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about the occupy movement, occupy atlanta demonstrators getting some help from the martin luther king center. they are giving them classes on nonviolence. we will talk about why. and also, we will have reverend jesse jackson, joining the occupy atlanta movement in some way, he will be with us in studio this hour. let's get back to andy rooney and the news, that he has died at the age offed 92. just signed off from "60 minutes" after 30 years did that with his last essay last month, done 1 00 or close to 1,100. been with cbs news 60 years all together, but he died after complications from a minor surgery. you may remember that. he had gone in for what was told us to as minor surgery but then developed complications within the hospital and now, the word is that he has died at the age of 92. our gary tuchman takes a look back at his extraordinary life. >> the funny thing is over the years, our opinion of how our hair looks best changes. i used to think i looked best with long side burns. why in the world would i have ever thought that? i didn't realize i looked so funny back then or i would probably never have gone on television at all. >> reporter: andy rooney didn't have a look that was especially tv friendly, but it was his talent as a writer that set him apart and eventually, made him a star. [ clock ticking ] >> reporter: andy rooney was a "60 minutes" original, started with a show as a producer, became a regular on-air contributor in 1978. his die tribes, the struggles of modern life, were a hit. >> part of my success is how average i am. i'm a very normal guy and it does not occur to me walking down the street that anyone recognizes me or bugs me when they do too. >> reporter: rooney started his writing career in the u.s. military. he was assigned as a correspondent for the military newspaper "stars and stripes" after being drafted into the arm any 1941 rooney often wrote about the men in the bombing missions, eventually having a book published about their experiences in 1944. after the war, rooney became a freelance magazine writer, he later moved to television, running for some of the biggest name notice business. >> i started in this business i wrote for a lot of people. i wrote for arthur godfrey for five years, i wrote for sam levinson, i wrote for gary moore and i wrote for harry reasoner and i'm basementically a writer. and i lost harry reasoner, so i started doing my own stuff on television, but it was just an emergency. i like it perfectly well when i was a writer. >> reporter: andy rooney's writing talents earned him six writing guild guild of america's awards, and won a total of four emmy awards two of those emmys came from a few minutes with andy rooney on "60 minutes." >> if it's any good, i can write it in a couple of hours and if it isn't any good it, it take mess a couple days. >> reporter: andy rooney appeared numerous times on "larry king live," writing a syndicated column that appeared in more than 200 newspapers daily and had more than a dozen books published. his wife of 62 years divide heart failure in 2004. on october 2, 2011, after 33 years on the show, he gave his final regular commentary for "60 minutes", a style and dry wit as unique as the man. >> i recently bought this new laptop to use when i travel. look at that though, it fits right into the briefcase here. weighs less than three pounds. i lose that much getting mad waiting to get on the plane through security at the airport. >> reporter: the common man with the common touch about problems that hit close to home. gary tuchman, cnn. >> and just a built ago, i spoke with former cbs correspondent bob around not, he shared an office with rooney for years, asked him if he actually saw this coming. >> you know, when i saw the sign up, i knew this was the end. he was not gonna quit, you know, a year or two before. never gonna retire, ever. so, it was pretty clear at that time that this was pretty close to the end. >> think he knew something about his health? >> oh, he did he was very much in tune with his health. and you know, it is interesting, at that age, you see the hand write october wall, you know is it, time to give up the game. it is only, what, a month or so since he had that wonderful signoff. >> when was the last time you were able to talk to him? did you talk to him when he was retiring? >> you know, i saw the whole crew, the whole "60 minutes" crew minus andy with our old boss, howard stringer about a month ago. i did not see ady at that time though. i had seen him around new york, he still showed up at events but hadn't really seen him probably for the last month. >> and bob, one other thing before we let you go a lot of people look at this, so sad to hear that he has passed but in a lot of ways, is this the way to go? >> oh, absolutely. just the old fallout to the end. the interesting thing about andy, he pretended to be this curmudgeon, but he wasn't, i was right kitty corner to him, the seventh floor at cbs. and you know, he had this kind of blirs, but he was just the nicest, sweetest guy you could even begin to possibly imagine. and of course, i was a neophyte in television at the time, i was a medical correspondent for the cbs morning show there and of course, we are all nervous and frazzled, find a pulse together and nor little morning show here he is at "60 minutes," he was never flustered about anything, it was like it was no big deal. like how does this guy do it? of course, he was so incredibly ingenious. everything he did was so interesting and so fun and how did he ever figure that out? it was so low-tech. bob was his producer this old typewriter, just kind of type it had all up, took a camera, just no big deal. i was in awe of the guy. >> andy rooney dead at the age of 92. i want to bring in morley safer now, who is on the line with me, long-time "60 minutes" correspondent. we appreciate your time this morning. let me get your reaction. bob arnot told me earlier he wasn't surprised if rooney retired, he must have known something about his health. do you believe that? >> well, i wouldn't say that. we -- we expected this because he -- he declined rather badly over the last couple of week he is. but you never fully are prepared for this had kind of thing. you know, he was so much a part of the broadcast and our professional lives that it's hard to believe he's gone. >> you said still, you felt as if he was declining and not really surprised by this. but still what is your reaction to actually hearing the news this morning, that at 92, he's gone? >> well, as much as you are prepared for something like this you are never truly prepared. i mean, he was so much, as i said, so much a part of what we've all been doing armed here for the last 30 years or more, really more than 30 years. it still comes as shock. >> what do you want people today, and there will be a lot of remembrances today what do you want folks to talk about today? we talked to bob arnot, like i mentioned a second ago, people consider him this curmudgeon of some kind, but he was the sweetest guy in a lot of ways. what do you want people to talk about today? >> well, quite simply this the person you saw in television was the real person, nothing that andy ever did was an act. he absolutely he -- as you know, never -- never tempered his thoughts. he said what he believed. and the other thing i think that people should remember is that he was really a great writer and he was extremely proud of that talent. never boastful, never boastful for a minute about anything. but very proud of his talent. and i think that pride really came through as well as i said, never self-aggrandizing but confident, certainly. >> do you think he never could have retired and sat on a beach somewhere, that just wasn't him? >> forget about it. ha ha ha. i think that may apply tole all of us, quite honestly. no. i mean, retirement was never, never even -- never did he give a passing second of the thought. he loved what he did. answered loved what he did 'cause he did it well. and he -- i don't know whether he really was aware of it but in a way, he really spoke four -- for every man. he spoke for -- i think the reaction to andy rooney, for the most part, people over the last 30-odd years, has been, you know, he is speaking for me. why didn't i -- why didn't i say that? he -- he had -- he had the common touch, if that phrase still means anything to people. >> and one last thing here. it's always sad to see someone go, but in a lot of the ways, do you think this was the way for him to go and glad that it happened in this way, that he literally worked almost up to the last moment of his life? he signed off on the show and now here he is, signing off again? >> yeah. what is it three weeks? that's the way to go. the only thing better than three weeks have been three minutes. >> wow. all right. >> no he -- absolutely worked to the very end. and this last -- his last piece was, i thought, brilliant. his farewell. whatever it was, three or four weeks ago. >> all right. well, morley safer, again, long-time "60 minutes" correspondent as well, we thank you so much for taking time with us on this morning and talking us to about your friend and long-time colleague, andy rooney. sir, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all right 11 minutes past the hour here. again, the news is andy rooney, just weeks after signing off from "60 minutes" with another one of his classic essays, he has now died at the age of 92. 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>> very much so >> minor earthquake in oklahoma, 4.7 magnitude them get this shaking in this area every now and again? >> they do, indeed, talking about a 4.7, you have about 13,000 each year, earthquakes, that range between say 4.0 and 4.9. oklahoma, no stranger to earthquakes. in fact in 1952 on april 9th, to be exact, there was an earthquake that was 5.5. it caused a crack in the state capitol building about 45 feet in length. it does happen in oklahoma. >> okay. i asked reynolds right before we came on air, do you know anything about this earthquake in oklahoma? >> more information. more information than you ever wanted in your whole life. >> this is why we love you, you always got the info. no reports of any injuries or damage there? >> we are okay. we are okay. it does happen that quake that happened back in 1952 was actually felt as far north as nebraska, as far south as the rio grande valley in texas. so -- >> did they fix it or just left it there? >> that is something i can't help you with that. i can't help with you that one but there will be earthquakes in parts of oklahoma in terms of a football game today, texas a & m in norm, lsu, all big games. one game playing in the four corners is going to be due to the heavy, heavy snow, talk about a foot of snow, highest peaks, rockies this is just installment one. normally deal with heavy snow in part of the rockies, farther south, arizona, highest peaks with snow but still getting a lot of wind. with the wind, we actually had a dust storm yesterday in parts of the phoenix area, in fact, farther south in casa grande, they had zero visibility at times and wind is still being felt and will be experienced in parts of phoenix today, where you are going to have delays. you got the video there, if we can, leave the video for just a moment and come back to the weather computer, i have this up i want to show, stilt winds that are going to cause delays in phoenix, delays now, shouldn't be too bad, wind should subside into the afternoon. san francisco, got showers, a little bit of fog there, too denver, showers, windy conditions, salt lake city, just the snowfall. but i will tell you, the snow that we are seeing in portions of the four corners is actually installment one. we will see a second round of snow that is going to move in late into saturday night, into sunday, perhaps even into monday. this is installment number one from the first system and then farther back out to the west, we are seeing this one, this could be affecting the golden state of california first. expect from mount shasta and the foot hills along the coastal range and then back in the sierra nevada that will be option two and going to move near this area. ski country, steamboat springs, snowfall. that beautiful champagne powder just fantastic. winds are going to be really strong in parts of the central and southern plains. dry conditions coupled with the winds give you a fire threat. talk about the snow out west. out east, i shall white house so ever, cool, dry for you plenty of sunshine for parts of the northeast, highs wrapping it up, 51 in boston, 49, new york, 73 in hostin, took albuquerque, 3239, salt lake city san francisco, pier 39, 61 your high. pretty good let's send it back to you. >> what would you do reynolds what would you do for tickets to the lsu/alabama game tonight? >> oh, my gosh, if it was -- for me, i would spend some good money. i don't know how much money. maybe not as much money as other people. >> would you do this? some fans had a danceoff to see who with get the tickets. i know reynolds would do this for the tickets. we will explain when we come back. stay with me, folks. m a dad,oac. and i quit smoking with chantix. knowing that i could smoke during the first week was really important to me. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. a louisiana man is saying thank you to a local cashier for screwing up. she made a mistake on his lottery ticket. the guy won $200,000 with a powerball ticket, but the cashier, you see, accidentally put him in for the power play, which made this a million dollar prize instead of the $200,000 prize. thank you very much. turn to oklahoma now, where a man has taken his love of route 66 to a new low, my goodness. new levels. he has gotten some of the iconic seens from the road at that time too allel over his body. ron jones is the name. he has got 103 tattoos so far, not sure if he has room left for 104, but he is looking for some skin. >> i don't want to help him look for it. back to louisiana, shall we? fans -- lsu fans this is what they are doing. they were dancing. their team is number one in the country but dancing this time to win tickets to tonight's lsu/alabama game. if you haven't heard by now turks is the biggest game in a century, apparently. six costumed fans picked out of the crowd at a basketball game in baton rouge to dance for the tickets. the winner was legoless, took three weeks to build the costume. which one might that be? >> i think that is him on the right. i home. >> the lego? >> celebrating. tickets to the big game. again, tickets for this game going for up to $ed 6,000 online. i think they hold about 100,000 in the stadium. >> yes. >> 103,000. >> 103,000? reynolds, as you know, if you were born in alabama, as reynolds was, immediately before anything else is done, tough pick, an auburn fan or an alabama fan. he picked out auburn, worked out well for you last year. >> very well the. good times. this year around, you will be back. weather going to be a problem? >> okay for night, clear skies, temperatures around 53 degrees or so but going to be trench you know what is funny, the stories you have with the game itself, lsu's former coach and great one, think about this nick saban, won a national championship with lsu, at the helm with alabama, won a national championship with alabama no other coach in history ever won two national championships -- >> he might be good >> might get a third this year. the other hand, les miles, a national championship. >> and eats grass. >> eats grass a lot of people love him two entirely different approaches in terms of coaching and going head to head tonight, should be interesting to say the least. >> no doubt, but again, it has been hyped all week, i'm ready for this thing to go and you know, it will deliver, all right? sometimes the big hype doesn't deliver this one l. >> what would you do to tickets for that game, arkansas was playing in the game of that magnitude, what would you do? >> my goodness there's no -- money is -- i would get loans if i had to get tickets to that game. >> auburn informs that games, i would rip off all my clothes, set my hair on fire and do back floins i-20. >> that would be just another saturday night with you, reynolds. >> why make it different. >> see reynolds shortly. close to the bottom of the hour. halloween just wrapped up, thanksgiving not quite here but already talking about holiday gifts? got some high-tech gift ideas for you that will actually save you some money. you need to hear this before you go out and just spend some cash on your tech gifts. stay here. 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is right. >> is the trick usually to find out whatever is cool, hot, buy it and the person better like it is that a good strategy? >> no not a good strategy, you will end up spending a lot of money and won't be happy about that b, the person receiving the gift may not be getting something they really want. it j, the first thing people need do is take a step away from the technology. what does -- what really moves sfwhun their life? what are their hobbies? what are their sfls what do they like to do? big into golf and sports, big into music? what do they love to do and then find technology that compliments that or, even better, what problems are they having in their lives right now? what frustrations are they going through and what technology can help solve that problem? >> that is a better strategy, actually. now, a lot of this high-tech stuff can be expensive, all right? >> yes. >> so i do jump on the deal when i see it or i do need to try to wait this thing out and wait for the deal to get better around the holiday. >> if you see a deal now, people are going to start seeing some deals happening, we are a little under 50 days or so away from the big day. i think you will start seeing deals absolutely now. if you see good deal in your price range and you can afford it go for it now. you bring up a good point. i'm holding a couple of different cameras here, like which one i do buy? they change in price, they change in size, and you really don't know which is the maybe the smart move for you and that's you why got to really comparison shop online as much as possible. we got a couple of sites to help people out with that. >> okay. all those sites, we can get those up and get those out, you have been passing them on to me, i will pass them on to the viewers here, with the hot items, do you run the risk of running out of supplies, you know? maybe not the best deal but you know, they always scare to you think, "while supplies last." do we have to worry about that? >> this is where sites like you are seeing right now, digital folio, these the sites are great for that, that same question, because what they do tj, they use algorithms to kind of monitor everything about what is going on with not only inventory but also reviews and what's being said about products. in other words, if you are getting ready to buy a product, but a new model is getting ready to come out, wouldn't you want to be aware of that wouldn't you want to have some predictive analysis to say hey, hold on, you might want to wait, a new model is coming in a couple of weeks with, might want to buy thain stead. the sites help you deal with and make decision making process better and save money along the way. >> i was with you up until al gore rhythms and predictive analysis, when it comes to buying a christmas gift. >> it is computer software that is running in the background that helps you make a smart decision. >> all right. al -- just stand by the phone, okay? you are my algorithm. >> people can hit me online, need helps or questions. i want to make sure people aren't wasting their money and using these sites smartlism and also, go into the store and test drive this stuff, feel it in your hands. >> one other important things, they say hit you online, where? >> mario, give me a day and i'll get back to you or on twitter, @marioarmstrong. >> you know, you can always find him, every saturday, our digital lifestyle expert, mario armstrong, latest on all things related to technology. we just passed the bottom of the hour here now. coming up, johnny dupree, could become mississippi's first african-american governor in modern times and he is selling cnn why he has refused to listen to those naysayers out there, to the polls and also listen to the pundits. the economy is making hard for recent graduates from finding work, preventing a lot of young adults from moving out of the house in particular, young men. what percentage of american males aged 25 to 34 are still at home with their parents? what would you guess? i will tell you in a moment. stay with me. we asked you, what percentage of men in the u.s., 25 to 54 still live at home with their parents? 1 %, 16% or 19% in the answer is, yes, the highest of the three options, 19% of all 25 to 35-year-old males have not been able to move out of the house? 33 minutes past the hour now. coming up on tuesday, voters in mississippi will go to the polls to elect a new governor, for the first time since reconstruction, an african-american is on the ballot. johnny dupree is the name, the first african-american to win a major party nomination in modern times can he win in a southern state that still bears the confederate emblem in its flag? here now, cnn's don lemon. >> reporter: if you thought that johnny dupree for governor campaign would be celebrating, except for johnny dupree. >> i got all the naysayers that you can't do it because -- >> reporter: couldn't win the mississippi primary because's black man in a state stigmatized by racism, because he didn't have nearly as much money to spend as his wise republican poe o'pon nent, lieutenant governor phil bryant. >> you can fill in the blanks. >> reporter: primary voters made history by making johnny dupree the first african-american ever to have a real chance of becoming the governor of mississippi. >> that's awesome, isn't it? isn't it awesome? we live in a place called america that allows things like that to happen that have never happened before. isn't it awesome? >> reporter: is it realistic in a race where not much distinguishes one candidate from the other? they disagree mostly how to pay for universal health care and whether voters should show i.d. at the polls. those two ideas aren't enough to motivate voters, according to retired political professor, joseph parker. >> most white voters in mississippi vote for the white candidate and most black voters vote for the black candidate. >> reporter: to win as governor, johnny dupe broil have to get all of the black votes and at least a third of the white. he did it in 2001 when he became the first black mayor of hattiesburg but can he do it statewide? >> if he does, it will be like moses rolling back the red sea. >> i'm here to talk to you about color, green. >> reporter: the only color dupree wants to address is money, something his state, the nation's poorest, desperately needs. something his opponent has a lot of, outspending dupree 7-1, but dupree is confident. >> i have 100% chance of not winning if i wasn't in the race. i got a 50% chance of wing because i'm in the race. >> reporter: dupree has proven the polls, the pundits and the naysayers wrong before, but with this much at stake, can he do it again? don lemon, cnn, hattiesburg, mississippi. coming your way on sunday november 13th, our soledad o'brien explores how some black were enlawyers for risking everything to become the next big thing this is the new promised land, silicon valley, a black in america special, sunday night 193th, 8:00 eastern, right here on cnn. 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'cause i could pay a little at a time... but actually we do -- and my kids would be like, "awesome, mom!" oh! i did not see that. [ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas in our toys, electronics, and jewelry departments. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! 42 past the hour, reverend jesse jackson and others joining the occupy movement now. ? >> may i take the this opportunity to say we offer condolences to andy rooney's family. so smart, remained progressive to the end, enlightened guy, a smart guy and he was able to do it -- kind of leave on his own terms. >> everyone has said that this morning this is the way to go. never gonna retire, signed off four weeks ago. >> signed off, then he signed off. >> i'm sure they appreciate those words this morning. back to you here in atlanta. you have been supporting the occupy atlanta movement and now some big civil rights era names, icons join this movement. why are we seeing this now? >> in many ways this is a newer version of -- dr. king's last effort was the poor people's campaign is to okay pit wall new washington, d.c., we called it resurrection city. dr. abernathy appointed me to be mayor of that city. we sat there more than a month, challenging america to choose the war on poverty at home, the reviralment war or the war in vietnam. he felt bombs dropped in vietnam was affecting our cities. further, we he argue if we kept giving more and more privileges to the wealthy and more and more war, dr. king called that moral and spiritual bankruptcy. today, we fight those same challenges, tj. more and more, few and few have more and more, very expensive wars and above vert city on the expansion. >> are they getting results yet, the occupy movement? >> the first -- 'cause they have got the attention, discussing poverty for change. secondly, last week, we sought banks back down off of a fee, 'cause banks have been making money off of origination of loans. they make money off of private mortgage insurance. they make money off the excessive fees, off of foreclosure also, they got bailed out the lending, not reinvestment. they have just made money over money over money and so because it has become so oppressive. i might add, student loan debt is greater than credit card debt because of depressive schemes, in fact, obstructing education. >> the talk about it and get the attention, at some point, is the occupy movement going to have to get more organized to get results? you have it popping up in so many cities, frankly, seeing ugly scenes, including in oakland that is getting a lot of attention and taking away from the message? >> the common theme is economic disparity you the wealth gap, health access gap, education gap, income gap, that is the thing. now, that incident in oakland did not really describe the mom. of oakland economic justice. when it did happen, those who were the occupiers stood between them and that activity. now, unlike memphis, dr. king leading a march for a collective bargaining for sanitation workers, the back of the line was some provocateurs who threw some bricks in windows. you see, rather cover the bricks than the banks for the media. this issue is about bank behavior, removing the glass ceiling where they choose investing over lending. foreclosed homes, churches and communityities. >> we will take a break, last thing on the occupy mom. what do you advise them to do next? okay, we are talking about it you have got the attention, now what? >> remain disciplined, nonviolent and focused on issues of economic justice and rather than the focus on mayors for themselves and the 99, focus on banks and bank policy and as well as the impact of these expensive and unnecessary wars. >> all right. we are 46 past the hour now, going to take a quick break, come back reverend jackson, not going to have him here and not take advantage of him to talk a little presidential politics which, of course with he know he is keeping up with, a former candidate himself the highest office in the land. quick break and i'm back with reverend jackson. about 12 minutes from the top of the hour, continue my conversation with reverend jesse jackson. i have to but to presidential politics. you have been critical of the president at times, wish he would do more, he is the president of the united states, he has power. i know you have been happy with some of the executive orders he put in place, has president obama earned a second term? in your opinion? >> you know, he has. he has faced unusual odd, you have a congress in rebellion, record levels of unemployment, he puts forth a jobs bill which perhaps could even be bigger. he puts forth a bill for infrastructure, they say no. and they say our mission is not jobs, it's not health care, it's not education, our mission is to destroy you. so the obsession is to -- willing to sink the ship just to destroy the captain, it forces him to, in fact, gift executive orders and invoke the fourth -- tenth amendment to stop congressleal rebellion. >> you said congress initially but talking about the side that wants to defeat him, do you blame both sides in congress? >> not really are. i think when one side says our mission, frankly it is not jobs. it is not health care. we know we need jobs but we will kill a jobs bill it may make you look well, may make you look good. we know we need more health care. can you imagine people in kentucky, eastern kentucky and virginia and in ohio, in appalachia, who are facing dire poverty, seeing their leaders vote against a jobs bill, against a health care bill, an infrastructure bill? what pains me about the die version about the campaign is that 48 million americans are in poverty. 44 million are on food stamps. 52 million are food insecure. children going to school would need reading glasses, hearing assistance, dental care and food, yet we are sidetracked away from these issues of great substances on entertainment. >> speaking of entertainment, let's go to the republican side. a lot of people will tell you there has been a lot of entertainment on that side and a lot of dees these debates quite goofy at times. so, on this side, one man has been getting a lot of attention, as we know, herman cain, still, a lot of attention because he is at the top of the polls. what is your opinion? is there a source of pride or feeling we are moving a certain direction to see a black man, a black conservative, do so well on the republican side for the nomination? >> he represents a point of view. his views on foreign policy, his views on health care, his views on working wages, he represents his party. so hats off to him. >> do you think this is a serious individual who is ready for the highest office in the land? some said had reverend lowery sitting around that place you are sitting and said this guy is having a good time, time the of his life. >> he is and he may very well have romney, bachmann or perry as his running mate. right now, he is in the lead. >> do you think he can pull this off? >> i don't know. i don't know. i must tell you i have not been as focused on hasn'ter i have the impact of people losing their homes driven into poverty and the impact of student -- i have seen many of you who wouldn't apply to college, can't afford to get in they get in they can't stay. they graduate, they don't have a guaranteed job that is real stuff. they there in ohio, the governor -- the legislature cult off, you can't vote today, tomorrow and monday on the tuesday as a form of voter suppression. so voter suppression is too real and collective bargaining and above vert city too real to get sidetracked by the entertainment. >> we will be talking about the voter i.d. flaws a bit. the entertainment on the republican side, you call it a lot of people would agree with you there it is politics, as you know all too well, right? >> tonight, alabama/lsu. > how got? alabama. how got? >> alabama. >> presidential poll it ticks we get occupy, we get a little sports in, everything with reverend jackson, good to see you this morning. good to have you in atlanta. we are 52 minutes past the hour, continue with a little sports here. did you hear what tiger woods' ex-caddie had to say about him? have you heard this yet, rev jend j? my goodness. it has a lot of people talking and a lot of people calling the caddie racist. we will tell you what he said and also was his response? that is in a moment. but first, document have to be thomas edison to have a great idea for a new product. what did you do? did you need some money? you need some support? today's start small, think big, joe carter shows us how a new company is looking to level the playing field for would-be inventors all over the world. >> reporter: ben kaufman started his first company in high school, now at the age of 25, he know what is it takes to get an idea off the ground. >> access to capital, know the right people, need to be multidisciplinary, and all these different things need to line up to push one brand new product out in the real world. >> reporter: he is putting his experience to work with a new website called quirky. >> if i'm a guy sitting inned me west and i have got a great idea, but i don't know how to distribute a product that is where you come in and fill the gap? >> sure. we all have ideas, everyone in the world has ideas,make a new product or build a current product better than it is currently being built. that is where yirky comes in, the heavy lifting with manufacturing and distribution and retail, marketing, merchandising, the different thing it is takes to make a product real. >> reporter: quirky's users submit their own idea bus collaborate on others. >> 100,000,000 people involved in quirky, voting on names, helping me pick colors. >> reporter: quirky says it share 3s 0% of the revenue shared by sales on the website about a third to the investmenter. >> the best ideas come out of problems, problems on a daily basis. >> reporter: like a flexible power strip, a 3 in 1 barbecue tool and collapsable hangers. >> brilliant solutions by people all over the world. >> reporter: joe carter, cnn. >> oh, congratulations. the employee of the month is... spark card from capital one. spark cash gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. it's hard for my crew to keep up with 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. 2% cash back. that's setting the bar pretty high. thanks to spark, owning my own business has never been more rewarding. 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. our good friend from hln sports here with me now. wow. stevie williams is not over this just yet. >> i woke up this morning and read this story, tv, i was shocked, how anybody could say this. this happened at a caddie awards banquet. >> tiger woods' ex-caddy. >> steve williams, tiger woods' ex-caddy. an awards bank yet for cad chills shanghai, supposed to be off-color convenient type of stuff. williams gets up there to reef his award and he was referring to his victory back in august when he was caddying for adam scott, big victory for him, had happened a month after he was fired by tiger woods. williams telling the crowd, and i quote, it was my aim to shove it up that black expletive. lots of them attendance, caddies all over, golfers all over, as you can imagine, their jaws dropped. immediately, as they were leaving, picked up the phone, called tiger woods, his agent to tell him what had happened. williams, realizing the mistake he made, went and apologized on his website, saying the comments were made in jest, did not mean any disrespect toward tiger woods. adam scott standing by his caddie saying did he the right thing by apologizing and adding he doesn't view williams as a racist, however, woods' agent, mark steinberg, releasing a statement saying if the reports are accurate, it is regrettable and that they had no further comment. >> this is horrible you can the way this relationship has broken down after they did so much together. >> you really don't know what to say in a situation like that other than, wow, why would you even, you know, say something like that? >> ray d'alessio, back with us? >> later on. >> good to see you. getting close to the top of the hour here, an important story that you need to hear, voter i.d. laws around the country causing controversy because they are changing. strict new photo i.d. requirements. will they keep some people from voting? we have a for and against argument in just a few moments. stay with us. just across the top of the hour on this cnn saturday, morning, hello to you all, give you a look at the stories making headlines, jurors in the conrad murray trial, home for the weekend, resoup deliberations on monday, michael jackson's former doctor has pled not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the pop star's death. also, big banks may be in for a big surprise today, because today is bank transfer day or move your money day. a frustrated small business owner started the move tonight get bank customers to close their account at the big banks and move their cash to credit unions or smaller banks. similar mom. again is called move your money day what want you to call it move your money, bank transfer, all today. an early morning earthquake woke up people in central oklahoma, 4.2 magnitude quake 40 miles east of oklahoma city. there are unconfirmed reports of several aftershocks no report of major damage or injuries. we got the news just a bit ago. the sad news, that andy rooney has died at the age of 92. this comes just weeks after he signed off from "60 minutes." he had been with cbs for 60 years, 30 with "60 minutes" doing the classic essays at the end of every show. he died after complication from a minor surgery. i talked to one of his former cbs colleagues, bob arnot, a short time ago. >> he pretend thobd curmudgeon, but he really, we want i was rightcalitier corner to him, the seventh floor of cbs. you know, they had kind of bluster, but he was just the nicest, sweetest guy you could even begin to possibly imagine. curious he was never flustered about anything. >> much more throughout date on andy rooney dead at the age of 92. just four minutes past the hour now. with president obama in france this week for the g-20 financial summit, vice president joe biden handled the president's weekly white house address. he didn't stray far from the president's popular talking point, pushing congress to pass the administration's jobs bill. >> the president and i believe we have to act now. that's why we introduced the jobs bill, which independent validaters said creates $2 million new jobs, 51 senators voted for that jobs bill, republican colleague notice senate used a procedural requirement that required us to have 60 vote it failed. we can't wait for the congress to start act responsibly, the president had has begun to use his executive power making announcements like one who put thousands of thousands of people able to go and refinance their homes. >> scott brown delivered the counter address are agreed job creation is important but partisan politics are getting in the way. >> millions of americans looking for jobs, it's no mystery what our priority should be here in washington. we should be doing all that we can to help this economy start creating jobs again and we should be doing it right now. working to create jobs one of those challenges that tests us here in congress, shows us what we serve, party leadership on capitol hill or people who elected us in the first place, my attitudecy answer to my conscious and to my constituents, period. >> now, brown wants a majority leader harry reid to act on the jobs bill that recently passed the house of representatives with more than 400 votes. six minutes past the hour now, you know where your money is, right? one group wants to you move it, move it out out of community banks to credit unions they can calling this move your money day. so far, it seems lot of people are paying attention to this message. accordinging to our, 650,000 people, that's lot, have fled the big banks in just the past month. listen now to how one of the organizers described how this grassroots movement grew so big so fast. >> i started the idea myself, it began as a facebook event that i sent to 500 of my closest friends, educating them to the powerful impact credit unions can have on our local community. and from there, they invited 500 and they invited 500, so now we are nearly 42,000 supporters in less than two weeks. big banks, for far too long, have mismanaged funds and utilized unethical business practices, so it's time that we vote with our dollar and help restore our local communities. >> let me bring in our financial analyst, clyde anderson again, i will give you an opportunity to say, tj, i told you so you and i sat here and talked about people getting upset and so hard to switch banks. >> you there go >> i thought that people wouldn't do it wow. >> exactly don't on the silt, they have done it, 650,000 people that is a lot of people to say, okay, i'm fed up and going to change bank. people are tired, tired of feeling like they are being pushed around and stepped on the >> i said this had isn't easy to do we all have bill pay set up, now hearing from my co-workers this morning, maybe you will tell me now, how div scut a process for it, it is a saturday, today a day you are supposed to move, can you do this all online? >> a lot online, a majority online, some people want to go to the banks, most banks are open until 1:00, now the thing is that they have made it so easy, i think they heard your cry and heard you say that it was difficult and made it a little bit more simple. now, you can go online and some banks have kits to where you can set up the new account first, what you will want to do, set up the new account first and be able to transfer that over, you want to set the new account, make everything set up, the tools, five-step process, what you need next to do my movie. >> you heard my cry. i wasn't crying about it. the other thing where do you know to move it? i am, quite frankly, not that familiar with the community banks or banks in my area, how do you find these? >> we talked about move your money there is a website that they set up and talk but initiative, the movement, but they also have a finder on there you nut your zip code and it will tell you the banks or small banks as well as credit unions that are in your air yaw may want to take a look at, seville ral around we don't know about them sometimes, not talked about enough. if you go on there they will tell you who they are and where they are and you can go and look and fee that is somebody you want to do business with. now giving the small guys a chance. >> we had that website. you know what to the viewers, i apologize, i don't have it off the top of my head, i will tweet it out to you, brorpg it one you could plug in that zip code and find it tour we will get it to you, i promise, folks, like i said as well, last thing here, clyde you can the banks, some of the websites, one we can put up here, the banks reverse course, said bank of america especially, not that had 5 debit fee, others did the same thing, but that didn't help had. are people still going to go this direction? >> i think too late. some of this -- this would not have happened ten years ago, now technology, the ability to have the voice that we have, people are using the voice that they have and making things happen. now a little late to say, hey we made a mistake and not going to do this and now being reactive, instead of what the customer wants and saying and need. >> national credit union association, where you can go the website you can the other is move your money, national credit union association. clyde, thank you. always good information, thanks for sticking around an extra hour here for us. let me turn at ten past the hour, to my good friend, reynolds wolf, keeping an eye on things, everybody is getting an extra hour to recover from the lsu/alabama game tonight. -to-set these clocks. >> why can't this happen every weekend? isn't the greatest thing in the whole world? waking up christmas morning and finding an extra hour's of sleep hiding under the tree. beautiful, a great thing. especially because of this right, a big football game going on tonight, i don't care what team you pull for this is like ali and frazer, lsu and alabama, tee it up at, let's see 8 p.m. eastern time, temperature 63, wind out of the east at 5 miles per hour. remember to set your clocks back, fall back, enjoy your extra hour's sleep. doesn't matter, tj is going to be up watching this, i'm going to be up watching this, still bleary eyed in the morning it happens. we will lett me show you something that will have you bleary identify, a strong, potent storm system ripping through the four corners, yesterday, brought a sand storm to arizona. higher elevations, not bringing sand, but snow, some spots may see snow, not just inches, talking several feet, might see delays in denver because of showers, higher elevations, no the wind is going to cause problems in phoenix, due to showers, might desee delays an hour or so the big weathermaker is going of the winter storm warnings scattered across the four corners and central rockies, back out towards the west, sierra nevada, rough there up to a foot of snow in places, about 7,000 feet or more, just keep it in mind. going to talk more about that storm system and talk about the potential for some severe weather in parts of mid-mississippi valley very soon. tj? >> thank you. see you again here in just a moment 11 past the hour now. the voter controversy, you have been hearing about this new photo i.d. requirements put in police and some say it is put in place on purpose to keep minorities away from the polls. a debate when we come back. stay here. and blur my vision. my eye doctor said there's great news for people with astigmatism. acuvue® oasys for astigmatism. he said it's the only lens of its kind designed to realign naturally with every blink and created with hydraclear® plus. i'm seeing more clearly, crisply, comfortably, all day long. now life doesn't have to be a blur. 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[ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. before the break, we were talking about voter i.d. laws popping up in several states causing controversy. several states require voters to show a photo i.d. before they can vote some say it is meant to cut down on voter fraud. others say it is meant to cut down on minority voters and other he is who on the times vote democratic. joining me now is a member of the heritage foundation. sir, thank you for being here. when we say voter fraud what kind of stuff are you talking about? >> look, a photo i.d. can stop four things, one, stop impersonation fraud it can stop people voting under false voter registration forms, it can prevent double vote by people registered in more than one state and prevent people who are in the united states illegally from also voting in the elections. >> what evidence do you have that that is happening on a widespread level? >> you don't need it on a widespread level, as the u.s. supreme court said when it upheld indiana's i.d. law that kind of fraud can make the difference in close elections. in missouri, ms. lieberman is from, an election two years ago decided by one vote. and if i may say, what's sad is ms. lieberman has been misled by her attorneys. she is exempt from the photo i.d. law monsieur very going to have put in place, if approved in a referendum. that law passed a couple years ago specifically says anyone born before 1941 and that includes her, is exempt, as are people with physical and mental disabilities. >> sir, a lot of people don't feel that way and feel like people throw up their hands and say, i can't deal with this and can't do this you talk about the supreme court case with indiana, yes, they ruled for indiana but also, end.ian nah couldn't come up with a single case of voter fraud there. so i guess where do you see the voter fraud taking place that justifies states changing laws like this? >> well, look, i can't give you an inventory here today. i have written about a lot of case studies on various kinds of voter fraud. i would refer you -- just two weeks ago, arthur davis are, former black congressman from alabama, member of the black caucus, wrote an editorial in an alabama paper talking about the voter fraud that he saw when he was running for office and saying this he had been wrong in his opposition to voter i.d. and he said it was required. i would point out to you, look, cnn is headquartered in atlanta. georgia has had a photo i.d. law, one of the strictest in the country, in place now for five years. they have had two federal elections, local elections. there has been no downturn in the turnout of african-american voters in any of the election in fact, gone up significantly. >> sir, can we have you back? i want to continue this conversation, this will continue to be a conversation, but i would really like to continue this with you, we ran out of time, a lot of breaking news this morning, thank you for being here and i hope we can have y >> all right. thankso much. quick break right here. we are back on cnn. it's the second career you always wanted. today's the day! and i've been looking forward to this for a long time. it's gonna be a big change. you ready? wow! just what i hoped for! just what you planned for. thanks! 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, Capitol Hill , Community Banks , Group , Harry Reid To Act , 400 , Accordinging , Have , Cnnmoney Com , 650000 , Event , Grassroots Movement , Fast , Facebook , Organizers , 500 , Friends , Supporters , 42000 , Communities , Dollar , Financial Analyst , Business Practices , Funds , Clyde Anderson Again , Cts V We Don T , Silt , Isn , Bill Pay Set Up , Co Workers , Feeling , Majority , How Div Scut A Process , Cry , Kits , Everything Set Up , Movie , Tools , The Movement , Initiative , Zip Code , Somebody , Finder , Air Yaw , Seville Ral , Brorpg , Websites , Clyde , Bank Of America , Debit Fee , Voice , Didn T Help , Ability , Ten , Credit Union Association , Customer , Reynolds Wolf , Is , Money Project Org , Everybody , Clocks , Eye , Sleep Hiding , Game Tonight , Care , Football Game , Tee It Up At , Tree , Let S See , Frazer , Beautiful , Mali , Doesn T Matter , Fall Back , Sleep , 63 , Storm System , Elevations , Sand Storm , Sand , Identify , Spots , Desee , Big Weathermaker , Winter Storm Warnings , Places , 7000 , Hearing , Voter Controversy , Potential , Mid Mississippi Valley , Minorities , Eye Doctor , Vision , Debate , Purpose , Lens , Blink , Acuvue , Oasys For Astigmatism , Now Life Doesn T , Blur , Hydraclear Plus , Crisply , Gonna , Accounting , Numbers , Sandra , Peter , Both , Michelin , Finance Processing , Receivables , Suspension System , Ferrari , Cadillac , Xerox , Ride Control , Cars , 556 , Payments , Chunks , Uh , Gardening , Osteo , Osteo Bi Flex , Bi Flex , Comfort , Forty Nine Years Old , Volleyball , Forty Nine , Improvement , Pharmacist , Jill Strange , Glucosamine Chondroitin , Brand , Dbacks , Lane , Insurance , Matters , Coverage Options , States , Republicans , Critics , Fingers , State Legislators , Level , Boards , Registrar , 40s And 50s , Legislation , Go Into Effect , 14 , Seven , 12012 , Judith Brown Dianas , Topic , Jersey , Millionses , Voting Precinct , Manufacture Heritage Foundation , Jidth , Voter Fraud , Don T Have State , Lightning , 21 Million , Case , I D S , Amount , Ones , Booth , Walking , Merits , Barrier , Privilege , Democracy , Participation , Buying Sudafed , Law , Work I D , Utility Bill , Eforms , Lieberman , Ms , Circumstances , Birth Certificate , Ma Am , Shouldn Ting , Concern , Under , Put , Card , Documentation , Position , Paperwork , Bureaucracy , Chore , Red Tape , 80 , Couldn T , Gut , Constitution , United , Election , Stat , Responsibility , Drive Sag Privilege , 19526789 , Tax , Person Voting , Surge , Sons , Inspiration , Cheering , Squad , Member , Minority , Vote Democratic , Photo I D , Impersonation Fraud , Voter Registration Forms , Elections , U S Supreme Court , Evidence , Fraud , Sad , Indiana , Attorneys , Referendum , Law Monsieur , Disabilities , Ian Nah Couldn T , End , Congressman , Case Studies , Arthur Davis , Paper , Opposition , Caucus , Editorial , I D , Strictest , Downturn , Georgia , Out Of Time , Turnout , African American , Breaking News , Thankso , Big Change , Tomorrows , Transamerica , Transform Tomorrow , Channels , Life Stream , Check , Sanjay Gupta , Cnn Newsroom , Zen , Instructors , Careers , Students , Most , Professionals , 6 , 826789 ,

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