000 did not have the proper security authorization. they blamed short staffing because of the holidays, but they do plan to pay the winners, plus reimbursed for any bank fees. some georgia parents are outraged about their children's homework assignment. they say an elementary school used examples of slavery and beatings to teach about math. cnn affiliate wsb has more. >> i had to explain to him why daddy was upset, because of the words that were used in that problem. >> reporter: the problem appeared on a third grader's math assignment. terrence barnette was outraged when he read his son's homework. w one said east slave had 53 oranges. if each picked equally, how many would each slave pick? another. if frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in one week? >> i'm having to explain to my -year-old why slavery or slaves or beatings is in a math problem. that's hurts. >> reporter: this dad had the same reaction. >> frederick, if anyone got beatings, you don't put that into the homework of any source. both fathers contacted the principal in norcross then called us. they wanted to know how these questions ended up on child's homework. i brought that question to gwinnett school officials. >> this one the teachers were trying to do cross-crick cueler activity. >> reporter: saying the third grade teachers were attempting tourriculumcurriculums. the problem with these questions, there's no historical context. >> we understand there are concerns about these questions, and we agree that these questions were not appropriate. >> whoever put together this paperwork and everything else, the schools and everything, shouldn't teach it this way. >> you bet there are concerns about those questions. wsb's kerry cavanaugh reporting. the school shredded the assignment. we want to hear from you. did the school do enough to handle the situation. tweet me at garytuchmancnn and we'll read your comments. $3.50 a gallon. in one country, it's lives rights. the family want to know why the u.s. government did not know this young woman wasn't an illegal immigrant. the amazing story, next. and i just decided i have more to offer than that. i put myself through nursing school, and then i decided to go get a doctorate degree. university of phoenix gave me the knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. my name is dr. kimberly horton. i manage a network of over a thousand nurses, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer up to 9 months. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. it's 28 minutes past the hour. welcome back. i'm gary tuchman. thanks for starting your day with us. unbelievable scenario. a teenage runaway convinces two governments of a fault identity and ends up deported to a country she's never been to. all the while her family searches. cnn's ed lavandera fills us in on the late of the chapter of the story of her return. >> we're so happy and we're ready to get her home. happy to have her back. >> reporter: the stunning and embarrassing saga involving 15-year-old jakadrien turner cull munated here at the winter aturner walking hand in hand with her mother and grandmother. it was her grandmother who spent months scouring the internet trying to find any kind of signs of her granddaughter, who had run away from home back in november of 2010, and that was when this story all began to unravel. when turner was arrested in houston, in april of last year, gave authorities the fake name of tika cortez, and said she was an illegal immigrant from colombia. she got herself deported and now almost 15 months later, she is back in dallas. there are still a great number of questions that remain unanswered how she could have fooled so many people in so many different ways and her attorney says that someone will have to pay for that. >> make the people who are responsible pay for the civil rights violations that ms. turner had had to go through. >> reporter: jakadrien turner walked out of the airport visibly emotional and overwhelmed by the amount of attention her story received here. her mother and grandmother left without saying anything, were very quiet. one person close to the family says all she wants to do is sit around and watch television with her family and try to reconnect after so much time. ed lavandera, cnn, dallas, texas. among the morning's other top stories, people are protesting in the streets of nigeria as gasoline prices doubled literally overnight. the government removed the fuel subsidy on january 1st. it kept gas prices artificially low. he reacted angrily staging mass demonstrations. killing at least one protester, by police. and gabby giffords shooting. the tributes already started. a trail outside tucson bears the name of giffords' aide, gabe zimmerman, and he three others died. giffords will attend a memorial tomorrow, one of several events planned. 40 people had to be rescued from a sinking boat off oahu, hawaii. the boat of a university of hawaii research vessel that started taking on water through a baseball-size hole in the hull. the coast guard cutter arrived in time, delivering pumps keeping the 180-foot vessel afloat. newt gingrich's lawyers are threatening to sue tv stations if they don't stop airing and ad they say is false and misleading. the ad produced by a super pac called "restore our future" which supports the mitt romney campaign, claims he was fined $300 for ethics violations during his time as house speaker. gingrich claiming it was a reimbursement and not a fine. this morning, the republicans running for president are concentrating on new hampshire, but south carolina is not far from their minds pap new cnn time orc poll shows mitt romney way solid lead in south carolina. 37% of primary voters say romney is their choice. rick santorum second at 19%. up from just 4% in december. newt gingrich is third at 18%. a drop of 25 points since last month. ron paul is fourth at 12% and rick perry who stayed in the race to concentrate on south carolina is still in single digits. joining me now to talk about how it's all playing out, matt, syndicated columnist, and lee may, democratic county commissioner in suburban dekalb county. thanks for joining me. >> appreciate it. >> all eyes on rick santorum. rick santorum had a big -- could have won with nine more votes. >> exactly. a tight one. >> it was a tight one. how do you think his momentum will carry overin new hampshire and south carolina? >> i'll tell you, gary, i think that rick santorum's momentum probably would have stalled out had newt gingrich gone to south carolina. that's where he made his big mistake. gingrich needed to leave new hampshire, go to south carolina and claim his ground there. instead, probably going to lose south carolina pretty big and low in the polls in south carolina. as a result, rick santorum can even survive this, he has a shot to go to south carolina and really be a play geagain. he's not out of the race, no matter what happens in new hampshire. >> and social conservatives, what does this mean to those in south carolina? do they need to band together? >> yes, they do. rick santorum finds himself in the same position mike huckabee was in the 2008 election. this momentum, really counting on the conservative evangelical vote, really to push him forward, but he really has to focus, again, on his organization. he's bringing in more money now than he ever has. can he transfer that into an organization that can get out and touch people, expand his message in a clear way that voters can understand and that they can move forward with in this election. >> i was with newt gingrich last week in iowa. he was angry. i mean, he was really angry at mitt romney, saying negative advertising that's untrue, it's hurt him. but isn't he doing some of that himself now? >> yes, he has, and, also, letting i think, in my judgment, letting his emotions override his good political sense. and one of the thing i want to mention about south carolina, most don't realize. i polled south carolina for many, many years. south carolina is an evangelical state, but not overwhelmingly. people have too much of a religious right wing view of that state. these candidates are going to realize that it was john mccain who carried it. hoardly evanek -- evangelical. south carolina is an unusual state. newt needs to get ahold of his i motions if he'll have any chance in south carolina. just having his rage you clearly saw yourself is not going to do any good. >> lee, what about rp jp tick p? the governor of texas? what happens to him. >> if he doesn't get over the 5 percentage points he seems to be polling at, he'll be out of this race. you'll probably see jon huntsman out of the race as well and you'll see the field narrow in a manner that i think benefits mitt romney even more. so -- but south carolina is key. it's really contingent on how rick santorum fares come january the 21st. >> big news yesterday was the favorable jobs report. the president, he's claiming credit for it. listen to this. >> the economy's moving in the right direction. we're creating jobs on a consistent basis. we're not going to let up. not until everybody who wants to find a good job can find one. >> i'm very gratified to see that in spite of president obama's policies the job market is beginning to pick up a little bit. i think there might just be optimism that maybe republican. s are going to take the white house and maybe that's spurring people to start taking some risks, and i'll take that as a reason. >> matt liam asked each of you this. what does this mean for the presidential race, that unemployment number, coming down? will they continue to come down and will this hurt republicans? >> i don't know whether they'll continue to come down. if the election were held today, swing states, florida, north carolina, ohio, probably would switch to republican. mitt romney. but if the economy continues to improve in those states which have been really hard hit, then barack obama could be re-elected. he's really got to ride the wave and hope this continues. if it does, he could easily be re-elected president. >> lee? >> the economy is going in the right direction, and it will continue. 8.5% unemployment rate. 200,000 new jobs created in december i think is in the right direction. i think you'll continue to see that. what you're seeing from republicans, though, they're looking to knit pick anything -- >> even better if obama was doing things right. there are allegation. >> absolutely. the key for the president, is how quickly the economy does turn, and you really need to see that unemployment rate under 8% by november. that's what you really need to see. >> and i thank you both very much for joining us. good talking to you both. >> thank you. i hope you'll stay with cnn for complete coverage of the new hampshire primary, only three days away. tuesday. special primary night coverage begins tuesday night, 7:00 p.m. eastern time. so here's the question -- what happened to the season of winter? don't be fooled by this. these workers we're about to show you can't seem to finish their new attraction, because there is not enough snow. are we in for a warm winter? the whole way through? [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question. just look for the white check. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyyy! 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[ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ] good morning to you. in miami, florida, miami, dade county. biscayne bay i believe we're looking at. it's supposed to be beautiful and warm in south florida beginning of january. warm in much of the country right now. businesses across canada are suffering from a lack of something usually plentiful this time of year. snow. a prime example. work on montreal's newest cold weather attraction, this snow village, way behind schedule, too warm to make the snow scull. er sculptors need to build it. much of the united states of america faces the same unusually mild winter. what is up? >> special olympics idaho yesterday announced cancelling their games supposed to be the first weekend in march. deciding now to cancel for them because of the cold. they'll still have some, not special olympics in idaho, the winter games. here's deal. last year, the country, the snow cover, purple and blue. 45% of the country last year at this time had snow cover. fast forward one year. take a look. 17% of the country. that's it. has the snow cover. look at this. no accumulation. just a very little bit and of course, ski resort from tahoe, the green and white mountains, really paltry. major problems in terms of that. where's winter? the least snowediest december on record for utah, nevada and michigan. in just the last seven day us a loan, 1,100 record highs. predominantly west of the mississippi. another stat. since records have begun, places like minnesota, first week in january, never had high temperatures in the 60s. that's what they had. big-time temperatures around the country, much warmer than normal because of the jet stream. well higher than it normally is. not allowing the cold air from canada to drain south. a look at the big picture. in terms of records, fargo, 44 degrees. record highs from yesterday. temperatures won't be quite as warm today as this, because a cold front -- i use that term loosely, kind of a cool front coming down. duluth at 45 yesterday. mild. lake tahoe barely any snow to speak of. 66 degrees. you can imagine why. here's the record heat where we're seeing it, and what we've seen for the past few days. where it was from minnesota down to the soun plains. accepts 15 to 25 degrees above average. of course what we've seen today, we'll watch the warmth push eastward. places like boston in the 30s. in the 50s. washington, incredibly mild temperatures. down to atlanta and memphis. where all of that warmth is. incredibly warm temperatures. we've seen it and will we continue to see it? right? what do you think? >> what i think, we're going to pay for this big time in february. >> right. we certainly could. global warming is a misnomer. not that all temperature are warm. what we see, major global climate change. the warm get warmer. the cold colder and things are really more incredible. the highs are higher. the lows are lower. extreme is really kind of what it should be called rather than global warming. so there's where the cool air will be again. much cooler than what we should be this time of year in some areas. as we look towards the next three months. the prognostication from september through february. see where it should be cooler. where the projection is cooler. right along the northern tier of the country. here along the mid-atlantic, in the northeast, southeast, equal xhanss. not dramatically cooler or warmer. again, the expectation using computer models to look out the next couple of months. a lot warmer than average through the southern u.s. so really right along the northern tier of country, right along the canadian border, the best chance to continue to be just a little cooler. a lot of country is warmer. >> that 44 degrees in fargo next month, may be 44 below. >> we'll see. >> fargo is a great city, but a cold city. >> right. some of those ice contests barely can go on they have there. right? coldest spot, the ice box of the nation? >> right. alex, thank you. appreciate it. ever wonder how some people stay so fit? look so good all the time? we get the secret, really funny, but really interesting, from a guy who says, you need to think gay. we'll explain in just a minute. great shot of the statue of liberty. a beautiful day in new york, new york. high 50s and sunny. on this very unusual winter. how are the new year's resolutions coming along? that's what we thought, time to re-assess already. six days of a new year's. take a good look at your clothes, job and diet. the next guest will have you rethinking all of it. i spoke with simon, creative director of barney's new york. he wrote "gay men don't get fat." that is the title. what the book is about. exactly your usual how-to diet and exercise book. >> it's a humor book. so it's absolutely full of insane exaggerations and all kinds of wild claims, but it's primarily a humor book. i mean, as you saw from the cover, joan rivers said she split her spanx when reading it. >> do gay men really not get fat? >> i think gay men? general tend to be very focused on looking trim and fit, and presenting themselves a certain way, but, you know, it's a rift on the book "french women don't get fat." my thesis is that it's not french women who know all about style and how to live. it's actually gay men. i'm taking all of my nuances and nuggets of gay wisdom and hurling them at straight people like you. >> well, is it fair to presume that you're a gay man? i should have you that? >> how dare you? 230 no. i'm a proud gay man and 60 years old and trim. >> and gay men eating the wrong kind of food? >> my book is full of all kinds of generalizations and stereotyping. so i think it's more -- it's more an entertainment read. i mean, whill you lose weight i you follow my tips? maybe. i encourage people to weigh themselves before they read the book and then after. i have a theory that people lose -- people burn calories when they laugh, but i don't have any research yet. so i'm hoping that people who buy the book will -- will weigh themselves before and after and send me some damin detailed res >> let me ask you about tips. what does a gay man eat compared to a heterosexual man slimmer and some not slimmer? >> the traditional idea food is divided into four groups. right? well, i divide it into two groups. there's gay food and straight food. for example -- if you go into a restaurant, you order a big angus steak. that's obviously straight food. correct? and then you order with it, as a side a huge bowl of mashed potatoes. those are two very straight foods together, and that's probably too many calories. so what you need to do is order the steak and then order, like, a fluffy, gay salad to go with it, and then you balance your gay food and your straight food. >> let me ask you this. my wife is always after me to eat healthier. i do my best, and i travel a lot on this job covering stories. i do my best to eat a lot of salads and not eat a lot of red meat or fried foods. so am i eating gay food? because of the tips from my wife? >> well, i would advise you, because you travel around a lot, you know, if ever you get kidnapped, then, like, tell your kidnappers, not guacamole. because you're stuck in a confined space. if you ate guacamole all the time, you would become rather chubby. maybe you can apply it topically, because it's very good for your skin. >> that's right. good for your skin. i thought guacamole was a good fat? it's not a good fat? >> guac moamole is a good fat b not way tith a ton of chips. >> good luck with the book. >> thank you very much. >> i never heard of a fluffy gay salad before. this does bring attention to a serious problem according to the cdc, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women and for most ethnicities. put it this way, one in every four people will die from heart disease, according to the cdc. what happens when you run out of a building space in a crowded city? you start building skyscrapers underground. that's what one architect plans to do in mexico. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough. now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 years of research. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. [ man ] still love that wind in my face! talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. learn more at our "passport." why plan a 65-story building that goes into the ground? >> the burning question. stephane florez is a mexican architect and hi looked at this particular square in motion c , mexico, a historic square. so dense. no more space for buildings anywhere so he and his company came up way plan. the solution, let's build down. but he's being very ambitious, because he's not only saying let's build down, let's build down by 55 stories. now, what you're seeing is the inverted permit with steel and glass and the idea of the inverted permit, bring light into the building. he wants the first ten floors to be a museum in honor of mexican history and the aztecs, then the next 20 floors are going to be residential, and then you're going to have commercial and office space. very interesting. whether it ever happens or not. it will cost around $800 million. >> holy cow. something we can expect to see in other parts of the world? >> it could. what happens when there's just density and no more space to build up? let's build down. rather ambitious in the 55 floors. if you go to new york you see the apple store, it goes down, but not quite 55 floors. >> right. >> the idea is to live to work to have a space. this kind of sentra fugual slighting, fiber optics, very fancy. i spoke with him. they want it to be one of those work-play-live spaces. again, in this particular area, but what i do need to stress is this is specific solution to a specific problem. he's not saying let's build down everywhere in the world. he's saying just in this square, which is home to the national cathedral in mexico and weren't of the most sought-after spaces. you're taking a look at the square now, and there's no more space. you can only build up to eight stories there, anyway. he says, we're solving a problem. he's very passionate. i said, come on. do you think this is ever really going to happen? he said, yes. what other solution do we have? >> i think people would feel claustrophobic, so far underground? >> that is a problem. >> i've been in a closet. knowing you're underground. >> the idea is the mifiber opti lighting. also suggesting eco friendly environment with all kithds of trees. they have a grand vision. whether the grand vision is realized or not, the mexican mayor has not met with them at this point, but the idea is an interesting one and fascinating to see if something like this ever happens. >> this is fascinating. i hadn't heard a thing about this. really interesting. >> stephon square ez, the architect is one of my facebook friends. we became friends, he told me about the project. had i spoke with him i was amazed our lucid and national he feels about this project. so thank you facebook and stephon suarez. two children clinging to an ice ship, a helicopter responded to distress calls. their boat sinking near the entrance to sydney, harbor. the police boat arrived on the scene, all four are in good condition. paying off your credit cards sounds like a good thing to do. ahead, why it could ding your credit record. plus, asking you to weigh in on this story. a homework assignment used examples of slavery and beatings to teach math. did the school do enough to handle the situation properly? tweet me and we'll read your comments. per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops. [ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! have more fiber than other leading brands. they're the better way to enjoy your fiber. after teachers used references to slavery and beatings in a math homework assignment. >> that hurts. >> whoever put together this paperwork and everything else, the schools and everything, shouldn't teemp it this way. >> after the school acknowledged its mistake, the assignments were shredded. we want to hear from you about this. did the school do enough to handhan handle the situation hproperly? tweet me @garytuchman.cnn. good morning. it's 7:00 a.m., january 7th. i'm gary tuchman. what you can expect to pay more for in 2012. you may not know it, but you are killing your credit score with simple things, such as renting a car. we'll explain coming up. the amazing story of a man who quit his job to see the world. we'll share his 2: 30 minute video. you have to see these stunning images. one teenager's stunning saga ended with her return to the united states. his is video of jakadrien turner arriving at the airport in dallas, texas. she spent most of the year in colombia. problem, she is not colombian. she's an american teenager who ran away from home. she convinced american colombian officials her name was tika cortez. her family wants answer but right now are just happy to have their daughter home. >> they want their daughter to get some rest. they want to reunite the family. that's the purpose of this day. they're very happy that we were able to get them home. >> federal immigration officials are investigating the situation. a two-ship convoy is making the first of its kind journey to nome, alaska. western alaska. leading the way for a russian fuel tanker. bad weather cancelled a similar shipment to nome last fall. this is the first time fuel has been taken through the ice covered waters to western alaska. check out this video from the u.s. navy. 13 iranian fishermen held by pirates. and american destroyer rescued them in the north iranian sea. 15 pirates held by the united states navy who saved the iranians. an irony. penn state ready to introduce its replacement for legendary coach joe paterno. bill o'brien. he's taking ober a program reeling from the sexual abuse scandal surrounding former assistant coach jerry sandusky. the news was met by excitement from the team. >> very excited about it. we heard the news late last night. talked to a couple budies on the team. they're excited as well. a fresh start for the penn state program and i'm anxious to kick on. >> and sandusky had been an assistant coach. o'brien will stay with the patriots as long as they're still in the running. and we'll hear a plea from joran van der sloot. supposed to plead guilty, instead asked the judge for more time to consider this plea and yawned a lot in courted. you may remember, van der sloot was also a suspect in the disappearance of alabama teenager natalee holloway back in 2005. to politics now. the battle for the granite state, new hampshire. the primary there, just three days away. the candidates are spreading out across the state again today. rick santorum hoping to capitalize on the momentum from a second-place finish in iowa. gets a chance to face-off against front-runner mitt romney tonight in a debate in manchester, new hampshire. though as he told our gloria borger, he has a specific strategy. >> you're not taking on mitt romney? >> oh, i'll take on mitt romney on the issues. i'm not going to make judgment it's about his character, make judgments about whether he's going to be weak or strong. >> here's a look at the latest numbers out of new hampshire. this wmur university of new hampshire poll shows romney with a big lead. 44% to ron paul's 20%. rick santorum is still in single digits. and new hampshire, then south carolina. that primary is two weeks from today on saturday. how's the race shaping up? our political reporter take as look. >> reporter: good morning, gary. with mitt romney looking like a sure-fire winner in new hampshire, south carolina is shaping up to be the last stand for conservatives to stop mitt romney before the republican race heads to florida and other expensive states on super tuesday, but who is going to stop him? a new poll out friday from cnn "time" and orc shows romney with a commanding lead in south carolina. he's on top getting 37% of the vote followed by rick santorum at 19%. newt gingrich at 18% and look at rick perry, who's taking his entire campaign on south carolina. clocking in at 5% of the vote. both candidates, rick santorum and rick perry there sunday to campaign hard for the january 21st primary, but have a lot of work to do. for cnn, peter hamby. meteorologist alexandra sta steele is in for reynolds wolf. how is the weekend looking? >> 1,000 record highs around the country this past week alone. is more heat in store or are we in for a cold shot of january reality ji the forecast coming up right after the break. if you think pumping gas is painful, wait until the summer. the rising price of gasoline, just ahead. white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums good morning, boston, massachusetts, where it's also expected to be a balmy january 7th winter day. boston only a short drive from the border of new hampshire, and may be wondering, how the primary weather going to be? right now it is seven minutes past the hour. meteorologist alexandra steele is back with another check on the forecast. i want to ask you, i think i'll fun forward to see you. either way irs know you're there. and i do want to ask you, new hampshire primary. usually it's really, really, really, really, really cold. >> all right. it's going to be really cold, but not really, really, really, really cold. about 15 degrees warmer than you would think it would be. a detailed forecast of new england and especially new hampshire, the expectation for clouds and rain. show you where we are. nothing. meaning clear skies, heading from today into tomorrow, into tuesday. you can see clear skies. partly sunny conditions. pretty nice. no question about that. you see the rain is well south. south of st. louis, even. all of new england and the northeast, dry skies for the next few days. in terms of low temperatures what we'll see for that tuesday, 24 degrees. the temperature in the morning on tuesday in new hampshire. should be at 11 in man chastecho start the day. and on the warm side, should be 32. temperatures if you'd headed there should be nice. for locals, much warmer than this time of year typically. big picture forecast, we've seen a cold front moving through. cold front is a generation in terms of what we're see temperatures not nearly as chilly as where we should be. this cold front will cool things down. record heat. temperatures in the 40s through the dakotas. won't see that again. cooler air begins to work in. we'll see in the southeast, though, where temperatures are still 10 to 25 degrees above average along the eastern seaboard into the southeast. a little rain works into the mix for today. a few showers. by no means a major washout at all. temperatures pretty mild there. on the west coast, warm as well. temperatures in the southwest, very warm. los angeles, 68. and 65 in dallas. 30 234s boston, should be in the 40s in new york. mid-50s. should be in the 50s in washington. 63 degrees. so temperatures right along the eastern seaboard staying well warmer than they should be this time of year. looking at the cold weather and how cold it is or how cold it is not. it's certainly been so warm. remember last year at this time? this is all snow cover. look where all the purple is, showing how much snow we had last year at this time. 45% of the country covered in snow. this year, not so much. how about 16% of the country bp so well less. not a lot of snow cover out in and, of course, talking how snow begets snow, gary and not having snow on the ground. not seeing that cold blanket of snow helping to cool the air that comes across it. so not a lot of snow in the forecast either for the next few weeks. >> and alas, alexandra, it is just the beginning of winter. >> that's right. a lot of winter left. we could cool down. >> ground hog day, february 2nd. then we'll really know how much winter is left. that's what i base my forecast on. >> all right. not me. >> of course not. get ready for a shock at the gas pump. prices up nearly 30 cents from a year ago. a look at today's average price only tells part ever the story. 3:37 for regular unleaded. one year ago, $3.08 and by summer, the prediction, $4.25 in most spots. look at price ace cross individual states. drivers in hawaii pay the most. average, $4.03. moup maui, just there, paid $3.40 a week and a half ago. utah, cheapest prices now. the only place in the united states below $3 a gallon. and airfare. american express predicting the price for an economy seat will rise about 5% this year. next, food prices, going up. they rose 6% last year on higher wholesale prices. next, municipal fees. what you pay for everything from dog licenses to registration for your car. even local police may be writing more tickets to raise money. finally, shipping. u.s. postal service raise rates nearly 5%. u.p.s., fedex, expecting to do the same thing. it's not all bad news. after the break, a list of five items that will cost you less this year. stay with us. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. multigrain cheerios... life with crohn's disease is a daily game of "what ifs." what if my stomach pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if... what if i can't make it through dinner and a movie? what if i suddenly have to go? what if... but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your crohn's symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need visit and use the interactive discussion guide to speak with your gastroenterologist. ♪ more and more folks are trying out snapshot from progressive. a totally different way to save on car insurance. the better you drive, the more you can save. no wonder snapshot's catching on. plug into the savings you deserve with snapshot from progressive. before the break, a lichte of prices on the rise from the good news, prices will be falling on some items this year also. take a look with me. first up, wine. retailers are slashing prices on models priced over $30. next car rentals. with plenty of vehicles sitting idle on agency lots, look for deep discounts in 2012. the ipad. the ipad 3 is rumored to be out. look for price cuts on the ipad 2 especially refurbished models. alities 3d tv. priceless plummet this year also. finally, unfortunately if you're selling, homes. don't expect that to change in 2012. expect prices to stay low this new year. you're thinking about paying off your debt with a holiday bonus or upcoming tax refund you may want to find another use for that money. believe it or not, i did not know this and i'm sure a lot of you didn't, although some may have, but this is interesting. paying off your bills can actually hurt your credit score. our financial expect clyde anderson is here. what should you do? why wouldn't you get your bill and pay it off to zero? >> it's a game. if you understand the credit system you know how to work the credit system. generally, pay down a zero credit score, they want to see a balance in there. think about it. that benefits the creditors. 3 paying a little. >> what do you mean a little? >> 30%. for example, you have a car, $1,000 balance, put $300 on there. pay it down but control it and keep a balance. if your goal is to increase your credit score and not damage it. >> do you do that? >> yes, definitely. >> i want to make sure you practice what you preach. >> i do. i play the game. >> what else would cause our credit rating to suffer? >> one thing, rental cars. to rent a rental car and you use a debit card it can hurt your credit card because they're pulling credit and considered a hard pull. dings on your credit score. people don't realize that. >> is ding the scientific term? >> yeah, the scientific term. the term i call it. >> okay. i thought i'd heard that. maybe because you have it all over the place. >> right. >> i like that. doesn't talk lie ruins your score. >> ding it. reduce the apr. i need a lower rate. >> interest rate. >> when they do that what happens, sometimes they reduce your limit as well. when you're limit is reduced on a credit card it can hurt your score also. >> if you want your apr reduced, i would think a good thing. >> great thing. >> do not reduce my limit? >> do not reduce your limit. with the economy shifting, some of the credit card companies are unknowing to the customers reducing those limits saying you had a $5,000, reduced it to $2,500. reduces your rick but hurts your credit score. >> what should we do to improve or credit scores? >> several things. one, pay your pibills on time a monitor. make sure things aren't going on they don't know about. you always need to have an alert to alert you before people use your credit or credit is expended. understanding credit is one of the big pieces and leveraging. make sure you know how to leverage the credit. >> the thing, people really don't understand what's going on in the background with credit. they have no idea. >> right. pull your credit score at least twice a year., the best place to pull your score and do it twice a year. >> is it free? >> it's free. really the only free site. >> when you call one of these i don't want to use anybody's name, lots of commercials, but when you call one of these companies and they want money from you, is that a bad sign? >> don't pay money to get your credit report. the score, they generally charge to get that score. reputable places to look at when you need the score. once you have your credit pulled by a mortgage or ought oh car compacar auto or car company, they'll give you that. >> thanks for the tips. i'm going to implement them immediately. >> i'll check on you. >> thank you. why are some saying not so fast to political experts predicting mitt romney is a shoo-in to win the granite state. stick around. you may be surprised. ♪ [ male announcer ] you never know when a moment might turn into something more. and when it does men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment's right. ♪ [ man ] tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. [ man ] do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to jrngts good morning, washington, d.c. y youare looking at the white house listening to led zeppelin. and many of us are hoping led zeppelin tours again some day, by the way. most polls show republican mitt romney is the clear front-runner in the new hampshire primary. he holds a strong 2-1 lead over other candidates, but some in the granite state warn it's still too early to predict who they'll vote for on tuesday. here's dan lothian to explain. >> reporter: for the republican presidential hopefuls, new hampshire is the second stump on the road to the white house. unlike the first stop in iowa, independent voters who make up about 40% of the electorate are in the driver's seat and most come to the table with strong partisan views according to university of new hampshire's andrew smith. >> some of them are democrats, some true independents, most ever really republican's. >> reporter: but this woman says don't call them renegades. >> not renegades as much as fiercely independent. in the sense that they're going to make up their own minds. >> reporter: what happened in iowa or what the pundits predict doesn't necessarily sell in new hampshire. voters here relish the vetting process. large town hall meetings are a kind of appetizer to the real meal, that upclose encounter on main street. but this radio host says some of his listeners feel like some contenders have tuned them out. >> the candidates they came and some have spent a lot of time here. >> reporter: like jon huntsman, mitt romney and early on, rick santorum. but -- >> it just didn't happen as much and the candidates kind of stayed away. >> reporter: their daily planners packed with a lot of debates, visits to iowa and national media interviews. in a cycle where republicans are having a different time rallying behind one candidate, some independent voters here are still scratching their heads. >> republican field, not too impressed. >> reporter: mitt romney from neighboring massachusetts consistently maintain add 2-1 lead over his closest opponents. a clear front-runner in the granite state, but smith says it's not a warm embrace. >> romney, well, may not like it too much, but probably the guy with the best chance. that's the kind of idea going on as well. >> reporter: former senator rick santorum is getting a second look after his near victory in iowa, and newt gingrich is attacking the front-runner, who cost him his fortunes in iowa. >> i think it's dangerous to make predictions in new hampshire. i really do, and i think you have to wait until the last possible minute. >> reporter: dan lothian, cnn, manchester, new hampshire. and don't forget, cnn's live coverage of new hampshire primary begins in this very studio tuesday night, 7:00 eastern time. it's a rare look at one man's journey around the world. more than 6,000 pictures taken over 300 daysened condensed in two minutes. the extraordinary scenes, coming up. and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. welcome. i understand you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. smart move. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. r-really? absolutely, and we guarantee results, you know, for a small fee, of course. such are the benefits of having a professional on your side. [whistles, chuckles] why don't we get a contract? who wants a contract? [honks horn] [circus music plays] here you go, pete. thanks, betty. we're out of toner. [circus music plays] sign it. come on. sign it. [honks horn] around the country. every single day, saving homes. we will talk it over... announcer: if you're facing foreclosure, make sure you're talking to the right people. speak with hud-approved housing counselors free of charge at... cheshg egg top stories -- people are protesting in the streets of nigeria over higher gasoline prices. the government removing the fuel subsidy on january 1st, six days ago, kept prices artificially low. nigerians reacted angrily. police responding with force. at least one person killed. 30 -- 40 people had to be rescued. the vessel started taking on water through a baseball-sized hole in the hull of the craft. a coast guard cutter arrived in time with pumps keeping the vessel afloat. police in georgia, expanding their search for a missing woman, last seen around christmas. her car found abandoned and still running a couple days ago. police named a man visiting english as a person of interest. i want to show you an extraordinary look at the world through the eyes of one man. he left his job to travel the world. it took him 343 days. stop what you're doing and watch. i promise, the next two minutes will be worth it. ♪ >> after i left my company last year, i figured, you know, it was as good a time asly in to take off and do a bit of backpacking. >> this came about because i wanted to capture my trip, but not have to subject my family and friends through, like, a massive slide show that would take days to finish. the trip was about 343 days from the first to the last shot that i took. during that time i took about 58 buses, 19 plane, 18 boats. i think 8 trains and, you know, a few car rides here and there. when i was in more rokko, the square, like street performers, vendors, shops, and sort of this elaborate bizarre. bazaar. the biggest part was actually compiling the clips. choosing which ones to leave out. because i ended up with about, you know, over 150 different scenes. my brother a musician and i wanted to have, like, an original composition to accompany the music, just to help convey the mood of some of the different scenes.

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Tuesday ,Rearview Mirror ,Political Editor ,Paul Steinhauser Repreviews ,Three ,Things ,Estate ,Candidates ,Poll ,Battle ,The Grand ,Mitt Romney ,Front Runner ,Digits ,Everybody ,Ron Paul ,Figure ,Polls ,Massachusetts ,20 ,South Carolina ,Candidate ,Contest ,Debate ,Caucus ,Calendar ,Down Sow ,Rick Santorum ,Say The Word ,Senator ,Pennsylvania ,Surprise ,Switch ,Romney Surging ,19 ,Newt Gingrich ,Numbers ,12 ,Trail ,Rally ,Gate ,Ron Huntsman ,Aren T Resting Voices ,Derry ,Meteorologist ,Events ,Campaign ,Seven ,Way ,Southeast ,Rain ,Car ,Cold ,Summer ,Gas Station ,Wind ,Prediction ,Calmoming Up ,Wall ,News ,Washington D C ,Nation ,Beautiful Day ,Capital ,January 7th ,Youtube ,7 ,Country ,Records ,Meteorologist Alexandra Steele In For Reynolds Wolf ,Unseasonably ,1100 ,Heat ,Temperatures ,Minnesota ,All The Way South ,Wichita ,Highness The 60s ,25 ,60 ,Lot ,It ,Front ,Is Ding ,Boston ,Means ,Warmth ,Mid Atlantic ,The Deep South ,Moisture ,All The Way ,Still Holding On ,Caveat ,Charlotte To Atlanta ,To Memphis ,New Orleans ,Conditions ,Clouds ,Yes ,Lake Effect Snow ,Showers ,Winds ,Gulf ,Surface ,Midwest ,Few Rain Showers ,Warm Air ,High Pressure ,Control ,Northwest ,Plains ,Rain Coming ,West Coast ,Sunny Skies ,Los Angeles ,Phoenix ,Terms ,New York ,Picture ,Wlook Whe Look ,56 ,63 ,53 ,Snow Begets ,Places ,Rockies ,Mountains ,Mountain Tops ,Cool Down ,Colorado ,Bets ,Snow Aids ,Really Baran ,Lake Tahoe ,Price ,Rise ,Pocket ,U S 3 ,Prices ,Gallon ,Summer Gasoline ,Unleaded ,Utah ,37 ,3 , 25 ,4 25 ,Items ,Food Prices ,Place ,Economy Seat ,American Express , ,5 ,Everything ,U S Postal Service ,Police ,Sale Prices ,Shipping ,Fees ,Dog Licenses ,Tickets ,Vehicle Registration ,6 ,Matter ,Break ,Same ,Fedex ,Five ,Vegetables ,Sauce ,Weight Loss Goals ,Serving ,Green Giant ,Varieties ,Accessories ,Twenty ,Sixty ,Girl Wouldn T ,Belt ,Nylons ,Shoes ,Diamond ,Announcer ,Skin ,Health ,Points ,Mind ,Citi ,Airline ,Blackout Dates ,Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion ,The Rock ,Life ,Moisturizer ,Oatmeal Formula ,Improvement ,Aveeno ,2 ,Deallose Com ,201 ,Retailers ,Take A Look ,Sunlight ,Bottles ,Vino ,Car Rent 8rentals ,8 ,30 ,0 ,Ipad 2 ,Models ,Stores ,Discounts ,Price Cuts ,Homes ,Plummet ,Tvs ,3d Tvs ,Republican ,On The Issues ,Party ,Nomination ,Reporter ,Votes ,Rematch ,Eight ,Vision ,Reputation ,Congressman ,U S Senator ,People ,Money ,Lives ,Sense ,Entitlement Programs ,Conservative ,Word ,Opportunity ,Somebody Else ,Area ,Black ,Santorum S Statement ,Conservatives ,He Didn T Meng The Word ,Barack Obama ,Question ,Answer ,Comments ,Human Rights ,Human Life ,Pay Grade ,Baby ,Person ,Black Man ,Constitution ,Attention ,Homosexuality ,Supreme Court ,Associated Press ,Quote ,Tore Con Sexual Flight ,Fabric ,Society ,Polygamy ,Incest ,Bligmy ,Child ,Dog ,Case ,Wasn T Equating ,Point ,Morality ,Thing ,Contraception ,Belief Structure ,Catholic ,Blog Site ,Opinion ,Supporter ,Dangers ,San Tore Somme ,Vatican ,Realm ,License ,Sell ,Belief ,Defense ,Facilities ,Air Strikes Snd ,Stithesi ,Star ,Seat ,Hopes ,Career ,Critics ,18 ,Views ,Others ,Reach ,Beyond ,Cnn Com Politics ,Stories ,Children ,Jobs ,Homework Assignment ,Parents ,College Degrees ,Study Shows ,Lottery ,Georgetown Center ,Work ,Unemployment ,Engineering Degrees ,Highest ,College Graduates ,Education ,Liberal Arts ,Humanities ,Job Prospects ,Sp ,9 4 ,7 5 ,Nothing ,Tums ,Foods ,Tum ,Dow ,Tum Ta ,Grain ,Who Don T ,Clothes ,Grains ,Eating Right ,Whole Grain ,Multigrain Cheerios ,110 ,Muscle Health ,Hmb ,Muscle ,Strength ,Got Revigor ,Fight Muscle Loss ,Exercise ,Amino Acid Metabolite ,10 ,Protein ,Nutrition ,Charge ,Preserve ,Job ,Rates ,Home Construction ,Architecture ,Art Majors ,11 1 ,13 9 ,Robbery ,Oman ,Store ,Counter ,Handgun ,Trooper ,Cvs ,Hood Up ,Massachusetts Trooper ,Face ,Pharmacists ,Blachted ,Lands ,Ran Out ,The Chase ,Mackinnon ,Pepper Spray ,Nursing School ,Teachers ,Students ,There ,Test ,Cheating Scandal ,Test Materials ,Painkillers ,Prepping ,Amazon Com ,Newport Beach ,California ,Corona Del Mar ,Questions ,Book ,Student ,Answers ,Material ,Classmates ,Test Documents ,Reading ,Chicago ,85 ,Winners ,Plan ,Checks ,Holidays ,Security Authorization ,Staffing ,Illinois Lottery ,59000 ,159000 ,Slavery ,Examples ,Elementary School ,Bank Fees ,Georgia ,Beatings ,Math ,Words ,Grader ,Upset ,Affiliate Wsb ,Homework ,Terrence Barnette ,Many ,Slave ,Math Assignment ,Son ,Oranges ,Frederick ,Hurts ,Another ,Math Problem ,Slaves ,Fathers ,Reaction ,Dad ,Source ,Anyone ,Principal ,Norcross ,Tourriculumcurriculums ,Grade ,Gwinnett School ,Cross Crick Cueler Activity ,Schools ,Everything Else ,Paperwork ,Concerns ,Context ,Shouldn T ,Assignment ,Kerry Cavanaugh Reporting ,Wsb ,Rights ,3 50 , 50 ,Immigrant ,Doctorate Degree ,Wasn ,Program ,Dr ,Nurses ,Knowledge ,My Name ,Network ,University Of Phoenix ,Difference ,Kimberly Horton ,A Thousand ,White Meat Chicken ,Soup ,Pairs ,Hockey Game Last Night ,Chicken Noodle ,Progresso ,Pj ,On Enbrel ,Spa Lady ,Designer ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Moderate ,Infections ,Everyone ,Immune System ,Ability ,Fast ,Rv Guy ,9 ,Doctor ,Tuberculosis ,Region ,Infection ,Nervous System ,Cancers ,Lymphoma ,Blood Disorders ,Flu ,Cuts ,Hepatitis B ,Fever ,Have ,Bleeding ,Paleness ,Sores ,Heart Failure ,Bruising ,Enough ,Dermatologist ,28 ,Thanks ,Governments ,Scenario ,Family Searches ,Identity ,Fault ,Teenage Runaway Convinces ,Back ,Stunning ,Chapter ,Ed Lavandera ,Grandmother ,Mother ,Hand In ,Granddaughter ,Signs ,Internet ,Winter Aturner ,Cull Munated ,Authorities ,Tika Cortez ,2010 ,November Of 2010 ,Number ,Someone ,Ways ,Attorney ,Pay ,Violations ,Ms ,Television ,Anything ,Amount ,Left ,Gasoline Prices ,Streets ,Morning ,Texas ,Nigeria ,Demonstrations ,Fuel Subsidy ,Protester ,January 1st ,1 ,Tributes ,Aide ,Giffords ,Gabby Giffords Shooting ,Gabe Zimmerman ,Trail Outside Tucson ,University Of Hawaii Research Vessel ,Water ,Boat ,Hawaii ,Baseball Size Hole ,Memorial Tomorrow ,Oahu ,Sad ,Vessel ,Tv Stations ,Lawyers ,Pumps ,Hull ,Coast Guard Cutter ,Airing ,180 ,Ethics Violations ,Misleading ,Restore Our Future ,House Speaker ,A Super Pac ,300 ,00 ,Reimbursement ,Fine ,Lead ,Voters ,Choice ,Pap ,4 ,Rick Perry ,Drop ,Playing Out ,Matt Liam ,Eyes ,County Commissioner ,Dekalb County ,Lee May ,Democratic ,Syndicated Columnist ,Momentum ,Big ,Overin ,Nine ,Ground ,Mistake ,Low ,Result ,Go To ,Shot ,Play Geagain ,Vote ,Election ,Him ,Position ,Mike Huckabee ,2008 ,Organization ,Forward ,Advertising ,Message ,Isn T He Doing ,Judgment ,Emotions ,Most Don T Realize ,John Mccain ,Wing ,Chance ,Ahold ,I Motions ,Evangelical ,Hoardly Evanek ,Governor ,Good ,Rage ,Tick P ,Rp Jp ,Race ,Manner ,Jon Huntsman ,Polling ,Field ,Credit ,Economy ,Direction ,Fares ,Moving ,Big News Yesterday ,January The 21st ,Bit ,Policies ,Job Market ,Basis ,Spite ,White House ,Risks ,Optimism ,Reason ,South Florida ,Swing States ,Unemployment Number ,North Carolina ,Ohio ,President ,Wave ,Hit ,Unemployment Rate ,Pick Anything ,8 5 ,200000 ,Turn ,Key ,Allegation ,Eastern Time ,Coverage ,Talking ,Special Primary Night Coverage ,Winter ,Workers ,Whole ,Attraction ,Season ,Whole Grain Isn T The First ,Side ,Ingredient ,Breakfast Cereal ,Box ,Honey Nut Cheerios ,Big G Cereal ,General Mills ,Lucky Charms ,Cinnamon Toast Crunch ,Aflac ,Boyyyy ,Something ,Beatboxing ,Doesn T ,Families ,Safety Net ,Ain T ,Cash ,Pay Deductibles ,Fret ,Help ,A ,Miami ,Dade County ,Biscayne Bay ,Example ,Beginning ,Businesses ,Suffering ,Canada ,Need ,Montreal ,Schedule ,Her ,Snow Scull ,Cold Weather Attraction ,Snow Village ,Weekend ,Games ,Idaho ,Special Olympics ,Snow Cover ,Purple ,Deal ,Winter Games ,Fast Forward ,45 ,Course ,Ski Resort ,Accumulation ,Green And White Mountains ,17 ,Record ,Record Highs ,Problems ,Snowediest ,Least ,Loan ,Michigan ,Nevada ,Stat ,Jet Stream ,Mississippi ,Look ,Hair ,Fargo ,The Big Picture ,44 ,Snow ,Mild ,Duluth ,66 ,Warmth Push ,Soun Plains ,50 ,Big Time ,To Atlanta ,Memphis ,Temperature ,Highs ,Global Warming ,Misnomer ,Lows ,Major Global Climate Change ,Extreme ,Cool Air ,Prognostication ,Areas ,Northeast ,Expectation ,Projection ,Computer Models ,Northern Tier ,Equal Xhanss ,Cooler ,Canadian Border ,Some ,City ,Ice Contests ,Alex ,Spot ,Ice Box ,Guy ,Gay ,Secret ,Statue Of Liberty ,Resolutions ,High 50s ,Diet ,Simon ,Gay Men Don T Get Fat ,Guest ,Barney ,Six ,Humor Book ,Exercise Book ,Title ,Exaggerations ,Fat ,Joan Rivers ,Kinds ,Cover ,Claims ,Spanx ,Trim ,Thesis ,Rift ,Fit ,French Women Don T Get Fat ,General ,Women ,Nuggets ,Gay Wisdom ,Nuances ,230 ,Food ,Weight ,Generalizations ,Stereotyping ,Entertainment ,Whill ,Tips ,Research ,Theory ,Will ,Damin ,Res ,Idea ,Groups ,Slimmer ,Four ,Restaurant ,Bowl ,Mashed Potatoes ,Big Angus Steak ,Wife ,Steak ,Order ,Fluffy ,Job Covering Stories ,Fried Foods ,Best ,Red Meat ,Salads ,Space ,Guacamole ,It Topically ,Kidnappers ,Fat B ,Guac Moamole ,Luck ,Heart Disease ,Gay Salad ,Ton ,Chips ,Cdc ,Cause ,Building Space ,Ethnicities ,Lipitor ,Risk ,Architect ,Cholesterol ,Heart Attack ,Plans ,Mexico ,Building Skyscrapers ,Stroke ,Fda ,Patients ,Risk Factors ,Numbers Don T Lie ,Medications ,Sign ,Liver Problems ,Muscle Pain ,Blood Tests ,Nursing ,Weakness ,Side Effect ,Stay ,Card ,Lipitorforyou Com ,Square ,Building ,Stephane Florez ,Passport ,Hi ,Motion C ,65 ,Company ,Build Down ,Buildings ,Way Plan ,Let ,Floors ,Permit ,Steel ,Flight ,Glass ,Ten ,55 ,Office Space ,History ,Honor ,Museum ,Aztecs ,World ,Build ,Parts ,Holy Cow ,800 Million ,00 Million ,Apple Store ,Sentra Fugual Slighting ,Down ,Stress ,Spaces ,Most ,Everywhere ,Weren T ,Cathedral ,Come On ,Friendly ,Closet ,Mifiber Opti Lighting ,Environment ,Kithds ,Trees ,Mayor ,Grand Vision ,Mexican ,Friends ,Project ,Stephon Square Ez ,Hadn T ,Facebook ,Stephon Suarez ,Ice Ship ,Sydney ,Condition ,Credit Cards ,Scene ,Police Boat ,Distress Calls ,Entrance ,Credit Record ,Plus ,Coverages ,Flobot ,Robot ,Orange ,Small Stuff ,Progressive ,Tool ,Powers Down ,Fiber ,Brands ,Math Homework Assignment ,References ,Assignments ,Shouldn T Teemp ,Situation Hproperly ,Handhan ,Arytuchman Cnn ,Credit Score ,Story Of A Man ,Images ,Fuel Tanker ,United States Navy ,Irony ,Team ,Scandal ,Abuse ,Excitement ,Couple Budies ,Sandusky ,Patriots ,Running ,Primary ,Finish ,Manchester ,Character ,Judgments ,Strategy ,Gloria Borger ,University Of New Hampshire ,Big Lead ,Wmur ,Winner ,The Last Stand ,Orc ,Clocking ,Meteorologist Alexandra Steele ,Peter Hamby ,January 21st ,Cold Shot ,Sta Steele ,The Forecast ,Reynolds Wolf ,January Reality Ji ,1000 ,Pumping Gas ,Gasoline ,Slap ,Drive ,Forecast ,Check ,Border ,New England ,The Rain Is Well South ,South Of St ,Clear Skies ,Dry Skies ,Louis ,Man Chastecho ,11 ,24 ,Cold Front ,Generation ,Picture Forecast ,Locals ,32 ,Record Heat ,The Dakotas ,Washout ,Mix ,Eastern Seaboard ,Southwest ,68 ,30 234 ,Bp ,16 ,Blanket ,Ground Hog Day ,Alexandra ,February 2nd ,Part ,Shock ,Gas Pump , 08 ,3 08 ,States ,Spots ,Cross ,Drivers ,Individual ,Price Ace ,Average ,4 03 , 03 ,Half ,Moup Maui ,3 40 , 40 ,Airfare ,Ups ,Game ,Stomach Pain ,Movie ,Cramps ,Dinner ,Crohn S Disease ,What If ,What Ifs ,Inflammation ,Crohn ,Symptoms ,Discussion Guide ,Gastroenterologist ,Snapshot ,Folks ,Car Insurance ,Savings ,Lichte ,Car Rentals ,Vehicles ,Cup ,Agency Lots ,Selling ,Alities 3d Tv ,Use ,Holiday Bonus ,Debt ,Tax Refund ,2012 Expect ,Bills ,Clyde Anderson ,Credit System ,Bill ,Zero ,Balance ,000 ,Goal ,Play The Game ,Credit Card ,Rental Car ,Debit Card ,Credit Rating ,Rental Cars ,Pull ,Dings ,Scientific Term ,Score ,Apr ,Limit ,Interest Rate ,Rate ,Doesn T Talk Lie ,Companies ,Economy Shifting ,Credit Scores ,Customers ,2500 ,5000 ,500 ,Pibills ,Monitor ,Alert ,Background ,What S Going On ,Pieces ,Leveraging ,Annualcreditreport Com ,Site ,Anybody ,Credit Report ,Commercials ,Lots ,Mortgage ,Car Compacar Auto ,Shoo In ,Experts ,Cialis ,Tablet ,Right ,Erectile Dysfunction ,Nitrates ,Heart ,Blood Pressure ,Chest Pain ,Activity ,Excess ,Alcohol ,Hearing ,Backache ,Loss ,Side Effects ,Headache ,Upset Stomach ,Muscle Ache ,Injury ,Erection ,Decrease ,Trial Offer ,Cialis Com ,Led Zeppelin ,Jrngts ,Y Youare ,Tours ,Stop ,On The Road ,Hopefuls ,Dan Lothian ,Electorate ,Driver S Seat ,Table ,Andrew Smith ,Independents ,Minds ,Them Renegades ,Vetting Process ,Appetizer ,Meal ,Encounter On Main Street ,Town Hall Meetings ,Pundits ,Listeners ,Radio Host ,Contenders ,Cycle ,Visits ,Planners ,Media Interviews ,Debates ,Heads ,Rallying ,Add ,Neighboring Massachusetts ,Opponents ,Embrace ,Fortunes ,Victory ,Predictions ,Studio ,One Man S Journey Around The World ,Scenes ,Coming Up ,6000 ,Foreclosure ,Smart Move ,Candy ,Results ,Sort ,Fee ,Um ,Mortgage Rigamarole ,Whatnot ,Contract ,Professional ,Chuckles ,Circus Music Plays ,Benefits ,Honks Horn ,Pete ,Whistles ,Betty ,Saving Homes ,Toner ,Housing Counselors ,Cheshg Egg ,Force ,Search ,Craft ,Man Visiting English ,A Person Of Interest ,343 ,Backpacking ,Asly ,Slide Show ,Trip ,58 ,Boats ,Plane ,Trains ,Buses ,Rokko ,Shops ,Vendors ,Bizarre ,Street Performers ,Bazaar ,Musician ,Clips ,Brother A ,150 ,Cnn Saturday Morning ,Grammys ,Sari ,I Got A Feeling Big Night Four ,Best Of Luck ,Second ,Thanks A Lot ,Njanuary 7th ,Bruno Mars ,Cnn Center ,Phil ,Guys ,Brit ,Adele ,Wil ,Composition ,Music ,Mood ,

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