Up first, a shake upin trump world as the president gets set to launch his campaign for reelection at a rally in orlando tomorrow night. The campaign has fired three pollsters as internal polling showed the president is trailing in key swing states. Cnn and other outlets first reported these numbers weeks ago but more detailed numbers were leaked last week and they have angered the president. Lets get right to Kaitlin Collins who is following this story for us. The president is telling his supporters to ignore numbers, ignore polling that make him look bad as these polls do. Whats his argument . Reporter not only is he saying to ignore these polls, hes now saying they do not exist. When we first reported on these numbers weeks ago, Campaign Officials did not deny them or the accuracy of them, they just downplayed them saying it was too early to tell. Now that these polls have gotten more coverage in recent days, were told my sources that the president actually erupted at several of these Campaign Officials wanting to know not only why these unflattering numbers have leaked but exactly what the numbers were and wanting to know more about them. Thats what resulted in cutting ties with the three pollsters, two of whom we should note worked with the Trump Campaign back in 2016 and one pollster who now works with the Polling Company that Kellyanne Conway used to work at. Its called the Polling Company. So theyre cutting ties with these three not because of the accuracy of the polling or any concerns about that but simply because these numbers have leaked and the president has gotten angry about that. We should note in recent days ever since the coverage of this has ramplds ed up, the presidens become more fixated on the polls. Hes asked to get better and different polls. This is coming as the president is ready to relaunch his campaign bid in orlando where theyll have 20,000 people the Campaign Says and hoping to distract from some of those democrats that are ahead of the president in key states hell need in 2020, including florida. Including florida. Kaitlin collins on the north lawn of the white house. Thanks very much. Turning overseas, president Trumps National Security Team is considering sending additional military forces to the middle east in the wake of last weeks attacks on two tankers in the gulf of oman. The u. S. Has accused iran of being behind those attacks. Iran is denying any involvement, despite video footage released by the military that says it proves iran was responsible. This tension growing even more as tehran announced it is ramping up its lowgrade uranium stockpile and will soon exceed the limit under the nuclear deal that the u. S. Left last year. Iran will accelerate uranium enrichment to slightly higher levels. It would have to be enriched at a much higher level to be used in a nuclear weapon, but it shows iran is willing to flout that Nuclear Agreement that it still maintains with the other countries that struck the deal. Fred pleitgen is with us. Fred, iran is demanding that u. S. Forces leave the persian gulf and that vital waterway, the strait of hormuz, saying that they, iran, are in charge of security in the area. Reporter youre absolutely right, alex, thats exactly what the iranians are saying. Its pretty bold statements on the part of the iranians. On the face of it, if you look at the number of forces and also the sheer firepower of what the u. S. Has in the region and what the iranians seem to have in the region, then it seems to be quite a mismatch. Just the Carrier Strike group of the Abraham Lincoln probably has more functioning fighter jets than the entire iranian air force, however, iran is still very, very bold. There was a statement by the chief of staff of the Iranian Military today who said that the iranians were not behind the tanker attacks. He said, look, if we wanted to shut down the strait of hormuz we would be able to do that and we wouldnt do it secretly, we would do it openly and talk about it. Hes saying if anybody caused these attacks it wouldnt be the iranians because they would have done that a lot more openly. Theyre pushing back on the claims from the Trump Administration that they were behind the tanker attacks. Iran is blaming the u. S. Behind the attacks saying the u. S. Might have done it because the sanctions against iran arent working. They didnt provide any evidence to back that up. But youre absolutely right, the rhetoric is getting ratcheted up. With the Nuclear Agreement very much on the ropes, it does look as though things are becoming a lot more dicey here in the middle east. The iranians saying theyre drastically going to ramp up their production of lowgrade enriched uranium. They say they dont want the nuclear treaty, the Nuclear Agreement to go away but also acknowledge the agreement is on the ropes. One of the things that the iranians see very much is there is a clear rift between the United States and americas european allies on this issue. The european allies agreeing with the iranians that the Nuclear Agreement needs to stay in place. We know that the Trump Administration has already exited the Nuclear Agreement very much so, alex. Saying that they need to strike a new deal with iran but they are not ready to do that, nor is tehran. Fred pleitgen, thanks very much. Back here in washington, President Trump has one major card to play when he tries to block congressional oversight and inquiries relating to the mueller probe. That is executive privilege. Now, he has shown that hes not afraid to use executive privilege, invoking it to protect former White House Counsel Don Mcgahn as well as commerce secretary wilbur ross and the attorney general, william barr. Now politico is reporting that democrats are working on a new strategy to get around it focusing on possible witnesses who never worked inside the white house but who were still in trumps orbit. Joining me now to discuss all this more is darren samuelson, a senior White House Reporter for politico who helped break this story. Darren, thanks for joining me. Youre writing about these democrats who are looking to get information from republicans, people in trumps orbit, who are not staffers technically at the white house. What do these democrats think that they can get . Thats right. So the white house has been very effective at blocking don mcgahn, the former white house counsel, from testifying. He is clearly the star of the Mueller Report section on obstruction of justice. But the democrats recognize there are a lot of other star players in that report who never worked in the administration, either current or former. Were talking about people like Corey Lewandowski who was the Campaign Manager in 2016 and later on donald trump reached out to him and tried to get him to play a role in changing the focus of the Robert Mueller investigation. One of the key parts of the obstruction section. Also talking about former governor Chris Christie who sat down with donald trump and had a discussion about the firing of Michael Flynn and what role that would play in ending the russia investigation. Also talking about people like paul manafort, rick gates, people who pled guilty who are not former white house officials who cant rely on and lean on that executive privilege claim. So democrats on the Judiciary Committee are certainly considering whether these people are more likely to talk and sit down, answer questions, turn over documents in a way that the white house officials or former white house officials wont. But lewandowski, gates, manafort, christie, what if they say no . They cant just say no. If theyre compelled to testify, if they get a subpoena, they would have to answer to that subpoena. They would have to sit down and talk or theyd be held in contempt of congress. That was something that Jerrold Nadler was given full authority to do in the house, take these people to court. Obviously Corey Lewandowski did meet previously with congressional committees. It could be that these meetings happen in private at first as democrats size up what they have to share. The Judiciary Committee people that want impeachment want live hearings, the same Richard Nixon faced back in watergate. Theyre looking for people to potentially testify. There are also former investigators who are urging them to just start making the rounds and knocking on peoples doors and seeing who might have founding religion and are willing to talk and show things to these investigators that maybe theyre not quite willing to do, you know, in public. How much do you think this is about democrats actually getting critical information versus political theater and scoring points . I think that they certainly would like anyone to put the Robert Mueller into words on television. If they can find governor christie or anyone else who can tell the story of what those incidences were like that were obstruction of justice related and learn anything more as well in the process, i think the democrats would welcome that with open arms as they have been struggling to make much out of the investigation, out of the Mueller Report, trying to get hearings. They have another one coming up this week. The one last week with john dean clearly didnt do what i think the democrats would like to do. Thats clearly the focus here, find star witnesses who would draw a lot of attention back to this investigation. To as you say bring that mueller alive and have them read alive from it rather than having people read the more than 400 pages of a very dense report. Darren samuelson of politico, thanks very much. Thank you. For more on that lets discuss with jerry connolly. Congressman, good to speak with you today. Now, your committee has tried this already. You wanted to interview chris kobach about the Citizenship Question that was added to the census. Kobach headed up the Voter Fraud Commission which is now defunct. The white house cited executive privilege even though kobach was never a part of the administration. How would you break through of people that were not officially staffers still listen to that white house when theyre told not to talk . You know, i think the white house has gone executive privilege crazy and it doesnt pass the giggle test. Executive privilege was kind of invented around 1973 during the Nixon White House to basically shield the president and his associates from scrutiny. It didnt work then and its not going to work now. Theyre invoking an extraordinarily overbroad privilege that does not exist in law or in the constitution, and it is clearly designed to shield people from accountability, including the president s closest advisers. And so it certainly does not extend to people who have never served in government or who are now outside of government. And i believe thats going to have to be tested in court. I believe its not going to get much time of day when a court rules in our favor. Yeah, it sounds like it will get tested in court. I want to switch gears to impeachment. Your fellow democrat, alexandria ocasiocortez, says that pressure is growing for impeaching the president. A few weeks ago you said that you werent quite there on an impeachment inquiry. Has your view changed . No, not yet. I think we are getting there, drip by drip. My specific concern about an inquiry was that if the rationale was that it elevates our case before courts, i oppose that. I do not believe we should concede for a minute that only when we are impeaching a president should a court enforce a legislative subpoena. Thats a terrible road to go down, thats a bad precedent and i would not support an impeachment inquiry for that reason. There may be other reasons for supporting an impeachment inquiry and i think were getting awfully close, but not that one. Thats what a lot of your fellow democrats are saying is that we are getting awfully close but we are not quite there yet. Now, there was a key point in the Mueller Report, and it was the belief that mueller believed that he did not have the authority to indict the president because of a Longstanding Department of justice rule against indicting a sitting president. Now, you want to bring legislation forward that would eliminate that rule. Where does that legislation stand . Yeah, that was a rule, again, invented during the nixon years to try to protect the president. Its made up out of whole cloth by lawyers at the department of justice. Its not in the constitution. In fact it kind of flies in the face of the constitutional writers who clearly were suspicious of an overly powerful chief executive. They wanted checks and balances on that chief executive. And so the idea that a sitting president could not be impeached i mean be indicted, well, what if he did commit murder on fifth avenue . Would we say that he was immune from prosecution while in office after having committed murder . So what other crimes is he immune from while hes in office in the presidency . So i think we need to revisit that issue. I would favor legislation clarifying that based on criminal behavior, clearly any president can be indicted. No one is above the law. Congressman, you are also on the Foreign Affairs committee, specifically the subcommittee on the middle east. We were just speaking with our correspondent in tehran about the rising tension there. When you look at the situation between the u. S. And iran, do you believe the Trump Administrations claim and specifically the Video Evidence they put out showing allegedly an iranian boat removing a mine that was unexploded from a tanker . Do you believe that video and Everything Else they said pruovs that iran was behind these attacks in the gulf of oman . No, i dont think it proves that. Its a grainy video, very hardtosee footage. We have that as the sole piece of public evidence that the iranians were somehow involved in this. Maybe they were. Im certainly open to hearing that. But they havent made their case yet. And whats really interesting, alex, is that the administration has destroyed its own credibility by walking away from the iran Nuclear Agreement in terms of our credibility. And after the iraq war, where we had conclusive proof of weapons of mass destruction that proved to be in fact not conclusive at all, american credibility is on the line. Even our own allies are saying youre going to have to produce much more proof if you want us to accept your version of what happened in the persian gulf. So its a grave time, but i think were seeing the consequences of trumps Foreign Policy in our credibility right now. I want to look at russia while i have you. The New York Times is reporting that the u. S. Is stepping up its cyber attacks, specifically against russias power grid. Essentially saying were here and we can wreak havoc if push comes to shove. Now, in this times report theres a key line where Officials Say this they remember purposefully keeping the president out of the loop of some details of that operation because they fear that he could divulge that intelligence and the ins and outs of that operation to foreign officials. Do you think this president , the commander in chief, should be left out of some Intelligence Matters . I think its a very bad practice, but i think it does underscore the fact that our own Intelligence Community has reason to believe that this president cannot be entirely trusted when it comes to protecting National Security visavis the russians and vladimir putin. Thats a terrible statement. Especially after the president said there was no collusion with the russians. Well, his own Intelligence Community believes otherwise, obviously, and has reason to fear that he would leak this information. Having said that, im glad that the United States is taking countermeasures to make sure russia understands that there will be consequences for their cyber activities, especially in our electoral process. In your role as a member of the Foreign Affairs committee, have you been briefed on this . Have you been told that the Intelligence Community is sometimes withholding intelligence from the president . I have never been briefed on that. The first i learned of it was in the New York Times report that you cited, alex. Congressman, thank you for your time. My great pleasure, any time. Thank you. All right. Right now the paths of Democratic Candidates are colliding at an event, but mayor Pete Buttigieg wont be joining them. Youll hear why. Plus the president kicked an aide out of the room during the interview and why he whipped out a picture of air force one. And over at the Supreme Court, they are handing the democrats a victory in a case involving race and elections. 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People that weve talked to so far say they are glad the mayor got out in front of this. Were in the area where this shooting happened. Apparently officers were called to the area behind me around 3 30 in the morning. An officer says when he arrived he saw a man sort of rumbling through a car and thats what the initial call was, a suspicious person. When the officer approached the man, the man pulled a knife and the officer said he felt forced to fire his weapon. The man was transported in Critical Condition and later died. Theres been a conversation about this throughout the community. After that the mayor came back to the city, suspended some of his Campaign Events and wanted to make sure he got out in front of this, even though information so far is not widely available. Take a listen. Weve had prior cases of use of force incidents and officerinvolved shootings where i head tasitated, frankly, to g cameras because we didnt know much. But what i was told by people in the community is that it is important to open channels of communication, to try to be clear on where the city is. Even if we dont find ourselves in the position to be able to say or do much right away. Reporter look, theres a lot of conversation about what happens next. Was there a body camera the officer was wearing . Were not 100 sure about that just yet. Was there any audio recordings of what exactly happened . We do know the mans family has come forward and started talking about the fact they want to know more about the situation and theyre of course calling for an independent investigation. We do know the family plans to have a candlelight vigil here around 8 00. Weve been talking to people as they have been walking through and its disjointed because theres businesses and residents so theres no one that knew the man or anything moving forward. Theres going to be more conversation about this but so far people seem to be pleased about the way the mayor has handled it since he came back early to have a conversation with them about this as its ongoing. All right, ryan young, south bend, indiana, thanks very much. As millions take to the streets to protest in hong kong, the pressure clearly rising on chinese president xi jinping as he faces off with President Trump in a trade war. Plus, the Supreme Court handing democrats a major win today. What that means for the 2020 election. Also, why the president kicked his chief of staff out of the office during a tv interview. Man ive been diagnosed with agerelated macular degeneration, which could lead to vision loss. So today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. Because its my vision, my love of the game, my open road, my little artist. 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Reporter i think a lot of people in hong kong were surprised, given the fact that xi jinping is seen as much more authoritarian than his immediate predecessors and has drawn a hard line with hong kong over many things. You go back to 2014 when we had this occupy movement for 79 days in hong kong and beijing absolutely conceded nothing. This time they have conceded. The calculation appears to have been that president xi is already facing this trade war with the u. S. Its facing a slowing economy in china. It didnt want to have this added distraction of potentially more violent scenes on the streets of hong kong. We saw last wednesday 80 people arrested, we saw scenes of rubber bullets being fired, pepper spray being used, tear gas. The Chinese Government does not want to keep those sort of images in the international spotlight heading up to the g20. So the compromise was withdraw the bill. Dont shelve it, withdraw it, hoping it would take the sting out of any further protests. That failed to a degree because the day after the Hong Kong Government did withdraw it, we had 2 Million People on the streets, as the pictures show. But there has not been the violence we saw and the Police Presence in hong kong since the weekend, has been minimal. Alex. An incredible moment in hong kong and for xi jinping. Andrew stevens, thanks very much. President trump is suggesting that his treatment in the media is worse than Abraham Lincoln, who of course was assassinated. And watch President Trump kick his chief of staff out of the oval office for coughing. Dealing with Psoriatic Arthritis pain was so frustrating. My skin. It was embarrassing. My joints. They hurt. The pain and swelling. The tenderness. The psoriasis. I had to find something that worked on all of this. I found cosentyx. Now, watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. 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We were looking really good but it is far too early to be focused on that. Much work to do. Make America Great again. April ryan and Gloria Borger are here to discuss all of this. Gloria, these poll numbers despite what the president says are not looking good. Hes trailing a lot of democrats in headtoheads in key swing states. We now know he has fired three pollsters. Is this more about the numbers or the fact that they were leaked . First of all, you dont think hes focused on this, do you . It is a concern of how concerned he is about the polls. Look, if he were your average candidate, if your internal polling were leaked, you would have a right to be upset about that and say these guys ought to go. Its not right for them to leak internal polling. However, this is donald trump. This is not your average candidate. What hes upset about is that the polls that were leaked showed that he wasnt winning. As a result, theyre fake polls. But i think you also have to take into consideration that the pollsters probably felt the one way to communicate with him is to put it in the public eye so he will Pay Attention to these polls and perhaps then take them seriously. I dont know if that is what occurred but you have to consider that possibility. Even if hes dismissing them. Totally. And then we have, april, this rally tomorrow night. Hes relaunching hes launching his reelection bid in orlando. Theres supposed to be 20,000 people, Huge Campaign rally which we know he likes. Do you think that this anger, this leak casts some sort of shadow for him over that event . Florida is the swing state that everybody is trying to grab. This president did win florida, but at the same time he has an issue with florida, immigration is one of the key pieces. But for these poll numbers to come out to be leaked just before, it does not bode well for him at all. This president loves to say im winning, im a winner, when it indeed shows hes losing. But im going to say this. These polls, these internal polls were known within the white house for a very long time because i have been hearing about michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin for a couple of weeks, maybe more than a month. And for him now to be upset, this is like delayed because theyre out in the public. Its kind of mirroring what the democrats are saying, because democratic polls are saying that joe biden were to beat him if the election were to happen today. Theyre also saying any democrat would beat him if the election were today. This does not bode well for the trump brand and does not bode well for his presidency. Hell bring it up tomorrow night. And calling them the motley crue. Theres a new name. But the motley crue is a good group. It is a good one. Of course weve heard him complain repeatedly about his treatment in the media. And then in this interview with abc news, which has offered all sorts of very quotable moments, he said, look, its been acknowledged, although they do say Abraham Lincoln was treated really badly, i must say thats the one. If you can believe it, Abraham Lincoln was treated supposedly very badbadly,but nobody has be treated bad low like me. Gloria, how can you be treated worse than a president that was assassinated . You cant. You cannot. Maybe thats not what he was thinking about. Theres a little bit of a martyr complex going on here. Abraham lincoln did get criticized by the press. The country was facing a existential crisis. The difference between Abraham Lincoln and donald trump, there are so many im not going to elaborate on all of them. But one of the differences is that lincoln believed that his job was to try and unite the country at a time of division rather than further divide the country, so he didnt come out and accuse the press of being treasonous and didnt come out and attack the press. He tried to use the press to his advantage, like every president. Like every president ial candidate ive ever known. By the way, ive never known a president who thought that he was being treated really well by the press. Right. If were doing our job they dont think theyre being treated well. Of course. Theres another incredible moment in this interview with George Stephanopolous in which the president s chief of staff, mick mulvaney, was struck by a coughing fit. Lets take a quick look. At some point i hope they get it. Youre going to turn it over . No, at some point i might, but at some point i hope they get it because its a fantastic financial statement. Its a fantastic financial statement. And lets do that over. Hes coughing in the middle of my answer. Yeah, okay. I dont like that, you know . If youre going to cough, please leave the room. Ill come over here. You just cant just to change the shot. So that was genuine frustration bordering on anger there. April, do you see a germophobe . Do you see a tv producer . Do you see a perfectionist . Why did he feel the need to stop that moment short and do it again . I see all of the above. This is a high pollenconcentrated area. This is the worst time of year. God forbid you sneeze, you cough during an interview. That was a little bit anal for some. Yes, you want quiet on the set. He could have said lets redo. He didnt have to go into youre coughing, get out. I thought he was joking at first. But that gives you an insight into who this person is, who this president is, and some of the reason why many people proclaim this undying loyalty to him. Its Blind Loyalty to a certain extent. Thats what he demands. And the way he carried on, i will call it carrying on because someone coughed. Thats human. I cough on set all the time. We always ask for water. But my goodness. I said it was a coughing fit but it really wasnt. It was a couple of coughs. This is a reality tv star who became president of the United States. Hes used to taping hours and hours of interviews. He did 30 with George Stephanopolous, and having it cut down. So he said stop. What he didnt expect was for abc to use that. Were glad they did. To show how angry he was at his chief of staff, whom he treated, i think, very rudely and sort of dismissively and said get out of my shot. Im being brilliant here. Like how dare you be in the room. Why would you interrupt me, how dare you . You can hear mulvaney offering to go somewhere else in the room but that wasnt good enough. All right. We have to leave it there. Gloria borger, april ryan, thanks very much. Just in, why democrats wanting the president s soninlaw, jared kushner, investigated for possibly breaking the law. Plus, he likes his name on builds and now the president got it on a new settlement in a contested territory. Welcome to our lounge. Enjoy your stay. Thanks very much. Find calm in over 1,000 airport lounges worldwide. Its another way weve got your back. The business Platinum Card from american express. Dont do business without it. As a family, we always mum and dad are always saying. I love the breakfasts. Its the lunch for me. We both like the snacks. And the comfy seats. Granny always says. The crew are so lovely with. Can i get you anything madam . My uncle loves emirates for. The thousands of channels. Plus i never miss a live match. And my sister, if she ever spoke to me. Would say. Its the free wifi. Duh you get so much more on an emirates flight. Even the baby would say. Fly emirates. Fly better. Your but as you get older,hing. 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Its because we have tens of thousands of cars ready to be delivered to your doorstep. And its why hundreds of thousands of happy customers have ditched the dealership and bought their car online, earning us an average 4. 7 stars in the process. So if you didnt know about us before, you do now. Were carvana, and we want to give you the car buying experience you deserve. The u. S. Supreme court has handed down a major decision today, one of the most politically charged cases it has had had in years. In a 54 decision, the justices ruled that virginias republicanled house of delegates did not have the Legal Authority to challenge a Lower Court Opinion on racial gerrymandering. This means the state will continue to use courtordered maps that favor democrats, delivering a major blow to republicans ahead of the 2020 elections. With me here now is cnn Supreme Court analyst joan peskupic. How surprising was todays ruling . It is a conservative court, but this ruling defend the usual conservative liberal alignments. It was only surprising it went off on a more procedural issue. The justices never got to the merits, because what they ruled, 54 was this republicanled house of delegates just one chamber of the Virginia Legislature had no grounds to bring in on its own. Did not have its own injury. So you had senior liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg being joined by clarence thomas. So you could see the alignment was different than what we company for coming further in the term. And, you know, the way it works, the justices cant just rule on any case or controversy unless somebody has actually been harmed. And what Ruth Bader Ginsburg said for the majority is that the house by itself, as just one chamber of the legislature, could not show harm to it. And further in the term, were now at the end of the term. Right. There are some 20 cases left, including a major jergerrymandeg case, the census case. How will they fit that in, get to those, and also maintain what chief Justice John Roberts has tried to call an apolitical court . Well, first of all, its like anything with a deadline. You know, you with a deadline, with a story. Me with a deadline with a story. A senior with a deadline with a term paper. They tape until the last minute. So over the next couple days, actually the next ten days, we will see about 20 rulings come down. And the ones you mentioned where its just so politically charged, can the Trump Administration say that the census will ask about your citizenship . That kind of issue, theyre not going to be able to sidestep the way they did todays. And thats probably going to yield one of those kinds of 54 rulings that are more ideologically charged. And youre absolutely right about the chief justice. Hes one of nine members, he has a single vote. But this court bears his name informally. Its the roberts court. And if he said it once, he said it a million times, that this court is not like the political branches, they dont decide things in a partisan manner. But then if you start to see 54 rulings in these hotbutton cases over partisan gerrymandering or the census, it sort of defies that ideal of nonpartisanship. Very busy days ahead. Joan biskupic, thank you for your expertise. Thank you. 25 years ago today, the infamous white bronco chase involving o. J. Simpson. Now simpson is joining a social media giant, saying hes got some getting even to do. Plus, police in arizona are apologizing after a video shows officers pulling their guns on a family after their 4yearold took a doll from a store. The family now finally speaking out. What they have to say about this disturbing incident. Thats next. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . 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Announcer humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Man 3 ask your rheumatologist about humira. Woman 4 go to mypsaproof. Com to see proof in action. Im Brooke Baldwin and youre watching cnn. Coming home, brooke . Theres no place like it. Moving is hard. No kidding. But moving your internet and tv . Thats easy. Easy . easy . Easy. Because now xfinity lets you transfer your Service Online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. Really . Really. That was easy. Yup. Plus, with twohour appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. Now all you have to do is move. That thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. Its just another way were working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. To israel where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is naming a new settlement in the Golan Heights after the man he calls his good friend, donald trump. The new development is being called trump heights. Netanyahu said it was a thank you to trump for breaking with the International Community and recognizing israels sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Oren lieberman is live in jerusalem for us. Oren, this is a settlement that the International Community calls illegal on land, that it says is occupied by israel. Why do you think netanyahu felt the need to do this . Reporter well, this is very much a thank you from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to president donald trump. It was trump who back in late march announced that u. S. Would recognize israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights. As you pointed out, this is internationally recognized as occupied territory, taken by israel from syria in the 1967 war. And u. N. Security Council Resolutions have backed that up. It was trump who broke with that International Consensus and recognized that that was part of israel. That came two weeks before the last israeli elections. And what was seen as a political gift to netanyahu to try to help him in those elections. Netanyahu promised trump he would name a settlement in the Golan Heights after him. And thats exactly what he did. Keep in mind, if youre looking back at the history of trump and netanyahu, netanyahu has not once criticized trump while hes in office. And hes gone out of his way, it seems, to openly flatter president donald trump, who is more than happy, it seems, to take that flattery, he tweeted in response, thank you, mr. Chairman, a great honor. Opposition leaders criticize this saying this is a publicity stunt to appease president donald trump. In fact, they said it had no official decision, no binding statements, no designated location and no budget for this new settlement, and therefore, its a phantom decision and publicity stunt. That being said, even if thats all this is, alex, it was a decision that trump and netanyahu were more than happy to celebrate together as netanyahu once again shows off how big of a fan he is of what he calls his great friend, donald trump. All right. Oren lieber ma Oren Liebermann in jerusalem, thanks very much. Thats it for me. Im alex marquardt. Cnn newsroom starts right now. Hi, im ana cabrera in for Brooke Baldwin. News just in on the growing tension between the u. S. And iran. Today iran announcing a major escalation of its nuclear program. Irans Atomic Agency says it is ramping up production of its lowgrade uranium, material used to Power Nuclear plants and stockpiling material would be a violation of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal and agreement Trump Administration has worked to dismantle. This comes days after u. S. Blamed iran for attacking two oil tankers

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